T&f health & social care 2018

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Health and Social Care 2018 New and Forthcoming Titles




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Prices, publication dates and content are correct at time of going to press, but may be subject to change without notice.

Contents Child & Family Social Work ............................................................................................................................................... 2 Disability .............................................................................................................................................................................. 3 Global Health ...................................................................................................................................................................... 6 Health & Illness ................................................................................................................................................................... 7 Midwifery .......................................................................................................................................................................... 11 Nursing .............................................................................................................................................................................. 12 Pharmaceutical Sciences ................................................................................................................................................ 16 Public Health Policy & Practice ...................................................................................................................................... 17 Social Justice ..................................................................................................................................................................... 19 Social Work & Social Policy ............................................................................................................................................ 21 Social Work Practice ........................................................................................................................................................ 26 Social Work Theory & Research ..................................................................................................................................... 28 Index ................................................................................................................................................................................... 30


CHILD & FAMILY SOCIAL WORK Dummy text to keep placeholder

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Administrative Data and Child Welfare Research

Leadership in Child and Family Practice

Using Linked Data to Improve Child Welfare Research, Policy, and Practice

Edited by Margarita Frederico, Nadine Cameron and Maureen Long

Edited by Terry Shaw, University of Maryland, USA, Bethany R. Lee, University of Maryland, USA and Jill L. Farrell, University of Maryland, USA Administrative and big data systems are important in increasing the efficiency of public child welfare services. This book provides examples of how administrative data can foster better understanding of service populations, program outcomes, and enhance efficiency. It was published as a special issue of the Journal of Public Child Welfare.

Routledge Market: Child Social Work / Administrative Data December 2017: 246x174: 134pp Hb: 978-1-138-29592-6: £115.00 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138295926

Bringing together contributions from leading specialists and professionals in the field, this book provides an important overview of the knowledge and skills required for high quality leadership within the risk averse and challenging area of child and family practice. It comprises a mixture of theoretical underpinnings and discussions of original research as well as interviews with child and family practitioners and real-life case examples. Exploring the changing contexts of child and family practice along with the knowledge and skills required for effective leadership the book also investigates how practioners’ work can evolve and develop towards better practice. Routledge Academic Market: Social Work June 2018: 234x156: 176pp Hb: 978-0-415-79382-7: £115.00 Pb: 978-0-415-79383-4: £29.99 eBook: 978-1-315-21086-5 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9780415793827

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Children of Incarcerated Parents

Understanding and Responding to Child Sexual Exploitation

Challenges and Promise Edited by Marian S. Harris, University of Washington, Tacoma, WA, USA and J. Mark Eddy, New York University, USA This book is a resource to ensure that the children of incarcerated parents, their caregivers, and their mothers and fathers, are provided the support they need to address the challenges they face during and after parental incarceration. It was originally published as a special issue of Smith College Studies in Social Work.

Routledge Market: Family Social Work / Incarceration November 2017: 246x174: 132pp Hb: 978-1-138-57157-0: £115.00 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138571570

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Edited by Helen Beckett, University of Bedfordshire, UK and Jenny Pearce, University of Bedfordshire, UK Addressing contemporary questions about the definitions and prevention of child sexual exploitation (CSE), this book looks at how, where and why disclosure and recognition of this form of abuse takes place. It brings together a range of perspectives and theoretical frameworks to help us understand CSE and also probes into modes of detection and prevention. Drawing on ongoing research in the field, the authors examine how knowledge of CSE is developing and also identify steps for advancing the needs and interests of sexually exploited children and young people in the future. It will be of interest to researchers and practitioners involved in social work, child protection and safeguarding. Routledge Academic Market: Social Work December 2017: 246x174: 138pp Hb: 978-1-138-29370-0: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-29372-4: £29.99 eBook: 978-1-315-23194-5 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138293700

How Liberal Child Welfare Policy Destroys Black Lives James Dwyer, The College of William and Mary, USA. How can we end inter-generational poverty in the US's urban ghettos? This groundbreaking and controversial book is the first to provide a child-centered perspective on the subject by combining a wealth of social science information with sophisticated normative analysis to support novel reforms-to child protection law and practice, family law, and zoning- that would quickly end that cycle. It is a must read for legal academics, political scientists, urban policy experts, as well as professionals working in social work, law, education, urban planning, legislative offices, and administrative agencies. Routledge Market: Child Protection/Law July 2018: 234x156 Hb: 978-0-815-36326-2: £115.00 Pb: 978-0-815-36327-9: £35.99 eBook: 978-1-351-10999-4 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9780815363262

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DISABILITY Dummy text to keep placeholder

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A Feminist Ethnography of Secure Wards for Women with Learning Disabilities

Cultural Disability Studies in Education

Locked Away

David Bolt, Liverpool Hope University, UK Series: Routledge Advances in Disability Studies

Rebecca Fish, Lancaster University, UK Series: Interdisciplinary Disability Studies This is the first ethnographic study ever conducted in a locked ward for learning disabled women. Through making their voices heard, it identifies new ways of interpreting their experiences and unique perspectives on topics such as seclusion, restraint, and resistance. These insights thus challenge traditional institutional accounts of gender, learning disability and deviance. By exploring alternative possibilities articulated by women on locked wards, this groundbreaking book highlights areas for reform in policy, practice, methodology, and social theory. Routledge Market: Social Care/Disability Studies/Mental Health November 2017: 234x156: 178pp Hb: 978-1-138-08826-9: £110.00 eBook: 978-1-315-10998-5 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138088269

The Tripartite Model, Representation, and Social Aesthetics

Over the last half century disability studies has emerged not only as a discipline in itself but also as a catalyst for the interdisciplinary fields of cultural disability studies and Disability Studies in Education (DSE). This groundbreaking book by leading disabilities studies scholar David Bolt unites these two areas into a new field that recognises education as a conversation between educators and students who explore representations of disability on the levels of everything from academic disciplines and curricular to language, theory, narrative, and characterisation. Routledge Market: Disability Studies/Education September 2018: 234x156 Hb: 978-1-138-10325-2: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-10327-6: £29.99 eBook: 978-1-315-10289-4 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138103252

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A Sociology of Impairment

Disability and Music Performance Practice

Mark Sherry Series: Interdisciplinary Disability Studies

Alejandro Dr Tellez

The purpose of this book is to highlight the social dynamics which underpin and surround impairment. By making parallels with the medical sociology emphasis on inequality as a primary factor in the uneven distribution of health and illness, Sherry argues that impairment is socially created and influenced by class, sex, gender, race, ethnicity, age and place as social determinants of impairment. Having positioned impairment as a socially created and culturally constructed experience, he then argues for the use of a socially-situated phenomenology in order to emphasize both the social and the personal aspects of impairment. Routledge Market: Disability studies/Sociology September 2018: 234x156: 190pp Hb: 978-1-472-48249-5: £110.00 eBook: 978-1-315-56522-4 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781472482495

Body-oriented musicology, commonly known as ‘performance studies,’ uses the performer’s body as the main source of information. This growing area of musicology tends to concentrate exclusively, however, on non-disabled performers as case studies. Individual differences among performers have been ignored in the name of a homogeneity principle that ignores the identity, artistic production and uniqueness of musicians with disabilities. This book provides a reading of the performing aspects of classical music in the context of the disabled body, conceptualising disability in music as valuable difference and diversity rather than as a deficit and an endpoint. Routledge Market: Disability /Music Performance Practice July 2018: 234x156 Hb: 978-1-138-08915-0: £110.00 eBook: 978-1-315-10937-4 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138089150

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Citizenship Inclusion and Intellectual Disability

Disability and Neoliberal State Formations

Biopolitics Post-Institutionalisation

The Case of Australia

Niklas Altermark, Lund University, Sweden Series: Routledge Advances in Disability Studies

Karen Soldatic, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia Series: Interdisciplinary Disability Studies

What happens when a group traditionally defined as lacking the necessary capacities of citizenship is targeted by government programs that have made ‘citizenship inclusion’ their main goal? Combining theoretical perspectives of political philosophy, social theory, and disability studies, this book untangles the current state of Western intellectual disability politics following the replacement of state institutionalisation by independent and supported living, individual rights, and self-determination.

Drawing upon ten years of in-depth empirical research this book reveals that many of these processes of disability re-imagining were well-established in the Global North prior to the 2008 global fiscal crises and hegemonic discourses of austerity. Rather than position austerity as a new discourse, Soldatic shows that austerity is the continuum of neoliberal restructuring that has been re-regulating disability since the early 1970s. Thus disability has become a central category of socio-political economic concern with the global emergence of neoliberalism as policy hegemony.

Routledge Market: Disability Studies/Political Science November 2017: 234x156: 176pp Hb: 978-1-138-08831-3: £110.00 eBook: 978-1-315-10994-7 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138088313

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Routledge Market: Disability studies / Sociology June 2018: 234x156: 190pp Hb: 978-1-472-46018-9: £105.00 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781472460189

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Disability, Gender and Violence over the Life-Course

International Perspectives on Teaching with Disability

Global Perspectives and Human Rights Approaches Edited by Sonali Shah, University of Glasgow, UK and Caroline Bradbury-Jones, University of Birmingham, UK Series: Interdisciplinary Disability Studies This ground-breaking book brings together interdisciplinary and global perspectives of violence and protection (from researchers, practitioners and survivors), and takes a life-course approach to explore these issues in relation to disabled females in childhood, adulthood and older life. Routledge Market: Disability Studies/Social Care May 2018: 234x156: 184pp Hb: 978-1-138-08519-0: £110.00 eBook: 978-1-315-11145-2 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138085190

Overcoming Obstacles and Enriching Lives Edited by Michael S. Jeffress Series: Interdisciplinary Disability Studies This book pulls together essays from a diverse group of well-qualified international scholars who are also teachers with disabilities. The scholars represent a broad spectrum of disabilities and academic disciplines and the chapters interrogate the experience of living and working as teachers who have different disabilities—both visible and invisible. The primary focus is on how living with a disability impacts their role as a teacher and how they teach their courses and interact with students. Routledge Market: Disability Studies/Teaching May 2018: 234x156: 328pp Hb: 978-1-138-29657-2: £110.00 eBook: 978-1-315-09994-1 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138296572

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Disability, Mobility and Space

The Routledge Handbook of Disability in Southern Africa

Understanding access through the embodied experience of women wheelchair users Mariela Gaete Reyes Series: Routledge Advances in Disability Studies Disabled people’s mobility, movement and access into and around the built environment is often constrained by physical and socio-attitudinal barriers. Based upon first-hand research studying the daily mobility and movement of female wheelchair users in different urban environments in England, this book explores issues relating to disabled people’s access needs as well as the different contexts within which their mobility is shaped. Routledge Academic Market: Disability Studies September 2018: 234x156: 240pp Hb: 978-1-138-28540-8: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-26901-6 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138285408

Edited by Tsitsi Chataika It is currently estimated that there are at least 80 million people affected by some form of disability in Africa. This book addresses a clear need to bring this issue to the fore, as it combines a range of interdisciplinary and theoretical perspectives on the topic of disability and sustainable development in Southern Africa.

Routledge Market: Disability Studies May 2018: 246x174: 400pp Hb: 978-1-138-24233-3: £175.00 eBook: 978-1-315-27865-0 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138242333

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Disability, Normalcy and the Everyday

Understanding the Lived Experiences of Persons with Disabilities in Nine Countries

Edited by Gareth M. Thomas, Cardiff University, UK and Dikaios Sakellariou, Cardiff University, UK What does the everyday reality of being disabled mean for those involved? Bringing together a range of qualitative methodologies, interviews and ethnographies in a global context, this collection highlights the mundane interactions and everyday occurrences in the lives of people with disabilities across the life-course. It will provide an excellent resource for disability studies, health and wellbeing, illness, and healthcare. Routledge Market: Disability studies/Sociology March 2018: 234x156: 232pp Hb: 978-1-138-21421-7: £110.00 eBook: 978-1-315-44644-8 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138214217

Active Citizenship and Disability in Europe Volume 2 Edited by Rune Halvorsen, Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences, Norway, Bjørn Hvinden, Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences, Norway, Julie Beadle Brown, University of Kent, UK, Mario Biggeri, University of Florence, Italy, Jan Tøssebro, NTNU Social Research, Norway and Anne Waldschmidt, University of Cologne, Germany Series: Routledge Advances in Disability Studies Presenting research from the first major comparative and cross-national study of active citizenship and disability in Europe, this book analyses the consequences of ongoing changes in Europe – what opportunities do persons with disabilities have to exercise Active Citizenship? Volume 2 analyses how men and women with disabilities reflexively make their way through the world, pursuing their own interests and values. It considers how their experiences, views and aspirations regarding participation vary across Europe, and draws out the implications of the findings for future disability policy in Europe and beyond. Routledge Market: Disability Studies/Social Policy December 2017: 234x156: 248pp Hb: 978-1-138-65292-7: £110.00 eBook: 978-1-315-62392-4 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138652927

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Women With Disabilities as Agents of Peace, Change and Rights Experiences from Sri Lanka Karen Dr Soldatic, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia and Dinesha Dr Samararatne, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka Series: Interdisciplinary Disability Studies This book fills a significant gap in the literature through focusing on the role of women with disabilities in the peace building process. Drawing up rich empirical work emerging from core conflict regions within the island nation of Sri Lanka, it illustrates the critical role that women with disabilities play in post-armed conflict rebuilding and development. Through offering a rare yet important insight into the processes of gendered-disability advocacy activation within the post-conflict environment, it provides a unique counter narrative to the powerful images, symbols and discourses that too frequently perpetuate disabled women’s so-called need for paternalistic forms of care. Routledge Market: Disability Studies/Peace Studies/Gender Studies July 2018: 234x156 Hb: 978-1-138-08524-4: £100.00 eBook: 978-1-315-11141-4 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138085244

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GLOBAL HEALTH Dummy text to keep placeholder

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Global Health and Security

Routledge Handbook on the Politics of Global Health

Critical Feminist Perspectives Edited by Colleen O'Manique, Trent University, Canada and Pieter Fourie, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa Series: Routledge Studies in Public Health Illuminating the intersections across gender, health, and security, this collection looks at how feminist perspectives on health and security lead to different questions about health and in/security, problematizing some of the ‘common sense’ assumptions that underlie much of the existing discourse. Divided into two thematic clusters, the first part focuses on conflict, war and complex emergencies, amplifying their orthodox situation within International Relations. The second reviews the themes of structural violence and human security. This book is an important contribution to scholarship on health and security, global health, public health and gender studies. Routledge Market: Global Health/Health Security/Public Health March 2018: 234x156: 272pp Hb: 978-1-138-67736-4: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-55956-8 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138677364

Edited by Richard Parker, Columbia University, USA Associação Brasileira Interdisciplinar de AIDS (ABIA), Brazil and Jonathan Garcia Significant debate exists about the possible solutions for nearly all of the most important global health challenges and competing visions of the values that should underlie global health policies have emerged, ranging from an emphasis on cost effectiveness and resource constraints, to new calls for health and human rights, and social justice. This volume critically evaluates how the global health industry has evolved and how the interests of diverse political and economic stakeholders are shaping the context of a rapidly changing landscape. It provides an authoritative overview for all those working in or concerned with the politics of public health around the globe. Routledge Market: Global Health/International Relations/Health Policy November 2018: 246x174: 464pp Hb: 978-1-138-23859-6: £165.00 eBook: 978-1-315-29725-5 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138238596


Global Health Governance and Policy An Introduction Eduardo Missoni, Bocconi University, Italy, Guglielmo Pacileo, Bocconi University, Italy and Fabrizio Tediosi, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, Switzerland This textbook outlines the fundamentals of global health, introducing it as a key element of sustainable development. Taking an interdisciplinary approach, it examines the relationship between globalization and the determinants of health; describes the functioning and role of health systems in relation to global health; analyses the actors and forces that transnationally shape global policies and actions with an impact on peoples’ health; and outlines the essentials of global health measurements, data and trends. This book is ideal for students and professionals with an interest in global health and health governance. Routledge Market: Public Health/Social Sciences November 2018: 246x174: 240pp Hb: 978-0-815-39328-3: £110.00 Pb: 978-0-815-39329-0: £34.99 eBook: 978-1-351-18899-9 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9780815393283

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Managing the global health response to epidemics Social science perspectives Edited by Mathilde Bourrier, University of Geneva, Switzerland, Nathalie Brender, HEG - University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland and Claudine Burton-Jeangros, University of Geneva, Switzerland Series: Routledge Studies in Public Health Recent epidemics have prompted large-scale international interventions. During a crisis, however, global health actions – including planning and organizing, communicating about risk, and cost-benefit evaluations – aren’t usually part of single, integrated global response. Arguing that an uncoordinated approach can be challenged by local conditions, expectations and resistance, this volume provides insights for future outbreak management and global health governance. Drawing on experiences with A(H1N1), Ebola Virus Disease and SARS, the book takes a social science perspective to outline the current state of global health emergency responses and explore ways in which they can be improved. Routledge Market: Sociology/Global Health/Management October 2018: 234x156: 224pp Hb: 978-1-138-57899-9: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-351-26304-7 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138578999

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HEALTH & ILLNESS Dummy text to keep placeholder

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A Visual History of HIV/AIDS

Collaborating for Health

Exploring The Face of AIDS film archive

Paul Thomas, GP and University of West London, UK

Edited by Elisabet Björklund, Linnaeus University, Sweden and Mariah Larsson, Linnaeus University, Sweden Series: Routledge Advances in the Medical Humanities

Designed to prevent the problems of fragmented care, community-oriented integrated care (COIC) focuses on building teams, networks and communities for health and care at local level, where it is easier to see the range of factors that affect people’s health. This book introduces COIC.

The Face of AIDS film archive consists of more than 700 hours of unedited and edited footage, shot over a period of nearly thirty years and all over the world by Staffan Hildebrand. The material documents the HIV/AIDS epidemic and includes scenes from conferences and rallies, and interviews with activists, physicians, people with the infection, and researchers. This volume brings together a range of academic perspectives – from media and film studies, medicine, medical history, gender studies, history, and cultural studies – to bear on the archive, shedding light on memories, discourses, trauma, and activism. Routledge Market: Health/Sociology/Film Studies June 2018: 234x156: 240pp Hb: 978-1-138-50324-3: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-14531-0 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138503243

Routledge Market: Primary Care/Public Health December 2017: 234x156: 280pp Hb: 978-1-138-30001-9: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-30002-6: £34.99 eBook: 978-1-315-08371-1 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138300019

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Addressing the Sexual Rights of Older People

Ethics in participatory research for health and social well-being

Theory, Policy and Practice Edited by Catherine Barrett, La Trobe University, Australia and Sharron Hinchliff, University of Sheffield, UK

Cases and commentaries

Edited by two leading scholars, this book explains the importance of older people‘s right to sexual expression in the face of ageist beliefs, disability and ill health. It explores sexual and gender diversity by examining the experiences and rights of older heterosexual, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people. It considers aspects of sexual safety and the influence of new technologies on older people’s sexual identity and sexual expression. Taking an international approach, the book critiques the research evidence and highlights issues and gaps regarding provision for older people. Its original rights-based framework offers a strong basis for future policy

Participatory research is now well-established as an approach; however, it can raise some unique and challenging ethical issues. This book introduces the key ethical concerns in participatory research before presenting seven thematic chapters, covering issues such as power, ownership, confidentiality and boundaries. The chapters each give an overview of the topic and include four real-life case examples written by people involved in participatory research along with a short commentary on each case. The case studies draw on a global selection of research projects concerned with health and social well-being. This comprehensive volume is an invaluable resource for all participatory researchers.

and practice. Routledge Market: Sexuality/Gerontology October 2017: 234x156: 172pp Hb: 978-1-138-18917-1: £95.00 Pb: 978-1-138-18918-8: £29.99 eBook: 978-1-315-64175-1 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138189171

Edited by Sarah Banks, University of Durham, UK and Mary Brydon-Miller, University of Louisville, USA

Routledge Market: Healthcare/Social Work July 2018: 234x156: 224pp Hb: 978-1-138-09341-6: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-09343-0: £32.99 eBook: 978-1-315-10684-7 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138093416

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An Introduction to Cultural Safety

Fathering Children with Autism

Cultural Diversity for Global Healthcare

Needs, Practices and Service Use

Fran Richardson, Charles Darwin University, Australia

Carol Potter, Leeds Metropolitan University, UK Series: Routledge Studies in the Sociology of Health and Illness

This bookdefines, examines and positions the concept of cultural safety in an international context, providing a valuable resource for students and health care professionals. The book’s starting point is the thesis that nurses and health professionals contribute to creating the health care and social environments they are part of. These environments are power-laden with values and attitudes, and nurses must understand that, where there is a difference in power between the health care provider and the recipient of care, there is a need for culturally safe practice. It is ideally suited to those interested in cultural diversity, indigenous health, and global health and culture. Routledge Market: Nursing, Public Health June 2018: 246x174: 192pp Hb: 978-1-138-88712-1: £95.00 Pb: 978-1-138-88713-8: £29.99 eBook: 978-1-315-71435-6 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138887121

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It is widely accepted that positive father involvement in children’s lives results in better child outcomes across a range of domains. However, little is known about the perspectives, practices and needs of fathers parenting children with autism. This volume, presenting original empirical material, makes an important contribution to the field. Routledge Market: Sociology, Education, Social Policy June 2018: 234x156: 224pp Hb: 978-1-138-01759-7: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-78016-0 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138017597

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Gender, Law and Economic Wellbeing in Early Modern and Modern Europe

Living well with frailty

Edited by Anna Dr Bellavitis and Beatrice Dr Zucca Micheletto, The University of Rouen, France. Series: Gender and Well-Being

Shibley Rahman

This book looks at how social, cultural, geographical and economic environment as well as different legal and juridical systems have shaped and influenced the access of women and men to the economy and to the market and how these systems allowed spaces for economic actions, according to a gendered perspective. Routledge Market: Wellbeing/Gender/History June 2018: 234x156: 350pp Hb: 978-1-138-57151-8: £115.00 eBook: 978-0-203-70272-7 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138571518

from assets and deficits to resilience Increasingly, we question ‘what makes us healthy?’, as well as ‘what makes us ill?’. What does this shift mean for frailty? This ground-breaking book takes a holistic approach to frailty. It connects the medical literature with the wider social science discourse on ageing, and focuses on promoting wellbeing and the building up of strengths. Drawing together the latest biomedical evidence and good practice, it explores ideas about assets and resilience, the role of society and the social model of disability in relation to frailty, arguing that insufficient attention is paid to positive action such as developing bone strength, maintaining good nutrition and exercising. Routledge Market: Healthcare/Sociology August 2018: 234x156: 224pp Hb: 978-1-138-30120-7: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-30121-4: £34.99 eBook: 978-0-203-73269-4 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138301207

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Health, Disability and the Capability Approach

Marketisation, Ethics and Healthcare

Edited by Sophie Mitra, Fordham University, New York City, USA and Jennifer Prah Ruger, University of Pennsylvania, USA The research on disability, health and the capability approach has been diverse in the topics it covers, and the conceptual frameworks and methodologies it uses. This book shares a set of contributions in these two areas of health and disability. It was originally published as a special issue of the Journal of Human Development and Capabilities.

Routledge Market: Health Policy / Disability / Capability Approach October 2017: 246x174: 148pp Hb: 978-1-138-63490-9: £115.00 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138634909

Policy, Practice and Moral Formation Edited by Therese Feiler, University of Oxford, UK, Joshua Hordern, University of Oxford, UK and Andrew Papanikitas, University of Oxford, UK Series: Routledge Key Themes in Health and Society This volume explores how ‘the market’, in its various guises, continues to affect and redefine health professionals as moral beings and impact on the care they provide. By reflecting on the meaning of the market and the medical profession, this ground-breaking volume identifies a variety of ways to help preserve healthcare workers’ integrity and ensure compassionate care. Promoting a richer public debate on the moral implications of a marketised healthcare system, this book is suitable for academics and students interested in the health sciences, medical ethics and law, social and public policy, philosophy and theology. Routledge Market: Healthcare/Theology/Philosophy January 2018: 234x156: 204pp Hb: 978-1-138-73573-6: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-315-18635-1 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138735736

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Insane Society: Sociology and Mental Health

Medicine, health and being human

Peter Morrall, University of Leeds, UK Series: Routledge Studies in the Sociology of Health and Illness

Edited by Lesa Scholl, Emmanuel College, University of Queensland, Australia Series: Routledge Advances in the Medical Humanities

This book critiques the connection between Western society and madness. Outlining and analysing ideas from biology and psychology, and incorporating the perspectives of those regarded by themselves or others as mad, this text synthesises a range of sociological and anthropological thinking that, where madness is concerned, society matters. Looking beyond the affected individual to their social, political, economic, ecological, and cultural context, it examines whether or not society itself, and its institutions, divisions, practices, and values, is mad. It is an important read for students and scholars of sociology, anthropology, social policy, criminology, health, and mental health.

This book explores how the medical has defined us: that is, the ways in which perspectives of medicine and health have affected understandings of what it means to be human. With chapters that span from the early modern period to the contemporary world, and are drawn from a range of disciplines and around the world, it holds that historical and cultural influences have brought about an understanding of humanity in which the medical is ingrained, sometimes unconsciously, usually as a mode of legitimisation. This volume is a valuable contribution for those interested in the medical humanities, history of medicine, history of ideas and the social approaches to health and illness.

Routledge Market: Sociology/Mental Health November 2018: 234x156: 224pp Hb: 978-1-138-57607-0: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-351-27116-5 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138576070

Routledge Market: Health/Medicine/History June 2018: 234x156: 240pp Hb: 978-1-138-30118-4: £105.00 eBook: 978-0-203-73270-0 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138301184

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Narrative-Based Practice in Health and Social Care

Pharmaceuticalized Governance and the Medicalized Self

Conversations Inviting Change John Launer, Health Education England, UK This textoutlines a vision of how witnessing narratives, paying attention to them, and developing an ability to question them creatively, can make the person’s emerging story the central focus of health and social care, and of healing. Giving an account of the practical application of ideas and skills from contemporary narrative studies to health and social care, the book promotes narrative-based practice in everyday encounters with patients and clients, as well as supervision and management, and presents an established model of interactional skills. It is written for students and practitioners across a broad range of professions in primary and secondary health care, and social care. Routledge Market: Health and Social Care/Medicine March 2018: 246x174: 152pp Hb: 978-1-138-71437-3: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-71435-9: £29.99 eBook: 978-1-315-23112-9 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781315231129

Kevin Dew, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand Series: Routledge Studies in the Sociology of Health and Illness This book explores the processes and effects of the increasing governance of our lives through pharmaceuticals, looking at the moral, interactional, social and political forces that shape our use of them. It demonstrates the ways in which social relationships and identities are developed, sustained and transformed through medication use. Building on the extensive medicalization of health literature, and the more recent concept of pharmaceuticalization, it is firmly based in empirical research and sociological theory. It will be of interest to a multidisciplinary audience of scholars and students of sociology, science and technology studies, pharmacy and health studies. Routledge Market: Sociology/Health Studies/Pharmacy August 2018: 234x156: 240pp Hb: 978-1-138-22938-9: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-38968-4 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138229389

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Negotiating Ageing

Psychological Perspectives in HIV Care

Cultural Adaptation to the Prospect of a Long Life

An inter-professional approach

Simon Biggs, University of Melbourne, Australia, and King's College London, UK Series: Routledge Key Themes in Health and Society The demographic shift that is occurring as a result of an ageing international population brings with it the challenge of cultural adaptation as we begin to rethink the purpose of a long life, intergenerational relations, and the social connectedness and value of older adults. The book critically evaluates four of the most dominant contemporary discourses on the question of long life, explores some of the key conceptual tools for the reconceptualization of the purpose of long life and examines the implications of cultural adaption for the public spheres of policy, business and politics as well as the private spheres of identity, meaning and purpose. Routledge Market: Social Work/Ageing/Sociology November 2017: 234x156: 178pp Hb: 978-1-138-94775-7: £110.00 eBook: 978-1-315-66990-8 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138947757

Edited by Michelle Croston, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK and Sarah Rutter, Department of Clinical Psychology North Manchester General Hospital In spite of significant improvements in prognosis, people living with HIV continue to experience considerable stresses due to their diagnosis and promoting patients’ holistic wellbeing is an important aspect of long-term care. This book provides an introduction to person-centred and psychologically-focused practice for healthcare professionals who work with people living with HIV. Topics cover include self-awareness, attachment theories and communication as well as key aspects of providing care for people living with HIV, such as shame, stigma in young adults, sexuality, neurocognitive issues, the sexualized use of drugs and the needs of older adults living with HIV. Routledge Market: Healthcare May 2018: 234x156: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-79276-9: £95.00 Pb: 978-0-415-79278-3: £34.99 eBook: 978-1-315-21140-4 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9780415792769

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Person-centred Primary Care

Rethinking MSM, Trans* and other Categories in HIV Prevention

Searching for the Self Edited by Christopher Dowrick Series: Routledge Advances in the Medical Humanities

Edited by Amaya G. Perez-Brumer, Columbia University, USA, Richard Parker and Peter Aggleton, UNSW, Australia

Primary care, grounded in the provision of continuous comprehensive person-centred care, is vital to the delivery of effective health care. The central notion of person-centred care, however, relies on often-unexamined concepts of self, or understandings of what it means to be a person. This book explores contemporary pressures on the sense of self for both patient and health professional within a consultation and argues that building new concepts of the self is essential. Combining theoretical perspectives with insights drawn from practice, this volume is suitable for those researching and studying primary healthcare, communication and relationships in healthcare and

Contributors assess the politics of existing classifications and categories in HIV research and provide a nuanced understanding of gender and sexual diversity to address the social barriers that impede the design of more successful HIV prevention and health promotion strategies. It was first published as a special issue of Global Public Health.

the medical humanities. Routledge Market: Healthcare November 2017: 234x156: 178pp Hb: 978-1-138-24418-4: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-315-27707-3 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138244184

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Routledge December 2017: 246x174: 280pp Hb: 978-1-138-55775-8: £115.00 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138557758

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Routledge Handbook of Wellbeing Edited by Kathleen Galvin, University of Hull, UK This authoritative reference work explores established conceptualisations of wellbeing, providing an overview of the key issues and drawing attention to current debates. It offers new clarification of the widely used notion of wellbeing, focusing particularly on experiential perspectives, and reflects on: what it is that is experienced by humans that can be called wellbeing; what we know about how to understand it; and how wellbeing is manifested in human endeavours. The book provides an overview for all those working in or concerned with wellbeing, health and illness across a range of disciplines, from sociology, healthcare and economics to philosophy and the creative arts. Routledge Market: Health, Sociology, Philosophy May 2018: 246x189: 360pp Hb: 978-1-138-85010-1: £165.00 eBook: 978-1-315-72496-6 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138850101

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Self-Tracking, Health and Medicine Sociological Perspectives Edited by Deborah Lupton This book explores a number of different self-tracking techniques, emphasising the self-responsibility on which self-tracking relies, the educational value that it provides, and the way in which it can establish healthier social norms. It was originally published as a special issue of the Health Sociology Review.

Routledge Market: Public Health / Health Technology October 2017: 246x174: 118pp Hb: 978-1-138-09108-5: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-315-10828-5 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138091085

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The Intimate Lives of Disabled People Kirsty Liddiard, University of Sheffield, UK Foregrounding disabled people’s own sexual stories collected through a participatory and multi-method empirical study, this book provides a richly detailed account of the complex and variegated relationships between sexuality, disability, gender and impairment. The ground-breaking findings to emerge from this study, which take centre stage in this book, not only shine a light on the oppressive darkness in which contemporary disabled sexualities are plunged, but equally both trouble and challenge our current understanding of sexual life as we know it. Routledge Market: Disability Studies December 2017: 234x156: 222pp Hb: 978-1-409-46090-9: £110.00 eBook: 978-1-315-55659-8 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781409460909

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Critical Care Assessment by Midwives Maureen Boyle, University of West London, UK and Judy Bothamley, University of West London, UK Over the last ten years, critical care units have been set up in many maternity units. This textbook is a comprehensive introduction to this emerging area of practice. It gives an overview of specific aspects of care which may be required by a woman undergoing a complicated pregnancy, or experiencing an illness or emergency which requires her to receive high dependency or critical care. Covering the context of care, relevant pathophysiology, signs and symptoms, specific assessment in detail, relevant drugs, assessment of the fetus, summaries of management, psychosocial support, and the specific professional responsibilities of the midwife, this is an essential guide for all midwives. Routledge Market: Midwifery May 2018: 246x174: 224pp Hb: 978-1-138-74020-4: £95.00 Pb: 978-1-138-74025-9: £29.99 eBook: 978-1-315-18365-7 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138740204


The Student Guide to the Newborn Infant Physical Examination Tracey Jones, University of Manchester, UK and Helen White, University of Manchester, UK The Newborn Infant Physical Examination (NIPE) is a screening assessment completed on all babies between six and seventy-two hours of age. This concise guide offers a comprehensive step-by-step framework for pre-registration midwifery students to learn about all aspects of the NIPE. Evidence-based, well-illustrated and packed with activities, tips, case studies and think points, it takes into account the national screening committee standards. Offering a clear direction on how to perform the NIPE in practice whilst exploring the wider context of screening in healthcare today, the book also addresses the role of the midwife, history taking, health promotion and communication skills. Routledge Market: Midwifery December 2018: 246x174: 208pp Hb: 978-1-138-08638-8: £100.00 Pb: 978-1-138-08639-5: £27.99 eBook: 978-1-315-11101-8 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138086388

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Untangling the Maternity Crisis Edited by Nadine Edwards, University of Edinburgh, UK., Rosemary Mander, University of Edinburgh, UK and Jo Murphy-Lawless, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland Arguing that contemporary maternity services provide a hostile environment both in which to practise and to give birth, this book looks at how we can change this to promote the best possible experiences for new parenthood. Emphasising the political realities, this inspiring volume features an in-depth and research-oriented analysis of the challenges faced by contemporary maternity services and looks at woman-centred and community-based ways of contributing to a much better birthing experience for all. This book is particularly suited to practising and student midwives, doulas, birth educators and activists, policymakers and health service managers. Routledge Market: Midwifery/Healthcare January 2018: 234x156: 178pp Hb: 978-1-138-24420-7: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-24422-1: £32.99 eBook: 978-1-315-27705-9 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138244207

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A Textbook of Community Nursing

Collaborative Practice in Intensive Care Settings

Edited by Sue Chilton, University of Gloucestershire, UK and Heather Bain, Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, UK A Textbook of Community Nursing is a comprehensive and evidence-based introduction covering the full range of professional topics, including professional approaches to care, public health, eHealth, therapeutic relationships and the role of community nursing in mental health. The new edition has been updated throughout, including new guidelines and policies. It also provides a stronger focus on evidence-based practice. Routledge Market: Healthcare October 2017: 246x189: 388pp Hb: 978-1-138-06824-7: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-498-72537-8: £29.99 eBook: 978-1-498-72538-5 eBook: 978-1-498-72540-8 eBook: 978-1-315-15720-7 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138068247

Scott Reeves, Kingston & St George’s, University of London, UK, Janet Alexanian, University of Toronto, Canada, Rachel Grant, University of Toronto, Canada and Simon Kitto, University of Ottawa, Canada Series: CAIPE Collaborative Practice Series This practical and evidence-based textbook offers a series of assessment, implementation and evaluation activities for professionals working in intensive care contexts. Designed to improve the quality of care delivery, it looks both at collaboration interprofessionally and between care providers and patients or family members.The tools presented in this book are based on extensive empirical research, ensuring this book takes into account the everyday work environment of professionals in intensive care units. It is suitable for critical care practitioners and educators, as well as patient safety leads and managers. Routledge Market: Healthcare December 2018: 246x174: 112pp Hb: 978-1-138-63348-3: £95.00 Pb: 978-1-138-63349-0: £34.99 eBook: 978-1-315-20730-8 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138633483

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2nd Edition • NEW EDITION

Anthropology for Nursing and Healthcare

Contemporary Occupational Health Nursing

Exploring Concepts in Practice

A Guide for Practitioners

Edited by Karen Holland, University of Salford, Manchester, UK Series: Routledge Advances in Health and Social Policy Anthropology of Nursing in Healthcare Practice aims to introduce nurses and other healthcare professionals to how anthropology can help them understand nursing as a profession and as a culture. The only book currently in the field on anthropology of nursing, this book will be valuable for higher level nursing students, as well as students on medical anthropology courses, nursing curriculum developers, and researchers of anthropology who are interested in learning more about its application to nursing and healthcare. Routledge Market: Nursing, Anthropology October 2018: 234x156: 264pp Hb: 978-1-138-91279-3: £85.00 Pb: 978-1-138-91280-9: £31.99 eBook: 978-1-315-69178-7 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138912793

Edited by Greta Thornbory, occupational health consultant, UK and Susanna Everton, consultant occupational health and safety practitioner, UK This text provides a practical guide for those undertaking specialist community public health nursing qualifications and is an important resource for all nurses working in occupational health. Including chapters on public health, leadership, health promotion and protection, health surveillance, health assessment, case management and rehabilitation, mental health, management of occupational health services and epidemiology and research, quality assurance and audit, this second edition includes additional content on health risk assessment and the Fit for Work Service, occupational health management systems, psychosocial factors and mindfulness, among other things. Routledge Market: Nursing/Occupational Health October 2017: 246x174: 250pp Hb: 978-1-138-70302-5: £100.00 Pb: 978-1-138-70303-2: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-20340-9 Prev. Ed Hb: 978-0-415-82294-7 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138703025

3rd Edition • TEXTBOOK • READER

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Care Planning

Critical Care Nursing in Resource Limited Environments

A guide for nurses David Barrett, University of Hull, UK, Benita Wilson, University of Hull, UK and Andrea Woodlands This clear and intuitive textbook explains the importance of holistic, individualised care planning for nursing from a professional and clinical perspective. Adopting a flexible problem-solving approach to care based on the nursing process, it guides the reader step by step through the stages of assessing patients, diagnosing problems, planning goals and interventions, and evaluating progress. The book explains the theory of care planning in relation to nursing models and practice tools and it vividly demonstrates how it can be put into practice, using numerous examples as well as completed care plans. It is laced with activities and checkpoints to consolidate students’ learning. Routledge Market: Nursing August 2018: 246x174: 288pp Hb: 978-1-138-64218-8: £95.00 Pb: 978-1-138-64219-5: £27.99 eBook: 978-1-315-63010-6 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138642188

Chris Carter, Queen Alexandra’s Royal Army Nursing Corps, British Army All hospitals have critically ill patients, and their management depends upon the resources available. This book provides guidance on the unique challenges for nurses working in resource limited environments. Highlighting the realities of working in the developing world, the text prepares readers to consider how best to utilize their skills and deliver safe patient care. Each easy-to-read chapter provides core knowledge as well as useful ideas and solutions. It is an invaluable guide for nurses working in critical care and acute areas in resource limited environments. It can also be used to support educational courses and pre-deployment training. Routledge Market: Nursing July 2018: 246x174: 240pp Hb: 978-1-138-09350-8: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-09351-5: £39.99 eBook: 978-1-315-10677-9 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138093508

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Cultural Safety,Healthcare and Vulnerable Populations

Gastrointestinal Nursing A Lifespan Approach Paul Ong, Oxford Brookes University, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom and Rachel Skittrall, Oxford Brookes University, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom

A Critical Theoretical Perspective Lucy Mkandawire-Valhmu, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA Lucy Mkandawire-Valhmu critically analyzes the complex issues affecting the health of vulnerable populations and argues that a culturally safe practitioner has engaged in an active examination of the power differences existing in the patient-provider relationship. Written from a critical theoretical perspective, this book aids the reader to appreciate the realities faced by many populations living on the margins of society, provides pragmatic guidance for culturally safe care for a variety of marginalized populations, and invites students, scholars and professionals to think deeply about the implications of power, culture and health in care provision.

This essential guide to the gastrointestinal system will enable nurses and allied health professionals to apply principles of anatomy and physiology to clinical practice. Taking a practical and evidence-based approach, each chapter explores associated anatomy, function, abnormalities and diseases. The accessible writing style and full colour illustrations make this an ideal introduction for students and professionals new to

Routledge Market: Healthcare, Health Theory June 2018: 216x138: 136pp Hb: 978-1-138-89781-6: £85.00 Pb: 978-1-138-89822-6: £31.99 eBook: 978-1-315-70870-6 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138897816

gastrointestinal care.

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Culturally Competent Compassion

Handbook of Neurosurgery, Neurology, and Spinal Medicine for Nurses and Advanced Practice Health Professionals

A Guide for Healthcare Students and Practitioners Irena Papadopoulos, Middlesex University, UK Bringing together the crucially important topics of cultural competence and compassion for the first time, this book explores how to practise ‘culturally competent compassion’ in healthcare settings Presenting new research on practising compassion as well as an innovative model for practice, Culturally Competent Compassion is essential reading for healthcare students, and will be of interest to researchers exploring cultural competence and compassion in healthcare. Routledge Market: Nursing/Healthcare April 2018: 246x174: 134pp Hb: 978-1-138-67489-9: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-67490-5: £29.99 eBook: 978-1-315-56098-4 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138674899

Routledge Market: Healthcare November 2017: 246x189: 191pp Hb: 978-1-138-62717-8: £100.00 Pb: 978-1-498-76956-3: £39.99 eBook: 978-1-498-76957-0 eBook: 978-1-498-76958-7 eBook: 978-1-498-76959-4 eBook: 978-1-315-12050-8 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138627178

Edited by Michael Wang, University of Miami, Miller School of Medicine, Florida, USA, Andrea Strayer, Odette Harris, Cathy Rosenberg and Praveen Mummaneni, Department of Neurosurgery, University of California, San Francisco, CA, USA This practical handbook allows nurses, physician assistants, and allied health professionals practicing in the fields of neurosurgery, neurology, and spinal care to quickly review essentials while in the work environment. It emphasizes procedural steps and critical elements in patient management, including intensive care, the neurological examination, differential diagnoses, and pain management. Written by a multidisciplinary team of experts, the handbook is expected to become a well-worn companion and essential aid to the busy practitioner. Routledge Market: Healthcare December 2017: 246x189: 558pp Hb: 978-1-138-55695-9: £120.00 Pb: 978-1-498-71942-1: £53.00 eBook: 978-1-498-71943-8 eBook: 978-1-498-71944-5 eBook: 978-1-315-38276-0 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138556959

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Existential Meaning-Making for Coping with Serious Illness

Health Entrepreneurship

Studies in Secular and Religious Societies

Carrie R. Rich, Knox Singleton, Mark Vernooij, THNK AMSTERDAM and Seema S. Wadhwa

Fereshteh Ahmadi and Nader Ahmadi, University College of Gavle, Sweden Series: Routledge Advances in the Medical Humanities The role of religion and spiritually in coping and health promotion has been much discussed. Yet what of the many people who are either non-believers or who, if they are, do not consider religion to be an important part of their life? This book is based on extensive empirical research which identifies the existential, religious and spiritually oriented coping methods used by cancer patients in several different countries. It will be a valuable resource for health care, medical, public health and sociology students and researchers as well as educators and policy-makers working in the area of health. Routledge Market: Social Care/Health Care/Nursing June 2018: 234x156: 110pp Hb: 978-1-138-29936-8: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-09803-6 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138299368

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A Guide

Health professionals witness first-hand where changes to the health system should be made and where opportunities for improvement arise. The potential for them to practice the process of entrepreneurship, whether in new start-ups or within their existing workplaces, is enormous. This book explores the why, what, and how of entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship. Encouraging innovation, it guides the reader through an idea development process – covering identifying areas of need, developing ideas and prototype solutions, and implementing, scaling, and pitching entrepreneurial ideas – in a way that is specifically relevant to the experience and working environment of health professionals. Routledge Market: Healthcare/Management October 2018: 246x174: 192pp Hb: 978-1-138-56400-8: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-56403-9: £29.99 eBook: 978-1-315-12213-7 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138564008

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Intensive Care Nursing

Medical Terminology, Documentation, and Coding

A Framework for Practice

Anne P. Stich, Bellevue University, USA

Philip Woodrow, East Kent Hospitals NHS Trust, UK

Giving students the strongest possible baseline in medical terminology, along with the how and why it is used in documentation and basic coding, this is a vital text for all students taking courses in the area. It allows readers to use their knowledge immediately in any medical setting, in their work places, and in the journey to future careers. Using a body systems approach to medical terminology and accompanied by plentiful color illustrations and activities, as well as a companion website with resources for both instructors and students, this is a fresh and readable textbook.

This new edition of Intensive Care Nursing has been revised throughout to ensure the evidence-base is completely up-to-date and the content reflects contemporary best practice. It covers patient-focused issues of bedside nursing; the technical knowledge necessary to care safely for ICU patients; the more common and specialized disease processes and treatments encountered; and how nurses can use their knowledge and skills to develop their own and others' practice. It is essential reading for nurses and health professionals working with seriously ill patients, particularly those undertaking post-registration training in the area. Routledge Market: Nursing/Allied Health September 2018: 246x174: 608pp Hb: 978-0-815-38593-6: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-71380-2: £34.99 eBook: 978-1-315-23117-4 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781315231174

Routledge Market: Healthcare December 2017: 246x174: 680pp Hb: 978-0-415-79285-1: £150.00 Pb: 978-0-415-79286-8: £59.99 eBook: 978-1-315-21136-7 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9780415792851



Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology for Healthcare Students

Nursing Older People

David Sturgeon, Canterbury Christ Church University, UK This book provides a highly accessible introduction to anatomy and physiology. Written for students studying the subject for the first time, it covers the human body from the atomic and cellular levels through to all the major systems and including chapters on blood and immunity and homeostasis. By the end of each chapter, the reader will understand and be able to explain how the structures and systems described are organised and contribute to the maintenance of health. Complete with self-test questions, full colour illustrations and a comprehensive glossary, it is an essential read for all nursing and healthcare students in both further and higher education. Routledge Market: Healthcare/Nursing February 2018: 246x174: 312pp Hb: 978-1-138-68386-0: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-68387-7: £29.99 eBook: 978-1-315-54429-8 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138683860

4th Edition • NEW EDITION

Life Care Planning and Case Management Handbook, Fourth Edition Edited by Debra E. Berens, Life Care Planner, Atlanta, Georgia, USA and Roger O. Weed, Georgia State University, Atlanta, USA This book covers the professional roles involved in life care planning, as well as a wide range of disabilities and medical conditions and general issues. Updated throughout, this fourth edition includes new chapters on life care planning for veterans, medical coding and costing for life care planners, cultural considerations in life care planning, admissibility of life care plans in U.S. Courts, life care planning in non-litigated contexts, research and education within life care planning, and Canadian life care planning practice. Routledge Market: Healthcare June 2018: 254 x 178: 1088pp Hb: 978-1-498-73110-2: £150.00 eBook: 978-1-315-15728-3 Prev. Ed Hb: 978-1-420-09069-7 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781498731102

Realities of Practice Edited by Heather Elbourne, St. Margaret's School, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada and Andrée le May, University of Southampton, UK This practical guide helps student and practicing nurses to understand the impact of their care when working with older people. With stories from older people who have had varied experiences of health care and nursing, chapters are underpinned by five key principles: providing patient-centered and dignified care, shared decision making involving family and friends, multi-disciplinary care, improving mental wellbeing through companionship and a sense of value, and an appreciation of both the challenges and rewards of working with older people. Routledge Market: Healthcare November 2018: 246x189: 256pp Pb: 978-1-498-73517-9: £26.99 eBook: 978-1-498-73518-6 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781498735179

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Rethinking Life at Home for People with Dementia Ruth Bartlett, University of Southampton, UK. and Tula Dr Brannelly, University of Southampton, UK. There are estimated to be 47 million people with dementia worldwide, yet, there is a major shortcoming in available knowledge on what life is like for them. Most research focuses on care in hospitals or care homes, and takes a medical perspective. This book bridges this gap in knowledge by providing a comprehensive and critical overview of the best available evidence from the viewpoint of those living with the condition, and in the context of global policy drivers on ageing and health, as well as technological advances. Routledge Market: Health and Social Care/Gerontology August 2018: 234x156 Hb: 978-1-138-08474-2: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-08478-0: £36.99 eBook: 978-1-315-11165-0 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138084742

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Textbook of Dementia Care An Integrated Approach Edited by Graham Jackson, University of the West of Scotland, UK and Debbie Tolson, University of the West of Scotland, UK Dementia has become a priority for health and social care services across the world, as people live longer lives. This evidence-based textbook gives an overview of the whole topic of dementia, with an emphasis on practice. Taking a collaborative approach, it is written by authors from a wide range of health and social care backgrounds and includes the perspectives of people with dementia, as well as family carers. Designed for professionals undertaking further study in dementia care, this book will also support pre-registration students undertaking placements in the area and constitute an important reference for the workplace. Routledge Market: Healthcare/Nursing June 2018: 246x174: 240pp Hb: 978-1-138-22923-5: £95.00 Pb: 978-1-138-22924-2: £29.99 eBook: 978-1-315-38984-4 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138229235

3rd Edition • TEXTBOOK • READER

The Biological Basis of Clinical Observations William T. Blows, City University London, UK This text gives readers the understanding needed to perform clinical observations accurately, make accurate judgements about the patient’s condition and make accurate decisions concerning patient care. It integrates clear explanations of the techniques involved in making clinical observations, alongside the biological knowledge which gives them meaning. For each topic, it explains the pathological basis for variations in observed results, focusing on relevant anatomy and physiology, genetics and pharmacology and the basic principles of care. It is essential reading for all nursing and health students preparing for clinical practice. Routledge Market: Nursing June 2018: 246x174 Hb: 978-1-138-30995-1: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-30996-8: £34.99 eBook: 978-1-315-14355-2 Prev. Ed Hb: 978-0-415-67461-4 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138309951


Therapeutic Interventions in Severe Mental Illness A Guide for Acute Care Settings Billy Mathers Therapeutic interventions have been taught and well evaluated in community settings for many years but this has not been the case for acute care. This practical book remedies this, outlining how to efficiently and effectively use therapeutic interventions in acute mental healthcare settings within a recovery-focused framework. Designed for service users, carers, mental health nurses and nursing students, this text is particularly suitable for those learning about acute mental health problems and therapeutic interventions. Routledge Market: Nursing, Mental Health September 2018: 246x174: 208pp Hb: 978-1-138-80659-7: £90.00 Pb: 978-1-138-80660-3: £29.99 eBook: 978-1-315-75157-3 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138806597

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4th Edition • TEXTBOOK • READER

A Practical Guide to Medicine Administration


Rebecca Venables, Keele University, UK and Karen Gunnell, Keele University, UK

What It Is and How It Works

It is important that medicines are administered correctly, in order to provide correct drug doses, yet not all healthcare professionals are expert in the area. This book provides a definitive guide to best practice in administering medicinal formulations. Acting as a quick reference handbook for administration techniques in both the simulated and real practice environment, it enables readers to advise patients on the correct use of their formulation. It is a key resource for both student and practising pharmacists who counsel and advise patients on the use of their medicines. It will also be a useful reference for nurses, nursing associates, assistant practitioners and healthcare assistants. Routledge Market: Pharmacy/Healthcare June 2018: 246x174: 200pp Hb: 978-1-138-30116-0: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-30117-7: £24.99 eBook: 978-0-203-73271-7 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138301160

2nd Edition • TEXTBOOK • READER

Alcohol and Drug Misuse

William N. Kelly, Willian N Kerry Consulting Series: Pharmacy Education Series Now fully updated for its fourth edition, this introductory text continues to provide a comprehensive review of all aspects of pharmacy, from the various roles, pathways and settings of pharmacists to information about how pharmacy works within the broader health care system. It describes the role of pharmacists in different settings and provides information ranging from licensing requirements to working conditions, highlighting the critical role of pharmacists. The author examines the drug use process, the role of pharmacy support personnel, pharmacy informatics along with poison control, pharmaceutical care, pharmacy organizations, the drug approval process, and career development. Routledge Market: Pharmacy January 2018: 246x174: 397pp Hb: 978-1-138-03833-2: £125.00 Pb: 978-1-138-03835-6: £44.99 eBook: 978-1-315-11653-2 Prev. Ed Hb: 978-1-439-85305-4 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138038332

A Guide for Health and Social Care Professionals G. Hussein Rassool, Islamic Online University and Academy of Tertiary Studies, Mauritius This new edition of an invaluable comprehensive textbook provides an introduction to working with substance misusers. It is fully updated and includes new material on: evidence-based pharmacological interventions; recent global strategies in alcohol and drug; dual diagnosis and women; shisha smoking; and current statistics on prevalence of drug and alcohol misuse. Taking into account current policy and practice, it incorporates a range of pedagogical features to enhance learning. It is essential reading for nursing, health and social work students taking substance misuse modules, as well as professional development courses for health and social care professionals. Routledge Market: Nursing/Health December 2017: 276x219: 414pp Hb: 978-1-138-22754-5: £100.00 Pb: 978-1-138-22757-6: £34.99 eBook: 978-1-315-39550-0 Prev. Ed Hb: 978-0-415-40965-0 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138227545

2nd Edition • NEW EDITION

Breastfeeding and Medication Wendy Jones, Independent Pharmacist Prescriber and Breastfeeding Trainer This new edition outlines the evidence-base for the use of medication during breastfeeding. It presents an expanded and updated guide to the most frequently prescribed drugs and their safety for breastfeeding mothers. Evaluating the evidence for interventions and using a simple format for quickly identifying medications which are safe or unsafe to use, it also highlights those drugs where there is inconclusive evidence. Additional contextual information – including material on the biology of the breast, chronic conditions, conditions related to lactation, and how to effectively support mothers – makes this the most complete text for practitioners who support and treat breastfeeding women. Routledge Market: Healthcare May 2018: 246x174: 320pp Hb: 978-1-138-29830-9: £120.00 Pb: 978-1-138-29832-3: £37.99 eBook: 978-1-315-09873-9 Prev. Ed Hb: 978-0-415-64105-0 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138298309

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PUBLIC HEALTH POLICY & PRACTICE Dummy text to keep placeholder

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A guide to compassionate healthcare

A Public Health Strategy for Aging Well

How to develop resilience and wellbeing in today’s stressful environment

Designing Elder-Centered and Palliative Systems of Care, Environments, Services and Supports

Claire Chambers, Open University, UK and Elaine Ryder, Age UK

Mary Beth Morrissey, Fordham University, West Harrison, New York, USA, Melissa Lang, Gilda’s Club Westchester, White Plains, New York, USA and Barney Newman, Emeritus Medical Director, WESTMED Medical Group Series: Best Practices for Public Health

A guide to compassionate healthcare looks at how you can maintain your own wellbeing in today’s challenging healthcare environments, making a positive difference to your workplace and providing compassionate care to patients without fear of burnout. Using their newly developed RESPECT toolkit, the authors introduce a range of strategies to incorporate into your daily life. With a chapter focusing on each element of the model – Resilience, Emotional intelligence, Stress management, Positivity, Energy and motivation, Challenge and Team leadership – the book includes overviews of the relevant evidence, exercises, case studies and practice recommendations. Routledge Market: Healthcare/Nursing July 2018: 234x156: 192pp Hb: 978-1-138-09339-3: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-09340-9: £29.99 eBook: 978-1-315-10686-1 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138093393

With more people living longer lives, there is increased importance in the health care industry on improving services for the elderly. This comprehensive book gives an expert overview of the topics and challenges, along with imperative ethical and legal frameworks. The book also details existing programs and benefits in relation to a realistic portrayal of population needs. Other important issues are covered such as long-term palliative care and hospice, other vulnerable populations, elder abuse, public-private collaboration, evidence-based policy-making, and much more. CRC Press Market: Healthcare November 2018: 254 x 178: 272pp Hb: 978-1-498-76134-5: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-498-76135-2 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.crcpress.com/9781498761345

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Conceptualising Public Health

Introducing Environmental Health

Historical and Contemporary Struggles over Key Concepts Edited by Johannes Kananen, University of Helsinki, Finland, Sophy Bergenheim, University of Helsinki, Finland and Merle Wessel, University of Helsinki, Finland Series: Routledge Studies in Public Health This book discusses how understandings of public health have developed in their political and social context over the twentieth century, identifying ruptures and redefinitions in its conceptualisation. It analyses the dynamic rhetorical play through which key concepts have been used as political tools, on the one hand, and shaped the operating environment of public health, on the other. Providing examples from Northern Europe situated in an international context, the authors collected here each examine a particular way of understanding public health and assess how key actors or phenomena have challenged, altered or confirmed past and present meanings of the concept.

Graeme Mitchell, Liverpool John Moore University, UK In this landmark text, Mitchell explores the key concepts and themes which underpin the traditional key intervention areas of Environmental Health, paving the way for a reformed approach to the field. Including chapters on risk, health inequalities, globalisation, controls, communication and research, the book aims to expand the remit of the Environmental Health Practitioner (EHP), enabling them to think beyond the key intervention areas and instead to engage with the underlying, interdisciplinary concepts as a means to a greater understanding of how to integrate environmental health issues with general public health issues. Routledge Market: Public Health/Environmental Health/Health Education December 2017: 246x174: 176pp Hb: 978-1-138-90557-3: £90.00 Pb: 978-1-138-90559-7: £26.99 eBook: 978-1-315-69582-2 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138905573

Routledge Market: Public Health/History/Sociology March 2018: 234x156: 272pp Hb: 978-1-138-03683-3: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-315-17827-1 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138036833

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Healthcare Analytics

Smarter Agile Public Health

Foundations and Frontiers

Leveraging Analytics and Technology

Edward M. Rafalski, University of Illinois, School of Public Health, Chicago, USA and Ross M. Mullner, University of Illinois, School of Public Health, Chicago, USA

Jay Bhatt, Illinois Health & Hospital Association, Naperville, USA

The Affordable Care Act (ACT) and free market reforms in healthcare are generating a rapid change of pace. The "electronification" of medical records from paper to digital, which is required to meet the meaningful use standards set forth by the Act, is advancing what and how information can be analyzed. Coupled with the advent of more computing power and big data analytics and techniques, practitioners now more than ever need to stay on top of these trends. This book presents a comprehensive look at healthcare analytics, both advances and limitations. CRC Press Market: Healthcare May 2018: 235 x 156: 208pp Hb: 978-1-498-75507-8: £100.00 Pb: 978-1-138-19636-0: £39.99 eBook: 978-1-498-75508-5 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.crcpress.com/9781498755078

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Public health is not about treatment of individual illness, it’s about prevention within populations. While implementation of reactive public health policies is a challenge, the even bigger challenge is in the prediction of meaningful public health interventions, catching them before they start. This book shows health practitioners how to leverage analytics and technology to become truly predictive and preventive. The book shows how to develop frameworks for this kind of information, and gives cutting edge case studies across those frameworks to illustrate. This will save lives, time, and resources. Routledge Market: Healthcare April 2018: 235 x 156: 248pp Hb: 978-1-498-79826-6: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-498-79838-9 eBook: 978-1-315-15633-0 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781498798266

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Supporting compassionate healthcare practice

Work and Wellbeing in the Nordic Countries

Understanding the role of resilience, positivity and wellbeing

Critical Perspectives on the World's Best Working Lives

Claire Chambers, Open University, UK and Elaine Ryder, Age UK

Edited by Helge Sondergard Hviv, Roskilde University, Denmark.

Compassionate healthcare can be challenging for practitioners to deliver day after day in a context of tight budgets and targets. This text looks at how healthcare professionals can look after themselves to order to maintain and develop their compassionate healthcare practice. It explores thinking around stress management, resilience, wellbeing and positivity, presenting and critiquing the evidence base for these key concepts. Illustrated with numerous case studies and examples, the authors conclude with their framework – RESPECT – for practice.

The book presents a historical perspective on the current working life in Norway and Denmark, examining how employers' organizations, trade unions, and the government have created a framework for a positive working life.

Routledge Market: Healthcare/Nursing July 2018: 234x156: 240pp Hb: 978-1-138-09209-9: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-09210-5: £32.99 eBook: 978-1-315-10772-1 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138092099

Routledge Market: Social Policy/Work-Life Balance November 2018: 234x156 Hb: 978-0-815-38723-7: £110.00 eBook: 978-1-351-16996-7 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9780815387237

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The Social Determinants of Male Health John MacDonald, University of Western Sydney, Australia Series: Routledge Studies in the Sociology of Health and Illness This book deals with the often overlooked social determinants of male health. Adopting a life course perspective, MacDonald looks at the health of young boys, the health of fathers and men in families of different kinds, men after retirement, and employment and its impact on the health of men. The focus of the book is not only on what is wrong (the pathogenic and the pathologies), but on what builds men’s health and resilience, and what is already health-enhancing in their lives (the "salutogenic"). This book is of interest to students and scholars of men’s health, gender studies, the sociology of health and public health. Routledge Market: Men's Health, Gender and Health, Public Health April 2018: 234x156: 128pp Hb: 978-1-138-90816-1: £95.00 eBook: 978-1-315-69478-8 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138908161

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Understanding Public Health in Rural Populations of India Edited by Partha S. Mukherjee, Liver Foundation, West Bengal, Kolkata, India In developing countries such as India, there are stark contrasts between urban and rural populations, presenting unique challenges for public health promotion and intervention. For example, urban areas have sophisticated hospital facilities, while rural populations visit community caretakers with no medical training. Communicable disease and chronic infection rates are therefore very different. There are cultural determinants as well, such as urban women seeking low, vanity weights, while rural women take steroids to gain weight for marriage. This book presents a fascinating study of the complexities of rural public health in developing countries. CRC Press Market: Healthcare April 2018: 235 x 156: 208pp Hb: 978-1-498-75871-0: £95.00 eBook: 978-1-498-75872-7 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.crcpress.com/9781498758710

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SOCIAL JUSTICE Dummy text to keep placeholder

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Complexity and Social Work

Female Genital Mutilation and Social Media

Hans Van Ewijk

Christina Dr Julios, Birkbeck, University of London, UK

Being socially competent is essential in late modern society. We expect that people will find their own accommodation, partner, job, community and lifestyle and struggle to find answers for people who are unable or don't have the opportunity to achieve these things. By placing social complexity, social vulnerability and social-efficacy within a framework of social policy and social practice, this book argues that growing social complexity excludes more and more citizens from social participation.

This book examines the rise of online social media during the past two decades and its impact on FGM activism. Set against a backdrop of ubiquitous social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, the volume documents changes in anti-FGM campaigning over time. It also considers the various ways in which activists have deployed Internet-based technology and whether their online efforts may have contributed to enhancing or hindering offline activism.

Routledge Market: Social Work/Human Services/Social Policy October 2017: 234x156: 172pp Hb: 978-1-138-08932-7: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-08933-4: £29.99 eBook: 978-1-315-10927-5 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138089327

Routledge Market: Human Services/Sociology/Communication Studies October 2018: 234x156: 224pp Hb: 978-1-138-89468-6: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-17986-5 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138894686

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Consciousness-Raising for Social Justice and Human Rights

International Perspectives on Social Work and Political Conflict

Lessons for Social Work, Community Development and Social Pedagogy

Edited by Joe Duffy, Queen's University Belfast, UK and Jim Campbell Series: Routledge Advances in Social Work

Nilan Yu, University of South Australia, Australia Series: Routledge Advances in Social Work How do people break free from dominant ways of thinking that normalise and idealise social inequality along the lines of class, gender, race, religion, and sexual orientation? This book is about conscientisation or the raising of consciousness – the awakening of the mind to what some refer to as ‘social reality’. It features accounts of the life experiences of people and how they broke free from dominant ways of thinking that significantly influenced their early lives. It will be of interest to practitioners, educators and students of social work, community development, social development and social pedagogy as well as those engaged in the promotion of human rights and social justice.

The impact of political violence and conflict is an ever-present issue for politics, economy and society, yet little has been said about the role of social workers in these contexts. This book addresses this lacuna by tracing the history of social work practice policy and education in situations of political conflict Israel, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Cyprus and Northern Ireland. At a time when violent conflagrations are currently a feature of many countries and regions this book offers critical view of the social work role in these contexts and will thus be required reading for all social work academics, students and professionals working in conflict-affected societies.

Routledge Market: Social Work/Social Justice/Social Development July 2018: 234x156: 192pp Hb: 978-1-138-09177-1: £110.00 eBook: 978-1-315-10785-1 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138091771

Routledge Market: Social Work/Social Justice/Political Conflict October 2018: 234x156: 192pp Hb: 978-1-138-55730-7: £110.00 eBook: 978-1-315-15083-3 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138557307

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Empowerment and Control in the Australian Welfare State

Practising Feminism in Social Welfare

A Critical Analysis of Australian Social Policy Since 1972

Ruth Phillips, University of Sydney, Australia

Philip Mendes Series: Social Welfare Around the World Welfare states can have both social care (humanitarian) and social control (oppressive) functions. This book makes the case for an alternative participatory and decentralized welfare state model that would prioritize social care by empowering and supporting welfare service users at a local community level. By critically examining the history and rhetoric of the Australian welfare state from 1972 to the present day, and using the author’s long-standing research on the Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS) and other welfare advocacy groups, it analyses the transformation from rights-based to conditional welfare. Routledge Market: Social Policy/Welfare State/Australi October 2018: 234x156 Hb: 978-1-138-63319-3: £95.00 eBook: 978-1-315-20781-0 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138633193

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Theory, Policy and Practice This textexplores what feminism means in theory, policy and practice as it is conceptualised and engaged with in different social welfare contexts today. Beginning with an overview of feminist scholarship in the twenty-first century, it is mainly comprised of six substantive chapters which examine feminism from within a specific policy or practice setting. The topics discussed include globalisation and social justice; sex and sexuality issues, domestic violence, working in criminal justice settings, working with children and working with older people. Practising Feminism in Social Welfare concludes with a framework for feminist policy and practice in the future. Routledge Market: Social Work/Social Policy/Social Welfare August 2018: 234x156: 208pp Hb: 978-1-138-65067-1: £95.00 Pb: 978-1-138-65068-8: £24.99 eBook: 978-1-315-62518-8 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138650671

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Welfare Work with Immigrants and Refugees in a Social Democratic Welfare State The Illusion of the Other Trine Oland, University of Copenhagen, Denmark How does the social right to welfare through the provision of education, health and child care, and safety and security arrangements act as a form of national and cultural integration? By looking at two themes in current welfare state dynamics: welfare work as a structural whole across professional identities, optimizing and forming the population and welfare work addressing immigrants and refugees, perpetually making and remaking the boundaries of the population, this book synthesises these two themes to provide new insights about welfare work as a core symbolic boundary-making activity of the modern welfare state and its quest to define, optimize and govern citizens and their behaviour. Routledge Market: Social Welfare/Immigration October 2018: 234x156 Hb: 978-1-138-57841-8: ÂŁ110.00 eBook: 978-1-351-26444-0 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138578418

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Contemporary Perspectives on Social Work in Acquired Brain Injury

Global Social Work

Edited by Grahame K. Simpson, Ingham Institute of Applied Medical Research, Australia and Francis K. Yuen, California State University, Sacramento, USA This book addresses the diversity of domains within which social workers practice in the field of acquired brain injury. It highlights the valuable role of social work and adds to the knowledge base informing evidence-informed practice within the field. It was published as a special issue of Journal of Social Work in Disability & Rehabilitation.

Routledge Market: Medical Social Work January 2018: 246x174: 230pp Hb: 978-1-138-55974-5: £105.00 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138559745

Towards an Era of Distorted Modernity Timo Harrikari and Pirkko-Liisa Rauhala Series: Contemporary Social Work Studies ‘Glocal’ influences such as migration, ageing populations, climate change and securitisation are arguably causing a fragmentation in life politics and social solidarity, in turn influencing the way in which we perceive and tackle social problems. Using strong theoretical discourse, alongside new empirical research within a Scandinavian context, this cutting-edge book calls for a new theoretical paradigm to enable us to better understand the shape of the world we inhabit and to translate this understanding into the domain of social work. It asks whether Western society is entering a new age of ‘distorted’ modernity and the implications this may have for social policy and social work models. Routledge Market: Social Work July 2018: 234x156: 224pp Hb: 978-1-138-22554-1: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-39926-3 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138225541

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Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning in Social Work

Homeless People

Current Issues and Future Direction

Cameron Parsell

Edited by Paul A. Kurzman, Hunter College, CUNY, USA This book provides a comprehensive presentation on the development, and prevailing status of social work continuing education. The chapters discuss the influential presence and growing demand for continuing education among educators and practitioners. It was first published as a special issue of the Journal of Teaching in Social Work.

Identities, Agency, and Choice Driven by a sustained program of research spanning ten years, Homeless People: Identities, Agency, and Choice, offers an analysis of the lives of people who are homeless and the social services that pervade their lives. It argues for a model of social service provision that actively intervenes to create conditions for homeless people to realise life trajectories that are optimistic. Routledge Market: Homelessness/Social Work/Social Policy July 2018: 246x174: 112pp Hb: 978-1-138-50421-9: £45.00 eBook: 978-1-315-14587-7 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138504219

Routledge Market: Social Work / Continuing Education January 2018: 246x174: 158pp Hb: 978-1-138-57228-7: £105.00 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138572287

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2nd Edition • TEXTBOOK • READER

Everyday Social Justice and Citizenship

Human Growth and Development

Perspectives for the 21st Century

An Introduction for Social Workers

Edited by Ann Marie Mealey, Leeds Trinity University, UK, Pam Jarvis, Leeds Trinity University, UK, Jonathan Doherty, Leeds Trinity University, UK and Jan Fook, Leeds Trinity University, UK and Royal Holloway, University of London, UK. Series: Routledge Advances in Social Work

John Sudbery and Andrew Whittaker, London South Bank University Series: Student Social Work

This book considers concepts of citizenship and social justice from a variety of contemporary perspectives, inviting readers to consider the complex relationships between love and justice, the battle for social equality and individual ways in which citizenship and social justice is perceived through culture, media and the arts.

Routledge Market: Social Work/Human Growth and Development August 2018: 246x174 Hb: 978-1-138-07127-8: £105.00 Pb: 978-1-138-30409-3: £32.99 eBook: 978-0-203-73038-6 Prev. Ed Hb: 978-0-415-43994-7 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138071278

Routledge Market: Social Work/Social Justice/Citizenship October 2017: 234x156: 196pp Hb: 978-1-138-65280-4: £110.00 eBook: 978-1-315-62398-6 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138652804

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This fully revised and expanded second edition of this introductory text for social workers provides a knowledge base about human development from conception to death and is packed with real-life case studies and useful pedagogy. Great for revision, there is a student-friendly reference section with glossary and overviews of key theories.

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Inequality, Wealth and Poverty in the UK

Older Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans People

Understanding Society

Minding the Knowledge Gaps

Paul Seaman, University of Dundee, UK and Carlo Morelli

Edited by Andrew King, University of Surrey, UK, Kathryn Almack, University of Nottingham, UK, Yiu-Tung Suen, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong and Sue Westwood, University of Oxford, UK Series: Routledge Studies in the Sociology of Health and Illness

Panel datasets provide a unique advantage to other panel data for the examination of longitudinal poverty and inequality. Understanding Society is the UK Government’s most recent, and foremost, panel dataset for the collection of a wide range of social, economic and environmental household characteristic. This book uses it to examine inequality, wealth and poverty in order to provide a definitive assessment inequality, poverty and wealth in the UK. It is written for social policy, human geography and economics audiences and disseminates research and new thinking to demonstrate the advantages to social policy researchers of, largely underutilised, longitudinal research methodologies. Routledge Market: Social Policy/Social Work/Health and Social Care November 2018: 234x156: 270pp Hb: 978-1-138-89442-6: £105.00 Pb: 978-1-138-89444-0: £34.99 eBook: 978-1-315-17995-7 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138894426

This groundbreaking book offers a synthesis of perspectives on lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) ageing issues, as well as a critical analysis of both what is known about LGBT ageing and what is not yet known. There are significant gaps in knowledge in this area, as research has privileged the narratives of gay men and marginalised the experiences of older lesbians, bisexual women and men, and trans individuals. The chapters interrogate socio-economic issues, and challenge narrow binary analyses of health, housing and social care issues. This volume presents diversity and intersectionality perspectives which will appeal to a broad international readership across many disciplines. Routledge Market: Social Work/Social Gerontology/Sociology May 2018: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-1-138-64493-9: £110.00 eBook: 978-1-315-62846-2 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138644939

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Intersectionality in Social Work

Participatory Evaluation in Youth and Community Work

Challenges to power, thought and practice Edited by Rachel Robbins and Suryia Nayak Series: Routledge Advances in Social Work Intersectionality is a concept that refutes the idea of mutually exclusive categories of identity, experience and analysis. Using the lens of intersectionality to shine a light on social work across national, racial, religious, cultural and embodied borders, this book brings together a range of international perspectives to highlight the importance of Black feminist theory in social work. It provokes wider debates by asking crucial questions about how intersectionality can challenge the structures and discourses of social work within a wider global context and how this applies to services-users, carers and workers in the field. Routledge Market: Social Work June 2018: 234x156: 240pp Hb: 978-1-138-62816-8: £110.00 eBook: 978-1-315-21081-0 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138628168

Theory and Practice Susan Cooper, Plymouth Marjons University, UK This bookbrings together the theory and practice of evaluation in youth and community work to offer a timely and thorough exploration of how evaluation, professionalism and practice intersect. It looks at the complexities of evaluating in practice and assesses the challenge of evidencing the difference that youth and community work can make to the lives of young people and communities. With an emphasis on learning from evaluation, it focuses particularly on the use of participatory methods, including the author’s innovative transformative evaluation method. Ideal for students and practitioners alike, it includes critical and reflective questions, practice tips and further reading. Routledge Market: Youth and Community Work / Research Methods December 2017: 234x156: 178pp Hb: 978-1-138-18437-4: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-18438-1: £29.99 eBook: 978-1-315-64524-7 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138184374


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Mental Health Social Work

Reciprocal Relationships and Well-being

The Art and Science of Practice

Implications for Social Work and Social Policy

Edited by Mark Hardy, University of York, UK and Martin Webber, University of York, UK This comprehensive textbook addresses mental health social work theory and practice. It incorporates recommendations and developments emerging from current, significant reforms in social work as they apply within the context of mental health social work. Combining the theoretical and practical and covering both historical and contemporary issues, Mental Health Social Work should be considered essential reading for students, professionals and practitioners. Although the book focuses on developments in UK policy and legal frameworks, its substantive practice components draw upon the comparative research evidence and literature, and will therefore be relevant to an international audience. Routledge Market: Mental Health / Social Work June 2018: 246x189: 448pp Hb: 978-0-415-73416-5: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-408-28301-1: £29.99 eBook: 978-1-315-68316-4 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9780415734165

Edited by Maritta Törrönen, Anglia Ruskin University, UK, Carol Munn-Giddings, Anglia Ruskin University, UK and Laura Tarkiainen, University of Helsinki, Finland Series: Routledge Advances in Social Work This book provides an empirical and theoretical analysis of reciprocity and its implications for social work and social policy practices. Contributions from around the world illuminate the ways that socio-political contexts influence the power relations between citizens, practitioners and the state, and the potential for reciprocity to flourish. It will be essential reading for social care practitioners, researchers and educationalists as well as postgraduate students in social work and related social care and community-oriented professions and social policy makers. Routledge Market: Social Work/Social Policy/Sociology December 2017: 234x156: 180pp Hb: 978-1-138-64507-3: £110.00 eBook: 978-1-315-62836-3 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138645073

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Service User Involvement in Social Work Education

Social Policy and Privatisation

Edited by Hugh McLaughlin, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK, Joe Duffy, Queen's University Belfast, UK, Brendan McKeever and June Sadd This book provides an international perspective on the development of service user and carer involvement in social work education, reporting on examples from eight countries. These examples cover experiences of innovative examples of service user and carer involvement in curriculum planning, delivery, assessment and programme management, whilst identifying the challenges and tensions along the way. It is the view of this book that we all benefit when we learn with, and from, those who are on the receiving end of our interventions. This book was originally published as a special issue of Social Work Education. Routledge Market: Social Work Education February 2018: 246x174: 264pp Hb: 978-0-815-37830-3: £115.00 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9780815378303

Mark Drakeford Social Policy and Privatisation addresses one of the key issues of recent years, namely the covert but undeniable impact of growing privatisation on the development and implementation of social policy. As the text demonstrates, there is no area of policy which privatisation has not affected, resulting in the gradual transfer of responsibility from the public to the private sphere in areas such as education, housing, health, social security and social services.

Routledge Market: Social Science/General November 2017: 234x156 Hb: 978-1-138-46728-6: £145.00 Pb: 978-0-582-35640-5: £46.99 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138467286

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Sexuality, Sexual and Gender Identities and Intimacy Research in Social Work and Social Care

Social Work Practice and End of Life Care

A Lifecourse Epistemology Edited by Priscilla Dunk-West, Flinders University, Australia and Patricia Hafford-Letchfield Until now, sexuality has been treated as a specialist topic or area of specialist social work practice. This book contends that it cuts across all areas of the discipline. Sexuality is an umbrella term that relates to the private dimension in which people live out their sexual, intimate and emotional desires. Sexual identity, on the other hand, suggests a stance in orientation, it provokes categorical discernment. Since social work’s core purpose is to work with individuals, communities and groups, it is not surprising that both sexuality and sexual identity may be seen to be connected and relevant to one another. Routledge Market: Social policy/\Media studies March 2018: 234x156: 232pp Hb: 978-1-138-22587-9: £110.00 eBook: 978-1-315-39878-5 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138225879

Edited by Heather Richardson, St Christopher's Hospice, London, UK and Gillian Chowns This book describes the practice of social work in reaching out and supporting people who are coming to the end of life. Through a systemic lens it considers the nature and experience of living and dying in contemporary society, and considers how social workers can best support people who are dying or bereaved. Their input at individual, organisational and community levels are considered. This book was originally published as a special issue of the Journal of Social Work Practice.

Routledge Market: Social Work Practice / End of Life Care February 2018: 246x174: 126pp Hb: 978-0-815-38312-3: £115.00 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9780815383123


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Social and Labour Market Policy

The Future of Welfare in a Global Europe Bernd Marin

The Basics Bent Greve, Roskilde University, Denmark Series: The Basics Social and Labour Market Policy: The Basics is an accessible and informative student guide, which provide an overview of the fundamental principles of a the subject a jargon-free format. By showing how social and labour market policy in contemporary society is understood, it also covers classical issue such as policy development by using a fresh approach to integration as well as old and new social risk.

Routledge Market: Social Policy/Student Reference February 2018: 198x129: 144pp Hb: 978-1-138-55728-4: £85.00 Pb: 978-1-138-55729-1: £17.99 eBook: 978-1-315-15080-2 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138557284

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What is the future of welfare in Europe? The European welfare state is generally considered to be one of the finest achievements of the post-1945 world. Set up to eradicate poverty by providing a minimum standard of living and social safety net, the welfare state has come under increasing strain from ageing societies, growing unemployment, a deskilling society, and mass migration (both from inside and outside of Europe). With contribution from some of Europe's leading experts on this subject, this path-breaking volume highlights the internal and external pressures on the welfare state and asks whether any European welfare model is sustainable in the long term. This book will be of interest to all students, academics and professions working in the field of European social policy. Routledge Market: Social Science/Public Policy November 2017: 246x174: 528pp Hb: 978-1-138-46724-8: £145.00 Pb: 978-1-472-46308-1: £80.00 eBook: 978-1-315-23944-6 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138467248

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The Routledge Handbook of Critical Social Work

Understanding Children's Rights

Edited by Stephen Webb, Glasgow Caledonian University Series: Routledge International Handbooks

A Guide to Law, Policy and Practice

The Routledge Handbook of Critical Social Work brings together the world’s leading scholars in the field to provide a cutting-edge overview of classic and current research and future trends in the subject. It provides an authoritative guide to theory and method, and the primary debates of today in social work from a critical perspective. As the first book to comprehensively map the wide-ranging territory of critical social work by addressing its conceptual developments, its methodological advances, value based front-line practice and as an influence on the policy field, it provides a definitive survey of current academic knowledge as it relates to professional practice. Routledge Market: Social Work/Critical Theory November 2018: 246x174 Hb: 978-1-138-57843-2: £175.00 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138578432

Karen Dr Winter, Queen's University Belfast, UK, Bronagh Dr Byrne and Katrina Dr Lloyd, Queen's University Belfast, UK What are children’s rights and why are they so fundamental? This insightful text offers an accessible and conceptually coherent guide to the theory and practice of children’s rights, grounded in research. It explains the provisions of the United Nations Convention for the Rights of the Child; identifies developments in legislation and policy; and explores the tensions and opportunities inherent in combining a rights based approach with other discourses influencing professional practice across a range of practice contexts. Informed by both young peoples‘ and professionals‘ own experiences, this book is essential reading for students and practitioners in education, health and social care. Routledge Market: Childhood Studies / Law June 2018: 246x174: 176pp Hb: 978-1-138-18428-2: £90.00 Pb: 978-1-138-18429-9: £29.99 eBook: 978-1-315-64529-2 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138184282

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The Routledge Handbook of Green Social Work

Welfare Conditionality

Edited by Lena Dominelli, Durham University, UK Series: Routledge International Handbooks Green social work espouses a holistic approach to all people and other living things – plants and animals, and the physical ecosystem; emphasises the relational nature of all its constituent parts; and redefines the duty to care for and about others as one that includes the duty to care for and about planet earth. This handbook will be required reading for all social work students, academics and professionals, as well as those working in community development and disaster management. Routledge Market: Social Work/Environmental Studies/Disaster Management February 2018: 246x174: 536pp Hb: 978-1-138-74079-2: £170.00 eBook: 978-1-315-18321-3 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138740792

Beth Dr Watts, Heriot-Watt University, UK and Suzanne Prof Fitzpatrick, Heriot-Watt University, UK Series: Key Ideas This concise text provides a wide-ranging account of welfare conditionality as a policy mechanism for changing people’s behaviour. It charts the rise of conditionality in welfare systems across the developed and developing world and assesses its political appeal and practical application to a host of social issues, including employment, housing, health and criminal justice. It explores how welfare conditionality is justified and contested, what its techniques are and how it impacts on the lives of welfare recipients, intentionally or otherwise. This stimulating and authoritative analysis is ideal for students of political and social science interested in social policy and welfare reform. Routledge Market: Social Welfare/Social Policy May 2018: 198x129: 200pp Hb: 978-1-138-11990-1: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-11991-8: £28.99 eBook: 978-1-315-65204-7 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138119901

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The Transformation of Work in Welfare State Organizations

Women And Social Policy

New Public Management and the Institutional Diffusion of Ideas Edited by Frank Sowa, Dr Frank Sowa, Friedrich-Alexander-University, Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany., Ronald Staples and Stefan Zapfel How has New Public Management influenced social policy reform in different developed welfare states? New managerialism is conceptualized as a paradigm, which not only shapes the decision-making process in bureaucratic organizations but also affects the practice of individuals (citizens). This book highlights the tensions that emerge from implementing new managerialism practices in public organizations and how staff respond by developing practices to either meet or circumvent these. Routledge Market: Social Policy/Human Services/Political Sociology May 2018: 234x156: 304pp Hb: 978-1-138-08456-8: £110.00 eBook: 978-1-315-11174-2 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138084568

Christine Hallett Women and Social Policy is a major new textbook on women and social policy in Britain in the 1990's. Written by a team of leading academics, the book provides an introduction to the key topics and issues in social policy as they directly affect women as both users and providers of welfare services. All of the main social policy areas are covered: employment, poverty and social security, housing education, health, the personal social services and community care. The book also covers other issues such as race and domestic violence. The book is published in association with the Social Policy Association Women and Social Policy Group. Routledge Market: Social Science/General November 2017: 234x156: 224pp Hb: 978-1-138-46729-3: £145.00 Pb: 978-0-133-53889-2: £39.99 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138467293

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Working with Domestic Violence Contexts and Frameworks for Practice Deborah Walsh This textbook equips social workers and human services practitioners with the knowledge and skills to work effectively with the victims and perpetrators of domestic violence. Written to address the needs of the social work and human services student learner, the book covers a range of domestic violence issues that will prepare the student for practice. The book utilises an underlying structural feminist conceptual framework that works towards empowering service users whilst challenging the structures that perpetuate violence. Routledge Market: Social Work August 2018: 246x174: 264pp Hb: 978-1-138-93980-6: £85.00 Pb: 978-1-138-93981-3: £29.99 eBook: 978-1-315-67464-3 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138939806

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Child Sexual Abuse

Group Work Stories Celebrating Diversity

Moral Panic or State of Denial? David Pilgrim, David Pilgrim, University of Liverpool, UK. Most standard analysis of the public policy crisis of child sexual abuse focusses on perpetrators and the detection of their actions and the prevention of further criminality. This book goes beyond this to examine the contexts of complicity which lay beyond perpetrator motives and action. Those contexts include other social actors, patriarchy and colonialism.

Routledge Market: Child Protection/Abuse February 2018: 234x156: 224pp Hb: 978-1-138-57836-4: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-57837-1: £29.99 eBook: 978-1-351-26456-3 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138578364

Edited by Andrew Malekoff, North Shore Child and Family Guidance Center, NY, USA This book of personal narratives about group work practice and education, encompasses acceptance and respect for various dimensions of difference. It was originally published as a special issue of the Social Work with Groups journal.

Routledge Market: Social Work Practice / Diversity November 2017: 246x174: 200pp Hb: 978-1-138-30241-9: £115.00 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138302419

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Encouraging Non-Violence in Relationships, Families and Communities

Implementing the Grand Challenge of Reducing and Preventing Alcohol Misuse and its Consequences

A Practice Guide for Social Workers Gerard Heery Common violence, and its different manifestations within relationships, families and communities, continues to represent a major public health issue across the world. Most social workers, (and other health workers), encounter this reality to varying degrees. Not surprisingly, there can be a natural reluctance and a lack of confidence in responding and a tendency to view it is specialist work. This book offers a positive response to the challenge of common violence. Vivid practice examples and research based evidence are presented in clear down to earth language, as well as guidance and ideas on ethical and effective practice for guiding the client towards safer behaviour. Routledge Market: Social Work/Community Work November 2018: 234x156 Hb: 978-1-138-09755-1: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-09757-5: £29.99 eBook: 978-1-315-10482-9 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138097551

Edited by Audrey Begun, Ohio State University, USA, Diana DiNitto, University of Texas-Austin, USA and Shulamith Lala A. Straussner, Silver School of Social Work, New York University, USA ‘Reducing and Preventing Alcohol Misuse and Its Consequences’ is one of the AASWSW’s Grand Challenges for Social Work. This book describes current strategies for achieving the ambitious goals identified in this Grand Challenge. It was first published as a special issue of the Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions. Routledge Market: Social Work / Alcohol Misuse April 2018: 246x174: 248pp Hb: 978-1-138-57288-1: £115.00 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138572881


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Group Work on the Edge

Pacific Social Work

Working with Marginalized People

Navigating Practice, Policy and Research

Neil Hall, University of Western Sydney, Australia

JioJi Ravulo, Western Sydney University, Australia, Tracie Mafile'o and Donald Bruce Yeates

Group work is a key intervention method in social work across many different settingsand this text introduces its theoretical basis and fundamental skills. Exploring how ‘tidy’ theory can be applied to working in 'messy' settings, it also gives specific attention to often neglected populations within social work practice, such as homeless people, at-risk youth and involuntary participants. This book – complete with questions for reflection, practice examples, dialogue boxes and activities – is designed to help social work students to make sense of theory, to develop a sound practice framework, and to have their eyes open to the realities of practising group work in real-life situations. Routledge Market: Social Work November 2018: 246x174: 208pp Hb: 978-1-138-65077-0: £95.00 Pb: 978-1-138-65078-7: £24.99 eBook: 978-1-315-62513-3 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138650770

As a region, the Pacific is developing rapidly. This textbook, the first of its kind, decolonizes the dominant western rhetoric that is evident in Pacific social work and rejuvenates current practice models to enhance evolving Pacific perspectives. It will be key learning resource for social work and human and community services students, practitioners, social services managers and policy makers across in Australia, New Zealand and various Island states across the Pacific including Fiji, Tonga, Samoa, Vanuatu and Papua New Guinea. Routledge Market: Social Work/Community Development/Pacific Studies October 2018: 246x174 Hb: 978-1-138-50130-0: £115.00 Pb: 978-1-138-50131-7: £29.99 eBook: 978-1-315-14425-2 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138501300

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Social Work and Disasters A Handbook for Practice Margaret Professor Alston, Desley Hargreaves and Tricia Hazeleger Social Work and Disasters provides an innovative contribution to the emerging field of post-disaster social work. By defining disasters broadly as environmental events as well as human-induced incidents including terrorism and conflict, this book breaks new ground in its analysis of the social impacts of disasters and the types of actions social workers can take to empower those most affected. It will be required reading for all students, scholars and professionals working in disaster-prone regions. Routledge Market: Social Work/Disaster Management October 2018: 234x156 Hb: 978-1-138-08952-5: £120.00 Pb: 978-1-138-08954-9: £35.99 eBook: 978-1-315-10913-8 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138089525


Social Work in a Changing Scotland Edited by Viviene E. Cree, University of Edinburgh, UK and Mark Smith, The University of Dundee, UK Series: Student Social Work Social Work in a Changing Scotland offers a comprehensive and timely account which charts the profession’s history; locates present day social work within a changing political and cultural context; outlines the topography of current services, identifying key policy and practice features across different sectors; and considers the implications for the future of social work in Scotland. Routledge Market: Social Work/Social Policy/Scotland March 2018: 246x174: 186pp Hb: 978-1-138-29502-5: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-29503-2: £29.99 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138295025

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Using Art in Social Work Practice Figure in Background Edited by Ephrat Huss and Eltje Bos Although there is much art use related to social work, such as arts-based research, visual culture, visual anthropology, community art, photo-voice, art therapy, outsider art, arts in conflict negotiation, and arts for social change, they are not canonized within the social work literature. Organized into three sections, this book shows how arts have been used by social workers with specific populations and in specific countries. Each section provides the specific skills, techniques and theoretical issues used in each example in a handy summary thus furnishing readers with the theoretical and practice knowledge of how to use arts from within social work rather than as a borrowed element. Routledge Market: Social Work/Art Therapy October 2018: 234x156: 200pp Hb: 978-1-138-50124-9: £110.00 eBook: 978-1-315-14424-5 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138501249

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Conversation Analysis for Social Work

Research and Evaluation in Community, Health and Social Care Settings

Talking with Youth in Care Gerald de Montigny, Carleton University, Canada Series: Routledge Advances in Social Work What is social work if not a profession engaged in conversation? Gerald de Montigny shows how Enthnomethodology and Conversation Analysis can provide a systematic examination of the practical accomplishment of every-day social work ‘things’ such as interviews, listening skills, empathy, transference, countertransference, and the relationship. It will be required reading for all social work students and academics looking for a deeper, more philosophical understanding of the profession. Routledge Market: SocialWork/Conversation Analysis May 2018: 234x156 Hb: 978-0-815-39180-7: £110.00 eBook: 978-1-351-20075-2 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9780815391807

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Neoliberalism, Nordic Welfare States and Social Work Current and Future Challenges Edited by Masoud Kamali, Mid Sweden University, Sweden. and Jessica H Jönsson Series: Routledge Advances in Social Work As the first book to comparatively explore the role of neoliberal reforms on social work and social policy across Scandinavia, it demonstrates that the traditional image of Scandinavian welfare states as the bastions of an unchangeable social democratic society, ideology and tradition is no longer relevant. By providing analysis of the effects of globalisation, glocalisation, welfare nationalism, symbolic violence, and forced migration, it provides valuable insights into the shortcomings of retreating welfare states in a time of increasing glocal social problems. Routledge Market: Social Work/Social Policy April 2018: 234x156: 304pp Hb: 978-1-138-08430-8: £110.00 eBook: 978-1-315-11183-4 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138084308

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Participatory Pedagogic Peer Research Community Partner Involvement in Action Michael Seal, Newman University, UK Series: Routledge Advances in Social Work This book, aimed at academics and health and social care organisations, argues that the most meaningful and successful way to involve people is to engage them in researching their own lives. This book outlines a participatory, educational model of research which achieves this, and which impacts positively on the organisations' overall culture. Routledge Market: Social Work/Health and Social Care/Research Methods June 2018: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-1-138-84996-9: £110.00 eBook: 978-1-315-72509-3 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138849969

Experiences from Practice Edited by Suzanne Guerin, UCD Dublin, Ireland, Nóirín Hayes, Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland and Sinéad McNally, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland Series: Routledge Advances in Health and Social Policy This book provides a comprehensive knowledge base and a set of key tools for conducting research and evaluation in a range of community settings. Designed for researchers and practitioners at all stages of their careers, it uses in-depth case studies and draws on international literature to support the practical guidance for conducting real-world research outlined in each chapter. It covers all stages of the research process, from the developing of funding to dissemination of findings, presents a diverse range of methodological approaches, and is structured around three key themes: framing research; designing and implementing research; and analysing and utilising research. Routledge Market: Social Policy/ Community Development December 2017: 234x156: 188pp Hb: 978-1-138-30827-5: £110.00 eBook: 978-1-315-14292-0 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138308275


Social and Political Theory for Social Work Using Theory to Develop Practice Kieron Hatton, University of Portsmouth, UK This text shows how the work of major social and political theorists - such as Bourdieu, Castells, Foucault, Freire, Gramsci, Fraser and Marx – can provide a way of not only understanding the challenges that social workers face, but also changing practice in a way which enhances the lives of people who use services. This text outlines a framework for creative practice, giving readers the tools they need to use theory to adapt and develop their own activities. Within each chapter, Hatton introduces the key social theories covered before using practice examples to explore the ways in which forms of practice can be developed or modified in the light to the theoretical discussion. Routledge Market: Social Work October 2018: 246x174 Hb: 978-1-138-65070-1: £95.00 Pb: 978-1-138-65071-8: £29.99 eBook: 978-1-315-62517-1 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9781138650701

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Social Theory for Social Work Ideas and Applications Christopher Thorpe, Univesity of Exeter, UK Series: Student Social Work Social theoretical concepts are at the very heart of social work, providing frameworks to connect wider political and social processes with individual development and sense of selfhood. This textbook outlines how these ideas can be used to provide insight into a wide-range of issues and challenges in social work practice.

Routledge Market: Social Work October 2017: 246x174: 186pp Hb: 978-0-415-82639-6: £110.00 Pb: 978-0-415-82640-2: £25.99 eBook: 978-0-203-52963-8 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9780415826396

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Visual Culture, Power and Social Work Practice Sonia Magdalena Tascon, University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia. Series: Routledge Advances in Social Work This book brings together discussions on visual culture that pertain to the power relations of embodied images, but also the possibilities they open up, and how these impact on, and hold out new promises for, social work professional practice, scholarship, and social activism. By showing social work’s relationship to images, both as a point of origin for its own sense of public identity, and its use of images in fields of practice, it provides the reader with a nuanced understanding of this communication modality and gives social workers in various fields of praxis a productive knowledge that may enable the use, analysis, and creation of images to further social justice. Routledge Market: Social Work/Social Care/Film Studies June 2018: 234x156: 240pp Hb: 978-0-815-37453-4: £110.00 eBook: 978-1-351-24197-7 * For full contents and more information, visit: www.routledge.com/9780815374534

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A Addressing the Sexual Rights of Older People ........................................................................................ 7 Administrative Data and Child Welfare Research ................................................................................... 2 Alcohol and Drug Misuse ............................................... 16 Anthropology for Nursing and Healthcare ............. 12

B Biological Basis of Clinical Observations, The ............................................................................................ 15 Breastfeeding and Medication ..................................... 16

Feminist Ethnography of Secure Wards for Women with Learning Disabilities, A ............................................. 3 Future of Welfare in a Global Europe, The ............... 23

G Gastrointestinal Nursing ................................................. 13 Gender, Law and Economic Wellbeing in Early Modern and Modern Europe ............................................................ 8 Global Health and Security .............................................. 6 Global Health Governance and Policy ........................ 6 Global Social Work ............................................................ 21 Group Work on the Edge ................................................ 26 Group Work Stories Celebrating Diversity ............... 26 guide to compassionate healthcare, A .................... 17



Care Planning ...................................................................... 12 Child Sexual Abuse ............................................................ 26 Children of Incarcerated Parents ................................... 2 Citizenship Inclusion and Intellectual Disability ................................................................................... 3 Collaborating for Health ................................................... 7 Collaborative Practice in Intensive Care Settings ................................................................................... 12 Complexity and Social Work ......................................... 19 Conceptualising Public Health ..................................... 17 Consciousness-Raising for Social Justice and Human Rights ...................................................................................... 19 Contemporary Occupational Health Nursing ................................................................................... 12 Contemporary Perspectives on Social Work in Acquired Brain Injury ........................................................ 21 Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning in Social Work ........................................................................................ 21 Conversation Analysis for Social Work ..................... 28 Critical Care Assessment by Midwives ...................... 11 Critical Care Nursing in Resource Limited Environments ...................................................................... 12 Cultural Disability Studies in Education ..................... 3 Cultural Safety,Healthcare and Vulnerable Populations .......................................................................... 13 Culturally Competent Compassion ........................... 13

Handbook of Neurosurgery, Neurology, and Spinal Medicine for Nurses and Advanced Practice Health Professionals ........................................................................ 13 Health Entrepreneurship ................................................. 13 Health, Disability and the Capability Approach ................................................................................. 8 Healthcare Analytics ........................................................ 17 Homeless People ................................................................ 21 How Liberal Child Welfare Policy Destroys Black Lives ............................................................................................ 2 Human Growth and Development ............................ 21

D Disability and Music Performance Practice .............. Disability and Neoliberal State Formations .............. Disability, Gender and Violence over the Life-Course ............................................................................... Disability, Mobility and Space ......................................... Disability, Normalcy and the Everyday .......................

3 3 4 4 4

E Empowerment and Control in the Australian Welfare State ......................................................................................... 19 Encouraging Non-Violence in Relationships, Families and Communities .............................................................. 26 Ethics in participatory research for health and social well-being ................................................................................ 7 Everyday Social Justice and Citizenship ................... 21 Existential Meaning-Making for Coping with Serious Illness ....................................................................................... 13

F Fathering Children with Autism ..................................... 7 Female Genital Mutilation and Social Media ...................................................................................... 19

I Implementing the Grand Challenge of Reducing and Preventing Alcohol Misuse and its Consequences ..................................................................... 26 Inequality, Wealth and Poverty in the UK ................ 22 Insane Society: Sociology and Mental Health ........................................................................................ 8 Intensive Care Nursing ..................................................... 14 International Perspectives on Social Work and Political Conflict ................................................................................... 19 International Perspectives on Teaching with Disability ................................................................................... 4 Intersectionality in Social Work .................................... 22 Intimate Lives of Disabled People, The ...................... 10 Introducing Environmental Health ............................ 17 Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology for Healthcare Students ......................................................... 14 Introduction to Cultural Safety, An ............................... 7

Negotiating Ageing ............................................................. 9 Neoliberalism, Nordic Welfare States and Social Work ........................................................................................ 28 Nursing Older People ........................................................ 14

O Older Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans People ..................................................................................... 22

P Pacific Social Work ............................................................ 26 Participatory Evaluation in Youth and Community Work ........................................................................................ 22 Participatory Pedagogic Peer Research .................... 28 Person-centred Primary Care .......................................... 9 Pharmaceuticalized Governance and the Medicalized Self ............................................................................................... 9 Pharmacy .............................................................................. 16 Practical Guide to Medicine Administration, A ................................................................................................. 16 Practising Feminism in Social Welfare ...................... 19 Psychological Perspectives in HIV Care ....................... 9 Public Health Strategy for Aging Well, A .................. 17

R Reciprocal Relationships and Well-being ................ 22 Research and Evaluation in Community, Health and Social Care Settings ........................................................... 28 Rethinking Life at Home for People with Dementia ............................................................................... 14 Rethinking MSM, Trans* and other Categories in HIV Prevention ................................................................................ 9 Routledge Handbook of Critical Social Work, The ............................................................................................ 24 Routledge Handbook of Disability in Southern Africa, The .............................................................................................. 4 Routledge Handbook of Green Social Work, The ............................................................................................ 24 Routledge Handbook of Wellbeing ............................ 10 Routledge Handbook on the Politics of Global Health ........................................................................................ 6

Managing the global health response to epidemics ................................................................................. 6 Marketisation, Ethics and Healthcare ......................... 8 Medical Terminology, Documentation, and Coding .................................................................................... 14 Medicine, health and being human ............................ 8 Mental Health Social Work ............................................ 22



Narrative-Based Practice in Health and Social Care ............................................................................................ 9

Textbook of Community Nursing, A ........................... 12

Leadership in Child and Family Practice .................... 2 Life Care Planning and Case Management Handbook, Fourth Edition ...................................................................... 14 Living well with frailty ......................................................... 8


U Understanding and Responding to Child Sexual Exploitation ............................................................................. 2 Understanding Children's Rights ................................. 24 Understanding Public Health in Rural Populations of India ......................................................................................... 18 Understanding the Lived Experiences of Persons with Disabilities in Nine Countries ........................................... 4 Untangling the Maternity Crisis ................................... 11 Using Art in Social Work Practice ................................ 27

V Visual Culture, Power and Social Work Practice ................................................................................... 29 Visual History of HIV/AIDS, A ............................................ 7

W Welfare Conditionality ..................................................... 24 Welfare Work with Immigrants and Refugees in a Social Democratic Welfare State ................................ 20 Women And Social Policy .............................................. 24 Women With Disabilities as Agents of Peace, Change and Rights ................................................................................ 5 Work and Wellbeing in the Nordic Countries ................................................................................ 18 Working with Domestic Violence ................................ 25

S Self-Tracking, Health and Medicine ........................... 10 Service User Involvement in Social Work Education .............................................................................. 23 Sexuality, Sexual and Gender Identities and Intimacy Research in Social Work and Social Care ................. 23 Smarter Agile Public Health ........................................... 17 Social and Labour Market Policy ................................. 23 Social and Political Theory for Social Work ............ 28 Social Determinants of Male Health, The ................ 18 Social Policy and Privatisation ..................................... 23 Social Theory for Social Work ....................................... 28 Social Work and Disasters .............................................. 27 Social Work in a Changing Scotland ........................ 27 Social Work Practice and End of Life Care ............... 23 Sociology of Impairment, A .............................................. 3 Student Guide to the Newborn Infant Physical Examination, The ............................................................... 11 Supporting compassionate healthcare practice ................................................................................... 18


Textbook of Dementia Care ........................................... 15 Therapeutic Interventions in Severe Mental Illness ....................................................................................... 15 Transformation of Work in Welfare State Organizations, The ............................................................ 24

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A Ahmadi, Fereshteh ........................................................... 13 Alston, Margaret ................................................................. 27 Altermark, Niklas .................................................................... 3

Kamali, Masoud ................................................................... Kananen, Johannes .......................................................... Kelly, William N. ................................................................... King, Andrew ........................................................................ Kurzman, Paul A. .................................................................

28 17 16 22 21


B Banks, Sarah ............................................................................. 7 Barrett, Catherine .................................................................. 7 Barrett, David ........................................................................ 12 Bartlett, Ruth ......................................................................... 14 Beckett, Helen ......................................................................... 2 Begun, Audrey ..................................................................... 26 Bellavitis, Anna ....................................................................... 8 Berens, Debra E. .................................................................. 14 Bhatt, Jay ................................................................................. 17 Biggs, Simon ............................................................................ 9 Bjรถrklund, Elisabet ................................................................ 7 Blows, William T. ................................................................. 15 Bolt, David ................................................................................. 3 Bourrier, Mathilde ................................................................. 6 Boyle, Maureen ................................................................... 11

C Carter, Chris ........................................................................... 12 Chambers, Claire ................................................................ 17 Chambers, Claire ................................................................ 18 Chataika, Tsitsi ........................................................................ 4 Chilton, Sue ........................................................................... 12 Cooper, Susan ...................................................................... 22 Cree, Viviene ......................................................................... 27 Croston, Michelle .................................................................. 9

Launer, John ............................................................................ 9 Liddiard, Kirsty ..................................................................... 10 Lupton, Deborah ............................................................... 10

Van Ewijk, Hans ................................................................... 19 Venables, Rebecca ............................................................ 16

W Walsh, Deborah .................................................................. Wang, Michael ..................................................................... Watts, Beth ............................................................................. Webb, Stephen ................................................................... Winter, Karen ........................................................................ Woodrow, Philip .................................................................

25 13 24 24 24 14



MacDonald, John ............................................................... 18 Malekoff, Andrew .............................................................. 26 Marin, Bernd .......................................................................... 23 Mathers, Billy ......................................................................... 15 McLaughlin, Hugh ............................................................ 23 Mealey, Ann Marie ............................................................ 21 Mendes, Philip ..................................................................... 19 Missoni, Eduardo .................................................................. 6 Mitchell, Graeme ................................................................ 17 Mitra, Sophie ........................................................................... 8 Mkandawire-Valhmu, Lucy .......................................... 13 Morrall, Peter ........................................................................... 8 Morrissey, Mary Beth ....................................................... 17 Mukherjee, Partha S. ........................................................ 18

Yu, Nilan ................................................................................... 19

O O'Manique, Colleen ............................................................ 6 Oland, Trine ........................................................................... 20 Ong, Paul ................................................................................ 13


D de Montigny, Gerald ........................................................ 28 Dew, Kevin ................................................................................ 9 Dominelli, Lena ................................................................... 24 Dowrick, Christopher ......................................................... 9 Drakeford, Mark .................................................................. 23 Duffy, Joe ................................................................................ 19 Dunk-West, Priscilla .......................................................... 23 Dwyer, James .......................................................................... 2

E Edwards, Nadine ................................................................ 11 Elbourne, Heather ............................................................. 14

F Feiler, Therese ......................................................................... 8 Fish, Rebecca ........................................................................... 3 Frederico, Margarita ............................................................ 2

Papadopoulos, Irena ........................................................ 13 Parker, Richard ........................................................................ 6 Parsell, Cameron ................................................................ 21 Perez-Brumer, Amaya G. .................................................. 9 Phillips, Ruth ......................................................................... 19 Pilgrim, David ....................................................................... 26 Potter, Carol ............................................................................. 7

R Rafalski, Edward M. ............................................................ 17 Rahman, Shibley ................................................................... 8 Rassool, G. Hussein ........................................................... 16 Ravulo, JioJi ........................................................................... 26 Reeves, Scott ........................................................................ 12 Rich, Carrie R. ........................................................................ 13 Richardson, Fran .................................................................... 7 Richardson, Heather ........................................................ 23 Robbins, Rachel .................................................................. 22


G Gaete Reyes, Mariela ........................................................... 4 Galvin, Kathleen .................................................................. 10 Greve, Bent ............................................................................ 23 Guerin, Suzanne ................................................................. 28

H Hall, Neil ................................................................................... 26 Hallett, Christine ................................................................. 24 Halvorsen, Rune .................................................................... 4 Hardy, Mark ........................................................................... 22 Harrikari, Timo ...................................................................... 21 Harris, Marian S. ...................................................................... 2 Hatton, Kieron ...................................................................... 28 Heery, Gerard ....................................................................... 26 Holland, Karen ..................................................................... 12 Huss, Ephrat .......................................................................... 27

J Jackson, Graham ................................................................ 15 Jeffress, Michael ..................................................................... 4 Jones, Tracey ........................................................................ 11 Jones, Wendy ....................................................................... 16 Julios, Christina .................................................................... 19


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Scholl, Lesa ............................................................................... 8 Seal, Michael ......................................................................... 28 Seaman, Paul ........................................................................ 22 Shah, Sonali .............................................................................. 4 Shaw, Terry ............................................................................... 2 Sherry, Mark ............................................................................. 3 Simpson, Grahame K. ...................................................... 21 Soldatic, Karen ........................................................................ 3 Soldatic, Karen ........................................................................ 5 Sondergard Hviv, Helge ................................................ 18 Sowa, Frank ........................................................................... 24 Stich, Anne P. ........................................................................ 14 Sturgeon, David .................................................................. 14 Sudbery, John ...................................................................... 21

T Tascon, Sonia Magdalena ............................................. 29 Tellez, Alejandro .................................................................... 3 Thomas, Gareth M. ............................................................... 4 Thomas, Paul ........................................................................... 7 Thornbory, Greta ................................................................ 12 Thorpe, Christopher ......................................................... 28 Tรถrrรถnen, Maritta ............................................................... 22



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