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Philosophy 2017 New and Forthcoming Titles



Welcome to the 2017 Philosophy Catalogue. Routledge publish classic texts, cutting edge research, as well as expert teaching resources in the field of Philosophy. Our list covers Ancient Philosophy, Epistemology, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Science and Technology and more.

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Contents Aesthetics ............................................................................................................................................................................ 2 Ancient Philosophy ............................................................................................................................................................ 3 Continental Philosophy .................................................................................................................................................... 4 Environmental Ethics & Philosophy ............................................................................................................................... 5 Epistemology ...................................................................................................................................................................... 7 Ethics Philosophy ............................................................................................................................................................. 10 History of Philosophy ...................................................................................................................................................... 14 Introductory Philosophy ................................................................................................................................................ 16 Kant .................................................................................................................................................................................... 17 Medicine & Medical Ethics ............................................................................................................................................. 18 Metaphysics ...................................................................................................................................................................... 20 Moral Theory ..................................................................................................................................................................... 21 Phenomenology .............................................................................................................................................................. 22 Philosophy - General ....................................................................................................................................................... 23 Philosophy & Free Will .................................................................................................................................................... 24 Philosophy & Religion ..................................................................................................................................................... 26 Philosophy of Logic ......................................................................................................................................................... 28 Philosophy of Mind & Psychology ................................................................................................................................ 29 Philosophy of Science & Technology ........................................................................................................................... 33 Political Philosophy ......................................................................................................................................................... 35 Wittgenstein ..................................................................................................................................................................... 37 Index ................................................................................................................................................................................... 38


AESTHETICS Dummy text to keep placeholder


Aesthetic Disinterestedness

Philosophy of Literature

Art, Experience, and the Self

A Contemporary Introduction

Thomas Hilgers, Free University Berlin, Germany Series: Routledge Studies in Contemporary Philosophy

John Gibson, University of Louisville, USA and Noel Carroll Series: Routledge Contemporary Introductions to Philosophy

In this monograph, Thomas Hilgers introduces and defends a new and sophisticated account of aesthetic disinterestedness. Elaborating upon the work of Kant, Schopenhauer, Bullough and others, Hilgers claims that artworks have an aesthetic function, because they typically address our senses as well as our imagination, and require us to adopt a disinterested attitude towards what they show or present. While the book is primarily a work in aesthetics, the history of aesthetics, philosophy of film, and philosophy of theater, the author’s notion of aesthetic disinterestedness also contributes to work in philosophy of mind, philosophy of perception, and ethics.

In this new volume in the RCIP series, John Gibson aims to provide a comprehensive, cutting-edge survey of philosophy of literature. It will synthesize age old questions and the latest research in aesthetics (including that from cognitive science) as they apply to poetry, drama, fiction, and even comics. Philosophy of Literature: A Contemporary Introduction will cover the full range and diversity of its subject, and it will be accessible to the student and curious professional alike. Although the book is a survey, its chapters and especially its conclusion will make a strong case for the importance and broad relevance of philosophical aesthetics to those who are bewildered by its methods or mistakenly suspicious of its value.

Routledge Market: Philosophy December 2016: 229 x 152: 190pp Hb: 978-1-138-90500-9: £85.00 eBook: 978-1-315-69608-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Routledge Market: Philosophy / Literature / Aesthetics September 2017: 235 x 156: 300pp Hb: 978-0-415-88114-2: £75.00 Pb: 978-0-415-88115-9: £24.99 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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On Photography

The Routledge Companion to Shakespeare and Philosophy

A Philosophical Inquiry Diarmuid Costello, University of Warwick, UK In this fascinating book, Diarmuid Costello introduces and examines some of the fundamental topics and debates about the nature of photography, with the help of photographic images from Paul Strand, Lee Friedlander, James Welling, Jeff Wall, and Gerhard Richter, among others. Costello traces the roots of thinking about photography from its discovery, through the nineteenth-century debates about its standing as art, to twentieth-century Modernism and post-War cultural criticism. He draws on the reflections of photographers and theorists, including Paul Strand, Edward Weston, Laszlo Moholy-Nagy, Siegfried Kracauer, Andre Bazin, Stanley Cavell, Roger Scruton and Kendall Walton. He concludes by examining photographic agency in a digital age. Essential reading for anyone interested in the philosophy of photography, aesthetics, art, and visual studies. Routledge Market: Philosophy / Art June 2017: 216x138: 160pp Hb: 978-0-415-68470-5: £70.00 Pb: 978-0-415-68449-1: £17.99 eBook: 978-1-315-26668-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Edited by Craig Bourne and Emily Caddick Bourne, University of Cambridge, UK Series: Routledge Philosophy Companions It is widely acknowledged that Shakespeare's work poses major philosophical questions. The Routledge Companion to Shakespeare and Philosophy is the first major collection of its kind and examines the following important topics: The metaphysics of Shakespeare's worlds in his major plays Shakespeare's views on perception, knowledge and scepticism, particularly in play such as Hamlet and The Merchant of Venice Issues of trust, deception, testimony and epistemic responsibility in Shakespeare's plays Themes of equality, justice and virtue in Shakespeare's plays The extent to which Shakespeare’s work is motivated by Platonistic, Aristotelian, and Epicurean philosophy. Routledge Market: Philosophy / Literature October 2017: 246x174: 600pp Hb: 978-1-138-93612-6: £165.00 eBook: 978-1-315-67701-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:


Philosophy of Film An Introduction Aaron Smuts Series: Routledge Contemporary Introductions to Philosophy Philosophy of Film: A Contemporary Introduction consists of 11, similarly sized and structured chapters, plus an introduction and a final References list. The book provides a critical overview of the most important issues in the philosophy of film, from "What is Film?" to "Can Film Do Philosophy?" It provides an objective analysis of the principal arguments on each side of each issue. Each chapter begins with an overview and ends with a summary and an annotated bibliography to guide students‘ further readings. Each chapter also includes a short annotated filmography of illustrative examples. A companion website provides actual film clips, more extensive bibliographies, and other external resources, for each of the 11 chapters. Routledge Market: Philosophy September 2017: 229 x 152 Hb: 978-0-415-70818-0: £85.00 Pb: 978-0-415-70819-7: £27.99 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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ANCIENT PHILOSOPHY Dummy text to keep placeholder

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Nietzsche and the Philosophers

What Makes a Philosopher Great?

Edited by Mark T. Conard, Marymount Manhattan College, USA Series: Routledge Studies in Nineteenth-Century Philosophy Nietzsche is undoubtedly one of the most original and influential thinkers in the history of philosophy. In his works, he not only grapples with previous great philosophers and their ideas, but he also calls into question and redefines what it means to do philosophy. Nietzsche and the Philosophers for the first time sets out to examine explicitly Nietzsche’s relationship to his most important predecessors. This anthology includes essays that discuss Nietzsche’s engagement with such figures as Aristotle, Kant, Socrates, Hume, Schopenhauer, Emerson, Rousseau, and the Buddha. Anyone interested in Nietzsche or the history of philosophy generally will find much of great interest in this volume. Routledge Market: Philosophy December 2016: 229 x 152: 300pp Hb: 978-1-138-23306-5: £85.00 eBook: 978-1-315-31049-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Arguments for Twelve Philosophers Stephen Hetherington In this book, 13 accomplished contemporary philosophers argue for the greatness of 12 of th their predecessors, from antiquity to the 20 century. The book’s purpose is not to generate a list of the very best philosophers; instead, the aim is to better identify what might constitute philosophical greatness. Through separate case studies devoted to Plato, Zhuangzi, Aristotle, Aquinas, Descartes, du Châtelet, Hume, Kant (who receives two chapters), Nietzsche, Peirce, Frege, and Wittgenstein, What Makes a Philosopher Great? grapples with some possible aspects of philosophical greatness, drawing upon a vast sweep of philosophical history. In so doing, the book also provides increased clarity as to what philosophy is and could be. Routledge Market: Philosophy July 2017: 229 x 152: 240pp Hb: 978-1-138-93615-7: £90.00 Pb: 978-1-138-93616-4: £29.99 eBook: 978-1-315-67699-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Plotinus Eyjólfur K. Emilsson, University of Oslo, Norway Series: The Routledge Philosophers Plotinus was the founder of Neoplatonism, and has had a profound influence on Western philosophy. In this engaging book, Eyjólfur Emilsson explains Plotinus’s philosophy for those coming to his work for the first time. Beginning with a chapter-length overview of Plotinus’s life and works, Emilsson then addresses key topics including: Plotinus’s language The notion of the One or the Good intellect, including Plotinus’s holism the physical world the soul and the body Plotinus’s ethics Plotinus’s influence and legacy. An ideal introduction to this major figure in Western philosophy, and is essential reading for students of ancient philosophy and classics. Routledge Market: Philosophy / Classics February 2017: 216x138: 422pp Hb: 978-0-415-33348-1: £100.00 Pb: 978-0-415-33349-8: £19.99 eBook: 978-0-203-41315-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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The Routledge Guidebook to Aristotle’s Metaphysics Vasilis Politis, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland Series: The Routledge Guides to the Great Books Aristotle is one of the most important figures in western thought and his seminal work Metaphysics is a benchmark in the history of philosophy. This guidebook introduces and assesses: Aristotle’s life and the background to the Metaphysics, the ideas and text of the Metaphysics and the continuing importance and contemporary relevance of Aristotle’s work to philosophy. The Routledge Guidebook to Aristotle’s Metaphysics is essential reading for all students of philosophy, and anyone approaching the work of Aristotle for the first time. Routledge Market: Philosophy June 2017: 198x129: 358pp Hb: 978-1-138-99961-9: £80.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Alain Badiou (4-vol. set) Edited by Ray Brassier and Alberto Toscano Series: Critical Assessments of Leading Philosophers A new title from Routledge Major Works, this is a four-volume collection of cutting-edge and canonical research.

Routledge Market: Badiou/continental philosophy September 2017: 234x156: 1736pp Hb: 978-1-138-89001-5: £900.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Race Edited by Paul Taylor, Linda Martin Alcoff and Luvell Anderson Series: Routledge Philosophy Companions The Routlege Companion to Philosophy of Race offers in one comprehensive volume newly written articles on race from the world’s leading Analytic and Continental philosophers, providing 50 chapters on the history of philosophy and race as well as how race might be invesitaged in the usual frameworks of contemporary philosophy. The volume concludes with a section on philosophical approaches to some topics with broad interest outside of philosophy, like Colonialism, Affirmative Action, Race and Disability, and Post-Racialism. By clearly explaining and carefully organizing the leading philosophical thinking on race, this timely collection will help define the subject and bring renewed understanding of race to students and researchers in the humanities, social science, and sciences. Routledge Market: Philosophy September 2017: 254 x 178 Hb: 978-0-415-71123-4: £165.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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The Pursuit of Existentialism From Sartre and De Beauvoir to Zizek and Badiou Jones Irwin The Pursuit of Existentialism explores how existentialism has survived and how its key themes and concerns remain integral to continental philosophy today. It places the creation of existentialism - in the work of Sartre, Camus and Beauvoir - in its historical context, assessing how it drew on the work of Nietzsche and Kierkegaard. The book then goes on to focus on the complex heritage of post-Sartrean thinking from Heidegger to today.

Routledge Market: Philosophy July 2017: 234x156: 224pp Hb: 978-1-844-65572-4: £99.00 Pb: 978-1-844-65573-1: £29.99 eBook: 978-1-315-72981-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Environmental Justice as Environmental Ethics

The Routledge Companion to Environmental Ethics

A New Introduction

Edited by Benjamin Hale and Andrew Light Series: Routledge Philosophy Companions

Robert M Figueroa Environmental Justice as Environmental Ethics: An Introduction takes as its starting point the increasing awareness among researchers, activists, and others that the key ethical issues related to the environment, such as environmental racism, sustainable development, and the anti-toxic movement, are questions of justice. The result is a new kind of introduction to environmental ethics—foregrounding the importance of environmental justice and engaging students by illuminating those topics they find the most compelling, important, and relevant to their daily lives. The text includes teaching tools, like questions at the end of each chapter, and a bibliography of prominent and useful literature, and a Companion Website provides links to documents, interviews, and videos that illuminate key parts of the book. Routledge Market: Philosophy June 2017: 229 x 152 Hb: 978-1-138-79628-7: £70.00 Pb: 978-1-138-79629-4: £26.99 eBook: 978-1-315-75797-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:

The Routledge Companion to Environmental Ethics is comprised of sixty original essays, which focus on how ethical questions intersect with real and pressing policy issues. Rather than overviewing abstract conceptual categories, the authors focus on specific controversies involving the environment. Clearly written contributions on Fossil Fuels, Urban Sustainability, Novel Ecosystems, and many other subjects make accessible these issues‘ empirical and political dimensions as well as their theoretical underpinnings. Written to be accessible for undergraduates and general readers, but comprehensive enough to be a useful reference work for researchers in a variety of related fields, it promises to be an invaluable resource for better understanding the ethical landscape of our environmental world. Routledge Market: Philosophy August 2017: 229 x 152 Hb: 978-1-138-78492-5: £165.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:


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The Animal Ethics Reader

The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Animal Minds

Edited by Susan J. Armstrong and Richard G. Botzler The Animal Ethics Reader is an acclaimed anthology of classic and contemporary readings, suited for anyone approaching the subject for the first time. With a new foreword by Bernard E. Rollin, this updated Third Edition includes 29 new readings on a range of subjects, and provides a thorough introduction to the central topics and controversies of animal ethics, including animal activism, genetic engineering, and animal emotion. It features readings from such leading experts in the field as Peter Singer and Jane Goodall, as well as valuable selections from Tom Regan, Donald Griffin, Temple Grandin, Ben A. Minteer, Christine Korsgaard and Mark Rowlands. Routledge Market: Ethics November 2016: 254 x 178: 738pp Hb: 978-1-138-91800-9: £85.00 Pb: 978-1-138-91801-6: £37.99 eBook: 978-1-315-68871-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Edited by Kristin Andrews, York University, Canada and Jacob Beck, York University, Canada Series: Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy An outstanding reference source to the key topics, problems and debates in this exciting subject and is the first collection of its kind. Comprising over sixty chapters by a team of international contributors the Handbook is divided into eight parts: Belief and reasoning; Concepts and content; Consciousness and other minds; Self-knowledge and metacognition; Communication; Social cognition and culture; Ethics; Scientific methodology. Essential reading for students and researchers in philosophy of mind and psychology and applied ethics. It will also be very useful for those in related fields, such as psychology, biology, linguistics and anthropology. Routledge Market: Philosophy July 2017: 246x174: 480pp Hb: 978-1-138-82288-7: £165.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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2nd Edition • NEW EDITION

The Ethics of Climate Engineering

The Spirit of the Soil

Issues in Solar Radiation Management

Agriculture and Environmental Ethics

Toby Svoboda Series: Routledge Research in Applied Ethics

Paul B Thompson

This book analyzes the major ethical issues surrounding climate engineering. It focuses primarily on solar radiation management techniques for engineering the climate, such as injecting reflective aerosols into the stratosphere or brightening marine clouds. While such techniques might reduce some of the risks of climate change, they also raise ethical questions that are important to address. These issues include questions of distributive justice, the ethics of risk imposition, procedural justice in decision-making, and obligations to future generations. The author argues that there are reasons to think that certain uses of SRM are ethically defensible under realistic future conditions. Routledge Market: Philosophy / Environmental Ethics August 2017: 229 x 152: 224pp Hb: 978-1-138-20483-6: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-46853-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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The Spirit of the Soil helped launch agricultural ethics as a field more than 20 years ago. It challenged readers to think deeply about agriculture’s impact on the environment, including the use of pesticides and new biotechnologies, and compared four "worldviews"—productionism, stewardship, economics, and holism—and their different ethical interpretations. This 2nd Edition incorporates recent empirical research in agricultural science, covers the impact of climate change, adds information on alternative food systems (organic farming and locavorism), and augments the author’s increased support for a "systems perspective" when thinking about agriculture and implementing policy. Routledge Market: Philosophy April 2017: 229 x 152: 270pp Hb: 978-1-138-67662-6: £85.00 Pb: 978-1-138-67663-3: £27.99 eBook: 978-1-315-55997-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Understanding Climate Change Science, Ethics, and Policy Wendy Parker Climate change—possibly the most pressing and difficult problem facing life on earth today—raises a series of questions that are fundamentally philosophical in nature. With formal graduate training in the study of atmospheric science, a Ph.D. in philosophy, Wendy Parker addresses these questions in, Understanding Climate Change: Science, Philosophy, and Policy. The book brings together a body of scattered research on these issues, but also breaks new ground, providing for a wide range of students and researchers a firmer footing on which to understand fully the scientific and policy issues related to climate change. The book is the first of its kind: a synoptic and coherent account of the most salient philosophical issues related to our changing global climate. Routledge Market: Philosophy June 2017: 229 x 152 Hb: 978-1-138-79648-5: £85.00 Pb: 978-1-138-79649-2: £26.99 eBook: 978-1-315-75785-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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EPISTEMOLOGY Dummy text to keep placeholder

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Abstract Entities

Contrasts and contests about philosophy

Sam Cowling Series: New Problems of Philosophy

Edited by Mogobe B. Ramose, University of Limpopo, South Africa

Think of a number, or properties like fragility and humanity. These abstract entities are radically different from concrete entities like electrons or elbows, which are located in space and time. Abstract entities are remarkably different; they seem to be immutable and imperceptible, existing "outside" of space and time. This book provides a comprehensive assessment of the problems raised by abstract entities and the debates about existence, truth, and knowledge that surround them. Including chapter summaries, annotated further reading, and a glossary, it is essential reading for anyone seeking a clear introduction to the problems raised by abstract entities. Routledge Market: Philosophy February 2017: 234x156: 278pp Hb: 978-1-138-82758-5: £100.00 Pb: 978-1-138-82759-2: £29.99 eBook: 978-1-315-26661-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:

The variety of socio-political events and technological advancements which affect modern society, and the speed and intensity at which these events occur around the world, delivers change known as epistemic and social transformation. Within this context, the question of justice for all is a poignant one. It is a cognitive revolution challenging humankind to consider whether or not the already contested meaning of philosophy can remain unchanged. The contributions to Contrasts and contests about philosophy address this challenge from a variety of different, and even contending, perspectives. This book was originally published as a special issue of the South African Journal of Philosophy. Routledge Market: Philosophy in Africa November 2016: 246x174: 176pp Hb: 978-1-138-22347-9: £90.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Belief, Action, and Rationality over Time

Explaining Understanding

Edited by Chrisoula Andreou, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, USA and Sergio Tenenbaum, University of Toronto, Canada This volume brings together contributions by scholars in action theory and formal epistemology working on questions regarding rationality and time. Theorists in both fields can profit from tracking and tapping into each other's insights, and this collection figures as a helpful resource aimed at stimulating and facilitating this process. This book was originally published as a special issue of the Canadian Journal of Philosophy.

Routledge Market: Philosophy / Rationality November 2016: 246x174: 314pp Hb: 978-1-138-21496-5: £90.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:

New Perspectives from Epistemology and Philosophy of Science Edited by Stephen R. Grimm, Christoph Baumberger, ETH Zurich and Sabine Ammon, Brandenberg University of Technology In this book, epistemologists and philosophers of science join forces to address fundamental philosophical questions about the nature of understanding. With 15 original research papers from leading experts in the field, the collection offers both an overview for the very first time of this growing area of scholarly interest, as well as advances the discussion with new and challenging ideas.

Routledge Market: Philosophy October 2016: 229 x 152: 338pp Hb: 978-1-138-92193-1: £85.00 eBook: 978-1-315-68611-0 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Collingwood on Philosophical Method

Facts and Values

Giuseppina D'Oro

The Ethics and Metaphysics of Normativity

This detailed examination of Collingwood's 'Essay on Philosophical Method' brings fresh insight to Collingwood's approach. What is distinctive about D'Oros work is her retrieval and reconfiguration of themes from the Essay on Method, the close linking together of the Essay on Method with Collingwood's intricate and controversial Essay on Metaphysics and the engagement of Collingwood's thought with the preoccupation's of contemporary Anglo-American philosophy. The book gives an overview of Collingwood's life and work and concludes with a discussion of the nature of Collingwood's contribution to contemporary philosophy of action, especially the 'reasons versus causes' dispute. Routledge Market: Philosophy February 2017: 234x156: 200pp Hb: 978-0-754-63956-5: £95.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Edited by Giancarlo Marchetti, University of Perugia, Italy and Sarin Marchetti, University of Milan, Italy Series: Routledge Studies in Contemporary Philosophy This collection offers a synoptic view of the philosophical discussion over the relationship between facts and values, bringing together contributors committed to exposing the weaknesses of the fact-value dichotomy and exploring alternatives and their implications. This volume brings together a diversity of philosophical responses to the fact-value dichotomy and includes contributors such as Hilary Putnam and Ruth Anna Putnam who helped to revitalize the contemporary debate over this alleged opposition. Contributors claim that the relationship between epistemic activities and evaluative attitudes cannot be understood in terms of a conflict between the descriptive and the normative. Routledge Market: Philosophy November 2016: 229 x 152: 298pp Hb: 978-1-138-95551-6: £90.00 eBook: 978-1-315-66629-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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EPISTEMOLOGY Dummy text to keep placeholder

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Locke’s Science of Knowledge

Pragmatism and Objectivity

Matt Priselac, University of Oklahoma, USA Series: Routledge Studies in Seventeenth-Century Philosophy In this book, Priselac refocuses on the Essay’s epistemological thread, arguing that the Essay is unified from beginning to end around its compositional theory of ideas and the active role Locke gives the mind in constructing its thoughts. To support the plausibility and demonstrate the value of this interpretation, Priselac argues that—contrary to its reputation as being at best sloppy and at worst outright inconsistent—Locke’s discussion of skepticism and account of knowledge of the external world fits neatly within the Essay’s epistemology. Routledge Market: Philosophy / Epistemology November 2016: 229 x 152: 240pp Hb: 978-1-138-91883-2: £85.00 eBook: 978-1-315-68747-6 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Essays Sparked by the Work of Nicholas Rescher Edited by Sami Pihlström, University of Helsinki, Finland Series: Routledge Studies in American Philosophy This book illuminates the nature of contemporary pragmatism against the background of Rescher’s work, resulting in a stronger grasp of the prospects and promises of this philosophical movement. While crude versions of pragmatism state that truth is whatever works for a person or a community, Rescher has been at the forefront of arguing for a more sophisticated pragmatist position that links truth with inquiry, assertion, belief, and action. The essays in this volume, written by established and up-and-coming scholars of pragmatism, touch on themes related to epistemology, philosophy of mind, philosophy of science, and ethics. Routledge Market: Philosophy / Pragmatism March 2017: 229 x 152: 288pp Hb: 978-1-138-65523-2: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-62262-0 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Schopenhauer’s Fourfold Root Edited by Jonathan Head, Keele University, UK and Dennis Vanden Auweele, University of Leuven, Belgium Series: Routledge Studies in Nineteenth-Century Philosophy

Methods and Skills for Philosophy An Advanced Guide Jesper Kallestrup Providing a comprehensive and accessible introduction to philosophical methods this text is a must-read for undergraduate or postgraduate students studying philosophy of methods or those studying postgraduate philosophy with a background in a different discipline. Routledge Market: Philosophy August 2017: 234x156: 224pp Hb: 978-1-138-81851-4: £95.00 Pb: 978-1-138-81852-1: £29.99 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Modal Epistemology Otavio Bueno, University of Miami, US and Scott Shalkowski Series: New Problems of Philosophy This is the first book to provide a thorough introduction to the problem of modal epistemology, examining its main theories and weighing up competing arguments and solutions. Including chapter summaries, annotated further reading and a glossary this book is essential reading for anyone seeking a clear and informative introduction to and assessement of the epistemology of modality. Routledge Market: Philosophy November 2017: 234x156: 240pp Hb: 978-0-415-71889-9: £90.00 Pb: 978-0-415-71890-5: £29.99 * For full contents and more information, visit:

This volume is one of the first critical engagements with Schopenhauer's doctoral thesis. Chapters by leading scholars examine the possible interpretations of the principle of rational thought and argue for a new, Kantian-inspired formulation and critical reach of that principle. Individual essays investigate the ways in which the Fourfold Root shines a light on the development of Schopenhauer’s philosophy and is connected with his later writings. Some of these themes include Schopenhauer’s idealism, his metaphysics of will, his view of consciousness, his relationship to religion, and the context of his critical appreciation of the principle of sufficient reason. Routledge Market: Philosophy December 2016: 229 x 152: 216pp Hb: 978-1-138-19504-2: £85.00 eBook: 978-1-315-63858-4 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Skepticism Historical and Contemporary Inquiries Edited by G. Anthony Bruno, McGill University, Canada and A.C. Rutherford, University of Bonn, Germany In this outstanding collection philosophers engage with skepticism in five clear sections: the philosophical history of skepticism in Greek, Cartesian and Kantian thought; the nature and limits of certainty; the possibility of knowledge and related problems such as perception and the debates between objective knowledge and constructivism; the transcendental method as a response to skepticism and the challenge of naturalism; overcoming the skeptical challenge. Essential reading for students and scholars in epistemology and the history of philosophy and will also be of interest to those in related disciplines such as religion and sociology. Routledge Market: Philosophy August 2017: 234x156: 264pp Hb: 978-1-138-28522-4: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-26851-4 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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The Experimental Turn and the Methods of Philosophy

The Routledge Handbook of Social Epistemology

Michael J. Shaffer, St. Cloud State University, USA This book aims to provide a methodological foundation for experimental philosophy and to establish that experimental philosophy is revolutionary in character. With these aims in mind, the book addresses the critique of standard (i.e. arm-chair) philosophical practice and offers an experimental philosophy friendly form of philosophical naturalism as a replacement. The book also introduces a novel account of revolutionary disciplinary changes and it establishes that experimental philosophy is best explained as a particular kind of methodological revolution in philosophy. Routledge Market: Philosophy July 2017: 229 x 152: 220pp Hb: 978-0-415-89827-0: £75.00 Pb: 978-0-415-89828-7: £24.99 eBook: 978-0-203-80252-6 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Edited by Miranda Fricker, University of Sheffield, Peter J Graham, University of California, Riverside, USA, David Henderson, Nikolaj Pedersen, University of Cophenhagen and Jeremy Wyatt Series: Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy The Routledge Handbook of Social Epistemology is an authoritative and comprehensive survey of the most important issues and developments in one of the fastest growing areas in contemporary philosophy. An international team of scholars articulates the state of the art, draws out important connections, and breaks new ground in 45 separate essays, all published here for the first time. Topics covered include Historical Backgrounds; Testimony; Disagreement, Diversity, and Relativism; Science and Social Epistemology; The Epistemology of Groups; Feminist Epistemology; The Epistemology of Democracy; The Epistemology of Education; and New Horizons in Social Epistemology. This volume is a major reference source for all students and scholars in philosophy, as well as researchers in intersecting fields. Routledge Market: Epistemology September 2017: 254 x 178: 420pp Hb: 978-1-138-85851-0: £130.00 eBook: 978-1-315-71793-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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The Routledge Handbook of Epistemic Injustice

The Social Contexts of Intellectual Virtue

Edited by Ian James Kidd, University of Durham, UK, José Medina and Gaile Pohlhaus, Jr. Series: Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy

Knowledge as a Team Achievement Adam Green, Azusa Pacific University, USA Series: Routledge Studies in Contemporary Philosophy

This outstanding reference source to epistemic injustice is the first collection of its kind. Over 37 chapters address fundamental topics such as testimonial and hermeneutic injustice and virtue epistemology, moral imagination, objectivity and objectification, implicit bias, gender and race. Also included are chapters on areas in applied ethics and philosophy, such as media ethics, education and health care. Essential reading for students and researchers in ethics, epistemology, political philosophy, philosophy and feminism, and philosophy of race. It will also be very useful for those in related fields, such as sociology, education and law.

This book reconceives virtue epistemology in light of the conviction that we are essentially social creatures. Green’s account is based on the extended credit view, which conceives of knowledge as an achievement and broadens that focus to include team achievements in addition to individual ones. He argues that this view does a better job than alternatives of answering the many conceptual and empirical challenges for virtue epistemology that have been based on cases of testimony. The view also allows for a nuanced interaction with situationist psychology, dual processing models in cognitive science, and the extended mind literature in philosophy of mind.

Routledge Market: Philosophy March 2017: 246x174: 448pp Hb: 978-1-138-82825-4: £150.00 eBook: 978-1-315-21204-3 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Routledge Market: Philosophy/Epistemology December 2016: 229 x 152: 246pp Hb: 978-1-138-23635-6: £85.00 eBook: 978-1-315-30259-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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The Routledge Handbook of Metaethics

What is this thing called Metaethics?

Edited by Tristram McPherson and David Plunkett Series: Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy This Handbook surveys the contemporary state of the burgeoning field of metaethics. Forty-three chapters, all written exclusively for this volume, provide expert introductions to (1) the central research programs that frame metaethical discussions; (2) the central explanatory challenges, resources, and strategies that inform contemporary work in those research programs; (3) debates over the status of metaethics, and the appropriate methods to use in metaethical inquiry. This is essential reading for anyone with a serious interest in metaethics, from those coming to it for the first time to those actively pursuing research in the field. Routledge Market: Ethics / Philosophy May 2017: 246x174: 670pp Hb: 978-1-138-81220-8: £130.00 eBook: 978-1-315-21321-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Matthew Chrisman, University of Edinburgh, UK Series: What is this thing called? Are moral standards relative? Are there moral facts? What is goodness? If there are moral facts how do we learn about them? These are all questions about metaethics, the branch of ethics that studies ethical properties, statements, attitudes and judgements. What is this thing called Metaethics? demystifies this important subject and is ideal for students coming to it for the first time. Beginning with a brief historical overview of metaethics Matthew Chrisman introduces and assesses all the key topics. Additional features such as chapter summaries and a glossary make this an ideal introduction to metaethics. Routledge Market: Philosophy October 2016: 246x174: 152pp Hb: 978-1-138-82760-8: £85.00 Pb: 978-1-138-82762-2: £24.99 eBook: 978-1-315-43833-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Emerging Technologies

Candace Vogler, University of Chicago, USA Series: The Routledge Philosophers

Ethics, Law and Governance

Elizabeth Anscombe (1919-2001) is increasingly regarded as a major philosopher of the post-war period. However, her work can be difficult to approach for the first time. In this outstanding, comprehensive introduction Candace Vogler examines key topics such as the importance of practical philosophy in Anscombe's work and the influence of Aristotle and Aquinas.The addition of chapter summaries, annotated further reading and a glossary of technical terms make this an indispensable introduction to Anscombe's thought as well as essential reading for students and scholars of Twentieth century philosophy, philosophy of action and ethics. Routledge Market: Philosophy September 2017: 216x138: 240pp Hb: 978-1-138-93873-1: £100.00 Pb: 978-1-138-93874-8: £19.99 eBook: 978-1-315-67548-0 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Edited by Gary E. Marchant, Arizona State University, USA and Wendell Wallach, Yale University, USA Series: The Library of Essays on the Ethics of Emerging Technologies Emerging technologies present a challenging but fascinating set of ethical, legal and regulatory issues. The articles selected for this volume provide a broad overview of the most influential historical and current thinking in this area and show that existing frameworks are often inadequate to address new technologies - such as biotechnology, nanotechnology, synthetic biology and robotics - and innovative new models are needed. This collection brings together invaluable, innovative and often complementary approaches for overcoming the unique challenges of emerging technology ethics and governance. Ashgate Market: Ethics October 2016: 246x174: 526pp Hb: 978-1-472-42844-8: £200.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:


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Buddhism, Ethics, and the Good Life

Hobbesian Applied Ethics and Public Policy

A Comparative Introduction

Edited by Shane D. Courtland, West Virginia University, USA Series: Routledge Research in Applied Ethics

Bradford Cokelet, University of Miami, USA Buddhism contains many important and novel ethical ideas and arguments, from the centrality of suffering to the ideas of the 'no-self' and rebirth. It also includes ideas shared with certain Western ethical theories, such as the importance of character and moral knowledge. However, the two traditions are rarely placed in accessible comparative perspective. Buddhism, Ethics and the Good Life: A Comparative Introduction examines both key Western and Buddhist moral concepts via two key questions: can we achieve moral or ethical knowledge? Can we achieve freedom by acting morally or ethically? Routledge Market: Philosophy / Religion July 2017: 234x156: 240pp Hb: 978-1-138-91874-0: £105.00 Pb: 978-1-138-91875-7: £24.99 eBook: 978-1-315-68392-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:

What has been largely missing in Hobbesian scholarship is the application of his theories to a variety of current issues in both public policy and applied ethics. The essays in this volume, written by some of the top Hobbesian scholars in the world, provide fresh perspectives on a litany of intransigent local, political, and international issues in applied and medical ethics. The topics addressed include the right to die, abortion, same-sex marriage, free speech, terrorism, and international justice. This book will be of interest to Hobbesian scholars, as well as those interested in contemporary issues in applied ethics, political philosophy, and public policy. Routledge Market: Philosophy / Applied Ethics August 2017: 229 x 152: 304pp Hb: 978-1-138-69163-6: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-53441-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Character and Causation

Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Adam Smith

Aspects of Hume’s Philosophy of Action

A Philosophical Encounter

Constantine Sandis, University of Hertfordshire, UK

Charles L Griswold, Boston University, USA

In the first ever book on Hume’s philosophy of action, Sandis brings together seemingly disparate aspects of Hume’s work to present an understanding of human action that is much richer than previously assumed. Sandis showcases Hume’s interconnected views on action and its causes by situating them within a wider vision of our human understanding of personal identity, causation, freedom, historical explanation, and morality. In so doing, he also relates key aspects of the emerging picture to contemporary concerns within the philosophy of action and moral psychology, including debates between Humeans and anti-Humeans about both 'motivating' and 'normative' reasons.

This outstanding book compares Rousseau and Smith. Charles Griswold argues that they offer rich, contrasting visions of human beings, and that one can learn much by bringing them together. To flesh out this philosophical dialogue Griswold examines the themes of narcissism and self-knowledge, narrative, sympathy and spectatorship, presentation of the self in society, and liberty, religion and civic order. Essential reading for students and scholars of these two figures, eighteenth century philosophy, the Enlightenment, the history of ethics and intellectual history, as well as related disciplines such as politics, economics and religion.

Routledge Market: Philosophy / Eighteenth-Century June 2017: 229 x 152: 160pp Hb: 978-1-138-28378-7: £85.00 eBook: 978-1-315-27002-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Routledge Market: Philosophy / Politics July 2017: 234x156: 304pp Hb: 978-1-138-21895-6: £65.00 eBook: 978-1-315-43657-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Machine Ethics and Robot Ethics

Public Reason in Political Philosophy

Edited by Wendell Wallach, Yale University, USA and Peter Asaro, New School for Public Engagement, USA Series: The Library of Essays on the Ethics of Emerging Technologies

Classical Sources and Contemporary Commentaries

Once the stuff of science fiction, recent progress in artificial intelligence, robotics, and machine learning means these rapidly advancing technologies are finally coming into widespread use within everyday life, bringing with it a host of social, political and legal issues, as well as a rise in public concern and academic interest in the ethical challenges these new technologies pose. This volume is a collection of scholarly work from leading figures in the development of both robot ethics and machine ethics; it includes essays of historical significance which have become foundational for research in these two new areas of study, as well as important recent articles. Routledge Market: Ethics December 2016: 246x174: 552pp Hb: 978-1-472-43039-7: £200.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Edited by Piers Norris Turner and Gaus F Gerald This volume introduces the history of public reason, through social contract theorists like Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau and Kant, as well as Hume, Bentham, Hegel and John Stuart Mill, identifying both common themes and disagreements. Germane excerpts from primary sources are presented, when appropriate, and a never-before published critical essay on each thinker, from a living philosopher is also offered (e.g., Gerald Gaus on Locke). The volume is of great value not only to students, but to scholars seeking to understand the fault lines in the current debates about public reason as well as the relation of current debates to the history of political philosophy. Routledge Market: PHILOSOPHY / Political Philosophy / Public Reason November 2016: 229 x 152: 400pp Hb: 978-0-415-85559-4: £90.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:


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Personal Identity and Applied Ethics

Reading Parfit

A Historical and Philosophical Introduction

On What Matters

Andrea Sauchelli, Lingnan University, Hong Kong

Edited by Simon Kirchin, University of Kent, UK

Personal Identity and Applied Ethics introduces different conceptions of the self and personal identity and considers the implications of these for applied ethics. A key feature is that it considers a range of different views of the self; philosophical, religious and cross-cultural, including perspectives from non-Western traditions. Chapter summaries and annotated further reading make this a refreshing, approachable introduction to personal identity and applied ethics. It is an ideal text for courses on personal identity that consider both western and non-western approaches and that apply theories of personal identity to applied ethics.

Reading Parfit: On What Matters is an outstanding overview and assessment of Parfit’s monumental work by a team of international contributors, and includes replies by Parfit himself. It discusses central features of Parfit’s book, including the structure and nature of reasons; the ideas underlying moral principles; the relationship between consequentialism, contractualism and Kantian deontology; and many important positions and arguments in current metaethics such as expressivism and moral realism.

Routledge Market: Philosophy July 2017: 234x156: 240pp Hb: 978-1-138-18568-5: £100.00 Pb: 978-1-138-18569-2: £24.99 eBook: 978-1-315-64428-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Routledge Market: Philosophy March 2017: 234x156: 264pp Hb: 978-0-415-52949-5: £90.00 Pb: 978-0-415-52950-1: £29.99 eBook: 978-1-315-22553-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Procreation, Parenthood, and Educational Rights

Risk, Technology, and Moral Emotions

Ethical and Philosophical Issues

Sabine Roeser, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands Series: Routledge Studies in Ethics and Moral Theory

Edited by Jaime Ahlberg, University of Florida, USA and Michael Cholbi, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, USA Series: Routledge Research in Applied Ethics This book explores important issues at the nexus of two burgeoning areas within moral and social philosophy: procreative ethics and parental rights. It aims to bring expert practitioners from these literatures into fruitful and innovative dialogue around questions at the intersection of procreation and parenthood. A distinguishing feature is that several of its chapters address these issues by drawing on philosophical work in the realm of education, one of the most controversial areas in the ethics of parenthood. This book represents a distinctive synthesis of topics and literatures likely to appeal to scholars and advanced students working across a wide range of disciplines.

Risks arising from technologies raise important ethical issues. This book offers a new philosophical theory of risk emotions, arguing why and how moral emotions should play an important role in decisions surrounding risky technologies. Roeser argues that moral emotions are necessary in order to judge ethicalaspects of technological risks, such as justice, fairness, and autonomy. It will be of interest to those working in different areas of philosophy—such as ethics, decision theory, philosophy of science, and philosophy of technology—as well as scholars in the fields of psychology, public policy, science and technology studies, environmental ethics, and bioethics. Routledge Market: Philosophy / Ethics July 2017: 229 x 152: 192pp Hb: 978-1-138-64601-8: £85.00 eBook: 978-1-315-62780-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Routledge Market: Philosophy / Applied Ethics December 2016: 229 x 152: 278pp Hb: 978-1-138-20622-9: £85.00 eBook: 978-1-315-46553-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Security Ethics

The Ethics of Biotechnology

Edited by Tom Sorell, University of Warwick, UK, John Guelke, University of Warwick, UK and Katerina Hadjimatheou, University of Warwick, UK Series: The Library of Essays on Legal Ethics and the Enforcement of Law Governments often act in the name of security to protect their citizenries. The essays in this volume seek to increase our understanding of state action in the name of security and take a range of viewpoints and approaches. Some articles attempt to delimit the concept of security, or dispute attempted delimitations; some consider security as a 'good' and ask what sort of good it is, and how valuable; whilst others consider the relation between state action in the name of security and state action in the name of other goods, notably liberty, or consider ethical issues in health security, climate security and cybersecurity. Routledge Market: Ethics January 2017: 246x174: 524pp Hb: 978-1-472-43943-7: £205.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Edited by Gaymon Bennett, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, USA Series: The Library of Essays on the Ethics of Emerging Technologies The essays collected in this volume examine emerging biotechnical capacities and the turbulent power relations these capacities are bringing into the world. The volume has an innovative approach to the subject and focuses on the underlying cultural and institutional forces that shape how biotechnologists approach the world, enabling students to weigh the ethical significance of these forces. The volume equips students to track the dynamic interplay of biology, digital technology and the high-tech economy. Ashgate Market: Ethics November 2016: 246x174: 594pp Hb: 978-1-472-43917-8: £200.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Social Contract Theory for a Diverse World

The Ethics of Global Poverty

Beyond Tolerance

An introduction Ryan Muldoon

Scott Wisor, University of Birmingham, UK Series: The Ethics of ...

Rawlsian public reason has a diversity problem. This book both demonstrates how deep diversity goes in our political disagreement, and offers a new way forward that embraces, rather than covers over, our fundamental diversity. It focuses on the centrality of perspectives in political discourse, and offers a new way of thinking about how to conceive of justice in the face of diverse perspectives. It abandons static regulative ideals, and instead embraces dynamic social experimentation.

The Ethics of Global Poverty offers a thorough introduction to the ethical issues surrounding global poverty. Featuring case studies throughout, this textbook is essential reading for students studying global ethics or global poverty who want an understanding of the moral issues that arise from vast inequalities of wealth and power in a highly interconnected world.

Routledge Market: PHILOSOPHY / Political Philosophy November 2016: 229 x 152: 142pp Hb: 978-1-138-68136-1: £85.00 eBook: 978-1-315-54588-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Routledge Market: Philosophy/Global Ethics December 2016: 234x156: 202pp Hb: 978-1-138-82705-9: £85.00 Pb: 978-1-138-82706-6: £24.99 eBook: 978-1-315-73876-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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The Ethical Challenges of Emerging Medical Technologies

The Ethics of Information Technologies Edited by Keith W Miller, University of Missouri-St Louis, USA and Mariarosaria Taddeo, University of Oxford, UK Series: The Library of Essays on the Ethics of Emerging Technologies

Edited by Arthur L. Caplan, New York University, USA and Brendan Parent, New York University, USA Series: The Library of Essays on the Ethics of Emerging Technologies This collection of essays emphasizes society's increasingly responsible engagement with ethical challenges in emerging medical technology. They showcase ways in which modern ethical thinking is improving safety, efficacy and efficiency of medical technology, increasing access to medical care, and empowering patients to choose care that comports with their desires and beliefs. Together, the articles demonstrate how improving the quality of medical technology relies on every stakeholder -- not just medical researchers and scientists -- to assess each given technology’s strengths and pitfalls. This collection also portends one of the next major issues in the ethics of medical technology: developing the requisite moral framework to accompany shifts toward patient-centred personalized healthcare.

This volume collects key influential papers that have animated the debate about information computer ethics over the past three decades, covering issues such as privacy, online trust, anonymity, values sensitive design, machine ethics, professional conduct and moral responsibility of software developers. These previously published articles have set the tone of the discussion and bringing them together here in one volume provides lecturers and students with a one-stop resource with which to navigate the debate. Routledge Market: Ethics November 2016: 246x174: 490pp Hb: 978-1-472-43174-5: £200.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Routledge Market: Ethics October 2016: 246x174: 482pp Hb: 978-1-472-42915-5: £200.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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The Ethics of Nanotechnology, Geoengineering, and Clean Energy

The Routledge Guidebook to Rawls’ A Theory of Justice

Edited by Andrew Maynard, University of Michigan, USA and Jack Stilgoe, University College London, UK Series: The Library of Essays on the Ethics of Emerging Technologies

Veronique Munoz-Darde, University College London, UK and Thomas Sinclair Series: The Routledge Guides to the Great Books

Nanotechnology, clean technology, and geoengineering span the scale of human ingenuity, from the imperceptibly small to the unimaginably large. Yet they are united by a commonality of ethics that permeates how and why they are developed, and how the resulting consequences are managed. The articles in this volume provide a comprehensive account of current thinking around the ethics of development and use within each of the technological domains, and addresses challenges and opportunities that cut across all three. Ashgate Market: Ethics December 2016: 246x174: 530pp Hb: 978-1-472-43532-3: £200.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:


Rawls on Justice is a clear introduction to the theory of liberal justice set out by the most influential modern political philosopher John Rawls in his seminal work, A Theory of Justice. Ideal for those coming to Rawls for the first time, Rawls on Justice is an invaluable guide for students of philosophy, political thought, economics and law. Routledge Market: Philosophy/Politics/Law June 2017: 198x129: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-43300-6: £75.00 Pb: 978-0-415-43301-3: £18.99 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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The Ethics of Surveillance: An Introduction Kevin Macnish Series: The Ethics of ... The Ethics of Surveillance: An Introduction systematically and comprehensively examines the ethical issues surrounding the controversial and exciting subject of surveillance. Featuring case studies throughout this textbook provides a philosophical introduction to an incredibly topical issue studied by students within the fields of applied ethics, ethics of technology, privacy, security studies, politics, journalism and human geography.

Routledge Market: Philosophy/Security Studies September 2017: 234x156: 246pp Hb: 978-1-138-64378-9: £80.00 Pb: 978-1-138-64379-6: £24.99 * For full contents and more information, visit:

The Routledge Handbook of Neuroethics Edited by Syd Johnson and Karen S. Rommelfanger, Director, Neuroethics Program, Emory Center for Ethics Series: Routledge Handbooks in Applied Ethics The rapidly growing field of neuroethics covers two distinct, but related, fields: one that applies research in neuroscience to some of the questions of moral philosophy and another that uses the methods of moral philosophy to investigate the ethical issues raised by brain behaviour, including new technologies and advances in neuroscience. The Routledge Handbook of Neuroethics offers a comprehensive review of the state of the art in both areas as well as ample coverage of the history of neuroethics and discussions of contemporary debates, emerging ideas, and potential future directions. In addition to the 41 chapters written especially for this volume by an international team of philosophers, neuroscientists, and legal scholars, the Handbook offers cross-references, text boxes, suggested reading lists for each chapter, a glossary, and a comprehensive index. It will be the standard reference work in the field for many years. Routledge Market: Neuroscience / Philosophy May 2017: 254 x 178: 500pp Hb: 978-1-138-89829-5: £130.00 eBook: 978-1-315-70865-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:


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The Philosophy of Human Rights

Virtue’s Reasons

A Systematic Introduction

New Essays on Virtue, Character, and Reasons

Anat Biletzki In The Philosophy of Human Rights, Anat Biletzki brings a systematic approach to the multitudinous philosophical analyses of human rights, offering a cohesive overview and analysis of this diverse but now very active field. She explores both the conceptual and historical treatments of human rights and the roots of its practice and examines its derivation from classical theories of rights all the way to existing uses. The book is "contemporary" in two senses: it investigates the most current human rights issues and it addresses emerging criticism of human rights, now arising in various sectors. Routledge Market: PHILOSOPHY / Human Rights August 2017: 229 x 152: 250pp Hb: 978-1-138-78734-6: £80.00 Pb: 978-1-138-78735-3: £26.99 eBook: 978-1-315-76663-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Edited by Noell Birondo, Wichita State University, USA and S. Stewart Braun, Australian Catholic University Series: Routledge Studies in Ethics and Moral Theory This collection sheds light on precisely how virtues and reasons are related to each other and what can be learned by exploring this relationship. The first section analyzes how the virtues may be related to, or linked with, normative reasons in ways that improve our understanding of what constitutes virtuous character and ethical agency. The second section explores the reasons moral agents have for cultivating the virtues of character and how the virtues impact moral responsiveness or development. The third and final section examines the different ways agents employ specific virtues such as modesty, trustworthiness, and wisdom. Routledge Market: Philosophy / Ethics & Moral Theory March 2017: 229 x 152: 224pp Hb: 978-1-138-23173-3: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-31425-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Analytic Philosophy

Routledge Companion to Sixteenth Century Philosophy

An Interpretive History Edited by Aaron Preston

Edited by Henrik Lagerlund, University of Western Ontario, Canada and Benjamin Hill, University of Western Ontario, Canada Series: Routledge Philosophy Companions

Analytic Philosophy: An Interpretive History explores the ways interpretation (of key figures, factions, texts, etc.) shaped the analytic tradition, from Frege to Dummet. It offers readers 17 chapters, written especially for this volume by an international cast of leading scholars. Some chapters are devoted to large, thematic issues like the relationship between analytic philosophy and other philosophical traditions such as British Idealism and phenomenology, while other chapters are tied to more fine-grained topics or to individual philosophers, like Moore and Russell on philosophical method or the history of interpretations of Wittgenstein’s Tractatus. Throughout, the focus is on interpretations that are crucial to the origin, development, and persistence of the analytic tradition. The result is a more fully formed and philosophically satisfying portrait of analytic philosophy.

Sixteenth-century philosophy was a unique synthesis of philosophical frameworks, a blend of old and new, including scholasticism, humanism, Aristotelianism, and Stoicism. It witnessed culturally significant moments that continue to impact our world, today. This book of 27 chapters--published here for the first time and written by an international team of scholars --does not simplify this period by applying the traditional dichotomies imposed on this century. Instead, it shows the diversity, coherence, and continuity of the philosophies that emerged in the sixteenth century.

Routledge Market: Philosophy February 2017: 229 x 152: 294pp Hb: 978-1-138-80078-6: £85.00 Pb: 978-1-138-80079-3: £34.99 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Routledge Market: Philosophy December 2016: 254 x 178: 474pp Hb: 978-0-415-65860-7: £130.00 eBook: 978-1-315-77051-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:

4 Volume Set

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Franz Brentano Edited by Mauro Antonelli and Federico Boccaccini Series: Critical Assessments of Leading Philosophers Published to coincide with the centenary of the death of Franz Brentano (1838–1917), this four-volume collection provides an essential intellectual tool for the exegetical evaluation of all aspects of Brentano’s work. Bringing together early reviews and reactions from his contemporaries—many of which have never before been translated into English—as well as the best critical assessments of Brentano’s work, this ‘mini library’ provides Brentano scholars, historians of philosophy and psychology, and phenomenologists, with a rigorous historical appraisal of Brentano’s thought and influence. Routledge Market: Franz Brentano June 2017: 234x156: 1736pp Hb: 978-1-138-81086-0: £900.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Routledge Revivals: Man and Technics (1932) A Contribution to a Philosophy of Life Oswald Spengler First published in 1932, this book, based on an address delivered in 1931, presents a concise and lucid summary of the philosophy of the author of The Decline of the West, Oswald Spengler. It was his conviction that the technical age — the culture of the machine age — which man had created in virtue of his unique capacity for individual as well as racial technique, had already reached its peak, and that the future held only catastrophe. He argued it lacked progressive cultural life and instead was dominated by a lust for power and possession. The triumph of the machine led to mass regimentation rather than fewer workers and less work — spelling the doom of Western civilization. Routledge Market: History of Philosophy/ Political Philosophy October 2016: 198x129: 104pp Hb: 978-1-138-23180-1: £80.00 eBook: 978-1-315-27006-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Mill's Radical Liberalism

Routledge Revivals: The Hour of Decision (1934)

An Essay in Retrieval

Germany and World-Historical Evolution

Jonathan Riley, Tulane University, New Orleans, USA Series: Routledge Studies in Nineteenth-Century Philosophy In this major reinterpretation and contemporary defense of Mill's political philosophy, Riley offers a new reading of Mill's radical doctrine that is quite distinct from the prevalent and vague understanding of the term "liberalism." Routledge Market: Philosophy and Politics February 2017: 229 x 152: 208pp Hb: 978-0-415-18909-5: £90.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Oswald Spengler First published in 1934, the ideas in this book were developed just prior to the Nazi seizure of power and it also reflects on its aftermath. It assessed the decline of European power and the crisis of Western civilization in the face of conflict between the ruling class and the lowers classes in white nations, and the ‘Coloured World Revolution’ — arguing that only by adherence to their inherited ‘Prussianism’ would Germany have the solidity to be able to combat these dangers. Despite the influence of his previous writings of key Nazi figures, his criticisms of National Socialism in this book led to it being banned, although not before it had been widely distributed throughout Germany. Routledge Market: History of Philosophy/ Political Philosophy December 2016: 198x129: 243pp Hb: 978-1-138-28920-8: £90.00 eBook: 978-1-315-26714-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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The New Politics of Materialism

Topics, Fallacies and Sophismata

History, Philosophy, Science

Collected Essays of Sten Ebbesen Volume 3

Edited by Sarah Ellenzweig, Rice University, USA and John H Zammito, Rice University, USA

Sten Ebbesen Series: Ashgate Studies in Medieval Philosophy

This collection, which includes an international roster of contributors from philosophy, history, literature and science, is the first to ask what is 'new' about the new materialism and place it in interdisciplinary perspective. Against current theories of new materialism it argues for a deeper engagement with materialism's history; questions whether matter can be 'lively'; and asks whether new materialism's wish to revitalize of politics and the political lives up to its promise.

Sten Ebbesen has contributed many works in the field of ancient and medieval philosophy over many decades of dedicated research. His style is crisp and lucid and his philosophical penetration and exposition of often difficult concepts and issues is both clear and intellectually impressive. Ashgate is proud to present this three volume set of his collected essays, all of them thoroughly revised and updated. Each volume is thematically arranged. Volume Three: Topics, Fallacies and Sophismata.

Routledge Market: Philosophy May 2017: 234x156: 384pp Hb: 978-1-138-24074-2: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-26847-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Routledge Market: Philosophy February 2017: 234x156: 230pp Hb: 978-0-754-65835-1: £95.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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The Routledge Companion to Medieval Philosophy Edited by JT Paasch and Richard Cross, University of Notre Dame, USA Series: Routledge Philosophy Companions The Routledge Companion to Medieval Philosophy provides outstanding coverage of this period. With over fifty contributions by leading scholars, the companion examines the central themes and concepts in: Language and Logic, Metaphysics, Cosmology and Physics, Philosophy of Mind and Cognitive Psychology, Ethics and Moral Psychology, Political Philosophy, and Philosophical Theology. With its emphasis on clear and accessible language and its coverage of the variations in basic concepts and theories in medieval scholasticism, The Routledge Companion to Medieval Philosophy is the first point of reference for beginning and expert researchers alike. Routledge July 2017: 229 x 152 Hb: 978-0-415-65827-0: £130.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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The Routledge Companion to Thought Experiments Edited by James Robert Brown, Yiftach Fehige and Michael T. Stuart Series: Routledge Philosophy Companions Thought experiments lie at the very heart of the study of philosophy, from the pre-Socratics to the modern era. They also play an important role in many other subjects including physics, economics, psychology and cognitive science. The Routledge Companion to Thought Experiments is an outstanding guide and reference source to this multi-faceted subject. Routledge Market: Philosophy July 2017: 246x174: 600pp Hb: 978-0-415-73508-7: £165.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Critical Thinking: The Basics

Philosophy for AS and A Level

Stuart Hanscomb Series: The Basics Critical Thinking: The Basics is an accessible and engaging introduction to the field of critical thinking, drawing on philosophy, communication and psychology. Emphasising its relevance to decision making (in personal, professional and civic life), academic literacy and personal development, this book supports the reader in understanding and developing their knowledge and skills.

Routledge Market: Philosophy November 2016: 198x129: 252pp Hb: 978-1-138-82623-6: £75.00 Pb: 978-1-138-82624-3: £14.99 eBook: 978-1-315-73946-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Epistemology and Moral Philosophy Michael Lacewing, Heythrop College, University of London, UK Philosophy for AS and A Level and Philosophy for A Level are the Routledge textbooks for the new 2017 AQA AS and A Level Philosophy syllabus. Structured closely around the AQA specification these textbooks cover epistemology, moral philosophy, metaphysics of God and metaphysics of mind in an engaging and student-friendly way.

Routledge Market: Philosophy/A level April 2017: 246x189: 322pp Pb: 978-1-138-69039-4: £24.99 * For full contents and more information, visit:


Journey into Philosophy An Introduction with Classic and Contemporary Readings Stan Baronett, Lecturer in Philosophy Journey into Philosophy enriches the lives of students by introducing philosophical thought in an accessible manner. It uses everyday life situations to connect each topic to students’ personal lives. The text has over one hundred classical and contemporary readings that facilitate studying each philosophical issue from a variety of perspectives, allowing instructors to choosereadings that match the individual needs of each class. Special features include a section on the role of logic, and writing a philosophy paper, two useful tools for approaching and analyzing philosophical writing for students who are new to philosophy. Includes a Companion Website for students and instructors. Routledge Market: Philosophy October 2016: 254 x 178: 720pp Hb: 978-1-138-93647-8: £95.00 Pb: 978-1-138-93648-5: £39.99 eBook: 978-1-315-67678-4 * For full contents and more information, visit:


Philosophy for A Level Metaphysics of God and Metaphysics of Mind Michael Lacewing, Heythrop College, University of London, UK Philosophy for AS and A Level and Philosophy for A Level are the Routledge textbooks for the new 2017 AQA AS and A Level Philosophy syllabus. Structured closely around the AQA specification these textbooks cover epistemology, moral philosophy, metaphysics of God and metaphysics of mind in an engaging and student-friendly way.

Routledge Market: Philosophy/A level April 2017: 246x189: 372pp Pb: 978-1-138-69040-0: £24.99 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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KANT Dummy text to keep placeholder

Analytic and Continental Kantianism The Legacy of Kant in Sellars and Meillassoux Edited by Fabio Gironi, University College Dublin, Ireland Series: Routledge Studies in Contemporary Philosophy Interest in realism and naturalism, emerging under the banner of speculative or new realism, has prompted continentally-trained philosophers to consider a number of important texts from analytic philosophy. This volume brings together experts of both analytic and continental philosophy to discuss the legacy of Kantianism. The individual essays explore the ways in which the philosophy of Sellars can be put into dialogue with the widely influential work of Meillassoux, explaining how—even thought their methods, language, and proximal influences are widely different—their philosophical stances can be compared thanks to their shared Kantian heritage and interest in the problem of realism. Routledge Market: Philosophy August 2017: 229 x 152: 272pp Hb: 978-1-138-70367-4: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-20304-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Kant and The Scottish Enlightenment Edited by Elizabeth Robinson, Nazareth College, USA and Chris W. Surprenant, University of New Orleans, USA Series: Routledge Studies in Eighteenth-Century Philosophy This book aims to fill a perceived gap in the literature by providing a starting point for future discussions looking at the influence of Hume, Reid, Smith, Hutcheson, and other Scottish Enlightenment thinkers on Kant’s philosophy. It begins with the influence of these thinkers on Kant’s moral thought, including the role of feelings, reason, and religion. The discussion then moves to an examination of the relationship between truth, freedom, and responsibility in the texts coming out of the Scottish Enlightenment and its connection to Kant’s metaphysics and aesthetics. The volume concludes with a discussion of Kant’s anthropology. Routledge Market: Philosophy June 2017: 229 x 152: 336pp Hb: 978-1-138-20701-1: £105.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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The Kantian Mind Edited by Sorin Baiasu and Mark Timmons, University of Arizona, USA Series: Routledge Philosophical Minds The Kantian Mind is an outstanding guide and reference source to Kant's thought and a major contribution to the study of his work. Breaking the mould of previous collections it covers the whole span of Kant's contribution, from his pre Critical works to his contributions to fields such as religion and politics, up to the way his thought influences philosophers working in the Kantian tradition today. Essential reading for all students and scholars of the Kant and contemporary Kantian thought, and extremely helpful to those in related disciplines in the humanities and social sciences such as religion, history, politics and literature. Routledge Market: Philosophy September 2017: 246x174: 400pp Hb: 978-1-138-82748-6: £165.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Bioethics: The Basics

Engaging Bioethics

Alastair V. Campbell, National University of Singapore, Singapore Series: The Basics

An Introduction With Case Studies

Bioethics: The Basics provides the reader with introduction to the foundational principles, theories and issues in the study of medical and biological ethics. Controversial but important questions facing us today are discussed including; arguments for the rights and wrongs of abortion, euthanasia and animal research; healthcare ethics including the nature of the practitioner-patient relationship; public policy ethics, ‘3 parents’, enhancement, incidental findings and nudge approaches in health care. Concise, readable and authoritative, this is the ideal primer for anyone interested in the study of bioethics.

Engaging Bioethics: An Introduction with Case Studies draws students into this rapidly changing field, helping them actively untangle the many issues at the intersection of medicine and moral concern. Presuming readers start with no background in philosophy, it offers balanced, philosophically based inquiry for undergraduates throughout the humanities and social sciences as well as for health care professionals-in-training, including students in medical school, pre-medicine, nursing, public health, and those studying to assist physicians in various capacities. Written by an author team with more than three decades of combined experience teaching bioethics, this book offers flexibility for instructors, chapter learning objectives, integration with case studies and primary sources, and a companion website.

Routledge Market: Philosophy/Medicine August 2017: 198x129: 188pp Hb: 978-0-415-79030-7: £70.00 Pb: 978-0-415-79031-4: £15.99 eBook: 978-1-315-21329-3 Prev. Ed Pb: 978-0-415-50408-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Gary Seay and Susana Nuccetelli

Routledge Market: Philosophy January 2017: 235 x 187: 400pp Hb: 978-0-415-83794-1: £90.00 Pb: 978-0-415-83795-8: £36.95 eBook: 978-0-203-78870-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Causality, Probability, and Medicine

Ethics at the End of Life

Donald Gillies, University College London, UK

New Issues and Arguments

Why is understanding causation so important in philosophy and the social sciences? Should causation be defined in terms of probability? Whilst causation plays a major role in theories and concepts of medicine little attempt has been made to connect causation and probability with medicine itself. Donald Gillies examines competing philosophical theories of causation, including action-related theories, causality and mechanisms, and causality and probability. He applies them to important topics in medicine, such as germ theory; anthrax, tuberculosis, and cholera; smoking and heart disease; RCTs; the growing area of philosophy of evidence-based medicine; and philosophy of epedemiology. Routledge Market: Philosophy October 2017: 234x156: 240pp Hb: 978-1-138-82928-2: £100.00 Pb: 978-1-138-82930-5: £29.99 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Edited by John Davis The 14 chapters in Ethics at the End of Life: New Issues and Arguments , all published her for the first time, focus on recent thinking in this important area, helping initiate issues and lines of argument that have not been explored previously. At the same time, a reader can use this volume to become oriented to the established questions and positions in end of life ethics, both because new questions are set in their context, and because most of the chapters—written by a team of experts—survey the field as well as add to it. Each chapter includes initial summaries, final conclusions, and a Related Topics section. Routledge Market: Ethics / Philosophy December 2016: 229 x 152: 254pp Hb: 978-1-138-82975-6: £85.00 eBook: 978-1-315-72795-0 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Current Controversies in Bioethics

Human Genetics: The Basics

Edited by S Matthew Liao and Collin O'Neil, Lehman College Series: Current Controversies in Philosophy

Ricki Lewis Series: The Basics

Bioethics investigates ethical issues arising out of the life sciences and medicine. This volume features ten original essays by leading philosophers on five cutting-edge controversies in bioethics: duties of ancillary care in international research settings; psychopathy and moral responsibility; reproductive ethics and the non-identity problem; addiction and blameworthiness; and personal responsibility and justice in healthcare. The editors' concise introduction, the annotated bibliographies and study questions for each controversy, and the supplemental guide to additional controversies gives the reader a broad grasp of the different kinds of challenges in bioethics.

Human genetics has blossomed from an obscure biological science and explanation for rare disorders to a field that is profoundly altering health care for everyone. This thoroughly updated new edition of Human Genetics: The Basics provides a concise background of gene structure and function through the lens of real examples, from families living with inherited diseases to population-wide efforts in which millions of average people are learning about their genetic selves. Written in an engaging, narrative manner, this concise introduction is an ideal starting point for anyone who wants to know more about genes, DNA, genomes, and the genetic ties that bind us all.

Routledge Market: Bioethics / Philosophy December 2016: 229 x 152: 182pp Hb: 978-1-138-85582-3: £85.00 eBook: 978-1-315-43753-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Routledge Market: Human Genetics December 2016: 198x129: 192pp Hb: 978-1-138-66800-3: £75.00 Pb: 978-1-138-66801-0: £15.99 eBook: 978-1-315-40698-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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MEDICINE & MEDICAL ETHICS Dummy text to keep placeholder

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Medical Ethics, Prediction, and Prognosis

Vulnerability, Autonomy, and Applied Ethics

Interdisciplinary Perspectives Edited by Mariacarla Gadebusch Bondio, Technical University of Munich, Germany, Francesco Sporing, Technical University of Munich, Germany and John-Stewart Gordon, Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania Series: Routledge Annals of Bioethics Recent scientific developments have given rise to numerous predictive procedures for detecting predispositions to diseases in patients. This knowledge, however, does not necessarily promise benign results for either patients or health care professionals. The aim of this volume is to analyse issues related to prediction and prognosis as a burgeoning field of medicine, which is revolutionizing the way we understand and approach diagnosis and treatment. Combining epistemic and ethical reflection with medical expertise, this book critically examines anticipatory medicine from various perspectives, including history of medicine, bioethics, theories of science, and health economics. Routledge Market: Philosophy / Bioethics April 2017: 229 x 152: 200pp Hb: 978-1-138-63269-1: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-20808-4 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Edited by Christine Straehle, University of Ottawa, Canada Series: Routledge Research in Applied Ethics Vulnerability is an important concern of moral philosophy, political philosophy and many discussions in applied ethics. Yet the concept of itself—what it is and why it is morally salient—is under-theorized. This bookbrings together theorists working on conceptualizing vulnerability as an action-guiding principle in these discussions, as well as bioethicists, medical ethicists and public policy theorists working on instances of vulnerability in specific contexts. It offers new and innovative work by Joel Anderson, Carla Bagnoli, Samia Hurst, and Catriona Mackenzie who together provide a discussion of the concept of vulnerability from the perspective of individual autonomy. Routledge Market: Philosophy / Ethics November 2016: 229 x 152: 210pp Hb: 978-1-138-12555-1: £85.00 eBook: 978-1-315-64741-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:


Philosophy of Medicine An Introduction R. Paul Thompson, University of Toronto, Canada and Ross Upshur, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada In this book Paul Thompson and Ross Upshur introduce the key topics in philosophy of medicine for those coming to the subject for the first time, including: Models and theories in biology and medicine Randomised clinical trials The concept of evidence in medical research Causation in medicine Advances in neuroscience and the relationship between mind and body Defining health and disease: are explanations of disease objective? The role of evolutionary biology in understanding medicine. Case studies are used throughout, including debates about smoking and cancer, the use of placebos in RCTs and controversies about research into the causes of HIV and autism. Routledge Market: Philosophy / Medicine July 2017: 234x156: 240pp Hb: 978-0-415-50107-1: £75.00 Pb: 978-0-415-50109-5: £24.99 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Philosophy of Molecular Medicine Foundational Issues in Research and Practice Edited by Giovanni Boniolo, University of Milan and Marco J. Nathan Philosophy of Molecular Medicine: Foundational Issues in Theory and Practice aims at a systematic investigation of a number of foundational issues in the field of molecular medicine. The collection of previously unpublished essays is organized around four broad modules focusing, respectively, on the following key aspects: What are the nature, scope and limits of molecular medicine? How does it provide explanations? How does it represent and model phenomena of interest? How does it infer new knowledge from data and experiments? Routledge Market: Philosophy / Medicine November 2016: 229 x 152: 288pp Hb: 978-1-138-94067-3: £90.00 eBook: 978-1-315-67416-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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METAPHYSICS Dummy text to keep placeholder


Current Controversies in Metaphysics

What is this thing called Metaphysics?

Edited by Elizabeth Barnes This book showcases a range of views on topics at the forefront of current controversies in the field of metaphysics. It will give readers a varied and alive introduction to the field, and cover such key issues as: modality, fundamentality, composition, the object/property distinction, and indeterminacy. The contributors include some of the most important philosophers currently writing on these issues. Editor Elizabeth Barnes guides readers through these controversies (all published here for the first time), with a synthetic introduction and succinct abstracts of each debate. Routledge Market: Metaphysics / Philosophy December 2016: 229 x 152: 166pp Hb: 978-0-415-85565-5: £85.00 eBook: 978-0-203-73560-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Brian Garrett, Australian National University, Australia Series: What is this thing called? How did our universe come to be? Does God exist? Does time flow? What are we? Do we have free will? What is truth? Metaphysics is concerned with the nature of ourselves and the world around us. This clear and accessible introduction covers the central topics in metaphysics in a concise but comprehensive way. Brian Garrett discusses the crucial concepts and arguments of metaphysics in a highly readable manner. This third edition has been thoroughly revised. Most chapters include new and updated material, and there are now two chapters devoted to attacks on free will and fatalism. Routledge Market: Philosophy January 2017: 246x174: 156pp Hb: 978-1-138-83224-4: £80.00 Pb: 978-1-138-83225-1: £21.99 eBook: 978-1-315-73610-5 Prev. Ed Pb: 978-0-415-61722-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:


Metaphysics A Contemporary Introduction, Fourth Edition Michael J. Loux and Thomas M. Crisp Series: Routledge Contemporary Introductions to Philosophy Metaphysics: A Contemporary Introduction is for students who have already completed an introductory philosophy course and need a fresh look at the central topics in the core subject of metaphysics. It is essential reading for any student of the subject. This Fourth Edition is revised and updated and includes two new chapters on (1) parts and wholes and (2) metaphysical indeterminacy or vagueness. This new edition also keeps the user-friendly format, the chapter overviews summarizing the main topics, concrete examples to clarify difficult concepts, annotated further reading at the end of each chapter, endnotes and a full bibliography. Routledge Market: Philosophy January 2017: 229 x 152: 358pp Hb: 978-1-138-63933-1: £85.00 Pb: 978-1-138-63934-8: £27.99 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Philosophical and Scientific Perspectives on Downward Causation Edited by Michele Paolini Paoletti, University of Macerata, Italy and Francesco Orilia, University of Macerata, Italy Series: Routledge Studies in Contemporary Philosophy Downward causation plays a fundamental role in many theories of metaphysics and philosophy of mind. This volume brings together experts from different fields who delve into classic and unexplored lines of philosophical inquiry related to downward causation. It critically assesses the possibility of downward causation given different ontological assumptions and explores the connection between downward causation and the metaphysics of causation and dispositions. Finally, it presents different cases of downward causation in empirical fields such as physics, chemistry, biology and the neurosciences. Routledge Market: Philosophy March 2017: 229 x 152: 344pp Hb: 978-1-138-19505-9: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-63857-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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MORAL THEORY Dummy text to keep placeholder

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In Defense of Moral Luck

Welfare, Meaning, and Worth

Why Luck Often Affects Praiseworthiness and Blameworthiness

Aaron Smuts Series: Routledge Studies in Ethics and Moral Theory

Robert J. Hartman, St. Louis University, USA Series: Routledge Studies in Ethics and Moral Theory The problem of moral luck is there is a contradiction in our common sense idea of moral responsibility. We believe that a person can become more blameworthy as a matter of luck. Nevertheless, the idea that luck affects moral responsibility contradicts another feature of our thinking: A person’s blameworthiness cannot be affected by that which is not within her control. This book defends the claim that luck in results, circumstance, and character can partially determine the degree of a person’s blameworthiness. It provides a unique way to advance the debate about moral luck by appealing to arguments in metaphysics, epistemology, ethical theory, and moral psychology. Routledge Market: Philosophy / Ethics & Moral Theory April 2017: 229 x 152: 168pp Hb: 978-1-138-29344-1: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-23204-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Welfare, Meaning, and Worth argues that there is more to what makes a life worth living than welfare, and that a good life does not consist of what is merely good for the one who lives it. Smuts defends an objective list theory that states that the notion of worth captures matters of importance for which no plausible theory of welfare can account. He puts forth that lives worth living are net high in various objective goods, including pleasure, meaning, knowledge, and loving relationships. This book offers an original exploration of worth as a combination of welfare and meaning that will be of interest to philosophers and ethicist who work on issues in well-being and positive psychology. Routledge Market: Philosophy / Ethics and Moral Theory June 2017: 229 x 152: 232pp Hb: 978-1-138-21662-4: £85.00 eBook: 978-1-315-44192-4 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Moral Skepticism New Essays Edited by Diego E. Machuca Series: Routledge Studies in Ethics and Moral Theory Moral skepticism is at present a vibrant topic of philosophical inquiry. Particularly since the turn of the millennium, the metaethical study of skepticism has profited from advances in general epistemology and findings in empirical sciences. This collection of original essays by leading metaethicists will advance the ongoing debates about various forms of moral skepticism by drawing on recent innovative work on moral disagreement, moral knowledge and justification, moral error theory, moral fictionalism, moral phenomenology, moral psychology, and evolutionary debunking of morality. It will be a valuable resource for scholars working in the areas of moral philosophy and moral psychology. Routledge Market: Philosophy August 2017: 229 x 152: 264pp Hb: 978-1-138-64586-8: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-62786-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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The Routledge Handbook of Franz Brentano and the Brentano School Edited by Uriah Kriegel, University of Arizona, USA Series: Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy Through his own work and that of his students, Franz Clemens Brentano (1838-1917) had th st an often underappreciated influence on the course of 20 - and 21 -century philosophy. The Routledge Handbook of Franz Brentano and the Brentano School offers full coverage of this influence, containing 38 brand-new essays that offer a comprehensive view of Brentano’s central research areas—philosophy of mind, metaphysics, and value theory—as well as the principal figures influenced by Brentano’s school of thought. Systematic and detailed, this volume provides readers with a valuable reference to Brentano’s work, and to his lasting importance in the history of philosophy and in contemporary debates. Routledge Market: Philosophy March 2017: 246x174: 376pp Hb: 978-1-138-02344-4: £130.00 eBook: 978-1-315-77646-0 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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PHENOMENOLOGY Dummy text to keep placeholder

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Heidegger’s Shadow

Phenomenology of Plurality

Kant, Husserl, and the Transcendental Turn

Hannah Arendt on Political Intersubjectivity

Chad Engelland, University of Dallas, USA Series: Routledge Studies in Twentieth-Century Philosophy

Sophie Loidolt, University of Kassel, Germany Series: Routledge Research in Phenomenology

Heidegger’s Shadow is an important contribution to the understanding of Heidegger’s ambivalent relation to transcendental philosophy. Its contention is that Heidegger recognizes the importance of transcendental philosophy as the necessary point of entry to his thought, but he nonetheless comes to regard it as something that he must strive to overcome even though he knows such an attempt can never succeed. This book will be of interest to those working on Heidegger, continental philosophy, and transcendental philosophy.

This book develops a phenomenology of plurality by introducing Hannah Arendt’s work into current debates taking place in the phenomenological tradition. Loidolt offers a systematic treatment of plurality that unites the fields of phenomenology, political theory, social ontology, and Arendt studies to offer new perspectives on intersubjectivity, selfhood, personhood, sociality, community, and conceptions of the we. The book is an in-depth, phenomenological analysis of Arendt that represents a viable third way between the modernist and postmodernist camps in Arendt scholarship. It also introduces a number of political and ethical insights that can be drawn from a phenomenology of plurality.

Routledge Market: Philosophy / Phenomenology March 2017: 229 x 152: 280pp Hb: 978-1-138-18187-8: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-64672-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Routledge Market: Philosophy / Phenomenology September 2017: 229 x 152: 296pp Hb: 978-1-138-63189-2: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-20856-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Phenomenology, Naturalism and Empirical Science

Michael Morgan, Indiana University, Bloomington, USA Series: The Routledge Philosophers

A Hybrid and Heretical Proposal

Emmanuel Levinas (1906-1995) stands in the great tradition of phenomenology that stretches from Edmund Husserl to Martin Heidegger. His emphasis on the importance of the ‘Other’ in ethics has had a huge impact in continental philosophy, literature and religious studies. Including chapter summaries, annotated further reading and a glossary of technical terms this is an ideal introduction to Levinas’s thought for anyone coming to his work for the first time. It will be essential reading for students in philosophy as well as related disciplines such as religion, theology, Jewish studies and literature. Routledge Market: Philosophy September 2017: 216x138: 240pp Hb: 978-1-138-82754-7: £100.00 Pb: 978-1-138-82757-8: £19.99 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Jack Reynolds, Deakin University, Australia Series: Routledge Research in Phenomenology In Phenomenology, Naturalism and Empirical Science, Jack Reynolds takes the controversial position that phenomenology and naturalism are compatible, and develops a hybrid account of phenomenology and empirical science. Though phenomenology and naturalism are typically understood as philosophically opposed to one another, Reynolds argues that this resistance is based on an understanding of transcendental phenomenology that is ultimately untenable and in need of updating. This book makes a significant contribution to one of the central issues in phenomenology and argues for phenomenology’s ongoing importance for the future of philosophy. Routledge Market: Philosophy March 2017: 229 x 152: 208pp Hb: 978-1-138-92438-3: £90.00 eBook: 978-1-315-68441-3 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Phenomenological Reflections on Violence

Pragmatic Perspectives in Phenomenology

A Skeptical Approach James Dodd, New School for Social Research, USA Series: Studies in Philosophy

Edited by Ondrej Svec, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic and Jakub Capek, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic Series: Routledge Research in Phenomenology

This book’s six essays are guided by a skeptical philosophical attitude about the meaning of violence that refuses to conform to the exigencies of essence and the stable patterns of lived experience. They are readings as much as they are reflections; attempts at interpretation as much as they are attempts to push concepts of violence to their limits. They draw upon a range of different authors and historical moments, but without any attempt to reduce them into a series of examples elucidating a comprehensive theory. The aim is to follow a path of distinctively episodic and provisional modes of thinking and reflection that offers a potential glimpse at how violence can be understood.

This collection offers a complex analysis of the pragmatic theses that are present in the works of leading phenomenologists, including Husserl, Heidegger, and Merleau-Ponty. Chapters explore the following themes as possible justifications for speaking about the pragmatic turn in phenomenology: the primacy of the practical over theoretical understanding, criticism of the representationalist account of perception, and the analysis of language and truth within the context of social and cultural practices. This volume will be of interest to scholars of phenomenology who are interested in moving beyond the analytic-continental divide to explore the relationship between practice and theory.

Routledge Market: Philosophy / Phenomenology May 2017: 229 x 152: 208pp Hb: 978-0-415-79189-2: £85.00 eBook: 978-1-315-21217-3 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Routledge Market: Philosophy March 2017: 229 x 152: 288pp Hb: 978-1-138-21097-4: £85.00 eBook: 978-1-315-45389-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Philosophy of Law

The Routledge Guidebook to Foucault's The History of Sexuality

An introduction Mark Tebbit, University of Reading, UK Philosophy of Law: An Introduction provides an ideal starting-point for students of philosophy and law. Setting it clearly against the historical background, Mark Tebbit quickly leads readers into the heart of the philosophical questions that dominate philosophy of law today. He provides an exceptionally wide-ranging overview of the contending theories that have sought to resolve these problems. This new third edition has been updated and extended again to include assessments of important developments in philosophy and law in the early years of the 21st century. Routledge Market: Philosophy / Law February 2017: 234x156: 308pp Hb: 978-0-415-82745-4: £80.00 Pb: 978-0-415-82746-1: £24.99 eBook: 978-1-315-28101-8 Prev. Ed Pb: 978-0-415-33441-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Chloe Taylor, University of Alberta, Canada Series: The Routledge Guides to the Great Books Michel Foucault’s The History of Sexuality is one of the most influential philosophical works of the twentieth century and has been instrumental in shaping the study of Gender, Feminist Theory and Queer Theory. But Foucault’s writing can be difficult to grasp as Foucault assumes a familiarity with the intellectually dominant theories of his time. The Routledge Guidebook to Foucault’s History of Sexuality offers a clear and comprehensive guide to this groundbreaking work, offering a close reading of the text, this is essential reading for anyone studying this enormously influential work. Routledge Market: Philosophy November 2016: 198x129: 262pp Hb: 978-0-415-71783-0: £85.00 Pb: 978-0-415-71784-7: £18.99 eBook: 978-1-315-72715-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of Economics

5 Volume Set

Philosophy of Mathematics Edited by A. C. Paseau Series: Critical Concepts in Philosophy

Julian Reiss and Conrad Heilmann Series: Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy

This four-volume collection will be of interest to both philosophers and mathematicians, as well as to anyone who is susceptible to wondering what the main intellectual tool used in science, economics and finance, and indeed everyday life is ultimately about.

The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Economics gives a comprehensive overview of key concepts in the field and provides a forum for its most important debates. These debates include the role of neuroeconomics, the foundations of decision and game theory, mechanisms, significance tests, capabilities, limits of markets, and Nudge policies. In each debate, one scholar presents a new lead article on a topical question in philosophy of economics, and up to three scholars write responses. Short overviews, written by the Handbook’s editors, precede each debate, providing context and explaining key concepts. These overviews will best serve advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate students in philosophy, economics and neighboring disciplines, as well as scholars new to the field. The debates themselves will also interest researchers in philosophy and economics and in related fields.

Routledge Market: Philosophy January 2017: 234x156: 1959pp Hb: 978-1-138-88666-7: £900.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Social Science

Routledge Market: Philosophy / Economics September 2017: 254 x 178: 400pp Hb: 978-1-138-82420-1: £165.00 eBook: 978-1-315-73979-3 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Edited by Lee McIntyre, Boston University and Alex Rosenberg, Duke University, USA Series: Routledge Philosophy Companions This comprehensive volume includes thirty-seven newly written chapters on virtually all of the key debates in the philosophy of social science. Edited by two of the leading scholars in the field, each entry is written by an outstanding expert in the philosophy of social science, asked here to provide an intellectual overview of their topic in language that will be accessible to both students and scholars. The result is a volume that will be welcomed by student, teachers, and scholars alike. Routledge Market: Philosophy / Social Science December 2016: 254 x 178: 474pp Hb: 978-1-138-82575-8: £150.00 eBook: 978-1-315-41009-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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PHILOSOPHY & FREE WILL Dummy text to keep placeholder

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Causation, Freedom and Determinism

Free Will

An Attempt to Solve the Causal Problem Through a Study of its Origins in Seventeenth-Century Philosophy

A Defence Against Neurophysiological Determinism

Mortimer Taube Series: Routledge Library Editions Free Will and Determinism This book, first published in 1936, divides into roughly two parts: a re-examination of historical material; and a positive theory of causation suggested by the results of this re-examination. The historical study discloses an ambiguity in the meanings of causation and determinism; it discloses also that this ambiguity is transferred to the meaning of freedom. Routledge Market: Philosophy, Free Will May 2017: 234x156: 260pp Hb: 978-1-138-63493-0: £90.00 eBook: 978-1-315-20660-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:

John Thorp Series: Routledge Library Editions Free Will and Determinism The problem of freedom and determinism is one of the most enduring, and one of the best, problems in philosophy. One of the best because it so tenaciously resists solution while yet always seeming urgent, and one of the most enduring because it has always been able to present itself in different ways to suit the preoccupations of different ages. This book, first published in 1980, sets out to defend free will: it elaborates a sober and systematic case for libertarianism in the face of the overwhelming threat that is posed by the scientific study of the brain. Routledge Market: Philosophy, Free Will May 2017: 234x156: 172pp Hb: 978-1-138-70221-9: £80.00 eBook: 978-1-315-20265-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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The Essential Element in Human Action

Negative and Positive Conceptions

Alan Donagan Series: Routledge Library Editions Free Will and Determinism

Yıldız Silier Series: Routledge Library Editions Free Will and Determinism

This book, first published in 1987, investigates what distinguishes the part of human behaviour that is action (praxis) from the part that is not. The distinction was clearly drawn by Socrates, and developed by Aristotle and the medievals, but key elements of their work became obscured, and were not fully recovered when the theory of action was revived in analytical philosophy. This study aims to recover those elements, and to analyse them in terms of a defensible semantics on Fregean lines. Among its conclusions: that actions are bodily or mental events that are causally explained by their doers’ propositional attitudes, especially by their choices or fully specific intentions.

Isaiah Berlin made a now classic distinction between negative and positive conceptions of freedom. This book, first published in 2005, introduces a fresh way of looking at these conceptions and presents a new defence of the positive conception of freedom. Revealing how the internal debate between various versions of negative freedom give rise to hybrid conceptions of freedom which in turn are superseded by various versions of the positive conception of freedom, Silier concludes that Marx’s concrete historical account of positive freedom resolves many of the key debates in this area and provides a fruitful framework to evaluate the freedoms and unfreedoms that are specific to capitalism.

Routledge Market: Philosophy, Free Will May 2017: 234x156: 206pp Hb: 978-1-138-63513-5: £90.00 eBook: 978-1-315-20285-3 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Routledge Market: Philosophy, Free Will May 2017: 234x156: 188pp Hb: 978-1-138-70348-3: £80.00 eBook: 978-1-315-20307-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Free Action

Freedom from Necessity

A.I. Melden Series: Routledge Library Editions Free Will and Determinism

The Metaphysical Basis of Responsibility

That a science of human conduct is possible, that what any man may do even in moments of the most sober and careful reflection can be understood and explained, has seemed to many a philosopher to cast doubt upon our common view that any human action can ever be said to be truly free. This book, first published in 1961, into crucially important issues that are often ignored in the familiar arguments for and against the possibility of free action. These issues are brought to light and examined in some detail. Routledge Market: Philosophy, Free Will May 2017: 234x156: 234pp Hb: 978-1-138-70220-2: £90.00 eBook: 978-1-315-20272-3 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Bernard Berofsky Series: Routledge Library Editions Free Will and Determinism This book, first published in 1987, is about the classic free will problem, construed in terms of the implications of moral responsibility. The principal thesis is that the core issue is metaphysical: can scientific laws postulate objectively necessary connections between an action and its causal antecedents? The author concludes they cannot, and that, therefore, free will and determinism can be reconciled. Routledge Market: Philosophy, Free Will May 2017: 234x156: 238pp Hb: 978-1-138-70219-6: £90.00 eBook: 978-1-315-20253-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Freewill and Determinism

The Implications of Determinism

A Study of Rival Conceptions of Man

Roy Weatherford Series: Routledge Library Editions Free Will and Determinism

R.L. Franklin Series: Routledge Library Editions Free Will and Determinism This book, first published in 1968, examines the complicated issues which surround the problem of freewill. Although it reaches a libertarian conclusion, its focus is largely on other questions. What ultimately is at stake in this debate? What difference would it make whether we had freewill or not? Why must disagreement persist, and why do philosophes each opposed conclusions with such confidence? The answers to these questions open new perspectives. Routledge Market: Philosophy, Free Will May 2017: 234x156: 354pp Hb: 978-1-138-70370-4: £99.00 eBook: 978-1-315-20303-4 * For full contents and more information, visit:

The problem of determinism arises in all the major areas of philosophy. The first part of this book, first published in 1991, is a critical and historical exposition of the problem and the most important ideas and arguments which have arisen over the many years of debate. The second part considers the various forms of determinism and the implications that they engender. Routledge Market: Philosophy, Free Will May 2017: 234x156: 284pp Hb: 978-1-138-70375-9: £90.00 eBook: 978-1-315-20300-3 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Personal Autonomy

The Routledge Companion to Free Will Edited by Kevin Timpe, Northwest Nazarene University, USA, Meghan Griffith, Davidson College, USA and Neil Levy Series: Routledge Philosophy Companions

Beyond Negative and Positive Liberty Robert Young Series: Routledge Library Editions Free Will and Determinism

This is a comprehensive and up-to-date survey of every aspect of the central questions concerning free will, bringing together original contributions by authors who are at the cutting edge of the current debate. The 61 chapters not only summarize the current state of play but look to the future of the debate and pose challenges to experts. The volume provides a thorough guide to the history, contemporary perspectives in western and non-western philosophy, the most relevant empirical science, and the latest developments at the forefront of the free will

The concept of personal autonomy is central to discussions about democratic rights, personal freedom and individualism in the marketplace. This book, first published in 1986, discusses the concept of personal autonomy in all its facets. It charts historically the discussion of the concept by political thinkers and relates the concept of the autonomy of the individual to the related discussion in political thought about the autonomy of states. It argues that defining personal autonomy as freedom to act without external constraints is too narrow. In particular, it argues the need to restrict the economic autonomy of the individual in order to promote the value of community. Routledge Market: Philosophy, Free Will May 2017: 234x156: 132pp Hb: 978-1-138-70290-5: £80.00 eBook: 978-1-315-20334-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:

debate. Routledge Market: Philosophy November 2016: 246x174: 730pp Hb: 978-1-138-79581-5: £150.00 eBook: 978-1-315-75820-6 * For full contents and more information, visit:


Routledge Library Editions: Free Will and Determinism Various Series: Routledge Library Editions Free Will and Determinism This set reissues a number of classic titles on free will and determinism. They approach the topic from a range of differing viewpoints, and in so doing, provide an excellent overview and in-depth analysis of this fundamental philosophical problem.

Routledge Market: Philosophy May 2017: 234x156: 2104pp Hb: 978-1-138-63228-8: £785.00 eBook: 978-1-315-20086-6 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Eighteenth-Century Dissent and Cambridge Platonism

Philosophical Approaches to Demonology

Louise Hickman, Newman University, Birmingham, UK Series: Routledge Studies in the Philosophy of Religion

Edited by Benjamin W. Mccraw, University of South Carolina Upstate, USA and Robert Arp, University of Missouri – Kansas City, USA Series: Routledge Studies in the Philosophy of Religion

This book traces the influence of the seventeenth-century Cambridge Platonists on eighteenth-century radicalism, specifically on the ethics and philosophy of Richard Price and Mary Wollstonecraft. Such a reading highlights the importance of teleology, deiformity and the divinity of reason for both Price and Wollstonecraft, and it demonstrates that their philosophy and ethics are profoundly theological. This has important implications for understanding the political nature of eighteenth-century theology: they represent not so much a shaking off of religion by secular rationality but a challenge to religious hegemony.

In contradistinction to the many monographs and edited volumes devoted to historical, cultural, or theological treatments of demonology, this collection features newly written papers by philosophers and other scholars engaged specifically in philosophical argument, debate, and dialogue involving ideas and topics in demonology. The contributors to the volume approach the subject from the perspective of the broadest areas of Western philosophy and feature a plurality of religious, cultural, and theological views on the nature of demons from both Eastern and Western thought, in addition to views that may diverge from these traditional roots.

Routledge Market: Philosophy December 2016: 229 x 152: 232pp Hb: 978-1-138-65241-5: £85.00 eBook: 978-1-315-62428-0 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Routledge Market: Philosophy May 2017: 229 x 152: 224pp Hb: 978-1-138-20549-9: £85.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Epistemology and Biblical Theology

Philosophical Essays Against Open Theism

From the Pentateuch to the Gospel of Mark

Edited by Benjamin H. Arbour and Kevin Timpe, Northwest Nazarene University, USA Series: Routledge Studies in the Philosophy of Religion

Dru Johnson Series: Theology and PHIL This study argues that an epistemological system of knowledge can be found in both the Hebrew texts of the Bible and the Gospel of Mark. Johnson assesses contemporary philosophical epistemologies to explore what bearing similar approaches to knowledge have on modern theology. Routledge July 2017: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-1-848-93572-3: £85.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:

This new collection of philosophically rigorous essays critiques the interpretation of divine omniscience known as open theism, focusing primarily on philosophically motivated open theism and positing arguments that reject divine knowledge of future contingents in the face of the dilemma of freedom and foreknowledge. The sixteen new essays in this collection, written by some of the most renowned philosophers on the topic of divine providence, cover a wide variety of issues, including: the ontology of time, systematic metaphysics, perfect being theology, the Christian doctrine of the Incarnation, the problem of evil, and the nature of divine knowledge in general. Routledge Market: Philosophy March 2017: 229 x 152: 280pp Hb: 978-1-138-79999-8: £90.00 eBook: 978-1-315-75570-0 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Human Agency and Divine Will

The Arguments of Aquinas

The Book of Genesis

A Philosophical View

Charlotte Katzoff Series: Routledge Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Biblical Criticism

J.J. MacIntosh, University of Calgary, Canada Series: Routledge Studies in the Philosophy of Religion

Who sent Joseph into Egypt? This is just one of the questions addressed in this innovative philosophical investigation of the Hebrew bible. Through close study of the biblical narrative, Katzoff explores the key connection between human agency and divine volition.

Thomas Aquinas was not just a theologian but one of the world’s most significant philosophers. MacIntosh provides a thorough analysis of the key themes in Aquinas’s writings from a specifically philosophical perspective. Topics covered demonstrate the range of his ideas including, causality, the existence of God, the soul, method and morality.

Routledge October 2017: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-1-848-93590-7: £105.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Routledge Market: Philosophy/Religion April 2017: 229 x 152: 216pp Hb: 978-1-848-93598-3: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-18532-3 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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The Routledge Guidebook to Weber's Protestant Ethic and The Spirit of Capitalism David Chalcraft Series: The Routledge Guides to the Great Books The Routledge Guidebook to Weber’s The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism is an engaging introduction to Weber’s seminal, but often challenging work. Written for readers approaching the Protestant Ethic for the first time, it addresses the complexities in the PE in a clear and accessible way, outlining the social-historical context in which the text was written, providing a close reading of the text which explains contemporary references and the ongoing legacy of the work in modern sociology, philosophy and religion. Routledge January 2017 Hb: 978-1-138-80323-7: £85.00 Pb: 978-1-138-80324-4: £18.99 * For full contents and more information, visit:


What is this thing called Philosophy of Religion? Elizabeth Burns, Heythrop College, University of London, UK Series: What is this thing called? What is this thing called Philosophy of Religion? grapples with the core topics studied on philosophy of religion undergraduate courses including: God as personal, divine omnipotence divine omniscience the problem of evil religious diversity cosmological arguments design arguments moral arguments, and ontological arguments. In addition to the in-depth coverage of the key themes within the subject area Elizabeth Burns uniquely explores the topics from the perspectives of the five main world religions, introducing students to the work of scholars from a variety of religious traditions and interpretations of belief. Routledge Market: Philosophy of Religion August 2017: 246x174: 192pp Hb: 978-1-138-81777-7: £80.00 Pb: 978-1-138-81778-4: £24.99 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Introduction to Logic

Reflective Equilibrium and the Principles of Logical Analysis

Harry J Gensler, John Carroll University, USA Introduction to Logic is clear and concise, uses interesting examples, and has innovative, easy-to-use proof methods. It covers a wide range of topics, including syllogisms; definitions and fallacies; inductive reasoning; propositional and quantificational logic; modal, deontic, and belief logic; and metalogic, history of logic, deviant logic, and philosophy of logic. Different parts can be used in a range of logic courses. Updates to the Third Edition include fuller coverage of traditional Copi proofs, better explanations of truth trees, improved explanations throughout, and updated and improved LogiCola software (still free from Routledge Market: Logic / Philosophy December 2016: 254 x 178: 416pp Hb: 978-1-138-91058-4: £120.00 Pb: 978-1-138-91059-1: £42.99 eBook: 978-1-315-69336-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Understanding the Laws of Logic Jaroslav Peregrin, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and Vladimír Svoboda, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Series: Routledge Studies in Contemporary Philosophy This book offers a comprehensive account of logic that addresses fundamental issues concerning the nature and foundations of the discipline. It presents a systematic argument that the primary subject matter of logic is our linguistic interaction rather than our private reasoning and it is thus misleading to see logic as revealing "the laws of thought". In this sense, fundamental logical laws are implicit to our "language games" and are thus more similar to social norms than to the laws of nature. By carefully scrutinizing the project of logical analysis, the authors demonstrate that logical rules can be best seen as products of the so called reflective equilibrium. Routledge Market: Philosophy March 2017: 229 x 152: 184pp Hb: 978-1-138-21096-7: £85.00 eBook: 978-1-315-45393-4 * For full contents and more information, visit:


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Logic: The Basics

Routledge Revivals: A Modern Elementary Logic (1952)

Jc Beall, University of Connecticut, USA and Shay A. Logan Series: The Basics Logic: the Basics is an accessible introduction to several core areas of logic. This thoroughly revised second edition not only comprehensively covers the standard topics in logic at an introductory level but also gives the reader an idea of how they can take their knowledge further. With its wealth of exercises (many of which have solutions in the encyclopedic online supplement) Logic: the Basics will be useful as a textbook in courses ranging from the introductory level to the early graduate level and also as a reference for students and researchers in philosophical logic. Routledge Market: Philosophy February 2017: 198x129: 290pp Hb: 978-1-138-85226-6: £70.00 Pb: 978-1-138-85227-3: £15.99 eBook: 978-1-315-72365-5 Prev. Ed Pb: 978-0-415-77499-4 * For full contents and more information, visit:

L. Susan Stebbing First published in 1943, and revised for this 1952 edition, this book was intended for use by students of philosophy and as such traditional and modern developments in logic have been combined in a unified treatment. The author envisaged this volume as filling a gap for a simple, introductory text on formal logic, written from a modern point of view, unencumbered by traditional doctrine. This title provides a thorough introduction and grounding in the philosophy of logic, and was later revised after the author’s death to correct a number of logical errors — making this edition the most complete version of the work. Routledge Market: Philosophy of Logic/ 20th Century Philosophy November 2016: 198x129: 214pp Hb: 978-1-138-23185-6: £90.00 eBook: 978-1-315-27001-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Peirce’s Speculative Grammar Logic as Semiotics Francesco Bellucci Series: Routledge Studies in American Philosophy Peirce’s Speculative Grammar: Logic as Semiotics offers a comprehensive, philologically accurate, and exegetically ambitious developmental account of Peirce’s theory of speculative grammar. The book traces the evolution of Peirce’s grammatical writings from his early research on the classification of arguments in the 1860s up to the complex semiotic taxonomies elaborated in the first decade of the twentieth century. It will be of interest to academic specialists working on Peirce, the history of American philosophy and pragmatism, the philosophy of language, the history of logic, and semiotics. Routledge Market: Philosophy September 2017: 229 x 152: 338pp Hb: 978-0-415-79350-6: £85.00 eBook: 978-1-315-21100-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Peirce on Perception and Reasoning Rocco J Gennaro, University of Southern Indiana, USA Series: New Problems of Philosophy

Consciousness is the biggest contemporary problem in philosophy of mind, yet it is an area full of assumption, contested theories and scientific reductionism. Philosophers, psychologists, neuroscientists and biologists are no nearer solving the problem. This book provides a thorough introduction to the philosophical problem of consciousness, examining the fundamental theories and debates and weighing up competing arguments and solutions. The reader is supported with chapter summaries, annotated further reading and a glossary, making Consciousness essential reading for students and researchers in philosophy and related fields such as psychology and cognitive science. Routledge Market: Philosophy / Psychology October 2016: 234x156: 244pp Hb: 978-1-138-82770-7: £100.00 Pb: 978-1-138-82771-4: £29.99 eBook: 978-1-315-52153-4 * For full contents and more information, visit:

From Icons to Logic Edited by Kathleen A. Hull, Independent Scholar and Richard Kenneth Atkins, Boston College, USA Series: Routledge Studies in American Philosophy In this book, scholars examine the nature and significance of Peirce’s work on perception, iconicity, and diagrammatic thinking. Abjuring any strict dichotomy between presentational and representational mental activity, Peirce’s theories transform the Aristotelian, Humean, and Kantian paradigms that continue to hold sway today and forge a new path for understanding the centrality of visual thinking in science, education, art, and communication. This book is a key resource for scholars interested in Perice’s philosophy and its relation to contemporary issues in mathematics, philosophy of mind, philosophy of perception, semiotics, logic, visual thinking, and cognitive science. Routledge Market: Philosophy April 2017: 229 x 152: 248pp Hb: 978-1-138-21501-6: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-44464-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Health and Happiness


Lisa Bortolotti, University of Birmingham, UK and Michael Larkin

Adam Pautz, Brown University, USA Series: New Problems of Philosophy

Health and Happiness takes a fresh interdisciplinary approach to the discussion of the relationship between health and happiness by examining how the topic is approached from both the field of philosophy and the field of psychology. With Important concepts explained clearly throughout and with features such as recommended reading, discussion points and key words, this book is essential reading for students studying philosophy of psychology, philosophy of medicine or the psychology of health and/or well-being. Routledge Market: Philosophy/Psychology September 2017: 234x156: 224pp Hb: 978-1-138-83975-5: £85.00 Pb: 978-1-138-83976-2: £24.99 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Adam Pautz examines four of the most important theories of perception: the sense datum view; the Qualia view; the intentional view; and the disjunctive view, assessing each in turn. He also discusses the relationship between perception and the physical world. Examples are included throughout the book to illustrate the problematic nature of perception, including consciousness, hallucination, illusion, blindsight, the reliability of introspection, and whether perception is conceptual or non-conceptual. Chapter summaries, annotated further reading and a glossary make Perception essential reading for students of philosophy of mind, philosophy of psychology and metaphysics. Routledge Market: Philosophy September 2017: 234x156: 240pp Hb: 978-0-415-48604-0: £100.00 Pb: 978-0-415-48605-7: £29.99 * For full contents and more information, visit:


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Know Thyself

Self-Reflection for the Opaque Mind

The Value and Limitations of Self-Knowledge

An Essay in Neo-Sellarsian Philosophy

Mitchell Green Know Thyself: The Value and Limits of Self-Knowledge takes the reader on an illuminating tour of important attempts at self knowledge, from antiquity to today. Author Mitchell S. Green calls on classical sources like Plato and Confucius, 20th-century thinkers like Freud, and the very latest developments in neuroscience, experimental psychology, and Buddhist philosophy to explore topics at the heart of who we are. These topics include the deep unconscious, the problem of free will, the dynamics of implicit biases, the pervavsiveness of self-deception, and the role of emotion in self-understanding. The result is an unvarnished look at both the achievements and drawbacks of the many attempts to better know one’s own self. Routledge Market: Philosophy / Philosophy of Mind July 2017: 229 x 152: 150pp Hb: 978-1-138-67599-5: £85.00 Pb: 978-1-138-67602-2: £19.99 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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T. Parent Series: Routledge Studies in Contemporary Philosophy This book attempts to solve a grave problem about critical self-reflection. Psychological studies indicate not just that we are bad at detecting our own "ego-threatening" thoughts; they also suggest that we are ignorant of even our ordinary thoughts. So if ignorance is the norm, why attempt self-reflection? While admitting the psychological data, this book argues that we are infallible in a limited range of self-discerning judgments—that in some cases, these judgments are self-fulfilling or self-verifying. It will be of interest to scholars working on the issue of self-reflection across a wide range of disciplines, including philosophy, psychology, and cognitive science. Routledge Market: Philosophy / Philosophy of Mind December 2016: 229 x 152: 296pp Hb: 978-1-138-66882-9: £85.00 eBook: 978-1-315-61844-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Sellars and Contemporary Philosophy

The Routledge Guidebook to Freud's Interpretation of Dreams

Edited by David Pereplyotchik, Kent State University, USA and Deborah R. Barnbaum, Kent State University, USA Series: Routledge Studies in American Philosophy This book develops new directions in scholarship on the work of celebrated American philosopher Wilfrid Sellars, highlighting the relevance of his work to contemporary philosophical debates. The first section is devoted to Sellarsian approaches to the philosophy of language and philosophy of mind. The book’s second section develops the underexplored area of Sellarsian ethics, focusing on his naturalistic account of practical reasoning and his longstanding engagement with Kant. The third section of essays grapples with traditional metaphysical and epistemological issues concerning truth, meaning, existence, and objectivity. Routledge Market: Philosophy December 2016: 229 x 152: 264pp Hb: 978-1-138-67062-4: £85.00 eBook: 978-1-315-61754-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Richard Armstrong Series: The Routledge Guides to the Great Books Freud’s seminal work The Interpretation of Dreams helped to shape the culture of modernism of the twentieth century and launched the discipline of psychoanalysis, which continues influence our understanding of human subjectivity and the workings of the unconscious today but the original text is complex and quite dense for anyone who is unfamiliar with Freud’s work. Tracing the evolution of the text from a regional theory of psychopathology, to Freud’s model for the ‘apparatus of the soul’ which outlines the formation of some of his best known theories, The Routledge Guidebook to Freud’s The Interpretation of Dreams provides an accessible introduction to Freud’s work. Routledge September 2017: 198x129: 304pp Hb: 978-1-138-80329-9: £80.00 Pb: 978-1-138-80330-5: £19.99 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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The Quantum of Explanation

The Routledge Handbook of Collective Intentionality

Whitehead’s Radical Empiricism Randall E. Auxier, Souther Illinois University, Carbondale, USA and Gary L. Herstein, Independent Scholar Series: Routledge Studies in American Philosophy Using a complete interpretation of Whitehead’s philosophical and mathematical writings, this book argues that Whitehead has never been properly understood, nor has the depth and breadth of his contribution to the search for knowledge been assimilated by his successors. It applies Whitehead’s philosophy to problems in the interpretation of science, empirical knowledge, and nature, and develops a new account of philosophical naturalism that will contribute to the current debate. The authors also draw attention to some of the most important differences between process theology and Whitehead’s thought, arguing in favor of a Whiteheadian naturalism that is independent of theological concerns. Routledge Market: Philosophy March 2017: 229 x 152: 400pp Hb: 978-1-138-70016-1: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-20492-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Edited by Kirk Ludwig Series: Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy The Routledge Handbook of Collective Intentionality is the first of its kind, synthesizing research from several disciplines for all students and professionals interested in better understanding the nature and structure of social reality. The eight sections contain a total of 40 accessible chapters, all written exclusively for this volume by a team of internationally recognized experts. Each chapter ends with a References and a Further Reading section, and cross-references to other chapters in the volume. A General Introduction provides an initial overview of the history as well as the current issues in collective intentionality and the range of topics and their interconnections. Routledge Market: Philosophy May 2017: 229 x 152: 575pp Hb: 978-1-138-78363-8: £150.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Psychology Sarah Robins, University of Kansas, USA, John Symons and Paco Calvo, University of Murcia, Spain Series: Routledge Philosophy Companions An invaluable guide and reference source to the major topics, concepts and debates in philosophy of psychology. A team of renowned international contributors provide forty-nine chapters organised into six clear parts: Historical background to Philosophy of Psychology Psychological Explanation Cognition and Representation The biological basis of psychology Perceptual Experience Personhood. This second edition includes seven new chapters on important topics such as predictive processing, comparative cognition, learning, and group cognition. Many other chapters have been revised, making this essential reading for students of philosophy and psychology. Routledge Market: Philosophy / Psychology June 2017: 246x174: 678pp Hb: 978-1-138-85541-0: £130.00 Prev. Ed Hb: 978-0-415-39632-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:

The Routledge Handbook of Epistemic Contextualism Edited by Jonathan Jenkins Ichikawa Series: Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy This book is an outstanding reference source to the key topics and problems in epistemic contextualism, and is the first collection of its kind. Over thirty chapters by a team of international contributors are divided into eight parts: Data and motivations for contextualism Methodological issues Epistemological implications Doing without contextualism Relativism and disagreement Semantic implementations Contextualism outside ‘knows’ Foundational linguistic issues. Essential reading for students and researchers in epistemology and philosophy of language, and very useful for those in related fields such as linguistics and philosophy of mind. Routledge Market: Philosophy March 2017: 246x174: 536pp Hb: 978-1-138-81839-2: £150.00 eBook: 978-1-315-74527-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Colour

The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Pain

Edited by Derek Brown, University of Glasgow, UK and Fiona Macpherson Series: Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy This outstanding Handbook contains specially commissioned contributions by leading philosophers organised into four clear sections and examines the most important aspects of philosophy of colour: The philosophical significance of colour: scepticism; truth and semantics; vagueness; aesthetics and the science of colour and colour vision; The ontology of colour: the objectivity of colour; relationalism; pluralism; eliminativism; Constancy and variation: including colour blindness; spectrum inversion; colour illusion; novel colours; synaesthesia; Language, categories and thought. The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Colour is essential reading for students and researchers in philosophy of mind and psychology, epistemology, metaphysics and aesthetics as well as those interested in conceptual issues in the psychology of colour. Routledge Market: Philosophy July 2017: 246x174: 400pp Hb: 978-0-415-74303-7: £165.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Edited by Jennifer Corns, University of Glasgow, UK Series: Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy An outstanding reference source to the key topics and debates in this exciting and interdisciplinary subject and is the first collection of its kind. Comprising over thirty chapters by a team of international contributors the Handbook is divided into nine clear parts: Modelling pain in philosophy Modelling pain in neuroscience Modelling pain in psychology Theoretical Implications: philosophy of mind Epistemology Pain in philosophy of religion Pain in ethics Pain in medicine Pain in law. Essential reading for students and researchers in philosophy of mind, philosophy of psychology and ethics, and those in related fields, such as psychology, medicine and health studies. Routledge Market: Philosophy / Psychology March 2017: 246x174: 480pp Hb: 978-1-138-82318-1: £150.00 eBook: 978-1-315-74220-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Empathy

The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Temporal Experience

Edited by Heidi Maibom, University of Cincinnati, USA Series: Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy This outstanding reference source to the key topics, problems and debates in the field of empathy is the first collection of its kind. Comprising over thirty chapters by a team of international contributors the Handbook is essential reading for students and researchers in philosophy, particularly ethics and philosophy of mind and psychology, the Handbook will also be of interest to those in related fields, such as anthropology and social psychology. Routledge Market: Philosophy / Psychology February 2017: 246x174: 464pp Hb: 978-1-138-85544-1: £150.00 eBook: 978-1-315-28201-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Edited by Ian Phillips, University of Oxford, UK Series: Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy An outstanding reference source to the key topics, problems and debates in this exciting subject and the first collection of its kind. Comprising nearly thirty chapters by a team of international contributors the Handbook is divided into seven parts: Ancient and Early Modern Perspectives Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century Perspectives The Structure of Temporal Experience Temporal Experience and the Philosophy of Mind Temporal Experience and Metaphysics Empirical Perspectives Aesthetics Essential reading for students and researchers in philosophy of mind, psychology and metaphysics, the Handbook will also be of interest to those in related fields, such as psychology. Routledge Market: Philosophy May 2017: 246x174: 424pp Hb: 978-1-138-83074-5: £165.00 eBook: 978-1-315-26964-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Memory

The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of the Social Mind

Edited by Sven Bernecker, University of California, Irvine, USA and Kourken Michaelian, University of Otago, New Zealand Series: Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy An outstanding reference source on the key topics, problems and debates in this exciting area, and the first collection of its kind. The forty-eight chapters are written by an international team of contributors, divided into nine parts: The nature of memory The metaphysics of memory Memory, mind and meaning Memory and the self Memory and time The social dimension of memory The epistemology of memory Memory and morality History of philosophy of memory. Essential reading for students and researchers in philosophy, particularly of mind and psychology, the Handbook will also be of interest to those in related fields, such as psychology and anthropology. Routledge Market: Philosophy / Psychology May 2017: 246x174: 632pp Hb: 978-1-138-90936-6: £165.00 eBook: 978-1-315-68731-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Edited by Julian Kiverstein Series: Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy The theory that animals in large social groups have bigger brains has recently been supported by computer modelling. Such discoveries are part of a bigger theory known as the 'social mind' or 'social brain'. It is one of the most exciting areas of philosophy of mind and psychology, and reaches into related disciplines such as psychology and neuroscience. This outstanding reference source to the key topics and debates is the first collection of its kind. Comprising over thirty chapters, it is essential reading for students and researchers in philosophy of mind and psychology, and extremely useful for those in related disciplines such as sociology and social neuroscience. Routledge Market: Philosophy / Psychology December 2016: 246x174: 574pp Hb: 978-1-138-82769-1: £165.00 eBook: 978-1-315-53017-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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The Senses A Philosophical Introduction Louise Richardson, University of York, UK The senses are our primary means of access to and thus knowledge about the world around us. Philosophical thinking about sense perception has traditionally focussed visual experience with other sense modalities often remaining an afterthought and yet, the senses play a key role in developing the most challenging problems of philosophy. The Senses: A Philosophical Introduction is an engaging and lucid introduction to the issues raised by the on-going ‘turn to the senses’ in philosophy of perception. Routledge Market: Philosophy October 2017: 234x156: 224pp Hb: 978-1-138-92155-9: £100.00 Pb: 978-1-138-92156-6: £24.99 eBook: 978-1-315-68632-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Dummy text to keep placeholder

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C. D. Broad’s Philosophy of Time


L. Nathan Oaklander, University of Michigan-Flint, USA Series: Routledge Studies in Twentieth-Century Philosophy

Thomas Ryckman, Stanford University, USA Series: The Routledge Philosophers

In this study, Oaklander's primary aim is to examine critically C.D. Broad’s changing views of time and in so doing clarify the central disputes in the philosophy of time, explicate the various positions Broad took regarding them, and develop his own responses both to Broad and the issues debated.

Albert Einstein was the most influential physicist of the 20 century. What is less well-know is that fundamental philosophical problems, such as concept formation, the role of epistemology in explaining physical theories, observation, and the debates between positivism and realism, played a central role in his thought as a whole. In this much-needed book, Tom Ryckman demystifies Einstein’s revolutionary theories of time and space and provides a brilliant philosophical introduction to his work and legacy. As with all books in the series, Einstein includes a chronology, chapter summaries, annotated further reading and a glossary.

Routledge Market: Philosophy February 2017: 229 x 152: 264pp Hb: 978-0-415-99812-3: £90.00 eBook: 978-1-315-77280-6 * For full contents and more information, visit:


Routledge Market: Philosophy June 2017: 216x138: 240pp Hb: 978-0-415-77326-3: £100.00 Pb: 978-0-415-77327-0: £19.99 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Current Controversies in Philosophy of Science

Introduction to Scientific Reasoning

Edited by Shamik Dasgupta and Brad Weslake Series: Current Controversies in Philosophy

Cory Wright, Matteo Colombo, Tilburg University, The Netherlands and Angela M. Potochnik

Current Controversies in Philosophy of Science ask twelve philosophers to debate six questions (two philosophers per debate) that are driving contemporary work in this area of philosophy. But each question also leads readers back to more general issues and shows how these general issues play out in contemporary debates. The result is a book that’s perfect for the advanced student, building up her knowledge of the foundations of the field while also engaging with its cutting-edge questions. Preliminary descriptions of each chapter, annotated bibliographies for each controversy, study questions, and a supplemental guide to further controversies in philosophy of science (with bibliographies) help provide clearer and richer snapshots of active controversies for all readers.

This book helps all undergraduates better understand the methods and rational structure of scientific inquiry. Using historical and contemporary examples, definitions, visual aids, and exercises for active learning, it increases students’ scientific literacy. Key case studies of scientific research cover theoretical, causal, statistical, and probabilistic hypotheses. Procedural and conceptual issues in modeling and nonmonotonic reasoning, explanation, and experimentation are also covered. Designed to help all students navigate our st 21 -century world as well as prepare science majors for more advanced undergraduate coursework, An Introduction to Scientific Reasoning is essential for any college student’s basic education.

Routledge Market: Philosophy September 2017: 229 x 152: 250pp Hb: 978-1-138-82577-2: £80.00 Pb: 978-1-138-82578-9: £26.99 eBook: 978-1-315-71315-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Routledge Market: Philosophy / Critical Thinking October 2017: 300pp Hb: 978-1-138-92072-9: £95.00 Pb: 978-1-138-92073-6: £34.99 eBook: 978-1-315-68687-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Current Controversies in Values and Science

Language and Philosophy of Technology

Edited by Kevin C Elliott and Daniel Steel Series: Current Controversies in Philosophy

Mark Coeckelbergh Series: Routledge Studies in Contemporary Philosophy

Current Controversies in Values and Science asks ten philosophers to debate five questions (two philosophers per debate) that are driving contemporary work in this important area of philosophy of science. The book is perfect for the advanced student, building up her knowledge of the foundations of the field while also engaging its most cutting-edge questions. Introductions and annotated bibliographies for each debate, preliminary descriptions of each chapter, study questions, and a supplemental guide to further controversies in involving values in science help provide clearer and richer snapshots of active controversies for all readers.

This book offers a systematic framework for thinking about the relationship between language and technology and an argument for interweaving thinking about technology with thinking about language. Engaging with the work of Searle, Heidegger, Wittgenstein, Ihde, Latour, and Ricoeur, the author constructs a synthesis of three extreme, untenable positions: only humans speak and neither language nor technologies speak; only language speaks and neither humans nor technologies speak; and only technology speaks and neither humans nor language speak. The construction of this synthesis goes hand in hand with a narrative about subjects and objects that become entangled and constitute one another.

Routledge Market: Philosophy / Ethics March 2017: 229 x 152: 208pp Hb: 978-1-138-19328-4: £55.00 eBook: 978-1-315-63942-0 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Routledge Market: Philosophy / Philosophy of Technology August 2017: 229 x 152: 160pp Hb: 978-1-138-69416-3: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-52857-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Neo-Aristotelian Perspectives on Contemporary Science

The Routledge Handbook of Scientific Realism

Edited by William M.R. Simpson, University of St Andrews, Robert C. Koons, University of Texas at Austin, USA and Nicholas J. Teh, University of Notre Dame, USA Series: Routledge Studies in the Philosophy of Science The last two decades have seen two significant trends emerging within the philosophy of science: the rapid development and focus on the philosophy of the specialised sciences, and a resurgence of Aristotelian metaphysics. Despite these recent trends, few Aristotelian metaphysicians have engaged directly with the philosophy of the specialised sciences. This book aims to fill this gap in the literature by bringing together essays on the relationship between Aristotelianism and science that cut across interdisciplinary boundaries. The chapters in this volume are divided into two main sections covering the philosophy of physics and the philosophy of the life sciences. Routledge Market: Philosophy / Philosophy of Science October 2017: 229 x 152: 232pp Hb: 978-0-415-79256-1: £85.00 eBook: 978-1-315-21162-6 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Edited by Juha Saatsi, University of Leeds, UK Series: Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy The Routledge Handbook of Scientific Realism is an outstanding reference source to this exciting subject and the first collection of its kind. Comprising over thirty chapters by a team of international contributors the handbook covers the following central topics: The historical development of the realist stance; core issues and positions of classic debate; perspectives on contemporary debates and the realism debate in disciplinary context. The realism debate has an important bearing on our attitude towards science and this handbook is essential reading for students and researchers within philosophy of science. Routledge Market: Philosophy of science July 2017: 246x174 Hb: 978-1-138-88885-2: £130.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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The Emergence of Spacetime in String Theory Tiziana Vistarini Series: Routledge Studies in the Philosophy of Mathematics and Physics The nature of space and time is one of the most fascinating and fundamental philosophical issues which presently engages at the deepest level with physics. During the last thirty years this notion has been object of an intense critical review in the light of new scientific theories which try to combine the principles of both general relativity and quantum theory—called theories of quantum gravity. This book considers the way string theory shapes its own account of spacetime disappearance from the fundamental level. Routledge Market: Philosophy June 2017: 234x156: 256pp Hb: 978-1-848-93593-8: £85.00 eBook: 978-1-315-54415-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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The Routledge Handbook of Evolution and Philosophy Edited by Richard Joyce Series: Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy The Routledge Handbook of Evolution and Philosophy covers six maturing areas of contemporary activity at this important intersection: (1) the nature of selection, (2) teleology, (3) human nature, (4) evolution and language, (5) evolutionary epistemology, and (6) evolutionary ethics—providing a treatment for each that combines an overview with cutting-edge discussions. All of the chapters cover topics where innovative and provocative debate is underway in the intellectual community. Overall, the Handbook engages a broad spectrum of lively and important facets of the relationship between philosophy and evolution, without sacrificing substantive discussion. The book thus captures the best live problems currently, while providing a roadmap of potential future directions in this expanding new area. Routledge Market: Philosophy July 2017: 229 x 152 Hb: 978-1-138-78955-5: £130.00 eBook: 978-1-315-76486-3 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY Dummy text to keep placeholder

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Ethics in Politics

Radicalizing Democracy for the Twenty-first century

The Rights and Obligations of Individual Political Agents

Jane Mummery, Federation University, Australia

Edited by Emily Crookston, David Killoren and Jonathan Trerise

While the subject of democracy has been explored by philosophers since ancient times, in the last few decades democracy has been taken for granted in the West as the political norm. The issue of democracy as an empty concept in western political discourse and the emergence of radical democracy has renewed engagement in democratic theory and politics. Radicalizing Democracy for the Twenty-first Century explores the radicalizing movement in democratic thought and is an important resource for students, scholars and university teachers in the field of political philosophy, political theory and international relations.

Moral questions about politicians, voters, lobbyists, and other such political agents are among the most common and important questions faced by citizens in democratic societies. Political ethics, a subfield within applied (or practical) ethics, is about precisely those sorts of questions. Thus political ethics is distinctive in that it does not focus on collective entities (such as governments or states) and instead deals directly with moral issues facing individuals acting in political contexts. This book collects seventeen essays by leading scholars on some of the central questions within the neglected field of political ethics. Routledge Market: Ethics / Philosophy December 2016: 229 x 152: 370pp Hb: 978-1-138-85803-9: £85.00 eBook: 978-1-315-67844-3 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Routledge Market: Philosophy / Politics November 2016: 234x156: 262pp Hb: 978-1-138-90880-2: £85.00 eBook: 978-1-315-43685-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:


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Global Justice: The Basics

Refugees and the Ethics of Forced Displacement

Huw L. Williams and Carl Death, University of Manchester, UK. Series: The Basics Global Justice: The Basics is a straightforward and engaging introduction to the theoretical study and practice of global justice. It examines the key political themes and philosophical debates at the heart of the subject, providing a clear outline of the field and exploring the history of its development, the current state of play and its ongoing interdisciplinary development. Using case studies from around the world which illustrate the importance of the debates at the heart of global justice, the book examines a wide range of theoretical debates from thinkers worldwide making it ideal for those seeking a balanced introduction global justice.

Serena Parekh, Northeastern University, USA Series: Routledge Research in Applied Ethics This book is a philosophical analysis of the ethical treatment of refugees and stateless people, who, though extremely important politically, have been greatly under theorized philosophically. The limited philosophical discussion of refugees focuses narrowly on whether or not we, as members of Western states, have moral obligations to admit refugees into our countries. This book instead shows why it is important to think ethically about people who will never be resettled and who live outside of all political communities. Parekh shows why philosophers ought to be concerned with ethical norms that will help stateless people mitigate the harms of statelessness.

Routledge Market: Philosophy December 2016: 198x129: 238pp Hb: 978-1-138-81629-9: £75.00 Pb: 978-1-138-81630-5: £14.99 eBook: 978-1-315-74619-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Routledge Market: Philosophy/Ethics/Political Philosophy November 2016: 229 x 152: 160pp Hb: 978-0-415-71261-3: £85.00 eBook: 978-1-315-88385-4 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Justice and the Meritocratic State

Social and Political Philosophy

Thomas Mulligan, Georgetown University, USA Series: Routledge Studies in Contemporary Philosophy

A Contemporary Introduction

Like American politics, almost all academic theories of justice fall within one of two traditions: egalitarianism and libertarianism. This book provides an alternative to the partisan standoff by focusing not on equality or liberty, but on the idea that we should give people the things that they deserve. This bookoffers a new theory of justice grounded in empirical research on how humans think about justice and provides solutions to our most vexing social and economic problems, including anti-meritocratic bias against women and racial minorities and the United States’ widening economic inequality. It will be of keen interest to philosophers, economists, and political theorists. Routledge Market: PHILOSOPHY / Political Philosophy March 2017: 229 x 152: 256pp Hb: 978-1-138-28380-0: £85.00 eBook: 978-1-315-27000-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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John Christman Series: Routledge Contemporary Introductions to Philosophy This accessible book is invaluable to anyone coming to social and political philosophy for the first time. It provides a broad survey of key social and political questions in modern society, as well as clear discussions of the philosophical issues central to political thought. Topics covered include: the foundations of political authority, the nature and grounds of economic justice, the limits of tolerance, considerations of community, race, gender, and culture in questions of justice, and radical critiques of current political theories. Updates to the Second Edition emphasize the non-statist areas of the subject and include two brand new chapters on social philosophy and transnational justice. This Second Edition also includes revisions throughout and covereage of recent theoretical discussions and world events. Routledge Market: Philosophy April 2017: 229 x 152: 310pp Hb: 978-1-138-84160-4: £85.00 eBook: 978-1-315-69332-3 Prev. Ed Hb: 978-0-415-21797-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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The Political Philosophy of the Market

What is this thing called Global Justice?

A Critical Introduction Glen Francis Newey Series: Routledge Contemporary Political Philosophy This book, the first of its kind, introduces and examines the nature of and justification for markets from the perspective of political philosophy. Including helpful examples , chapter summaries and annotated further reading this book is essential reading for anyone seeking an introduction to what markets are, how and why they are justified and arguments against them. Routledge Market: Philosophy / Politics October 2017: 234x156: 240pp Hb: 978-1-138-89146-3: £100.00 Pb: 978-1-138-89147-0: £29.99 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Kok-Chor Tan Series: What is this thing called? What is this thing called Global Justice? explores the core topics covered on the increasingly popular undergraduate modules on global justice including world poverty, economic inequality, nationalism, human rights, humanitarian intervention, immigration, global democracy and governance, climate change, and international justice. Centred on real world problems this textbook helps students to understand that global justice is not only a field of philosophical inquiry but also of practical importance. Routledge Market: Political Philosophy January 2017: 246x174: 158pp Hb: 978-1-138-83196-4: £85.00 Pb: 978-1-138-83197-1: £24.99 eBook: 978-1-315-73627-3 * For full contents and more information, visit:


The Routledge Guidebook to Paine's Rights of Man Frances Chiu, New School, New York, USA Series: The Routledge Guides to the Great Books Paine's Rights of Man was one of the first political texts to question hereditary government, it advocated democratic principles, and introduced a blueprint for the modern welfare state. The Routledge Guidebook to Paine’s Rights of Man provides a complete introduction to this foundational text in the history of modern political thought.

Routledge Market: History of Political Thought June 2017: 198x129: 288pp Hb: 978-0-415-70391-8: £80.00 Pb: 978-0-415-70392-5: £19.99 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Unequivocal Justice Christopher Freiman, College of William & Mary, USA Series: Routledge Studies in Contemporary Philosophy This book challenges the prevailing view within political philosophy that broadly free market regimes are inconsistent with the basic principles of liberal egalitarian justice. Liberal egalitarians regularly assume an ideal "public interest" model of political behavior and a nonideal "private interest" model of behavior in the market and civil society. Freiman argues that this asymmetrical application of behavioral assumptions biases the analysis and undercuts ideal theoretical treatments of every major liberal egalitarian principle, including political liberty, economic sufficiency, fair opportunity, and social equality. Routledge Market: PHILOSOPHY / Political Philosophy July 2017: 229 x 152: 160pp Hb: 978-1-138-62822-9: £85.00 eBook: 978-1-315-21075-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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WITTGENSTEIN Dummy text to keep placeholder

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Aspect Perception after Wittgenstein

Wittgenstein and Scientism

Seeing-As and Novelty

Edited by Jonathan Beale and Ian James Kidd, University of Durham, UK

Edited by Michael Beaney, University of York, UK, Brendan Harrington, University of York, UK and Dominic Shaw, University of York, UK Series: Routledge Studies in Contemporary Philosophy

Wittgenstein wrote critically about science, accusing it of "putting man to sleep". This volume is the first study of Wittgenstein’s scientism - a theme in his work that is both clearly central to his thought yet strikingly neglected by the existing literature. An international team of contributors explore and articulate Wittgenstein’s views on scientism and anti-scientism, critically assess them, and consider how they apply to topics such as mind and psychology, philosophical practice, the nature of religious belief, and the place of science in modern culture.

Seeing-as and Novelty brings together new essays that consider Wittgenstein’s treatment of the phenomenon of aspect perception in relation to the broader idea of conceptual novelty; that is, the acquisition or creation of new concepts, and the application of an acquired understanding in unfamiliar or novel situations.The essays in this volume examine the exegetical issues arising within Wittgenstein studies, while also considering the broader utility and implications of the phenomenon of seeing-as in the fields of aesthetics, philosophical psychology, and philosophy of mathematics, with a thematic focus on questions of novelty and creativity. Routledge Market: Philosophy February 2017: 229 x 152: 256pp Hb: 978-1-138-84039-3: £90.00 eBook: 978-1-315-73285-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Routledge Market: Philosophy May 2017: 234x156: 288pp Hb: 978-1-138-82939-8: £85.00 eBook: 978-1-315-27619-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Wittgenstein and Merleau-Ponty

Wittgenstein on Certainty and Doubt

Edited by Komarine Romdenh-Romluc, University of Nottingham, UK Series: Routledge Research in Phenomenology

Joachim Schulte, University of Zurich, Switzerland Series: Wittgenstein's Thought and Legacy

This is the first collection to explicitly compare and contrast the work of Maurice Merleau-Ponty and Ludwig Wittgenstein. Fundamental topics and problems discussed include the role of community in their philosophies; Merleau-Ponty on description and depiction and Wittgenstein on saying and doing; the role of language; their treatment of expression; their relation to the philosophy of the Vienna Circle; solipsism; and rule-following. It is essential reading for anyone studying the work of Wittgenstein and Merleau-Ponty, as well as those interested in phenomenology, philosophy of mind, and philosophy of language.

Wittgenstein's last work, On Certainty, is widely regarded as his third masterpiece of philosophy and one of his most enigmatic writings. On Certainty has largely been read as representing a break with Wittgenstein's previous thinking, but this study places these ideas firmly in the development of his thought since the 1930s. Wittgenstein on Certainty and Doubt illuminates Wittgenstein's examination of the logical features of epistemic terms—such as 'know', 'believe' and 'doubt'—and his interrogation of the foundations of human knowledge, the extent to which our knowledge is immune from doubt, and the conflicts between different articulations of knowledge.

Routledge Market: Philosophy April 2017: 229 x 152: 200pp Hb: 978-0-415-62512-8: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-75484-0 * For full contents and more information, visit:

Routledge Market: Philosophy June 2017: 229 x 152: 208pp Hb: 978-1-844-65828-2: £105.00 Hb: 978-1-315-65895-7: £90.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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Wittgenstein and Phenomenology

Wittgenstein on Sensation and Perception Michael Hymers, Dalhousie University, Canada Series: Wittgenstein's Thought and Legacy

Edited by Oskari Kuusela, University of East Anglia, UK, Mihai Ometita, University of East Anglia, UK and Timur Ųcan, University of East Anglia, UK Series: Routledge Research in Phenomenology

This book offers two claims about Wittgenstein’s views on perception as explored in the Philosophical Investigations. The first is an interpretive claim about Wittgenstein: that his views on sensation and perception, including his critique of private language, have their roots in his reflections on sense-datum theories and on what Hymers calls the misleading metaphor of phenomenal space. The second claim is that Witgenstein’s critique of the misleading metaphor of phenomenal space is of ongoing relevance to current debates concerning first-person authority and the problem of perception because we are still tempted to draw inferences about the phenomenal that only apply to the

This volume of new essays explores the relationship between the thought of Wittgenstein and the key figures of phenomenology: Husserl, Heidegger, Levinas, Merleau-Ponty and Sartre. It is the first book to provide an overview of how Wittgenstein’s philosophy in its different phases relates to the variety of phenomenological approaches developed in continental Europe. In so doing, the volume seeks to throw light on both sides of the comparison, and to clarify more broadly the relations between analytic and phenomenological philosophy. It will be of interest to those working in philosophical methodology and meta-philosophy, the philosophy of mind, philosophy of language and logic, and ethics. Routledge Market: Philosophy / Phenomenology October 2017: 229 x 152: 320pp Hb: 978-1-138-64865-4: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-62630-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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physical. Routledge Market: Philosophy February 2017: 229 x 152: 240pp Hb: 978-1-844-65856-5: £85.00 eBook: 978-1-315-40214-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:

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A Abstract Entities .................................................................... 7 Aesthetic Disinterestedness .............................................. 2 Alain Badiou (4-vol. set) ..................................................... 4 Analytic and Continental Kantianism ...................... 17 Analytic Philosophy .......................................................... 14 Animal Ethics Reader, The ................................................ 5 Anscombe ............................................................................. 10 Arguments of Aquinas, The ........................................... 26 Aspect Perception after Wittgenstein ........................ 37

B Belief, Action, and Rationality over Time .................... 7 Bioethics: The Basics ......................................................... 18 Buddhism, Ethics, and the Good Life ......................... 10

C C. D. Broad’s Philosophy of Time ................................. 33 Causality, Probability, and Medicine ......................... 18 Causation, Freedom and Determinism .................... 24 Character and Causation ............................................... 10 Choice ..................................................................................... 24 Collingwood on Philosophical Method ...................... 7 Consciousness ..................................................................... 29 Contrasts and contests about philosophy ................ 7 Critical Thinking: The Basics .......................................... 16 Current Controversies in Bioethics .............................. 18 Current Controversies in Metaphysics ....................... 20 Current Controversies in Philosophy of Science .................................................................................... 33 Current Controversies in Values and Science .......... 33

E Eighteenth-Century Dissent and Cambridge Platonism .............................................................................. 26 Einstein ................................................................................... 33 Emergence of Spacetime in String Theory, The ............................................................................................ 34 Emerging Technologies ................................................... 10 Engaging Bioethics ........................................................... 18 Environmental Justice as Environmental Ethics .......................................................................................... 5 Epistemology and Biblical Theology ......................... 26 Ethical Challenges of Emerging Medical Technologies, The ............................................................................................ 12 Ethics at the End of Life .................................................... 18 Ethics in Politics ................................................................... 35 Ethics of Biotechnology, The ......................................... 12 Ethics of Climate Engineering, The ................................ 5 Ethics of Global Poverty, The ......................................... 12 Ethics of Information Technologies, The .................. 12 Ethics of Nanotechnology, Geoengineering, and Clean Energy, The ............................................................................ 13 Ethics of Surveillance: An Introduction, The ........... 13 Experimental Turn and the Methods of Philosophy, The .............................................................................................. 9 Explaining Understanding ............................................... 7

F Facts and Values ................................................................... 7 Franz Brentano ................................................................... 14 Free Action ............................................................................ 24 Free Will .................................................................................. 24 Freedom ................................................................................. 24 Freedom from Necessity .................................................. 24

Freewill and Determinism .............................................. 25

G Global Justice: The Basics ............................................... 35

H Health and Happiness ..................................................... Heidegger’s Shadow ......................................................... Hobbesian Applied Ethics and Public Policy ........... Human Agency and Divine Will .................................. Human Genetics: The Basics .........................................

29 22 10 26 18

I Implications of Determinism, The ............................... In Defense of Moral Luck ................................................. Introduction to Logic ........................................................ Introduction to Scientific Reasoning .........................

25 21 28 33

J Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Adam Smith ............. 10 Journey into Philosophy .................................................. 16 Justice and the Meritocratic State .............................. 35

K Kant and The Scottish Enlightenment ...................... 17 Kantian Mind, The ............................................................. 17 Know Thyself ........................................................................ 29

L Language and Philosophy of Technology .............. 33 Levinas .................................................................................... 22 Locke’s Science of Knowledge ......................................... 8 Logic: The Basics ................................................................. 28

M Machine Ethics and Robot Ethics ................................ 11 Medical Ethics, Prediction, and Prognosis ............... 19 Metaphysics ......................................................................... 20 Methods and Skills for Philosophy ................................ 8 Mill's Radical Liberalism .................................................. 14 Modal Epistemology ........................................................... 8 Moral Skepticism ................................................................ 21

N Neo-Aristotelian Perspectives on Contemporary Science .................................................................................... 34 New Politics of Materialism, The .................................. 15 Nietzsche and the Philosophers ..................................... 3

O On Photography ................................................................... 2

P Peirce on Perception and Reasoning ......................... Peirce’s Speculative Grammar ...................................... Perception ............................................................................. Personal Autonomy .......................................................... Personal Identity and Applied Ethics ......................... Phenomenological Reflections on Violence ........... Phenomenology of Plurality .......................................... Phenomenology, Naturalism and Empirical Science ....................................................................................

29 28 29 25 11 22 22

Philosophical and Scientific Perspectives on Downward Causation ..................................................... 20 Philosophical Approaches to Demonology ........... 26 Philosophical Essays Against Open Theism ........... 26 Philosophy for A Level ...................................................... 16 Philosophy for AS and A Level ...................................... 16 Philosophy of Film ................................................................ 2 Philosophy of Human Rights, The ............................... 13 Philosophy of Law ............................................................. 23 Philosophy of Literature ..................................................... 2 Philosophy of Mathematics .......................................... 23 Philosophy of Medicine ................................................... 19 Philosophy of Molecular Medicine ............................. 19 Plotinus ..................................................................................... 3 Political Philosophy of the Market, The .................... 36 Pragmatic Perspectives in Phenomenology ........... 22 Pragmatism and Objectivity ............................................ 8 Procreation, Parenthood, and Educational Rights ...................................................................................... 11 Public Reason in Political Philosophy ........................ 11 Pursuit of Existentialism, The ........................................... 4

Q Quantum of Explanation, The ...................................... 30

R Radicalizing Democracy for the Twenty-first century .................................................................................... 35 Reading Parfit ...................................................................... 11 Reflective Equilibrium and the Principles of Logical Analysis ................................................................................... 28 Refugees and the Ethics of Forced Displacement ...................................................................... 35 Risk, Technology, and Moral Emotions .................... 11 Routledge Companion to Environmental Ethics, The .............................................................................................. 5 Routledge Companion to Free Will, The .................. 25 Routledge Companion to Medieval Philosophy, The ............................................................................................ 15 Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Psychology, The ............................................................................................ 30 Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Race ............................................................................................ 4 Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Social Science, The ............................................................................................ 23 Routledge Companion to Shakespeare and Philosophy, The ..................................................................... 2 Routledge Companion to Sixteenth Century Philosophy ............................................................................ 14 Routledge Companion to Thought Experiments, The ............................................................................................ 15 Routledge Guidebook to Aristotle’s Metaphysics, The .............................................................................................. 3 Routledge Guidebook to Foucault's The History of Sexuality, The ....................................................................... 23 Routledge Guidebook to Freud's Interpretation of Dreams, The ......................................................................... 30 Routledge Guidebook to Paine's Rights of Man, The ............................................................................................ 36 Routledge Guidebook to Rawls’ A Theory of Justice, The ............................................................................................ 13 Routledge Guidebook to Weber's Protestant Ethic and The Spirit of Capitalism, The .......................................... 27 Routledge Handbook of Collective Intentionality, The ............................................................................................ 30 Routledge Handbook of Epistemic Contextualism, The ............................................................................................ 30 Routledge Handbook of Epistemic Injustice, The .............................................................................................. 9

Routledge Handbook of Evolution and Philosophy, The ............................................................................................ 34 Routledge Handbook of Franz Brentano and the Brentano School, The ....................................................... 21 Routledge Handbook of Metaethics, The ................... 9 Routledge Handbook of Neuroethics, The .............. 13 Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Animal Minds, The .............................................................................................. 5 Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Colour, The ............................................................................................ 31 Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Empathy, The ............................................................................................ 31 Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Memory, The ............................................................................................ 31 Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Pain, The ............................................................................................ 31 Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Temporal Experience, The .................................................................... 31 Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of the Social Mind, The ............................................................................................ 31 Routledge Handbook of Scientific Realism, The ............................................................................................ 34 Routledge Handbook of Social Epistemology, The .............................................................................................. 9 Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of Economics, The ............................................................................................ 23 Routledge Library Editions: Free Will and Determinism ........................................................................ 25 Routledge Revivals: A Modern Elementary Logic (1952) ...................................................................................... 28 Routledge Revivals: Man and Technics (1932) ...................................................................................... 14 Routledge Revivals: The Hour of Decision (1934) ...................................................................................... 14

S Schopenhauer’s Fourfold Root ....................................... 8 Security Ethics ...................................................................... 12 Self-Reflection for the Opaque Mind ......................... 29 Sellars and Contemporary Philosophy ..................... 30 Senses, The ............................................................................ 32 Skepticism ................................................................................ 8 Social and Political Philosophy .................................... 35 Social Contexts of Intellectual Virtue, The .................. 9 Social Contract Theory for a Diverse World ............ 12 Spirit of the Soil, The ............................................................ 5

T Topics, Fallacies and Sophismata .............................. 15

U Understanding Climate Change .................................... 6 Unequivocal Justice .......................................................... 36

V Virtue’s Reasons .................................................................. 13 Vulnerability, Autonomy, and Applied Ethics ....................................................................................... 19

W Welfare, Meaning, and Worth ...................................... 21 What is this thing called Global Justice? .................. 36 What is this thing called Metaethics? .......................... 9 What is this thing called Metaphysics? ..................... 20 What is this thing called Philosophy of Religion? ................................................................................. 27


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INDEX BY TITLE What Makes a Philosopher Great? ................................ 3 Wittgenstein and Merleau-Ponty ................................ 37 Wittgenstein and Phenomenology ............................ 37 Wittgenstein and Scientism .......................................... 37 Wittgenstein on Certainty and Doubt ...................... 37 Wittgenstein on Sensation and Perception ............ 37

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Grimm, Stephen R. ............................................................... 7 Griswold, Charles L ........................................................... 10

Ahlberg, Jaime ..................................................................... 11 Andreou, Chrisoula .............................................................. 7 Andrews, Kristin ..................................................................... 5 Antonelli, Mauro ................................................................. 14 Arbour, Benjamin H. ......................................................... 26 Armstrong, Richard .......................................................... 30 Armstrong, Susan J. ............................................................. 5 Auxier, Randall E. ................................................................ 30


B Baiasu, Sorin .......................................................................... 17 Barnes, Elizabeth ................................................................ 20 Baronett, Stan ...................................................................... 16 Beale, Jonathan ................................................................... 37 Beall, Jc ..................................................................................... 28 Beaney, Michael .................................................................. 37 Bellucci, Francesco ............................................................ 28 Bennett, Gaymon ............................................................... 12 Bernecker, Sven .................................................................. 31 Berofsky, Bernard ............................................................... 24 Biletzki, Anat .......................................................................... 13 Birondo, Noell ...................................................................... 13 Bondio, Mariacarla Gadebusch ................................. 19 Boniolo, Giovanni .............................................................. 19 Bortolotti, Lisa ...................................................................... 29 Bourne, Craig ........................................................................... 2 Brassier, Ray .............................................................................. 4 Brown, Derek ........................................................................ 31 Brown, James Robert ....................................................... 15 Bruno, G. Anthony ............................................................... 8 Bueno, Otavio ......................................................................... 8 Burns, Elizabeth ................................................................... 27

C Campbell, Alastair ............................................................. 18 Caplan, Arthur L. ................................................................. 12 Chalcraft, David ................................................................... 27 Chiu, Frances ........................................................................ 36 Chrisman, Matthew ............................................................. 9 Christman, John ................................................................. 35 Coeckelbergh, Mark ......................................................... 33 Cokelet, Bradford ............................................................... 10 Conard, Mark T. ...................................................................... 3 Corns, Jennifer ..................................................................... 31 Costello, Diarmuid ............................................................... 2 Courtland, Shane D. ......................................................... 10 Cowling, Sam .......................................................................... 7 Crookston, Emily ................................................................ 35

D D'Oro, Giuseppina ................................................................ 7 Dasgupta, Shamik ............................................................. 33 Davis, John ............................................................................. 18 Dodd, James ......................................................................... 22 Donagan, Alan ..................................................................... 24

E Ebbesen, Sten ...................................................................... 15 Ellenzweig, Sarah ............................................................... 15 Elliott, Kevin C ...................................................................... 33 Emilsson, Eyjólfur K. ............................................................. 3 Engelland, Chad ................................................................. 22

F Figueroa, Robert M .............................................................. 5 Franklin, R.L. ........................................................................... 25 Freiman, Christopher ....................................................... 36 Fricker, Miranda ..................................................................... 9

G Garrett, Brian ......................................................................... 20 Gennaro, Rocco .................................................................. 29 Gensler, Harry J .................................................................... 28 Gibson, John ............................................................................ 2 Gillies, Donald ...................................................................... 18 Gironi, Fabio .......................................................................... 17 Green, Adam ........................................................................... 9 Green, Mitchell .................................................................... 29

Hale, Benjamin ....................................................................... 5 Hanscomb, Stuart .............................................................. 16 Hartman, Robert J. ............................................................. 21 Head, Jonathan ...................................................................... 8 Hetherington, Stephen ..................................................... 3 Hickman, Louise ................................................................. 26 Hilgers, Thomas ..................................................................... 2 Hull, Kathleen A. ................................................................. 29 Hymers, Michael ................................................................. 37

I Irwin, Jones ............................................................................... 4

J Jenkins Ichikawa, Jonathan ......................................... Johnson, Dru ........................................................................ Johnson, Syd ........................................................................ Joyce, Richard ......................................................................

30 26 13 34

K Kallestrup, Jesper .................................................................. 8 Katzoff, Charlotte ............................................................... 26 Kidd, Ian James ...................................................................... 9 Kirchin, Simon ...................................................................... 11 Kiverstein, Julian ................................................................. 31 Kriegel, Uriah ........................................................................ 21 Kuusela, Oskari ..................................................................... 37

L Lacewing, Michael ............................................................ Lacewing, Michael ............................................................ Lagerlund, Henrik .............................................................. Lewis, Ricki ............................................................................. Liao, S Matthew .................................................................. Loidolt, Sophie .................................................................... Loux, Michael J. ................................................................... Ludwig, Kirk ...........................................................................

16 16 14 18 18 22 20 30

M Machuca, Diego E. ............................................................ 21 MacIntosh, J.J. ...................................................................... 26 Macnish, Kevin ..................................................................... 13 Maibom, Heidi ..................................................................... 31 Marchant, Gary E. ............................................................... 10 Marchetti, Giancarlo ........................................................... 7 Maynard, Andrew .............................................................. 13 Mccraw, Benjamin W. ...................................................... 26 McIntyre, Lee ........................................................................ 23 McPherson, Tristram ........................................................... 9 Melden, A.I. ............................................................................ 24 Miller, Keith W ...................................................................... 12 Morgan, Michael ................................................................ 22 Muldoon, Ryan .................................................................... 12 Mulligan, Thomas .............................................................. 35 Mummery, Jane .................................................................. 35 Munoz-Darde, Veronique ............................................. 13


Pihlström, Sami ...................................................................... 8 Politis, Vasilis ............................................................................ 3 Preston, Aaron ..................................................................... 14 Priselac, Matt ........................................................................... 8

R Ramose, Mogobe ................................................................. 7 Reiss, Julian ............................................................................ 23 Reynolds, Jack ...................................................................... 22 Richardson, Louise ............................................................ 32 Riley, Jonathan .................................................................... 14 Robins, Sarah ........................................................................ 30 Robinson, Elizabeth .......................................................... 17 Roeser, Sabine ..................................................................... 11 Romdenh-Romluc, Komarine .................................... 37 Ryckman, Thomas ............................................................. 33

S Saatsi, Juha ............................................................................. 34 Sandis, Constantine .......................................................... 10 Sauchelli, Andrea ............................................................... 11 Schulte, Joachim ................................................................ 37 Seay, Gary ............................................................................... 18 Shaffer, Michael J. ................................................................. 9 Silier, Yıldız .............................................................................. 24 Simpson, William M.R. ..................................................... 34 Smuts, Aaron ........................................................................... 2 Smuts, Aaron ........................................................................ 21 Sorell, Tom ............................................................................. 12 Spengler, Oswald ............................................................... 14 Spengler, Oswald ............................................................... 14 Stebbing, L. Susan ............................................................. 28 Straehle, Christine ............................................................. 19 Svec, Ondrej .......................................................................... 22 Svoboda, Toby ....................................................................... 5

T Tan, Kok-Chor ....................................................................... 36 Taube, Mortimer ................................................................. 24 Taylor, Chloe ......................................................................... 23 Taylor, Paul ................................................................................ 4 Tebbit, Mark .......................................................................... 23 Thompson, Paul B ................................................................ 5 Thompson, R. Paul ............................................................ 19 Thorp, John ........................................................................... 24 Timpe, Kevin ......................................................................... 25 Turner, Piers Norris ............................................................ 11

V Various, .................................................................................... 25 Vistarini, Tiziana ................................................................... 34 Vogler, Candace ................................................................. 10

W Wallach, Wendell ............................................................... Weatherford, Roy ............................................................... Williams, Huw ...................................................................... Wisor, Scott ............................................................................ Wright, Cory ..........................................................................

11 25 35 12 33

Y Young, Robert ...................................................................... 25

Newey, Glen .......................................................................... 36

O Oaklander, L. Nathan ....................................................... 33

P Paasch, JT ................................................................................ 15 Paolini Paoletti, Michele ................................................ 20 Parekh, Serena ..................................................................... 35 Parent, T. .................................................................................. 29 Parker, Wendy ......................................................................... 6 Paseau, A. ................................................................................ 23 Pautz, Adam .......................................................................... 29 Peregrin, Jaroslav ............................................................... 28 Pereplyotchik, David ........................................................ 30 Phillips, Ian ............................................................................. 31

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Taylor & Francis Group 2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon. Oxon. OX14 4RN Tel: 02070176000 • Fax: 02071076699 ISBN: 9781138897335

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