Ws maths catalogue 2018

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World ScientiďŹ c Connecting Great Minds



Connecting Great Minds

Highlights page


Daniel Bump (Stanford), Anne Schilling (UC Davis)



Alois Kufner (Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic), Lars-Erik Persson (Luleå University of Technology, Sweden & UiT, The Arctic University of Norway), Natasha Samko (Luleå University of Technology, Sweden) page


Ovidiu Calin (Princeton)



Jan-Frederik Mai (XAIA Investment AG, Germany), Matthias Scherer (Technische Universität München, Germany)



Miklós Bóna (University of Florida, USA)



Masayoshi Hata (Kyoto University, Japan)



Raymond Smullyan



T Hida (Nagoya University, Japan & Meijo University, Japan), L Streit (University of Bielefeld, Germany & University of Madeira, Portugal)

Mathematics 2018 page


Palle Jorgensen (The University of Iowa, USA), Feng Tian (Hampton University, USA)



Frederic Y M Wan (UC Irvine)



Jozsef Beck (Rutgers University, USA)



Benjamin Kedem (University of Maryland, College Park, USA), Victor De Oliveira (University of Texas at San Antonio, USA) & Michael Sverchkov



Bang-Yen Chen (Michigan State University, USA)



edited by Dan Crisan (Imperial College London, UK)



Ingram Olkin (Stanford), Leon J Gleser (University of Pittsburgh, USA) & Cyrus Derman (Columbia University, USA)



Terri Germain-Williams (Mercy College, USA)


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ALGEBRA & RELATED TOPICS ...........................4 COMPUTER MATHEMATICS & SCIENCE ............7 DIFFERENTIAL & INTEGRAL EQUATIONS ..........8 GEOMETRY & TOPOLOGY ................................12 MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS...............................15 MATHEMATICAL BIOLOGY ...............................17 MATHEMATICAL COMPUTATION & MODELING .....................................................18 MATHEMATICAL FINANCE & ECONOMICS ...................................................20 MATHEMATICAL LOGIC & FOUNDATIONS ...............................................20 MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS & RELATED TOPICS ............................................21 MATHEMATICS EDUCATION .............................25 NUMERICAL ANALYSIS & APPROXIMATION ...........................................26 OPTIMIZATION & CONTROL .............................27 PROBABILITY & STATISTICS .............................28 POPULAR & RECREATIONAL MATHEMATICS ...31 PROCEEDINGS ...................................................35 2016 FRONTLIST ................................................35 JOURNALS .........................................................36 TITLE INDEX ......................................................40 AUTHOR INDEX ................................................41

Mathematics 2018 A Graduate Course in Algebra (In 2 Volumes)

ALGEBRA & RELATED TOPICS Boolean Functions: Cryptographic and Combinatorial Properties Functions with Symmetry by S Maitra (Indian Statistical Institute, India) This book discusses cryptographic and combinatorial properties of Boolean functions. We discuss these properties (e.g., balancedness, nonlinearity, correlation immunity, propagation characteristics, algebraic immunity) in detail. The basic material will always contain hardcore theoretical results. However, we present the materials in a way that a person with undergraduate level mathematical background can access it. Implementation details related to these properties (e.g., how to check in writing a program whether a Boolean function is correlation immune) will be detailed. Readership: Researchers in combinatorics and theoretical computer science. 420pp 978-981-4327-13-8 978-981-4327-14-5(ebook)

Apr 2018 US$162 US$243

£134 £202

b Ioannis Farmakis, Martin Moskowitz (City by University of New York, USA) U This comprehensive two-volume book deals with algebra, broadly conceived. Volume 1 comprises material for a first year graduate course in algebra, offering the instructor a number of options in designing such a course. Volume 1, provides all essential material that students need to prepare for the qualifying exam in algebra at most American and European universities. Volume 2 forms the basis for a second year graduate course in topics in algebra. The volume provides ample material accommodating a variety of topics that may be included in a second year course. There is a chart showing the interdependence of the chapters. Readership: Graduate students and researchers in Algebra and related areas. 700pp 978-981-3142-60-2(Set) 978-981-3142-61-9(Set)(pbk)

Aug 2017 US$178 US$98

£148 £81

Advanced Textbooks in Mathematics

Periods and Special Functions in Transcendence Infinite Group Theory From the Past to the Future edited by Paul Baginski, Benjamin Fine (Fairfield University, USA) & Anthony M Gaglione (United States Naval Academy, USA) The development of algebraic geometry over groups, geometric group theory and group-based cryptography, has led to there being a tremendous recent interest in infinite group theory. This volume presents a good collection of papers detailing areas of current interest. This book is centered on infinite group theory from a combinatorial and geometric point of view. It also contains material on noncommutative algebraic group-based cryptography Readership: Graduate students and researchers in group theory. 212pp 978-981-3204-04-1 978-981-3204-05-8(ebook)


Feb 2018 US$98 US$147

by Paula Tretkoff (Texas A& M University, USA & Universitéde Lille 1, France) This book gives an introduction to some central results in transcendental number theory with application to periods and special values of modular and hypergeometric functions. It also includes related results on Calabi – Yau manifolds. Most of the material is based on the author’s own research and appears for the first time in book form. It is presented with minimal of technical language and no background in number theory is needed. In addition, except the last chapter, all chapters include exercises suitable for graduate students. Readership: Graduate students, researchers.

£81 £121

228pp 978-1-78634-294-2 978-1-78634-295-9(ebook)

Jul 2017 US$98 US$147

£81 £121

Compactifications of PEL-Type Shimura Varieties and Kuga Families with Ordinary Loci

Series on University Mathematics - Vol 9

by Kai-Wen Lan (University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, USA)

by Wu-Yi Hsiang (UC Berkeley & Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)

This book is a comprehensive treatise on the partial toroidal and minimal compactifications of the ordinary loci of PEL-type Shimura varieties and Kuga families, and on the canonical and subcanonical extensions of automorphic bundles. The results in this book serve as the logical foundation of several recent developments in the theory of p-adic automorphic forms; and of the author’s work with Harris, Taylor, and Thorne on the construction of Galois representations without duality conditions, which is a major breakthrough in the Langlands program. This book is important for those who need to understand the above-mentioned recent works, and is written with such users of the theory in mind, providing plenty of explanations and background materials.

This book provides a concise introduction as well as a comprehensive “tour of revisiting” the remarkable achievements of S Lie, W Killing, É Cartan and H Weyl on structural and classification theory of semi-simple Lie groups, Lie algebras and their representations; and also the wonderful duet of Cartan’s theory on Lie groups and symmetric spaces. With the benefit of retrospective hindsight, mainly inspired by the outstanding contribution of H Weyl in the special case of compact connected Lie groups, we develop the above theory via a route quite different from the original methods engaged by most other books. Readership: Advanced undergraduate and graduate students, and researchers in group theory.

Readership: Graduate students and researchers. 580pp 978-981-3207-32-5 978-981-3207-33-2(ebook)

Nov 2017 US$158 US$237

Lectures on Lie Groups (2nd Edition)

£131 £196

160pp 978-981-4740-70-8 978-981-4740-71-5(pbk) 978-981-4740-72-2(ebook)

Jun 2017 US$68 US$38 US$102

£56 £32 £84


:: Bestseller

Series on Number Theory and Its Applications Vol 13

Crystal Bases

An Introduction to Non-Abelian Class Field Theory

Representations and Combinatorics by Daniel Bump (Stanford), Anne Schilling (UC Davis) This unique book provides the first introduction to crystal base theory from the combinatorial point of view. Crystal base theory was developed by Kashiwara and Lusztig from the perspective of quantum groups. This book approaches the subject directly from combinatorics, building crystals through local axioms and virtual crystals. It also emphasizes parallels between the representation theory of the symmetric and general linear groups and phenomena in combinatorics. The combinatorial approach is linked to representation theory through the analysis of Demazure crystals. The relationship of crystals to tropical geometry is also explained. Readership: Graduate students and researchers. 292pp 978-981-4733-43-4 978-981-4733-44-1(pbk)

Mar 2017 US$118 US$58

£98 £48

Nearrings, Nearfields and Related Topics

188pp 978-981-3142-26-8 978-981-3142-27-5(ebook)

Nov 2016 US$98 US$147

£81 £121

“What makes this book more than just a safe journey from square one to the usual results such as Lagrange’s theorem and the Sylow theorems is the discussion of several applications, illustrating both the amazing power of these concepts and the diversity of fields where abstract algebra can prove helpful: Latin squares, Polya – Burnside enumeration and isometries in Euclidean space.” Times Higher Education Readership: Undergraduates from approximately 2nd to 4th year.

Readership: Graduate students and researchers.

£106 £159

:: Bestseller

576pp 978-981-4730-53-2 978-981-4730-54-9(pbk)

Oct 2016 US$148 US$68

£123 £56

The Book of Numbers

A Walk Through Combinatorics (4th Edition)

by Tianxin Cai (Zhejiang University, China) translated by Jiu Ding (University of Southern Mississippi, USA)

An Introduction to Enumeration and Graph Theory by Miklós Bóna (University of Florida, USA) “This is still one of the best introductions to combinatorics.” Mathematical Association of America New to this edition are the Quick Check exercises at the end of each section. In all, the new edition contains about 240 new exercises. Extra examples were added to some sections where readers asked for them. The selected advanced topics are: Ramsey theory, pattern avoidance, the probabilistic method, partially ordered sets, the theory of designs, enumeration under group action, generating functions of labeled and unlabeled structures and algorithms and complexity. Readership: Upper level undergraduates and graduate students. 616pp 978-981-3148-84-0

Readership: Advanced undergraduate and graduate students, and researchers in number theory.

Introduction to Groups, Rings and Fields with Applications by Clive Reis, Stuart A Rankin (University of Western Ontario, Canada)

One of the best tools to study the non-linear algebraic systems is the theory of Near-rings. The forward note by Günter Pilz (Johannes Kepler University, Austria) explains about past developments and future prospects in the theory of nearrings and nearfields. Certain applications of nearrings are found in a few chapters. Some of the chapters are independent; however flow is maintained in all the chapters. It also include few chapters of exploratory approach.

Jan 2017 US$128 US$192

This monograph provides a brief exposition of automorphic forms of weight 1 and their applications to arithmetic, especially to Galois representations. One of the outstanding problems in arithmetic is a generalization of class field theory to non-abelian Galois extension of number fields. In this volume, we discuss some relations between this problem and cusp forms of weight 1.

Abstract Algebra (2nd Edition)

edited by Kuncham Syam Prasad, Kedukodi Babushri Srinivas, Panackal Harikrishnan (Manipal University, India) & Bhavanari Satyanarayana (Acharya Nagarjuna University, India)

324pp 978-981-3207-35-6 978-981-3207-36-3(ebook)

Automorphic Forms of Weight 1 and 2-Dimensional Galois Representations by Toyokazu Hiramatsu (Hosei University, Japan), Seiken Saito (Waseda University, Japan)

Nov 2016 US$125


Natural numbers are the oldest human inventions. This volume describes their nature, laws, history and current status. The first five chapters contain not only the basics of elementary number theory for the convenience of teaching and continuity of reading, but also many latest research results. Chapter 6 is about the fascinating congruence modulo an integer power, and Chapter 7 introduces a new problem extracted by the author from the classical problems of number theory, which is out of the combination of additive number theory and multiplicative number theory. Readership: Researchers and students. 368pp 978-981-4759-43-4 978-981-4759-44-1(ebook)

Oct 2016 US$58 US$87

£48 £72


Mathematics 2018 A First Course in Linear Algebra by Minking Eie, Shou-Te Chang (National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan) “The text itself is well-written. Each chapter begins with a brief synopsis which nicely captures the heart of the chapter, and there are enough boldface headings and vocabulary to keep the reader oriented to the task at hand.” Mathematical Association of America This book uses straightforward and simple English and is especially useful for students who are not native speakers of English. The amount of exercises provide a rigorous coverage compared to most textbooks in the market. It is theoretically oriented while it also includes applications to show the power of Linear Algebra. Readership: Undergraduates. 388pp 978-981-3143-10-4 978-981-3143-11-1(pbk)

Sep 2016 US$88 US$48

£73 £40

edited by Anne Canteaut (INRIA, France), Gove Effinger (Skidmore College, USA), Sophie Huczynska (University of St Andrews, UK), Daniel Panario (Carleton University, Canada) & Leo Storme (Ghent University, Belgium) Topics in this volume include cryptography, coding theory, structure of finite fields, algorithms, curves over finite fields, and further applications. Contributors include: Antoine Joux (Fondation Partenariale de l’UPMC, France); Gary Mullen (Penn State University, USA); Gohar Kyureghyan (Otto-von-Guericke Universität, Germany); Gary McGuire (University College Dublin, Ireland); Michel Lavrauw (Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy); Kirsten Eisentraeger (Penn State University, USA); Renate Scheidler (University of Calgary, Canada); Michael Zieve (University of Michigan, USA). Readership: Researchers in combinatorics, graph theory, numerical analysis, computational mathematics, and coding theory. Aug 2016 US$118 US$177

£98 £147

by Xiao Qing Jin, Seak-Weng Vong (University of Macau, China) This book gives an elementary introduction to applied matrix theory and includes some new results obtained in recent years. The book consists of eight chapters. It includes perturbation and error analysis; the conjugate gradient method for solving linear systems; preconditioning techniques; and least squares algorithms based on orthogonal transformations, etc. The last two chapters include some latest development in the area. In Chap. 7, we construct optimal preconditioners for functions of matrices. Properties of these preconditioners are studied for different functions. In Chap. 8, we study the Bottcher – Wenzel conjecture and discuss related problems. Readership: Undergraduate students in linear and multilinear algebra/ matrix theory, and numerical analysis. Aug 2016 US$48


Exercises in Linear Algebra by Luis Barreira, Claudia Valls (Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal) “The undergraduate student who wants “to see more solved examples” could easily form part of the intended target audience. Instructors may find the text to be a useful compendium for mining “fresh” questions for assessment. The book may have the potential to become a useful problem book for students.” Mathematical Association of America The content follows closely the majority of the introductory courses of Linear Algebra, for example in degrees of Engineering, Physics, Economics and Mathematics. The book contains 400 exercises, of which 200 are solved. Readership: Undergraduates studying linear algebra. 232pp 978-981-3143-03-6 978-981-3143-04-3(pbk)

Jul 2016 US$78 US$38

£65 £32

:: Bestselling Series

p-Adic Aspects of Modular Forms edited by Baskar Balasubramanyam (IISER Pune, India), Haruzo Hida (UCLA), A Raghuram (IISER Pune, India) & Jacques Tilouine (Université Paris 13, France)


An Introduction to Applied Matrix Analysis

144pp 978-981-4749-46-6

Contemporary Developments in Finite Fields and Applications

372pp 978-981-4719-25-4 978-981-4719-26-1(ebook)

Series in Contemporary Applied Mathematics - Vol 20

LTCC Advanced Mathematics Series - Vol 3

Algebra, Logic and Combinatorics edited by Shaun Bullett (Queen Mary University of London, UK), Tom Fearn & Frank Smith (University College London, UK)

The aim of this book is to give a systematic exposition of results in some important cases where p-adic families and p-adic L-functions are studied. We first look at p-adic families in the following cases: general linear groups, symplectic groups and definite unitary groups. We also look at applications of this theory to modularity lifting problems. We finally consider p-adic L-functions for GL(2), the p-adic adjoint L-functions and some cases of higher GL(n).

“The articles are all quite well-written and informative. In these days of increasing mathematical specialization, it’s always nice to find something that helps bridge the gap between disciplines. It’s even nicer when the contents are of the quality of these articles. This is an interesting, enjoyable and valuable book.” Mathematical Association of America

Readership: Researchers in algebra and number theory.

Readership: Researchers, graduate or PhD mathematical-science students who require a reference book that covers algebra, logic or combinatorics.

344pp 978-981-4719-22-3 978-981-4719-23-0(ebook)

Aug 2016 US$118 US$177

£98 £147

184pp 978-1-78634-029-0 978-1-78634-030-6(pbk) 978-1-78634-031-3(ebook)

Jun 2016 US$90 US$38 US$135

£75 £32 £112



Series on Knots and Everything - Vol 57

ADEX Theory How the ADE Coxeter Graphs Unify Mathematics and Physics by Saul-Paul Sirag

New Horizons for Second-Order Cybernetics edited by Alexander Riegler (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium), Karl H Müller (International Academy for Systems and Cybernetic Sciences, Austria), Stuart A Umpleby (George Washington University, USA)

This book shows how the ADE Coxeter graphs unify at least 20 different types of mathematical structures. These mathematical structures are of great utility in unified field theory, string theory, and other areas of physics.

This book reviews the current state of second-order cybernetics and investigates which new research methods second-order cybernetics can offer to tackle wicked problems in science and in society. The contributions explore its application to both scientific areas (such as mathematics, psychology and consciousness research) and non-scientific areas (such as design theory and theatre science).

Readership: Researchers in mathematical physics. 276pp 978-981-4656-49-8 978-981-4656-50-4(ebook)

Apr 2016 US$114 US$171

Readership: Researchers in mathematical logic, philosophy, psychology and computer science.

£95 £142

400pp 978-981-3226-25-8 978-981-3226-26-5(pbk)

Galois’ Theory of Algebraic Equations (2nd Edition) by Jean-Pierre Tignol (Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium)

Dec 2017 US$168 US$252

£148 £222

Information Theory Part I: An Introduction to the Fundamental Concepts by Arieh Ben-Naim (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel)

“Generally speaking, mathematics teaching nowadays has a problem with history ... Tignol finds just the right balance between the extremes of a historical exposition and philological reconstruction. Tignol lets both the triumphs and limitations of the past illuminate our modern understanding.” Choice In this edition, the exposition has been improved throughout and the chapter on Galois has been entirely rewritten to better reflect Galois’ highly innovative contributions. The text now follows more closely Galois’ memoir, resorting as sparsely as possible to anachronistic modern notions such as field extensions.

This book is about the definition of the Shannon measure of Information, and some derived quantities such as conditional information and mutual information. Unlike many books, which refer to the Shannon’s Measure of information (SMI) as “Entropy, “ this book makes a clear distinction between the SMI and Entropy. Ample examples are provided which help the reader in understanding the different concepts discussed. As with previous books by the author, this book aims at a clear and mystery-free presentation of the central concept in Information theory — the Shannon’s Measure of Information.

Readership: Upper level undergraduates, graduate students and mathematicians in algebra.

Readership: Students and researchers in information theory.

324pp 978-981-4704-69-4

368pp 978-981-3208-82-7 978-981-3208-83-4(pbk)

Feb 2016 US$78


Jul 2017 US$78 US$34

£65 £28

Series on Multivariate Analysis - Vol 10

Abstract Methods in Information Theory (2nd Edition) by Yûichirô Kakihara (California State University, San Bernardino, USA)

NOTABLE BACKLIST The Golden Ratio and Fibonacci Numbers Richard A Dunlap (Dalhousie University, Canada) Principles and Techniques in Combinatorics Chen Chuan-Chong & Koh Khee-Meng (NUS, Singapore) A First Look at Graph Theory John Clark & Derek Allan Holton (University of Otago, New Zealand)

This book presents information channels in the environment of functional analysis and operator theory as well as probability theory. Ergodic, mixing, and AMS channels are also considered in detail with some illustrations. In this second edition, channel operators are studied in many aspects, which generalize ordinary channels. Also Gaussian channels are considered in detail together with Gaussian measures on a Hilbert space. The Special Topics chapter deals with features such as generalized capacity, channels with an intermediate noncommutative system, and von Neumann algebra method for channels. Finally, quantum information channels are examined. Readership: Graduate students and researchers from Mathematics and Communication Engineering. 412pp 978-981-4759-23-6 978-981-4759-24-3(ebook)

Aug 2016 US$130 US$195

£108 £162


Mathematics 2018


Hessian Polyhedra, Invariant Theory and Appell Hypergeometric Functions by Lei Yang (Peking University, China)

Peking University Series in Mathematics

Selected Papers of Weiyue Ding edited by You-De Wang (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China) This collection covers all papers and partial talks given by Prof Weiyu Ding, who was a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Prof Weiyue Ding devoted his academic career to the research in the field of ordinary differential equations and geometric analysis, e.g. Poincare – Birkhoff fixed point theorems, Blow-up analysis for heat flow of harmonic maps. Readership: Researchers in partial differential equations and differential geometry. 700pp 978-981-3220-87-4 978-981-3220-88-1(ebook)

May 2018 US$168 US$252

ÂŁ139 ÂŁ209

Readership: Academics and researchers. 400pp 978-981-3209-47-3 978-981-3209-48-0(ebook)

Feb 2018 US$148 US$222

ÂŁ123 ÂŁ185

A First Course in Partial Differential Equations

Monographs in Number Theory

Topics and Methods in q-Series by James Mc Laughlin (West Chester University, USA) The book provides a comprehensive introduction to the many aspects of the subject of basic hypergeometric series. After developing a treatment of historically important topics such as the q-binomial theorem, Heine’s transformation, the Jacobi triple product identity, Ramanujan’s 1-psi-1 summation formula, Bailey’s 6-psi-6 summation formula and the Rogers-Fine identity, the book goes on to delve more deeply into important topics such as Bailey- and WP-Bailey pairs and chains, q-continued fractions, and mock theta functions. There are also chapters on other topics such as Lambert series and combinatorial proofs of basic hypergeometric identities. Readership: Undergraduate and graduate students. 400pp 978-981-3224-17-9 978-981-3223-36-3(pbk)

Our book gives the complex counterpart of Klein’s classic book on the icosahedron. We show that the following four apparently disjoint theories: the symmetries of the Hessian polyhedra (geometry), the resolution of some system of algebraic equations (algebra), the system of partial differential equations of Appell hypergeometric functions (analysis) and the modular equation of Picard modular functions (arithmetic) are in fact dominated by the structure of a single object, the Hessian group �v216. It provides another beautiful example on the fundamental unity of mathematics.

May 2018 US$138 US$68

ÂŁ121 ÂŁ60

by J Robert Buchanan, Zhoude Shao (Millersville University, USA) This textbook gives an introduction to Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) on its basic concepts, theory, and solution techniques of elementary PDEs. This work contains a comprehensive treatment of the standard second-order linear PDEs, the heat equation, wave equation, and Laplace’s equation. Firstorder and some common nonlinear PDEs arising in the physical and life sciences and their solutions are also covered. This textbook also includes an introduction to Fourier series and their properties, an introduction to regular Sturm – Liouville boundary value problems, special functions of mathematical physics, a treatment of nonhomogeneous equations and boundary conditions using methods such as Duhamel’s principle, and an introduction to the finite difference technique for the numerical approximation of solutions. Readership: Mathematics, physical and life sciences, and engineering undergraduate students.

:: New Edition of Bestseller Lectures, Problems and Solutions for Ordinary Differential Equations (2nd Edition)

625pp 978-981-3226-43-2

Dec 2017 US$138


by Yuefan Deng (Stony Brook University, USA) “A winning feature of the text is, obviously, a nice selection of problems, many of which feature applications in natural sciences and engineering. The book can be warmly recommended as a good source of problems both for the lecturer and for the students’ independent study.� Zentralblatt MATH The 2nd edition, with at least 100 more examples and five added subsections, has been restructured to flow more pedagogically.


Readership: Undergraduate students and entry level graduate students in science and engineering. 600pp 978-981-3226-12-8 978-981-3226-14-2(ebook)

Apr 2018 US$118 US$177

ÂŁ104 ÂŁ156

Operator Functions and Operator Equations by Michael I Gil’ (Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel) This book is devoted to norm estimates for operator-valued functions of one and two operator arguments, as well as to their applications to spectrum perturbations of operators and to linear operator equations. The norm estimates suggested have applications to the theories of ordinary differential, difference, functional-differential and integro-differential equations, as well as to the theories of integral operators and analytic functions. This book provides new tools for specialists in matrix theory and functional analysis. A significant part of the book covers the theory of triangular representations of operators. Readership: Undergraduate and graduate students, and researchers in matrix theory, functional analysis and their applications to differential and difference equations. 230pp 978-981-3221-26-0 978-981-3221-27-7(ebook)

Dec 2017 US$98 US$147

ÂŁ81 ÂŁ122


Matrix Methods and Fractional Calculus by Arak M Mathai (McGill University, Canada), Hans J Haubold (UN Office for Outer Space Affairs, Vienna International Centre, Austria) Fractional calculus in terms of mathematics and statistics and its applications to problems in natural sciences is NOT yet part of university teaching curricula. This book is one attempt to provide an approach to include topics of fractional calculus into university curricula. Additionally the material is useful for people who do research work in the areas of special functions, fractional calculus, applications of fractional calculus, and mathematical statistics. Readership: Graduate students and researchers in all aspects of fractional calculus and its applications. 220pp 978-981-3227-52-1 978-981-3227-53-8(ebook)

Jan 2018 US$95 US$143

£84 £126

Trends in Abstract and Applied Analysis - Vol 6

The limit-point/limit-circle problem had its beginnings more than 100 years ago with the publication of Hermann Weyl’s classic paper in Mathematische Annalen in 1910 on linear differential equations. This concept was extended to second order nonlinear equations in the late 1970’s and later, to higher order equations. This monograph traces the development of what is known as the strong nonlinear limit-point and limit-circle properties of solutions. In addition to bringing together all such results into one place, some new directions that the study has taken as well as some open problems for future research are indicated. Readership: Graduate students and researchers of mathematics integrated in limit-point/limit circle topics.

£86 £129

Trends in Abstract and Applied Analysis - Vol 5

Types of Solutions, Functional Problems and Applications by Feliz Manuel Minhós (University of Évora, Portugal), Hugo Carrasco (Research Centre in Mathematics and Applications (CIMA), Portugal)

£123 £185

Functional Equations and Inequalities Solutions and Stability Results by John Michael Rassias (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece), E Thandapani (University of Madras, India), K Ravi (Sacred Heart College, India) & B V Senthil Kumar (C Abdul Hakeem College of Engineering & Technology, India) This volume covers functional equations in a broad sense and is written by authors in this field for the past 50 years. It contains the basic notions of functional equations, the methods of solving functional equations, the growth of functional equations in the last four decades and an extensive reference list on fundamental research papers that investigate the stability results of different types of functional equations and functional inequalities. Readership: Advanced undergraduates, postgraduates and researchers. May 2017 US$118 US$58

£98 £48

Non-commutative Analysis by Palle Jorgensen (The University of Iowa, USA), Feng Tian (Hampton University, USA)

This volume provides a comprehensive overview on different types of higher order boundary value problems defined on the half-line or on the real line (Sturm – Liouville and Lidstone types, impulsive, functional and problems defined by Hammerstein integral equations). It also includes classical and new methods and techniques to deal with the lack of compactness of related operators. Each chapter contains applications to real phenomena, to classical equations or problems. The last part features some higher order functional problems. Readership: Graduate students and researchers interested in nonlinear analysis. Dec 2017 US$98 US$147

Jul 2017 US$148 US$222

Series on Concrete and Applicable Mathematics - Vol 21

396pp 978-981-3147-60-7 978-981-3149-97-7(pbk)

High Order Boundary Value Problems on Unbounded Domains

210pp 978-981-3209-90-9 978-981-3220-06-5(ebook)

Emphasis is put on three aspects: The existence of separable singular solutions enables the description of isolated singularities of general solutions. The construction of singular solutions is delicate and cannot be done without the understanding of the spherical p-harmonic eigenvalue problem; When the equations are considered on a Riemannian manifold, existence or non-existence of solutions depends on geometric assumptions. A priori estimates and Liouville type problems are analyzed; When the equations are considered with a forcing term in the class of measures, their study is strongly linked to the properties of a class of potentials appearing in harmonic analysis such as the Riesz, the Bessel or the Wolff potentials and to their associated capacities.

476pp 978-981-4730-32-7 978-981-4730-33-4(ebook)

by Miroslav Bartusek (Masaryk University, Czech Republic), John R Graef (University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, USA)

Dec 2017 US$98 US$147

Quasilinear Elliptic Singular Problems by Laurent Véron (Université François Rabelais, France)

Readership: Graduate students and researchers.

The Strong Nonlinear Limit-Point/ Limit-Circle Problem

300pp 978-981-3226-37-1 978-981-3226-38-8(ebook)

Local and Global Aspects of Quasilinear Degenerate Elliptic Equations

£81 £122

The book features new directions in analysis, with an emphasis on Hilbert space, mathematical physics, and stochastic processes. We interpret “non-commutative analysis” broadly to include representations of nonAbelian groups, and non-Abelian algebras; emphasis on Lie groups and operator algebras. A second theme is commutative and non-commutative harmonic analysis, spectral theory, operator theory and their applications. The list of topics includes shift invariant spaces, group action in differential geometry, and frame theory and their applications to engineering, projective multi-resolutions, and free probability algebras. Readership: Undergraduates, graduate students and researchers. 564pp 978-981-3202-11-5 978-981-3202-12-2(pbk) 978-981-3202-13-9(ebook)

Mar 2017 US$158 US$88 US$237

£131 £73 £196


Mathematics 2018 Basic Theory of Fractional Differential Equations (2nd Edition)

Asymptotic Issues for Some Partial Differential Equations

by Yong Zhou (Xiangtan University, China), JinRong Wang (Guizhou University, China) & Lu Zhang (Xiangtan University, China)

by Michel Marie Chipot (University of Zurich, Switzerland)

In this edition, two new topics have been added, that is, fractional impulsive differential equations, and fractional partial differential equations including fractional Navier – Stokes equations and fractional diffusion equations.

This book goes one step further by presenting the latest accomplishments on asymptotic behavior in domains which become unbounded. It also investigates new issues which have emerged including existence and uniqueness of solution in unbounded domains, anisotropic singular perturbations, periodic behavior forced by periodic data. These new advances are treated with original techniques developed to investigate the asymptotic behavior of various problems. Theories investigated can be applied to other problems related to partial differential equations.

Readership: Researchers, graduate students in fractional calculus, applied analysis, differential equations.

Readership: Graduate students and researchers in applied mathematics and engineering.

380pp 978-981-3148-16-1 978-981-3148-17-8(ebook)

264pp 978-1-78326-891-7 978-1-78326-892-4(ebook)

“The book is a good resource to familiarize oneself with current achievements in the theory of fractional differential equations of various types. It is well written, and every chapter is equipped with an interesting introduction.” Mathematical Reviews

Dec 2016 US$125 US$188

£104 £156

From Bessel to Multi-Index Mittag – Leffler Functions

Bessel and Mittag – Leffler functions are prominent within mathematical and scientific fields due to increasing interest in non-conventional models within applied mathematics. Since the analytical solutions of many differential and integral equations of arbitrary order can be written as series of special functions of fractional calculus, they are now unavoidable tools for handling various mathematical models of integer or fractional order. This book analyzes this through the study of enumerable families of different classes of special functions. Readership: Pure and applied mathematicians, applied scientists in other natural sciences and engineering. Oct 2016 US$102 US$153

£85 £127

An Introduction to the Theory of Wave Maps and Related Geometric Problems by Dan-Andrei Geba (University of Rochester, USA), Manoussos G Grillakis (University of Maryland, College Park, USA)


The wave maps system is one of the most beautiful and challenging nonlinear hyperbolic systems, which has captured the attention of mathematicians for more than thirty years now. This book gives an up-to-date and almost self-contained overview of the main regularity results proved for wave maps. It introduces, to a wide mathematical audience, physically motivated generalizations of the wave maps system, which are extremely interesting and difficult in their own right. Readership: Advanced graduate students in mathematics, mathematicians and theoretical physicists. 496pp 978-981-4713-90-0

Oct 2016 US$78

£68 £103

Trends in Abstract and Applied Analysis - Vol 4

Enumerable Families, Series in them and Convergence by Jordanka Paneva-Konovska (Technical University of Sofia & IMI, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria)

228pp 978-1-78634-088-7 978-1-78634-089-4(ebook)

Aug 2016 US$82 US$123


Quantum Calculus New Concepts, Impulsive IVPs and BVPs, Inequalities by Bashir Ahmad (King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia), Sotiris Ntouyas (University of Ioannina, Greece) & Jessada Tariboon (King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok, Thailand) This is the first book dealing with quantum calculus on finite intervals. It contains enough material as a guideline for further work on the topic. In particular, researchers who focus on impulsive and fractional differential equations to exploit the ideas presented in this book can enhance their work in the context of quantum calculus Readership: Mathematics and physics researchers. 288pp 978-981-3141-52-0 978-981-3141-53-7(ebook)

Aug 2016 US$95 US$143

£79 £119

Differential Equations (3rd Edition) An Introduction to Basic Concepts, Results and Applications by Ioan I Vrabie (“Al I Cuza” University of Ia¸si & “O Mayer” Mathematics Institute of the Romanian Academy, Romania) “The 3rd edition is also augmented by two such new chapters: on Nonlocal problems and on Delay functional differential equations. Due to its structure and applications/exercises parts, the book is highly recommended for both undergraduate and graduate studies. Researchers and faculty will also find this book interesting and useful.” Zentralblatt MATH Readership: Graduate or undergraduate students dealing with analysis and differential equations, Volterra equations, calculus of variations and mathematical modeling. 528pp 978-981-4749-78-7 978-981-4759-20-5(pbk)

Jul 2016 US$98 US$45

£81 £37


Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations for the Beginner

Trends in Abstract and Applied Analysis - Vol 2

Nonlinear Interpolation and Boundary Value Problems

by László Székelyhidi (University of Debrecen, Hungary)

by Paul W Eloe (University of Dayton, USA), Johnny Henderson (Baylor University, USA)

The book provides both theoretical and practical background to differential equations. Apart from ordinary differential equations, the theory of characteristics for first order partial differential equations and the classification of second order linear partial differential operators are also included. It contains the basic material starting from elementary solution methods for ordinary differential equations to advanced methods for first order partial differential equations. Each section is completed with problems and exercises, and the solutions are also provided. There are special sections devoted to more applied tools such as implicit equations, Laplace transform, Fourier method, etc.

"The purpose of the book seems to be twofold. First, the results that have been generated during the last 50 years are collected and presented systematically. Second, methods and technical details are sufficiently exposed for future researchers to contribute further on non-linear BVPs. This book is unique in its kind and, together with Agarwal’s book, [Boundary Value Problems for Higher Order Differential Equations, World Scientific, 1986], covers all the major aspects of BVPs for non-linear differential equations satisfying boundary conditions.” Mathematical Reviews Clippings

Readership: Undergraduate and graduate students.

Readership: Graduate students and researchers.

256pp 978-981-4723-98-5 978-981-4723-99-2(pbk)

Jul 2016 US$85 US$45

£71 £37

Trends in Abstract and Applied Analysis - Vol 3

£88 £133

by Khavtgai Namsrai (Mongolian Academy of Sciences, Mongolia)

Existence Results via the Variational Approach by Lin Li, Shu-Zhi Song (Chongqing Technology and Business University, China) Variational methods are powerful techniques in nonlinear analysis and are extensively used in many disciplines of pure and applied mathematics (including ordinary and partial differential equations, mathematical physics, gauge theory, and geometrical analysis). We gather the basic notions and fundamental theorems that will be applied throughout the chapters. Subsequent chapters deal with how variational methods can be used in fourth-order problems, Kirchhoff problems, nonlinear field problems, gradient systems, and variable exponent problems. Readership: Graduate students and researchers interested in variational methods. Jun 2016 US$132 US$198

Feb 2016 US$106 US$159

Universal Formulas in Integral and Fractional Differential Calculus

Solutions of Nonlinear Differential Equations

364pp 978-981-3108-60-8 978-981-3108-61-5(ebook)

248pp 978-981-4733-47-2 978-981-4733-48-9(ebook)

£110 £165

This reference book presents unique and traditional analytic calculations, and features more than a hundred universal formulas where one can calculate by hand enormous numbers of definite integrals, fractional derivatives and inverse operators. Readers, including non-specialists, can obtain themselves universal formulas and define new special functions in integral and series representations by using the methods expounded in this book. This applies to anyone utilizing analytical calculations in their studies. Readership: Undergraduate, graduate students, and researchers from modern mathematical analysis, theoretical physics and engineering. 296pp 978-981-4675-59-8 978-981-4675-60-4(ebook)

Feb 2016 US$114 US$171

£95 £142

Series on Number Theory and Its Applications - Vol 12

Multiple Zeta Functions, Multiple Polylogarithms and Their Special Values by Jianqiang Zhao (Georgia Southern University, USA) This is the first introductory book on multiple zeta functions and multiple polylogarithms which are the generalizations of the Riemann zeta function and the classical polylogarithms, respectively, to the multiple variable setting. It contains all the basic concepts and the important properties of these functions and their special values. It will provide a detailed and comprehensive introduction to these objects, their fascinating properties and interesting relations to other mathematical subjects, and various generalizations such as their q-analogs and their finite versions. Many exercises contain supplementary materials.



Readership: Advanced undergraduates, graduate students, mathematicians.

Second Order Parabolic Differential Equations G M Lieberman (Iowa State University)

620pp 978-981-4689-39-7 978-981-4689-40-3(ebook)

Special Functions Z X Wang & D R Guo (Peking University)

May 2016 US$162 US$243

£134 £202

Mathematics 2018

GEOMETRY & TOPOLOGY Series in Pure Mathematics

The Geometry of Spherical Space Form Groups (2nd Edition) by Peter B Gilkey (University of Oregon, USA) This volume is a completely rewritten revision of the first edition. The underlying organization is modified to provide a better organized and more coherent treatment of the material. Approximately 100 pages have been added to study the existence of metrics of positive scalar curvature on spin manifolds of dimension at least 5 whose fundamental group is a spherical space form group. We focus on the geometric aspect of the theory rather than more abstract algebraic constructions and to restrict our attention to spherical space forms rather than more general and complicated geometrical examples to avoid losing contact with the fundamental geometry involved.

May 2018 US$148 US$222

£123 £185

New Topological Invariants for Real- and Angle-Valued Maps An Alternative to Morse – Novikov Theory by Dan Burghelea (Ohio State University, USA) This book describes a new class of invariants associated with a generic continuous real- or angle-valued map defined on a compact metrizable space based on homology with coefficients in a given field. These can be used to conclude existence of such trajectories even for flows on compact metric spaces which are not smooth and cannot be described via differential calculus. Two alternative definitions of these invariants based on different mathematics and algorithms for their calculation will be described. The book presents remarkable properties of these invariants and will relate them to the global algebraic topology of the space the map is defined on. Readership: Graduate students and researchers in geometry and topology, topologists, geometers, experts in dynamics, computer scientists and data analysts. 180pp 978-981-4618-24-3 978-981-4618-25-0(ebook)

Feb 2018 US$66 US$99

£55 £82

Lecture Notes Series, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, National University of Singapore - Vol 35

Combinatorial and Toric Homotopy 12

Spectral Analysis and Differential Geometry of the Laplacian By Hajime Urakawa (Tohoku University, Japan) Contents: Fundamental Materials of Riemannian Geometry; The Space of Riemannian Metrics, and Continuity of the Eigenvalues; Cheeger and Yau Estimates on the Minimum Positive Eigenvalue; The Estimations of the kth Eigenvalue and Lichnerowicz-Obata's Theorem; The Payne, Pólya and Weinberger Type Inequalities for the Dirichlet Eigenvalues; The Heat Equation and the Set of Lengths of Closed Geodesics; Negative Curvature Manifolds and the Spectral Rigidity Theorem; Readership: Researchers. 312pp 978-981-3109-08-7 978-981-3109-09-4(ebook)

Readership: Graduate students and researchers. 490pp 978-981-3220-78-2 978-981-3220-79-9(ebook)

Spectral Geometry of the Laplacian

Introductory Lectures edited by Alastair Darby (Fudan University, China), Jelena Grbi´c (University of Southampton, UK), Zhi Lü (Fudan University, China) & Jie Wu (NUS, Singapore)

Aug 2017 US$118 US$177

£98 £147

Differential Geometry of Warped Product Manifolds and Submanifolds by Bang-Yen Chen (Michigan State University, USA) The first part of this volume provides a selfcontained and accessible introduction to the important subject of pseudo-Riemannian manifolds and submanifolds. The second part presents a detailed and up-to-date account on important results of warped product manifolds, including several important spacetimes such as Robertson – Walker’s and Schwarzschild’s.The study of warped product submanifolds in various important ambient spaces from an extrinsic point of view was initiated by the author around the beginning of this century. The last part contains an extensive and comprehensive survey of numerous important results in this topic. Readership: Graduate students and researchers in geometry, mathematical physics and general relativity. 516pp 978-981-3208-92-6 978-981-3208-93-3(ebook)

Jul 2017 US$158 US$237

£131 £196

Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces by Masaaki Umehara, Kotaro Yamada (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan) translated by Wayne Rossman (Kobe University, Japan)

This volume consists of introductory lectures on the topics in the new and rapidly developing area of toric homotopy theory, and its applications to the current research in configuration spaces and braids, as well as to more applicable mathematics such as FR-codes and robot motion planning.

Surface theory from the viewpoint of manifolds theory is explained, and encompasses higher level material that is useful for the more advanced student. This includes, but is not limited to, indices of umbilics, properties of cycloids, existence of conformal coordinates, and characterizing conditions for singularities. This textbook succeeds in elucidating detailed explanations of fundamental material, where the most essential basic notions stand out clearly, but does not shy away from the more advanced topics needed for research in this field.

Readership: Advanced undergraduate, graduate students, and researchers.

Readership: Undergraduate and graduate students, and researchers.

420pp 978-981-3226-56-2 978-981-3226-57-9(ebook)

Oct 2017 US$148 US$222

£130 £195

328pp 978-981-4740-23-4 978-981-4740-24-1(pbk)

Jul 2017 US$88 US$48

£73 £42


Introductory Topology (2nd Edition)

LTCC Advanced Mathematics Series - Vol 4

Geometry in Advanced Pure Mathematics

Exercises and Solutions by Mohammed Hichem Mortad (University of Oran 1, Ahmed Ben Bella, Algeria)

edited by Shaun Bullett (Queen Mary University of London, UK), Tom Fearn & Frank Smith (University College London, UK) This book leads readers from a basic foundation to an advanced level understanding of geometry in advanced pure mathematics. This is the perfect text for those looking for support in algebraic geometry, geometric group theory, modular group, holomorphic dynamics and hyperbolic geometry, syzygies and minimal resolutions, and minimal surfaces. Readership: Researchers, graduate or PhD mathematical-science students. 236pp 978-1-78634-106-8 978-1-78634-108-2(ebook)

May 2017 US$88 US$132

376pp 978-981-3146-93-8 978-981-3148-02-4(pbk)

Dec 2016 US$98 US$48

£81 £40

Undergraduate Convexity Problems and Solutions by Mikkel Slot Nielsen, Victor Ulrich Rohde (Aarhus University, Denmark)

A First Course by Bruno Scardua, Carlos Arnoldo Morales Rojas (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) In a suitable choice of topics we are able to cover material in a coherent way bringing the reader to the heart of recent results in the field. A number of theorems, nowadays considered to be classical, like the Reeb Stability Theorem, Haefliger’s Theorem, and Novikov Compact leaf Theorem, are proved in the text. The stability theorem of Thurston and the compact leaf theorem of Plante are also thoroughly proved. Nevertheless, these notes are introductory and cover only a minor part of the basic aspects of the rich theory of foliations. Readership: Students and researchers in foliations. Apr 2017 US$98 US$147

Readership: Undergraduate students and lecturers in topology.

£73 £110

Geometry, Dynamics and Topology of Foliations

196pp 978-981-3207-07-3 978-981-3207-08-0(ebook)

“The idea of numerous true-false questions was a particularly good one. The book was written for a student audience ... it should also prove quite valuable to instructors of an introductory topology course, as a readily available source of supplementary homework questions or exam questions.” Mathematical Association of America Reviews

“The solutions start off very detailed and then become more succinct, on the assumption that the readers’ ability will increase as they work through the problems. This approach makes this book almost able to stand alone, but it will be most useful for those who are working through (or teaching from) Lauritzen’s Undergraduate Convexity.” Mathematical Association of America Readership: Undergraduates focusing on convexity and optimization. 196pp 978-981-3146-21-1 978-981-3143-64-7(pbk)

Nov 2016 US$68 US$38

£56 £32

£81 £121 Nankai Tracts in Mathematics - Vol 15

A Brief Introduction to Symplectic and Contact Manifolds

Dynamical Scale Transform in Tropical Geometry by Tsuyoshi Kato (Kyoto University, Japan) This book provides comprehensive analysis of dynamical systems in tropical geometry. This book contains detailed accounts of basic strategy on how to apply tropical geometry to analysis in various mathematical subjects by presenting several applications which include: a rough classification of partial differential equations from the point of view of global behavior of solutions; construction of the infinite quasi-recursive rational dynamics, based on the automaton of the Burnside group by Aleshin-Grigorchuk; study on nearly periodicity of the pentagram map on the moduli space of the twisted polygons; spectral coincidence between lamplighter group in theory of automata groups and Box and ball systems corresponding to KdV equation in soliton theory. Readership: Graduate students and researchers in geometry. 272pp 978-981-4635-36-3 978-981-4635-37-0(ebook)

Dec 2016 US$78 US$117

£65 £97

by Augustin Banyaga (The Pennsylvania State University, USA), Djideme F Houenou (Institute of Mathematics and Physical Sciences, Benin) The book introduces the basic notions in Symplectic and Contact Geometry. It also contains many exercises. We begin with the linear theory, then give the definition of symplectic manifolds and some basic examples, review advanced calculus, discuss Hamiltonian systems, tour rapidly group and the basics of contact geometry, and solve problems. The book contains also more advanced material. Readership: Graduate students, researchers and mathematicians. 180pp 978-981-4696-70-8 978-981-4696-71-5(ebook)

Oct 2016 US$75 US$113

£62 £93


Mathematics 2018 The “Golden” Non-Euclidean Geometry

Lecture Notes on Generalized Heegaard Splittings

Hilbert’s Fourth Problem, “Golden” Dynamical Systems, and the Fine-Structure Constant by Alexey Stakhov (International Club of the Golden Section, Canada & Academy of Trinitarism, Russia), Samuil Aranson (The Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Russia), assisted by: Scott Olsen (College of Central Florida, USA)

by Martin Scharlemann (UC Santa Barbara), Jennifer Schultens (UC Davis) & Toshio Saito (Joetsu University of Education, Japan)

The book develops many unexpected ideas concerning the history of mathematics, in particular, a new view on Euclid’s Elements, based on Proclus’ hypothesis. A general theory of the “recursive” hyperbolic functions based on the “golden”, “silver” and other “metallic” proportions underlies the book. New approaches to the solution of Hilbert’s Fourth Problem as a candidate on the Millennium Problem in geometry follow from this theory. New and interesting results in qualitative dynamical systems based on the mathematics of harmony are discussed.

Readership: Graduate students and researchers in topology.

Readership: Advanced undergraduates, graduate students, researchers in mathematics and theoretical physics.

140pp 978-981-3109-11-7 978-981-3109-12-4(ebook)

308pp 978-981-4678-29-2 978-981-4678-30-8(ebook)

Lecture Notes Series, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, National University of Singapore - Vol 31

Sep 2016 US$118 US$177

£98 £147

by Szymon Dolecki (Mathematical Institute of Burgundy, France), Frédéric Mynard (New Jersey City University, USA)

Readership: Undergraduates, graduates and academia in the fields of analysis and topology. Jul 2016 US$145 US$78

£48 £72

Geometric Analysis Around Scalar Curvatures

The first chapter surveys the recent developments on the fourth-order equations with negative exponent from geometric points of view such as positive mass theorem and uniqueness results. The next chapter deals with the recent important progress on several conjectures such as the existence of non-flat smooth hyper-surfaces and Serrin’s over-determined problem. And the final chapter induces a new technique to handle the equation with critical index and the sign change coefficient as well as the negative index term. These topics will be of interest to those studying conformal geometry and geometric partial differential equations.

“It is clear that the book, with its high level of scholarship, is a labour of love on the part of its authors, and it will no doubt make quite a dent in the right circles ... The mature reader, disposed to this way of redoing topology, will have a great time.” Mathematical Association of America

568pp 978-981-4571-51-7 978-981-4571-52-4(pbk)

Jun 2016 US$58 US$87

edited by Fei Han, Xingwang Xu (NUS, Singapore) & Weiping Zhang (Nankai University, China)

Convergence Foundations of Topology

£120 £65

Readership: Advanced undergraduates, graduate students and researchers. 220pp 978-981-3100-54-1 978-981-3100-55-8(ebook)

Jun 2016 US$106 US$159

£88 £133

Introduction to Modern Finsler Geometry

Generalizations of Finite Metrics and Cuts

by Yi-Bing Shen (Zhejiang University, China), Zhongmin Shen (Indiana University – Purdue University Indianapolis, USA)

by Elena Deza (Moscow State Pedagogical University, Russia), Michel Deza (Ecole Normale Supérieure, France) & Mathieu Dutour Sikiri´c (Ruder Boškovi´c Institute, Croatia)


“This book is for graduate students and researchers in topology. These notes are well written, definitions are followed by examples, proofs are given in detail. There are exercises included in each chapter. Both, examples and proof, are depicted with many figures. This book is nicely illustrated, and it is an excellent source for those interested in the theory of Heegaard splittings and generalized Heegaard splittings of compact 3-manifolds.” Zentralblatt MATH

This book introduces oriented version of metrics and cuts and their multidimensional analogues, as well as partial metrics and weighted metrics. Many research publications on this subject are devoted to different special aspects of the theory of generalized metrics. However, they are disconnected one from other, often written in different mathematical language, consider the same objects from different points of view without analysis of possible connections, etc. In this book we will construct full theory of main classes of finite generalized metrics and their polyhedral aspects.

This comprehensive book is an introduction to the basics of Finsler geometry with recent developments in its area. It includes local geometry as well as global geometry of Finsler manifolds. In Part I, the authors discuss differential manifolds, Finsler metrics, the Chern connection, Riemannian and non-Riemannian quantities. Part II is written for readers who would like to further their studies in Finsler geometry. It covers projective transformations, comparison theorems, fundamental group, minimal immersions, harmonic maps, Einstein metrics, conformal transformations, amongst other related topics.

Readership: Students and researchers.

Readership: Graduates and researchers.

320pp 978-981-4740-39-5 978-981-4740-40-1(ebook)

Jul 2016 US$128 US$192

£106 £159

408pp 978-981-4704-90-8 978-981-4713-16-0(pbk)

Oct 2016 US$80 US$48

£66 £40


MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS The Fractional Laplacian by Wenxiong Chen, Yan Li (Yeshiva University, USA) & Pei Ma (Nanjing Normal University, China) This is a unique book that provides comprehensive understanding of nonlinear equations involving the fractional Laplacian as well as other nonlocal operators. Beginning from the definition of the fractional Laplacian, it gradually leads the readers to the frontier of the current research in this area. It focuses on introducing direct methods on the nonlocal problems without going through extensions, such as the direct methods of moving planes, direct method of moving spheres, and direct blowing up and rescaling arguments and so on. Different from most other books, it emphasizes on illuminating the ideas behind the formal concepts and proofs, so that the readers can quickly grasp the essence. Readership: Graduate students and researchers. 350pp 978-981-3223-99-8 978-981-3224-00-1(ebook)

May 2018 US$128 US$192

£113 £170

by V S Pugachev, I N Sinitsyn (Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia) The materials covered, which includes practically all the information on functional analysis necessary for those working in various areas of mathematics applications, as well as the simplicity of presentation, differentiates this book from others. The method and style of presentation of materials make it digestible and easily understood. This edition includes new and updated 300 examples and more than 500 problems to help readers understand and master the theories. Improvements for bringing the contents more up to date with current fundamental and applied developments were made. Now, Chapter 9 covers nonlinear and stochastic problems and Chapter 10, devoted to elements of numerical functional analysis, has been completely revised and broadened. Readership: Undergraduate and graduate students; researchers in applied mathematics, and engineers. Feb 2018 US$178 US$88

Vol. III: Measure and Integration Theory, Complex-Valued Functions of a Complex Variable by Niels Jacob, Kristian P Evans (Swansea University, UK)

£148 £73

A Course in

Analysis Vol. II

Measure and Integration Theory, Complex-Valued Functions of a Complex Variable

In this third volume of “A Course in Analysis”, two topics indispensible for every mathematician are treated: Measure and Integration Theory; and Complex Function Theory. The course of multiple volumes is a a coherent treatment of the entire core in mathematical analysis for undergraduate and graduate students — a unique source for learning as well as a reference text for later studies. There are more than 275 problems solved in full detail. The text can serve as a companion to lectures, but it can also be used for self-studying. Niels Jacob • Kristian P Evans


Readership: Undergraduate students in mathematics. 784pp 978-981-3221-59-8

Lectures on Functional Analysis and Applications (2nd Edition)

800pp 978-981-3203-17-4 978-981-3203-18-1(pbk)

A Course in Analysis

Sep 2017 US$128


Vol. II: Differentiation and Integration of Functions of Several Variables, Vector Calculus by Niels Jacob, Kristian P Evans (Swansea University, UK) This is the second volume of “A Course in Analysis” and it is devoted to the study of mappings between subsets of Euclidean spaces. The second part handles iterated and volume integrals for real-valued functions. The final part of this volume takes up a first discussion of vector calculus. Again some emphasis is given to applications, for example to the study of partial differential equations. At the same time we prepare the student to understand why these theorems and related objects such as surface integrals demand a much more advanced theory which we will develop in later volumes. This volume offers more than 260 problems solved in complete detail. Readership: Undergraduate students in mathematics. 788pp 978-981-3140-95-0 978-981-3140-96-7(pbk)

Aug 2016 US$148 US$78

£123 £65

Harmonic Analysis and Fractal Analysis over Local Fields and Applications by Weiyi Su (Nanjing University, China)

Metric in Measure Spaces by J Yeh (University of California, Irvine, USA) Measure and metric are two fundamental concepts in measuring the size of a mathematical object. Yet there has been no systematic investigation of this relation. The book closes this gap. It is unique, written clearly, and very readable. Readership: Mathematicians and graduate students in mathematics. 400pp 978-981-3200-39-5 978-981-3200-40-1(pbk)

Jan 2018 US$98 US$58

£81 £48

This book is a monograph on harmonic analysis and fractal analysis over local fields. It can also be used as lecture notes/textbook or as recommended reading for courses on modern harmonic and fractal analysis. The book is self-contained, with wide scope and deep knowledge, taking modern mathematics as bases. Specially, fractal analysis is studied in the viewpoint of local fields, and fractal calculus is established by pseudo-differential operators over local fields. A frame of fractal PDE is constructed based on fractal calculus instead of classical calculus. The author does his best to make those difficult concepts accessible to readers, illustrate clear comparison between harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces and that on local fields, and at the same time provide motivations underlying the new concepts and techniques. Readership: Undergraduate students, graduate students and researchers. 336pp 978-981-3200-49-4

Sep 2017 US$118



Mathematics 2018 An Introduction to Analysis

Series in Real Analysis - Vol 14

Nonabsolute Integration on Measure Spaces

by Piotr Mikusi´nski (University of Central Florida, USA), Jan Mikusi´nski

by Wee Leng Ng (NTU, Singapore) This book offers to the reader a self-contained treatment and systematic exposition of the real-valued theory of a nonabsolute integral on measure spaces. It is an introductory textbook to Henstock – Kurzweil type integrals defined on abstract spaces. It contains both classical and original results that are accessible to a large class of readers. In this book the author shows a creative and innovative way of defining “intervals” in measure spaces, and prove many interesting and important results including the well-known Radon – Nikodým theorem. Readership: Graduate students and researchers interested in analysis. 160pp 978-981-3221-96-3 978-981-3221-97-0(ebook)

Oct 2017 US$78 US$117

£65 £98

:: New Edition of Bestseller Weighted Inequalities of Hardy Type (2nd Edition)

In this second edition, all chapters have been updated with new information. Moreover, a new chapter contains new and complementary information concerning: (a) a convexity approach to prove and explain Hardy-type inequalities; (b) sharp constants; (c) scales of inequalities to characterize Hardy-type inequalities; (d) Hardy-type inequalities in other function spaces; and (e) a number of new open questions. Readership: Postgraduates and researchers in mathematical analysis, engineering, numerical analysis and applied mathematics. Aug 2017 US$128


320pp 978-981-3202-61-0

Apr 2017 US$88


by Sheng Gong (University of Science and Technology of China) translated by Youhong Gong (University of Science and Technology of China) Besides imparting knowledge to students from the Department of Mathematics, the author has created and developed his method of teaching Calculus to help students understand Calculus faster and deeper in order to meet the needs of applications in their own fields. This book is based on the author’s 42 years of teaching experience along with a touch of applications of Calculus in other fields such as computer science, engineering. Science students will benefit from the unique way of illustrating theorems in Calculus and also perceive Calculus as a whole instead of a combination of separate topics. The practical examples bring motivation to students. Readership: Undergraduate students in mathematics, physics, engineering and computer science. 692pp 978-981-4291-48-4 978-981-4291-49-1(pbk)

Essential Textbooks in Mathematics

A Friendly Approach to Functional Analysis by Amol Sasane (London School of Economics, UK)


Readership: Undergraduate students.

Concise Calculus

by Alois Kufner (Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic), Lars-Erik Persson (Luleå University of Technology, Sweden & UiT, The Arctic University of Norway) & Natasha Samko (Luleå University of Technology, Sweden)

450pp 978-981-3140-64-6

The book contains a rigorous exposition of calculus of a single real variable. It covers the standard topics of an introductory analysis course, namely, functions, continuity, differentiability, sequences and series of numbers, sequences and series of functions, and integration. A direct treatment of the Lebesgue integral, based solely on the concept of absolutely convergent series, is presented, which is a unique feature of a textbook at this level. The standard material is complemented by topics usually not found in comparable textbooks, for example, elementary functions are rigorously defined and their properties are carefully derived and an introduction to Fourier series is presented as an example of application of the Lebesgue integral.

This book constitutes a concise introductory course on Functional Analysis for students who have studied calculus and linear algebra. The topics covered are Banach spaces, continuous linear transformations, Frechet derivative, geometry of Hilbert spaces, compact operators, and distributions. In addition, the book includes selected applications of functional analysis to differential equations, optimization, physics (classical and quantum mechanics), and numerical analysis. The book contains 197 problems, meant to reinforce the fundamental concepts. The inclusion of detailed solutions to all the exercises makes the book ideal also for self-study.

Apr 2017 US$110 US$58

£91 £48

Singular Bilinear Integrals by Brian Jefferies (University of New South Wales, Australia) The integration of vector valued functions with respect to vector valued measures, especially spectral measures, is developed in view of applications in operator theory, scattering theory and semiclassical approximation in quantum physics. New techniques are developed for bilinear integration in cases where the classical approach does not apply.

Readership: Undergraduate students and graduate students in mathematics and engineering.

Readership: Researchers in measure and integration, functional analysis, operator theory, harmonic analysis, mathematical physics and stochastic processes.

396pp 978-1-78634-333-8 978-1-78634-334-5(pbk)

252pp 978-981-3207-57-8 978-981-3207-58-5(ebook)

Apr 2017 US$118 US$68

£98 £56

Mar 2017 US$98 US$147

£81 £121


:: Bestseller


Problems and Solutions in Real Analysis (2nd Edition)

Mathematical Biology and Biological Physics

by Masayoshi Hata (Kyoto University, Japan)

edited by Rubem P Mondaini (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) This second edition introduces an additional set of new mathematical problems with their detailed solutions in real analysis. It also provides numerous improved solutions to the existing problems from the previous edition, and includes very useful tips and skills for the readers to master successfully. There are three more chapters that expand further on the topics of Bernoulli numbers, differential equations and metric spaces. Each chapter has a summary of basic points, in which some fundamental definitions and results are prepared. The book can be treated as a collection of advanced exercises by undergraduate students.

This book contains comprehensive reviews written by senior experts. There are new results on research in the pattern recognition of probability distribution of amino acids, on somitogenesis through reaction-diffusion models, on the mathematical modelling of infectious diseases, on the biophysical modelling of physiological disorders, on the sensitive analysis of parameters of malaria models, on the stability and hopf bifurcation of ecological and epidemiological models, on the viral infection of bee colonies and on the structure and motion of proteins.

Readership: Undergraduates and graduate students.

Readership: Undergraduates, graduates, researchers and all practitioners in Mathematical Biology, Biological Physics and Mathematical Modelling of Biosystems.

376pp 978-981-3142-81-7 978-981-3142-82-4(pbk)

380pp 978-981-3227-87-3 978-981-3227-88-0(ebook)

Feb 2017 US$88 US$48

£73 £40

A Quick Introduction to Complex Analysis by Kalyan Chakraborty (Harish-Chandra Research Institute, India), Shigeru Kanemitsu (Kindai University, Japan) & Takako Kuzumaki (Gifu University, Japan) The raison d’être of the present book is that it is extremely reader-friendly while keeping rigor of serious mathematics and in-depth analysis of practical applications to various subjects including thermodynamics, fluid dynamics, control theory, information theory etc. There are many examples and worked-out exercises will help the reader to master the fundamental skills. It gives some different approaches to the same topic and so just browsing through them is beneficial Readership: Advanced undergraduate mathematics, physics and engineering students; researchers. 208pp 978-981-3108-50-9 978-981-3108-51-6(pbk)

Oct 2016 US$75 US$38

£62 £32

Problems and Solutions in Introductory and Advanced Matrix Calculus (2nd Edition) by Willi-Hans Steeb, Yorick Hardy (University of Johannesburg & University of South Africa)

Sept 2017 US$138 US$207

£121 £182

Dynamical System Models in the Life Sciences and Their Underlying Scientific Issues by Frederic Y M Wan (UC Irvine) Key Features: • When mathematical techniques are introduced, they are initiated and motivated by specific questions on biological phenomena so that readers can see the need for the relevant mathematics in the life sciences • Nearly all mathematical methods introduced to analyze specific models in the volume can be traced back to, and explained in terms of basic calculus and/or matrix operations familiar to the readers • By asking different questions about the same biological phenomenon, a familiar model is routinely extended or modified to a different level of complexity to motivate the need for more mathematics Readership: Undergraduates in mathematical biology, mathematical modeling of dynamical systems, optimization and control, viral dynamics (infectious diseases), oncology. 392pp 978-981-3143-33-3 978-981-3143-70-8(pbk)

Sep 2017 US$128 US$78

£113 £69

This book provides an extensive collection of problems with detailed solutions matrix calculus. Supplementary problems in each chapter will challenge and excite readers. The coverage includes systems of linear equations, linear differential equations, integration and matrices, Kronecker product and vec-operation as well as functions of matrices. Furthermore, specialized topics such as spectral theorem, nonnormal matrices and mutually unbiased bases are included. Many problems relate to applications for group theory, Lie algebra theory, wavelets, graph theory and matrix-valued differential forms. Computer algebra programs in Maxima and SymbolicC++ are provided. Readership: Undergraduate and graduate students and researchers in mathematics, physics and engineering. 568pp 978-981-3143-78-4 978-981-3143-79-1(pbk)

Sep 2016 US$148 US$68

£123 £56


NOTABLE BACKLIST Medical Statistics and Computer Experiments (2nd Edition) Ji-Qian Fang (Sun Yat-Sen University, P R China)

Mathematics 2018

MATHEMATICAL COMPUTATION & MODELING Fractional Calculus and Waves in Linear Viscoelasticity (2nd Edition) An Introduction to Mathematical Models by Francesco Mainardi (University of Bologna, Italy) This book is a self-contained treatment of the mathematical theory of linear (uni-axial) viscoelasticity (constitutive equation and waves) with particular regard to models based on fractional calculus. The explanations in the book are detailed enough to capture the interest of the curious reader, and complete enough to provide the necessary background material needed to delve further into the subject and explore the research literature. In particular the relevant role played by some special functions is pointed out along with their visualization through plots. Graphics are extensively used in the book and a large general bibliography is included at the end. Readership: Engineers, graduate students and researchers in applied sciences. 400pp 978-1-78326-398-1 978-1-78326-399-8(ebook)

May 2018 US$150 US$225

£125 £187

Fractional Kinetics in Space Anomalous Transport Models by Vladimir V Uchaikin, Renat Sibatov (Ulyanovsk State University, Russia) This book is first of its kind describing a new direction in modeling processes taking place in interplanetary and interstellar space (magnetic fields, plasma, cosmic rays etc.). This method is based on a special mathematical analysis — fractional calculus. The reader will find in this book clear physical explanation of the fractional approach and will become familiar with basic rules in this calculus and main results obtained in frame of this approach. In spite its profound subject, the book is not overloaded by mathematical details. It contains many illustrations, rich citation and remains accessible for a wide circle of physicists. Readership: Graduate and postgraduate students, researchers specializing in applications of fractional calculus, astrophysics, solar-terrestrial science and physics of cosmic rays. 300pp 978-981-3225-42-8

Jan 2018 US$108

This book prepares students to engage with the research literature in mathematical modeling of biological systems, assuming they have had only one semester of calculus. The text includes projects, problems and exercises: the projects ask the students to engage with the research literature, problems ask the students to extend their understanding of the materials and exercises ask the students to check their understanding as they read the text. Students who successfully work their way through the text will be able to engage in a meaningful way with the research literature such that they would be able to make genuine contributions to the literature. Readership: Undergraduates in biomathematics, mathematical biology, mathematical modeling, applied mathematics, and dynamical systems. Nov 2017 US$95

This book fills a gap in the existing literature by offering an original contribution to the field of discontinuous mechanical systems based on mathematical and numerical modeling as well as the control of such systems. Each chapter provides readers with both the theoretical background and results of verified and useful computations, including solutions of the problems of modeling and application of friction laws in numerical computations, results from finding and analyzing impact solutions, the analysis and control of dynamical systems with discontinuities, etc. Readership: Physicists and mechanical engineers. 270pp 978-981-3225-28-2 978-981-3225-29-9(ebook)

Sep 2017 US$98 US$147

£86 £129

Method of Lines Analysis of Turing Models by W E Schiesser (Lehigh University, USA) This book is directed toward the numerical integration of a system of partial differential equations (PDEs) that describes reaction-diffusion PDEs. It provides a basic discussion of numerical methods and associated computer routines for reaction-diffusion systems of varying form. The presentation is in terms of detailed examples at an introductory level. This should assist readers who are interested in developing computerbased analysis for reaction-diffusion PDE systems without having to first study numerical methods and computer programming (coding). The routines in R are available through a download link. Hence, readers can execute the PDE models to reproduce the reported solutions and experiment with the models. Readership: Biologists, medical researchers and clinicians, biophysicists, biochemists, biomathematicians, anthropologists, engineers (biomedical, electrical, chemical). 268pp 978-981-3226-69-2 978-981-3226-70-8(ebook)

Aug 2017 US$88 US$132

£77 £116

Mathematics of Planet Earth

Case Studies from Lake Victoria by Nathan C Ryan (Bucknell University, USA), Dorothy Wallace (Dartmouth College, USA)

270pp 978-981-3222-77-9

by Paweł Olejnik, Jan Awrejcewicz (Lodz University of Technology, Poland) & Michal Feˇckan (Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia)


Applications of Calculus to Biology and Medicine


Modeling, Analysis and Control of Dynamical Systems

A Primer by Darryl Holm, Colin Cotter, Davoud Cheraghi, Ben Calderhead (Imperial College London, UK), Jochen Broecker, Tobias Kuna, Ted Shepherd, Hilary Weller (University of Reading, UK) & Beatrice Pelloni (Heriot-Watt University, UK) edited by Dan Crisan (Imperial College London, UK) Organisations in Mathematics of Planet Earth (MPE) work together to tackle global environmental, social and economic problems using mathematics. This textbook introduces the fundamental topics of MPE while explaining their modern usages and operational connections. In particular, it discusses the links between partial differential equations, data assimilation, dynamical systems, mathematical modelling and numerical simulations and applies them to insightful examples. Readership: Advanced undergraduate and graduate students in mathematics, physics and engineering; advanced students of geophysical fluid dynamics (GFD) for meteorology, atmospheric science and oceanography. 250pp 978-1-78634-382-6


Sep 2017 US$98



The Limits of Mathematical Modeling in the Social Sciences

Geometry, Language and Strategy (Volume 2)

The Significance of Gödel’s Incompleteness Phenomenon edited by Francisco Antonio Doria (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)

The Dynamics of Decision Processes by Gerald H Thomas (Milwaukee School of Engineering, USA)

Current mathematical models are notoriously unreliable in describing the time evolution of unexpected social phenomena, from financial crashes to revolution. Can such events be forecast? Can we compute probabilities about them? Can we model them? This book investigates and attempts to answer these through Gödel’s two incompleteness theorems. Many mathematical models are applied to economics and social theory, while Gödel’s theorems are able to predict their limitations for more accurate analysis and understanding of national and international events.

To study the consequences of the deterministic approach in contrast to standard Bayesian approaches, the richness of applications, requires an engineering foundation and discipline, which this volume supplies. It provides a richer list of applications, such as the Prisoner’s Dilemma, which extends the resonant behavior of Vol. 1 to more general time-dependent and transient behaviors. Readership: Researchers in game theory, optimization, control theory, fluid mechanics, electrical engineering.

Readership: Graduate level mathematicians applying research to social sciences; formal logicians; philosophers of science.

852pp 978-981-4719-92-6 978-981-4719-93-3(ebook)

288pp 978-1-78634-315-4 978-1-78634-316-1(ebook)

Differential Equations as Models in Science and Engineering

Aug 2017 US$118 US$177

£98 £147

Series on Advances in Mathematics for Applied Sciences - Vol 87

Mathematical Methods for the Natural and Engineering Sciences (2nd Edition) by Ronald E Mickens (Clark Atlanta University, USA) “The reader shall also benefit from numerous exercises which conclude each chapter along with helpful bibliographic comments and extensive lists of recommended literature ... Most chapters can be studied independently of each other. The text contains enough material to support courses on advanced engineering mathematics, mathematical methods or mathematical physics and thus is warmly recommended as supplementary reading. The book shall also prove very helpful to specialists who look for a well-written introduction to basic mathematical techniques used for solving applied problems.” Zentralblatt MATH Readership: Undergraduate and graduate students, and researchers. 640pp 978-981-3202-70-2

Feb 2017 US$138


Fractional Calculus (2nd Edition) Models and Numerical Methods by Dumitru Baleanu (Çankaya University & Institute of Space Science), Kai Diethelm (Technische Universität Braunschweig & Gesellschaft für numerische Simulation mbH, Germany), Enrico Scalas (University of Sussex, UK & Basque Center for Applied Mathematics, Spain) & Juan J Trujillo (University of La Laguna, Spain)

Nov 2016 US$222 US$333

by Gregory Baker (The Ohio State University, USA) This textbook develops a coherent view of differential equations by progressing through a series of typical examples in science and engineering that arise as mathematical models. All steps of the modeling process are covered: formulation of a mathematical model; the development and use of mathematical concepts that lead to constructive solutions; validation of the solutions; and consideration of the consequences. The volume engages students in thinking mathematically, while emphasizing the power and relevance of mathematics in science and engineering. Readership: Undergraduates in science and engineering. 392pp 978-981-4656-96-2 978-981-4656-97-9(pbk)

Sep 2016 US$95 US$48

Mathemusical Conversations Mathematics and Computation in Music Performance and Composition edited by Jordan B L Smith (National Institute for Advanced Industrial Research and Technology (AIST), Japan), Elaine Chew (Queen Mary University of London, UK) & Gérard Assayag (Institut de Recherche et de Coordination Acoustique/Musique (IRCAM), France)

Readership: Scientists, mathematicians, musicians. 316pp 978-981-3140-09-7 978-981-3140-10-3(ebook)

Sep 2016 US$128 US$192

Readership: Undergraduate and graduate students; researchers. Nov 2016 US$165 US$248

£79 £40

This book celebrates the understanding of music through mathematics, and the appreciation of mathematics through music. The contributors are world experts and leading scholars, writing on the intersection of music and mathematics. They also focus on performance and composition, two topics which are foundational both to the understanding of human creativity and to the creation of tomorrow’s music technologies.

This book will give readers the possibility of finding very important mathematical tools for working with fractional models and solving fractional differential equations. It includes a large collection of numerical methods for different problems that immediately allows the readers to implement them on a computer in a programming language of their choice.

476pp 978-981-3140-03-5 978-981-3140-04-2(ebook)

£184 £277


Geometric Mechanics (2nd Edition) Darryl D Holm (Imperial College London, UK)

£106 £159


Mathematics 2018


MATHEMATICAL LOGIC & FOUNDATIONS Computability, Forcing and Descriptive Set Theory

Risk and Stochastics

edited by Douglas Cenzer (University of Florida, USA), Christopher Porter (Drake University, USA) & Jindrich Zapletal (University of Florida, USA)

Ragnar Norberg at 70 edited by Pauline Barrieu (London School of Economics and Political Science, UK) Contributions by: Ragnar Norberg This book collects articles written by academics who have influenced and been influenced by the life and work of Professor Norberg. Celebrated here are his professional and academic achievements, most significantly the instrumental work he put into setting up the world-renowned Risk and Stochastics Group at the London School of Economics (LSE). Subjects covered include discussion of risk measurements, ruin constraint, supporting stable pensions, filtration in discrete time, Riesz means and Beurling moving averages and orthonormal polynomial expansions.

This volume presents some exciting new developments occurring on the interface between set theory and computability as well as their applications in algebra, analysis and topology. These include effective versions of Borel equivalence, Borel reducibility and Borel determinacy. It also covers algorithmic randomness and dimension, Ramsey sets and Ramsey spaces. Readership: Graduate students and researchers. 200pp 978-981-3228-22-1 978-981-3228-23-8(ebook)

Mar 2018 US$98 US$147

£86 £129

Readership: Graduate level students and researchers. 250pp 978-1-78634-194-5 978-1-78634-195-2(ebook)

May 2018 US$85 US$128

The Digital and the Real World £71 £106

A Course in Game Theory by Thomas S Ferguson (UCLA) Games are characterized by a number of players or decision makers who interact, possibly threaten each other and form coalitions, take actions under uncertain conditions, and finally receive some benefit or reward or possibly some punishment or monetary loss. In this text, we present various mathematical models of games and study the phenomena that arise. In some cases, we will be able to suggest what courses of action should be taken by the players. In others, we hope simply to be able to understand what is happening in order to make better predictions about the future. Readership: Students in mathematical economics / game theory / econometrics. 300pp 978-981-3227-34-7

Feb 2018 US$88

This book studies the foundations of mathematics, computer science, and philosophy, in order to guarantee security and reliability of the knowledge by constructive proofs, proof mining and program extraction. We start with the basics of computability theory, proof theory, and information theory. In a second step, we introduce new concepts of information and computing systems, in order to overcome the gap between the digital world of logical programming and the analog world of real computing. The book also considers consequences for digital and analog physics, computational neuroscience, financial mathematics, and the Internet of Things (IoT). Readership: Undergraduate and graduate students, scientists. 400pp 978-981-3225-48-0 978-981-3225-49-7(ebook)

Dec 2017 US$138 US$207

£121 £182


Sets and Computations

Deterministic and Stochastic Topics in Computational Finance


Computational Foundations of Mathematics, Science, Technology, and Philosophy by Klaus Mainzer (Technical University of Munich, Germany)

by Ovidiu Calin (Princeton)

edited by Sy-David Friedman (Universität Wien, Austria), Dilip Raghavan (NUS, Singapore), & Yue Yang (NUS, Singapore)

What distinguishes this book from other texts on mathematical finance is the use of both probabilistic and PDEs tools to price derivatives for both constant and stochastic volatility models, by which the reader has the advantage of computing explicitly a large number of prices for European, American and Asian derivatives. The book presents continuous time models for financial markets, starting from classical models such as Black – Scholes and evolving towards the most popular models today such as Heston and VAR. A key feature is the large number of exercises, mostly solved, which are designed to help the reader to understand the material.

This book reports on important and recent interactions between Set Theory and Computation Theory. This includes new research areas of computational complexity in set theory, randomness beyond the hyperarithmetic, powerful extensions of Goodstein’s theorem and the capturing of large fragments of set theory via elementary-recursive structures. Further chapters are concerned with central topics within Set Theory, including cardinal characteristics, Fraïssé limits, the set-generic multiverse and the study of ideals. Also Computation Theory, which includes computable group theory and measure-theoretic aspects of Hilbert’s Tenth Problem.

Readership: Undergraduates, graduate students and researchers in Mathematical Finance. 484pp 978-981-3203-07-5 978-981-3203-08-2(pbk)

Jan 2017 US$138 US$68

£115 £56

Readership: Researchers and graduate students. 272pp 978-981-3223-51-6 978-981-3223-52-3(ebook)

Sep 2017 US$108 US$162

£95 £143


:: Bestselling Author


A Beginner’s Further Guide to Mathematical Logic by Raymond Smullyan

Quantum Techniques in Stochastic Mechanics

This is the final book written by the late great puzzle master and logician, Dr. Raymond Smullyan. The present volume begins with a bit more on propositional and first-order logic, followed by a “fein” chapter, which simultaneously generalizes some results from recursion theory, first-order arithmetic systems, and a “decision machine.” Then come five chapters on formal systems, recursion theory and metamathematical applications in a general setting. The concluding five chapters are on combinatory logic, which is not only intriguing in its own right, but has important applications to computer science. Argonne National Laboratory is especially involved in these applications, and its members have found use for the author’s results in combinatory logic.

Jan 2017 US$68 US$24

We introduce the theory of chemical reaction networks and their relation to stochastic Petri nets — important ways of modeling population biology and many other fields. We explain how techniques from quantum mechanics can be used to study these models. This relies on a profound and still mysterious analogy between quantum theory and probability theory, which we explore in detail. We also give a tour of key results concerning chemical reaction networks and Petri nets. Readership: Graduate students and researchers in the field of quantum and mathematical physics. 280pp 978-981-3226-93-7 978-981-3226-95-1(ebook)

Readership: Undergraduates. 288pp 978-981-4730-99-0 978-981-4725-72-9(pbk)

by John Baez (UC Riverside & Centre for Quantum Technologies, Singapore), Jacob D Biamonte (University of Malta)

Apr 2018 US$98 US$147

£86 £129

£56 £20

:: Bestselling Author

:: Bestseller

Elementary Mechanics (In 2 Volumes)

Introduction to Mathematical Logic (Extended Edition)

by John G Papastavridis (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)

by Michał Walicki (University of Bergen, Norway) “This is an interesting text with a distinctive approach to the subject matter. This text is certainly worth a look by any instructor of a mathematical logic course, and the introductory historical discussion is a very attractive feature of the text.” MAA Reviews

This is a comprehensive and state-of-the-art compendium of NewtonianEulerian (momentum/vectorial) mechanics, from an advanced and unified (i.e. continuum) viewpoint — “elementary” simply means no Lagrangean and no Hamiltonian theories / methods, otherwise the level is graduate and beyond; yet, the presentation is eminently readable and inclusive: the style is informal and the mathematics has been kept to the simplest necessary for a work of this level and scope — all ahistorical and intuition-deadening jargon and formalisms have been intentionally avoided.

This revised edition contains also, besides many new exercises, a new chapter on semantic paradoxes.

Readership: Researchers in most areas of engineering (especially aerospace, mechanical, and engineering mechanics), physics, and applied mathematics.

Readership: Undergraduates, lecturers, professionals.

1680pp Apr 2018 978-981-4603-04-1(Set) US$384 978-981-4603-05-8(Set)(ebook) US$576

304pp 978-981-4719-95-7 978-981-4719-96-4(pbk)

Oct 2016 US$85 US$48

£71 £40

£319 £478

Fractional Quantum Mechanics by Nick Laskin (TopQuark Inc., Canada)

Basic Discrete Mathematics Logic, Set Theory, and Probability by Richard Kohar (Royal Military College of Canada, Canada) “It is an excellent general basic textbook in Discrete Mathematics and Probability. This book’s raison d’être is to provide a hands-on textbook with enough pictures and diagrams to appeal to visual learners and make logic, set theory and probability more accessible. This book would be a welcome study for someone who is interested in the mathematical concepts of set theory, logic and probability. It is both entertaining and informative, while still keeping sufficient mathematical rigor.” LMS Newsletter Readership: Undergraduates. 732pp 978-981-4730-39-6 978-981-3147-54-6(pbk)

Aug 2016 US$148 US$78

£123 £65

This book summarizes fundamentals and applications of fractional quantum mechanics. The book presents the fractional Schrödinger equation, which is a manifestation of fractional quantum mechanics. A new theoretical tool — fractional path integral — the path integral over Lévy flights, has been presented. The fractional path integral method enhances the well-known Feynman path integral framework. The book covers related topics on time fractional quantum mechanics, fractional classical mechanics and the _-stable Lévy random process. Readership: Graduate students and researches in quantum theory, stochastic processes, statistical mechanics, special functions. 300pp 978-981-3223-79-0 978-981-3223-80-6(ebook)

Mar 2018 US$98 US$147

£86 £129


Mathematics 2018 Quantum Systems and Finite Approximations Archimedean and Non-Archimedean by Trond Digernes (The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)), Erik Makino Bakken (Norwegian Defence Research Establishment) In this volume various aspects of non-Archimedean quantum systems are discussed, such as spectral properties of their Schrö dinger operators, and their ability to be approximated by finite systems. Non-Archimedean stochastic methods are also discussed. Readership: Researchers in mathematical physics, quantum physics and quantum mechanics. 150pp 978-981-4713-49-8 978-981-4713-50-4(ebook)

Feb 2018 US$90 US$135

£75 £112

This book provides a comprehensive introduction to Fock space theory and its applications to mathematical quantum field theory. Part I is devoted to detailed descriptions of analysis on abstract Fock spaces (full Fock space, boson Fock space, fermion Fock space and boson-fermion Fock space). Part II covers applications of the mathematical theories in Part I to quantum field theory. Four kinds of free quantum fields are constructed and detailed analyses are made. A simple interacting quantum field model, called the van Hove model, is fully analyzed in an abstract form. Moreover, a list of interacting quantum field models is presented with a short description each. Readership: Advanced undergraduate and graduate students; researchers in mathematics or physics.

£139 £209

Langevin and Fokker – Planck Equations and their Generalizations Descriptions and Solutions by Sau Fa Kwok (State University of Maringá, Brazil)


This invaluable book provides a broad introduction to a rapidly growing area of nonequilibrium statistical physics. Some topics and methods of solutions are presented and discussed in details, such as the method of similarity solution, the method of characteristics, transformation of diffusion processes into the Wiener process in different prescriptions, harmonic noise and relativistic Brownian motion. Connection between the Langevin equation and Tsallis distribution is also discussed. Readership: Advanced undergraduate and graduate students in mathematical physics and statistical physics; biologists and chemists who are interested in nonequilibrium statistical physics. 200pp 978-981-3228-40-5 978-981-3228-41-2(ebook)

Feb 2018 US$98 US$147

This book demonstrates that quantum mechanics can indeed be viewed as a refinement of Hamiltonian mechanics, and builds on George Mackey’s work in relation to their mathematical foundations. When looking at the differences with classical mechanics, quantum mechanics crucially depends on the value of Planck’s constant h. Recent cosmological observations tend to indicate that not only the fine structure constant ̞ but also h might have varied in both time and space since the Big Bang. We explore mathematical and physical consequences of a variation of h; surprisingly we see that a decrease of h leads to transitions from quantum to classical.

300pp 978-1-78634-414-4 978-1-78634-415-1(ebook)

An Introduction to Mathematical Analysis of Quantum Fields by Asao Arai (Hokkaido University, Japan)

Apr 2018 US$168 US$252

Mathematical Aspects of Quantum Processes by Maurice de Gosson (University of Vienna, Austria)

Readership: Undergraduate and graduate students of mathematics and physics

Analysis on Fock Spaces and Mathematical Theory of Quantum Fields

870pp 978-981-3207-11-0 978-981-3207-12-7(ebook)

Emergence of the Quantum from the Classical

Jan 2018 US$128 US$192

£113 £170

:: Bestselling Author Noncommutative Cosmology by Matilde Marcolli (California Institute of Technology, USA) Modified gravity models play an important role in contemporary theoretical cosmology. The present book proposes a novel approach to the topic based on techniques from noncommutative geometry, especially the spectral action functional as a gravity model. While there are recent books that focus on applications of noncommutative geometry to particle physics models, there is presently no other book that focuses on applications to cosmology Readership: Graduate students and researchers in mathematical physics and theoretical cosmology. 250pp 978-981-3202-83-2 978-981-3202-84-9(pbk) 978-981-3202-85-6(ebook)

Jan 2018 US$75 US$38 US$113

£62 £32 £93

Series on Analysis, Applications and Computation

The Linearised Dam-Break Problem by D J Needham, S McGovern & J A Leach (University of Birmingham, UK) The monograph addresses a canonical problem in linear water wave theory, through the developmentdetailed, asymptotic analysis of contour integrals in the complex plane. It is anticipated that the methodology developed in the monograph will have applications to many associated linear wave evolution problems, to which the reader may adapt the approach developed in the monograph. The approach adopted in the monograph is novel, and there are no existing publications for comparison. Readership: Graduate students and researchers.

£86 £129

168pp 978-981-3223-87-5 978-981-3223-88-2(ebook)

Nov 2017 US$88 US$132

£77 £116


Scattering by Obstacles and Potentials

Lecture Notes in Topics in Path Integrals and String Representations

by Alexander G Ramm (Kansas State University, USA)

by Luiz C L Botelho (Federal Fluminense University, Brazil)

The book is important as it contains results many of which are not available in the literature, except in the author’s papers. Among other things, it gives uniqueness theorems for inverse scattering problems when the data are non-over-determined, numerical method for solving inverse scattering problems, a method (MRC) for solving direct scattering problem.

This book presents a unique, original and modern treatment of strings representations on Bosonic Quantum Chromodynamics and Bosonization theory on 2d Gauge Field Models, besides of rigorous mathematical studies on the analytical regularization scheme on Euclidean quantum field path integrals and stochastic quantum field theory. It follows an analytic approach based on Loop space techniques, functional determinant exact evaluations and exactly solubility of four dimensional QCD loop wave equations through Elfin Botelho fermionic extrinsic self avoiding string path integrals.

Readership: Researchers and graduate students in mathematics, computational mathematics, physics, acoustics, mechanical engineering. 650pp 978-981-3220-96-6 978-981-3220-97-3(ebook)

Jan 2018 US$158 US$237

£131 £197

244pp 978-981-3143-46-3 978-981-3143-47-0(ebook)

Strong Uniformity and Large Dynamical Systems

Dynamical and Complex Systems edited by Shaun Bullett (Queen Mary University of London, UK), Tom Fearn & Frank Smith (University College London, UK)

Readership: Researchers in dynamical systems and ergodic theory and statistical physics.

£139 £209

The Wigner Transform

228pp 978-1-78634-102-0 978-1-78634-104-4(ebook)

by Maurice de Gosson (University of Vienna, Austria) This book provides an in-depth and rigorous study of the Wigner transform and its variants. They are presented first within a context of a general mathematical framework, and then through applications to quantum mechanics. The Wigner transform was introduced as a probability quasidistribution which allows expression of quantum mechanical expectation values in the same form as the averages of classical statistical mechanics. It is also used in signal processing as a transform in time-frequency analysis, closely related to the windowed Gabor transform. Readership: Advanced-level students and professors in mathematics and mathematical physics; research mathematicians, engineers and chemists active in the field. May 2017 US$118 US$58

This book leads readers from a basic foundation to an advanced level understanding of dynamical and complex systems. It is the perfect text for those looking for support in topics such as applied dynamical systems, Lotka – Volterra dynamical systems, applied dynamical systems theory, dynamical systems in cosmology, aperiodic order, and complex systems dynamics. Readership: Researchers, graduate or PhD mathematical-science students.

Advanced Textbooks in Mathematics

252pp 978-1-78634-308-6 978-1-78634-309-3(pbk)

£81 £121

LTCC Advanced Mathematics Series - Vol 5

It is the first book about a new aspect of Uniform distribution, called Strong Uniformity. Besides developing the theory of Strong Uniformity, the book also includes novel applications in the underdeveloped field of Large Dynamical Systems.

Sep 2017 US$158 US$237

Apr 2017 US$98 US$147

:: Bestselling Series

by Jozsef Beck (Rutgers University, USA)

460pp 978-981-4740-74-6 978-981-4740-75-3(ebook)

Readership: Applied mathematicians, mathematical physicists and theoretical physicists.

£98 £48

Feb 2017 US$98 US$147

£81 £121

:: Bestselling Series LTCC Advanced Mathematics Series - Vol 6

Analysis and Mathematical Physics edited by Shaun Bullett (Queen Mary University of London, UK), Tom Fearn & Frank Smith (University College London, UK) This is a concise reference book on analysis and mathematical physics, leading readers from a foundation to advanced level understanding of the topic. This is the perfect text those looking for support in topics such as distributions, Fourier transforms and microlocal analysis, C* Algebras, value distribution of meromorphic functions, noncommutative differential geometry, differential geometry and mathematical physics, mathematical problems of general relativity, and special functions of mathematical physics. Readership: Researchers, graduate or PhD mathematical-science students. 248pp 978-1-78634-098-6 978-1-78634-100-6(ebook)

Feb 2017 US$98 US$147

£81 £121


Mathematics 2018 :: Bestselling Series

The Principles of Newtonian and Quantum Mechanics (2nd Edition)

LTCC Advanced Mathematics Series - Vol 2

The Need for Planck’s Constant, h by Maurice A de Gosson (University of Vienna, Austria) Foreword by: Basil Hiley

Fluid and Solid Mechanics edited by Shaun Bullett (Queen Mary University of London, UK), Tom Fearn & Frank Smith (University College London, UK)

This book deals with the foundations of classical physics from the “symplectic” point of view, and of quantum mechanics from the “metaplectic” point of view. The Bohmian interpretation of quantum mechanics is discussed in detail. Phase space quantization is achieved using the “principle of the symplectic camel”, which is a deep topological property of Hamiltonian flows. We introduce the notion of “quantum blob”, which can be viewed as the fundamental phase space unit. The mathematical tools developed are the theory of the symplectic and metaplectic group, the Maslov index in a rigorous form, and the Leray index of a pair of Lagrangian planes. Readership: Reserchers and graduate students in mathematical physics and physics. 424pp 978-981-3200-96-8 978-981-3200-97-5(ebook)

Jan 2017 US$158 US$237

£131 £196

An Introduction to Geometrical Physics (2nd Edition) by Ruben Aldrovandi, José Geraldo Pereira (Instituto de Física Teó rica - UNESP, Brazil) “The book contains a very large amount of material and is useful for students and specialists as a reference book.” Zentralblatt MATH This book focuses on the unifying power of the geometrical language in bringing together concepts from many different areas of physics, ranging from classical physics to the theories describing the four fundamental interactions of Nature — gravitational, electromagnetic, strong nuclear, and weak nuclear. Readership: Graduate students and researchers. 844pp 978-981-3146-80-8 978-981-3146-81-5(pbk) 978-981-3146-82-2(ebook)

Dec 2016 US$174 US$88 US$261

Readership: Researchers, graduate or PhD mathematical-science students. 228pp 978-1-78634-025-2 978-1-78634-026-9(pbk) 978-1-78634-027-6(ebook)

May 2016 US$75 US$38 US$113

LTCC Advanced Mathematics Series - Vol 1

Advanced Techniques in Applied Mathematics edited by Shaun Bullett (Queen Mary University of London, UK), Tom Fearn & Frank Smith (University College London, UK) This book is a guide to advanced techniques used widely in applied mathematical sciences research. Chapter by chapter, readers will be led from a foundation level understanding to advanced level understanding. This is the perfect text for those looking for support in techniques such as practical analytical methods, finite elements and symmetry methods for differential equations.

Probability and Randomness Quantum versus Classical by Andrei Khrennikov (Linnaeus University, Sweden) Creating a rigorous mathematical theory of randomness is far from being complete, even in the classical case. This book rectifies this and introduces mathematical formalisms of classical and quantum probability and randomness with brief discussion of their interrelation and interpretational and foundational issues. The book presents the essentials of classical approaches to randomness, enlightens their successes and problems, and then proceeds to essentials of quantum randomness. Readership: Researchers in mathematical physics, probability and statistics. 300pp 978-1-78326-796-5 978-1-78326-797-2(ebook)

May 2016 US$118 US$177

Jul 2016 US$75 US$38 US$113

£98 £147

Selected Works of Ludwig Faddeev edited by Molin Ge (Chern Institute of Mathematics & Chinese Academy of Science, China), Antti J Niemi (Uppsala University, Sweden & CNRS/ Tours, France) “Faddeev’s selected papers give ample evidence of his contributions at the forefront of physics and mathematics. The breadth, vigor and beauty of Ludwig’s permanent accomplishments fully justifies calling him the ‘Beethoven of mathematical physics.’” Professor Roman W Jackiw (Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)) Readership: Graduate students and researchers. 596pp 978-981-4340-95-3 978-981-3109-33-9(pbk) 978-981-4340-96-0(ebook)

Apr 2016 US$168 US$84 US$252

Readership: Researchers, graduate or PhD mathematical-science students. 204pp 978-1-78634-021-4 978-1-78634-022-1(pbk) 978-1-78634-023-8(ebook)

£62 £32 £93

Fifty Years of Mathematical Physics £144 £73 £217

:: Bestselling Series


This book leads readers from a basic foundation to an advanced-level understanding of fluid and solid mechanics. Perfect for those looking for help in understanding the fundamentals of the topic, it also explores more specific areas such as multi-deck theory, time-mean turbulent shear flows, non-linear free surface flows, and internal fluid dynamics.


Gauge Fields, Knots and Gravity John Baez & Javier P Muniain (UC Riverside)

£139 £70 £209


MATHEMATICS EDUCATION Theoretical and Practical Pedagogy of Mathematical Music Theory Music for Mathematics and Mathematics for Musicians, From School to Postgraduate Levels edited by Mariana Montiel (Georgia State University, USA), Francisco Gómez (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain) Mathematicians found stimulating ideas when exploring applications to established musical relations. Mathematics students have seen, in these courses, how their accumulated knowledge of abstract ideas can be applied to an important human activity while reinforcing their dexterity in Mathematics. We have developed courses for high school teachers and students of mathematics educations. These courses and projects have been implemented, apart from in the USA, China, Ireland, France, Australia, and Spain. This book exposes the motivation and content of these courses while contributing concrete materials for those interested readers.

Empowering Mathematics Learners edited by Berinderjeet Kaur, Ngan Hoe Lee (NTU, Singapore) This book contributes towards the literature in the field of mathematics education, specifically on aspects of empowering learners of mathematics. The book, comprising eighteen chapters, written by renowned researchers in mathematics education, provides readers with approaches and applicable classroom strategies to empower learners of mathematics. The four sections focus on how learners could be empowered in their learning, cognitive and affective processes, through mathematical content, purposefully designed mathematical tasks, whilst developing 21st century competencies. Readership: Graduate students, researchers, practitioners and teachers in mathematics. 396pp 978-981-3224-21-6 978-981-3224-22-3(ebook)

Jun 2017 US$78 US$117

£69 £104

Readership: Students, teachers, researchers. 250pp 978-981-3228-34-4 978-981-3228-35-1(ebook)

Sep 2018 US$108 US$162

£95 £143

School Mathematics Textbooks in China Comparative Studies and Beyond edited by Jianpan Wang (East China Normal University, China) Comparative studies of school textbooks cover content selection, compilation style, representation method, design of examples and exercises, mathematics investigation, the use of information technology, and composite difficulty level, to name a few. Other papers included are about representation of basic mathematical thought in school textbooks, a study on the compilation features of elementary school textbooks, and a survey of the effect of using new elementary school textbooks.

Elementary School Mathematics for Parents and Teachers (Volume 2) by Raz Kupferman (The Hebrew University, Israel) This book focuses both on content knowledge and on pedagogical content knowledge. It bridges the gap between fundamental mathematical principles and good teaching practices. It also offers the reader a glimpse on how mathematicians perceive elementary mathematics and presents ideas for specific mathematical activities. Volume 2 focuses on content taught in the higher grades of elementary school. It covers the following topics: multiplication and division of multi-digit numbers, divisibility and primality, divisibility signs, sequences, fractions and their representations, and fraction arithmetic. Readership: Elementary school teachers and parents 304pp 978-981-3108-92-9 978-981-3108-93-6(pbk)

May 2017 US$98 US$48

£81 £40

Readership: Researchers in mathematics education. 350pp 978-981-4713-93-1 978-981-4713-94-8(pbk) 978-981-4713-95-5(ebook)

May 2018 US$110 US$58 US$165

£91 £48 £137

Series on Mathematics Education

Mathematics and its Teaching in the Muslim States edited by Bruce R Vogeli (Columbia University, USA), Mohamed El Tom (Khartoum Technical University, Sudan) This anthology reviews the history, current states, and plans for the development of mathematics education in the Muslim States in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. There is an introduction by Ahmed Djebbar, the most prominent contemporary scholar of Muslim mathematics. The chapters are written by respective national experts in mathematics education.

Diversifying Mathematics Teaching Advanced Educational Content and Methods for Prospective Elementary Teachers by Sergei Abramovich (State University of New York at Potsdam, USA) The book is written to enhance the preparation of elementary teacher candidates by offering teaching ideas conducive to the development of deep understanding of concepts fundamental to the mathematics curriculum they are to teach. It intends to show how the diversity of teaching methods stems from the knowledge of mathematics content and how the appreciation of this diversity opens a window to the teaching of extended content. Readership: Mathematics teachers, practicing teachers of elementary mathematics.

Readership: Researchers, policy makers, politicians and general public. 300pp 978-981-3146-77-8 978-981-3146-78-5(ebook)

Feb 2018 US$128 US$192

£106 £159

284pp 978-981-3206-87-8 978-981-3208-90-2(pbk) 978-981-3206-88-5(ebook)

Apr 2017 US$98 US$48 US$147

£81 £40 £121


Mathematics 2018 Does Mathematical Study Develop Logical Thinking?


Testing the Theory of Formal Discipline by Matthew Inglis, Nina Attridge (Loughborough University, UK)

High Accuracy Algorithm for the Differential Equations Governing Anomalous Diffusion

“This book is interesting and well-written. The research methods were explained clearly and conclusions were summarized nicely. It is a relatively quick read at only 130 pages. Anyone who has been told, or who has told others, that mathematicians make better thinkers should read this book.”

Algorithm and Models for Anomalous Diffusion by Weihua Deng, Zhijiang Zhang (Lanzhou University, China)

MAA Reviews Readership: Students, researchers and policymakers in education, further education and mathematics. 204pp 978-1-78634-068-9 978-1-78634-069-6(ebook)

Nov 2016 US$102 US$153

£85 £127

Developing 21st Century Competencies in the Mathematics Classroom

The book is written by renowned researchers and provides readers with approaches and applicable classroom strategies to foster skills and dispositions that will enable learners to thrive in the fastchanging and complex world. The first theme is an examination of what is meant by 21st century competencies and how they can be developed within the context of the mathematics curriculum. The second is an in-depth discussion of evidencebased practices aimed at fostering specific competencies like metacognition and reflective thinking, critical thinking and communication skills. The last theme is about teaching approaches that are likely to feature increasingly in the 21st century classroom, for example flipped learning or the use of comics and storytelling. Readership: Graduate students, researchers, practitioners and teachers in mathematics. Jul 2016 US$78 US$117

£65 £97

Math Makes Sense! A Constructivist Approach to the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics by Ana Helvia Quintero (University of Puerto Rico), Héctor Rosario (North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics, USA)


£106 £159

Explorations in Numerical Analysis by James V Lambers, Amber C Sumner (The University of Southern Mississippi, USA) This textbook introduces students to the field of numerical analysis. This field pertains to the design, analysis, and implementation of algorithms for the approximate solution of mathematical problems that arise in applications spanning science and engineering, and are not practical to solve using analytical techniques such as those taught in courses in calculus, linear algebra or differential equations. For each problem considered, the presentation includes the derivation of solution techniques, analysis of their efficiency, accuracy and robustness, and details of their implementation, illustrated through the MATLAB programming language. Readership: Advanced undergraduate and graduate students in numerical analysis, approximations and expansions, linear and multilinear algebra/ matrix theory and ordinary differential equations. 500pp 978-981-3209-96-1 978-981-3209-97-8(pbk)

Feb 2018 US$118 US$68

£98 £56

by John Loustau (Hunter College, City University of New York, USA)

Readership: Teachers, researchers, parents. Apr 2016 US$78 US$38 US$117

Apr 2018 US$128 US$192

Elements of Numerical Analysis with Mathematics

This book makes use of the realistic mathematics education (RME) philosophy, which bridges the gap between informal mathematics learning (such as in day-to-day life) and more formal teaching in school. Many real-life situations as examples for learning are included, as well as different mathematical and logic puzzles that will stimulate learning and foster understanding. The ideas presented are not confined to one national curriculum and so can be helpful worldwide.

292pp 978-1-78326-863-4 978-1-78326-864-1(pbk) 978-1-78326-865-8(ebook)

Readership: Graduate students and researchers in Numerical Analysis, Integral Equations, Partial Differential Equations, Statistical Physics, Computational Physics. 350pp 978-981-3142-20-6 978-981-3142-21-3(ebook)

edited by Pee Choon Toh, Berinderjeet Kaur (NTU, Singapore)

292pp 978-981-3143-60-9 978-981-3143-62-3(ebook)

The aim of this book is to extend the application field of ‘anomalous diffusion’, and describe the newly built models and the simulation techniques to the models. The book first introduces ‘anomalous diffusion’ from the statistical physics point of view, then discusses the models characterizing anomalous diffusion and its applications. The second main part focuses on providing the high accuracy schemes for these kinds of models, and the corresponding convergence and stability analysis.

This book develops the topic with Mathematica. The mathematical foundation and technique is included. The emphasis is geared toward the two major developing areas of applied mathematics, mathematical finance and mathematical biology. It includes much biologically based material, examples and exercises. Mathematical biology is currently the hottest area in Math. It also includes Monte Carlo method, FDM and numerical ODE methods. Hence suitable for a numerical analysis course in a Financial Math program, another hot topic for mathematics Readership: Undergraduate and master students.

£65 £32 £97

160pp 978-981-3224-15-5 978-981-3222-71-7(pbk)

Jan 2018 US$88 US$38

£77 £33


Discrete Approximation Theory


by George A Anastassiou (University of Memphis, USA), Merve Kester (Tusculum College, USA) Chapters are self-contained and can be read independently and advanced courses can be taught out of this book. Here our generalized discrete singular operators are of the following types: Picard, Gauss – Weierstrass and Poisson – Cauchy operators. We treat both the unitary and non-unitary, univariate and multivariate cases of these operators, which are not necessarily positive operators. The book’s results are expected to find applications in many areas of pure and applied mathematics, and statistics. Readership: Graduate students and researchers interested in approximation theory. 348pp 978-981-3145-83-2 978-981-3145-84-9(ebook)

Nov 2016 US$148 US$222

£123 £185

Genericity in Polynomial Optimization by Huy-Vui Hà (Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology), TiӃn-Sѫn Phҥm (University of Dalat, Vietnam) This book explains recent developments from singularity theory and semi-algebraic geometry for studying polynomial optimization problems. Classes of generic problems are defined in a simple and elegant manner by using only the two basic notions of Newton polyhedron and non-degeneracy conditions associated with a given polynomial optimization problem. These conditions are well known in singularity theory, however, rarely considered within the optimization community. Explanations focus on critical points and tangencies of polynomial optimization, Hö lderian error bounds for polynomial systems, Frank – Wolfe-type theorem for polynomial programs and well-posedness in polynomial optimization. Readership: Graduate students, PhD Students and researchers.

Numerical Differential Equations

260pp 978-1-78634-221-8 978-1-78634-222-5(ebook)

Theory and Technique, ODE Methods, Finite Differences, Finite Elements and Collocation by John Loustau (Hunter College, City University of New York, USA)

by Kung Ching Chang (Peking University, China) translated by Tan Zhang (Murray State University, USA) The book contains 20 lectures covering both the theoretical background material as well as an abundant collection of applications. Lectures 1 – 8 focus on the classical theory of calculus of variations. Lectures 9 – 14 introduce direct methods along with their theoretical foundations. Lectures 15 – 20 showcase a broad collection of applications. Readership: Undergraduates in mathematics, engineering, economics and management.

Readership: Graduate students and researchers. May 2016 US$119 US$179

£73 £110

Lecture Notes on Calculus of Variations

This text includes the three standard approaches to numerical PDE, FDM, FEM and CM, and the two most common time stepping techniques, FDM and Runge-Kutta. We present both the numerical technique and the supporting theory. The applied techniques include those that arise in the present literature. The supporting mathematical theory includes the general convergence theory. The examples presented are taken from multiple vital application areas including finance, aerospace, mathematical biology and fluid mechanics. The text may be used as the basis for several distinct lecture courses or as a reference.

384pp 978-981-4719-49-0 978-981-4719-50-6(ebook)

Feb 2017 US$88 US$132

£99 £149

324pp 978-981-3144-68-2 978-981-3146-23-5(pbk) 978-981-3144-69-9(ebook)

Nov 2016 US$148 US$68 US$222

£123 £56 £185

Discrete Fourier and Wavelet Transforms

Automated Inequality Proving and Discovering

An Introduction through Linear Algebra with Applications to Signal Processing by Roe W Goodman (Rutgers University, USA)

by Bican Xia (Peking University, China), Lu Yang (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)

“This book is suitable as a textbook for an introductory undergraduate mathematics course on discrete Fourier and wavelet transforms for students with background in calculus and linear algebra. The particular strength of this book is its accessibility to students with no background in analysis. The exercises and computer explorations provide the reader with many opportunities for active learning. Studying from this text will also help students strengthen their background in linear algebra.” Mathematical Association of America

This is the first book that focuses on practical algorithms for polynomial inequality proving and discovering. Besides brief introduction to some classical results and related work in corresponding chapters, the book mainly focuses on the algorithms, such as real root counting, real root classification, improved CAD projection, dimension-decreasing algorithm, difference substitution, and so on. All the algorithms were rigorously proved and the implementations are demonstrated by lots of examples in various backgrounds such as algebra, geometry, biological science, and computer science.

Readership: Undergraduate mathematics, science and engineering students. 300pp 978-981-4725-76-7 978-981-4725-77-4(pbk)

Mar 2016 US$98 US$48

£81 £40

Readership: Researchers and graduate students in computational real algebraic geometry, optimization and artificial intelligence. 344pp 978-981-4759-11-3 978-981-4759-12-0(ebook)

Aug 2016 US$118 US$177

£98 £147


Mathematics 2018

PROBABILITY & STATISTICS Random Processes First-Passage and Escape by Jaume Masoliver (University of Barcelona, Spain) Random processes are one of the most powerful tools in the study and understanding of countless phenomena in natural and social sciences. The book is a complete medium-level introduction to the subject. The book is written in a clear and pedagogical manner but with enough rigor and scope that can appeal to both students and researchers. This book is addressed to advanced students and professional researchers in many branches of science where level crossings and extremes appear but with some particular emphasis on some applications in socio-economic systems. Readership: Advanced students and professional researchers. 350pp 978-981-3225-31-2 978-981-3225-32-9(ebook)

Aug 2018 US$128 US$192

£113 £170

Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes with Applications (2nd Edition) by Oliver Knill (Harvard) This second edition has a unique approach that provides a broad and wide introduction into the fascinating area of probability theory. It starts on a fast track with the treatment of probability theory and stochastic processes by providing short proofs. The last chapter is unique as it features a wide range of applications in other fields like Vlasov dynamics of fluids, statistics of circular data, singular continuous random variables, Diophantine equations, percolation theory, random Schrö dinger operators, spectral graph theory, integral geometry, computer vision, and processes with high risk. Readership: Undergraduate students, graduate students and researchers in probability theory and stochastic processes. 500pp 978-981-3109-48-3 978-981-3109-49-0(pbk)

Aug 2018 US$128 US$58

£106 £48

Multifractional Stochastic Fields Wavelet Strategies in Multifractional Frameworks by Antoine Ayache (Université Lille 1, France)


In order to sharply determine path behavior of Multifractional and Anisotropic Fields, a wavelet strategy, which can be considered to be new in the probabilistic framework, has been developed since the end of the 90’s. It is somehow inspired by some rather non-standard methods, related to the fine study of Brownian Motion roughness, through its representation in the Faber – Schauder system. This book aims to present the motivations behind this wavelet strategy, and to explain how it can be applied to some more or less classical examples of Multifractional and Anisotropic Fields. The book also discusses topics concerning them which are not directly related to the wavelet strategy, namely their self-similarity property and statistical inference for them. Readership: Researchers in probability and statistics, real analysis and stochastic analysis. 250pp 978-981-4525-65-7 978-981-4525-66-4(ebook)

Jul 2018 US$113 US$170

£94 £141

Nonparametric Statistics Theory and Methods by Jayant V Deshpande (Michigan State University, USA), Uttara NaikNimbalkar (University of Pune, India) & Isha Dewan (Indian Statistical Institute) This book will introduce various types of data encountered in practice and suggest the appropriate nonparametric methods, discuss their properties through null and non-null distributions whenever possible and demonstrate the very minor loss in power and efficiency in the nonparametric method, if any. The book will cover almost all topics of current interest such as bootstrapping, ranked set sampling, techniques for censored data and Bayesian analysis under nonparametric set ups. Readership: Graduate and senior undergraduate students of statistics. 400pp 978-981-4663-57-1 978-981-4663-58-8(ebook)

Feb 2018 US$118 US$177

£98 £147

Probability and Random Number A First Guide to Randomness by Hiroshi Sugita (Osaka University, Japan) This is a book of elementary probability theory that includes a chapter on algorithmic randomness. It rigorously presents definitions and theorems in computation theory, and explains the meanings of the theorems by comparing them with mechanisms of computer, which is very effective in the current computer age. The notion of random number is necessary for understanding the essential relation between probability and randomness. The world of probability has changed very much, this book will give a big impact even to expert probabilists. Readership: First year university students to professionals. 140pp 978-981-3228-25-2 978-981-3228-26-9(ebook)

Feb 2018 US$48 US$72

£42 £63

Probability Models and Applications (Corrected 2nd Edition) by Ingram Olkin (Stanford), Leon J Gleser (University of Pittsburgh, USA) & Cyrus Derman (Columbia University, USA) Written by renowned experts in the field, this authorized reissue of a textbook has as its unifying theme the role that probability models have had, and continue to have, in scientific and practical applications. It includes many examples, with actual data, of real-world use of probability models, while expositing the mathematical theory of probability at an introductory calculus-based level. Detailed descriptions of the properties and applications of probability models that have successfully modeled real phenomena are given, as well as an explanation of methods for testing goodness of fit of these models. Readership: Undergraduates in probability models, concepts and applications. 734pp 978-981-3202-03-0 978-981-3202-04-7(pbk)

Feb 2017 US$158 US$78

£131 £65


Simulating Copulas (2nd Edition)

White Noise Analysis and Quantum Information

Stochastic Models, Sampling Algorithms, and Applications by Jan-Frederik Mai (XAIA Investment AG, Germany), Matthias Scherer (Technische Universität München, Germany)

edited by Luigi Accardi (University of Roma II, Tor Vergata, Italy), Louis H Y Chen (NUS, Singapore), Takeyuki Hida (Kyoto University, Japan), Masanori Ohya (Tokyo University of Science, Japan), Si Si (Aichi Prefectural University, Japan) & Noboru Watanabe (Tokyo University of Science, Japan) This volume is to pique the interest of many researchers in the fields of infinite dimensional analysis and quantum probability. These fields have undergone increasingly significant developments and have found many new applications, in particular, to classical probability and to different branches of physics. These fields are rather wide and are of a strongly interdisciplinary nature. This volume contains all the exciting contributions by well-known researchers in search of new directions in these fields. Readership: Mathematicians, physicists, biologists, and information scientists; advanced undergraduates and graduate students. 300pp 978-981-3225-45-9 978-981-3225-46-6(ebook)

Nov 2017 US$118 US$177

£104 £156

Statistics and Experimental Design for Psychologists

“The book is essentially self-contained, as the reader interested in copulas from the simulation point of view will find all necessary material in it, including an introduction to copulas if he has never been exposed to them. Both the theoretical and practical frameworks emerge quite clearly from the book. In any case, the rich bibliography contains all the references required for further in-depth analyses of specific issues. I think that the authors did a very good job, filling a gap in the statistical literature and providing a contribution that is going to be particularly helpful to statisticians without a specific background in copulas.” Mathematical Reviews Readership: Advanced undergraduate and graduate students; practitioners and scientists. 350pp 978-981-3149-24-3 978-981-3149-25-0(ebook)

Aug 2017 US$118 US$177

£98 £147

Expect the Unexpected (2nd Edition)

A Model Comparison Approach by Rory Allen (Goldsmiths, University of London, UK)

A First Course in Biostatistics by Raluca Balan, Gilles Lamothe (University of Ottawa, Canada)

This is the first textbook for psychologists which combines the model comparison method in statistics with a hands-on guide to computer-based analysis and clear explanations of the links between models, hypotheses and experimental designs. It covers the main statistical methods up to multifactorial and repeated measures, ANOVA and the basic experimental designs associated with them. The associated online supplementary material extends this coverage to multiple regression, exploratory factor analysis, power calculations and other advanced topics, and provides screencasts demonstrating the use of programs on a standard statistical package, SPSS.

“The book is self-contained, easy to read, and the presentation style is exact and concise, colorful examples lighten up the dry topic of statistics to the inexperienced reader. I warmly recommend this book to the target readership as a first introduction into the field.” Biometrical Journal

Readership: Undergraduate and graduate students in psychology; researchers.

Readership: Undergraduates studying probability and statistics, especially in the life and natural sciences.

350pp 978-1-78634-064-1 978-1-78634-065-8(pbk)

316pp 978-981-3209-05-3

Oct 2017 US$110 US$58

£91 £48

Jul 2017 US$88


Let Us Use White Noise

Risk Theory

edited by T Hida (Nagoya University, Japan & Meijo University, Japan), L Streit (University of Bielefeld, Germany & University of Madeira, Portugal)

A Heavy Tail Approach by Dimitrios G Konstantinides (University of the Aegean, Greece) This book is written to help graduate students and young researchers to enter quickly into the subject of Risk Theory. It can also be used by actuaries and financial practitioners for the optimization of their decisions and further by regulatory authorities for the stabilization of the insurance industry. The topic of extreme claims is especially presented as a crucial feature of the modern ruin probability. Readership: Researchers in probability, statistics, mathematical economics/ game theory/operations research. 508pp 978-981-3223-14-1 978-981-3223-15-8(ebook)

This edition contains additional topics such as power, sample size computation and non-parametric methods, and includes a large collection of new problems, as well as the answers to odd-numbered problems.

Sep 2017 US$169 US$254

Why should we use white noise analysis? Well, one reason of course is that it fills that earlier gap in the tool kit. As Hida would put it, white noise provides us with a useful set of independent coordinates, parametrized by “time”. And there is a feature which makes white noise analysis extremely user-friendly. Typically the physicist — and not only he — sits there with some heuristic ansatz, wondering whether and how this might make sense mathematically. In many cases the characterization theorem of white noise analysis provides users with a sweet and easy answer. There are applications in physics, mathematical finance, biology, and engineering. Readership: Researchers in probability theory.

£149 £224

232pp 978-981-3220-93-5 978-981-3220-94-2(ebook)

May 2017 US$98 US$147

£81 £122


Mathematics 2018 Inference, Asymptotics, and Applications

Analysis on Gaussian Spaces by Yaozhong Hu (University of Kansas, USA)

edited by Nancy Reid (University of Toronto, Canada), Torben Martinussen (University of Copenhagen, Denmark) Key Features: • Provides a comprehensive look at a number of important developments in the theory of asymptotic inference • Provides an overview of a career that successfully combined important collaborative work in applied fields with highly advanced mathematical results • Serves as a model of writing style that is concise, exceptionally clear, wide-ranging and inspiring

This book presents some fundamental results plus recent progress. We shall present some results on the Gaussian space itself such as the Brunn – Minkowski inequality, Small ball estimates, large tail estimates. The majority part of this book is devoted to the analysis of nonlinear functions on the Gaussian space. Derivative, Sobolev spaces are introduced, while the famous Poincaré inequality, logarithmic inequality, hypercontractive inequality, Meyer’s inequality, Littlewood – Paley – Stein – Meyer theory are given in details. Readership: Graduate students and researchers in probability and stochastic processes and functional analysis.

Readership: Graduate students and researchers. 364pp 978-981-3207-87-5

May 2017 US$138


484pp 978-981-3142-17-6 978-981-3142-18-3(ebook)

Nov 2016 US$155 US$233

£129 £194


Statistical Data Fusion by Benjamin Kedem (University of Maryland, College Park, USA), Victor De Oliveira (University of Texas at San Antonio, USA) & Michael Sverchkov

From Probability to Epistemology and Back by Krzysztof Burdzy (University of Washington, USA)

This book comes up with estimates or decisions based on multiple data sources as opposed to more narrowly defined estimates or decisions based on single data sources. And as the world is awash with data obtained from numerous and varied processes, there is a need for appropriate statistical methods which in general produce improved inference by multiple data sources. The book contains numerous examples useful to practitioners from genomics. Topics range from sensors (radars), to small area estimation of body mass, to the estimation of small tail probabilities, to predictive distributions in time series analysis.

This book examines some building blocks of epistemology as a prelude to the careful analysis of the foundations of probability. The concept of resonance is introduced to shed light on the philosophical problems of induction, consciousness, intelligence and free will. The same concept is later applied to provide support for a new philosophical theory of probability. The epistemological concept of resonance is investigated for the first time in this book. The best-known philosophical theories of probability, frequency and subjective, are shown to be unrealistic and dissociated from the two main branches of statistics: frequency statistics and Bayesian statistics.

Readership: Graduate students, researchers, practitioners of statistics, engineers, scientists. 200pp 978-981-3200-18-0 978-981-3200-19-7(ebook)

Mar 2017 US$98 US$147

£81 £121

Readership: Philosophers, statisticians, mathematicians, and readers interested in epistemology and probability. 428pp 978-1-78326-920-4 978-1-78326-921-1(ebook)

Jul 2016 US$144 US$216

£120 £179

Inequalities in Analysis and Probability (2nd Edition) by Odile Pons (National Institute for Agronomical Research, France)


Key Features: • It provides a unique treatment for stochastic processes and equations of their hitting times • The additional chapters present new results which generalize the existing theory of stochastic processes and calculus • It covers functional framework for the renewal theory, the exponential sub-martingales and the hitting times and the local times of Gaussian processes and processes with independent increments • The properties of the hitting times of the semi-Markovian processes are presented in an original functional framework

Jan 2017 US$110 US$165

Everyday Probability and Statistics (2nd Edition) Michael Mark Woolfson (University of York, UK) Statistics and Truth (2nd Edition) C Radhakrishna Rao (Pennsylvania State University) Extreme Value Distributions Samuel Kotz (The George Washington University, USA), Saralees Nadarajah (The University of Nottingham, UK) Bayesian Reasoning in Data Analysis Giulio D’Agostini (University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Italy) Discover Probability Arieh Ben-Naim (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel)

Readership: Graduate students and researchers 308pp 978-981-3143-98-2 978-981-3143-99-9(ebook)


£91 £137


POPULAR & RECREATIONAL MATHEMATICS Logic in Wonderland An Introduction to Logic through Reading Alice in Wonderland by Nitsa Movshovitz-Hadar (Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Israel), Atara Shriki (Oranim Academic College of Education, Israel) Learning is based upon reading from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, and discussing quotes from the book as a trigger for developing basic notion in Logic. The Teacher’s Guidebook includes the student’s handouts and exemplary solutions, as well as the background in elementary logic and pedagogical comments. There is a student’s workbook that accompanies the guidebook. The Student’s Workbook includes worksheets for independent work or for small-group activities. Our approach motivates the students through reading the classic novel Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, written by Lewis Caroll who was not only one of the best storytellers but also a logician.

May 2018 US$98 US$48

£81 £40

Student’s Workbook 200pp 978-981-3208-67-4(pbk)

May 2018 US$34


All You Need is Paper! by Ilan Garibi, David Goodman & Yossi Elran ALL YOU NEED IS PAPER! ORIGINAL DESIGNS Co-developed by a mathematician, an origami artist and a mechanical puzzle maker. EASY TO CHALLENGING One hundred unique puzzles. PROVIDES HOURS OF FUN LEARNING GEOMETRY, MATHEMATICS AND PROBLEM-SOLVING CHALLENGES CAN BE FUN! For students and teachers; parents and children; amateur and skilled mathematicians and puzzle lovers. LEARN CONCEPTS AS YOU GO! All puzzles come with a solution as well as a mathematical and geometrical explanation that can be easily understood by all. Readership: Puzzle and riddle lovers, and origami enthusiasts. 130pp 978-981-3202-40-5 978-981-3202-41-2(pbk) 978-981-3202-42-9(ebook)

Nov 2017 US$35 US$18 US$53

£29 £15 £44

The Story of Numbers by Asok Kumar Mallik (Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology)

Readership: Professional college mathematics teachers, high school mathematics teachers and high school students. Teacher’s Guidebook 300pp 978-981-3208-62-9 978-981-3209-81-7(pbk)

The Paper Puzzle Book

This book discusses various kinds of numbers and curious interconnections between them. Without getting into hardcore and difficult mathematical technicalities, the book lucidly introduces all kinds of numbers that mathematicians have created. Interesting anecdotes involving great mathematicians and their marvelous creations are included. The reader will get a glimpse of the thought process behind the invention of new mathematics. Starting from natural numbers, the book discusses integers, real numbers, imaginary and complex numbers and some special numbers like quaternions, dual numbers and p-adic numbers. Readership: Elementary and secondary education students; high school students; non-mathematicians.

Ernest Irving Freese’s “Geometric Transformations”

180pp 978-981-3222-92-2 978-981-3222-93-9(ebook)

The Man, the Manuscript, the Magnificent Dissections! by Greg N Frederickson (Purdue University, USA)

Readership: General public and math puzzle enthusiasts. Jan 2018 US$98 US$38 US$147

£42 £63

The Power of Computational Thinking

A geometric dissection is a cutting of a geometric figure (such as a regular polygon, or a star, or a cross) into pieces that we can rearrange to form another geometric figure. The best dissections are beautiful and possess economy (few pieces), symmetry, or hingeability. They are often challenging to discover. Ernest Irving Freese was an architect who lived and worked in Los Angeles until his death in 1957. Freese included elegant drawings of dissections that were both original and clever. This book introduces Freese and his creations to math puzzle enthusiasts, by way of his engaging manuscript, his wild adventures, and his lovely dissections. Frederickson also includes remarkable designs that improve on Freese’s work, and packs this book with nifty illustrations and tidbits that may well leave you speechless!

400pp 978-981-3220-46-1 978-981-3220-47-8(pbk) 978-981-3220-48-5(ebook)

Nov 2017 US$48 US$72

£81 £32 £122

Games, Magic and Puzzles to Help You Become a Computational Thinker by Paul Curzon, Peter W McOwan (Queen Mary University of London, UK) “A huge need and an outstanding author team with a glowing track record in this precise area. What more do you want?” Simon Peyton Jones (FRS) (Microsoft Research, Cambridge UK)


From the team behind Computer Science for Fun (cs4fn), this book shows that learning to think can be fascinating fun. Can you become a computational thinker? Can machines have brains? Do computers really see and understand the world? Can games help us to study nature, save lives and design the future? Can you use computational thinking in your everyday activities? Yes, and this book shows you how. Readership: General public, students, teachers, undergraduates. 232pp 978-1-78634-183-9 978-1-78634-184-6(pbk)

Mar 2017 US$58 US$24

£48 £20

Mathematics 2018 The Mathematics That Power Our World

Trigonometry Notes, Problems and Exercises by Roger Delbourgo (Formerly at Middlesex University, UK)

How Is It Made? by Joseph Khoury, Gilles Lamothe (University of Ottawa, Canada)

This book provides a thorough, intermediatelevel yet concise course in Trigonometry for use in colleges. There are 37 short chapters, each treating one specific theme and containing worked examples and easy exercises. Central to the work are the trigonometric properties of triangle ABC and its associated points. A small appendix contains some Spherical Trigonometry with interesting problems related to the earth; a larger one for enthusiastic students provides further lengthier exercises for extra practice, and full solutions are supplied in the conclusion. Readership: Students, educators and general public interested in trigonometry. 188pp 978-981-3207-10-3 978-981-3203-11-2(pbk)

Feb 2017 US$58 US$28

£48 £23

“The topics are real life applications and they are explored to a remarkable depth. Some are a bit more demanding than others, but the diversity of mathematics that is covered is probably a pleasant surprise and may serve as an eye opener that these ‘rather abstract’ mathematics can have very practical applications. It mainly deals with mathematics that are needed to write the software to make the application work. It is good enough to catch the basic principles. Instructors could easily set up some very nice projects with these topics, or some parts can be inspirational to illustrate their mathematics courses.” European Mathematical Society Readership: Advanced high school students, undergraduates and teachers. 204pp 978-981-4730-84-6 978-981-3144-08-8(pbk) 978-981-4730-85-3(ebook)

:: Bestselling Author

Jul 2016 US$55 US$28 US$83

£46 £23 £69

Prime Numbers, Friends Who Give Problems A Trialogue with Papa Paulo by Paulo Ribenboim (Queen’s University, Canada)

:: Bestselling Author Circularity

“This is a charming book, written as a conversation between mathematician Papa Paulo and his grandsons. A motivated reader can learn not only about prime numbers, but also something about how mathematicians think, work, and ask questions from reading this book.” Mathematical Association of America

A Common Secret to Paradoxes, Scientific Revolutions and Humor by Ron Aharoni (Technion, Israel)

Readership: College students, high school teachers and beginners. 336pp 978-981-4725-80-4 978-981-4725-81-1(pbk) 978-981-4725-82-8(ebook)

Jan 2017 US$75 US$38 US$113

£62 £32 £93

:: Bestselling Author

“I did enjoy reading (and re-reading) this book very much. Reading it deserves a warm recommendation not only for mathematicians but for anybody ... this book makes you think about how and what you think you are thinking.” European Mathematical Society Readership: Researchers in mathematics, philosophy and general public. 180pp 978-981-4723-67-1 978-981-4723-68-8(pbk) 978-981-4723-69-5(ebook)

Jun 2016 US$58 US$28 US$87

£48 £23 £72

Indian Mathematics


Engaging with the World from Ancient to Modern Times by George Gheverghese Joseph (University of Manchester, UK & NUS, Singapore & McMaster University, Canada)

Plain Plane Geometry

This book gives a unique insight into the history of mathematics within a historical global context. It builds on research into the connection between mathematics and the world-wide advancement of economics and technology. Joseph draws out parallel developments in other cultures and carefully examines the transmission of mathematical ideas across geographical and cultural borders.

“I believe that Sasane’s book is an excellent gateway into planar geometry: it is accessible, systematic, and thorough. It does communicate the beauty and charm of geometry. The solutions, much like the book itself, are thorough and easy to follow. Overall, the book is a fine resource for readers who are new to geometry as well as those who want to sharpen their geometric skills.” Mathematical Association of America

by Amol Sasane (London School of Economics, UK)

Readership: General audience with an interest in global history of mathematical ideas, historians, philosophers and sociologists of mathematics. 512pp 978-1-78634-060-3 978-1-78634-061-0(pbk) 978-1-78634-062-7(ebook)

Sep 2016 US$98 US$48 US$147

£81 £40 £121

Readership: Advanced high school, pre-university and undergraduate students in mathematics. 288pp 978-981-4740-43-2 978-981-4740-44-9(pbk)

Feb 2016 US$95 US$48

£79 £40


Mathematical Puzzles and Problem-solving Resources The Population Explosion and Other Mathematical Puzzles

Problem Solving in Mathematics and Beyond

A Central European Olympiad The Mathematical Duel by Robert Geretschläger (BRG Keplerstrasse, Austria), Józef Kalinowski (University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland) & Jaroslav Švrþek (Palacký University, Olomouc, Czech Republic) The wide selection of problems are presented by topic, grouped under the headings Geometry, Combinatorics, Number Theory and Algebra, which is typical for olympiad-style competitions. The participants in this particular competition range in age from 13 to 18, and the problems are created with this wide range in mind. Any interested reader is bound to find something interesting to suit their own level of experience. Readership: General public, students and teachers preparing for olympiadstyle mathematical competitions.

by Dick Hess “Almost all of the problems are fresh or at least have an extra complication to it. This is a marvelous collection that I can warmly recommend to occasional as well as diehard puzzlers.” European Mathematical Society This is a wonderful addition to Dr Dick Hess’s previous successful books. There are 116 recreational mathematical puzzles and problems that will challenge and entertain bright minds. Intended to hone mathematical thinking skills and reasoning ability, solving the puzzles may require considerable perseverance. Readership: Students, general public, professionals.

280pp 978-981-3226-16-6 978-981-3223-91-2(ebook)

Feb 2018 US$68 US$102

£60 £90

Problem Solving in Mathematics and Beyond

Teaching Children to Love Problem Solving

Readership: Teachers and parents.

£48 £20 £72

This book is a rare resource consisting of problems and solutions similar to those seen in mathematics contests from around the world. It is an excellent training resource for mathematics contests, and a wonderful collection of problems that can be used by teachers to build on students’ problem solving skills. It is also an excellent source of problems for the mathematical hobbyist who enjoys solving problems on various levels

196pp 978-981-4730-03-7(pbk) 978-981-4730-04-4(ebook)

Apr 2016 US$28 US$42

£23 £35

Problem Solving in Mathematics and Beyond - Vol 3

Problems for Metagrobologists

Strategy Games to Enhance ProblemSolving Ability in Mathematics

A Collection of Puzzles with Real Mathematical, Logical or Scientific Content by David Singmaster (University College London, UK)

by Alfred S Posamentier (Long Island University, New York, USA), Stephen Krulik (Temple University, Philadelphia, USA) Games are seen only for recreation. However, this book shows that games can be used to strengthen problem-solving skills and beyond. This book presents strategy games and discusses for each one solutions towards a winning position in the game. In most cases, these strategies are analogous to problem-solving strategies in mathematics. Readers are also exposed to a wide variety of games from several different cultures, which will broaden the perspective of the readers.

This book is a collection of over 200 problems that David Singmaster has composed since 1987. Some of the math problems have appeared in his various puzzle columns for BBC Radio and TV, Canadian Broadcasting, Focus, Games and Puzzles, the Los Angeles Times, Micromath, the Puzzle a Day memo pad and the Weekend Telegraph. While some are already classics, many of the puzzles have not been published elsewhere previously. Readership: General public.

Readership: Students and general public. Jan 2017 US$48 US$24 US$72

by David Linker, Alan Sultan (City University of New York, USA)

Readership: High school students, teachers and general public.

Problem Solving in Mathematics and Beyond - Vol 5

136pp 978-981-3146-33-4 978-981-3146-34-1(pbk) 978-981-3146-35-8(ebook)

£40 £23 £59

Mathematics Problem-Solving Challenges for Secondary School Students and Beyond

This book was developed with the caring and concerned adult in mind and is a one-stop for anyone who would like to help a child develop problem solving thinking. They will become adept at the use of problem solving strategies over the course of their development from birth. For each age range, this book provides developmental information, relevant mathematical concepts, sample problems with multiple solutions, and finally activities to engage with as a family in order to develop mathematical thinking and problem solving skill.

Jul 2017 US$58 US$24 US$87

May 2016 US$48 US$28 US$72

Problem Solving in Mathematics and Beyond - Vol 4

A Reference from Birth through Adulthood by Terri Germain-Williams (Mercy College, USA)

140pp 978-981-3209-82-4 978-981-3208-79-7(pbk) 978-981-3208-80-3(ebook)

164pp 978-981-4740-97-5 978-981-4733-75-5(pbk) 978-981-4733-76-2(ebook)

£40 £20 £60

248pp 978-981-4663-63-2 978-981-4663-64-9(pbk) 978-981-4663-65-6(ebook)

Apr 2016 US$58 US$28 US$87

£48 £23 £72


Mathematics 2018

Mathematical Olympiad and Competition Resources Mathematical Olympiad Series - Vol 15

World Century Mathematical Olympiad Series Vol 1

Mathematical Olympiad in China (2011 – 2014)

Trigonometric Functions and Complex Numbers

Problems and Solutions edited by Bin Xiong (East China Normal University, China), Peng Yee Lee (NTU, Singapore) This book includes the problems and solutions of the most important mathematical competitions from 2010 to 2014 in China. These problems are almost exclusively created by the experts who are engaged in mathematical competition teaching and researching. Some solutions are from the national training team and national team members. Readership: Mathematics students, school teachers, college lecturers, university professors; mathematics enthusiasts. 350pp 978-981-3143-74-6 978-981-3142-93-0(pbk) 978-981-3142-94-7(ebook)

Oct 2017 US$78 US$38 US$117

£65 £32 £97

Mathematical Olympiad Series - Vol 10

Solving Problems in Geometry Insights and Strategies by Kim Hoo Hang (NTU, Singapore), Haibin Wang (NUS High School of Mathematics and Science, Singapore)

£48 £28

World Century Mathematical Olympiad Series Vol 2

424pp 978-1-938134-76-0 978-1-938134-86-9(pbk)

Feb 2017 US$70 US$38

£58 £32

by Zun Shan (Nanjing Normal University, China) translated by Shanping Wang (East China Normal University, China) “The reader does not require an IMO future to find this book useful. It is an introductory probability text that can serve as an adjunct to a more detailed text, or a collection of classroom capsules also touching on algebra, number theory, combinatorics, graph theory, and geometry.” Mathematical Association of America Readership: Senior high school students engaged in math contests, math teachers, undergraduates of math major and math enthusiasts. 208pp 978-981-3141-48-3 978-981-3141-49-0(pbk)

Sep 2016 US$58 US$28

£48 £23

Mathematical Olympiad Series - Vol 13

Combinatorial Extremization

Algebraic Inequalities


Readership: School students keen to learn more of mathematics; coaches and instructors of mathematical competitions.

Probability and Expectation

Readership: Students, educators and general public interested in geometry and topology. Jul 2017 US$58 US$34

This book covers trigonometric identity, graphs and properties of trigonometric equations, inverse trigonometric functions and trigonometric equations, solutions of triangles, trigonometric substitution and trigonometric inequality; the concept and operation of complex numbers, trigonometric form of a complex number, complex number and equation. The contents are essential for the Mathematical Olympiad.

Mathematical Olympiad Series - Vol 14

Basic and advanced theorems commonly seen in Mathematical Olympiad are introduced and illustrated with plenty of examples. Special techniques in solving various types of geometrical problems are also introduced, while the authors elaborate extensively on how to acquire an insight and develop strategies in tackling difficult geometrical problems. Each chapter includes sufficient scaffolding and is comprehensive enough for self-study.

356pp 978-981-4590-72-3 978-981-4583-74-9(pbk)

by Desheng Yang (Shanghai Xiangming High School, China) translated by Chunhui Shen (Shanghai Xiangming High School, China)

by Yuefeng Feng (Shenzhen Senior High School, China)

by Ji Chen (Ningbo University, China), Chaocheng Ji (Ningbo High School, China) translated by Chaocheng Ji (Ningbo High School, China), Huyue Shen & Ruhe Wang (Zhenhai High School, China) This book serves as a good reference in the field of algebraic inequalities as faced in problems found in a Mathematical Olympiad. It is currently the hot topic in Mathematical Olympiad. It is also the basis of geometric inequalities. In addition, the book involves some analysis on inequality.

The author is one of the coaches of China’s IMO National Team, whose students have won many gold medals many times in IMO. This book discusses several aspects related to maths contests, such as algebra, number theory, combinatorics, graph theory and geometry. The book elaborates on methods of discrete extremization, such as inequality control, repeated extremum, partial adjustment, exploiting symmetry, polishing transform, space estimates, etc.

Readership: School students keen to learn more of mathematics and specifically mathematics related to the IMO; coaches and instructors of mathematical competitions.

Readership: Senior high school students engaged in math contests, math teachers, undergraduates of math major and math enthusiasts.

200pp 978-1-938134-95-1 978-1-938134-92-0(pbk)

232pp 978-981-4730-02-0 978-981-4723-16-9(pbk)

Oct 2017 US$68 US$38

£56 £32

Apr 2016 US$48 US$25

£40 £21







































































































































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Mathematics 2018 Algebra & Related Topics

Algebra Colloquium (AC)

International Journal Of Number Theory (IJNT)

Print ISSN: 1005-3867

Print / Online ISSN: 1793-0421 / 1793-7310

This is an international mathematical journal founded at the beginning of 1994. It is edited by the Academy of Mathematics & Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, jointly with Suzhou University, and published quarterly in English in every March, June, September and December. Algebra Colloquium carries original research articles of high level in the field of pure and applied algebra. This journal aims to reflect the latest developments in algebra and promote international academic exchanges.

This journal publishes original research papers and review articles on all areas of Number Theory, including elementary number theory, analytic number theory, algebraic number theory, arithmetic algebraic geometry, geometry of numbers, diophantine equations, diophantine approximation, transcendental number theory, probabilistic number theory, modular forms, multiplicative number theory, additive number theory, partitions, and computational number theory.

Editor-in-Chief Chongying Dong, University of California, Santa Cruz, USA

Managing Editors Bruce C Berndt, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA R Sujatha, The University of British Columbia, Canada Umberto Zannier, Scuola Normale Superiore, Italy

Managing Editor Zhongming Tang, Suzhou University, China

Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications (DMAA) Print / Online ISSN: 1793-8309 / 1793-8317 The aim of this journal is to advance and promote the theory and applications of discrete mathematics, which is a research area in mathematics with applications in computer science, industrial engineering, bio-informatics, chemistry and communication networks. The journal encourages contributions from the two important parts of discrete mathematics, graph theory and combinatorics. The former includes structural graph theory, extremal graph theory, algebraic graph theory, random graphs and internet graphs. The latter consists of combinatorial design, combinatorial enumeration, coding theory, combinatorial probabilistic method, etc. Co-Editors-in-Chief Ding-Zhu Du, University of Texas, Dallas, USA Jinlong Shu, East China Normal University, China


Journal of Algebra and Its Applications (JAA) Print / Online ISSN: 0219-4988 / 1793-6829 This journal publishes papers both on theoretical and on applied aspects of Algebra. There is special interest in papers that point out innovative links between areas of Algebra and fields of application. As the field of Algebra continues to experience tremendous growth and diversification, we intend to provide the mathematical community with a central source for information on both the theoretical and the applied aspects of the discipline. While the journal will be primarily devoted to the publication of original research, extraordinary expository articles that encourage communication between algebraists and experts on areas of application as well as those presenting the state of the art on a given algebraic subdiscipline will be considered. Executive Editors S K Jain, Ohio University, USA and King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia S R López-Permouth, Ohio University, USA

International Journal of Algebra and Computation (IJAC)

First Impact Factor (2016) : 1.351

Print / Online ISSN: 0218-1967 / 1793-6500

Random Matrices: Theory and Applications (RMTA)

This journal publishes high quality original research papers in combinatorial, algorithmic and computational aspects of algebra (including combinatorial and geometric group theory and semigroup theory, algorithmic aspects of universal algebra, computational and algorithmic commutative algebra, probabilistic models related to algebraic structures, random algebraic structures), and gives a preference to papers in the areas of mathematics represented by the editorial board. Managing Editor Benjamin Steinberg, City College of New York, USA Founding Editor and Honorary Editor-in-Chief John Rhodes, Univ. of California, Berkeley, USA

Print / Online ISSN: 2010-3263 / 2010-3271 This journal publishes high quality papers on all aspects regarding random matrices, both theory and applications. These areas will include, but not be limited to, spectral theory, new ensembles (those not generally considered in classical random matrix theory), and applications to a wide variety of areas, including high dimensional data analysis, wireless communications, finance, and economics. Only papers that contain original, innovative and correct results, which deepen our understanding on the theory of random matrices and its applications, will be considered for publications. Editors-in-Chief Zhidong Bai, Northeast Normal University, China Yang Chen, University of Macau, China


Applied Mathematics

Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probability and Related Topics (IDAQP) Print / Online ISSN: 0219-0257 / 1793-6306

Differential & Integral Equations

Mathematical Analysis

Open Systems & Information Dynamics (OSID) Print / Online ISSN: 1230-1612 / 1793-7191

In the past few years the fields of infinite dimensional analysis and quantum probability have undergone increasingly significant developments and have found many new applications, in particular, to classical probability and to different branches of physics. The number of first-class papers in these fields has grown at the same rate. This is currently the only journal which is devoted to these fields.

The aim of this journal is to promote interdisciplinary research in mathematics, physics, engineering and life sciences centered around the issues of broadly understood information processing, storage and transmission, in both quantum and classical settings. Our special interest lies in the information-theoretic approach to phenomena dealing with dynamics and thermodynamics, control, communication, filtering, memory and cooperative behaviour, etc., in open complex systems.

Managing Editor L Accardi, Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Italy

Editor-in-Chief M Ohya, Tokyo University of Science, Japan

Editor-in-Chief T Hida, Nagoya University and Meijo University, Japan

International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing (IJWMIP) Print / Online ISSN: 0219-6913 / 1793-690X This journal considers the current state-of-the-art theories of wavelet analysis, multiresolution and information processing as well as their applications. This journal aims at publishing papers in both the theories and applications, concentrating on the practical applications of the wavelets, multiresolution and information processing to all areas in science and engineering. Editor-in-Chief Yuan Y Tang, Chengdu University and University of Macau, China Managing Editor Luoqing Li, Hubei University, China

Journal of Hyperbolic Differential Equations (JHDE) Print / Online ISSN: 0219-8916 / 1793-6993 This journal publishes original research papers on nonlinear hyperbolic problems and related topics, of mathematical and/or physical interest. Specifically, it invites papers on the theory and numerical analysis of hyperbolic conservation laws and of hyperbolic partial differential equations arising in mathematical physics. Editor-in-Chief Philippe G LeFloch, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6), France Co-Editor Jian-Guo Liu, Duke University, USA

Impact Factor (2016) : 1.823 Ranked 15th in Mathematics Analysis and Applications (AA)

Impact Factor (2016) : 2.860 Ranked 5th in Mathematics, Applied Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences (M3AS) Print / Online ISSN: 0218-2025 / 1793-6314 The purpose of this journal is to provide a medium of exchange for scientists engaged in applied sciences (physics, mathematical physics, natural, and technological sciences) where there exists a non-trivial interplay between mathematics, mathematical modelling of real systems and mathematical and computer methods oriented towards the qualitative and quantitative analysis of real physical systems. Editors Nicola Bellomo, Politecnico di Torino, Italy Franco Brezzi, IMATI - CNR, Italy

Print / Online ISSN: 0219-5305 / 1793-6861 This journal publishes high quality mathematical papers that treat those parts of analysis which have direct or potential applications to the physical and biological sciences and engineering. Some of the topics from analysis include approximation theory, asymptotic analysis, calculus of variations, integral equations, integral transforms, ordinary and partial differential equations, delay differential equations, and perturbation methods. The primary aim of the journal is to encourage the development of new techniques and results in applied analysis. Editors-in-Chief Tong Yang, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Ding-Xuan Zhou, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Honorary Editors-in-Chief Philippe G Ciarlet, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Robert M Miura, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA Roderick S C Wong, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong



Mathematics 2018

General Mathematics

Asian-European Journal of Mathematics (AEJM) Print / Online ISSN: 1793-5571 / 1793-7183 This is an international journal which is devoted to original research in the field of pure and applied mathematics. The aim of the journal is to provide a medium by which new ideas can be discussed among researchers from diverse fields in mathematics. It publishes high quality research papers in the fields of contemporary pure and applied mathematics with a broad range of topics including algebra, analysis, topology, geometry, functional analysis, number theory, differential equations, operational research, combinatorics, theoretical statistics and probability, theoretical computer science and logic. Honorary Chief Editor Wu Wentsun, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Chief Editor K P Shum, Yunnan University, China

Mathematical Biology

Mathematical Logic & Foundations

Impact Factor (2016) : 1.191 Ranked within Quartile 1 in Mathematics Communications in Contemporary Mathematics (CCM) Print / Online ISSN: 0219-1997 / 1793-6683 With traditional boundaries between various specialized fields of mathematics becoming less and less visible, Communications in Contemporary Mathematics (CCM) presents the forefront of research in the fields of: Algebra, Analysis, Applied Mathematics, Dynamical Systems, Geometry, Mathematical Physics, Number Theory, Partial Differential Equations and Topology, among others. It provides a forum to stimulate interactions between different areas. Both original research papers and expository articles will be published. Editors-in-Chief Haïm Brezis, Rutgers University, USA Yi-Zhi Huang, Rutgers University, USA

Managing Editor Jörg Koppitz, Universität Potsdam, Germany

International Journal of Biomathematics (IJB) Asia Pacific Mathematics Newsletter (APMN) Print / Online ISSN: 2010-3484 / 2010-3492 APMN welcomes contributions on the following items: expository articles on mathematical topics of general interest, articles on mathematics education, introducing centres of excellence in mathematical sciences, news of mathematical societies in the Asia Pacific region, introducing well-known mathematicians from the Asia Pacific region, book reviews, conference reports and announcements held in Asia Pacific countries, letters from readers on relevant topics and issues, and other items of interest to the mathematical community.

International Journal of Mathematics (IJM) 38

Print / Online ISSN: 0129-167X / 1793-6519 The International Journal of Mathematics publishes original research papers of high quality in all topics of pure mathematics. The journal has been published monthly. The first issue appeared in March 1990. Founding Advisor S S Chern, Chern Institute of Mathematics, Nankai University, China Chair Yasuyuki Kawahigashi, University of Tokyo, Japan

Print / Online ISSN: 1793-5245 / 1793-7159 The goal of this journal is to present the latest achievements in biomathematics, facilitate international academic exchanges and promote the development of biomathematics. Its research fields include mathematical ecology, infectious disease dynamical system, biostatistics and bioinformatics. Editor-in-Chief Lansun Chen, Academy of Mathematics and System Sciences, Academia Sinica, and Xinyang Normal University, China

Ranked 4th in Logic Journal of Mathematical Logic (JML) Print / Online ISSN: 0219-0613 / 1793-6691 This journal provides an important forum for the communication of original contributions in all areas of mathematical logic and its applications. It aims at publishing papers at the highest level of mathematical creativity and sophistication. JML intends to represent the most important and innovative developments in the subject. Managing Editors Chitat Chong, National University of Singapore Qi Feng, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Theodore A Slaman, University of California, Berkeley, USA W Hugh Woodin, Harvard University, USA


Geometry & Topology

International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics (IJGMMP) Print / Online ISSN: 0219-8878 / 1793-6977 This journal publishes short communications, research and review articles devoted to all applications of geometric methods (including commutative and non-commutative Differential Geometry, Riemannian Geometry, Finsler Geometry, Complex Geometry, Lie Groups and Lie Algebras, Bundle Theory, Homology an Cohomology, Algebraic Geometry, Global Analysis, Category Theory, Operator Algebra and Topology) in all ďŹ elds of Mathematical and Theoretical Physics. Managing Editor Salvatore Capozziello, UniversitĂ Di Napoli “Federico IIâ€?, Italy

Mathematical Physics

Reviews in Mathematical Physics (RMP) Print / Online ISSN: 0129-055X / 1793-6659 This journal ďŹ lls the need for a review journal in the ďŹ eld, but also accepts original research papers of high quality. The review papers - introductory and survey papers - are of relevance not only to mathematical physicists, but also to mathematicians and theoretical physicists interested in interdisciplinary topics. Founding Editor Huzihiro Araki, Kyoto University, Japan Editor-in-Chief Volker Bach, TU Braunschweig, Germany Antti Niemi, Uppsala University, Sweden

First & Only Journal in Knot Theory Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications (JKTR)

Stochastics and Dynamics (SD)

Print / Online ISSN: 0218-2165 / 1793-6527

Print / Online ISSN: 0219-4937 / 1793-6799

This Journal is intended as a forum for new developments in knot theory, particularly developments that create connections between knot theory and other aspects of mathematics and natural science. The stance is interdisciplinary due to the nature of the subject. Papers include new research in the theory of knots and links, and their applications; new researches in related ďŹ elds; tutorial and review papers, etc.

This interdisciplinary journal is devoted to publishing high quality papers in modeling, analyzing, quantifying and predicting stochastic phenomena in science and engineering from a dynamical system’s point of view. Papers can be about theory, experiments, algorithms, numerical simulation and applications. Papers studying the dynamics of stochastic phenomena by means of random or stochastic ordinary, partial or functional differential equations or random mappings are particularly welcome, and so are studies of stochasticity in deterministic systems.

Editor-in-Chief L H Kauffman, University of Illinois, Chicago, USA Managing Editors J S Carter, University of South Alabama, USA Sergei Gukov, Calfornia Institute of Technology, USA S Kamada, Osaka City University, Japan S Matveev, Chelyabinsky State University, Russia

Journal of Topology and Analysis (JTA) Print / Online ISSN: 1793-5253 / 1793-7167 This journal is devoted to topology and analysis, broadly deďŹ ned to include, for instance, differential geometry, geometric topology, geometric analysis, geometric group theory, index theory, noncommutative geometry, and aspects of probability on discrete structures, and geometry of Banach spaces. We welcome all excellent papers that have a geometric and/or analytic avor that fosters the interactions between these ďŹ elds. Papers published in this journal should break new ground or represent deďŹ nitive progress on problems of current interest. On rare occasion, we will also accept survey papers. Managing Editors Shmuel Weinberger, University of Chicago, USA Guoliang Yu, Texas A&M University, USA

Editor-in-Chief Manfred Denker, Penn State University, USA Managing Editor Jinqiao Duan, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA

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Mathematics 2018 Title Index




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Boolean Functions: Cryptographic and Combinatorial Properties........................................4 Infinite Group Theory..........................................................................................................4 Compactifications of PEL-Type Shimura Varieties and Kuga Families with Ordinary Loci.....4 A Graduate Course in Algebra (In 2 Volumes) .....................................................................4 Periods and Special Functions in Transcendence .................................................................4 Lectures on Lie Groups (2nd Edition) ..................................................................................4 Crystal Bases.......................................................................................................................5 Nearrings, Nearfields and Related Topics ............................................................................5 A Walk Through Combinatorics (4th Edition) ......................................................................5 An Introduction to Non-Abelian Class Field Theory ............................................................5 Abstract Algebra (2nd Edition).............................................................................................5 The Book of Numbers .........................................................................................................5 A First Course in Linear Algebra ..........................................................................................6 Contemporary Developments in Finite Fields and Applications ...........................................6 p-Adic Aspects of Modular Forms .......................................................................................6 An Introduction to Applied Matrix Analysis.........................................................................6 Exercises in Linear Algebra .................................................................................................6 Algebra, Logic and Combinatorics ......................................................................................6 ADEX Theory ......................................................................................................................7 Galois’ Theory of Algebraic Equations (2nd Edition) ............................................................7 Information Theory .............................................................................................................7 Abstract Methods in Information Theory (2nd Edition).........................................................7 New Horizons for Second-Order Cybernetics .....................................................................7 Selected Papers of Weiyue Ding..........................................................................................8 Topics and Methods in q-Series...........................................................................................8 Lectures, Problems and Solutions for Ordinary Differential Equations (2nd Edition) ............8 Hessian Polyhedra, Invariant Theory and Appell Hypergeometric Functions........................8 A First Course in Partial Differential Equations ....................................................................8 Operator Functions and Operator Equations .......................................................................8 Matrix Methods and Fractional Calculus .............................................................................9 The Strong Nonlinear Limit-Point/Limit-Circle Problem .......................................................9 High Order Boundary Value Problems on Unbounded Domains.........................................9 Local and Global Aspects of Quasilinear Degenerate Elliptic Equations ..............................9 Functional Equations and Inequalities .................................................................................9 Non-commutative Analysis .................................................................................................9 Basic Theory of Fractional Differential Equations (2nd Edition) ............................................10 From Bessel to Multi-Index Mittag – Leffler Functions .........................................................10 An Introduction to the Theory of Wave Maps and Related Geometric Problems ..................10 Asymptotic Issues for Some Partial Differential Equations ....................................................10 Quantum Calculus..............................................................................................................10 Differential Equations (3rd Edition) .....................................................................................10 Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations for the Beginner ...............................................11 Solutions of Nonlinear Differential Equations......................................................................11 Multiple Zeta Functions, Multiple Polylogarithms and Their Special Values .........................11 Nonlinear Interpolation and Boundary Value Problems .......................................................11 Universal Formulas in Integral and Fractional Differential Calculus .....................................11 The Geometry of Spherical Space Form Groups (2nd Edition) .............................................12 New Topological Invariants for Real- and Angle-Valued Maps ............................................12 Combinatorial and Toric Homotopy ....................................................................................12 Spectral Geometry of the Laplacian ....................................................................................12 Differential Geometry of Warped Product Manifolds and Submanifolds ..............................12 Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces .....................................................................12 Geometry in Advanced Pure Mathematics ..........................................................................13 Geometry, Dynamics and Topology of Foliations.................................................................13 Dynamical Scale Transform in Tropical Geometry ...............................................................13 Introductory Topology (2nd Edition) ....................................................................................13 Undergraduate Convexity: Problems and Solutions .............................................................13 A Brief Introduction to Symplectic and Contact Manifolds ..................................................13 The “Golden” Non-Euclidean Geometry .............................................................................14 Convergence Foundations of Topology................................................................................14 Generalizations of Finite Metrics and Cuts ..........................................................................14 Lecture Notes on Generalized Heegaard Splittings .............................................................14 Geometric Analysis Around Scalar Curvatures ....................................................................14 Introduction to Modern Finsler Geometry ...........................................................................14 The Fractional Laplacian .....................................................................................................15 Lectures on Functional Analysis and Applications (2nd Edition) ..........................................15 Metric in Measure Spaces ...................................................................................................15 A Course in Analysis Vol. III ................................................................................................15 A Course in Analysis Vol. II .................................................................................................15 Harmonic Analysis and Fractal Analysis over Local Fields and Applications ........................15 Nonabsolute Integration on Measure Spaces.......................................................................16 Weighted Inequalities of Hardy Type (2nd Edition) ..............................................................16 A Friendly Approach to Functional Analysis ........................................................................16 An Introduction to Analysis .................................................................................................16 Concise Calculus ................................................................................................................16 Singular Bilinear Integrals ...................................................................................................16 Problems and Solutions in Real Analysis (2nd Edition) ........................................................17 A Quick Introduction to Complex Analysis .........................................................................17 Problems and Solutions in Introductory and Advanced Matrix Calculus (2nd Edition) .........17 Mathematical Biology and Biological Physics .....................................................................17 Dynamical System Models in the Life Sciences and Their Underlying Scientific Issues ........17 Fractional Calculus and Waves in Linear Viscoelasticity (2nd Edition) .................................18 Fractional Kinetics in Space ................................................................................................18 Applications of Calculus to Biology and Medicine ..............................................................18 Modeling, Analysis and Control of Dynamical Systems .......................................................18 Method of Lines Analysis of Turing Models .........................................................................18 Mathematics of Planet Earth................................................................................................18 The Limits of Mathematical Modeling in the Social Sciences ..............................................19 Mathematical Methods for the Natural and Engineering Sciences (2nd Edition) ..................19 Fractional Calculus (2nd Edition) ........................................................................................19 Geometry, Language and Strategy .......................................................................................19 Differential Equations as Models in Science and Engineering ..............................................19 Mathemusical Conversations ..............................................................................................19 Risk and Stochastics............................................................................................................20


A Course in Game Theory ...................................................................................................20 Deterministic and Stochastic Topics in Computational Finance ...........................................20 Computability, Forcing and Descriptive Set Theory .............................................................20 The Digital and the Real World ...........................................................................................20 Sets and Computations .......................................................................................................20 A Beginner’s Further Guide to Mathematical Logic .............................................................21 Introduction to Mathematical Logic (Extended Edition) .......................................................21 Basic Discrete Mathematics ................................................................................................21 Quantum Techniques in Stochastic Mechanics....................................................................21 Elementary Mechanics (In 2 Volumes) .................................................................................21 Fractional Quantum Mechanics ..........................................................................................21 Quantum Systems and Finite Approximations .....................................................................22 Analysis on Fock Spaces and Mathematical Theory of Quantum Fields ...............................22 Langevin and Fokker – Planck Equations and their Generalizations ....................................22 Emergence of the Quantum from the Classical....................................................................22 Noncommutative Cosmology .............................................................................................22 The Linearised Dam-Break Problem ....................................................................................22 Scattering by Obstacles and Potentials ................................................................................23 Strong Uniformity and Large Dynamical Systems ................................................................23 The Wigner Transform .........................................................................................................23 Lecture Notes in Topics in Path Integrals and String Representations ...................................23 Dynamical and Complex Systems .......................................................................................23 Analysis and Mathematical Physics .....................................................................................23 The Principles of Newtonian and Quantum Mechanics (2nd Edition)..................................24 An Introduction to Geometrical Physics (2nd Edition) .........................................................24 Advanced Techniques in Applied Mathematics ...................................................................24 Fluid and Solid Mechanics..................................................................................................24 Probability and Randomness...............................................................................................24 Fifty Years of Mathematical Physics .....................................................................................24 Theoretical and Practical Pedagogy of Mathematical Music Theory.....................................25 School Mathematics Textbooks in China .............................................................................25 Mathematics and its Teaching in the Muslim States .............................................................25 Empowering Mathematics Learners.....................................................................................25 Elementary School Mathematics for Parents and Teachers (Volume 2) .................................25 Diversifying Mathematics Teaching .....................................................................................25 Does Mathematical Study Develop Logical Thinking? .........................................................26 Developing 21st Century Competencies in the Mathematics Classroom .............................26 Math Makes Sense! .............................................................................................................26 High Accuracy Algorithm for the Differential Equations Governing Anomalous Diffusion ...26 Explorations in Numerical Analysis .....................................................................................26 Elements of Numerical Analysis with Mathematics .............................................................26 Discrete Approximation Theory...........................................................................................27 Numerical Differential Equations ........................................................................................27 Discrete Fourier and Wavelet Transforms.............................................................................27 Genericity in Polynomial Optimization...............................................................................27 Lecture Notes on Calculus of Variations ..............................................................................27 Automated Inequality Proving and Discovering ..................................................................27 Random Processes ..............................................................................................................28 Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes with Applications (2nd Edition).......................28 Multifractional Stochastic Fields..........................................................................................28 Nonparametric Statistics .....................................................................................................28 Probability and Random Number .......................................................................................28 Probability Models and Applications (Corrected 2nd Edition)..............................................28 White Noise Analysis and Quantum Information ................................................................29 Statistics and Experimental Design for Psychologists ...........................................................29 Risk Theory .........................................................................................................................29 Simulating Copulas (2nd Edition) ........................................................................................29 Expect the Unexpected (2nd Edition) ..................................................................................29 Let Us Use White Noise ......................................................................................................29 Inference, Asymptotics, and Applications............................................................................30 Statistical Data Fusion.........................................................................................................30 Inequalities in Analysis and Probability (2nd Edition) ..........................................................30 Analysis on Gaussian Spaces ..............................................................................................30 Resonance ..........................................................................................................................30 Logic in Wonderland (Teacher’s Guidebook) .......................................................................31 Logic in Wonderland (Student’s Workbook) ........................................................................31 Ernest Irving Freese’s “Geometric Transformations” .............................................................31 The Paper Puzzle Book .......................................................................................................31 The Story of Numbers .........................................................................................................31 The Power of Computational Thinking ................................................................................31 Trigonometry ......................................................................................................................32 Prime Numbers, Friends Who Give Problems .....................................................................32 Indian Mathematics ............................................................................................................32 The Mathematics That Power Our World.............................................................................32 Circularity...........................................................................................................................32 Plain Plane Geometry .........................................................................................................32 A Central European Olympiad ............................................................................................33 Teaching Children to Love Problem Solving ........................................................................33 Strategy Games to Enhance Problem-Solving Ability in Mathematics ..................................33 The Population Explosion and Other Mathematical Puzzles ................................................33 Mathematics Problem-Solving Challenges for Secondary School Students and Beyond .......33 Problems for Metagrobologists ............................................................................................33 Mathematical Olympiad in China (2011 – 2014) ................................................................34 Solving Problems in Geometry............................................................................................34 Algebraic Inequalities .........................................................................................................34 Trigonometric Functions and Complex Numbers ................................................................34 Probability and Expectations ...............................................................................................34 Combinatorial Extremization ..............................................................................................34


Author Index R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R

Abramovich Sergei .................... 25 Accardi Luigi ............................. 29 Aharoni Ron .............................. 32 Ahmad Bashir ............................ 10 Aldrovandi Ruben...................... 24 Allen Rory ................................. 29 Anastassiou George A ................ 27 Arai Asao ................................... 22 Aranson Samuil ......................... 14 Assayag Gerard .......................... 19 Attridge Nina ............................. 26 Awrejcewicz Jan ........................ 18 Ayache Antoine ......................... 28 Baez John .................................. 21 Baginski Paul ............................... 4 Baker Gregory Richard .............. 19 Bakken Erik Makino................... 22 Balan Raluca ............................. 29 Balasubramanyam Baskar ............ 6 Baleanu Dumitru ....................... 19 Banyaga Augustin ...................... 13 Barreira Luis ................................ 6 Barrieu Pauline .......................... 20 Bartusek Miroslav ........................ 9 Beck Jozsef ................................ 23 Ben-Naim Arieh........................... 7 Biamonte Jacob D ..................... 21 Bona Miklos ................................ 5 Botelho Luiz C L ........................ 23 Broecker Jochen ........................ 18 Buchanan J Robert ....................... 8 Bullet Shaun ................. 6,13,23,24 Bump Daniel ............................... 5 Burdzy Krzysztof ....................... 30 Burghelea Dan .......................... 12 Cai Tianxin .................................. 5 Calderhead Ben ......................... 18 Calin Ovidiu.............................. 20 Canteaut Anne ............................. 6 Carrasco hugo Alexandre Sacrista 9 Cenzer Douglas ........................ 20 Chakraborty Kalyan ................... 17 Chang Kung-Ching .................... 27 Chang Shou-Te ............................ 6 Chen Beng-Yen .......................... 12 Chen Ji ...................................... 34 Chen Louis Hsiao Yun ................ 29 Chen Wenxiong ......................... 15 Cheraghi Davoud ...................... 18 Chew Elaine .............................. 19 Chipot Michel Marie.................. 10 Cotter Colin ............................... 18 Crisan Dan ................................ 18 Curzon Paul ............................... 31 Darvy Alastair ............................ 12 De Gosson Maurice A ..... 22,23,24 Delbourgo Roger ....................... 32 Deng Weihua ............................ 26 Deng Yuefan ............................... 8 Derman Cyrus ........................... 28 Deshpande Jayant V ................... 28 Dewan Isha ............................... 28 Deza Elena ................................ 14 Deza Michel-Marie.................... 14 Diethelm Kai ............................. 19 Digernes Trond .......................... 22 Dolecki Szymon ........................ 14 Doria Fransisco Antonio ............ 19 Dutour Sikiric Mathieu .............. 14 Effinger Gove ............................... 6 Eie Minking ................................. 6 El Tom Mohamed E A................. 25 Eloe Paul W ............................... 11 Elran Yossi .................................. 31 Evans Kristian P ......................... 15 Farmakis Ioannis .......................... 4 Fearn Tom ..................... 6,13,23,24 Feckan Michal ........................... 18 Feng Yuefeng.............................. 34 Ferguson Thomas S .................... 20 Fine Benjamin ............................. 4


Frederickson Greg N .................. 31 Friedman Sy-David .................... 20 Gaglione anthony ........................ 4 Garibi Ilan ................................. 31 Ge Mo-Lin ................................. 24 Geba Dan-Andrei ...................... 10 Geretschlager Robert ................. 33 Germain-Williams Terri.............. 33 Gil’ Michael ................................ 8 Gilkey Peter B............................ 12 Gleser Leon J ............................. 28 Gomez Fransisco ....................... 25 Gong Sheng............................... 16 Gong Youhong ........................... 16 Goodman David ........................ 31 Goodman Roe W....................... 27 Graef John R ................................ 9 Grbic Jelena .............................. 12 Grillakis Manoussos G............... 10 Han Fei...................................... 14 Hang Kim Hoo .......................... 34 Hardy Yorick .............................. 17 Hata Masayoshi ......................... 17 Haubold Hans J ........................... 9 Hendrson Johnny L .................... 11 Hess Richard I ........................... 33 Hida Haruzo .............................. 6 Hida Takeyuki ............................ 29 Hiramatsu Toyokazu .................... 5 Holm Darryl D ......................... 18 Houenou Djideme F .................. 13 Hsiang Wu-Yi ............................. 4 Hu Yaozhong ............................ 30 Huczynska Sophie ...................... 6 Inglis Matthew .......................... 26 Jacob Niels ............................... 15 Jefferies Brian Raymond Frederick16 Ji Chaocheng ............................ 34 Jin Xiao Qing .............................. 6 Jorgensen Palle ........................... 9 Joseph George Gheverghese ..... 32 Kakihara Yuichiro ......................... 7 Kalinowski Jozef ....................... 33 Kanemitsu Shigeru .................... 17 Kato Tsuyoshi ........................... 13 Kaur Berinderjeet ................. 25,26 Kedem Benjamin ...................... 30 Kester Merve ............................. 27 Khoury Joseph .......................... 32 Khrennikov Andrei Yu ............... 24 Knill Oliver ............................... 28 Kohar Richard ........................... 21 Konstantinides Dimitrios George 29 Krulik Stephen .......................... 33 Kufner Alois .............................. 16 Kumar B Senthill ......................... 9 Kuna Tobias .............................. 18 Kupferman Raz ......................... 25 Kuzumaki Takako ...................... 17 Kwok Sau Fa ............................. 22 Lambers James V ....................... 26 Lamothe Gilles ..................... 29,32 Lan Kai-Wen................................ 4 Laskin Nick................................ 21 Leach John Andrew ................... 22 Lee Ngan Hoe ........................... 25 Lee Peng Yee .............................. 34 Li Lin ......................................... 11 Li Yan......................................... 15 Linker David L ........................... 33 Loustau John ......................... 26,27 Lu Zhi........................................ 12 Ma Pei ....................................... 15 Mai Jan-Frederik ........................ 29 Mainardi Fransesco.................... 18 Mainzer klaus ............................ 20 Maitra Subhamoy ........................ 4 Mallik Asok Kumar .................... 31 Marcolli Matilde ........................ 22 Martinussen Torben ................... 30 Masoliver Jaume ........................ 28


Mathai A M ................................. 9 Mc Laughlin James ...................... 8 Mcgovern S ............................... 22 Mcowan Peter William .............. 31 Mickens Ronald E ...................... 19 Mikusinski Jan ........................... 16 Mikusinski Piotr ......................... 16 Minhos Feliz Manuel ................... 9 Mondaini Rubem P.................... 17 Montiel Mariana ........................ 25 Mortad Mohammed Hichem ..... 13 Moskowitz Martin ....................... 4 Movshovitz-Hadar Nitsa ............ 31 MĂźller Karl H .............................. 7 Mynard Frederic ........................ 14 Naik-Nimbalkar Uttara .............. 28 Namsrai Khavtgai ...................... 11 Needham David J ...................... 22 Ng Wee Leng ............................. 16 Nielsen Mikkel Slot ................... 13 Niemi Antti ................................ 24 Ntouyas Sotiris........................... 10 Ohya Masanori .......................... 29 Olejnik Pawel ............................ 18 Oliveira Victor De...................... 30 Olkin Ingram ............................. 28 Olsen Scott ............................... 14 Panackal Harikrishnan ................. 5 Panario Daniel ............................. 6 Paneva-Konovska Jordanka ........ 10 Papastavridis John G .................. 21 Pelloni Beatrice ......................... 18 Pereira Jose Geraldo .................. 24 Persson Lars-Erik ........................ 16 Pham Tien Son ........................... 27 Pons Odile................................. 30 Porter Christopher...................... 20 Posamentier Alfred S .................. 33 Prasad Kuncham Syam................. 5 Pugachev V S ............................. 15 Quintero Ana Helvia ................. 26 Raghavan Dilip .......................... 20 Raghuram A................................. 6 Ramm Alexander G ................... 23 Rankin Stuart A ............................ 5 Rassias John Michael ................... 9 Ravi K .......................................... 9 Reid Nancy Margaret ................. 30 Reis Clive .................................... 5 Ribenboim Paulo ....................... 32 Riegler Alexander ........................ 7 Rohde Victor Ulrich ................... 13 Rojas Carlos Arnoldo morales .... 13 Rosario Hector .......................... 26 Ryan Nathan.............................. 18 Saito Seiken ................................. 5 Saito Toshio ............................... 14 Samko Natasha.......................... 16 Sasane Amol ......................... 16,32 Satyanarayana Bhavanari ............. 5 Scalas Enrico ............................. 19 Scardua Bruno ........................... 13 Scharlemann Martin .................. 14 Scherer Matthias ........................ 29 Schiesser William E.................... 18 Schilling Anne ............................ 5 Schultens Jennifer ...................... 14 Shan Zun ................................... 34 Shao Zhuode ............................... 8 Shen Yi-Bing .............................. 14 Shen Zhongmin ......................... 14 Shepherd Ted ............................. 18 Shriki Atara ................................ 31 Si Si ........................................... 28 Sibatov Renat T .......................... 18 Singmaster David....................... 33 Sinitsyn Igor............................... 15 Sirag Saul-Paul ............................. 7 Smith Frank .................. 6,13,23,24 Smith Jordan B L ........................ 19 Smullyan Raymond M ............... 21


Song Shu-Zhi ............................. 11 Srinivas Kedukodi Babushri ........ 5 Stakhov Alexey ......................... 14 Steeb Willi-Hans ....................... 17 Storme Leo .................................. 6 Streit Ludwig ............................ 29 Su Weiyi ................................... 15 Sugita Hiroshi ........................... 28 Sultan Alan ............................... 33 Sumner Amber C ....................... 26 Sverchkov Michael ................... 30 Svrcek Jaroslav .......................... 33 Szekelyhidi Laszlo .................... 11 Tariboon Jessada ....................... 10 Thandapani E .............................. 9 Thomas Gerald H ..................... 19 Tian Feng .................................... 9 Tignol Jean-Pierre ....................... 7 Tioluine Jacques ......................... 6 Toh Pee Choon ......................... 26 Tretkoff Paula B ........................... 4 Trujillo Juan J ............................ 19 Uchaikin Vladimir V ................. 18 Umehara Masaaki ..................... 12 Umpleby Stuart A ........................ 7 Urakawa Hajime ....................... 12 Valls Claudia .............................. 6 Veron Laurent ............................. 9 Vogeli Bruce R .......................... 25 Vong Seak-Weng ........................ 6 Vrabie Iona I .............................. 10 Vui Ha Huy ............................... 27 Walicki Michal .......................... 21 Wallace Dorothy I ..................... 18 Wan Frederic Y M ...................... 17 Wang Haibin ............................. 34 Wang Jianpan ............................ 25 Wang Jinrong............................. 10 Wang Youde ................................ 8 Watanabe Noboru ..................... 29 Weller Hilary ............................. 18 Wu Jie ....................................... 12 Xia Bican ................................... 27 Xiong Bin .................................. 34 Xu Xingwang ............................. 14 Yamada Kotaro .......................... 12 Yang Desheng ............................ 34 Yang Lei ....................................... 8 Yang Lu...................................... 27 Yang Yue ................................... 20 Yeh James J ............................... 15 Zapletal Jindrich ........................ 20 Zhang Lu .................................. 10 Zhang Weiping ......................... 14 Zhang Zhijiang ......................... 26 Zhao Jianqiang ......................... 11 Zhou Yong ................................. 10


Mathematics 2018

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