Physics & Materials Science 2017 New and Forthcoming Titles
Welcome to the 2017 Physics and Materials Science Catalogue. Physics is the study of matter, energy, and their interactions, whilst Materials Science is an interdisciplinary field dealing with the discovery and design of new materials. This catalogue includes titles to do with optics, thermodynamics, electromagnetism and quantum physics. As well as this, you will find a range of titles which cover the study of the synthesis, structure, and performance of various materials, materials characterization and optical materials.
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Contents PHYSICS ................................................................... 2
Polymer Chemistry ..................................................... 49
Applied & Industrial Physics ....................................... 2
Polymeric Materials and Plastics ............................. 50
Applied Mechanics & Fluid Dynamics ....................... 4 Astronomy & Astrophysics .......................................... 5
GENERAL REFERENCE .......................................... 52
Atomic & Molecular Physics ........................................ 6
General ......................................................................... 52
Biophysics ...................................................................... 7 Chemical Physics ........................................................ 10 Computational Physics .............................................. 13 Condensed Matter & Materials Science ................. 14 Electronic Materials & Devices .................................. 17 Energy & Environmental Physics ............................. 18 General & Introductory Physics ............................... 19 Lasers, Optics & Photonics ........................................ 20 Mathematics for Physics ........................................... 25 Medical Physics ........................................................... 26 Nanoscience & Nanotechnology ............................. 31 Particle & High Energy Physics ................................. 33 Plasma Physics ............................................................ 34 Quantum Physics ........................................................ 35 Statistical Physics & Thermodynamics ................... 36 MATERIALS SCIENCE ............................................. 37 Biomaterials and Regenerative Medicine .............. 37 Ceramics & Glasses ..................................................... 38 Coatings & Thin Films ................................................ 39 Composite Materials .................................................. 40 Corrosion ...................................................................... 41 Electronic, Magnetic, Optical Materials .................. 42 Industrial Textiles ....................................................... 43 Materials Characterization & Testing ..................... 44 Materials Processing .................................................. 45 Materials Strength & Mechanics .............................. 46 Metals & Alloys ............................................................ 47
Index ............................................................................. 53
Plasma Electronics, Second Edition
Biomolecular Kinetics
Applications in Microelectronic Device Fabrication
A Step-by-Step Guide Clive R. Bagshaw, University of California at Santa Cruz & University of Leicester Biomolecular kinetics concerns the measurement and analysis of reaction phenomena as a function of time. This book explains the methods used for measuring how much a reaction gets speeded up, as well as the framework for solving problems such as ligand binding and macromolecular folding. It is a thoroughly modern text, reflecting the groundbreaking impact of our ability to observe reactions at the single-molecule level, as well as the advances in microfluidics, which have given rise to femtoscale studies. CRC Press Market: Physics September 2017: 229 x 204: 352pp Pb: 978-1-498-72723-5: £63.99 eBook: 978-1-498-72724-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Toshiaki Makabe, Keio University, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan and Zoran Lj. Petrovic, University of Belgrade, Zemun, Serbia Emphasizing computational algorithms and techniques, this updated edition of a popular monograph provides a complete picture of plasma physics, computational methods, cutting-edge applications, and processing techniques. Reflecting the growing importance of computer-aided approaches to plasma analysis and synthesis, it showcases recent advances in fabrication from micro- and nano-electronics, MEMS/NEMS, and the biological sciences. This edition reflects recent progress in the quantitative understanding of non-equilibrium low-temperature plasma, surface processing, and predictive modeling of the plasma and the process. CRC Press Market: Applied Physics October 2016: 235 x 156: 412pp Hb: 978-1-482-22205-0: £128.00 Pb: 978-1-138-03415-0: £51.99 eBook: 978-1-482-22210-4 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Crystal Growth and Evaluation of Silicon for VLSI and ULSI
Semiconductor X-Ray Detectors
Golla Eranna This is one of the first books to cover the systematic growth of silicon single crystals and the complete evaluation of silicon wafers, from sand to useful wafers for device fabrication. Written for engineers and researchers in semiconductor fabrication industries, this essential reference describes techniques used to grow silicon single crystals, reviews methods to evaluate silicon wafers to determine suitability, examines the effect of intentional and unintentional impurities, explores defects found in regular silicon-crystal lattice, and discusses silicon wafer preparation for VLSI and ULSI processing.
B. G. Lowe and R. A. Sareen Series: Series in Sensors This book focuses on the history and development of Si(Li) X-Ray Detectors, while providing an up-to-date review of the principles, practical applications, and state of the art of semiconductor x-ray detectors. It describes many of the facets of x-ray detection and measurement using semiconductors, from manufacture to implementation. The initial chapters summarize relevant background physics, materials science, and engineering aspects. Later chapters compare and contrast the manufacture and physical properties of systems and materials currently employed, enabling readers to fully understand the materials and scope for applications.
CRC Press Market: Physics October 2016: 254 x 178: 430pp Hb: 978-1-482-23281-3: £102.00 Pb: 978-1-138-03419-8: £38.99 eBook: 978-1-482-23282-0 * For full contents and more information, visit:
CRC Press Market: Physics February 2017: 235 x 156: 624pp Hb: 978-1-466-55400-9: £127.00 Pb: 978-1-138-03385-6: £51.99 eBook: 978-1-466-55401-6 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Electrical Impedance
Sensors for Safety and Process Control in Hydrogen Technologies
Principles, Measurement, and Applications Luca Callegaro, Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica (INRIM), Italy Series: Series in Sensors This book provides a modern and much-needed overview of electrical impedance measurement science and its application in metrology, sensor reading, device, and material characterizations. It presents up-to-date coverage of the theory, practical methods, and modeling. The author covers the main impedance measurement techniques, stressing their practical application. The book includes a large set of measurement setup schematics, and diagrams and photos of standards and devices. It also offers an extensive list of references to both historical and recent papers on devices, methods, and traceability issues. CRC Press Market: Electrical Engineering November 2016: 235 x 156: 308pp Hb: 978-1-439-84910-1: £106.00 Pb: 978-1-138-19943-9: £51.99 eBook: 978-1-439-84911-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Thomas Hübert, Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM), Berlin, Germany, Lois Boon-Brett, European Commission, Joint Research Centre-Institute for Energy and Transport (JRC-IET), Petten, The Netherlands and William Buttner, U.S. Department of Energy, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, Colorado, USA Series: Series in Sensors Suitable for both technical and non-technical personnel, this book provides practical, expert-driven information on modern sensors for hydrogen and other gases as well as physical parameters essential for safety and process control in hydrogen technologies. It illustrates how sensing technologies can ensure the safe and efficient implementation of the emerging global hydrogen market. The authors also offer guidance on the development of new sensors based on the analysis of the capabilities and limitations of existing sensors with respect to current performance requirements. CRC Press Market: Electrical Engineering November 2017 Hb: 978-1-466-59654-2: £102.00 Pb: 978-1-138-89434-1: £60.00 eBook: 978-1-466-59655-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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APPLIED & INDUSTRIAL PHYSICS Dummy text to keep placeholder
The Fundamentals of Radiation Thermometers Peter Coates, Formerly of the National Physical Laboratory, UK and David Lowe, National Physical Laboratory, UK Authored by two highly respected experts in this specialist area, The Fundamentals of Radiation Thermometers is an essential resource for anyone intending to measure the temperature of an object using the radiated energy from that object. This readable, user-friendly book gives important background knowledge for anyone working in the field of non-contact thermometry. The book begins with an accessible account of how temperature scales are set up and defined, and explores the historic development of temperature scales and Planck’s radiation law. The book also presents the hardware of radiation thermometers, allowing the reader to specify an appropriate design for a particular measurement problem. It explores multi-wavelength radiation thermometry and its associated pitfalls, and a final chapter suggests strategies to minimise the uncertainties from unreliable emissivity data. CRC Press Market: Physics November 2016: 254 x 178: 240pp Hb: 978-1-498-77821-3: £159.00 eBook: 978-1-315-36688-3 * For full contents and more information, visit:
The Quantum Physics of Atomic Frequency Standards Recent Developments Jacques Vanier, Université de Montréal, Quebec, Canada and Cipriana Tomescu, Université de Montréal, Quebec, Canada This volume covers advances in atomic frequency standards (atomic clocks) from the last several decades. It explains the use of techniques, such as laser optical pumping, coherent population trapping, laser cooling, and electromagnetic and optical trapping, in the implementation of classical microwave and optical atomic frequency standards. The authors describe the basic physics behind the operation of atomic clocks, explore new frequency standards that provide better stability and accuracy than conventional standards, and illustrate the application of atomic clocks in various areas. CRC Press Market: Physics December 2017 Hb: 978-1-466-57695-7: £211.00 Pb: 978-1-138-89455-6: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-466-57697-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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APPLIED MECHANICS & FLUID DYNAMICS Dummy text to keep placeholder
An Introduction to Rheology Poncet Sébastien, Aix-Marseille Université, France and Bikash Sahoo, National Institute of Technology Rourkela, India Using this introductory textbook, undergraduate and graduate students in mechanical, chemical or process engineering will acquire essential skills to grasp rheology’s importance in materials science and engineering. They then can apply that knowledge to real-world engineering problems, while their professors will find relevant information for other courses in advanced fluid mechanics. Each new approach in numerical or theoretical modeling is clarified with a minimum of mathematical computations but with many concrete examples and illustrations, including typical exercises and solutions. CRC Press Market: Physics July 2017: 235 x 156: 275pp Hb: 978-1-482-22506-8: £57.99 eBook: 978-1-482-22507-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Cosmology for Physicists David Lyth, Lancaster University, United Kingdom Series: Series in Astronomy and Astrophysics Written by an award-winnning cosmologist, this brand new textbook provides advanced undergraduate and graduate students with coverage of the very latest developments in the field. Full treatment of the origin of structure, scalar fields, the cosmic microwave background and the early universe are provided. Problems are included, with solutions in a separate solutions manual. More advanced extension material is offered in the Appendix, ensuring the book is fully accessible to students with a wide variety of background experience. CRC Press Market: Physics October 2016: 254 x 178: 168pp Hb: 978-1-498-75531-3: ÂŁ49.99 eBook: 978-1-498-75533-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Gravitation A R Prasanna, Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, India This book suitable for post graduates in Physics and Astrophysics aims at introducing the theory of general relativity as an important background for doing astrophysics. Starting from a detailed discussion of the various mathematical concepts for doing general relativity, the book introduces the geometric description of gravity. It gives a brief historical perspective to classical mechanics and electrodynamics making an attempt to establish the necessity of special relativity as propounded by Einstein extending to General Relativity. This book is a good starting point for post graduates wanting to pursue the modern topics of Cosmology, High energy astrophysics and related areas. CRC Press Market: Physics December 2016: 235 x 156: 398pp Hb: 978-1-498-74664-9: ÂŁ89.00 eBook: 978-1-315-36870-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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ATOMIC & MOLECULAR PHYSICS Dummy text to keep placeholder
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Atomic and Molecular Beams
Quantification in Signal Processing for Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Production and Collimation Cyril Bernard Lucas, C B Lucas, Visiting Fellow, Department of Physical Sciences, The Open University
Dzevad Belkic, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden and Karen Belkic, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden
This comprehensive text explores the latest techniques for producing a beam from any substance as well as from the dissociation of hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and the halogens. Focusing on practical application in the laboratory, the author critically reviews over 800 references to compare the atomic and molecular beam formation theories with actual experiments. The book not only provides the basic expressions essential to beam design but also covers the construction of ovens, furnaces, and collimating arrays in metals, plastics, glass, and other materials.
This interdisciplinary book presents a joint framework with the unified quantum-mechanical theories of resonant scattering, spectroscopy, and signal processing. It deals with S- and R-matrices, variational principles, complex coordinate scaling, wave packet propagation, Fredholm determinants, finite-rank separable expansions, filter diagonalisation, the Lanczos algorithm, and the Padé methodology. Being both mathematically and physically rigorous, the book can be successfully used in optimally quantifying resonances in physics, chemistry, biology, and medical diagnostics as well as in the applied area of signal processing.
CRC Press Market: Physics February 2017: 235 x 156: 392pp Hb: 978-1-466-56103-8: £151.00 Pb: 978-1-138-19887-6: £51.99 eBook: 978-1-466-56106-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:
CRC Press Market: Physics June 2017: 235 x 156: 416pp Hb: 978-1-584-88774-4: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-584-88775-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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High Resolution Electronic Spectroscopy of Small Molecules
The Standard Model and Beyond, Second Edition
Geoffrey Duxbury, Emeritus Professor, The University of Strathclyde, Scotland and Alexander Alijah Over recent years electronic spectroscopy has developed significantly, with key applications in atmospheric chemistry, astrophysics and astrochemistry. High Resolution Electronic Spectroscopy of Small Molecules explores both theoretical and experimental approaches to understanding the electronic spectra of small molecules, and explains how this information translates to practice.
CRC Press Market: Physics March 2017: 235 x 156: 328pp Hb: 978-1-482-24559-2: £57.99 eBook: 978-1-482-24561-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Paul Langacker, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey, USA Series: Series in High Energy Physics, Cosmology and Gravitation The Standard Model and Beyond, Second Edition, presents an advanced introduction to the physics and formalism of the standard model and other non-abelian gauge theories. It provides a solid background for understanding supersymmetry, string theory, extra dimensions, dynamical symmetry breaking, and cosmology. The book covers the development of the technology of particle physics, including Feynman diagrams and relevant group theory. The first edition was highly praised. This second edition brings the physics up to date after the first run of the LHC, and includes new material on the Higgs boson; neutrino mass and mixing; collider physics; dark matter; flavor physics; and electroweak physics. CRC Press Market: Physics June 2017: 254 x 178: 592pp Hb: 978-1-498-76321-9: £63.99 eBook: 978-1-498-76322-6 Prev. Ed Hb: 978-1-420-07906-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Many-Body Methods for Atoms and Molecules Rajat Kumar Chaudhuri, Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore, India and Sudip Kumar Chattopadhyay This book addresses two major classes of theories of electron correlation: the many-body perturbation theory and coupled cluster methods. It discusses the issues related to the formal development and consequent numerical implementation of multi-reference coupled cluster and perturbation theories from the standpoint of a practicing theoretician. The book emphasizes theoretical details and related algebraic and diagrammatic derivations. It covers basic issues of electron correlation problems, such as perturbation theory and coupled cluster methods. CRC Press Market: Physics October 2016: 235 x 156: 238pp Hb: 978-1-482-21190-0: £82.00 eBook: 978-1-482-21191-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Aquaporins in Health and Disease
Coarse-Grained Modeling of Biomolecules
New Molecular Targets for Drug Discovery
Edited by Garegin A. Papoian Series: Series in Computational Biophysics
Edited by Graca Soveral, Research Institute for Medicines, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Lisbon, Portugal, Soren Nielsen, Department of Health Science and Technology, Aalborg University, Denmark and Angela Casini, School of Chemistry, Cardiff University, UK This book presents the latest research advances in aquaporins and other major intrinsic protein (MIP) channels. The first section of the book describes the general concepts of aquaporin channel function, genomic research, structure-function analysis of aquaporins and glycerol facilitators, and regulation by gating and trafficking, including yeast aquaporin regulation and function. The second section discusses the physiological and pathophysiological roles of aquaporins in humans and microbes. The final section covers the development of inhibitors of aquaporin function.
Many researchers are choosing computational modeling of biomolecules to analyze data at a level of mechanistic detail that would otherwise prove difficult to achieve. This book reflects on the tremendous impact of computational modeling, focusing on coarse-grained simulations for biomolecules, such as proteins and nucleic acids, for which systems may be too large and the processes too slow for atomistic or quantum simulations. Coverage includes fundamentals as well as applications in state-of-the-art coarse-grained force fields of proteins and nucleic acids. CRC Press June 2017: 254 x 178: 448pp Hb: 978-1-466-57606-3: £170.00 eBook: 978-1-466-57617-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:
CRC Press Market: Physics November 2017 Hb: 978-1-498-70783-1: £170.00 Pb: 978-1-138-89401-3: £75.00 eBook: 978-1-498-70784-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Coherent Raman Scattering Microscopy
Biomolecular Thermodynamics From Theory to Application Douglas Barrick, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, USA Series: Foundations of Biochemistry and Biophysics This book introduces the concepts and practical tools necessary to understand the behavior of biological macromolecules at a quantitative level. It begins by describing biochemical phenomena using principles of classical and statistical thermodynamics. Unlike other books, this text goes beyond theory to explain in detail how the equations are applied to the analysis of experimental measurements. This emphasis on real-world applications is continued throughout and is a major feature of the book. CRC Press September 2017: 279 x 216: 350pp Pb: 978-1-439-80019-5: £72.00 eBook: 978-1-439-80020-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Edited by Ji-Xin Cheng, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA and Xiaoliang Sunney Xie, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA Series: Series in Cellular and Clinical Imaging Edited by pioneers in the field and with contributions from a distinguished team of experts, this color book explains how CRS can be used to obtain a point-by-point chemical map of live cells and tissues. It discusses the principles of nonlinear optical spectroscopy and presents the theories of contrast mechanisms pertinent to CRS microscopy. The text then provides important technical aspects of CRS microscopy, including microscope construction, detection schemes, and data analyses. It also covers applications that demonstrate how CRS microscopy has become a valuable tool in biomedicine. CRC Press Market: Cell Biology/Bioimaging February 2017: 254 x 178: 610pp Hb: 978-1-439-86765-5: £127.00 Pb: 978-1-138-19952-1: £51.99 eBook: 978-1-439-86766-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Computational Approaches to Protein Dynamics
Biophysical Chemistry
From Quantum to Coarse-Grained Methods
Dagmar Klostermeier and Markus G. Rudolph, Therapeutic Modalities, Department of Chemical Biology, Roche Pharma Research & Early Development This book is a comprehensive text for physical chemistry courses for biophysics, biochemistry, and the life sciences. It is rich in pedagogical features, containing boxes which provide additional background information on a specific topic, as well as those that provide numerous application examples. It describes a well-balanced spectrum of topics in a concise form, and bridges between theoretical concepts/methods and their applications to enable readers to directly transfer the treated topics to their laboratory projects. CRC Press Market: Physics March 2017: 279 x 216: 774pp Hb: 978-1-482-25223-1: £63.99 eBook: 978-1-482-25224-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Edited by Monika Fuxreiter, University of Debrecen, Hungary Series: Series in Computational Biophysics This book presents modern biomolecular computational techniques that address protein flexibility/dynamics at all levels of theory. It shows how these advanced methods provide insights into dynamic aspects of biochemical processes. The book covers a wide spectrum of dynamics, from electronic structure-based to coarse-grained techniques via multiscaling at different levels. It describes the methods and results of enzyme catalysis, examines computational techniques to tackle biological problems involving intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs), and discusses computational issues related to experimental characterization of IDPs. CRC Press Market: Biochemistry & Biophysics February 2017: 235 x 156: 479pp Hb: 978-1-466-56157-1: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-19888-3: £51.99 eBook: 978-1-482-29786-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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BIOPHYSICS Dummy text to keep placeholder
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Handbook of Ion Channels
Optical Probes in Biology
Edited by Jie Zheng, University of California at Davis, USA and Matthew C. Trudeau Handbook of Ion Channels illustrates the fundamental importance of these membrane proteins to human health and disease. Renowned researchers from around the world introduce the technical aspects of ion channel research, provide a modern guide to the properties of major ion channels, and present powerful methods for modeling ion channel diseases and performing clinical trials for ion channel drugs. The book extensively covers 18 ion channel families, modern structural interpretations of ion channel functions, and several ion channel-related diseases. CRC Press Market: Biological Sciences October 2016: 279 x 216: 691pp Hb: 978-1-466-55140-4: £136.00 Pb: 978-1-138-19884-5: £51.99 eBook: 978-1-466-55142-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Edited by Jin Zhang, John Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, Sohum Mehta, Department of Pharmacology and Molecular Sciences, The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland, USA and Carsten Schultz, EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany Series: Series in Cellular and Clinical Imaging This book explores the diverse capabilities of optical probes and presents various approaches used to design, develop, and implement these powerful and versatile tools. It examines the use of optical probes to detect and track numerous molecular processes in living cells, including GTPase and kinase activities, metabolic signals, RNA, and histone modifications. The book also covers sophisticated imaging techniques and equipment used to visualize and track optical probes and discusses emerging techniques that are expanding optical probe-based approaches into new biological frontiers. CRC Press Market: Biological Sciences/Biophysics & Biochemistry February 2017: 235 x 156: 511pp Hb: 978-1-466-51011-1: £96.00 Pb: 978-1-138-19993-4: £38.99 eBook: 978-1-466-51012-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Practical Fluorescence Spectroscopy
Experimental Methods and Applications in Radiation Therapy and Radiation Protection
Zygmunt Gryczynski, University of North Texas Health Science Center, Fort Worth, USA and Ignacy Gryczynski, University of North Texas Health Science Center, Fort Worth, USA
Anthony Waker, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Oshawa, Canada and Lennart Lindborg, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden This book is intended as a textbook that presents a modern approach to radiation dosimetry, covering the principles and applications of microdosimetry in radiation dosimetry, radiation protection, radiation biophysics and radiotherapy. It is designed to be used in medical and radiation physics courses and by Master and PhD students in medical radiation physics. Designed to be academic as well as practical, it is the first book of its kind suitable for both teaching and researching various radiation dosimetry topics.
Presenting a detailed, hands-on approach to fluorescence spectroscopy, this book describes experiments that cover basic spectroscopy and advanced aspects of fluorescence spectroscopy. It emphasizes practical guidance, providing background on fundamental concepts as well as guidance on how to handle artifacts, avoid common errors, and interpret data. Nearly 150 experiments from biophysics, biochemistry, and the biomedical sciences demonstrate how methods are applied in practical applications. The result is a hands-on guide to the most important aspects of fluorescence spectroscopy, from steady-state fluorescence to advanced time-resolved fluorescence.
CRC Press Market: Physics July 2017: 235 x 156: 350pp Hb: 978-1-482-21740-7: £82.00 eBook: 978-1-482-21743-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:
CRC Press October 2017: 229 x 229: 600pp Hb: 978-1-439-82169-5: £85.00 eBook: 978-1-439-82170-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Natural Biomarkers for Cellular Metabolism
Redox Proteins in Supercomplexes and Signalosomes
Biology, Techniques, and Applications Edited by Vladimir V. Ghukasyan, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA and Ahmed A. Heikal, University of Minnesota, Duluth, USA Series: Series in Cellular and Clinical Imaging
Edited by Ricardo O. Louro, Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal and Irene Diaz-Moreno, Instituto de Bioquímica Vegetal y Fotosíntesis, cicCartuja, Universidad de Sevilla CSIC
This guide covers the current state of knowledge on intrinsic fluorescent biomarkers and highlights advances in using these biomarkers for the metabolic mapping and clinical diagnosis of healthy and diseased cells and tissues. The book’s first section introduces the fundamentals of cellular energy metabolic pathways as well as natural biomarkers within the context of their biological functions. The second section outlines the theoretical and technical background of quantitative, noninvasive, autofluorescence microscopy and spectroscopy methods. The last two sections explore applications in biochemistry, cell biology, and medicine.
This book is one of the first to explore the key role played by redox proteins and their interaction network in a wide range of essential cellular processes in all domains of life. The book explains how the mitochondrial respiratory chain is dynamically organized in supercomplexes even under physiological conditions. It also addresses the impact of supercomplex assembly on mitochondrial morphology, physiology, and biogenesis to shed light on the molecular mechanisms of pathological situations, including aging.
CRC Press Market: Biomedical Engineering/Biochemistry February 2017: 254 x 178: 408pp Hb: 978-1-466-50998-6: £127.00 Pb: 978-1-138-19878-4: £51.99 eBook: 978-1-466-50999-3 * For full contents and more information, visit:
CRC Press Market: Biophysics July 2017 Hb: 978-1-482-25110-4: £102.00 Pb: 978-1-138-89398-6: £60.00 eBook: 978-1-482-25111-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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BIOPHYSICS Dummy text to keep placeholder
Super-Resolution Imaging in Biomedicine Edited by Alberto Diaspro, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Genova, Italy and Marc A. M. J. van Zandvoort, Maastricht University, The Netherlands Series: Series in Cellular and Clinical Imaging This book encompasses the full breadth of the super-resolution imaging field, representing modern techniques that exceed the traditional diffraction limit, thereby opening up new applications in biomedicine. It shows readers how to use the new tools to increase resolution in sub-nanometer-scale images of living cells and tissue, which leads to new information about molecules, pathways and dynamics. The book highlights the advantages and disadvantages of the techniques, and gives state-of-the-art examples of applications using microscopes currently available on the market. CRC Press Market: Biomedical Science October 2016: 254 x 178: 426pp Hb: 978-1-482-24434-2: £159.00 eBook: 978-1-482-24435-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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The Giant Vesicle Book Edited by Rumiana Dimova and Carlos Marques Giant vesicles are being widely used as a model membrane system, both for basic biological systems and for their promising applications in the development of smart materials, in particular for drug delivery, as well as use in driving new technologies for the cosmetics industry. This practical manual gives the reader a toolbox for starting work with giant vesicles, including expert’s tips on proper preparation methods, measurement, and characterization methods. The contents build from a simple model to use of vesicles as advanced membrane and cell system models. It also includes fundamentals for understanding vesicle structure, properties and behavior. CRC Press Market: Physics July 2017: 254 x 178: 640pp Hb: 978-1-498-75217-6: £190.00 eBook: 978-1-498-75218-3 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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CHEMICAL PHYSICS Dummy text to keep placeholder
Chemical Engineering Primer with Computer Applications
Computational Techniques for Process Simulation using MATLAB®
Hussein K. Abdel-Aal, National Research Center, Cairo, Egypt - (Retired) This companion text offers concise coverage of the basics of chemical engineering, organized in a summary manner, and is designed to accompany traditional larger core texts. Covering the core concepts of chemical engineering, the primer emphasizes computer solutions for chemical engineering problems without stressing theory. It presents the basic principles and techniques of chemical engineering processes and helps readers identify typical problems and how to solve them. Attention is on the use of systematic algorithms that employ numerical methods to solve different chemical engineering problems. Solutions to problems and case studies are included. CRC Press Market: Engineering - Chemical October 2016: 235 x 156: 260pp Pb: 978-1-498-73057-0: £49.99 eBook: 978-1-498-73058-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Niket S. Kaisare, Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai, India Present book focusses on Numerical Methods, and Simulation and Analysis of Process Systems. The book starts with Linear Algebra and Ordinary Differential Equations, and use these for simulation and linear stability analysis of processes. The concepts from numerical differentiation are used in solving first order and parabolic PDEs. The topic of solving (non)linear equations, implicit methods for solving ODEs and differential algebraic equations is tackled next. Examples of recent practical interest are taken up, and the advanced chapters deal with nonlinear analysis and bifurcation. Finally, function approximation, regression and optimization are tackled. CRC Press Market: Engineering - Chemical October 2017: 254 x 178: 408pp Hb: 978-1-498-76211-3: £99.00 Pb: 978-1-138-74608-4: £60.00 eBook: 978-1-498-76212-0 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Chemometric Monitoring
Fundamentals of Vibronic Spectroscopy
Product Quality Assessment, Process Fault Detection and Applications
John A. Shelnutt, University of Georgia, Dept of Chemistry, Athens, GA 30602-2556, USA
Madhusree Kundu, NIT Rourkela, Sundargarh District, Orissa, India, Palash Kumar Kundu, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, West Bengal, India and Seshu K. Damarla, NIT Rourkela, Rourkela, Sundargarh District, Orissa, India Data collection, compression, storage, and interpretation have become mature technologies over the years. Extraction of meaningful information from the process historical database seems to be a natural and logical choice. In view of this, the proposed book aims to apply the data-driven knowledge base in ensuring safe process operation through timely detection of process abnormal and normal operating conditions. Overall, it envisages design methodology for safe process operation by timely identification of normal and abnormal operating conditions using Chemometric techniques and poses challenge towards development of sophisticated algorithms with broad generality and at an affordable price. CRC Press Market: Engineering - Chemical October 2017: 279 x 216: 304pp Hb: 978-1-498-78007-0: £160.00 Pb: 978-1-138-74621-3: £80.00 eBook: 978-1-498-78008-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Vibrational spectroscopy encompasses infrared, near-infrared and Raman methods used by chemists and physicists to study the structure and dynamics of molecules ranging from small polyatomic molecules to large biomolecules, nanomaterials and environmental systems. This book takes a detailed theoretical look at the physics behind vibronic spectroscopies and molecular dynamics and, though the author has used it as a graduate level text, it will be most helpful to practicing physicists, chemical physicists and chemists involved in spectroscopic research and its applications. CRC Press July 2017: 235 x 156: 480pp Hb: 978-1-482-21541-0: £140.00 eBook: 978-1-482-21542-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation of Spray Dryers
Hemodialysis Membranes
An Engineer’s Guide Meng Wai Woo, Monash University, Clayton, Australia Series: Advances in Drying Science and Technology The bookshows how to numerically capture important physical phenomena within a spray drying process using the CFD technique. It includes numerical strategies to describe these phenomena, collated from research work and CFD industrial consultation. Along with showing how to set up models, the book helps readers identify the capabilities and uncertainties of the CFD technique for spray drying. It covers basics of CFD, airflow modeling, atomization and particle tracking, droplet drying, quality modeling, agglomeration and wall deposition modeling, and simulation validation techniques. It answers questions related to common challenges in industrial applications. CRC Press Market: Engineering - Chemical November 2016: 235 x 156: 138pp Hb: 978-1-498-72464-7: £99.00 eBook: 978-1-498-72465-4 * For full contents and more information, visit:
For Engineers to Medical Practitioners Sirshendu De, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India and Anirban Roy, Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, West Bengal, India Book initiates with introductory material to hemodialysis technology and its historical evolution and later on divulging into the field of biomaterials. With this background, the book discusses selection criteria of a suitable biomaterial for synthesis of haemodialysis membranes along with illustration of a complete indigenous, low cost technology for spinning of haemodialysis fibres. Well illustrated description of instruments used for membrane characterization and biomedical engineering is provided to effectively present the concept including worked out examples. Present title provides coverage for undergraduate and graduate students interested in hemodialysis membranes. CRC Press Market: Chemical Engineering March 2017: 235 x 156: 214pp Hb: 978-1-138-03293-4: £114.00 eBook: 978-1-138-03294-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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CHEMICAL PHYSICS Dummy text to keep placeholder
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Introduction to Crystal Growth
Miniature Sorption Coolers
Principles and Practice
Theory and Applications
H.L. Bhat, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
Lucio Piccirillo
This introductory book teaches readers about crystals and their origins. It offers a historical perspective of the subject and includes background information whenever possible. The author covers nucleation, two-dimensional layer growth mechanism, defects in crystals, screw dislocation theory of crystal growth, and phase diagrams. He also presents the experimental techniques of crystal growth. He discusses the major techniques categorized by solid–solid, liquid–solid, and vapor–solid equilibria and describes characterization techniques essential to measuring the quality of grown crystals.
This book provides a comprehensive description of the theory and practice of closed-cycle sorption coolers, cryogenic devices used to cool samples to very low temperatures from 4K to 30 mK and below. A comprehensive list of MATLAB routines used in the simulation and design of the various systems is provided at the end of the book. These routines are thoroughly tested, and readers can easily modify them to suit their own applications. CRC Press Market: Materials Science August 2017: 235 x 156: 250pp Hb: 978-1-482-26041-0: £100.00 eBook: 978-1-482-26042-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:
CRC Press November 2016: 235 x 156: 346pp Hb: 978-1-439-88330-3: £88.00 Pb: 978-1-138-19971-2: £38.99 eBook: 978-1-439-88333-4 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Mathematical Methods in Chemical and Biological Engineering
Multiphase Particulate Systems in Turbulent Flows
Binay Kanti Dutta, West Bengal Pollution Control Board, Kolkata, India This book describes basic to moderately advanced mathematical techniques useful for shaping the model-based analysis of chemical and biological engineering systems. Covering an ideal balance of basic mathematical principles and applications to physico-chemical problems, the text presents examples drawn from recent literature on chemical engineering, biological and biomedical engineering, food processing, and a variety of diffusional problems to demonstrate the real-world value of the mathematical methods. Emphasis is placed on the background and physical understanding of the problems to prepare students for future challenging and innovative applications. CRC Press Market: Engineering - Chemical October 2016: 254 x 178: 694pp Hb: 978-1-482-21038-5: £89.00 eBook: 978-1-482-21039-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Fluid-Liquid and Solid-Liquid Dispersions Wioletta Podgorska, Warsaw University of Technology, Warszawa, Poland This book provides methods necessary to analyze complex particulate systems and related phenomena. It covers liquid-liquid, gas-liquid, and solid-liquid dispersions. It provides physical, chemical, and mathematical descriptions of fundamental processes influencing crystal size and shape, suspension reology, interfacial area of drops and bubbles in extractors, and bubble columns. It discusses connections between turbulent mixing mechanism and precipitation, the influence of fine-scale turbulence structure, and interfacial phenomena. It presents a multifractal approach to mathematical modeling as well as PBE solving methods. CRC Press Market: Engineering - Chemical September 2017: 235 x 156: 425pp Hb: 978-1-482-23568-5: £185.00 Pb: 978-1-138-74579-7: £85.00 eBook: 978-1-482-23570-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Membrane-Distillation in Desalination
Nanocomposite Membrane Technology
Farid Benyahia, Qatar University, Doha
Fundamentals and Applications
Demand for quality fresh water around the world and in particular, in water stressed regions of the globe is increasing, forcing nations to resort to seawater desalination.Seawater desalination is known to be not only energy intensive, but also carries a negative environmental footprint, directly as in thermal desalination or indirectly as in reverse osmosis. One of the promising and emerging desalination technique is membrane-distillation desalination. This book is an attempt to provide the latest knowledge, state of the art and demystify outstanding issues that delay the deployment of the technology on a large scale. CRC Press Market: Engineering - Chemical October 2017: 235 x 156: 288pp Hb: 978-1-498-74854-4: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-498-74855-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:
P.K. Tewari, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Trombay, Mumbai, India This book is the first to deliver an extensive exploration of nanocomposite membrane technology. Approaching the subject from the materials point of view, the text offers an introduction to the field as well as an overview of the fundamentals and applications. It discusses the history, synthesis, characterization, and processing of nanocomposite membranes. It examines water treatment, gas separation, and biomedical applications, presenting case studies of real-world implementations. It also addresses the associated health, environmental, safety, and societal implications, covering each topic with clarity and detail. CRC Press Market: Engineering- Chemical July 2017 Hb: 978-1-466-57682-7: £163.00 Pb: 978-1-138-74912-2: £95.00 eBook: 978-1-466-57683-4 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Offshore Petroleum Drilling and Production
Synthesis, Design, and Resource Optimization in Batch Chemical Plants
Sukumar Laik Although the extraction of oil and gas from the bottom of the sea began more than 40 years ago, new technology has led to a rapid expansion of drilling and production in deep and ultra-deep waters, which holds the key for the oil security of any nation. This book provides comprehensive coverage of offshore oil and gas operations, including various aspects of drilling and production. It also covers offshore environments and discusses the major differences in working offshore versus onshore. CRC Press Market: Engineering - Chemical September 2017: 235 x 156: 400pp Hb: 978-1-498-70612-4: £125.00 eBook: 978-1-498-70613-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Phase Equilibria in Ionic Liquid Facilitated Liquid–Liquid Extractions
Edited by Thokozani Majozi, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, Esmael Reshid Seid, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa and Jui-Yuan Lee, National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan This book presents state-of-the art models for the scheduling, synthesis, design, and resource optimization of batch chemical processes. The text describes different ways to represent and capture time in the optimal allocation of tasks to various units with the objective of maximizing throughput or minimizing makespan. It covers synthesis and design where the objective is mainly to yield a chemical facility, which satisfies all the targets with minimum capital cost investment. It also deals with resource conservation aspects, where water and energy take center stage. CRC Press Market: Chemical Engineering July 2017 Hb: 978-1-482-25241-5: £129.00 Pb: 978-1-138-89330-6: £75.00 eBook: 978-1-482-25242-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Anand Bharti, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Assam, India, Debashis Kundu, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Assam, India, Dharamashi Rabari, Ahmedabad University, India and Tamal Banerjee, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Assam, India The book is aimed to give a comprehensive idea about ionic liquid based separation techniques. The glimpse of thermodynamic predictive models along with global optimization techniques will help readers understand the separation techniques at molecular and macroscopic levels. Further, the database predicted by a-priori basis thermodynamic models will give the readers a ready-to-use database for scientific and engineering calculations. This will be very useful as a-priori based predictions give more emphasize on hydrogen-bonded systems. Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) technique will eventually help the readers to apply an optimization to an extraction process. CRC Press Market: Engineering - Chemical March 2017: 235 x 156: 226pp Hb: 978-1-498-76948-8: £127.00 eBook: 978-1-498-76949-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Supercritical Fluids Technology in Lipase Catalyzed Processes Sulaiman Al-Zuhair and Hanifa Taher This book outlines supercritical fluids as a green alternative reaction medium in catalytic reactions involving lipases. Lipases have a great potential in industrial applications and the text describes their main sources, reaction kinetics, structure, physicochemical characteristics, and applications. It discusses lipase immobilization and its advantages over soluble lipases, immobilization techniques, immobilization materials, and bioreactor configurations using immobilized lipase. It also explores the advantages of non-aqueous media in biochemical synthesis and includes a case study on using SC-CO2 for biodiesel production. CRC Press Market: Engineering - Chemical October 2017 Hb: 978-1-498-74387-7: £122.00 Pb: 978-1-138-89320-7: £75.00 eBook: 978-1-498-74579-6 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS Dummy text to keep placeholder
Monte Carlo Simulation For Experimental Physics A Practical Introduction To Concepts, Methods, Technology And Tools Maria Grazia Pia Taking a very practical, hand-on approach, this book introduces the use of Monte Carlo methods for solving practical problems in experimental physics. Topics covered include simulation methods, simulation domains, the experimental lifecycle, software tools for simulation, event generators, generalized and specialized codes for particle transport, modeling techniques, and physics processes. A CD-ROM and supporting website feature downloads, codes, hints, images, and links that enhance the book’s use in formal teaching environments and allow more experienced users access to further resources. CRC Press June 2017: 235 x 156: 320pp Hb: 978-1-439-84782-4: £69.99 eBook: 978-1-439-84783-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Soft Computing in Chemical and Physical Sciences A Shift in Computing Paradigm S P Bhattacharyya, IIT Bombay, Department of Chemistry, Raja Ramanna Fellow, Powai, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India Ex-Senior Professor of Physical Chemistry, Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Kolkata, India and Kanchan Sarkar, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA This book can be regarded as ‘Soft computing for physicists and chemists self-taught’. It prepares the readers with a solid background of soft computing and how to adapt soft computing techniques to problem solving in physical and chemical research. Soft computing methods have been little explored by researchers in physical and chemical sciences primarily because of the absence of books that bridge the gap between the traditional computing paradigm pursued by researchers in science and the new soft computing paradigm that has emerged in computer science. This book is the interface between these primary sources and researchers in physics and chemistry. CRC Press Market: Computer Science & Engineering June 2017: 254 x 178: 272pp Hb: 978-1-498-75593-1: £108.00 eBook: 978-1-498-75595-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:
2nd Edition • NEW EDITION
The Illustrated Wavelet Transform Handbook Introductory Theory and Applications in Science, Engineering, Medicine and Finance, Second Edition Paul S. Addison, Edinburgh, UK This second edition of The Illustrated Wavelet Transform Handbook: Introductory Theory and Applications in Science, Engineering, Medicine and Finance has been fully updated and revised to reflect recent developments in the theory and practical applications of wavelet transform methods. The book is designed specifically for the applied reader in science, engineering, medicine and finance. Newcomers to the subject will find an accessible and clear account of the theory of continuous and discrete wavelet transforms, while readers already acquainted with wavelets can use the book to broaden their perspective. CRC Press Market: Physics December 2016: 254 x 178: 446pp Hb: 978-1-482-25132-6: £63.99 eBook: 978-1-482-25133-3 Prev. Ed Hb: 978-0-750-30692-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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CONDENSED MATTER & MATERIALS SCIENCE Dummy text to keep placeholder
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Advanced Thermoelectrics
Electronic Transport Theories
Materials, Contacts, Devices, and Systems
From Weakly to Strongly Correlated Materials
Edited by Prof. Zhifeng Ren, University of Houston, Texas, USA, Prof. Yucheng Lan, Morgan State University, Dept. of Physics and Engineering Physics, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, Prof. Qinyong Zhang, Xihua University, Chengdu, Sichuan, People's Republic of China and Bush Ren
Navinder Singh, Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India Maintaining a practical perspective, Electronic Transport Theories: From Weakly to Strongly Correlated Materials provides an integrative overview and comprehensive coverage of electronic transport with pedagogy in view. It covers traditional theories, such as the Boltzmann transport equation and the Kubo formula, along with recent theories of transport in strongly correlated materials. This book is an invaluable resource for undergraduate students, post-graduate students, and researchers with a background in quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics, and mathematical methods.
This book provides an overview on nanostructured thermoelectric materials and devices, covering fundamental concepts, synthesis techniques, device contacts and stability, and potential applications, especially in waste heat recovery and solar energy conversion. The contents focus on thermoelectric devices made from nanomaterials with high thermoelectric efficiency for use in large scale to generate megawatts electricity. CRC Press Market: Physics October 2017: 254 x 178: 640pp Hb: 978-1-498-76572-5: £155.00 eBook: 978-1-498-76573-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:
CRC Press Market: Physics November 2016: 235 x 156: 213pp Hb: 978-1-498-74359-4: £108.00 eBook: 978-1-315-36896-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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An Introduction to Graphene and Carbon Nanotubes
First Order Phase Transitions of Magnetic Materials
John E. Proctor, School of Computing, Science and Engineering, University of Salford; School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Manchester, UK, Daniel Melendrez Armada, School of Materials and National Graphene Institute, University of Manchester, UK and Aravind Vijayaraghavan, School of Materials and National Graphene Institute, University of Manchester, UK Carbon nanotubes and graphene have been the subject of intense scientific research since their relatively recent discoveries. This book introduces the reader to the science behind these rapidly developing fields, and covers both the fundamentals and latest advances. Uniquely, this book covers the topics in a pedagogical manner suitable for undergraduate students. The book also uses the simple systems of nanotubes and graphene as models to teach concepts such as molecular orbital theory, tight binding theory and the Laue treatment of diffraction. Suitable for undergraduate students with a working knowledge of basic quantum mechanics, and for postgraduate researchers commencing their studies into the field, this book will equip the reader to critically evaluate the physical properties and potential for applications of graphene and carbon nanotubes.
Praveen Chaddah, Former Director, UGC-DAE Consortium For Scientific Research, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India This book introduces new concepts in the phenomenon of 1st order phase transitions. It discusses the concept of kinetic arrest at a certain temperature, with this temperature being dependent on the second control variable (magnetic field, or pressure). It discusses interesting manifestations of this phenomenon when the 1st order transition is broadened, i.e. occurs over a finite range of temperatures. Many examples of this phenomenon, observed recently in many materials, will also be discussed. CRC Press Market: Physics October 2017: 235 x 156: 250pp Hb: 978-1-498-78625-6: £95.00 eBook: 978-1-498-78626-3 * For full contents and more information, visit:
CRC Press Market: Physics February 2017: 254 x 178: 274pp Hb: 978-1-498-75179-7: £57.99 eBook: 978-1-498-75181-0 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Complex Liquids, Polymers and Membranes
Handbook of Granular Materials Edited by Scott V. Franklin, Rochester Institute of Technology, New York, USA and Mark D. Shattuck, The City College of New York, New York, USA
Alokmay Datta, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata, India Soft materials play an essential role in our daily life. They are used for clothing, medicines, dyes, paints, adhesives, lubricants, sports goods, and many other purposes. Even our bodies are mostly composed of soft materials. Complex Liquids, Polymers and Membranes describes how soft materials like liquids, polymers, and liquid crystals behave. It enables the reader to understand the experimental and theoretical tools required to study their structure, bonding, and properties. The book also introduces biomaterials as well as thin films and tubes made out of soft materials. CRC Press May 2017: 235 x 156: 600pp Hb: 978-1-466-57704-6: £63.99 eBook: 978-1-466-57706-0 * For full contents and more information, visit:
This handbook presents foundational techniques used to investigate granular systems, examples of their use in contemporary research, and extensions to granular-like systems that greatly expand the realm of study. The book provides guidance on how to conduct research in granular materials and explores promising directions for new research. It covers various common methods for investigating granular materials, delves results of these investigations, and describes three extended systems of granular media: suspensions, emulsions and foams, and colloids. CRC Press Market: Physics / Materials Science September 2017 Hb: 978-1-466-50996-2: £102.00 Pb: 978-1-138-89420-4: £60.00 eBook: 978-1-466-50997-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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CONDENSED MATTER & MATERIALS SCIENCE Dummy text to keep placeholder
Handbook of Solid-State Lighting and LEDs
Edited by Zhe Chuan Feng, Laboratory of optoelectronic materials & detection technology, Guangxi Key Laboratory for Relativistic Astrophysics, School of Physical Science & Technology, Guangxi University, Nanning, 530004 China. Series: Series in Optics and Optoelectronics This handbook addresses the development of energy-efficient, environmentally friendly solid-state light sources, in particular gallium nitride (GaN)-based and related wide bandgap semiconductor light emitting diodes (LEDs) and other solid-state lighting (SSL) devices. It reflects the vast growth of this field and impacts in diverse industries, from lighting to communications, biotechnology, imaging, and medicine. The chapters cover fundamentals, LED technologies for lighting, and deep ultraviolet and other types such as organic LEDs, zinc oxide-based LEDs, and nanostructural LEDs. CRC Press Market: Physics June 2017: 254 x 178: 720pp Hb: 978-1-498-74141-5: £230.00 eBook: 978-1-498-74142-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:
An Interdisciplinary Approach Georgia C. Papaefthymiou, Villanova University, Pennsylvania, USA This book provides a core foundation for understanding magnetic quantum-size effects at the nanoscale. It discusses physical, chemical, and nanotemplating synthesis techniques for the production of magnetic nanoparticles and covers experimental techniques for determination of the macroscopic and microscopic magnetization of nanoparticles. Other topics include magnetic ordering with increasing cluster size and transition from molecular to solid state. The book also discusses the role of nanomagnetism in high-density magnetic recording media, nanostructured permanent magnets, and geophysical and planetary science. Chapman and Hall/CRC November 2017: 235 x 156: 400pp Pb: 978-1-439-81846-6: £64.00 eBook: 978-1-439-81848-0 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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High-Pressure Physics
Polarons and Bipolarons
John Loveday, University of Edinburgh, UK Series: Scottish Graduate Series With contributions from an international group of leading researchers, this accessible book examines experimental and theoretical techniques and computational methods in high-pressure physics. Highlighting applications in a range of physics disciplines—from novel materials synthesis to planetary interiors—it cuts across many areas and provides a solid grounding in techniques and applications. The authors focus on scientific challenges in condensed matter under extreme conditions of pressure and temperature, synthesis and characterization of novel materials, and state-of-the-art experimental facilities and technologies. Chapman and Hall/CRC October 2016: 235 x 156: 342pp Hb: 978-1-439-81428-4: £111.00 Pb: 978-1-138-19910-1: £51.99 eBook: 978-1-439-81429-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:
An Introduction Ashok Chatterjee and Soma Mukhopadhyay Series: Chapman & Hall Pure and Applied Mathematics This book provides a comprehensive review of the subject of polaron and a thorough account of the sophisticated theories of the polaron. It explains the concept of the polaron physics in as simple a manner as possible and presents the theoretical techniques and mathematical derivations in great detail. Anybody who follows this book will develop a solid command over the subject both conceptually and technically and will be in a position to contribute to this field. CRC Press Market: Physics September 2017: 235 x 156: 475pp Hb: 978-1-482-24488-5: £76.99 eBook: 978-1-482-24489-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Introduction to Topological Quantum Matter & Quantum Computation
Quantum Transport in Dirac Materials
Tudor D. Stanescu Introduction to Topological Quantum Matter & Quantum Computation provides an introduction to and a synthesis of a fascinating and rapidly expanding research field emerging at the crossroads of condensed matter physics, mathematics, and computer science. Providing the big picture, this book is ideal for graduate students and researchers entering this field as it allows for the fruitful transfer of paradigms and ideas amongst different areas, and includes many specific examples to help the reader understand abstract and sometimes challenging concepts.
Colin Benjamin, National Institute of Science Education and Research, School of Physical Sciences, Bhubaneswar, India This book emphasizes how new generation materials discovered recently (like graphene and topological insulators) can be understood using simple Quantum Transport Theory. The book is aimed at the reader who is just starting research in Theoretical or Experimental Physics of Dirac Materials. It will act as a good guide laying a solid ground using examples and exercise. The book could also be used as a text in Advanced Solid State/Condensed Matter Courses in Physics or Chemistry and in branches of Engineering. CRC Press Market: Physics June 2017: 235 x 156: 368pp Hb: 978-1-498-74113-2: £108.00 eBook: 978-1-498-74114-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:
CRC Press Market: Physics December 2016: 235 x 156: 380pp Hb: 978-1-482-24593-6: £57.99 eBook: 978-1-315-18150-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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CONDENSED MATTER & MATERIALS SCIENCE Dummy text to keep placeholder
Skyrmions Topological Structures, Properties, and Applications Edited by J. Ping Liu, University of Texas at Arlington, USA, Zhidong Zhang, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang, PR of China and Guoping Zhao, Sichuan Normal University, Chengdu, PR of China Series: Series in Materials Science and Engineering The skyrmion, a recently discovered type of domain structure, has interesting topological structure and properties which promise to have a major impact in physics and materials science, thereby leading to development of exciting new electronic and magnetic devices. This book showcases the state of the art in this rapidly growing area, highlighting its importance for the fundamental understanding of magnetism and transport as well as technological applications. The contents begin with a comprehensive look at topological structures and magnetic and transport properties. From there, the chapters turn to experimental studies, including materials and observations, and emerging applications. CRC Press Market: Physics December 2016: 235 x 156: 482pp Hb: 978-1-498-75388-3: £140.00 eBook: 978-1-315-28417-0 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Theoretical Modeling of Mixed Organic-Inorganic Perovskites for Photovoltaic Applications Edited by Giacomo Giorgi and Koichi Yamashita, The University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku Perovskites are a class of recently discovered crystals with a multitude of innovative applications, including great potential in solar devices. The magazine Science selected perovskite solar cells as one of the biggest scientific breakthroughs of the last lustrum. This book provides the first comprehensive account of theoretical aspects of perovskite solar cells, starting at an introductory level but covering the latest cutting-edge research. The book discusses analogies and differences between perovskite solar cells and other photovoltaic technologies. CRC Press Market: Physics June 2017: 254 x 178: 200pp Hb: 978-1-498-75078-3: £105.00 eBook: 978-1-498-75079-0 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Understanding Surface and Thin Film Science Thomas M. Christensen, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, USA This book offers a clear and experiment-driven introduction to the materials science of surfaces and thin films. It includes only simple mathematics and numerous illustrations to help develop an intuitive understanding of how atomic level processes relate to macroscopic variables such as temperature, deposition rate, and energies. The book starts by addressing properties of clean surfaces and surfaces with adsorbed atoms on them, and advances to discussion of the coalescence, growth, and thickening of thin solid films for various applications. CRC Press Market: Materials Science August 2017: 235 x 156: 300pp eBook: 978-1-482-23304-9 Pack - Book and Ebook: 978-1-482-23303-2: £63.99 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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ELECTRONIC MATERIALS & DEVICES Dummy text to keep placeholder
Fundamentals of Tunnel Field-Effect Transistors Sneh Saurabh, Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology, DELHI, INDIA and Mamidala Jagadesh Kumar, NXP (Philips) Chair Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, INDIA During the last decade, there has been a great deal of interest in TFETs. To the best authors’ knowledge, no book on TFETs currently exists. The proposed book provides readers with fundamental understanding of the TFETs. It explains the interesting characteristics of the TFETs, pointing to their strengths and weaknesses, and describes the novel techniques that can be employed to overcome these weaknesses and improve their characteristics. Different tradeoffs that can be made in designing TFETs have also been highlighted. Further, the book provides simulation example files of TFETs that could be run using a commercial device simulator. CRC Press Market: Physics November 2016: 235 x 156: 292pp Hb: 978-1-498-76713-2: £95.00 eBook: 978-1-315-36735-4 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Nanoscale Device Technology K. K. Saini, National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi, India This book explores how the electronic components that drive all modern technology have changed since their invention in the nineteenth century. It takes readers through the historical development of electronics, from the discovery of a vacuum tube as an electron device to future candidates for logic and memory applications. The book covers various versions of basic solid-state devices, the development strategies of the International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS), the potential of single molecules in logic and memory applications, and much more. CRC Press Market: Physics February 2017: 235 x 156: 166pp Hb: 978-1-498-73428-8: £63.99 eBook: 978-1-498-73430-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Printed Resonant Periodic Structures and Their Applications Mahesh Abegaonkar, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi, India, Lalithendra Kurra, CVR College of Engineering, Hyderabad, India and Shiban Kishen Koul, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi, India This book is a reference for researchers who want to learn about resonant periodic structures for applications in microstrip circuits. The readers can learn simple methods to analyze these structures using commercially available software and equivalent circuit modelling. The application examples demonstrated in the book will open up new research ideas in this field. CRC Press Market: Physics November 2016: 254 x 178: 147pp Hb: 978-1-498-78211-1: £89.00 eBook: 978-1-315-36680-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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ENERGY & ENVIRONMENTAL PHYSICS Dummy text to keep placeholder
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Atmospheric Aerosols
Solar Fuel Generation
Characteristics and Radiative Effects
Edited by Yatendra S. Chaudhary
S Ramachandran, Physical Research Laboratory, Space and Atmospheric Sciences Division, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
There are three major approaches to harvesting solar radiation in order to produce solar fuels that are currently being explored. These are dye sensitized solar cell devices, solar hydrogen generation, and CO2 reduction using solar radiation into energy rich compounds. This book provides a comprehensive insight into the current scenarios and perspectives of these approaches to producing solar fuels by using solar radiation, as well as fundamental concepts which are crucial to the design of artificial photosynthesis devices.
This book will include basic knowledge and understanding on the characteristics of aerosols over the continent and oceanic regions, their composition, their residence times, their major sources and sinks and their size distributions, and their effects in the radiative transfer and climate of Earth. It will cover aerosols in the troposphere and stratosphere and their radiative effects. Modeling needs to estimate the radiative impact of aerosols will also be highlighted in the book. CRC Press Market: Physics September 2017: 235 x 156: 320pp Hb: 978-1-498-75073-8: £108.00 eBook: 978-1-498-75074-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:
CRC Press Market: Physics January 2017: 235 x 156: 169pp Hb: 978-1-498-72551-4: £108.00 eBook: 978-1-498-72552-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Grid Integration of Solar Photovoltaic Systems Majid Jamil, Department of Electrical Engineering, Jamia Millia Islamia,, M Rizwan and D P Kothari, Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Maharashtra, India This book covers the various aspects of solar photovoltaic systems including measurement of solar irradiance, solar photovoltaic modules, arrays with MATLAB implementation, recent MPPT techniques, latest literature of converter design (with MATLAB Simulink models), energy storage for PV applications, balance of systems, grid integration of PV systems, PV system protection, economics of grid connected PV system and system yield performance using PV system. Challenges, issues and solutions related to grid integration of solar photovoltaic systems are also be dealt with. CRC Press Market: Physics June 2017: 254 x 178: 350pp Hb: 978-1-498-79832-7: £95.00 eBook: 978-1-498-79849-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Hydrogen Storage Technology Materials and Applications Edited by Lennie Klebanoff, Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, California, USA Collecting recent results from around the globe, this thorough guide gets you up to date on the latest hydrogen-based technology for mitigating energy and environmental risks. With contributions from the world’s leading technical experts in the field, it presents a broad yet unified account of the various materials science, physics, and engineering aspects involved in storing hydrogen gas so that it can be used to provide power. The book helps you understand advanced hydrogen storage materials and how to build systems around them. CRC Press Market: Physics November 2016: 254x178: 520pp Hb: 978-1-439-84107-5: £135.00 Pb: 978-1-138-19929-3: £51.99 eBook: 978-1-439-84108-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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GENERAL & INTRODUCTORY PHYSICS Dummy text to keep placeholder
An Introduction to Distributed Optical Fibre Sensors Arthur H. Hartog, Schlumberger Fibre-Optic Technology Centre, Southampton, United Kingdom Series: Series in Fiber Optic Sensors Distributed optical fiber sensors (DOFS) are capable of revealing information about temperature, strain, vibration, pressure, or magnetic field from anywhere along the fiber. This book explains their physical principles, unique benefits, broad categories, implementation aspects, and performance criteria. It highlights industrial applications, which range from oil and gas production to power line monitoring, plant and process engineering, environmental monitoring, and industrial fire and leakage detection. It also discusses such key areas as backscattering, launched power limitations, and receiver sensitivity. CRC Press Market: Electrical Engineering/ March 2017: 254 x 178: 442pp Pb: 978-1-482-25957-5: ÂŁ49.99 eBook: 978-1-482-25958-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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An Introduction to Distributed Optical Fibre Sensors
Fiber-Optic Fabry-Perot Sensors
Arthur H. Hartog, Schlumberger Fibre-Optic Technology Centre, Southampton, United Kingdom Series: Series in Fiber Optic Sensors Distributed optical fiber sensors (DOFS) are capable of revealing information about temperature, strain, vibration, pressure, or magnetic field from anywhere along the fiber. This book explains their physical principles, unique benefits, broad categories, implementation aspects, and performance criteria. It highlights industrial applications, which range from oil and gas production to power line monitoring, plant and process engineering, environmental monitoring, and industrial fire and leakage detection. It also discusses such key areas as backscattering, launched power limitations, and receiver sensitivity. CRC Press Market: Electrical Engineering/ March 2017: 254 x 178: 442pp Pb: 978-1-482-25957-5: £49.99 eBook: 978-1-482-25958-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:
An Introduction Yun-Jiang Rao, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, Sichuan, Zeng-Ling Ran, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, Sichuan and Yuan Gong, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, Sichuan Series: Series in Fiber Optic Sensors Fiber-optic Fabry-Perot (FFP) sensors boast notable advantages over other optical fiber sensors, including their immunity to electromagnetic interference, high resolution, compact size, and low cost. This book offers a complete overview of FFP sensing technology, integrating the knowledge and tools of multiple fields including optics, sensing, micromachining, instrumentation, physics, and materials science. The main chapters discuss operating principles, microstructures, fabrication methods, signal demodulation, instrumentation, and applications. CRC Press Market: Physics May 2017: 235 x 156: 232pp Hb: 978-1-498-73693-0: £125.00 eBook: 978-1-498-73694-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Applied Laser Spectroscopy
Fundamentals of Nonlinear Optics, Second Edition
Robert P. Lucht, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA
Peter E. Powers, University of Dayton, Ohio, USA and Joseph W. Haus, University of Dayton, Ohio, USA
Suitable for engineers, physicists, and chemists as well as graduate students in physics and engineering, this book presents a detailed treatment of the fundamental principles underlying the interaction of laser radiation with gas-phase atomic and molecular resonances. Along with numerous examples and end-of-chapter problem sets, it provides the essential material needed to understand laser interactions with molecular and atomic resonances. The book also offers a thorough overview of the full breadth of engineering applications for diagnostic probes, including absorption, laser-induced fluorescence, Raman scattering, coherent Raman scattering, polarization spectroscopy, and resonant wave-mixing techniques.
This fully revised edition of the groundbreaking text by the late Peter Powers offers enhanced coverage while remaining the most ‘essentials only,’ practical introductory treatment available. It includes a brand new chapter on quantum nonlinear optics, other added sections and improvements, as well as many new problems and examples. This up-to-date treatment reflects the latest device applications and importance of nonlinear optics in development of materials, optical switching and processing, and nonlinear guided wave optics.
CRC Press September 2017: 235 x 156: 450pp Pb: 978-1-439-81364-5: £63.99 eBook: 978-1-439-81365-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:
CRC Press Market: Physics April 2017: 254 x 203: 484pp Hb: 978-1-498-73683-1: £92.00 eBook: 978-1-498-73684-8 Prev. Ed Hb: 978-1-420-09351-3 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Electronic, Magnetic, and Optical Materials, Second Edition
Handbook of 3D Machine Vision
Pradeep Fulay, University of West Virginia, Morgantown, USA and Jung-Kun Lee This book integrates materials science with other engineering subjects such as physics, chemistry and electrical engineering. The authors discuss devices and technologies used by the electronics, magnetics and photonics industries and offer a perspective on the manufacturing technologies used in device fabrication. The new addition includes chapters on optical properties and devices and addresses nanoscale phenomena and nanoscience, a subject that has made significant progress in the past decade regarding the fabrication of various materials and devices with nanometer-scale features. CRC Press Market: Materials Science November 2016: 254 x 178: 536pp Hb: 978-1-498-70169-3: £76.99 eBook: 978-1-498-70172-3 Prev. Ed Hb: 978-0-849-39564-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Optical Metrology and Imaging Edited by Song Zhang, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA Series: Series in Optics and Optoelectronics Choosing from the numerous 3D vision methods available can be frustrating for scientists and engineers, especially without a comprehensive resource to consult. Filling this gap, this handbook gives an in-depth look at the most popular 3D imaging techniques. Written by key players in the field and inventors of important imaging technologies, it helps you understand the core of 3D imaging technology and choose the proper 3D imaging technique for your needs. For each technique, the book provides its mathematical foundations, summarizes its successful applications, and discusses its limitations. CRC Press February 2017: 235 x 156: 414pp Hb: 978-1-439-87219-2: £122.00 Pb: 978-1-138-19957-6: £51.99 eBook: 978-1-439-87220-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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2nd Edition • NEW EDITION
Handbook of GaN Semiconductor Materials and Devices
Handbook of Optoelectronics, Second Edition
Edited by Wengang Bi, Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin, China, Haochung Kuo, National Chiao-Tung University, Taiwan, Peicheng Ku, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA and Bo Shen, Peking University, Bejing, PR of China Series: Series in Optics and Optoelectronics
Edited by John P. Dakin, University of Southampton, UK and Robert G. W. Brown, University of California, Irvine, USA
Gallium nitride (GaN) is a III/V direct bandgap semiconductor used in lighting and display, as well as data storage, air and water purification, medical treatment, missile warning systems, power amplifiers, and switches. This book addresses material growth, device fabrication, device application, and commercialization of energy-efficient white light-emitting diodes (LEDs), laser diodes, and power electronics devices. It begins with an overview on basics of semiconductor materials, physics, growth and characterization techniques, followed by detailed discussion of advantages, drawbacks, design issues, processing, applications, and key challenges for state of the art GaN-based devices. CRC Press Market: Physics July 2017: 254 x 178: 608pp Hb: 978-1-498-74713-4: £215.00 eBook: 978-1-498-74714-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Applied Optical Electronics
This second edition of the Handbook of Optoelectronics gives a complete overview of the field, from fundamentals to technology developments and industry applications. It covers the entire discipline, which encompasses the study and use of electronic devices for generating, controlling, and detecting light, which pervades every aspect of our lives. This revised edition contains numerous new topics, from VCSELs to biosensors, flexible displays, 3D optical data storage, and laser diodes. An entirely new section focuses on important commercial applications. CRC Press Market: Engineering - Electrical July 2017: 254 x 178: 832pp Hb: 978-1-482-24180-8: £215.00 eBook: 978-1-482-24181-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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2nd Edition • NEW EDITION
Handbook of Optical Sensors
Handbook of Optoelectronics, Second Edition (Two-Volume Set)
Edited by Jose Luis Santos, University of Porto, Portugal and Faramarz Farahi, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA This book provides a comprehensive, integrated view of optical sensors. It explains the basic aspects of optical sensors and the principles of optical metrology, presenting a brief history. It explores the role of optical waveguides in sensing and discusses sensor technologies based on intensity and phase modulation, fluorescence, and plasmonic waves. It covers optical fiber sensing, from light guiding in standard and microstructured optical fibers to fiber Bragg grating. It also identifies trends for the future, such as metamaterials and entangled quantum states of light. CRC Press Market: Optical Science & Engineering February 2017: 254 x 178: 718pp Hb: 978-1-439-86685-6: £136.00 Pb: 978-1-138-19866-1: £51.99 eBook: 978-1-439-86686-3 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Edited by John P. Dakin, University of Southampton, UK and Robert G. W. Brown, University of California, Irvine, USA This second edition of the Handbook of Optoelectronics gives a complete overview of the field, from fundamentals to technology developments and industry applications. It covers the entire discipline, which encompasses the study and use of electronic devices for generating, controlling, and detecting light, which pervades every aspect of our lives. This revised edition contains numerous new topics, from VCSELs to biosensors, flexible displays, 3D optical data storage, and laser diodes. An entirely new section focuses on important commercial applications. CRC Press Market: Engineering - Electrical July 2017: 254 x 178: 1664pp Hb: 978-1-482-24172-3: £355.00 Prev. Ed Hb: 978-0-750-30646-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:
2nd Edition • NEW EDITION
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Handbook of Optoelectronics, Second Edition
Handbook of Visual Optics, Two-Volume Set
Concepts, Devices, and Techniques
Edited by Pablo Artal
Edited by John P. Dakin, University of Southampton, UK and Robert G. W. Brown, University of California, Irvine, USA
This comprehensive handbook offers a timely and up-to-date summary of visual optics, covering the fundamental principles, instrumentation, related methodologies, and clinical implications. Volume one gives an introduction to optical principles, ocular anatomy and physiology, and ophthalmic instruments, as well as a detailed treatment of the optics of the eye and retina. Volume two discusses instruments for imaging and visual testing, devices and techniques for visual correction, and the relationship between ocular optics and visual perception.
This second edition of the Handbook of Optoelectronics gives a complete overview of the field, from fundamentals to technology developments and industry applications. It covers the entire discipline, which encompasses the study and use of electronic devices for generating, controlling, and detecting light, which pervades every aspect of our lives. This revised edition contains numerous new topics, from VCSELs to biosensors, flexible displays, 3D optical data storage, and laser diodes. An entirely new section focuses on important commercial applications. CRC Press Market: Engineering - Electrical July 2017: 254 x 178: 832pp Hb: 978-1-482-24178-5: £215.00 eBook: 978-1-482-24179-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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CRC Press Market: Medicine / Physiology April 2017: 279 x 216: 832pp Hb: 978-1-482-23796-2: £299.99 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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2nd Edition • NEW EDITION
Handbook of Visual Optics, Volume One
Light Sources, Second Edition
Fundamentals and Eye Optics
Basics of Lighting Technologies and Applications
Edited by Pablo Artal
Spiros Kitsinelis, University of France, Toulouse and Spyridon Kitsinelis, University of France, Toulouse
This comprehensive handbook offers a timely and up-to-date summary of visual optics, covering the fundamental principles, instrumentation, related methodologies, and clinical implications. Volume one provides an introduction to optical principles, ocular anatomy and physiology, and ophthalmic instruments, as well as a detailed treatment of the optics of the eye and retina. Volume two discusses instruments for imaging and visual testing, devices and techniques for visual correction, and the relationship between ocular optics and visual perception. CRC Press March 2017: 279 x 216: 442pp Hb: 978-1-482-23785-6: £140.00 eBook: 978-1-482-23786-3 * For full contents and more information, visit:
The second edition of this highly praised bestseller presents an overview of the three main technologies that have produced the numerous families of lighting products on the market today: electrical incandescence, electrical gas discharges, and semiconductor LEDs. This edition incorporates enhanced material on LEDs, a new chapter on matching lighting technology with the appropriate applications, a new chapter on light and health, and new case studies on indoor and outdoor lighting for security and safety.
CRC Press Market: Lighting Technology February 2017: 235 x 156: 295pp Hb: 978-1-482-24367-3: £102.00 Pb: 978-1-138-03404-4: £38.99 eBook: 978-1-482-24369-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Handbook of Visual Optics, Volume Two
Microwave Semiconductor Devices
Instrumentation and Vision Correction
Physics and Application
Edited by Pablo Artal This new, comprehensive, two-volume handbook offers a timely and up-to-date summary of visual optics, covering the fundamental principles, instrumentation, related methodologies and clinical implications. Volume one gives an introduction to optical principles, ocular anatomy and physiology and ophthalmic instruments as well as a detailed treatment of the optics of the eye and retina. Volume two discusses instruments for imaging and visual testing, devices and techniques for visual correction and the relationship between ocular optics and visual perception. CRC Press Market: Medicine/Physiology April 2017: 279 x 216: 396pp Hb: 978-1-482-23792-4: £150.00 eBook: 978-1-482-23793-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Jyoti P. Bandyopadhyay, University of Calcutta, Kolkata, India and Suranjana Banerjee, Academy of Technology, Hooghly, India The proposed book makes an attempt to introduce the physical concept behind the operation of microwave and millimeter wave semiconductor devices in detail. It is written for undergraduates and postgraduates of Physics, Electronics, Electrical and Electronics Engineering. This book will also help Engineers and Scientists working in the field to understand the theoretical analysis, design and experimental realization of the devices. It will cover the physics and application of various important and emerging semiconductor devices as sources of microwave and mm-wave power. CRC Press Market: Physics July 2017: 235 x 156: 432pp Hb: 978-1-498-73909-2: £82.00 eBook: 978-1-498-73910-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Laser-Induced Damage in Optical Materials
Nanophotonics and Plasmonics
Edited by Detlev Ristau, Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V., Germany This book provides the most complete and authoritative overview of the laser damage field, covering damage in the bulk as well as on the surface and coating of optical components. Its treatment spans from fundamental mechanisms and techniques to damage in optical materials and thin films. It discusses state-of-the-art measurement approaches for evaluating laser damage thresholds in the context of international standards and scaling laws. It also covers high-power laser coatings, modeling approaches, laser heating phenomena in different optical materials, and effects of contamination. CRC Press Market: Physics/Materials Science November 2016: 254 x 178: 551pp Hb: 978-1-439-87216-1: £127.00 Pb: 978-1-138-19956-9: £51.99 eBook: 978-1-439-87217-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:
An Integrated View Edited by Dr. Ching Eng (Jason) Png, Institute of High Performance Computing (IHPC), A*Star, Singapore and Dr. Yuriy Akimov, Institute of High Performance Computing (IHPC), A*Star, Singapore Series: Series in Nano-Optics and Nanophotonics This book provides a first integrated view of nanophotonics and plasmonics, covering the use of dielectric, semiconductor, and metal nanostructures to manipulate light at the nanometer scale. The presentation highlights similarities and advantages, and shows the common underlying physics, targets, and methodologies used for different materials (optically transparent materials for nanophotonics, vs opaque materials for plasmonics). Ultimately, the goal is to provide a basis for developing a unified platform for both fields. In addition to the fundamentals and detailed theoretical background, the book showcases the main device applications. CRC Press Market: Physics July 2017: 254 x 178: 416pp Hb: 978-1-498-75867-3: £190.00 eBook: 978-1-498-75868-0 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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OLED Fundamentals
Optics for Engineers, Second Edition
Materials, Devices, and Processing of Organic Light-Emitting Diodes
Charles A. DiMarzio, Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Edited by Daniel J. Gaspar and Evgueni Polikarpov, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington, USA This book brings together key topics across the field of OLEDs, from fundamental chemistry and physics to practical materials science and engineering aspects to design and manufacturing factors. Experts from top academic institutions, industry, and national laboratories provide thorough, up-to-date coverage on the most useful materials, devices, and design and fabrication methods for high-efficiency lighting. The first part of the book covers all the construction materials of OLED devices, from substrate to encapsulation. The second part addresses challenges in devices and processing. CRC Press Market: Electronics December 2017 Hb: 978-1-466-51518-5: £102.00 Pb: 978-1-138-89396-2: £60.00 eBook: 978-1-466-51519-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:
This textbook provides an accessible introduction to the fundamentals of geometric and physical optics as they relate to practical problems encountered by engineers and researchers in designing and analyzing optical systems. In this updated edition, the author focuses on topics that are critical to understanding how the basic principles of optics affect design decisions. In addition to information on breadboarding experiments and prototypes, the new edition also expands its coverage of holography and discusses important state-of-the-art issues in modern optics. CRC Press Market: Engineering - Electrical September 2017: 229 x 204: 576pp Pb: 978-1-482-26323-7: £77.00 eBook: 978-1-482-26326-8 Prev. Ed Pb: 978-1-439-80725-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Optical Compressive Imaging
Organic and Hybrid Electronics
Edited by Adrian Stern, Electro-Optical Engineering Unit, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Compressive sensing is a powerful tool that enables data reconstructions using fewer measurements than traditional approaches, and is now being applied to optical signaling and image acquisition for impressive results. This book is the first dedicated work to address the technological (hardware) challenges involved in optical design and implementation, from basic theory to optical architectures and systems for progressive imaging, motion tracking, spectral and hyperspectral imaging, polarimetric sensing, superresolution imaging, lens-free, on-chip microscopy, and phase sensing. The book gives the reader a complete overview of theory, experiment, and practical use for reducing hardware, shortening image scanning time, and improving image resolution as well as other performance parameters.
Science, Technology, Devices and Applications Thomas Brown This practical introduction to the field focuses on the design, architecture, and operation of technologies based on organic compounds and conjugating molecules. It shows the reader how material structure relates to semiconducting properties, and then explores in detail the electronic devices that harness their unique properties. The author explains how LEDs take advantage of their luminescent properties, transistors showcase transport and charge mobility, photovoltaic cells capture light, and photodetectors and sensors have to modulate properties due to external stimuli. It extends the discussion to printed electronics, covering large-area, low-cost film deposition, patterning, processing, and encapsulation. CRC Press September 2017: 254 x 178: 320pp Pb: 978-1-466-59226-1: £77.00 eBook: 978-1-466-59227-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:
CRC Press Market: Physics October 2016: 254 x 178: 304pp Hb: 978-1-498-70806-7: £127.00 eBook: 978-1-498-70807-4 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Optical MEMS, Nanophotonics, and Their Applications
Phase Estimation in Optical Interferometry
Edited by Guangya Zhou, National University of Singapore, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Chengkuo Lee This book presents advances in optical MEMS and nanophotonics, covering device design fundamentals and a range of optical and photonic system applications. The chapters showcase examples of how fusion of nanoelectromechanical (NEMS) with nanophotonic elements is creating powerful new photonic devices and systems including MEMS micromirrors, MEMS tunable filters, MEMS-based adjustable lenses and apertures, NEMS-driven variable silicon nanowire waveguide couplers, and NEMS tunable photonic crystal nanocavities. The book also addresses system applications in laser scanning displays, endoscopic systems, space telescopes, optical telecommunication systems, and biomedical implantable systems. CRC Press Market: Physics July 2017: 254 x 178: 544pp Hb: 978-1-498-74133-0: £215.00 eBook: 978-1-498-74134-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Edited by Pramod Rastogi, EPFL - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne and Erwin Hack, Empa - Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, Dubendorf This book covers the essentials of phase-stepping algorithms used in interferometry and pseudointerferometric techniques. It presents the basic concepts and mathematics needed for understanding modern phase estimation methods. The book first focuses on phase retrieval from image transforms using a single frame. It then examines the local environment of a fringe pattern, the phase estimation approach based on local polynomial phase modeling, temporal high-resolution phase evaluation methods, and methods of phase unwrapping. It also discusses experimental imperfections liable to adversely influence the accuracy of phase measurements. CRC Press Market: Physics October 2016: 235 x 156: 366pp Hb: 978-1-466-59831-7: £110.00 Pb: 978-1-138-03365-8: £51.99 eBook: 978-1-466-59832-4 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Singular Optics Gregory J. Gbur, University of North Carolina, Charlotte, USA Series: Series in Optics and Optoelectronics This book highlights how an understanding of singular optics provides a completely different way to look at light. Whereas traditional optics focuses on the shape and structure of the non-zero portions of the wavefield, singular optics describes a wave’s properties from its null regions. The contents cover the three main areas of the field: the study of generic features of wavefields, determination of unusual properties of vortices and wavefields that contain singularities, and practical applications of vortices and other singularities. CRC Press November 2016: 235 x 156: 545pp Hb: 978-1-466-58077-0: £82.00 eBook: 978-1-315-37426-0 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Terahertz Astronomy Christopher K. Walker, University of Arizona, Tucson, USA Taking a cross-disciplinary approach to the subject, this book explores THz astrophysics and the technologies that make this rapidly evolving field possible. It provides readers with both the background science and technology to interpret THz observations and design, build, and deploy THz astronomical instrumentation. The first four chapters discuss the origin and interpretation of THz light in astrophysical sources. The remaining five chapters present an overview of the technologies used to collect and detect THz light.
CRC Press Market: Physics October 2017 Hb: 978-1-466-57042-9: £88.00 Pb: 978-1-138-89464-8: £50.00 eBook: 978-1-466-57043-6 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Applications of Percolation Theory, Second Edition Muhammad Sahimi, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA Percolation theory provides a mathematical framework for the study of random physical processes such as flow through disordered porous media. It spans applications in the physical sciences and beyond natural phenomena. Double in size, this second edition provides an up-to-date account of these applications. After reviewing the theory, the book covers a range of applications and variations. Well known in the field, the author presents examples in phase transitions, semiconductors, geology, astrophysics, network modeling, and the social sciences. CRC Press Market: Mathematics for Engineers May 2017: 254 x 178: 500pp Hb: 978-1-466-51339-6: ÂŁ140.00 eBook: 978-1-466-51340-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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A Brief Survey of Quantitative EEG
Beam’s-Eye-View Imaging in Radiation Oncology
Kausik Kumar Majumdar Series: Series in Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering
Edited by Ross I. Berbeco, Ph.D., Dana-Farber Cancer Institute; Brigham and Women’s Hospital; Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA Series: Imaging in Medical Diagnosis and Therapy
This book covers various quantitative methods for preprocessing and analyzing human EEG signals. It presents a holistic approach to quantitative EEG from its neurological basis to simultaneous EEG and fMRI studies. Equal emphasis is given to major mathematical and statistical theories and computational techniques that have been in use in qEEG and their applications on clinical and laboratory experimental EEG. The book is compact and self-contained, requiring no background in EEG processing or acquisition and quantitative techniques. CRC Press August 2017: 235 x 156: 600pp Hb: 978-1-439-89616-7: £82.00 eBook: 978-1-439-89617-4 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Using existing radiation therapy instrumentation with a detector added on, beam’s eye view (BEV) images show the anatomy being treated, while it is treated. This first dedicated treatment highlights how the information collected from BEV imaging (e.g., the shape and size of the beam aperture and intensity of the beam) is used in the clinic for treatment verification, adaptive radiotherapy, and intreatment interventions such as real-time tracking. The chapters begin with an historical perspective, review of detector construction and components, and summary of common imaging procedures, followed by detailed discussion of novel clinical applications and exciting emerging innovations. CRC Press Market: Physics July 2017: 235 x 156: 352pp Hb: 978-1-498-73634-3: £185.00 eBook: 978-1-498-73635-0 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Advanced and Emerging Technologies in Radiation Oncology Physics
Big Data in Radiation Oncology
Edited by Siyong Kim and John W. Wong Series: Series in Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering This book educates readers about new technologies before they appear in hospitals, enabling medical physicists and clinicians to prepare for new technologies thoroughly and proactively, and provide better patient care immediately, once new equipment becomes available. The book is divided into three parts: (1) recently developed technologies available for practice; (2) technologies under development but very close to actual practice; and (3) any technology in an early stage but which has potential for radiotherapy application. CRC Press Market: Physics May 2017: 235 x 156: 450pp Hb: 978-1-498-72004-5: £190.00 eBook: 978-1-498-72005-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Edited by Jun Deng, Yale University, School of Medicine and Lei Xing, Stanford University Series: Imaging in Medical Diagnosis and Therapy This book gives readers an in-depth look into how big data is having an impact on the clinical care of cancer patients. While basic principles and key analytical and processing techniques are introduced in the early chapters, the rest of the book turns to clinical applications, in particular for cancer registries, informatics, radiomics, radiogenomics, patient safety and quality of care, patientreported outcomes, comparative effectiveness, treatment planning, and clinical decision-making. A final section envisions a futuristic health system and emerging models for cancer prevention and detection. CRC Press Market: Physics December 2017: 254 x 178: 416pp Hb: 978-1-138-63343-8: £140.00 eBook: 978-1-315-20758-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Advanced Radiation Protection Dosimetry
Edited by Nolan E. Hertel, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Atlanta, Georgia, USA Series: Series in Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering
Principles and Applications of Biomagnetic Stimulation and Imaging
This is the first attempt in over 40 years to address the topic of radiation protection dosimetry in intimate detail. Although many radiation protection scientists and engineers use dose coefficients computed from the methodologies presented, few know the origin of those dose coefficients. The book covers all methods used in radiation protection dosimetry and will be of benefit to the radiation protection community and to graduate radiation protection programs. The book is intended for use by senior radiation protection scientists and in graduate health physics and medical physics courses. Topics include advanced external and internal radiation dosimetry concepts and regulatory applications. CRC Press Market: Physics September 2017: 254 x 178: 750pp Hb: 978-1-498-78543-3: £155.00 eBook: 978-1-498-78544-0 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Edited by Shoogo Ueno, University of Tokyo, Japan and Masaki Sekino, University of Tokyo, Japan Co-edited by a leader in the biomagnetics field for over 40 years, this book explains the physical principles of biomagnetic stimulation and imaging and explores applications of the latest techniques in neuroscience, clinical medicine, and healthcare. The book shows how the techniques are used in hospitals and why they are so promising. A brief overview of recent research trends in biomagnetics provides graduate students, young scientists, and engineers with an up-to-date, informative guide to explore further in this field. CRC Press Market: Physics September 2017 Hb: 978-1-482-23920-1: £88.00 Pb: 978-1-138-89448-8: £50.00 eBook: 978-1-482-23921-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Biosensors and Molecular Technologies for Cancer Diagnostics
Emerging Technologies in Brachytherapy
Edited by Keith E. Herold, University of Maryland, College Park, USA and Avraham Rasooly, National Cancer Institute, Rockville, Maryland, USA and the FDA Center for Devices and Radiological Health, Silver Spring, Maryland, USA Series: Series in Sensors Bridging the gap between research and clinical application, this volume explores the use of biosensors as effective alternatives to the current standard methods in cancer diagnosis and detection. It describes the major aspects involved in detecting and diagnosing cancer as well as the basic elements of biosensors and their applications in detection and diagnostics. Making biosensor technology more accessible to molecular biologists, oncologists, pathologists, and engineers, the book advances the integration of this technology into mainstream clinical practice. CRC Press Market: Medical Physics October 2016: 254 x 178: 844pp Hb: 978-1-439-84165-5: £128.00 Pb: 978-1-138-19853-1: £51.99 eBook: 978-1-439-84166-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Edited by William Y. Song, Kari Tanderup, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus University and Bradley Pieters Series: Series in Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering Brachytherapy is continuously advancing. Years of accumulated experience have led to clinical evidence of its benefit in numerous clinical sites such as gynecological, prostate, breast, rectum, ocular, and many other cancers. Brachytherapy continues to expand in its scope of practice and complexity, driven by strong academic and commercial research, by advances in competing modalities, and due to the diversity in the political and economic landscape. It is a true challenge for practicing professionals and students to readily grasp the overarching trends of the field, especially of those technologies and innovative practices that are not yet established but are certainly on the rise. Addressing this challenge, Emerging Technologies in Brachytherapy presents a comprehensive collection of chapters on the latest trending/emerging technologies and expert opinions. CRC Press Market: Physics March 2017: 254 x 178: 408pp Hb: 978-1-498-73652-7: £127.00 eBook: 978-1-498-73654-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Comprehensive Brachytherapy
Environmental Radioactivity and Emergency Preparedness
Physical and Clinical Aspects Edited by Jack Venselaar, Instituut Verbeeten, Tilburg, Netherlands, Ali S. Meigooni, North Shore University Hospital, Manhasset, New York, USA, Dimos Baltas, Klinikum Offenbach, Germany & University of Athens, Greece and Peter J. Hoskin, Mount Vernon Hospital, Northwood, UK Series: Imaging in Medical Diagnosis and Therapy Brachytherapy delivers a highly localized dose to a target region using radionuclides implanted in or very near to the tumor. This book provides a complete overview of the field and covers related delivery modalities such as electronic brachytherapy. Along with exploring new clinical protocols, it discusses major advances under development, including imaging and robotics, and strategies for improved dosimetry, Monte Carlo-based dose calculation, and optimization. The first part of the text offers a detailed understanding of the underlying physics, design, and implementation of the techniques. The second part provides a practical guide for practitioners. CRC Press October 2016: 276x219: 535pp Hb: 978-1-439-84498-4: £156.00 Pb: 978-1-138-19855-5: £51.99 eBook: 978-1-439-84499-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Design of Piezoelectric Ultrasonic Transducers and Systems a Signal Processing Approach Sivaram Nishal Ramadas Series: Series in Sensors Successful and cost-effective design of an ultrasonic sensor can be problematic. As technological requirements have advanced, sensor complexity has increased dramatically, making intuitive design very difficult. Consequently, new improved models, capable of predicting the device characteristics, are vital for designing complex ultrasonic sensors/systems and keeping pace with the increasingly stringent technological requirements of the future. This book explains how to use a signal processing approach to build effective analytical methods that enable modeling of ultrasonic transduction systems. CRC Press Market: Physics June 2017: 235 x 156: 200pp Hb: 978-1-498-71504-1: £110.00 eBook: 978-1-498-71506-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Mats Isaksson, Department of Radiation Physics, Institute of Clinical Sciences, The Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Sweden and Christopher L. Raaf, Medical Physics, Department of Translational Medicine, Lund University, Sweden Series: Series in Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering The book explores how to deal with the threats posed by different radiological sources, including those that are lost or hidden, and the issues posed by the use of such sources. It presents measurement methods and approaches to model and quantify the extent of threat, and also presents strategies for emergency preparedness, such as strategies for first-responders and radiological triage in case an accident should happen. CRC Press Market: Physics January 2017: 254 x 178: 614pp Hb: 978-1-482-24464-9: £76.00 eBook: 978-1-482-24465-6 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Gamma Cameras for Interventional and Intraoperative Imaging Edited by Alan C. Perkins, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom and John E. Lees Gamma cameras are traditionally large devices that are situated in nuclear medicine departments, but recent advances in detector design has enabled the production of compact gamma cameras that allow nuclear imaging at the patient bedside and in the operating theatre. Gamma Cameras for Interventional and Intraoperative Imaging is the first book to cover this new area of imaging, andprovides a unique insight into the experimental and clinical use of small field of view gamma cameras in hospitals. This book explores advances in the design and operation of compact gamma cameras and conducts a thorough review of current SFOV systems, before exploring the clinical applications of the technology. It is an essential reference for surgeons, operating theatre staff, clinical scientists (medical physicists), technologists, nuclear physicians and radiologists whose patients could benefit from this technology. CRC Press Market: Physics November 2016: 235 x 156: 209pp Hb: 978-1-498-72928-4: £114.00 eBook: 978-1-498-72929-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Graphics Processing Unit-Based High Performance Computing in Radiation Therapy
Healthcare Technology Management – A Systematic Approach
Edited by Xun Jia, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, USA and Steve B. Jiang, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, USA Series: Series in Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering Written by international experts in radiation oncology, biomedical imaging, computing, and physics, this book collects state-of-the-art research on GPU computing and its applications to medical physics problems in radiation therapy. It summarizes advances and presents technical details and insightful discussions on the use of GPU in addressing key radiotherapy problems. The book also examines two real systems developed with GPU as a core component to accomplish important clinical tasks in modern radiotherapy. CRC Press Market: Physics July 2017 Hb: 978-1-482-24478-6: £122.00 Pb: 978-1-138-89432-7: £75.00 eBook: 978-1-482-24479-3 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Francis Hegarty, John Amoore, Paul Blackett, Justin McCarthy, Cardiff University, School of Engineering and Richard Scott Healthcare Technology Management: A Systematic Approach offers a comprehensive description of a method for providing safe and cost effective healthcare technology management (HTM). The approach is directed to enhancing the value (benefit in relation to cost) of the medical equipment assets of healthcare organizations to best support patients, clinicians and other care providers, as well as financial stakeholders.
CRC Press Market: Biomedical Science January 2017: 254 x 178: 543pp Hb: 978-1-498-70354-3: £63.99 eBook: 978-1-498-70355-0 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Handbook of Radioembolization
Hybrid Imaging in Cardiovascular Medicine
Physics, Biology, Nuclear Medicine, and Imaging
Edited by Yi-Hwa Liu, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut, USA and Albert J. Sinusas, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT Series: Imaging in Medical Diagnosis and Therapy
Edited by Alexander S. Pasciak, PhD., University of Tennessee Medical Center, Knoxville, USA, Yong Bradley, MD., University of Tennessee, Graduate School of Medicine, Knoxville, USA and J. Mark McKinney, MD., Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, Florida, USA Radioembolization is now the preferred treatment for both primary and secondary liver cancer. This handbook addresses the radiation biology, physics, nuclear medicine, and imaging for radioembolization using Yttrium-90 (90Y) microspheres, in addition to discussing aspects related to interventional radiology. The contents reflect new on-label hepatic treatment indications, both in the US and worldwide, as well as dose-response relationships associated with radioembolization and the utility of adjuvant radioembolization and systemic chemotherapy.
This book provides a complete overview of multimodality imaging technology, with general chapters on each major hybrid modality, and then gives case studies that highlight its use in the detection and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Among the modalities covered are PET-CT, SPECT-CT, SPECT-MRI, PET-MRI, PET-optical imaging, SPECT-optical imaging, photoacoustic Imaging and hybrid intravascular imaging. The book also addresses the important topics of multimodality imaging probes and image quantification and presents a series of practical case studies. CRC Press July 2017: 279 x 216: 512pp Hb: 978-1-466-59537-8: £190.00 eBook: 978-1-466-59538-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:
CRC Press Market: Physics October 2016: 254 x 178: 330pp Hb: 978-1-498-74201-6: £178.00 eBook: 978-1-498-74202-3 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Handbook of X-ray Imaging
Image-based Medical Physics for Radiologists
Physics and Technology
Basri Johan Jeet Abdullah and Chai Hong Yeong, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Series: Series in Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering
Edited by Paolo Russo, University of Napoli Frederico II, Napoli, Italy This highly comprehensive handbook, edited by one of the world's leading experts in X-ray physics and technology, offers extensive coverage of the field. The book's scope includes X-rays as applied both to radiology for medical diagnostics and to industrial nondestructive testing. Basic introductory aspects are covered, as well as application-specific details on all major radiographic techniques, including mammography, dental radiography, fluoroscopy, computed tomography and veterinary radiography. Industrial radiography and tomography is incorporated, including imaging of artworks. Phase contract X-ray radiography and tomography, radioprotection and educational aspects are also covered. CRC Press Market: Physics October 2017: 279 x 216: 1080pp eBook: 978-1-498-74154-5 Pack - Book and Ebook: 978-1-498-74152-1: £385.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Grasping the principles of medical physics and the effects of differing acquisition parameters or displays can be challenging. This book provides radiology trainees with an image-based translation of the effects of different acquisition parameters. This ensures that imaging procedures, image visualization, and manipulation are optimized in terms of dose and safety, ensuring optimal diagnostic image quality which translates into better outcomes. In short, this book closes the gap between the theory of medical imaging and imaging techniques in clinical practice. CRC Press Market: Medicine July 2017: 235 x 156: 400pp Hb: 978-1-482-25919-3: £63.99 eBook: 978-1-482-25920-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Image-guided Focused Ultrasound Therapy
Monte Carlo Methods for Medical Physics
Physics and Clinical Applications
A Practical Introduction
Edited by Feng Wu, Gail ter Haar and Ian Rivens, Institute of Cancer Research, Sutton, Surrey, United Kingdom Series: Series in Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering
Jan Schuemann, Ph.D., Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, Xun Jia, Ph.D., University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, USA and Harald Paganetti, Ph.D.
This book covers the basic physics, biomedical engineering, and clinical applications of focused ultrasound therapy, the first book to do so. Focusing on applications in cancer treatment, it reviews the medical physics and bio-effects of focused ultrasound beams on living tissues, dosimetry methods and measurements, image guidance including MRI and ultrasound, treatment delivery systems, and clinical applications. It also gives practical guidelines on patient setup, target localization, treatment planning, and image-guided procedures for the treatment of various tumors.
The Monte Carlo (MC) method, established as the gold standard to predict results of physical processes, is now fast becoming a routine clinical tool for applications that range from quality control to treatment verification. This book provides a basic understanding of the fundamental principles and limitations of the MC method in the interpretation and validation of results for various scenarios. It shows how user-friendly and speed optimized MC codes can achieve online image processing or dose calculations in a clinical setting. It introduces this essential method with emphasis on applications in hardware design and testing, radiological imaging, radiation therapy, and radiobiology.
CRC Press Market: Physics October 2017: 235 x 156: 408pp Hb: 978-1-498-71135-7: £215.00 eBook: 978-1-498-71136-4 * For full contents and more information, visit:
CRC Press Market: Physics September 2017: 254 x 178: 384pp Hb: 978-1-498-73671-8: £125.00 eBook: 978-1-498-73672-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Image-Guided Therapy, Surgery, and Drug Delivery
Physics of PET and SPECT Imaging
From Benchtop to Clinic Edited by Dr. Keyvan Farahani, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, Maryland, USA John Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, USA and Dr. Eleni Liapi, The John Hopkins University School of Medicine, The Russell H. Morgan Department of Radiology and Radiological Sciences, Baltimore, Maryland, USA Series: Imaging in Medical Diagnosis and Therapy This book provides a first complete, integrative guide to the field of image-guided interventions in guidance, monitoring, control, and evaluation of minimally-invasive or non-invasive therapies, including thermal and radiation therapy, surgery and drug delivery. It addresses the new and emerging technologies and methods, starting with basic, accessible overviews of all the main modalities through to 3D C-arm, molecular imaging, nanotechnoloties, embolotherapies, magnetic drug targeting, and robotics. It presents expert overviews on the science, engineering, and clinical applications of imaging and treatments for minimally invasive therapies. CRC Press Market: Biomedical Science October 2017: 279 x 216: 488pp Hb: 978-1-498-76489-6: £140.00 eBook: 978-1-498-76490-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Edited by Magnus Dahlbom, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Los Angeles, California, USA Series: Imaging in Medical Diagnosis and Therapy This text provides coverage of PET and SPECT instrumentation and multimodality imaging. It takes an integrative approach, bridging the researcher and clinician’s perspectives. It begins with an introduction to basic physics of PET and SPECT, followed by a section on detector technology. It addresses various aspects of producing quantitative images, such as techniques for image reconstruction, corrections to the data to produce quantitative images, and dynamic imaging. It also discusses instrumentation for multimodality imaging and technologies used in pre-clinical imaging using PET and SPECT. CRC Press Market: Physics February 2017: 254 x 178: 500pp Hb: 978-1-466-56013-0: £140.00 eBook: 978-1-466-56014-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Imaging in Photodynamic Therapy
Radiation Biology for Medical Physicists
Edited by Michael R. Hamblin, Harvard University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA and Yingying Huang, Wellman Center for Photomedicine, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, USA Series: Series in Cellular and Clinical Imaging This book covers the broad field of cellular, molecular, preclinical and clinical imaging associated or combined with photodynamic therapy (PDT). It reflects how the large strides made by PDT in clinical use have resulted in increased studies with imaging elements to optimize treatment. The first sections address basic background, followed by cellular imaging approaches for localization of different photosensitizers and the study of cell damage. The next chapters then discuss theranostic agents, small animal imaging, and clinical imaging. CRC Press Market: Biomedical Science February 2017: 254 x 178: 506pp Hb: 978-1-498-74145-3: £223.00 eBook: 978-1-498-74146-0 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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C. S. Sureka, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, India, Alejandro Carabe-Fernandez, Radiation Oncology Department of the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA and Christina Armpilia, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Medicine Dept., Greece This book is designed to convey as much information as possible in a concise and simple way to make it suitable for students, researchers and clinical medical physicists. Better meanings, codes and examples are included. Most of the basics are also covered for easy reference along with a glossary of objective-type questions. Upon completion of this textbook, the readers will gather knowledge about the physics, chemistry and biology of the human body towards cancer treatment using radiation. CRC Press Market: Physics April 2017: 254 x 178: 250pp Hb: 978-1-498-76589-3: £89.00 eBook: 978-1-498-76590-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Radiation Safety in Radiation Oncology Govinda Rajan K N, PSG Hospitals, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India The proposed book aims to explain the basic principles, concepts and regulations behind radiation protection and their application in the field of radiation oncology practice. This book will be useful to all those students, teachers and practicing professionals involved in the field of radiation oncology namely a) the radiation oncology physicists b) therapy technologists c) radiation oncologists d) oncology nurses and e) regulators undergoing IAEA training in regulations. The main target audience for the book are the medical physics students doing undergraduate or graduate program in radiation oncology physics and the teachers who teach the subject in the academic institutions. CRC Press Market: Physics July 2017: 235 x 156: 416pp Hb: 978-1-498-76224-3: £82.00 eBook: 978-1-498-76225-0 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Stereotactic Radiosurgery and Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy Edited by Stanley H. Benedict, UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center, Sacramento, California, USA, David J. Schlesinger, Steven J. Goetsch, San Diego Gamma Knife Center, California, USA and Brian D. Kavanagh Series: Imaging in Medical Diagnosis and Therapy Detailing multi-modality image co-registration and radiobiology, this book discusses state-of-the-art strategies for patient simulation and immobilization, treatment planning, and dose calculation algorithms in stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) and stereotactic radiotherapy (SRT). It presents a comprehensive treatment of the field’s history, major technological developments, clinical status, and practical considerations. The three main sections of the book cover delivery systems, precision patient positioning and immobilization, and treatment planning and dosimetry. The final section gives an overview of clinical outcomes and future directions for the field. CRC Press Market: Medicine/Radiology November 2016: 254 x 178: 418pp Hb: 978-1-439-84197-6: £133.00 Pb: 978-1-138-19854-8: £51.99 eBook: 978-1-439-84198-3 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Ultrasound Imaging and Therapy Edited by Aaron Fenster and James C. Lacefield, University of Western Ontario, London, Canada Series: Imaging in Medical Diagnosis and Therapy Due to improvements in image quality and the reduced cost of advanced features, ultrasound imaging is playing a greater role in the diagnosis and image-guided intervention of a wide range of diseases. Designed for individuals working on diagnostic and therapeutic applications, this book highlights the latest advances in using ultrasound imaging in image-guided interventions and ultrasound-based therapy. It presents current and emerging techniques, identifies trends in the use of ultrasound imaging, and addresses technical and computational problems that need to be solved. CRC Press Market: Biomedical Imaging August 2017 Hb: 978-1-439-86628-3: £102.00 Pb: 978-1-138-89435-8: £60.00 eBook: 978-1-439-86629-0 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Carbon Nanomaterials
Foundations for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
Synthesis, Structure, Properties and Applications Rakesh Behari Mathur, CSIR- National Physical Laboratory, Dr. K.S. Krishnan Road, New Delhi-110012, India, Bhanu Pratap Singh, Senior Scientist in Physics and Engineering of Carbon Section, CSIR- National Physical Laboratory and Assistant Professor in Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research (AcSIR). and Shailaja Pande, Ex. DST Women Scientist The study of nanostructures has become, in recent years, a theme common to many disciplines, in which scientists and engineers manipulate matter at the atomic and molecular level in order to obtain materials and systems with significantly improved properties. Carbon nanomaterials have a unique place in nanoscience owing to their exceptional thermal, electrical, chemical, and mechanical properties, finding application in areas as diverse as super strong composite materials, energy storage and conversion, supercapacitors, smart sensors, targeted drug delivery, paints, and nanoelectronics. This book is the first to cover a broad spectrum of carbon nanomaterials, namely carbon nanofibers, vapor-grown carbon fibers, different forms of amorphous nanocarbons besides carbon nanotubes, fullerenes, graphene, graphene nanoribbons, graphene quantum dots, etc. in a single volume.
Nils O. Petersen Foundations for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology provides some of the physical chemistry needed to understand why properties of small systems differ both from their constituent molecular entities and from the corresponding bulk matter. This book is written for senior undergraduates or junior graduate students in science or engineering disciplines who wish to learn about or work in the areas of nanoscience and nanotechnology, but who do not have the requisite background in chemistry or physics. It may also be useful as a refresher or summary text for chemistry and physics students. CRC Press Market: Nanoscience & Technology June 2017: 235 x 156: 370pp Hb: 978-1-138-72249-1: £125.00 Pb: 978-1-482-25907-0: £49.99 eBook: 978-1-482-25908-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Taylor & Francis Market: Nanoscience & Technology January 2017: 235 x 156: 284pp Hb: 978-1-498-70210-2: £125.00 eBook: 978-1-498-70211-9 eBook: 978-1-315-37184-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Carbon Nanomaterials for Electrochemical Energy Technologies
Nanocomposite Materials
Fundamentals and Applications Edited by Shuhui Sun, Xueliang Sun, Zhongwei Chen, Jinli Qiao, Donghua University, Shanghai, China, David P. Wilkinson, University of British Columbia, Vancouver and Jiujun Zhang, Dean of Institute for Sustainable Energy; Dean of College Science; Shanghai University Series: Electrochemical Energy Storage and Conversion The book comprehensively describes carbon based nanomaterials and electrochemical energy conversion and storage technologies such as batteries, fuel cells, supercapacitors, and hydrogen generation and storage, as well as the latest material and new technology development. It addresses a variety of topics such as electrochemical processes, materials, components, assembly and manufacturing, degradation mechanisms, and challenges and strategies. It includes in-depth discussions ranging from electrochemistry fundamentals to engineering components and applied devices and offers a broad view of various carbon nanomaterials and technologies for electrochemical energy conversion and storage devices. CRC Press Market: Nanoscience & Technology October 2017: 254 x 178: 472pp Hb: 978-1-498-74602-1: £165.00 Pb: 978-1-138-74583-4: £100.00 eBook: 978-1-498-74614-4 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Fundamentals and Practical Applications Edited by Manoj Kumar Ram, University of South Florida, Tampa, USA and Elias K. Stefanakos, University of South Florida, Tampa, USA This book details both the fundamentals of nanocomposite materials as well as recent developments in applications such as water purification, packaging of nanocomposites, transportation, power and energy, biological and biomedical, and defense. The book simultaneously presents a unique and critical literature perspective and state-of-the-art materials. The book is designed to be suitable not only to students and researchers but also to individuals engaged in industry, including scientists, technicians, and managers. CRC Press Market: Nanoscience & Technology July 2017: 235 x 156: 400pp Hb: 978-1-482-24011-5: £114.00 eBook: 978-1-482-24012-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Nanoindentation of Natural Materials Hierarchical and Functionally Graded Microstructures
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Arjun Dey, ISRO Satellite Centre, Bengaluru, India and Anoop Kumar Mukhopadhyay, CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Research Institute, Kolkata, India
Dosimetry of High Energy Radiation P. D. Sahare High energy radiation is hazardous to living beings and a threat to mankind. The correct estimation of the high energy radiation is a must and a single technique may not be very successful. The process of estimating the dose (the absorbed energy that could cause damages) is called dosimetry. This book covers the basic technical knowledge in the field of radiation dosimetry. It also makes readers aware of the dangers and hazards of high energy radiation. CRC Press Market: Physics July 2017: 254 x 178: 625pp Hb: 978-1-482-24674-2: £95.00 eBook: 978-1-482-24675-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Hierarchical and functionally graded structures found in bone, teeth, hair, and scales are covered in a nanoindentation perspective, including detailed microstructure and composition. The brief basics and advantages of this method are discussed in purview of characterizing natural biocomposites. The detail mechanical properties of these structures at the scale of micro/nano-structure evaluated by micro/nano-indentation technique are also included in the text. Combined nanoindentation and finite element approach will be introduced for further characterizations of deformation and damage scenarios at the nano/micro scale of the relevant microstructure. CRC Press Market: Materials Science December 2017: 235 x 156: 288pp Hb: 978-1-498-78405-4: £155.00 Pb: 978-1-138-74630-5: £75.00 eBook: 978-1-498-78406-1 * For full contents and more information, visit: Pb: 978-1-138-74630-5: £75.00 eBook: 978-1-498-78406-1
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NANOSCIENCE & NANOTECHNOLOGY Dummy text to keep placeholder
Nanomaterials and Nanocomposites
Understanding Nanomaterials, Second Edition
Synthesis, Properties, Characterization Techniques and Applications
Malkiat S. Johal
Rajendra Kumar Goyal
This edition is a complete overhaul of the original work and provides a much more complete, self-contained introduction to nanomaterials, starting from fundamentals and extending to current techniques and applications. It avoids excessive mathematical detail and is written in an easy to follow, appealing style suitable for anyone, regardless of background in physics, chemistry, engineering, or biology. The organization has been completely revamped, with inclusion of fundamental physical chemistry and physics pertaining to relevant electrical, mechanical, and optical material properties.
The main aims of this book are to summarize the basic fundamentals, synthesis methods, properties and applications of nanomaterials so as to provide readers a systematic and sound knowledge about nanomaterials. In addition, the book covers several most commonly used characterization tools to characterize nanomaterials. It deals with preparation, properties and applications of nanocomposites which contains dispersion of nanosized particulates and carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in the matrices (polymer, metal and ceramic). It also discuss development of smart nanotextiles (intelligent textiles), self-cleaning glass, sensors, actuators, ferro-fluids, and wear resistant nanocoatings. CRC Press Market: Nanoscience & Technology September 2017: 235 x 156: 220pp Hb: 978-1-498-76166-6: £130.00 eBook: 978-1-498-76167-3 * For full contents and more information, visit:
CRC Press October 2017: 229 x 204: 448pp Pb: 978-1-482-25322-1: £49.99 eBook: 978-1-482-25324-5 Prev. Ed Pb: 978-1-420-07310-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:
2nd Edition • NEW EDITION
Nanomaterials Handbook, Second Edition
Physics of Semiconductors and Nanostructures
Edited by Yury Gogotsi, Drexel University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA Series: Advanced Materials and Technologies
Jyoti Prasad Banerjee, Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics, Universiy of Calcutta, Kolkata, West Bengal and Suranjana Banerjee, West Bengal University of Technology, Hooghly, India
The Second Edition of the Nanomaterials Handbook has been fully updated and extended to include the latest and emerging technologies. It includes 11 chapters new to this edition, including topics such as graphene, biomedical applications, mechanics, nanoceramics, 2D metal carbides and carbonitrides, and safety of nanomaterials, among others. The Handbook continues its highly successful comprehensive approach covering fundamentals to applications and materials basics to tailored design, with 22 chapters authored by leading
This book covers the physics of semiconductor materials, basic concepts of quantum mechanics and nanoelectronics, band theory of solids, and transport phenomena in semiconductors, along with the physics of low-dimensional quantum nanostructures, heterojunctions, and superlattices. It supplies a solid foundation for understanding the principles of operation and application of different types of microelectronic, optoelectronic, and quantum-effect devices based on semiconductor materials and nanostructures. Complete with exercises, the text is intended for junior- and senior-level undergraduate students of electrical and electronics engineering, physics, and materials science.
international experts. CRC Press Market: Nanoscience & Technology June 2017: 254 x 178: 712pp Hb: 978-1-498-70306-2: £178.00 eBook: 978-1-498-70307-9 Prev. Ed Hb: 978-0-849-32308-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:
CRC Press July 2017: 235 x 156: 525pp Hb: 978-1-482-22304-0: £57.99 eBook: 978-1-482-22305-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Nanomedicines and Nanoproducts Applications, Disposition, and Toxicology in the Human Body Eiki Igarashi, Nanosion Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan This comprehensive book addresses the scope of practical nanoparticle applications in academic research as well as industrial investigation, offering an interdisciplinary, big-picture view of the current and future state of nanotechnology. The text provides a detailed overview of the disposition of nanoproducts within the body, with a special focus on the respiratory and olfactory routes of nanoproduct administration, buccal exposure and the ingestion of nanoproducts, the integumentary system, the ocular route, the systemic route, and toxicology as it relates to the nanoscale world. CRC Press Market: Nanoscience & Technology, Biotechnology August 2017 Hb: 978-1-498-70662-9: £122.00 Pb: 978-1-138-74916-0: £75.00 eBook: 978-1-498-70663-6 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Accelerator Physics Riccardo Bartolini, University of Oxford, John Adams Institute for Accelerator Science, United Kingdom This book offers an overview of accelerator physics from fundamentals to advanced applications ranging from high energy colliders to light sources. It is targeted at accelerator physics students at both undergraduate and graduate levels but also would be of interest to those working in the field. The author draws on his experience in the design, commissioning and operation of large accelerator facilities as well as his teaching experience at the John Adams Institute for Accelerator Science, University of Oxford. CRC Press June 2017: 235 x 156: 550pp Hb: 978-1-482-24092-4: £77.00 eBook: 978-1-482-24095-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Compound Semiconductor Radiation Detectors Alan Owens, European Space Agency, Noordwijk, The Netherlands Series: Series in Sensors For many applications, compound semiconductors are now viable competitors to elemental semiconductors because of their wide range of physical properties. This book describes all aspects of radiation detection and measurement using compound semiconductors, including crystal growth, detector fabrication, contacting, and spectroscopic performance (with particular emphasis on the X- and gamma-ray regimes). A concentrated reference for researchers in various disciplines as well as graduate students in specialized courses, the text outlines the potential and limitations of semiconductor detectors. CRC Press Market: Physics October 2016: 235 x 156: 567pp Hb: 978-1-439-87312-0: £106.00 Pb: 978-1-138-19958-3: £51.99 eBook: 978-1-439-87313-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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An Introduction to Beam Physics
Supersymmetry Beyond Minimality
Martin Berz, Michigan State University, East Lansing, USA, Kyoko Makino, Michigan State University, East Lansing, USA and Weishi Wan, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, USA Series: Series in High Energy Physics, Cosmology and Gravitation Accessible to beginning graduate and upper-division undergraduate students in physics, mathematics, and engineering, this book is based on lectures given at Michigan State University, the online VUBeam program, the U.S. Particle Accelerator School, the CERN Academic Training Programme, and other venues. It begins with essential techniques of production, acceleration, and storage of beams, whenever possible from the historical perspective. It covers transfer maps of single- and multi-pass systems and their properties as well as some advanced topics, including aberration integrals and analysis of resonances.
from Theory to Experiment Shaaban Khalil, Zewail City of Science and Technology, Giza, Egypt and Stefano Moretti, University of Southampton, Highfield Campus, United Kingdom Supersymmetry is an elegant and simple theory, but its existence lacks direct proof. Instead of dismissing supersymmetry altogether, Supersymmetry Beyond Minimality: from Theory to Experiment suggests that supersymmetry may exist in more complex and subtle interactions above the minimal model. The book explores in detail non-minimal supersymmetry models, in a bottom-up approach that interconnects experimental phenomena in the fermionic and bosonic sectors. CRC Press Market: Physics August 2017: 254 x 178: 448pp Hb: 978-1-498-75673-0: £100.00 eBook: 978-1-498-75674-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:
CRC Press Market: Physics October 2016: 235 x 156: 324pp Hb: 978-0-750-30263-0: £92.00 Pb: 978-1-138-19890-6: £38.99 eBook: 978-1-420-01182-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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An Introduction to Gauge Theories Nicola Cabibbo, University of Rome, La Sapienza, Italy, and Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Roma, Italy, Luciano Maiani, University of Rome, La Sapienza, and INFN Sezione di Roma, Rome, Italy and Omar Benhar, Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Roma, Italy Written by three of the world's leading experts on particle physics and the standard model, including an award-winning former director general of CERN, this book provides a completely up-to-date account of gauge theories. Starting from Feynman’s path integrals, Feynman rules are derived, gauge fixing and Faddeev-Popov ghosts are discussed, and renormalization group equations are derived. Several important applications to quantum electrodynamics and quantum chromodynamics (QCD) are discussed, including the one-loop derivation of asymptotic freedom for QCD. CRC Press Market: Physics January 2017: 235 x 156: 308pp Hb: 978-1-498-73451-6: £57.99 eBook: 978-1-498-73452-3 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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PLASMA PHYSICS Dummy text to keep placeholder
Compact Plasma and Focused Ion Beams Sudeep Bhattacharjee This book discusses a method to produce a compact microwave plasma by overcoming challenges posed both by (i) geometrical cutoff of the waveguide and (ii) density cutoff of the plasma. It then presents the properties of such compact plasmas. Finally, it brings out a new area of applications where such compact high densities plasmas are utilized for multi-element focused ion beams.
CRC Press Market: Physics February 2017: 235 x 156: 392pp Hb: 978-1-466-55788-8: £86.00 Pb: 978-1-138-03367-2: £38.99 eBook: 978-1-466-55792-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Fundamentals of Charged Particle Transport in Gases and Condensed Matter Robert E. Robson, James Cook University, Townsville, Queensland, Australia, Ron White, James Cook University, Townsville, Queensland, Australia and Malte Hildebrandt, Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland This book offers a cohesive overview on fundamental concepts and experimental approaches for transport of charged particles in gases and condensed matter. It covers electrons, ions, positrons, muons, and explains the connection between microscopic events (collision phenomena) and macroscopic measurements of currents in a non-equilibrium environment. The authors clearly develop basics from the kinetic theory of gases to key tools including fluid modeling and numerical calculations, and experimental methods such as measurement of transport coefficients in swarm experiments, concluding with key applications in plasma processing, biomedical imaging, and solid-state electronics. CRC Press Market: Physics June 2017: 235 x 156: 250pp Hb: 978-1-498-73636-7: £115.00 eBook: 978-1-498-73637-4 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Quantum Continuous Variables A Primer of Theoretical Methods Alessio Serafini This book introduces the reader to the vast area of research focusing on quantum mechanical systems described by continuous variables, such as positions and momenta of particles, which provide the theoretical framework for quantum optics and, more generally, quantum field theory. Once acquainted with the material in the book, a student with a physics or engineering background will be able to tackle the literature in the field and undertake first-hand research. CRC Press Market: Physics June 2017: 235 x 156: 500pp Hb: 978-1-482-24634-6: ÂŁ110.00 eBook: 978-1-482-24635-3 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Finn's Thermal Physics, Third Edition Andrew Rex This book continues to provide the most readable, concise, and easy-to-follow introduction to thermal physics. While maintaining the style of the original work, this new edition now covers statistical mechanics and incorporates worked examples systematically throughout the text. It also includes more problems and essential updates, such as discussions on superconductivity, magnetism, Bose-Einstein condensation, and climate change. Anyone needing to acquire an intuitive understanding of thermodynamics from first principles will find this third edition indispensable. CRC Press Market: Physics April 2017: 235 x 156: 388pp Hb: 978-1-138-70378-0: £100.00 Pb: 978-1-498-71887-5: £34.99 eBook: 978-1-498-71888-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Statistical Mechanics for Chemists and Materials Scientists Biman Bagchi, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India This book covers the broad subject of equilibrium statistical mechanics along with many advanced and modern topics such as nucleation, spinodal decomposition, inherent structures of liquids and liquid crystals. Unlike other books on the market, this comprehensive text not only deals with the primary fundamental ideas of statistical mechanics but also covers contemporary topics in this broad and rapidly developing area of chemistry and materials science. CRC Press Market: Physics May 2017: 254 x 178: 472pp eBook: 978-1-482-29987-8 Pack - Book and Ebook: 978-1-482-29986-1: £69.99 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Sturge's Statistical and Thermal Physics, Second Edition Jeffrey Olafsen This fully revised and updated edition provides a uniquely accessible introduction to the principles and applications of statistical mechanics and thermodynamics. Based on the highly acclaimed text by famous physicist M.D. Sturge, it continues its emphasis on explaining concepts with simple mathematics and plain English, as well as consistent use of terminology and notation. The new edition includes a chapter on non-equilibrium thermodynamics and many new examples from soft condensed matter physics. Additionally, chapters have been reorganized for better flow. CRC Press August 2017: 254 x 178: 512pp Hb: 978-1-482-25600-0: £63.99 eBook: 978-1-482-25601-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Conductive Polymers Electrical Interactions in Cell Biology and Medicine Edited by Ze Zhang, Mahmoud Rouabhia and Simon Moulton This book is dedicated to the field of conductive polymers, focusing on electrical interactions with biological systems. It addresses the use of conductive polymers as the conducting interface for electrical communications with the biological system, both in vitro and in vivo. It provides an overview on the chemistry and physics of conductive polymers, their useful characteristics as well as limitations, and technologies that apply conductive polymers for medical purposes. This groundbreaking resource addresses cytotoxicity and tissue compatibility of conductive polymers, the basics on electromagnetic fields, and commonly used experimental methods. Readers will also learn how cells are cultured in vitro with conductive polymers, and how conductive polymers and living tissues interact electrically. CRC Press Market: Materials Science April 2017: 235 x 156: 418pp Hb: 978-1-482-25928-5: £152.00 eBook: 978-1-482-25931-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Engineering 3D Tissue Test Systems Edited by Karen J.L. Burg, Harbor Lights Endowed Chair & Professor, Department of Small Animal Medicine & Surgery College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Georgia, Didier Dréau, University of North Carolina, Charlotte, USA and Timothy Burg, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Clemson University, South Carolina, USA This book provides an introduction to, and unique coverage of, a rapidly evolving area in biomaterials engineering. It provides insight into the importance of 3D systems and their use as benchtop models, spanning applications from basic scientific research to clinical diagnostics. Methods and limitations of building 3D tissue structures are evaluated, with attention given to the cellular, polymeric, and fabrication instrumentation components. The book covers the important aspects of polymeric tissue test systems, highlighting the needs and constraints of the industry. CRC Press Market: Materials Science August 2017: 235 x 156: 464pp Hb: 978-1-482-23117-5: £140.00 Pb: 978-1-138-74567-4: £75.00 eBook: 978-1-482-23118-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Bulk Metallic Glasses, Second Edition C. Suryanarayana and A. Inoue, Josai University Educational Corporation, Tokyo, Japan This book covers synthesis, processing, properties, and applications of BMGs and differences among nanocrystalline, glassy, and amorphous solids and thermodynamics and kinetics of glass formation. The new edition covers recent advances such as glassforming ability of alloys, novel synthesis methods, BMGs with larger diameter, predictability of glass-forming compositions, highentropy BMG and nanoporous alloys, BMGs with high strength and good ductility, novel nanocrystalline alloys and soft magnetic glassy alloys with high saturation magnetization. It covers new applications such as ultra-thin mirrors and pressure sensors, mobile phone casing, degradable biomedical materials, and more. CRC Press Market: Materials Science October 2017: 254 x 178: 450pp Hb: 978-1-498-76367-7: £121.00 eBook: 978-1-498-76368-4 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Ceramic Processing, Second Edition Mohamed N. Rahaman, University of Missouri-Rolla, USA The proposed book will be a revised and up-to-date version of a widely used text. It will provide a thorough foundation and reference in the processing of advanced ceramics. The book will cover the main steps in the production of ceramics from powders, by far the most important fabrication method for ceramics. Then it provides a succinct coverage of other methods for fabricating ceramics, such as sol−gel processing, reaction bonding, chemical vapor deposition and polymer pyrolysis.The proposed book will update the topics in the current version to include recent developments and will expand the coverage of some areas to provide new chapters in Additives Used in Ceramic Processing (Chapter 5) and Rheological Properties of Suspensions, Slurries and Pastes (Chapter 6). Overall, the book is expanded from the present 9 chapters to 13 chapters. CRC Press Market: Materials Science June 2017: 254 x 178: 568pp Hb: 978-1-498-71641-3: £100.00 eBook: 978-1-498-71642-0 Prev. Ed Hb: 978-0-849-37285-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Fundamentals of Ceramics, Second Edition Michel Barsoum Series: Series in Materials Science and Engineering This second edition of Fundamentals of Ceramics adds a section on density functional theory calculations for shedding light on properties. It also adds more on applications, including solid oxide fuel cells as a case study and a major overhaul of the last chapter on optical properties. There’s also new and extended discussion of such topics as non-parabolic oxidation, dislocation creep, thermal conductivity, ferroelectric ceramics, ferromagnetic ceramics, scattering mechanisms, surface tension, and processing of ceramics from aqueous environments. CRC Press Market: Materials Science November 2017: 229 x 204: 736pp Pb: 978-1-498-70813-5: £63.99 eBook: 978-1-498-70815-9 Prev. Ed Pb: 978-0-750-30902-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Microplasma Sprayed Hydroxyapatite Coatings Arjun Dey, Indian Space Research Organisation Satellite Centre, Bangalore and Anoop Kumar Mukhopadhyay, CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Research Institute, Kolkata, India This valuable reference discusses plasma spraying and other related hydroxyapatite (HAp) coating techniques, focusing on the pros and cons of macroplasma sprayed (MAPS)- and microplasma sprayed (MIPS)-HAp coatings. The book examines the structural, chemical, macromechanical, micro/nanomechanical, and tribological properties and residual stress of HAp coatings. It evaluates the efficacies under simulated body fluid immersion for MAPS- and MIPS-HAp coatings developed on biomedical implant-grade SS316L substrates. It also surveys in vivo studies of MIPS-HAp coatings, presenting the results of pioneering research related to bone defect fixation. CRC Press Market: Materials Science July 2017 Hb: 978-1-482-25093-0: ÂŁ122.00 Pb: 978-1-138-74886-6: ÂŁ75.00 eBook: 978-1-482-25094-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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COMPOSITE MATERIALS Dummy text to keep placeholder
Lightweight and Sustainable Materials for Automotive Applications Edited by Omar Faruk, Centre for Biocomposites and Biomaterials Processing, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada, Jimi Tjong, Centre for Biocomposites and Biomaterials Processing, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada and Mohini Sain, Centre for Biocomposites and Biomaterials Processing, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada This book provides critical reviews and the latest research results and applications of various lightweight materials in automotive. It provides current applications and future trends of lightweight materials in automotive area. There are a few books published on lightweight materials in automotive applications mainly focusing on metallic lightweight materials, but there is no book focusing on lightweight materials including, metal, plastic, composites, biofiber, biopolymer, carbon fiber, glass fiber, nanomaterials, rubber materials, and foaming materials, which this book covers. It also includes case studies of commercial lightweight automotive parts from sustainable lightweight materials. CRC Press Market: Materials Science June 2017: 235 x 156: 464pp Hb: 978-1-498-75687-7: ÂŁ125.00 eBook: 978-1-498-75688-4 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Hydrostatic Testing, Corrosion, and Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion A Field Manual for Control and Prevention Reza Javaherdashti, Qatar University, Doha and Farzaneh Akvan, Parscorrosion Consultants, Perth, WA, Australia Hydrostatic testing assesses pressure vessels, such as pipelines, for strength and leaks. It involves filling a vessel with liquid and pressurizing the vessel to a set test level. While an important procedure for industries, residual liquid from the test can cause issues with vessel corrosion, particularly microbial corrosion. This manual discusses how test liquid must be selected, corrosion by bacteria ought to be controlled, and the possibility of leakage can be eliminated. It does not teach how to conduct a hydrotest, but helps the reader evaluate the quality of a hydrotest already conducted in terms of use of oxygen scavenger, biocide testing, inhibitor addition, and water quality. CRC Press Market: Materials Science March 2017: 216 x 140: 74pp Pb: 978-1-138-03513-3: ÂŁ38.99 eBook: 978-1-351-97801-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion in the Upstream Oil and Gas Industry Edited by Torben Lund Skovhus, Project Manager, Corrosion Management Group, DNV GL, Bergen, Norway, Dennis Enning, Exxon Mobil Upstream Research Company, Houston, TX, USA and Jason S. Lee This reference for the oil and gas industry details MIC and its effects on such areas as power generation, oil production, transportation, storage, and water distribution. It discusses the latest technological advances and provides relevant case studies to fully prepare readers in understanding the effects and challenges of MIC. Emphasizing theoretical designs and practical applications, this text details MIC and corrosion management, fundamentals, effective monitoring frameworks, environmental effects on externally sourced MIC processes, and many more relevant analyses of MIC regulation and prevention. CRC Press Market: Engineering - Chemical March 2017: 235 x 156: 530pp Hb: 978-1-498-72656-6: ÂŁ140.00 eBook: 978-1-498-72660-3 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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ELECTRONIC, MAGNETIC, OPTICAL MATERIALS Dummy text to keep placeholder
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Advances in Magnetic Materials
Ternary Alloys Based on III-V Semiconductors
Processing, Properties, and Performance
Vasyl Tomashyk
Edited by Sam Zhang, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore and Dongliang Zhao Series: Advances in Materials Science and Engineering Advances in Magnetic Materials: Processing, Properties, and Performance discusses recent developments of magnetic materials, including fabrication, characterization and applications in the aerospace, biomedical, and semiconductors industries. With contributions by international professionals who possess broad and varied expertise, this volume encompasses both bulk materials and thin films and coatings for magnetic applications. A timely reference book that describes such things as ferromagnetism, nanomaterials, and Fe, ZnO, and Co-based materials, Advances in Magnetic Materials is an ideal text for students, researchers, and professionals working in materials science.
III-V semiconductors have attracted considerable attention due to their applications in the fabrication of electronic and optoelectronic devices as light emitting diodes and solar cells. The electrical properties of these semiconductors can also be tuned by adding impurity atoms. Because of their wide application in various devices, the search for new semiconductor materials and the improvement of existing materials is an important field of study. Doping with impurities is a common method of modifying and diversifying the properties of physical and chemical semiconductors. This book covers all known information about phase relations in ternary systems based on III-V semiconductors. CRC Press Market: Materials Science June 2017: 254 x 178: 536pp Hb: 978-1-498-77838-1: £230.00 eBook: 978-1-498-77841-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:
CRC Press Market: Materials Science January 2017: 235 x 156: 812pp Hb: 978-1-498-70671-1: £99.00 eBook: 978-1-498-70673-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Electromagnetic Radiation in Analysis and Design of Organic Materials Electronic and Biotechnology Applications Edited by Dana Ortansa Dorohoi, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iasi, Romania, Andreea Irina Barzic, “Petru Poni” Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Iasi, Romania and Magdalena Aflori, “Petru Poni” Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Iasi, Romania Bridging condensed matter physics, photochemistry, photophysics, and materials science, Electromagnetic Radiation in Analysis and Design of Organic Materials: Electronic and Biotechnology Applications covers physical properties of materials in the presence of radiation from across the electromagnetic spectrum. It describes the optical, spectral, thermal, and morphological properties of a wide range of materials and their practical implications in electronic and biotechnologies. It discusses recent advances in the use of radiation in analysis of materials and design for advanced applications. CRC Press Market: Materials Science February 2017: 235 x 156: 228pp Hb: 978-1-498-77580-9: £127.00 eBook: 978-1-498-77581-6 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Solar Silicon Processes Technologies, Challenges, and Opportunities Edited by Bruno Ceccaroli, MARCHE AS, Kristiansand, Norway, Eivind Ovrelid, SINTEF Materials and Chemistry, Trondheim, Norway and Sergio Pizzini, University of Milano-Bicocca, Department of Materials Science, Italy Polycrystalline silicon (PS) is the material of choice for photovoltaic (PV) applications. PS is the purest synthetic material on the market, though its processing carries high environmental risk. While many current optoelectronic applications require high purity, PV applications do not and alternate processes and materials are being explored for PV-grade silicon. It reviews current and potential future processing technologies for PV applications of solar silicon. It describes alternative processes and issues of material purity, cost, and environmental impact. It covers limits of silicon use with respect to high-efficiency solar cells and challenges arising from R&D activities. CRC Press Market: Materials Science October 2016: 235 x 156: 258pp Hb: 978-1-498-74265-8: £152.00 eBook: 978-1-498-74266-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Advanced Textile Testing Techniques
Textiles and Human Thermophysiological Comfort in the Indoor Environment
Sheraz Ahmad, National Textile University, Faisalabad, Pakistan, Abher Rasheed, National Textile University, Faisalabad, Pakistan, Ali Afzal, National Textile University, Faisalabad, Pakistan and Faheem Ahmad, National Textile University, Faisalabad, Pakistan Textile testing is the basic field of textile sciences, which involves experimental evaluation of conventional, as well as technical, textile products. This book aims to provide technical details, required protocols, and procedures for conducting any specific evaluation test. The book is reader friendly with joint consideration for textile graduate students in addition to industry personnel. Considering a literature gap between the older, available textile testing textbooks and the current advancements in the field, this book is the best at combining classic style with modern advancements. CRC Press Market: Materials Science September 2017: 235 x 156: 368pp Hb: 978-1-498-78470-2: £155.00 Pb: 978-1-138-74633-6: £75.00 eBook: 978-1-498-78471-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Radostina A. Angelova, Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria This book considers the role of indoor textiles and clothing as a barrier between the environment and the human body. It details an experimental study of heat and mass transfer processes through woven textiles. It describes a numerical investigation of the transport of air and heat through woven fabrics by means of computational fluid dynamics. It develops, applies, and verifies an original approach for simulating the woven macrostructure as a jet system. It also evaluates thermophysiological comfort under indoor environmental parameters, clothing insulation, and activity. CRC Press Market: Materials Science August 2017 Hb: 978-1-498-71539-3: £129.00 Pb: 978-1-138-89362-7: £75.00 eBook: 978-1-498-71540-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Braided Structures and Composites Production, Properties, Mechanics, and Technical Applications Edited by Sohel Rana, University of Minho, Guimarães, Portugal and Raul Fangueiro Series: Composite Materials This first-of-its-kind book provides a single source of cutting-edge information on braiding, covering the technology from concept to product design and application. The text explains the basic principles of braiding technology for industrial textiles, composites, and products. It identifies the key parameters that influence the braiding process and its produced structures, and shows how to control these parameters to achieve the desired material characteristics. It discusses various structure modeling and analysis techniques and software tools. It also describes various application requirements and their design solutions. CRC Press Market: Materials Science and Engineering August 2017 Hb: 978-1-482-24500-4: £122.00 Pb: 978-1-138-79630-0: £75.00 eBook: 978-1-482-24501-1 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Structural Textile Design Interlacing and Interlooping Edited by Yasir Nawab, National Textile University, Faisalabad, Pakistan, Syed Talha Ali Hamdani, National Textile University, Faisalabad, Pakistan and Khubab Shaker, National Textile University, Faisalabad, Pakistan Structural Textile Design provides detailed insight on different types of designs used for the production of woven and knitted fabrics, highlighting the effect design has on a fabric’s properties and applications. With focus on the techniques used to draw designs and produce them on weaving and knitting machines, this book will be of great interest to textile engineers, professionals and graduate students in textile technology and manufacturing. CRC Press Market: Engineering - Industrial & Manufacturing March 2017: 235 x 156: 288pp Hb: 978-1-498-77943-2: £127.00 eBook: 978-1-315-39040-6 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION & TESTING Dummy text to keep placeholder
Materials Design Using Computational Intelligence Techniques Shubhabrata Datta, Department of Mechanical Engineeing, SRM University, Kattankulathur, Chennai, India Several statistical techniques are used for the design of materials through extraction of knowledge from existing data banks. These approaches are getting more attention with the application of computational intelligence techniques. This book illustrates the alternative but effective methods of designing materials, where models are developed through capturing the inherent correlations among the variables on the basis of available imprecise knowledge in the form of rules or database, as well as through the extraction of knowledge from experimental or industrial database, and using optimization tools. CRC Press Market: Materials Science October 2016: 235 x 156: 158pp Hb: 978-1-482-23832-7: £89.00 eBook: 978-1-482-23833-4 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Physical Methods for Materials Characterisation, Third Edition Peter E. J. Flewitt and Robert K. Wild, Bristol University, UK Series: Series in Materials Science and Engineering This completely revised and expanded new edition covers the full range of techniques now available for the investigation of materials structure and accurate quantitative determination of microstructural features within materials. It continues to provide the best introductory resource for understanding the interrelationship between microstructure and physical, mechanical, and chemical properties, as well as selection and application of techniques for both basic and applied studies. In particular, changes have been made to reflect developments in analysis of nanoscale and biological materials. CRC Press Market: Materials Science January 2017: 229 x 204: 727pp eBook: 978-1-482-24524-0 Pack - Book and Ebook: 978-1-482-24523-3: £82.00 Prev. Ed Pack - Book and Ebook: 978-0-750-30808-3 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Statistical Methods for Materials Science Data Analytics in Microstructure Characterization Edited by Jeffrey P. Simmons, Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, USA, Charles A. Bouman, Purdue University, ECE and Biomedical Engineering, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA, Marc De Graef, Carnegie Mellon University, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA and Lawrence F. Drummy, Jr., Carnegie Mellon University, Materials Science and Engineering Department, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA Data analytics has become an integral part of materials science. This book provides the practical tools and fundamentals needed for researchers in materials science to understand how to analyze large datasets using statistical methods, especially inverse methods applied to microstructure characterization. It contains valuable guidance on essential topics such as denoising and data modeling. Additionally, the analysis and applications section addresses compressed sensing methods, stochastic models, extreme estimation, and approaches to pattern detection. CRC Press Market: Materials Science July 2017: 254 x 178: 416pp Hb: 978-1-498-73820-0: £190.00 eBook: 978-1-498-73821-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Chemical Vapour Deposition (CVD) Technology and Applications Kwang-Leong Choy This book addresses advances in Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) and its variants for the processing of nanoparticles, nanowires, nanotubes, nanocomposite coatings, thin and thick films, and composites. For each topic, the book discusses process, structure, properties, practical use, cost considerations, versatility, and sustainability. It presents a comprehensive overview of advances in CVD and its potential in producing high performance, cost-effective nanomaterials and thin and thick films. Topics include basic principles, CVD of nanomaterials, and CVD of thin and thick films. CRC Press August 2017: 254 x 178: 256pp Hb: 978-1-466-59776-1: ÂŁ115.00 eBook: 978-1-466-59777-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Waste Production and Utilization in the Metal Extraction Industry Sehliselo Ndlovu, Geoffrey S. Simate and Elias Matinde, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa Metal waste treatment for resource recovery and recycling are major contributors to sustainable economic advancement. This book provides a holistic approach to metal waste management, reuse, and recycling in the mining and beneficiation processes, pyro metallurgical and hydrometallurgical processes, metal finishing and manufacturing, and post-consumer sectors. It reviews current status and future trends in the recycling and reuse of mineral and metal waste and also, details the policy and legislation. CRC Press Market: Materials Science June 2017: 254 x 178: 512pp Hb: 978-1-498-76729-3: ÂŁ130.00 eBook: 978-1-498-76730-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Kinetics in Materials Science and Engineering Dennis W. Readey, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, USA This book introduces the kinetics of materials, emphasizing reactions and phase transformations of importance in industrial applications and reflecting the full breadth of the field, from metals, ceramics, and electronic materials to polymers, biomaterials, and composites. The author explicitly avoids "black box" equations, providing derivations with clear explanations. The contents begin with a discussion of classical chemical kinetics, followed by surface energy and its effects, nucleation, and growth phase transitions. Coverage concludes with an exploration of diffusion in ideal systems, non-ideal diffusion, and complex geometries. CRC Press Market: Materials Science November 2016: 279 x 216: 612pp Hb: 978-1-138-73246-9: ÂŁ125.00 eBook: 978-1-482-23567-8 Pack - Book and Ebook: 978-1-482-23566-1: ÂŁ49.99 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Dissimilar Material Joints
Advanced Materials and Processes
Fabrication and Structural Integrity Issues
An Introduction
Rahul Chhibber, Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur, Centre for Energy, India, Navneet Arora, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India and B.K. Dutta, Bhabha Atomic Research Center, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Jayanta Das, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, West Bengal This book describes the structures of a wide range of alloys with crystalline, quasicrystalline, and amorphous on the development of advanced alloys and ceramics for structural and functional applications. The fundamentals of memory effect, reverse transformation in nanoscale, and pseudoelasticity are discussed with emphasis on their applications. CRC Press November 2017: 235 x 156: 350pp Hb: 978-1-466-58411-2: £76.99 eBook: 978-1-466-58412-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:
The joining of dissimilar materials poses a greater challenge due to large variation in material properties making coalescence difficult. More research is required to address emerging new material development challenges and their joining issues. The application and scope of dissimilar material joints is pervasive and serve major focus areas such as energy, transport, communication and health. This book addresses the lack of scientific literature in the field of development and structural integrity assessment of dissimilar material joints. CRC Press Market: Materials Science November 2017: 235 x 156: 216pp Hb: 978-1-498-75541-2: £100.00 eBook: 978-1-498-75542-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Biohydrometallurgical Recycling of Metals from Industrial Wastes
Hydrogenation with Low-Cost Transition Metals Edited by Jacinto Sa, Uppsala University, Sweden, and Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw and Anna Srebowata, Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw
Hong Hocheng, Mital Chakankar, Department of Power Mechanical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University No. 101, Sec. 2, Kuang Fu Road Hsinchu, 30013 Taiwan R.O.C. and Umesh Uttamrao Jadhav, Energy Research Institute, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore The book covers almost all aspects of biohydrometallurgy and its application in the recovery of metals from secondary sources like waste. It compiles data on various types of metal containing industrial wastes and methods used for their recycling. It discusses the indispensible role of microbes in metal recovery in an environmental friendly and economical manner. The book focuses on each waste type and explores in detail the biohydrometallurgical recovery of metals from that waste. It discusses fundamental microbial studies in the area of bioleaching and updates about the use of emerging technologies and integrated techniques with different methods in combination for metal recovery.
This book describes recent developments in the preparation of catalysts and their catalytic abilities in chemoselective hydrogenation for the production of fine chemicals and pharmaceutical compounds. Emphasizing the use of low-cost metals (Cu, Ni, Fe, and Ag) that are often present in the form of nanoparticles, the text provides valuable reaction mechanism schemes, engineering solutions, and perspective for the field.
CRC Press Market: Materials Sciencemp September 2017: 235 x 156: 376pp Hb: 978-1-138-71261-4: £145.00 * For full contents and more information, visit:
CRC Press Market: Materials Science October 2017 Hb: 978-1-498-73053-2: £116.00 Pb: 978-1-138-74743-2: £60.00 eBook: 978-1-498-73054-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:
2nd Edition • NEW EDITION
Corrosion Control Through Organic Coatings, Second Edition
Refractory Technology
Ole Øystein Knudsen, SINTEF Materials & Chemistry, Trondheim, Norway and Amy Forsgren, Xylem Inc., Sundbyberg, Sweden Series: Corrosion Technology This book unites paint formulation knowledge with engineering concerns of industrial painting. It explains the general composition of a coating, and the two most important components, binders and pigments, are reviewed in detail. Engineering aspects such as surface preparation are reviewed, emphasizing the environmental impact of commonly used techniques (dry- and wet-abrasive blasting, hydrojetting). Theory and practice of accelerated testing of coatings are covered. This edition includes new chapters on protection mechanisms, powder coatings, film formation, application technologies, and corrosion-induced degradation. It also expands coverage of polysiloxanes and degradation mechanisms. CRC Press Market: Materials Science March 2017: 235 x 156: 256pp Hb: 978-1-498-76072-0: £114.00 eBook: 978-1-498-76073-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Fundamentals and Applications Ritwik Sarkar, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, Odisha, India This book provides a basic understanding of refractories. This includes the fundamentals of refractory technology supported by phase diagrams as well as detailing the prominent applications of these essential industrial materials. This book covers all the facets of refractory technology, starting from classification, properties, standard specifications, details of the conventional shaped refractories, including relevant phase diagrams & application areas and also the details of unshaped refractories including various classifications, bonding, additives and their applications. CRC Press Market: Materials Science November 2016: 235 x 156: 284pp Hb: 978-1-498-75425-5: £76.99 eBook: 978-1-498-75426-2 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Tool Steels Properties and Performance Edited by Rafael A. Mesquita This book provides a handy source of information for increasing the life of tool steels through optimized design and manufacturing. Supplying a solid understanding of the metallurgy involved, the text explains how material compositions, manufacturing processes, heat treatments, surface hardening techniques, and coatings affect tool steel properties, grades, and performance. It also explores real-life case studies and failure analyses, offering examples of die-life parameters and hints for modifying tool steels and heat treatments during cutting or forming processes.
CRC Press Market: Material Science/Metallurgy November 2016: 235 x 156: 245pp Hb: 978-1-439-88171-2: ÂŁ159.00 eBook: 978-1-315-18151-6 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Polymer Glasses Edited by Connie B. Roth, Connie B. Roth, Emory University, Atlanta, GA Polymer glasses are amorphous, non-equilibrium solids that exhibit properties unique to other glass-forming materials due to the long chain nature of polymer molecules. This book provides the first focused treatment of polymer glasses, including an introductory overview of the main concepts and approaches used, and industrial applications. It also gives a complete picture of the state of the art in experimental, theoretical, and computational studies of glassy polymers both confined at the nanoscale and under active deformation. CRC Press Market: Polymer Science December 2016: 254 x 178: 556pp Hb: 978-1-498-71187-6: ÂŁ159.00 eBook: 978-1-315-30515-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Functionalized Polysulfones
Polymer Matrix Composites
Synthesis, Characterization, and Applications Edited by Silvia Ioan, “Petru Poni” Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Lasi, Romania
Processing and Applications P.K. Mallick, University of Michigan, Dearborn, USA
This book focuses on polysulfones and their derivatives, which are used as functional materials due to their structural and physical characteristics. The text presents the bioapplications of polysulfones in two categories: blood-contacting devices and cell- or tissue-contacting devices. It analyzes surface wettability and hydrophilicity trends, as well as morphological characteristics of modified polysulfones. It also introduces chelating units on the modified polysulfone structure to obtain potential applications, such as surface coatings, adhesives, high-temperature lubricants, electrical insulators, semiconductors, and the reduction of heavy-metal pollution in
While there are many textbooks on the mechanics of polymer matrix composites, very few cover processing and applications. This book fills that void. It covers the major manufacturing processes used for polymer matrix composites, describes the process details and how they are practiced, examines the process parameters and their effects on properties and process-induced defects, and looks at analytical and experimental methods used for understanding the process conditions. It includes many examples and case studies that make the concepts clearer. CRC Press August 2017: 235 x 156: 448pp Hb: 978-1-466-57822-7: £89.00 eBook: 978-1-466-57823-4 * For full contents and more information, visit:
ecosystems. CRC Press Market: Polymer Science August 2017 Hb: 978-1-482-25554-6: £136.00 Pb: 978-1-138-74929-0: £75.00 eBook: 978-1-482-25555-3 * For full contents and more information, visit:
2nd Edition • NEW EDITION
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Castable Polyurethane Elastomers, Second Edition
Intelligent Polymers for Nanomedicine and Biotechnologies
I.R. Clemitson, Retired Industrial Chemist, Capricorn Coast, Queensland, Australia This second edition of a bestseller is a practical guide to the production of castable polyurethane articles. The book shows the progression from raw materials to prepolymer production, including the chemistry and functionality of the processes. It provides a comprehensive look at various problem-solving and processing techniques, examining the selection of different systems on both the micro and macro levels. Reorganized for better flow, this edition describes new processing methods, expands coverage of health and safety aspects, and brings all standards up to date. CRC Press Market: Materials Science and Engineering September 2017 Hb: 978-1-498-72637-5: £119.00 Pb: 978-1-138-80920-8: £60.00 eBook: 978-1-498-72639-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:
Magdalena Aflori, “Petru Poni” Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Iasi, Romania The book covers a wide range of polymers that respond intelligently to physical, chemical, or biological stimuli and adopts a multidisciplinary approach to bridge chemistry, materials science, physics, pharmacology, engineering, biology, and related sciences. It covers these materials in various forms, in solution, on surfaces, or as solids, reflecting the maturation of the field and demand for development of new smart polymer systems. The text discusses design and analysis of smart polymers, from nanocomposites to polymers with different functionalities for target applications like artificial implants, orthopedics, ocular devices, dental implants, drug delivery systems, burns, and wounds. CRC Press Market: Polymer Science November 2017: 235 x 156: 200pp Hb: 978-1-138-03522-5: £121.00 Pb: 978-1-138-74645-9: £75.00 eBook: 978-1-351-97744-9 * For full contents and more information, visit:
5th Edition • NEW EDITION
Cellulose-Based Graft Copolymers
Plastics Technology Handbook, Fifth Edition Manas Chanda, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India
Structure and Chemistry Edited by Vijay Kumar Thakur This book discusses the synthesis, characterization, and properties of multifunctional cellulose-based graft copolymers, offering an overview of the latest technical accomplishments. Presenting the contributions of accomplished experts in the field of natural cellulosic polymers, the text addresses a separate biomaterial in each chapter, exploring composition as well as graft copolymerization chemistry. It covers fundamentals and applications, tackles several critical issues, provides suggestions for future work, and supplies deeper insight into the state of the art of advanced cellulose-based graft copolymers. CRC Press Market: Polymer Science July 2017 Hb: 978-1-482-24246-1: £136.00 Pb: 978-1-138-82719-6: £75.00 eBook: 978-1-482-24248-5 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Updated entirely, the new edition discusses production, properties, and applications of polymer-based materials and processes that have come about in the last decade. Specifically highlighted are natural and synthetic nanosize polymers and their unusual properties and innovative applications, polymer-carbon nanocomposites, smart healable polymer composites, smart polymer coatings, electroactive polymers, polymer nanowires and nanofibers, and nano- and microfibrillar single-polymer composites. It offers updates on plastics recycling and disposal methods, novel self-immolative, renewable, and biodegradable plastics and composites, and selection of polymers for various current applications. CRC Press Market: Polymer Science September 2017: 279 x 216: 672pp Hb: 978-1-498-78621-8: £191.00 eBook: 978-1-498-78622-5 Prev. Ed Hb: 978-0-849-37039-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Polymeric Foams Innovations in Processes, Technologies, and Products Edited by Shau-Tarng Lee Series: Polymeric Foams This book discusses advances in processes, technologies, and products related to polymeric foams It describes the latest business trends including new microcellular commercialization, sustainable foam products, and nanofoams. It also discusses novel processes, new and environmentally friendly blowing agents, and the development and usage of various types of foams, including bead and polycarbonate, polypropylene, polyetherimide microcellular, and nanocellular. The book covers flame-retardant foams, rigid foam composites, and foam sandwich composites and applications in structural engineering, electronics, and insulation. It minimizes the gap between research and application in this important and growing area. CRC Press Market: Polymer Science October 2016: 235 x 156: 390pp Hb: 978-1-498-73887-3: ÂŁ159.00 eBook: 978-1-498-73889-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Energy Management for the Metals Industry Cynthia K. Belt, Metals Energy Management, LLC, Crestview, FL The book offers specifics that can help readers in the metals field achieve energy savings for their companies. It explains general energy management methods and offers approaches germane to the metals industry. It discusses the benefits and reasons for implementing an energy management program and the requirements necessary to begin one. It covers defining and measuring performance, setting baselines, and benchmarking a plant and its processes. It discusses analyzing data, identifying projects, improving processes, setting goals, and creating an action plan, while controlling and evaluating progress. Real-world examples highlight concepts and potential pitfalls. CRC Press Market: Materials Science January 2017: 235 x 156: 206pp Pb: 978-1-498-79925-6: £57.99 eBook: 978-1-498-79929-4 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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What Every Engineer Should Know About Modeling and Simulation Raymond Joseph Madachy, Naval Post Graduate School, San Diego, California, USA and Dan Houston, The Aerospace Corporation, El Segundo, California, USA Series: What Every Engineer Should Know This practical book is an introduction to applying M&S to engineering problems. No prior experience is needed. It shows how to conduct a modeling and simulation project and also enables one to work with simulation experts. It covers modeling purposes, scoping a model, levels of modeling abstraction, the benefits and cost of including randomness, types of simulation, and statistical techniques. It has a chapter on M&S projects and how to conduct them for customer and engineer benefit and covers the stages of a M&S study, including process and system investigation, data collection, modeling scoping and production, model verification and validation, experimentation, and analysis of results. CRC Press Market: Engineering - General August 2017: 235 x 156: 200pp Pb: 978-1-498-75309-8: £38.99 eBook: 978-1-498-75312-8 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Commercialization Secrets for Scientists and Engineers Michael Szycher, Sterling Biomedical, Inc., Lynnfield, Massachusetts, USA This book highlights the unique problems shared by all technologists across knowledge-intensive fields, and how to overcome the most predictable obstacles faced by technology entrepreneurs. It demystifies the process of commercializing advanced products that require a high degree of specialized knowledge. Typically, these are "disruptive technologies" with the potential to revolutionize whole industries. This book will simplify the launch of high-tech ventures such as pharmaceuticals, genetic and biotechnology products, wireless devices, fuel cells, and minimally invasive medical devices. CRC Press Market: Engineering - General December 2016: 235 x 156: 536pp Pb: 978-1-498-73060-0: £38.99 eBook: 978-1-498-73061-7 * For full contents and more information, visit:
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Dissimilar Material Joints ............................................... 48 Dosimetry of High Energy Radiation ......................... 31
Accelerator Physics ............................................................ 34 Advanced and Emerging Technologies in Radiation Oncology Physics ............................................................... 26 Advanced Materials and Processes ............................ 48 Advanced Radiation Protection Dosimetry ............ 26 Advanced Textile Testing Techniques ....................... 44 Advanced Thermoelectrics ............................................ 14 Advances in Magnetic Materials ................................. 43 Applications of Percolation Theory, Second Edition ..................................................................................... 25 Applied Laser Spectroscopy ........................................... 20 Aquaporins in Health and Disease ............................... 7 Atmospheric Aerosols ...................................................... 18 Atomic and Molecular Beams ........................................ 6
E Electrical Impedance ........................................................... 2 Electromagnetic Radiation in Analysis and Design of Organic Materials .............................................................. 43 Electronic Transport Theories ....................................... 14 Electronic, Magnetic, and Optical Materials, Second Edition ..................................................................................... 20 Emerging Technologies in Brachytherapy .............. 27 Energy Management for the Metals Industry ................................................................................... 53 Engineering 3D Tissue Test Systems ........................... 38 Environmental Radioactivity and Emergency Preparedness ........................................................................ 27
Beam’s-Eye-View Imaging in Radiation Oncology ............................................................................... 26 Big Data in Radiation Oncology ................................. 26 Biohydrometallurgical Recycling of Metals from Industrial Wastes ................................................................ 48 Biomagnetics ....................................................................... 26 Biomolecular Kinetics ......................................................... 2 Biomolecular Thermodynamics ..................................... 7 Biophysical Chemistry ........................................................ 7 Biosensors and Molecular Technologies for Cancer Diagnostics ........................................................................... 27 Braided Structures and Composites ........................... 44 Brief Survey of Quantitative EEG, A ............................. 26 Bulk Metallic Glasses, Second Edition ........................ 39
C Carbon Nanomaterials ................................................... 31 Carbon Nanomaterials for Electrochemical Energy Technologies ........................................................................ 31 Castable Polyurethane Elastomers, Second Edition ..................................................................................... 51 Cellulose-Based Graft Copolymers ............................. 51 Ceramic Processing, Second Edition .......................... 39 Chemical Engineering Primer with Computer Applications ......................................................................... 10 Chemical Vapour Deposition (CVD) .......................... 46 Chemometric Monitoring .............................................. 10 Coarse-Grained Modeling of Biomolecules ............... 7 Coherent Raman Scattering Microscopy ................... 7 Commercialization Secrets for Scientists and Engineers ............................................................................... 53 Compact Plasma and Focused Ion Beams ............. 35 Complex Liquids, Polymers and Membranes .......................................................................... 14 Compound Semiconductor Radiation Detectors ................................................................................ 34 Comprehensive Brachytherapy ................................... 27 Computational Approaches to Protein Dynamics ................................................................................. 7 Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation of Spray Dryers ...................................................................................... 10 Computational Techniques for Process Simulation using MATLAB® ................................................................... 10 Conductive Polymers ........................................................ 38 Corrosion Control Through Organic Coatings, Second Edition ..................................................................................... 48 Cosmology for Physicists ................................................... 5 Crystal Growth and Evaluation of Silicon for VLSI and ULSI ............................................................................................. 2
Fiber-Optic Fabry-Perot Sensors .................................. 20 Finn's Thermal Physics, Third Edition ......................... 37 First Order Phase Transitions of Magnetic Materials ................................................................................ 14 Foundations for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology ................................................................ 31 Functionalized Polysulfones .......................................... 51 Fundamentals of Ceramics, Second Edition ........... 39 Fundamentals of Charged Particle Transport in Gases and Condensed Matter ................................................... 35 Fundamentals of Nonlinear Optics, Second Edition ..................................................................................... 20 Fundamentals of Radiation Thermometers, The .............................................................................................. 3 Fundamentals of Tunnel Field-Effect Transistors ............................................................................. 17 Fundamentals of Vibronic Spectroscopy ................. 10
G Gamma Cameras for Interventional and Intraoperative Imaging ................................................... 27 Giant Vesicle Book, The ...................................................... 9 Graphics Processing Unit-Based High Performance Computing in Radiation Therapy ............................... 28 Gravitation .............................................................................. 5 Grid Integration of Solar Photovoltaic Systems ................................................................................... 18
H Handbook of 3D Machine Vision ................................ 20 Handbook of GaN Semiconductor Materials and Devices .................................................................................... 21 Handbook of Granular Materials ................................ 14 Handbook of Ion Channels .............................................. 8 Handbook of Optical Sensors ....................................... 21 Handbook of Optoelectronics, Second Edition ..................................................................................... 21 Handbook of Optoelectronics, Second Edition ..................................................................................... 21 Handbook of Optoelectronics, Second Edition (Two-Volume Set) .............................................................. 21 Handbook of Radioembolization ............................... 28 Handbook of Solid-State Lighting and LEDs .......... 15 Handbook of Visual Optics, Two-Volume Set ............................................................................................. 21 Handbook of Visual Optics, Volume One ................ 22 Handbook of Visual Optics, Volume Two ................ 22 Handbook of X-ray Imaging ......................................... 28 Healthcare Technology Management – A Systematic Approach ............................................................................... 28
Hemodialysis Membranes ............................................. 10 High Resolution Electronic Spectroscopy of Small Molecules ................................................................................. 6 High-Pressure Physics ....................................................... 15 Hybrid Imaging in Cardiovascular Medicine .......... 28 Hydrogen Storage Technology .................................... 18 Hydrogenation with Low-Cost Transition Metals ...................................................................................... 48 Hydrostatic Testing, Corrosion, and Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion ........................................................ 42
Nanocomposite Materials ............................................. 31 Nanocomposite Membrane Technology ................ 11 Nanoindentation of Natural Materials .................... 32 Nanomagnetism ................................................................ 15 Nanomaterials and Nanocomposites ...................... 33 Nanomaterials Handbook, Second Edition ............ 33 Nanomedicines and Nanoproducts .......................... 33 Nanophotonics and Plasmonics ................................. 22 Nanoscale Device Technology ..................................... 17 Natural Biomarkers for Cellular Metabolism ............ 8
Illustrated Wavelet Transform Handbook, The ............................................................................................ 13 Image-based Medical Physics for Radiologists .......................................................................... 28 Image-guided Focused Ultrasound Therapy .......... 29 Image-Guided Therapy, Surgery, and Drug Delivery ................................................................................... 29 Imaging in Photodynamic Therapy ........................... 29 Intelligent Polymers for Nanomedicine and Biotechnologies .................................................................. 51 Introduction to Beam Physics, An ............................... 34 Introduction to Crystal Growth .................................... 11 Introduction to Distributed Optical Fibre Sensors, An .............................................................................................. 20 Introduction to Distributed Optical Fibre Sensors, An .............................................................................................. 20 Introduction to Gauge Theories, An ........................... 34 Introduction to Graphene and Carbon Nanotubes, An .............................................................................................. 14 Introduction to Rheology, An .......................................... 4 Introduction to Topological Quantum Matter & Quantum Computation ................................................. 15
Offshore Petroleum Drilling and Production .......... 12 OLED Fundamentals ........................................................ 23 Optical Compressive Imaging ...................................... 23 Optical MEMS, Nanophotonics, and Their Applications ......................................................................... 23 Optical Probes in Biology .................................................. 8 Optics for Engineers, Second Edition ......................... 23 Organic and Hybrid Electronics ................................... 23
K Kinetics in Materials Science and Engineering .......................................................................... 47
L Laser-Induced Damage in Optical Materials .......... 22 Light Sources, Second Edition ....................................... 22 Lightweight and Sustainable Materials for Automotive Applications ......................................................................... 41
M Many-Body Methods for Atoms and Molecules ................................................................................. 6 Materials Design Using Computational Intelligence Techniques ............................................................................ 45 Mathematical Methods in Chemical and Biological Engineering .......................................................................... 11 Membrane-Distillation in Desalination ................... 11 Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion in the Upstream Oil and Gas Industry .................................... 42 Microdosimetry ..................................................................... 8 Microplasma Sprayed Hydroxyapatite Coatings ................................................................................. 40 Microwave Semiconductor Devices .......................... 22 Miniature Sorption Coolers ............................................ 11 Monte Carlo Methods for Medical Physics .............. 29 Monte Carlo Simulation For Experimental Physics .................................................................................... 13 Multiphase Particulate Systems in Turbulent Flows ....................................................................................... 11
P Phase Equilibria in Ionic Liquid Facilitated Liquid–Liquid Extractions ............................................... 12 Phase Estimation in Optical Interferometry ........... 23 Physical Methods for Materials Characterisation, Third Edition ..................................................................................... 45 Physics of PET and SPECT Imaging ............................. 29 Physics of Semiconductors and Nanostructures ................................................................... 33 Plasma Electronics, Second Edition .............................. 2 Plastics Technology Handbook, Fifth Edition ..................................................................................... 51 Polarons and Bipolarons ................................................ 15 Polymer Glasses .................................................................. 50 Polymer Matrix Composites .......................................... 51 Polymeric Foams ................................................................ 52 Practical Fluorescence Spectroscopy ........................... 8 Printed Resonant Periodic Structures and Their Applications ......................................................................... 17
Q Quantification in Signal Processing for Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy .................................................. 6 Quantum Continuous Variables ................................. 36 Quantum Physics of Atomic Frequency Standards, The .............................................................................................. 3 Quantum Transport in Dirac Materials .................... 15
R Radiation Biology for Medical Physicists ................. 29 Radiation Safety in Radiation Oncology ................. 30 Redox Proteins in Supercomplexes and Signalosomes ......................................................................... 8 Refractory Technology ..................................................... 48
S Semiconductor X-Ray Detectors .................................... 2 Sensors for Safety and Process Control in Hydrogen Technologies .......................................................................... 2 Singular Optics .................................................................... 24 Skyrmions .............................................................................. 16 Soft Computing in Chemical and Physical Sciences .................................................................................. 13 Solar Fuel Generation ....................................................... 18
Design of Piezoelectric Ultrasonic Transducers and Systems ................................................................................... 27
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INDEX BY TITLE Solar Silicon Processes ..................................................... 43 Standard Model and Beyond, Second Edition, The .............................................................................................. 6 Statistical Mechanics for Chemists and Materials Scientists ................................................................................ 37 Statistical Methods for Materials Science ................ 45 Stereotactic Radiosurgery and Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy ............................................................. 30 Structural Textile Design ................................................. 44 Sturge's Statistical and Thermal Physics, Second Edition ..................................................................................... 37 Super-Resolution Imaging in Biomedicine ................ 9 Supercritical Fluids Technology in Lipase Catalyzed Processes ................................................................................ 12 Supersymmetry Beyond Minimality ........................... 34 Synthesis, Design, and Resource Optimization in Batch Chemical Plants .................................................................. 12
T Terahertz Astronomy ........................................................ 24 Ternary Alloys Based on III-V Semiconductors .................................................................. 43 Textiles and Human Thermophysiological Comfort in the Indoor Environment ............................................. 44 Theoretical Modeling of Mixed Organic-Inorganic Perovskites for Photovoltaic Applications ............... 16 Tool Steels .............................................................................. 49
U Ultrasound Imaging and Therapy .............................. 30 Understanding Nanomaterials, Second Edition ..................................................................................... 33 Understanding Surface and Thin Film Science .................................................................................... 16
W Waste Production and Utilization in the Metal Extraction Industry ............................................................ 46 What Every Engineer Should Know About Modeling and Simulation ................................................................... 53
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A Abdel-Aal, Hussein K. ....................................................... Abdullah, Basri Johan Jeet ........................................... Abegaonkar, Mahesh ...................................................... Addison, Paul S. .................................................................. Aflori, Magdalena ............................................................... Ahmad, Sheraz .................................................................... Al-Zuhair, Sulaiman .......................................................... Angelova, Radostina A. .................................................. Artal, Pablo ............................................................................. Artal, Pablo ............................................................................. Artal, Pablo .............................................................................
10 28 17 13 51 44 12 44 21 22 22
Franklin, Scott V. ................................................................. 14 Fulay, Pradeep ..................................................................... 20 Fuxreiter, Monika .................................................................. 7
G Gaspar, Daniel J. .................................................................. 23 Gbur, Gregory J. .................................................................. 24 Ghukasyan, Vladimir V. ...................................................... 8 Giorgi, Giacomo .................................................................. 16 Gogotsi, Yury ........................................................................ 33 Goyal, Rajendra Kumar ................................................... 33 Gryczynski, Zygmunt .......................................................... 8
B Bagchi, Biman ...................................................................... 37 Bagshaw, Clive R. .................................................................. 2 Bandyopadhyay, Jyoti P. ................................................ 22 Banerjee, Jyoti Prasad ...................................................... 33 Barrick, Douglas ..................................................................... 7 Barsoum, Michel ................................................................. 39 Bartolini, Riccardo .............................................................. 34 Belkic, Dzevad ......................................................................... 6 Belt, Cynthia K. ..................................................................... 53 Benedict, Stanley H. ......................................................... 30 Benjamin, Colin ................................................................... 15 Benyahia, Farid .................................................................... 11 Berbeco, Ph.D., Ross I. ...................................................... 26 Berz, Martin ............................................................................ 34 Bharti, Anand ........................................................................ 12 Bhat, H.L. .................................................................................. 11 Bhattacharjee, Sudeep ................................................... 35 Bhattacharyya, S P ............................................................. 13 Bi, Wengang .......................................................................... 21 Brown, Thomas ................................................................... 23 Burg, Karen J.L. ..................................................................... 38
Hamblin, Michael R. .......................................................... 29 Hartog, Arthur H. ................................................................ 20 Hartog, Arthur H. ................................................................ 20 Hegarty, Francis .................................................................. 28 Herold, Keith E. .................................................................... 27 Hertel, Nolan E. .................................................................... 26 Hocheng, Hong .................................................................. 48 Hübert, Thomas ..................................................................... 2
I Igarashi, Eiki ........................................................................... 33 Ioan, Silvia ............................................................................... 51 Isaksson, Mats ...................................................................... 27
J Jamil, Majid ............................................................................ Javaherdashti, Reza .......................................................... Jia, Xun ..................................................................................... Johal, Malkiat S. ...................................................................
18 42 28 33
C Cabibbo, Nicola .................................................................. 34 Callegaro, Luca ....................................................................... 2 Ceccaroli, Bruno .................................................................. 43 Chaddah, Praveen ............................................................. 14 Chanda, Manas .................................................................... 51 Chatterjee, Ashok .............................................................. 15 Chaudhary, Yatendra S. .................................................. 18 Chaudhuri, Rajat Kumar .................................................... 6 Cheng, Ji-Xin ........................................................................... 7 Chhibber, Rahul .................................................................. 48 Choy, Kwang-Leong ........................................................ 46 Christensen, Thomas M. ................................................ 16 Clemitson, I.R. ....................................................................... 51 Coates, Peter ........................................................................... 3
D Dahlbom, Magnus ............................................................ 29 Dakin, John P. ....................................................................... 21 Dakin, John P. ....................................................................... 21 Dakin, John P. ....................................................................... 21 Das, Jayanta ........................................................................... 48 Datta, Alokmay .................................................................... 14 Datta, Shubhabrata .......................................................... 45 De, Sirshendu ....................................................................... 10 Deng, Jun ............................................................................... 26 Dey, Arjun ............................................................................... 32 Dey, Arjun ............................................................................... 40 Diaspro, Alberto .................................................................... 9 DiMarzio, Charles A. .......................................................... 23 Dimova, Rumiana ................................................................. 9 Dorohoi, Dana Ortansa .................................................. 43 Dutta, Binay Kanti .............................................................. 11 Duxbury, Geoffrey ................................................................ 6
Kaisare, Niket S. .................................................................... 10 Khalil, Shaaban .................................................................... 34 Kim, Siyong ............................................................................ 26 Kitsinelis, Spiros ................................................................... 22 Klebanoff, Lennie ............................................................... 18 Klostermeier, Dagmar ........................................................ 7 Knudsen, Ole Øystein ...................................................... 48 Kumar Majumdar, Kausik .............................................. 26 Kundu, Madhusree ........................................................... 10
L Laik, Sukumar ....................................................................... 12 Langacker, Paul ...................................................................... 6 Lee, Shau-Tarng .................................................................. 52 Liu, J. Ping ............................................................................... 16 Liu, Yi-Hwa ............................................................................. 28 Louro, Ricardo O. .................................................................. 8 Loveday, John ...................................................................... 15 Lowe, B. G. ................................................................................. 2 Lucas, Cyril Bernard ............................................................. 6 Lucht, Robert P. ................................................................... 20 Lyth, David ................................................................................ 5
S Sa, Jacinto ............................................................................... 48 Sahare, P. D. ........................................................................... 31 Sahimi, Muhammad ........................................................ 25 Saini, K. K. ................................................................................. 17 Santos, Jose Luis ................................................................. 21 Sarkar, Ritwik ......................................................................... 48 Saurabh, Sneh ...................................................................... 17 Schuemann, Ph.D., Jan ................................................... 29 Serafini, Alessio .................................................................... 36 Shelnutt, John A. ................................................................ 10 Simmons, Jeffrey P. ........................................................... 45 Singh, Navinder .................................................................. 14 Skovhus, Torben Lund .................................................... 42 Song, William Y. .................................................................. 27 Soveral, Graca ......................................................................... 7 Stanescu, Tudor D. ............................................................ 15 Stern, Adrian ......................................................................... 23 Sun, Shuhui ........................................................................... 31 Sureka, C. S. ............................................................................ 29 Suryanarayana, C. ............................................................... 39 Szycher, Michael ................................................................. 53 Sébastien, Poncet ................................................................. 4
T Tewari, P.K. ............................................................................. 11 Thakur, Vijay Kumar .......................................................... 51 Tomashyk, Vasyl .................................................................. 43
U Ueno, Shoogo ...................................................................... 26
Vanier, Jacques ....................................................................... 3 Venselaar, Jack ..................................................................... 27
Eranna, Golla ............................................................................ 2
29 41 15 30 45
39 30 31 18 27 44 20 23 47 14 37 22 35 50 28
Madachy, Raymond Joseph ........................................ 53 Majozi, Thokozani .............................................................. 12 Makabe, Toshiaki ................................................................... 2 Mallick, P.K. ............................................................................. 51 Mathur, Rakesh Behari .................................................... 31 Mesquita, Rafael A. ............................................................ 49
Nawab, Yasir .......................................................................... 44 Ndlovu, Sehliselo ............................................................... 46
Farahani, Dr. Keyvan ......................................................... Faruk, Omar ........................................................................... Feng, Zhe Chuan ............................................................... Fenster, Aaron ...................................................................... Flewitt, Peter E. J. ................................................................
R Rahaman, Mohamed N. ................................................. Rajan K N, Govinda ............................................................ Ram, Manoj Kumar ........................................................... Ramachandran, S ............................................................... Ramadas, Sivaram Nishal .............................................. Rana, Sohel ............................................................................ Rao, Yun-Jiang ..................................................................... Rastogi, Pramod ................................................................. Readey, Dennis W. ............................................................. Ren, Prof. Zhifeng .............................................................. Rex, Andrew .......................................................................... Ristau, Detlev ........................................................................ Robson, Robert E. ............................................................... Roth, Connie B. .................................................................... Russo, Paolo ..........................................................................
Pasciak, PhD., Alexander S. ........................................... 28 Perkins, Alan C. .................................................................... 27 Petersen, Nils O. .................................................................. 31 Pia, Maria Grazia .................................................................. 13 Piccirillo, Lucio ..................................................................... 11 Png, Dr. Ching Eng (Jason) .......................................... 22 Podgorska, Wioletta ......................................................... 11 Powers, Peter E. ................................................................... 20 Prasanna, A R ........................................................................... 5 Proctor, John E. ................................................................... 14
Olafsen, Jeffrey .................................................................... 37 Owens, Alan .......................................................................... 34
W Waker, Anthony ..................................................................... 8 Walker, Christopher K. ..................................................... 24 Woo, Meng Wai .................................................................. 10 Wu, Feng ................................................................................. 29
Z Zhang, Jin .................................................................................. 8 Zhang, Sam ........................................................................... 43 Zhang, Song ......................................................................... 20 Zhang, Ze ............................................................................... 38 Zheng, Jie .................................................................................. 8 Zhou, Guangya ................................................................... 23
Papaefthymiou, Georgia C. .......................................... 15 Papoian, Garegin A. ............................................................. 7
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Taylor & Francis Group 2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon. Oxon. OX14 4RN Tel: 02070176000 • Fax: 02071076699 ISBN: 9781138041868