06 23 13 the trinity companion spo2

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The Trinity Companion - June 23, 2013

Trinity United Methodist Church 203 E 1st St, S– Big Stone Gap, VA 24219 Worship begins at 11:00 am Pastor—Rev. Terry Goodman Office: (276) 523-0789 Text: (760) 621-8264 Email: trinityumcpastor@gmail.com www.trinityumc-bsg.com

Trinity United Methodist Church Sunday June 23, 2013 Call to Worship Prelude: A Time for Praise (Please join us as we sing the following praise choruses. You may stand as you are able.)

Lord, I Lift Your Name on High Lord, I lift your name on high. Lord, I love to sing your praises. I’m so glad your in my life. I’m so glad you came to save us. CHORUS You came from heaven above, to show the way. From the earth to the cross, my debt to pay. From the cross to the grave, from the grave to the sky. Lord I lift your name on high. REPEAT Verse and CHORUS

Shout to the Lord My Jesus, my Savior—Lord there is none like you. All of my days—I want to praise, the wonders of your mighty love. My comfort—my shelter. Tower of refuge and strength. Let every breath—all that I am. Never cease to worship you. CHORUS Shout to the Lord all the earth let us sing. Power and majesty praise to the king. Mountains bow down and the seas will roar, at the sound of your name. I sing for joy at the work of your hands, forever, I love you. Forever I’ll stand. Nothing compares to the promise I have in you.



The Prayers of the People At this time, we will lift up our joys and concerns. Please lift a hand and wait for an usher to come to you with a microphone and the pastor to acknowledge you before you state your joy or concern. The Lord’s Prayer

Our Father, which art in heaven. Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done. On earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen. A Time for Pastoral Prayer Call to Prayer: “Come and Find the Quiet Center” The choir will lead us into a time of prayer with this hymn. If at this time you feel led to come to the altar and pray, you are encouraged to do so. The pastor will close out this time of prayer with the pastoral prayer.

The Pastoral Prayer - Rev. Terry Goodman

Children’s Message A Time to Present God’s Tithes and Our Offerings An Offertory Sentence Offertory Music The Collection of God’s Tithes and Our Offerings * The Doxology

Musical Offering Choral Anthem: “10,000 Reasons” Congregation to please join in on the chorus:

Bless the Lord, O my soul, O my soul. Worship his Holy name. Sing like never before, O my soul. I’ll worship Your holy name.


The Presentation of God’s Word The New Testament Reading: 1 Kings 19:1-15a Scripture Response Leader: The Word of the Lord for the People of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God. Sermon: “Slamming on the Brakes”

* Closing Hymn: “Every Time I Feel the Spirit”

No. 404

Pastoral Benediction Choral Benediction Postlude:

* Please stand, as you are able Musical lyrics reprinted using CCLI # 1083130


Trinity Tribune A Publication of Trinity United Methodist Church

Volume 2 No. 24 Sunday June 23, 2013

Church Copier The copier is now located in the Church Office. Office hours are 8:30 am-3:00 pm. There are days that Pastor Goodman may in the office after those hours. Additionally, the office door is unlocked at 8:30 am on Sunday mornings. If you need to make copies, then feel free to come by the office during those hours.

Fellowship Supper The July Fellowship Supper will not be held due to the July 4th holiday.

Church Office Closing The Church Office will be closed on July 4th in observance of the July 4th Holiday.

Circle Meetings Sunday School Materials

Thursday July 4th

Sunday School Materials for the children are located in the church office. Please come by and pick up the information. There are copies of the materials and books for the younger children.

10:00 am—Susanna Wesley Circle

Sunday Night Bible Study Sunday Night Bible Study will be held on Sunday June 16th at 5:30 pm.

Noon—Wesleyan Circle 7:00 pm—Trinity Circle Sunday June 21th 5:00 pm-Asbury Circle

Farmer’s Market

The next Farmer’s Market is scheduled for Saturday July 6th 9:00 am-12 noon. Please donate Friday Night at the Movies will be held on Friday baked goods to help the Youth. If you cannot June 21st at 9:00 pm. donate baked goods, please come by and purchase something. All Youth are requested to attend to help with the booth. Small Group Leadership Meeting

Friday Night at the Movies

The next Small Group Leadership Meeting will be held on and Thursday June 27th at 6:30 pm.


Holston Home for Children When you give a gift to the Fifth Sunday offering Sunday School on June 30th, you are making a difference in the The following list is the individuals that are life of a child who has found acceptance, love, scheduled to teach Sunday School. and hope through Holston Home. Please give Grades K, 1, and 2: generously! Cathy Galyean

United Methodist Men’s Meeting

Grades 3, 4 and 5:

The next UMM’s meeting will be held on Monday July 8th at 6:30 pm. Please bring a covered dish.

Donna Mahan Jr. and Sr. High

Kenny Spurlock

Vacation Bible School Vacation Bible School will begin on Friday July 12th at 8:00 pm prior to the Friday Night Movie. A hotdog dinner will be provided at 7:30 pm and is open to everyone. If you would like to help with the preparation of the food, or with the VSB Eric Shorter, US Navy activities, please contact Patty Robbins or Paula Colston Polly, US Naval Academy Barton. Vacation Bible School will be held on Jaren Kegley, US Navy Friday nights from July 12th through August 2nd. Please invite any children that you feel would enjoy participating.

2013 Homecoming As you know we are hoping to have a Homecoming Celebration in August and we need your help. We need volunteers to help coordinate this event. This is a wonderful time to renew old friendships and share stories of the past. If you would like to help with the 2013 Homecoming please contact the church office at 276-523 0789. 


Margie Jones Shirley Crabtree

Thelma Tilley

Faith Cox

Emma Gardner

Stanley Botts

Marlene Ratliff

Sunday June 23, 2013  9:45 am—Sunday School  11:00 am—Worship Service  1:00 pm-5:00 pm—Nancy Toney Baby Shower  5:30 pm—Bible Study Wednesday June 26, 2013  Noon—Kiwanis  7:00 pm—Choir Practice Thursday June 27, 2013  6:30 pm—Small Group Leadership Mtg. Friday June 28, 2013  9:00 am—MEOC Saturday June 29, 2013  11:00 am-3:00 pm—Karen Hall Class Reunion Luncheon

Sunday June 30, 2013  9:45 am—Sunday School  11:00 am—Worship Service  5:30 pm—Bible Study Wednesday July 3, 2013  Noon—Kiwanis  6:30 pm—Fellowship Supper  7:00 pm-Choir Practice Thursday July 4, 2013  Church Office Close in Observance of July 4th Holiday

We believe that each person is important and we hope that you will register your attendance today. If you are a visitor, we would especially like to know how we may get in touch with you. So please complete this form and tear it off and put it in the offering plate when it comes by this morning. Name: ________________________________ Address: ________________________________ City: _____________________________ State: _______ Zip: ______________ Preferred Contact Number: ________________________________ Email: ________________________________ Please check as many of the following as apply to you: ___ I am a first time attender ___ I am a second time attender ___ I am a regular attender ___ I am a church member ___ Please have someone from the church contact me this week. ___ I would like to make an appointment to meet with the pastor.


For Those with Cancer: Evan Rasnick (bone cancer); James Horne; Barbara Polly; Margie Jones; Emma Large; George Livingston; Gilbert Gilley; Alex Hall; Marcia Quesenberry

Facing or Recovering from Surgery or Hospital Stay Bobby Breeding; Doris Berta; Judy Cole; Myrtle Smith; Shell Arnold; Dennis Sturgill; Mildred Ratliff; Joshua Carroll; Otis “Moon� Mullins; Regina Johnson

Non-Specific Prayers for:

___ This request is only for the pastor All requests will be given to the Prayer Team unless you check above: ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ __________________________________



Brownie Polly; Irene and Lawrence Black; Mary L. Horne; Joyce Rutherford; Dagni Spurlock; Phyllis Lewis; Kathy Farmer; James Sigmon; Rebekah Hodges;Geneva Allen Pray for our Pastor and the Leaders of our church. Pray for the Leaders of the United Methodist Church. Pray for those in the Church in need. To activate our Prayer Chain, Our Church now has an active Prayer Chain. If you have a request, please contact Bob Horne at 523-6626 as he is our Leader. If you cannot reach Bob Horne, you may call our Church at 523-0789 and Becky will see it is received. Those individuals on the Prayer List that have been on the list for three consecutive weeks will be removed unless a request is made for them to remain.

Welcome to the new Sunday Bulletin format In case you were wondering, yes, this is a new bulletin format. I am trying to pull everything together in a format that will be easier to follow from a printed version, yet at the same time allow me to produce a web version. This format allows me to do both without having to undergo a separate process to create the web edition of our weekly communication. In other words its sort of like getting two birds with one stone! I hope that you enjoy the new format.

Changes Occurring to the Online Worship Services The Pastor’s Ponderings are a weekly publication of Rev. Terry Goodman. They are his thoughts and ideas on numerous topics that he wants to bring to the attention of the church. Please direct any comments on his Ponderings back to him. You may give him a call at the office. (276) 523-0789

You may remember that we used to put part of the weekly worship service on the local cable channel. We discontinued this practice earlier this year. Since that time, we have been placing part of the worship service, i.e., the scripture and sermon online at our church YouTube channel and linking it back to our church web site. Note that I said “part” of our worship service. We could only display portions of the service that did not include music because we did not have the proper licensing to podcast or stream our church worship music online. We have now acquired that right at a reasonable price. From now on, the entire service will be available online by the Wednesday following the service. So, if you missed a Sunday you can go to the church web site and watch the entire service, songs, prayers, children’s message, choral music, sermon and every other part that happened. Our web site is found at http://www.trinityumc-bsg.com

The Trustees Have Been at Work This Week A few months ago, we had an insurance inspection of the church. As a result, we were given a list of upgrades that we needed to make to our facility to make it safer. This week, our Trustees have been hard at work installing illuminated emergency exit signs at several exits of the church. Some of them also include emergency lighting that will come on if the power is knocked out by a fire or other reason. This will insure that we have an illuminated exit from the building. In addition, smoke detectors have also been installed. Don Whittaker and Ruben Allman, along with Ruben’s grandson, put in some long hours this week getting these much needed upgrades to our building’s safety features.

The Goodman’s will Be on Vacation With the way the summer is scheduled for our family, we are going to take a short trip to Michigan. We will be leaving early next Sunday morning and returning to town on Friday July 5th. In my absence Nancy Hobbs, former Church and Community Worker in


the Big Stone Gap District will deliver the morning message. I hope that you will extend to her a warm Trinity UMC welcome! In the event of a pastoral emergency, please contact the Rev. Ric Wright at the East Stone Gap UMC. You can reach him at (276) 337-9349.

Arrange a Visit from the Pastor The summer months are upon us and it’s good weather to sit on the front porch and rock and talk about how life is treating us. I’d like to get together with some of you this summer. If you’d like to have me drop by for a visit, then call me at the office 523-0789 and we’ll set up a time for me to drop by and have a chat.

Friday Night at the Movies Update I have clarified with the licensing company concerning the ability to advertise for the upcoming movies. I am not allowed to publicly advertise the movie, its characters, or even its studio. However, in house communications—such as the Sunday bulletin—may contain the name of the movie and the studio. With that in mind, I invite you this coming Friday night to join us as we show Despicable Me. According to the Internet Movie Database, the movie is about “...a criminal mastermind (who) uses a trio of orphan girls as pawns for a grand scheme, he finds their love is profoundly changing him for the better.” So for you adults that may not have seen this movie, I think you will find it quite touching and relevant as well as a great animated movie. I hope to see you Friday night. We’ll have popcorn, drinks, and maybe some cookies. The movie begins at sunset (9:00 pm) on the back lawn. We will set up indoors if it appears that it is going to rain.

It’s Time to Prepare for a New Sermon Series on the Book of Proverbs If you remember a few months back I asked you to send me fortune cookie fortunes. I was going to try and do a sermon series on their sayings and tie it to the book of Proverbs. I received some great fortunes, many of which sound very proverbial, but I have decided instead to simply preach during July and August on the Book of Proverbs. With thirty one chapters and hundreds of proverbs, I’ll not be able to take a verse by verse approach. That means I will have to do more of an overview. I’ll produce some materials to help you follow along. I need this from you. I need your active participation. During the month of July and August, I want you to read a chapter out of Proverbs each day. Since each month has 31 days, that means that this summer we will have read through The Book of Proverbs two times. Simply read the chapter that corresponds to the particular day of the month. I’ll be reading a chapter a day just so we are on the same page. If you have questions about something in a chapter, then email them to me or call them in to the office and I will try and answer them either in written form in the bulletin or verbally as part of the worship service.


Question: What are the rules when a pastor moves to a new appointment? First of all, let me say that I am glad these rules are not applicable to me at the present time! I am returning to Trinity UMC and am glad to be doing so. However, had there been a move there would have been a certain set of expectations on my part that I would have clearly conveyed to you prior to my departure. I call them expectations because, not all are hard and fast rules written down somewhere. Many of them are more like rules of courtesy and etiquette that are passed on in oral tradition within the Annual Conference. With that said, let me share with you the expectations as I Methodist have learned them over the last 30 years. Matters Rule Number 1—When I am assigned to a church I am the pastor of that church and when I am moved to another church, I cease to be the pastor at the church that I was A Pastor previously serving. Comments on All Things Methodist By

Rule Number 2— When I am assigned to another church, I do not go back to my previous pastorates and conduct funerals and weddings, except in unusual circumstances. (In my own ministry, I have never gone back to conduct a funeral and have conducted only three weddings—all of which were not in the church or community of the previous church that I served.) Rule Number 3 — Make sure the congregation you are serving knows and

Rev. Terry understands Rule # 1 and Rule #2, prior to your leaving. Goodman

Rule Number 4 — If someone from a previous congregation calls asking you to conduct a wedding or funeral. Remind them of Rule #1 and Rule #2. Suggest to them that their current pastor should be the person that conducts weddings at the church June 2013 and funerals at the church or in the community. At this point I then tell them, “No. I will not be available.”

Rule Number 5 — If the former parishioner is persistent, then I will only agree to a small part of the service and only after the parishioner has called and asked the current pastor if it is permissible for me to take that small role in the service. (You need to understand, however, that this puts the current pastor in a bind. He or she should be conducting the service and is not really in the position to tell you that ministerial etiquette has been violated by getting the previous minister involved.) Rule Number 6 — If a current minister calls me and asks me to participate in a service, I try and take as minor a role as possible. I will, however, participate in the manner that the current minister needs my assistance, if I am available for the service. Unless I am in retired status, I will be serving at another church and that church has a prior demand on my time, since it is my current appointment. Rule Number 7 — None of these rules precludes my attendance at a wedding or funeral service of a former parishioner if I come in the role of a friend celebrating a wedding or supporting a family at the time of a death. I would also attend the wedding reception. If there is a meal following a funeral, I would first ask permission of the current pastor, however, before attending such a meal. Rule Number 8 — All of these rules are designed to allow the current pastor to form appropriate relationships with his or her parishioners. My presence in a former parish conducting such ministry duties detracts from the current minister’s ability to create those bonds.


I hope that these Rules have clarified my understanding of the role that I will be taking when I eventually move to another parish. One day in the future, I will be reprinting this list, because I will be moving to another church. I only hope that such a day is long into the future!

June Ministry Servants Announcements Diane Botts Greeters

Question: Why Does the Bishop Move Pastors? Some folks wonder why United Methodist ministers get moved from church to church. To answer this, you need to understand that there are two main forms of church structure. The United Methodist Church follows an episcopal structure in which the Bishop is responsible for evaluating churches and ministers and knowing the gifts and grace of the minister and the needs and desires of the church. Although it is not always a flawless system, the Bishop and the Cabinet seek to assign ministers with their gifts and graces to churches that need that particular set of gifts and graces in their pastor. The match is never a 100% fit, but most of the time the match is good. Note that in this system, the Bishop sends the pastor and the church receives the pastor that is sent. Both church and pastor understand the sent nature of this ministry. Contrast this sent ministry with the other most common form— the called ministry. In this arrangement, each local church acts as an autonomous unit that is able to evaluate its particular needs and can “call” or go out looking for a minister that the local church feels will meet its current needs. There is also a third system that sort of combines the two mentioned above. Ministers put their resume’ in a denominational database and churches within that denomination search through that base and when there is a match, a Bishop then makes the appointment. There are advantages and disadvantages to any system that is used. Although I do not like the uncertainty of where I will be sent from year to year, I prefer the United Methodist episcopal system to a called system. The good news in all this is that studies are proving that the longer a minister stays, the more effective he or she becomes. The United Methodist Church has funded some of these studies and has begun to act in ways that allow ministers to stay longer than just 2-3 years. In our Conference, the District Superintendent assumes that ministers will stay at least 5 years before ever officially asking the church or pastor if it is time for a move. This does not preclude, however, a church or pastor asking for a move prior to the end of 5 years.


Nancy Mercer & Peggy Beverly

Ushers Lana Prater, Mike Allen, Patty Robbins, and Jack Williams

Communion Stewards Ruben & Nancy Allman, Pat Bowden, and Patty Lynn Cooper

June Fellowship Supper John and Beth Hagan, Joe and Nancy Toney, Mike and Mary Beth Allen

Liturgists 02—Diane Botts 09—Evan Clark 16—Barbara Polly 23—Beth Hagan 30—Pat Bowden

Children’s Message 02—Holy Communion 09—Kim parsons 16—Nancy Toney 23—Diane Botts 30—Angie Clendenon

Nursery Workers 02—Pat Bowden 09—Nancy Allman 16—Paula Barton 23—Kenny Spurlock 30—Mary Beth Allen

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