The Trinity Companion - July 14, 2013
Trinity United Methodist Church 203 E 1st St, S– Big Stone Gap, VA 24219 Worship begins at 11:00 am Pastor—Rev. Terry Goodman Office: (276) 523-0789 Text: (760) 621-8264 Email:
Trinity United Methodist Church Sunday July 14, 2013 Call to Worship Prelude:
*Hymn of Praise: “All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name” st.1-4 No. 154 The Prayers of the People At this time, we will lift up our joys and concerns. Please lift a hand and wait for an usher to come to you with a microphone and the pastor to acknowledge you before you state your joy or concern. The Lord’s Prayer: (in Unison) Our Father, who art in heaven. Hallowed be thy name. They Kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory. Forever. Amen.
A Time for Pastoral Prayer Call to Prayer: “Come and Find the Quiet Center” The choir will lead us into a time of prayer with this hymn. If at this time you feel led to come to the altar and pray, you are encouraged to do so. The pastor will close out this time of prayer with the pastoral prayer.
The Pastoral Prayer - Rev. Terry Goodman
Children’s Message A Time to Present God’s Tithes and Our Offerings An Offertory Sentence Offertory Music The Collection of God’s Tithes and Our Offerings * The Doxology
Musical Offering Choral Anthem: Hosanna (Praise is Rising)
The Presentation of God’s Word The New Testament Reading: Mark 1:35
Table of Contents Order of Worship....... 2-3 Vacation Bible School Promo .......................... 4 The Trinity Tribune .... 5-6
Scripture Response Leader: The Word of the Lord for the People of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God. Sermon: Jesus
The Priority of Prayer-The Prayer Life of
* Closing Hymn: No. 496 “Sweet Hour of Prayer”
Those in the Military .... 6 Our Homebound ........... 6
Upcoming Events .......... 7 Attendance Registration — Tear Off Form ............... 7 Prayer Request— Tear Off Form ............... 8 List of Weekly Prayer Concerns ...................... 8 Pastor’s Ponderings . 9-10
Pastoral Benediction Choral Benediction: “As We Go” Postlude: * Please stand, as you are able
United Methodist News Imagine No Malaria .... 11 Door Open to Southern Baptist Scout Groups .. 11 Visitors Welcome ....... 12 Worship Assistants ..... 12
Musical lyrics reprinted using CCLI # 1083130 The Trinity Companion is the weekly publication of the Trinity United Methodist Church in Big Stone Gap, Virginia. Rev. Terry Goodman is the editor and publisher. Please direct all comments and questions to him.
VBS Starts This Friday!
Classes for Children Age 4 through 6th Grade
Schedule: 7:30 pm—Hot Dog Supper 8:00 pm—Vacation Bible School (Lesson, craft, music) 9:00 pm—Friday Night Movie
The VBS will be held on FOUR consecutive Friday nights: July 12th, 19th, 26th, and August 2nd. Make sure to tell kids that live near you, and ask them and their parents to come and join us.
Trinity Tribune A Publication of Trinity United Methodist Church
Volume 2 No. 28 Sunday July 14, 2013
event. This is a wonderful time to renew old friendships and share stories of the past. If you The Bible Study is on hiatus for a few weeks. Stay would like to help with the 2013 Homecoming please meet with the pastor in the fellowship hall tuned for it to start again. following our worship service.
Sunday Night Bible Study
Friday Night at the Movies Come join us on July 19th at 9:00 pm for Friday Night at the Movies.
Circle Meetings The Women’s Circles will not be meeting for the month of July.
Vacation Bible School
Leadership Cadre Meeting The next Leadership Cadre Meeting will be held on Thursday June 18th at 6:30 pm.
United Methodist Women The United Methodist Women will be meeting on Thursday June 18th at 7:00 pm.
Rev. Goodman Will be Out of the Office
Vacation Bible School will be the next three FriRev. Goodman will be out of the office on July 22 day nights at 8:00 pm prior to the Friday Night -24 Movie. A hotdog dinner will be provided at 7:30 pm and is open to everyone. If you would like to help with the preparation of the food, or with the Fellowship Supper VBS activities, please contact Patty Robbins or The next Fellowship Supper is schedule for Paula Barton. Please invite any children that you Wednesday August 7th at 6:30 pm. Please bring feel would enjoy participating. a covered dish.
2013 Homecoming
Circle’s Meeting
As you know we are going to have a Homecoming Celebration in August and we need your help. We need volunteers to help coordinate this
August 1st 10:00 am—Susanna Wesley Circle
Noon—Wesleyan Circle 7:00 pm—Trinity Circle
Sunday School
August 18th
The following list is the individuals that are scheduled to teach Sunday School.
5:00—Asbury Circle
Grades K, 1, and 2:
The Next Farmer’s Market
Cathy Galyean
The next Farmer’s Market will be held on August 3rd 9:00 am-12 noon. Please donate baked goods to help the Youth. If you cannot donate baked goods, please come by and purchase something. All Youth are requested to attend to
Grades 3, 4 and 5: Donna Mahan Jr. and Sr. High
Kenny Spurlock
help with the booth.
School Supplies Needed Wise County Schools will begin classes on August 8th. There are many families that cannot afford the basic supplies for their children. We are asking that you help these children. The following items are needed:
Eric Shorter, US Navy
Jaren Kegley, US Navy
Loose leaf notebook paper
Book bags
Glue sticks
One subject notebooks
Colston Polly, US Naval Academy
You can find the lists in the Walmart stores. Please help those in need. The items do not need to be fancy.
Church Copier The copier is now located in the Church Office. Office hours are 8:30 am-3:00 pm. There are days that Pastor Goodman may in the office after those hours. Additionally, the office door is unlocked at 8:30 am on Sunday mornings. If you need to make copies, then feel free to come by the office during those hours.
Margie Jones
Shirley Crabtree
Thelma Tilley
Faith Cox
Emma Gardner
Stanley Botts
Marlene Ratliff
Sunday July 14, 2013 9:45 am—Sunday School 11:00 am—Worship Service Wednesday July 17, 2013 Noon—Kiwanis 7:00—Choir Practice Thursday July 18, 2013 6:30 pm—Leadership Cadre Meeting 7:00 pm—United Methodist Women 6:30 pm—Rural Area Medical Meeting Friday July 19, 2013 9:00 pm—MEOC 7:30 pm—Hotdog Meal 8:00 pm-Vacation Bible School 9:00 pm—Friday Night Movie Saturday July 20, 2013 1:00 pm-4:00 pm—DAR Fellowship Hall Sunday July 21, 2013 9:45 am—Sunday School 11:00 am—Worship Service
Monday July 22, 2012 Rev. Goodman out of the office Tuesday July 23, 2013 Rev. Goodman out of the office Wednesday July 24, 2013 Rev. Goodman out of the office Noon—Kiwanis 7:00 pm—Choir Practice
We believe that each person is important and we hope that you will register your attendance today. If you are a visitor, we would especially like to know how we may get in touch with you. So please complete this form and tear it off and put it in the offering plate when it comes by this morning. Name: ________________________________ Address: ________________________________ City: _____________________________ State: _______ Zip: ______________ Preferred Contact Number: ________________________________ Email: ________________________________ Please check as many of the following as apply to you: ___ I am a first time attender ___ I am a second time attender ___ I am a regular attender ___ I am a church member ___ Please have someone from the church contact me this week. ___ I would like to make an appointment to meet with the pastor.
For Those with Cancer: Evan Rasnick (bone cancer); James Horne; Barbara Polly; Margie Jones; Emma Large; George Livingston; Gilbert Gilley; Alex Hall; Marcia Quesenberry
Facing or Recovering from Surgery or Hospital Stay Bobby Breeding; Doris Berta; Myrtle Smith; Shell Arnold; Mildred Ratliff; Joshua Carroll; Otis “Moon� Mullins; Regina Johnson
Non-Specific Prayers for:
___ This request is only for the pastor All requests will be given to the Prayer Team unless you check above: ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ __________________________________
Brownie Polly; Irene and Lawrence Black; Mary L. Horne; Dagni Spurlock; Phyllis Lewis; Kathy Farmer; James Sigmon; Rebekah Hodges; Geneva Allen Pray for our Pastor and the Leaders of our church. Pray for the Leaders of the United Methodist Church. Pray for those in the Church in need. To activate our Prayer Chain, Our Church now has an active Prayer Chain. If you have a request, please contact Bob Horne at 523-6626 as he is our Leader. If you cannot reach Bob Horne, you may call our Church at 523-0789 and Becky will see it is received. Those individuals on the Prayer List that have been on the list for three consecutive weeks will be removed unless a request is made for them to remain.
It’s Time for a New Sermon Series on Prayer… Today, we begin our new sermon series on Prayer. It is based on material I found in a book entitled: Pray Like it Matters-Intimacy and Power through Prayer, written by Dr. Steve Gaines, pastor of a large Baptist Church in Memphis, Tennessee. The Sermons in the series are titled: Jul 7—The Priority of Prayer—The Prayer Life of Jesus The Pastor’s Ponderings are a weekly publication of Rev. Terry Goodman. They are his thoughts and ideas on numerous topics that he wants to bring to the attention of the church. Please direct any comments on his Ponderings back to him. You may give him a call at the office.
Jul 14 — The Priority of Prayer—Praying Like the Early Church
(276) 523-0789
A Chance to Participate in Communion
Jul 21 — The Lord’s Prayer Jul 28 — Things that Hinder and Help our Prayers Aug 4 — Praying the Word of God Aug 11 — The Power of Praying Together Aug 18 — The Power of Praying Fervently
I think that you can see from the titles, that this ought to be a very helpful series. I hope that you can be present for as many of them as possible. I also hope that you will invite your FRAN’s (Friends, Relatives, Associates, and Neighbors) to come and participate in this sermon series.
In case you weren’t here last Sunday, I invited members of the congregation to bake loaves of bread for our Communion services. We are having a difficult time finding local sources of bread that does not contain a “peanut/tree nut” allergen warning. So, if you like to bake bread, get in touch with me. I’ll schedule you to provide a loaf for a future Communion Sunday.
Join Us for Some Hands On Preparation this Thursday Everyone is invited to the church this coming Thursday night July 18th beginning at 6:30 p.m. Angie Clendenen has acquired over 2,000 children’s books that will be distributed on Friday July 19th at the RAM (Rural Area Medical) event at the fair grounds in Wise, Virginia. On Thursday night we are going to go through the books and sort them into age categories so that they can be more easily given
out on Friday. In addition, we are also collecting school supplies: paper, wire bound notebooks, pencils, erasers, glue sticks, crayons, etc. These items will also be given to children that are present at the event. Volunteers for the event are also welcome. Angie will be there early (6-7:00 a.m.) to begin passing out materials. So far, Martha Spurlock and Don Shorter have said they will also be helping your help would be appreciated either Thursday night or on Friday.
The Reverend Buford “Boo” Hankins will Preach at Homecoming I was happy to confirm this week that the Rev. Boo Hankins, former pastor in the latter part of the 1990’s, will be our guest preacher for Homecoming Sunday on August 25th. Phyllis, his wife is now a pastor and will be unable to attend the event with him. I hope that everyone will put this date on their calendar and start making plans to attend. I would like to have anyone that is interested in the planning and execution of the event to meet with me briefly following our worship service. Give me time to greet folks, and then I will meet you in the fellowship hall.
Please Take Time to Read the Quarterly Financial Report Today you have available the first of an ongoing series of quarterly financial reports. These reports are designed to provide you with information about the church’s financial health and direction. Please take a moment to review this report. Questions may be directed to Ken Spurlock the Chair of the Committee on Finance or to the Pastor.
Don’t Forget Our Online Resources Our web site is constantly being updated and revised. Since going online in January, our web-site has received 50 unique visitors that viewed a total of 1454 pages on the site. Those 50 visitors came from the following locations: 20 were from Wise and 8 from Big Stone Gap. The remainder from other areas. Visitors saw an average of 5.2 pages and remained on the site for an average of 5 minutes and 27 seconds.
It’s time for you to visit us online at
United Methodist News Door Open to Southern Baptist Scout Groups NASHVILLE, Tenn. (UMNS) -- The United Methodist Men have a message for Scouts: If they no longer have a home at a Southern Baptist church, United Methodist congregations would be happy to welcome them. The Commission on United Methodist Men oversees Scouting ministries and civic youth-serving agencies across the denomination. “Our office has already received notices of invitation from local churches and United Methodist annual conferences,” Gil Hanke, the commission’s top executive, said in a statement. “They are welcoming Scouts, leaders and their families to join existing or new Cub Scout packs and Boy Scout troops hosted and staffed in United Methodist churches, if their current scouting program needs to find a new home.” The United Methodist agency was responding to a resolution approved June 12 by Southern Baptist Convention delegates meeting in Houston. The resolution stopped short of urging Southern Baptist churches to disassociate from the Boy Scouts after the group’s National
We are so glad that you have chosen to worship with us this morning. Your presence will add to our ability to worship God and we want you to know how much we appreciate your presence. Please take a moment to say hello to Rev. Goodman as you leave the worship service this morning.
Council voted in May to allow gay members. However, according to the Baptist Press, the resolution expressed “opposition to and disappointment in the decision of the Boy Scouts of America to change its membership policy.” The Southern Baptist Convention agreed to support churches and families who drop ties with the Boy Scouts. More than 70 percent of Scout units are chartered to religiously affiliated groups, reports Boy Scouts of America. Those charters comprise 62 percent of the group’s 2.7 million youth members. The United Methodist Church is second only to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the number of congregations hosting Boy Scouts groups. The United Methodist Church hosts more Cub Scout packs than any other religious group. “The United Methodist Church is the second largest sponsor of the Boy Scouts with 363,876 Scouts in 10,868 units chartered by 6,700 churches,” said Larry Coppock, national director of Scouting ministries for United Methodist Men, Coppock said. “I would love to see those numbers increase. Scouting remains one of the finest youth-serving agencies in America and it will continue to serve as a positive influence on boys and young men.”
Announcements Rob Moore Greeters Patty and Phil Robbins
Ushers Pat Bowden, Patty Robbins, Patty Lynn Cooper, Alberta Mitchell
Liturgists 07—Evan Clark 14—Beth Hagan 21—Barbara Polly 28—Pat Bowden
Children’s Message 07—Holy Communion 14—Patty Cooper 21—Nancy Toney 28—Diane Botts
Nursery Workers 07—Pat Bowden 14—Cathy Galyean 17—Paula Barton 24—Kenny Spurlock
Communion Stewards Cathy and Jack McClanahan Jack and Dell Williams
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