TracMag n.0 | November 2017

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Poste Italiane Spa - Spedizione in Abbonamento PostaleSpa - Stampe Periodiche in Regime LiberoPostale - 70% CN/FC/0005 - Campione | Supplemento al art. n. 8 di Commercio Italia Poste Italiane - Spedizione in Abbonamento - D.L. 353/2003 (Conv.Gratuito in L. 27/02/2004 n. 46) 1, comma 1, CN/FC/003 - Campione Gratuito

YEAR 1 | N°0 | NOVEMBER 2017

Massey Ferguson

New MF Round Balers at Agritechnica




Claas announces new SCORPION at Agritechnica

Innovations Jury awards 2 gold and 29 silver medals

Remote controls: IMET New Series M880

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YEAR 1 | N°0 | NOVEMBER 2017

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on g.e So a g m in m ac Co .tr


Poste Italiane Spa - Spedizione in Abbonamento PostaleSpa - Stampe Periodiche in Regime LiberoPostale - 70% CN/FC/0005 - Campione | Supplemento al art. n. 8 di Commercio Italia Poste Italiane - Spedizione in Abbonamento - D.L. 353/2003 (Conv.Gratuito in L. 27/02/2004 n. 46) 1, comma 1, CN/FC/003 - Campione Gratuito


Contents YEAR 1 | N°0 | NOVEMBER 2017 Supplemento al n. 8 di Commercio Italia Anno XXXI - Novembre-Dicembre 2017

Massey Ferguson New MF Round Balers at Agritechnica




Claas announces new SCORPION at Agritechnica

Innovations Jury awards 2 gold and 29 silver medals

Remote controls: IMET New Series M880

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Publisher Mario Giunchedi – Editor in chief Manuela Cortesi – Contributors Vincenza Camaggi, Martina Cenni, Massimo Chestnut, Emanuele Giovannini, John Melegatti, Marianna Senni, Miriam Spada

Medals > Agritechnica Innovation Awards

Agritechnica Innovation Award 2017: Innovations Jury awards 2 gold and 29 silver medals Massimo Chestnut p. 2

Graphic design Nico Ambrosino – Administration office Tel. +39 0542 22601 E-mail: Subscriptions Italia: € 32,00 - Estero: € 54,00

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At fair > Massey Ferguson

MF Round Baler line-up further strengthens Massey Ferguson’s harvesting range Miriam Spada

p. 22

Remote controls > Imet Flexibility, safety and ergonomics: IMET New Series M880 John Melegatti

p. 26

Subscriptions office Tel. +39 0542 22601 E-mail: Print GRAFICHE MDM - Forlì Advertising Tel. +39 0542 22601 E-mail: Responsibility La riproduzione delle illustrazioni e degli articoli pubblicati su TracMag, traduzioni comprese, è riservata e non può avvenire senza autorizzazione scritta da SCI media srl. Testi e materiali fotografici forniti in qualsiasi forma alla stessa non saranno restituiti, anche in caso di non avvenuta pubblicazione. SCI media srl non si assume responsabilità relative ai suddetti materiali, anche in caso di esemplari unici, e ad eventuali errori contenuti negli articoli pubblicati. Il materiale redazionale pervenuto a SCI media srl senza preventivi accordi sono da intendersi gratuiti anche se pubblicati. I nomi e le ditte pubblicati sono citati senza responsabilità, a puro titolo informativo, allo scopo di rendere un servizio al lettore. Shipping Spedizione in Abbonamento Postale - Stampe Periodiche in Regime Libero - 70% CN/FC/0005

At fair > Deutz Agritechnica 2017: DEUTZ keeps its EU Stage V promise Massimo Chestnut p. 16 At fair > Horsch

A new universal cultivator: various configurations for all requirements Miriam Spada p. 18 At fair > Kubota Kubota: what a good news! John Melegatti

At fair > Claas p. 20

CLAAS announces new SCORPION at Agritechnica 2017 John Melegatti p. 28

Registration Autorizzazione Tribunale di Ravenna n. 1261 del 06/09/2005 Iscrizione ROC: 29737

TracMag SCI media srl Via Camillo Benso Conte di Cavour, 62 40026 Imola (BO) - Italy P. IVA 03618411205 - R.E.A. BO-533436 Tel. +39 0542 22601 - E-mail: Per le immagini pubblicate si resta a disposizione degli aventi diritto che non si siano potuti reperire


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Agritechnica Innovation Award 2017: Innovations Jury awards 2 gold and 29 silver medals Digitization and networking of the value chain increasingly important. Process automation is progressing in agriculture [ MASSIM O C H E S T N U T ]


he trend towards further automation of processes – coupled with intelligent data management systems to optimize the regulation and control of equipment, logistics, documentation, quality assurance and traceability – is proceeding unabated in agriculture. This is demonstrated by the more than 320 new product registrations the DLG (German Agricultural Society) has received for this year’s Agritechnica.


The terms Cloud Computing and Big Data have entered the common parlance, and in addition to 4.0, the digitization and networking of the value chain in agriculture is becoming increasing important. It is appropriate, therefore, that a Gold Innovation Award at Agritechnica 2017 goes to the first fully automatic tangential threshing system that uses sensors to adjust itself to suit crop conditions and achieve optimum results. Classic engineering, however, continues to result in products with

benefits for the entire agricultural sector, and this year’s second Gold Innovation Award goes to a maize header with an integrated stubble mulcher. This development helps control the corn borer, a significant pest affecting maize crops, and results in an overall reduction in the use of pesticides. Elsewhere in the awards, there is a clear trend towards adapting existing, innovative solutions already used in other industries so they can be used in agriculture. Examples

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Feature on Agritechnica 2017

GOLD Agritechnica Innovation Awards 2017 Cemos Auto Threshing

StalkBuster StalkBuster is the first stubbledestroying technology that forms an integral part of a maize header

include Silver Innovation Awards for e-mobility, a height-adjustable operator’s cab, intelligent networked vehicles and augmented reality applications. Among the other targets of new and further developments that received special appreciation from the DLG Innovations Jury were new ways of making operators’ jobs easier. Thanks to innovative solutions, there has been a continuing reduction in long hours of monotonous, very tiring and complex work for operators, and these tasks will eventually be taken over entirely by the new technologies. Overall, the DLG Innovations Jury has recognized two innovations with the Agritechnica Gold Innovation Award 2017, and 29 innovations with the Agritechnica Silver Innovation Award 2017.

The autonomous threshing system for CLAAS straw-walker and hybrid combine harvesters Claas-Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH, Germany – Hall 13, Stand C02 Currently operators have to find out by themselves which settings strike the best balance between the optimum drum speed, the optimum concave gap, the suitable aggressiveness of threshing and the quality of the grain. Some operators find this complexity too difficult to come to terms with, and find setting up the combine a chore. Consequently, very often a combine is not set up perfectly to suit the current harvest conditions. Cemos Auto Threshing is the first system that sets the tangential threshing system on straw walker and hybrid machines automatically. As such, it makes a significant contribution to optimizing the quality of work and performance. Depending on the strategy entered into the system by the operator, it sets the drum speed and the concave gap for optimum results in the current harvest conditions. The USP of the entire system is the fact that all controllers communicate with each other. For example, the throughput controller operates via a special communication module to control the throughput relative to the threshing controller, as well as the separation and cleaning controllers. Another module in the system is Auto Threshing, which for the first time completes the enormous complex technical step to implement fully automated threshing. On such a harvester, users no longer need to know which settings they have to make to

get the desired results. Instead, they enter the harvesting strategy, which is then used by the auto-learning system to optimize all parameters. This innovative automation technology allows combine harvesters to continuously combine at maximum efficiency.


Kemper Maschinenfabrik GmbH & Co. KG – Hall 13, Stand C31 Developed jointly with: John Deere GmbH & Co. KG – Hall 13, Stand E30 Since the corn borer spread across Germany about 15 years ago, it has become the most notorious pest in silage maize crops in the country. It causes losses in yield and quality, because the cobs do not develop well, and they become infested with Fusaria which may then spread to the following wheat crop. One of the most important methods to fight the pest, along with chemical and biological options, is to chop the maize stubble thoroughly and immediately after the crop is harvested. The Kemper StalkBuster is the first stubble-destroying technology that forms an integral part of a maize header. It is the only machine on the market that destroys all the stubble before it is driven on by the forager or the tractor and trailer. Usually about 30% of the stubble remains intact, and as the corn borer winters inside it, a high percentage of undestroyed


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Fliegl Büffel

stubble offers them a haven so they can infest the area again the following year. The corn borer pupates in the stubble in spring and the moth starts infesting the new crop after that. The topper is integrated in the header, is relatively lightweight and has a relatively low power input requirement. This means no extra limitations apply for legal road transport. The Kemper StalkBuster is a technical solution that offers great benefits for users, their productivity and the environment.

SILVER Agritechnica Innovation Award 2017 Fliegl Büffel overloading station for haulm crops

Fliegl Agrartechnik GmbH – Hall 4, Stand B43 Forage wagons may offer better fuel efficiency and performance than forage harvesters, but the drawback is that they are not productive during road travel, that is, the cutting system is not at work. The Fliegl Büffel is a loading platform with a rotor and an intermediate hopper, and which


combines various components from a forage wagon (pick-up, rotor cutter), a baler (intermediate hopper) and a forage harvester (unloading system). The innovative rotor-based overloading system with intermediate hopper picks up the haulms, cuts and feeds them into the intermediate hopper, from where the material is overloaded onto a trailer. Serving as a feeder unit, the Büffel is never idle and never involved in transport work. It chops the forage very efficiently and reduces soil compaction.


Semi-tracked and fully suspended tractor Claas-Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH, Germany – Hall 13, Stand C02 Tracked and semi-tracked tractors are rarely used for swift road travel because they offer very little operator comfort. While wheeled tractors offer significantly better comfort in road work, high-power models cannot offer the level of soil protection provided by a tracked machine. The Claas Axion 900 is the first semitracked tractor that has a suspended front and rear axle. This brings a significant improvement in operator comfort compared to triangle-design

semi-tracked tractors. The Claas Axion 900 semi-tracked model also has a substantially larger contact area compared to Triangle tracks, which results in excellent directional stability, both in the field and in swift road travel.Optimum adaptation to the ground contours is key for low compaction. This is achieved by a 15-degree pivot range, and the fact that the machine weight is distributed to all track rollers hydraulically. The pivot point was moved forward, which shifts more weight to the rear axle. This benefits from a larger contact area and so can transmit tractor power to the ground more effectively while keeping compaction low.

EZ Ballast Wheels

John Deere GmbH & Co. KG – Hall 13, Stand E30 For tractors to develop sufficient traction in heavy draft work, it is necessary to ballast them in the optimum way. The front axle is ballasted by attaching weights in the front linkage, which is usually easy and safe to do on today’s tractors. The rear axle is ballasted with up to 1,000kg wheel weights. The drawback of this solution is that these weights are difficult to attach and remove, and very cumbersome to handle – a timeconsuming and hazardous approach. A much simpler solution is EZ Ballast Wheels. These weights are fitted to the wheels with a pallet fork and without bringing the wheels into the proper position first, which eliminates the need of jacking the tractor. Once fitted, the wheel weights are secured with toggle levers instead of bolted down. This means they are quick to attach and remove by a single person, and so ensure optimum ballasting in every job. As such, EZ Ballast Wheels make a significant contribution to fuel efficiency and soil protection.

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CEMOS for tractors

Operator assist system optimizing tractor/implement set-up Claas Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH, Germany – Hall 13, Stand C02 This applies especially when a software menu is not very intuitive to navigate, but rather suits the development requirements of the manufacturer. Claas CEMOS is an interactive system that offers a user-friendly approach to optimize the setting-up of traditional tractor-implement combinations. The system guides the operator through the settings menu – before and during work – using every-day farming language. The system takes into account both the settings entered by the operator and the settings recommended by the manufacturer. In work, it is constantly working to optimize the current settings of the tractor and the implement. To do that, it makes suggestions to the operator after validating the various options. The operator is free to accept or reject the suggestions in line with the targeted quality of work.The expertise that is built into CEMOS allows unexperienced operators to utilize the combination to its optimum potential with respect to the quality of work, work rate and fuel efficiency. In addition, the system is ready to plug into future automated-and-assist systems.

Claas Axion 900 Terra Trac


AGCO GmbH – Fendt, Hall 20, Stand A26a The distribution of weight on a tractor’s rear and front axles is defined by drawbar load, drawbar power, ballasting and the traction booster if fitted. With a specific implement attached, the weight distribution is always the same. VarioPull alters the implement’s attachment point – on the move, on a horizontal plane, and bringing it flexibly up to within 80cm of the tractor’s rear axle. As the attachment point moves closer to the rear axle, the weight distribution is optimized and road stability increases. For example, the operator can shift the attachment further to the rear to provide more space for the drawbar to make headland turns. The system allows operators to reduce the front weight and hence the tractor weight, which in turn increases fuel economy and protects the soil.

e100 Vario

AGCO GmbH – Fendt, Hall 20, Stand A26a Electric bikes and cars have increasingly arrived on the market, but the technology has not been available for commercial vehicles so far. This is attributed to the challenge of developing high-performance battery technology that suits the needs. This


EZ Ballast Wheels Il sistema offre una versatile soluzione di zavorratura delle ruote dei trattori

battery-powered tractor is a world first and was developed to serve in a wide range of applications. Using the powertrain of a 50kW Vario model, it replaces the combustion engine, the exhaust, air and fuel systems and the radiator by a battery block, a compact electric motor and the necessary electric control system. The 100kWh, high-voltage battery charges quickly and stores enough power to work for four hours at an average workload. An innovative thermal management system that comprises a heat pump ensures the cab temperature is controlled efficiently. The battery pack can also serve as intermediate storage for farm-generated power. The modification does not affect the tractor’s suitability for taking on any type of implements. The exhaust-free and very quiet machine is ideal for use in buildings, but also for transport work in cities.


Mobile Agricultural Robot Swarms AGCO GmbH – Fendt, Hall 20, Stand A26a There has been much discussion on whether the trend in farm machinery manufacturing will continue towards ever bigger and more powerful individual machines, or to “swarm” solutions, that is, many small machines.

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GPS-based and automated body-liftout feature optimizes ploughing results

The Fendt MARS System is the first marketable application of swarm technology in agricultural engineering, and thus presents a completely new solution. The system relies on a number of small, auto-steered and electric units that are deployed for maize drilling.The autonomous units are filled with seed by an operator, who also monitors their operation and who hauls them to the field on a trailer. Operating at very low noise levels and without lights at night, these units are suitable for drilling fields near villages and homes 24 hours a day. Manufactured to a costsaving concept and weighing as little as 40kg each, the swarm units coordinate their work in the field, reduce compaction and minimize the hazard that big machines pose to humans and the environment. The robots log all job data into the “Cloud”, and communicate with each other and the operator.

Camera supported seedbed preparation

speed manually, and then will still need to intervene manually as they work, which is very tiring and not very effective in extremely varying soils. This technology now introduced by Pöttinger uses cameras that take real-time footage of the surface and its degree of “cloddiness”. The operator enters a target value and the actual cloddiness is measured behind the power harrow. This reading is transmitted to the job processor, which sends it the implement’s ECU. The system will then automatically control the tractor ground speed and the power harrow PTO speed (“closed-loop control“) to produce the selected level of top tilth. The system creates a uniform seedbed even in varying soils. At the same time, it reduces operator fatigue significantly. This automatic tractor/ cultivator drill control system that works relative to the quality of work being achieved is a new development.

KUHN Maschinen-Vertrieb GmbH – Hall 12, Stand C05 The working width on ploughs has increased constantly in recent years. These wider widths, however, leave a Z-shaped ploughing pattern on the headland when the bodies are retracted and the plough is raised. This makes it difficult to plough the headland neatly, while crop residues and volunteers are not properly incorporated, leading to volunteer growth in the following crop. Kuhn’s “Section control” is an electro-hydraulic control system that uses the hydraulic, non-stop breakback system to control the individual bodies based on GPS positioning data, raising and lowering them automatically. The system leads to an absolutely straight furrow edge were there used to be a “Z”. The straight edge is a boon for the following work, such as headland ploughing, drilling, spreading and spraying, and ensures crop residues are effectively incorporated – an enormous plus for field hygiene. Overall, the system reduces operator fatigue and takes load off the rear axle, the rear wheels and the couplers. Added to this, it can also varies the number of plough bodies in work to suit individual tractor powers and soil conditions.

Pöttinger Landtechnik GmbH, Hall 27, Stand C39 Jointly developed with: New Holland Agriculture, Italy – Hall 3, Stand D10 Josephinum Research, Austria When operators want their power harrow cultivator drill to produce a consistently fine and consolidated top tilth on sites with varying soils, they have to set up the tractor’s ground speed and the power harrow


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balance. SwingStop pro controls the application rate by using sensors that measure the relative application rate on each nozzle and relate the measurements to the sprayer’s ground speed in real time. This makes SwingStop pro the tool for achieving maximum spraying accuracy. The technology is another milestone on the road to precision farming.

ESV Electric Shut-off Valve



Landmaschinen Wienhoff GmbH – Hall 23, Stand B39 The center of gravity varies greatly on slurry tankers when they are fitted with different applicators of different weights. This also affects the drawbar load. As a result, drawbar load may quickly become negative in empty runs – a fact that has accounted for serious accidents on public roads in the past, where ball hitches worked lose after operators forgot to secure them.On multi-axle slurry tankers, the LevelTuner automatically alters the air pressure inside the bellows on the front axle, thereby adjusting the pressure relative to the drawbar load that is measured by the drawbar suspension system. This way, the drawbar load is always good and road stability is better. In addition, the system ensures field traction is always sufficient during spreading as the tank is being emptied. Unlike existing options (for example variablewidth axles), this center-of-gravity shifting system operates automatically without operator input.

Accuracy of application is key in chemical spraying. The higher the accuracy, the better the plant coverage at the desired product concentration levels. Moving the boom horizontally fore and aft, and in parallel to the ground, has a particularly good effect on spray accuracy.SwingStop pro combines the boom’s active shock absorbing system with very dynamic rate control on every single nozzle and achieves an unprecedented level of accuracy in direction of travel and across the full spraying width. The “pro” specification has new valves on every nozzle that constantly control the current application rate and bring it back into

Lechler GmbH – Hall 8, Stand B20 The best solution in precision spraying is currently an individual nozzle control system that operates the closely spaced nozzles relative to their current GPS position. Pneumatic valves are technically very difficult to make and require an extra air system on the tractor. The Lechler ESV (Electric Shut-off Valve) unit comprises a valve, an electric line and a connector for straightforward and fail-safe installation on all regular single- and multi-nozzle holders. The nozzle opens and closes rapidly, and CANbus controlled. Its responsiveness and great application accuracy allows ESV to be easily integrated in smart farming systems, and used on 25 cm sections with uniformly spaced nozzles, for example.

SwingStop pro

Swing Stop pro

Amazonen-Werke H. Dreyer GmbH & Co. KG – Hall 9, Stand H19 Developed jointly with: Rometron B.V., The Netherlands – Hall 9, Stand H19

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Stereoscopic row-crop CULTI CAM camera on mechanical hoes

Claas-Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH, Germany – Hall 13, Stand C02 Developed jointly with: Einböck GmbH & Co. KG, Austria – Hall 11, Stand B05 Thomas Hatzenbichler Agrotechnik GmbH, Austria – Hall 11, Stand D42 Bednar FMT, Czech Republic – Hall 12, Stand B05 Carre SAS, France Chemical spraying is increasingly viewed very critically by the general public, consumers and policy makers. In this context, mechanical weed control in row crop is experiencing a comeback. Quality and efficacy of the mechanical work is achieved by the hoe’s side shifting frame that is controlled in the row by a robust system. Up to now, this type of control has been implemented by 2D color screen cameras. The CULTI CAM system from CLAAS employs just one camera with two lenses (stereo camera) for 3D footage of the crops. At the same time, the 2D color seg-


mentation algorithms have been refined and an automatic camera height and angle detection feature has been implemented. By operating a proportional valve on the hydraulic frame, the frame aligns the hoes in parallel with the rows. The system also feeds any information on lessthan-optimum performance to the operator..

AutoTrac Implement Guidance

Tractor integrated implement steering with Infield auto system for high-capacity hoes John Deere GmbH & Co. KG – Hall 13, Stand E30 Developed jointly with: MONOSEM, France – Hall 11, Stand C54 Mechanical pest control in row crops is becoming more and more important as chemical spraying is viewed ever more critically by the general public. This has caused a rethink of existing machine concepts. AutoTrac Implement Guidance is an active steering system for row hoes that is controlled

CULTI CAM Stereoscopic row-crop CULTI CAM camera on mechanical hoes

from the tractor and provides accurate control between the rows and without using a traditional shifting frame. Instead, the hoe is shifted by the tractor’s hydraulic three-point linkage stabilizers. These stabilizers are controlled by a tractor integrated control circuit that provides feedback on their current position. The control system uses the camera signal from the hoe and calculates the distance between the mounted hoe and the detected rows of crop. In addition, hydraulic coulters are lowered into the ground behind the tractor to absorb the side draft that develops as the hoe moves to either side, thereby improving the functionality of the system, especially on slopes and at high work rates. Depending on the quality of the signals, the system also controls the ground speed of the tractor. It also has an interface for monitoring and logging positioning parameters of the system.

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The first pro-active and automatic combine setting system

MultiCoater CM 300

PETKUS Technologie GmbH – Hall 6, Stand E40 Wetting in seed coating should be as uniform as possible and is, in fact, achieved by traditional seed coaters through intensive mixing of dressing and seeds. As the seed coat dries over time, it is increasingly at risk of rubbing off, which leads to high Heubach rates, that is a high levels of airborne seed treatment dust. The MultiCoater CM 300 is a system that treats the coated seeds particularly gently inside the mixing chamber and dries them here too. This has been made possible by a special air cushioning technology in combination with metal-free deflectors. The MultiCoater coats and dries the seeds at the same time, it improves the seed flow and guarantees gentle treatment through optimal and uniform wetting. At the same time, it drastically reduces seed stress due to friction, thereby reducing the development of seed treatment dust substantially. As a result, the Heubach rates drop significantly below the statutory limits.

The first pro-active and automatic combine setting system

New Holland Agriculture, Italy – Hall 3, Stand D10 Maintaining maximum throughput levels while keeping losses and the

percentage of damaged grain at acceptable levels is a massive challenge and a strain to every combine operator who spends the whole day in the cab. In an effort to reduce operator fatigue, New Holland has introduced the first combine that looks ahead. To do this, it is first necessary to program the following data into the combine: past yields, field topography and all combine settings based on GPS positioning data. During the first pass of the following harvest campaign, the system can then interpolate these data and the setting system responds rapidly to varying conditions. The proactive system relies on traditional sensors and control systems that have been supplemented by a new pressure sensor on the cleaning system that measures indirectly the load on the sieves. The amount of time the material spends inside the threshing and separation areas in the rotor housings is controlled by adjusting the angles of the guide rails.

MultiCoater CM 300 The system contributes to implementing the rules on resistance to abrasion and protecting the environment

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axial rotor. The IDEAL combine from AGCO is the first combine in years that was developed from scratch and that features special technology. Further award-worthy features include fully automatic header attachment with header identification so that the settings of the particular header are retrieved. The novel preparation and return pans are segmented and provide up to 15% side slope levelling. A new sensor system detects the separation processes on the threshing and separation concaves and on the cleaning system, and provides the necessary database for an automatic machine set-up.

Ventor 4150

IDEAL combine

AGCO International GmbH, Hall 20, Stand A26 Developed jointly with: AGCO GmbH – Fendt – Hall 20, Stand 26a AGCO Deutschland GmbH – Massey Ferguson – Hall 20, Stand A 26b As high-capacity combines continue to increase in size to boost productivity and efficiency, road transport width is becoming the limiting factor in this development. This is


seen especially on the running gear and the large contact areas that are necessary to protect the soil. The IDEAL combine from AGCO is the only high-capacity combine that does not exceed the 3.3 m transport width and still uses ground-friendly running gear. This is achieved by limiting the threshing width to 1.4 m. The system comprises two axial rotors of 4.85 m in length and extra-long, 0.6 m diameter threshing and separation concaves as well as up to 480kW engines. Smaller IDEAL models have only one


Holmer Maschinenbau GmbH – Hall 24, Stand A24 Developed jointly with: Reichhardt GmbH Control Technology – Hall 15, Stand F45 Tractor headland management systems record sequences of repetitive functions and allow operators to retrieve them automatically either by pressing a button or based on GNSS positioning when approaching a specific area in the field. Reichardt and Holmer exxact have now developed an integral software solution that automates the full headland turn of a beet harvester including raising and lowering the lifter unit and carrying out the turn. To achieve this, the two companies combined the mechanical row guidance system including headland management from Holmer exxact with the GNSS controlled version from Reichardt, and tailored the new system to a self-propelled tanker harvester – in this case the Holmer Terra Dos T4. The innovative solution optimizes all headland turn maneuvers in the field to be harvested, thereby minimizing field traffic and therefore reducing compaction, losses, non-productive times and costs. Its greatest benefit is, however, reduced operator stress – not only during night work.

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Ventor 4150

Self-propelled four-row potato harvester with world-leading lifting system that doubles capacity Grimme Landmaschinenfabrik GmbH & Co. KG – Hall 25, Stand F13 Like many other farm machines, the development of high-capacity potato harvesters for higher performance and efficiencies is limited by the sheer physical size of the machines and the 3.5 m road width restriction. Grimme has now implemented its extremely gentle soil and haulm web system on the Ventor 4150 potato harvester, a four-row and self-propelled machine that stays within the 3.5 m transport limit. The two intake web lines that feed the tubers into the machine are followed by a first web that is made up of two separate belts. These are followed by a second endless and steep elevator web with a wide-mesh and pegged trash removing web. At the end of the line, the two streams of crop leave their individual systems and flow into the trash separation units on the right- and left-hand side, which offer sufficient capacity and stepless adjustment to ensure high throughputs and very gentle crop treatment. A folding mechanism (patent applied) folds the two trash separation units into the machine so it does not exceed the transport width of 3.5 meters.


Pöttinger Landtechnik GmbH – Hall 27, Stand C39 The beginning of the harvest seasons poses great risk to fawns and game in general, because the time of the first cut usually marks the beginning of the breeding season. The techniques and methods developed up to now

to save game have not proven very effective. An effective new system however is Sensosafe, a sensor bar that is installed to the header and that detects any wildlife hidden in the field to protect it from fatal injuries. The sensors are optical infrared sensors with integral LED lights that detect animals while the machine is moving. As soon as an animal is detected, the hydraulic system of the header is signaled to raise the unit. The wildlife is saved and the crop is not contaminated. The infrared sensors are bespoke developments for this specific application, and are able to detect fawns effectively also in bright daylight and sunlight, while ignoring other obstacles like mole heaps.


Maschinenfabrik Bernard Krone GmbH & Co. KG – Hall 27, Stand G21 As modern and high-yielding maize varieties reach growth heights of

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SmaArt Camera System for automated blossom thinning with Darwin

4.0 m and more, forager operators feel like driving their machines “up against a wall of maize plants” all day long. The Krone LiftCab is a feature that allows operators to raise the entire cab by up to 70 cm. The feature reduces operator strain and provides a convenient overview of the crop and the harvest fleet. The space underneath the cab also offers easy access to service and maintenance points. The cab lift is a novel feature on a forage harvester. It significantly reduces operator strain as it frees operators from driving up against a full-width wall of crop all day long. In addition, he can easily spot hazardous situations.

Flexwave Grain Silo Unloading System

sary to bring in mobile augers, which in turn need manual feeding at some point – a dusty, time-consuming job and heavy work that is dangerous, too, because the running augers present a risk of injury. A new approach is the Flexwave Grain Silo Unloading System which is made up of two air cushions. These are installed inside the store and to both sides of the outlet feeder. The cushions are not inflated at installation time. They cover the floor and reach up the wall to a height that is level with the tip of the grain cone that is formed during emptying. When the store is filled the cushions

are flat on the floor and wall. During emptying, the grain initially flows by gravity to the outlet feeder. Yet when the grain stops flowing the first cushion fills with air. As it does so, it pushes the heap away from the wall and to the middle of the store. After the first half of the bin is completely empty, the process starts over on the other side of the bin; before this happens, the air inside the first cushion is released. At the end of the process, the two empty cushions are pulled back into position by ballasted straps. The emptying process is monitored remotely, and so it is possible to refill grain stores without people having to go in to ensure thorough emptying. The Flexwave Grain Silo Unloading System is a very straightforward solution that can be retrofitted to existing non-funnel flow bins with flat floors. It empties the store completely without time-consuming and hazardous manual work.

SmaArt Camera System for automated blossom thinning with Darwin

Fruit-Tec Adolf Betz – Hall 21, Stand E10 The regulation of the amount of fruit on a plant or tree, that is blossom and/ or crop thinning, is one of the most important measures used in intensive commercial fruit growing for achieving the required fruit size and quality in marketing. The greatest challenge for mechanical blossom thinning is

Flexwave Grain Silo Unloading System

GSI Hungary Kft – Hall 20, Stand A26j and Hall 6, Stand E33 Flat-floor grain stores offer higher storage capacities than outlet-funnel grain stores of identical heights. The drawback about flat stores, however, is they never empty completely and a cone of residual grain remains in the bin. To clear out all grain it is neces-


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Beacon+GPS+Sigfox – Fliegl COUNTER SX / Pöttinger PÖTPRO Guide

the evaluation of the degree of thinning and the optimum adjustment of the spindle speed. The Darwin SmaArt Camera System replaces the subjective estimation of the blooming strength with the eye with objective detection by camera. To do this, a camera in front of the thinning spindle detects the blossom density of each individual tree and passes on the data to the onboard computer in real time. Using a thinning algorithm, the computer then calculates the optimum spindle speed and controls the thinning unit. The thinning unit consist of a spindle on which six rows of cord bars are arranged that remove the blossom through rotation. The thinning intensity is controlled to a great extent by the spindle speed. As an option, the system can be combined with a GPS

receiver. Using the GPS system, it is possible to detect each individual tree and to assign the data, such as the number of blossoms and the spindle speed, to the tree and to compare it later with the yield data.

Beacon+GPS+Sigfox – Fliegl COUNTER SX / Pöttinger PÖTPRO Guide

Fliegl Agrartechnik GmbH – Hall 4, Stand B43 Jointly developed with: Pöttinger Landtechnik GmbH – Hall 27, Stand C39 So that food manufacturers can verify the route the product takes from the field to the consumer in accordance with the EU regulations, for many years now Fliegl has

focused on beacons, which in their original form are small, inexpensive Bluetooth transmitters for machine recognition. With Fliegl COUNTER SX, the beacon technology has been considerably expanded with additional functionalities, enabling an inexpensive, flexible entry into smart farming technologies with major benefits. The COUNTER SX uses the innovative radio technology Sigfox, 3D sensors and GPS, that go beyond previous functionality. With the data radio network, Sigfox is a very inexpensive continuous Internet connection, and therefore provides automatic communication between the machines and the farm independently of mobile networks. It records movements of the machines through the intelligent evaluation of the 3D acceleration and tilt sensors integrated in the beacon. Then it analyses them with corresponding algorithms of a broad range of processes, assigns them and saves and transmits the information collected. Thanks to decreasing unit costs and simplified application integration, beacon technology is recommended for use in agricultural applications.


Automation of agricultural recordings with smartphones Farmdok GmbH – Hall 15, Stand G10 The recording requirements for agricultural operations continue to increase. These present farmers with new challenges, however the data that is documented and processed can also be used to improve company management and operational development. It is always necessary to have complete and plausible data, and the easier the data collection system

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is to operate, the more likely it is that detailed and accurate information is recorded.Farmdok is agricultural software for the mobile and automatic documentation of agricultural data in the field with a smartphone and/or tablet. The innovative sample analysis of cultivation and GPS data enables virtually complete automation of data acquisition. The Farmdok TaskPrediction algorithm measures parameters including operating materials, quantities and machines used. The data to be collected is automatically proposed at the start of each job; as a high probability of the planned measures can be achieved at this point thanks to comprehensive data analysis.The WorkCognition algorithm is used for the reliable detection and determination of the cultivated area using a far-reaching driving pattern analysis without the need for geo fences. This enables road and field work to be differentiated, and applied loads to be counted. The farmer benefits from time saved and more convenient recording with minimal operating effort. The easy-to-operate system requires no additional hardware, and therefore enables an inexpensive entry into farm record digitization for farmers, machinery rings or contractors.



DKE-Data GmbH & Co. KG – Hall 15, Stand G38 Jointly developed with: AGCO International GmbH – Hall 20, Stand A26 and Hall 15, Stand G38k Amazonen-Werke H. Dreyer GmbH & Co. KG – Hall 9, Stand H19 and Hall 15, Stand G38c Grimme Holding GmbH – Hall 25, Stand F13 and Hall 15, Stand G38h HORSCH Maschinen GmbH – Hall 12, Stand C41 and Hall 15, Stand G38i Maschinenfabrik Krone Beteili-

gungs-GmbH – Hall 27, Stand G21 and Hall 15, Stand G38e KUHN S.A. – Hall 12, Stand C05 and Hall 15, Stand G38l LEMKEN GmbH & Co. KG – Hall 11, Stand B42 and Hall 15, Stand G38j PÖTTINGER Landtechnik GmbH – Hall 27, Stand C39 and Hall 15, Stand G38f Rauch Landmaschinenfabrik GmbH – Hall 9, Stand D16 and Hall 15, Stand G38g Same Deutz–Fahr Deutschland GmbH – Hall 4, Stand D28 and Hall 15, Stand G38m In the course of additional digitization of agriculture, the majority of large companies try to ensure customer loyalty with corresponding proprietary solutions. In contrast to this, small and medium-sized companies are hardly capable of mastering this technical challenge on their own. However, for farmers themselves the primary focus is also on the critical topics of data security and data sovereignty.The agrirouter is a universal data exchange platform for farmers and contractors that combines machines and agricultural software across all manufacturers to simplify operating procedures and improve economic efficiency. Only the user can specify who exchanges which data with whom and for how long.

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SmaArt Camera System for automated blossom thinning with Darwin

SmartService 4.0

Amazonen-Werke, Germany – Hall 9, Stand H19 Ever more complicated machines also necessitate increasingly more specialized training for service technicians. However, workshop employees often have to carry out repair and/or maintenance work on-site in order to avoid long downtimes, for example, until the factory customer service arrives. In the environment of increasingly more complex machines, AMAZONE SmartService 4.0 uses the technologies of “virtual reality” and “expanded reality” to further develop the learning and training processes for the end customer and customer service, and to support customers and service technicians during maintenance work. AMAZONE Smart-Service 4.0 enables both multimedia-based, technical real-time support from service specialists for service technicians, as well as in the field of applications technology from service consultants for end customers. With real-time support, the service specialist/service consultant sees the activities of the service technician/end customer and can provide corresponding warnings and/or working instructions. This would not be the case purely with support over the phone.

Telematics Large Vehicle Alert System warns car drivers of agricultural machines in road traffic

Claas-Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH, Germany – Hall 13, Stand C02 Agricultural vehicles in road traffic generally have a bad reputation among non-agricultural road users. Many car and truck drivers become uneasy when they encounter slowmoving, often unwieldy agricultural machines or tractors towing trailers or equipment on narrow roads or on blind curves – quite apart from the accident potential of such situations. The Telematics Large Vehicle Alert System from Claas is the first traffic safety system that proactively informs drivers of networked cars on the position and status of agricultural machines on their route. For this purpose, the location of the agricultural machines is transmitted from the telemetry data via telematics or via a Claas app to the assistance systems of cars and trucks virtually in real time. With the open data standard, a broad range of navigation systems can access the data stored by Claas, enabling them to report any warnings to road users. This already enables hazards to be prevented beforehand or achieves improved acceptance when using large machines, as traffic safety systems have a major effect for agriculture.

Smart Crop Damage Identification

Intelligent identification system for crop damage caused by game Agrocom Poland – Hall 15, Stand J12 The ordinary estimation of damage caused by hunting and storms (hailstorms, intensive precipitation, night frost, ground softening and flooding) is difficult, labor-intensive and time-consuming, inaccurate and therefore hardly representative. An unclear estimate of damage is often the cause of conflicts between those incurring damage and, for example, insurance companies. However, a three-dimensional imaging process, such as the intelligent identification system for crop damage caused by game called Smart Crop Damage Identification (SCDI), provides a solution to this problem. It can record hunting and natural damage at the end of the vegetation period, even for tall plants, and makes an assessment and/or damage estimate possible. SCDI works with 3D images that are taken with drones at a low height. For this purpose, parallel paths are created at stable altitudes with photographic longitudinal directions using the planning software. In SCDI the images recorded in this way are then combined with existing LIDAR (light detection and ranging) laser data and the damage to the areas is automatically calculated.◀

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Agritechnica 2017: DEUTZ keeps its EU Stage V promise DEUTZ is the world’s first manufacturer to be given an EU Stage V certificate DEUTZ at Agritechnica hall 16 stand D19a



etween 12 and 18 November 2017, DEUTZ will be showcasing its agricultural machinery expertise at Agritechnica in Hannover. The engine manufacturer is taking part in the specialist Systems & Components forum and will be


based at stand D19 in hall 16. Every two years, some 2,400 exhibitors from more than 50 countries gather at Agritechnica, the leading international trade fair for agricultural machinery, components and services. This year, DEUTZ has a particularly exciting item to reveal. Under the banner ‘OUR PROMISE – YOUR FLEXIBILITY’, DEUTZ is keep-

ing the promise it made about the EU Stage V exhaust emissions standard, which comes into force in 2019. DEUTZ is the world’s first engine manufacturer to be given an EU Stage V certificate. The DEUTZ ‘Stage V ready’ engines, established back in 2015, have now become the ‘Stage V certified’ line. Initial certification has been awarded

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Feature on Agritechnica 2017

to the DEUTZ TTCD 6.1 diesel engine; the TCD 3.6 / 4.1 / 6.1 / 7.8 and TTCD 7.8 models are to follow by November 2017 – just in time for Agritechnica. Changing from the current EU Stage IV to Stage V requires no additional installation space, thus avoiding expensive modifications to customers’ equipment.This provides DEUTZ customers with planning certainty and flexibility when integrating engines into their machinery.By obtaining the first EU Stage V certificate, DEUTZ is also delivering on its environmental promise and positioning itself as an engine manufacturer with an ecofriendly focus. In addition to its well-proven and now certified product range, DEUTZ will also be presenting its new family of large engines in the 9 to 18 litre cubic capacity range in Hannover; these will go into series production from 2019 and be used for heavy-duty offhighway applications. The TCD 9.0 four-cylinder engine delivers 300 kW of power and generates 1,700 Nm of torque. The TCD 12.0 and 13.5 are six-cylinder engines producing, respectively, 400 kW of power and 2,500 Nm of torque, and 450 kW of power and 2,800 Nm of torque. The biggest engine, the TCD 18.0 six-cylinder, delivers 620 kW of power and generates 3,600 Nm of torque. By introducing the new engines, DEUTZ is extending the upper power output range so as to specifically cover further applications. Two more engines will extend the lower end of the power range. The agricultural machinery version of the DEUTZ TCD 2.2 three-cylinder will be exhibited at Agritechnica for the first time, featuring an integral oil sump that makes it suitable for installing in tractors. Thanks to its compact configuration, it is the ideal engine for small tractors. Moreover, its big brother – the four-cylinder TCD 2.9 – will be making its first appearance as a high

power variant for agricultural machinery in Hannover with a power output of up to 80 kW. Reflecting the official slogan of Agritechnica’s Systems & Components forum, ‘Stay Connected’, DEUTZ will also be presenting two digital products.The free ‘DEUTZ Connect’ service app marks the start of a completely new digital service. Firstly, engine diagnostics will be carried out remotely via smartphone or tablet in future. Data exchange will take place via a Bluetooth interface; this will only need a small receiver to be fitted to the engine.Other functions will be gradually added. This new app approach will be on public display for the first time at Agritechnica. DEUTZ’s new webshop (www. will see the DEUTZ service network moving onto the internet. Customers anywhere in the world will be able to get in touch with their local service partner online to register their engines and to buy spare parts online 24/7. This platform-based system combines the benefits of the World Wide Web – unlimited availability round the clock – with the strengths offered by an expert local aftersales service. The provision of aftersales support and parts delivery will remain in the hands of the local DEUTZ partner

close to the customer. Delivery times will be minimised and the most efficient support provided. “For us, Agritechnica represents the most important platform for engaging with our partners in the agricultural machinery segment,” says Michael Wellenzohn, member of the Board of Management of DEUTZ AG with responsibility for sales, service and marketing. “This year, we are delighted to be presenting several exciting topics. Being awarded the world’s first Stage V certificate provides our customers with certainty at an early stage and emphasises our technological lead in exhaust aftertreatment. At the same time, we are adding to our product range at both ends of the power output scale and digitising our service provision.”◀


DEUTZ is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of innovative drive systems. Its core competences are the development, production, distribution and servicing of drive systems for professional applications. The engine specialist offers a broad spectrum of liquid-cooled and air-cooled engines with capacities ranging from 19 kW to 620 kW that are used in construction equipment, agricultural machinery, material handling equipment, stationary equipment, commercial vehicles, rail vehicles and other applications. DEUTZ offers its customers a comprehensive and short-termed support by 13 distribution companies, 7 sales offices and over 800 sales and service partners in more than 130 countries around the world.

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A new universal cultivator: various configurations for all requirements [ MIR IAM SP ADA ]

It will be available as a 3- or 4-bar version with a tine spacing between 28.5 and 31.5 cm and thus combines the requirements of the customers



t the Agritechnica HORSCH will present the new Terrano GX. The working widths range from 4 to 6 metre. It will be available as a 3- or 4-bar version with a tine spacing between 28.5 and 31.5 cm and thus combines the requirements of the customers. The Terrano is equipped with the TerraGrip tines of the third generation.

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HORSCH at Agritechnica hall 12 stand C42

The spring is located smoothly in the frame and has a release force of 550 kg. The large and maintenance-free pivot points guarantee a long service life. The cultivator can be equipped with 4 cultivation point options from intensely mixing to merely loosening and thus can be used for any situation. The chassis of the Terrano GX is located behind the tine section, in front of the levelling tools. The chassis with large tyres is used for road

transport as well as for turning on the headlands. The design characteristics of the chassis guarantees high ground clearance when lifted as well as a save pivoting of the tyres out of the working range when lowered. This guarantees optimum working quality in the field and high driving comfort on the road. To be able to make optimum use of the tractive output, the Terrano GX is equipped with a fully integrated tractive power amplifier

that transfers weight to the rear axle of the tractor with 1,200 kg while working. It is activated by switching the control device for lifting and lowering to a de-pressurised position, without any additional control devices or cylinders. With regard to levelling you can choose between levelling discs, that aggressively distribute the material in front of the packer and the tine levelers that spread the material and thus guarantee perfect levelling. The Terrano GX can be equipped with a single packer or with a double packer. 6 packer versions allow for meeting the individual requirements of each customer. For working in wet conditions or to cultivate the winter furrow a special wet/winter packer has been developed, that due to its small contact area prevents compaction and only controls the depth of the machine. The available single packers are the RingFlex packer and the SteelDisc packer. The double packers are the well-known double RollPack packer, the double RingFlex packer and new the SteelFlex combi-packer. It will be possible to equip the Terrano with a fertilizer kit for a targeted placement of fertiliser as well as with the well-proven MiniDrill to be used for catch crops and greening.â—€

Info HORSCH Maschinen GmbH Sitzenhof 1 92421 Schwandorf T.: +49 9431 7143-0 F.: +49 9431 7143-9200 info @

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Kubota: what a good news!

A new e-spreader, a new e-power attachment, the new M7002 (the successor of the well-known M7001). And this fascinating technology [ J O H N M E L E G AT T I ]


utonomous driving with Kubota tractors is now a reality. Thanks to a number of innovations and their combination with existing technology, farmers can control up to two current Kubota tractors—such as the L or M7001 series—on the field at the same time. Using remote controls, the driver can steer one unmanned tractor on the field and simultaneously monitor another autonomous tractor on the field, while sitting on yet another autonomous tractor. From a distance he can control all the functions in real time via a monitor.


Together with the Japanese company Topcon and the Kansas State University, USA, Kubota has developed an operations management software specifically for autonomous tractor management. This allows you to plan, control, and monitor each operation of the autonomous vehicle very efficiently and send the data to the tractor. In order to guarantee complete safety, the tractor is fitted with a range of ISO-certified safety features. Sonar and scanner technologies detect obstacles reliably and fully automatically, if necessary. This technological advance allows Kubota to not

only meet future challenges due to a shortage of manpower in farming. Autonomous tractors also generate economic and environmental benefits. Personnel costs can be reduced by the simultaneous control of two tractors by one person. Furthermore, a permanently autonomous tractor does not require maximum engine performance because the tractor’s working hours can be extended. Lower engine ratings and lighter weight also allow the tractor to operate under more challenging soil conditions. This contributes to sustainable and environmentally friendly farming.◀

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Kubota Corporation, founded in 1890 by Mr. Gonshiro Kubota, present in more than 110 countries and with revenues of +1.6 Trillion JPY in 2016, is a manufacturer of farm and compact equipment, engines, construction machinery and also producer of various pipe-related products, principally ductile iron pipes and environment-related products such as environmental control plants. The Company’s registered office is located at 2-47, Shikitsuhigashi 1-chome, Naniwa-ku, Osaka 556-8601, Japan.

KUBOTA at Agritechnica hall 7 stand A36

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MF Round Baler line-up further strengthens Massey Ferguson’s harvesting range

Massey Ferguson announced the addition of a new line up of technology [ MI RI A M S P AD A ]


assey Ferguson, a worldwide brand of AGCO (NYSE:AGCO), announced the addition of a new line up of high quality, advanced technology MF Round Balers to its fast expanding green and gold harvesting range, which will make their debut at Agritechnica 17 in Hanover on 12-18 November 2017. With a superb, consistent bale shape, superior design and high quality engineering, the new MF RB Series round balers further strengthen Massey Ferguson’s fast-growing fleet of efficient and dependable equipment. Five models provide a wide choice of


fixed - and variable chamber balers to exactly match the requirements of all users, including smaller stock farms, larger mixed grass and arable enterprises through to professional contractors. The MF RB range will be recognised for its strength and reliability, with patented and unique features that will set the benchmark for producing consistent, superior hay, silage and straw bales. “The MF RB Series joins the recently introduced mower, rakes and tedders, which quickly proved popular,” says Adam Sherriff, Market Development Manager, Massey Ferguson Harvesting, EME. “Customers are now able to buy a well-proven, quality baler from

their local Massey Ferguson Dealer with the confidence of knowing they will receive superb service and back-up. “The addition of these balers enables Massey Ferguson to expand its world-class range of hay and forage equipment, as well as provide arable operators with the industry’s most respected variable chamber round baler,” he adds. Constructed from the highest quality components, the straightforward design combines ease of operation and dependable performance with low maintenance. All are built to the very high standards and benefit from many unique features including the high speed

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Massey Ferguson at Agritechnica hall 20 stand A26b

▶ ▶

camless pick-up, Hydroflexcontrol anti-block system, Constant Pressure System, Xtracut cutter and Varionet wrapping. Both fixed and round balers are fitted with a positive, mechanical tailgate lock that ensures uniform bale diameter and high density, while reducing power consumption. The MF RB Series is also available with a range of options including air brakes, wider pick-ups and larger tyres.

MF RB Series Round Balers’ outstanding features

▶ Three fixed chamber models making 1.25m diameter x 1.23m wide bales. Choice of three levels

of specification to suit individual operational requirements MF RB Series fixed chamber balers make dense, hard-centred bales with 18 Powergrip rollers, each featuring ten uniquely shaped ribs and three Xtracut options Two variable chamber models making 0.9m-1.6m or 0.9m-1.8m bales, create consistent density and come with three Xtracut options High performance, camless pick-up lifts more crop smoothly and efficiently. Straightforward design has fewer moving parts, to improve reliability and reduce maintenance Xtracut option offers a choice of 13, 17 or 25 knives on fixed and variable chamber balers Hydroflexcontrol prevents damage and downtime providing twostage protection with automatic mechanical floor suspension and hydraulic lowering system Varionet, standard on all MF RB Series balers, provides perfect edge-to-edge or over-the-edge wrapping with all types and qualities of net Variotwin twine wrapping is an option on all balers Positive mechanical tailgate lock ensures uniform bale diameter and high density, while reducing power consumption Automatic lubrication and central grease points ease maintenance and improve longevity Choice of ISOBUS compatible control or dedicated terminals

MF RB Series Balers produce perfect bales in a range of crops

Massey Ferguson’s new MF RB fixed and variable chamber balers make large, dense and uniform hay, silage and straw bales. Three fixed chamber machines, create 1.25m diameter x 1.23m wide bales, using 18 Powergrip rollers, and offer various levels of specification to precisely match each individual farm’s needs. The choice includes the straightforward MF RB 1125F, with net wrap; the MF RB 2125F with 13 or 17-knife Xtracut options and the top of the range MF RB 2125FPR, with 25-knife cutter for professional and large-scale operations. Two variable chamber balers, which create bales with four seamless belts, are available with three Xtracut options, offering 13, 17 or 25 knives. The MF RB 4106V makes bales from 0.9m-1.6m in diameter, while the MF RB 4180V goes from 0.9m to 1.8m.

Perfect bales begin with superior pick-up

All MF RB balers are equipped with an innovative camless pick-up, which lifts the crop gently and efficiently, conveying it directly to the rotor. This clever and practical design, operates more effectively, simply and quietly than traditional cam-based systems. Instead of running in a cam track, pickup tines rotate through specially-shaped segment wrappers. Equipped with five rows of closely


Bale diameter Net wrap

Fixed chamber

Xtracut chopper – knives




MF RB 1125F



MF RB 2125F







MF RB 4160V

Up to 1.6m


MF RB 4180V

Up to 1.8m


◆ ◆

◆ ◆

◆ ◆

Variable chamber

◆ = Available; – = not available

– –

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spaced tines, the rotor lifts the crop quickly, smoothly and cleanly. The maintenance-free system has no grease points and employs fewer moving parts, which improves reliability. Two hydraulic rams raise and lower the pick-up into the floating work position. With adjustment to suit ground conditions, the rams can be set to support the weight to allow it to ‘hover’ over the ground and protect the sward. Optimum feeding is ensured, with a crop roller minimising losses and pre-compressing the swath, ahead of the pick-tines. Two side augers gather the swath and convey it directly to the rotor, helping to create the best bale shape. The MF RB Series balers are available with a range of pick-up widths, from 2.0m on the MF RB1125F up to 2.4m on MF RB 4160V and RB 4180V.

Xtracut boosts density

Massey Ferguson’s Xtracut system helps pack in more crop to create denser, heavier bales, which improves silage quality as well as reducing wrapping, transport and storage costs. Cut silage is not only better quality, it is also more palatable and easier to feed. Chopped straw is easier to incorporate into total mixed rations and makes more absorbent bedding, which is easier to spread as manure. Available on all models, apart from the entry-level MF RB 1125F, Xtracut uses the longest knives on the market to deliver optimum cutting performance with trouble-free operation.


With Xtracut comes the unique Hydroflexcontrol, which keeps the MF RB Series working by completely clearing any blockage, quickly and easily with a two-stage anti-block system. Variable chamber models come with three cutter options, providing 13, 17 or 25 knives. The RB MF 2125 FPR, aimed at professional operators, comes with 25 knives as standard. Two hydraulically-operated knife banks on XC17 and XC25 versions to change the chop length quickly and easily. This enables operators to engage a single knife bank, both sets together or withdraw the knives completely, when not required.

Hydroflexcontrol delivers blockage-free operation

The exclusive Hydroflexcontrol – two stage anti-block system clears blockages, quickly and easily. Special Hydroflexcontrol suspension bushes allow the front of the chamber floor to flex, preventing up to 80% of potential blockages, by allowing any lumps to pass through. If, however, this is not enough to stop a major blockage, the floor and knife banks can be lowered hydraulically in a few seconds and without leaving the cab. This system enables the operator to maintain an average of up to 20% faster working speeds in the field, which increases output and efficiency.

Variable chamber – four belts create perfectly formed bales

MF RB variable chamber machines

make consistently shaped and heavy silage, hay and straw bales. Unrivalled density is assured thanks to the strong, welded and aligned chamber and constant pressure system. Four industry-leading quality 28.5cm wide x 8mm thick, exceptionally durable belts form bales in diameters up to 1.6m or 1.8m. Special rollers tension the 11m long belts and help keep them clean. A patented and unique bale development system uses two rollers to begin the core formation. As the bale expands the baler’s tailgate moves downwards, forcing the bale to the rear. This reduces the pressure on the feeding area, which delivers a higher throughput with a low power requirement.

Constant Pressure System boosts density

At the same time, the unique Constant Pressure System uses springs and hydraulic rams to continually increase the pressure as the bale expands. This maintains the same surface pressure on the bale from the core right up to the maximum diameter. This Constant Pressure System plays a key role in achieving the uniform shape and market leading density through the bale. This not only packs more material into the same space, but also improves silage quality.

Mechanical tailgate lock

A straightforward and reliable mechanical tailgate lock, first introduced on these machines, delivers many benefits, ensuring the highest density while also maintaining a uniform di-

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ameter and high quality bale shape. The mechanical lock saves power because it does not require any additional hydraulic pressure to hold the door shut. The positive mechanism also requires just one single acting valve to operate, which improves reliability.

Fixed chamber – strong, straightforward roller system

The MF RB fixed chamber balers set the standard for straw and silage baling, making dense, consistently shaped, 1.25m diameter bales. Three models provide specification levels to suit all customers – from an entry level, non-cut version through to a fully-featured machine for largescale operations and contractors. All fixed chamber balers use 18 patented, 22cm diameter Powergrip rollers. The unique design uses ten longitudinal ribs, pressed into 3.2mm thick tube. The ribs are in constant contact with the bale, which ensures perfect bale rotation, in all crops and conditions, as well as delivering the renowned consistent density and perfect bale shape. Self-cleaning housings for the rollers’ support bearings allow moisture and crop to fall away. This prevents material wrapping and helps prolong bearing life. The fixed chamber balers also employ the same mechanical tailgate locking system found on the variable chamber machines. This provides the same straightforward positive locking advantages, providing higher density and superb bale shape.

Standard net wrap secures superb bale shape

Easy to load, set and operate Varionet net wrapping is standard on all MF RB Series balers, ensuring bales maintain their superb shape during handling and storage. Twine wrapping is an option. The versatile Varionet system performs perfectly with all types of net

- regardless of its quality or length. It is easy to adjust the wrap width to apply net edge-to-edge or over the edge for further protection during loading, handling and transport. A standard Easy Loading System (ELS) facilitates quick, easy and safe net roll loading with storage for a spare roll, providing capacity for up to ten hours baling. Moreover, the replacement roll can be loaded in just a few minutes and by one person. For those not requiring net, the Variotwin twine system offers a simple and economical alternative. This uses a unique Variable Speed Control that delivers more twine revolutions on the bale edges for better security as well as faster wrapping.

Superb engineering and easy maintenance

MF RB Series balers come with a reputation for not only making superb, consistent bales, but also for their high quality construction and reliability.

Drive is delivered by a Powersplit gearbox, which divides the PTO power, without the need for chains to change direction. Built to handle the greater loads, the gearbox delivers the highest torque required for peak performance in all conditions – even the wettest silage bales. Bale chambers are engineered to withstand the pressures required to create the highest density. The thick, welded side panels are aligned perfectly and supported by reinforcing tubes to provide the rigidity to deliver the density without flexing. World-leading quality chains are used on all MF RB Series balers. These are lubricated automatically with brushes or felt strips, with individual adjustment for each ensuring they are all supplied the exact amount required. Remote greasing banks make it faster and easier to lubricate bearings, which further improve reliability and extends their working life.◀


AGCO (NYSE: AGCO) is a global leader in the design, manufacture and distribution of agricultural solutions and supports more productive farming through its full line of equipment and related services. AGCO products are sold through five core brands, Challenger®, Fendt®, GSI®, Massey Ferguson® and Valtra®, supported by Fuse® precision technologies and farm optimization services, and are distributed globally through a combination of over 3,000 independent dealers and distributors in more than 140 countries.

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Flexibility, safety and ergonomics: IMET New Series M880

[ J O H N M E L E G AT T I ]


MET was founded in 1988 and is today, one of the pioneering companies in the development and manufacturing of industrial safety radio remote controls. IMET is a blend of individuals who pool their talents to listen to the market and to customer needs. IMET has thus given a strong response in terms of flexibility, safety and ergonomics; in one word, the M880 solution. The new models WAVE2, ARES2, KRON, ZEUS2 and THOR2, are the result of the experience gathered over years and the combination of high-level technical skills. All models present important features, like the STOP circuit, which ensures the highest level of


security in accordance to European and international standards; the newly designed boxes realized with high-resistance material and capable of operating at a -25°C to 70°C working temperature range. All new radio remote controls can memorize each event that has caused a breakdown or a crash, as well as the its actual working hours. A dedicated diagnostics tool allows you to set and check the main operating parameters and to view the list of the most significant events that have occurred, by simply interfacing it to a PC and to the remote control. All models are equipped with “AFA” (Adaptive Frequency Agility) technology. It prevents the risk of lost of communication due to interferences.

The radio remote control continuously searches and selects the less impeded channel among the available ones. Another feature is the optional PIN code, which allows you to set a customizable safety pin code, so that the device can only be used by authorized personnel. In addition, removable and rechargeable NiMH batteries have been introduced with the new series. They allow a superior battery life and ensure a negligible memory effect . Today, IMET can boast a very wide and articulated range of products, capable of suiting the majority of requirements inside the industry, the construction, agricultural sectors and many more. In addition to the standards mod-

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els, which have been designed for the most traditional applications, such us construction cranes, bridge cranes, etc., the company places at the disposal of its customers a staff of technicians that is specialized in the design and creation of customized models of radio remote controls, according to specific requirements. IMET’s sale network covers 30 countries around the world. The successful growth finds its root in the idea of maintaining design and production processes totally inside its facilities.◀

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CLAAS announces new SCORPION at Agritechnica 2017 CLAAS will use the Agritechnica to present a completely new SCORPION series. Manufactured by Liebherr, the new SCORPION is currently being tested in the field and will be available in an extended model range from January 2018 28

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Feature on Agritechnica 2017

CLAAS and its sales partners Guarantee the familiar reliable service and replacement parts for all CLAAS SCORPION on the market, now and in the future


C CLAAS at Agritechnica hall 13 stand C02


CLAAS is a family business founded in 1913 and is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of agricultural machinery. The company, with corporate headquarters in Harsewinkel, Germany, is the European market leader in combine harvesters. CLAAS is the world leader in another large product group, self-propelled forage harvesters. CLAAS is also a top performer in worldwide agricultural engineering with its tractors, agricultural balers and green harvesting machinery. The CLAAS product portfolio also includes state-of-the-art farming information technology. CLAAS has 11,300 employees worldwide and reported an annual turnover of 3.6 billion euros in the financial year 2016.

LAAS has enjoyed great success for over the past 20 years with its high-quality agricultural telescopic loaders, which it today sells to farmers and agricultural contractors around the world under the CLAAS SCORPION brand. Two years ago, CLAAS entered into an agreement to cooperate with its partner Liebherr in this business area. CLAAS will use the Agritechnica to present a completely new SCORPION series developed together with Liebherr, the technology leader in professional materials handling. Manufactured by Liebherr, the new SCORPION is currently being tested in the field and will be available in an extended model range from January 2018. CLAAS and its sales partners guarantee to continue the familiar reliable service and replacement parts for all CLAAS SCORPION on the market, now and in the future. Kramer-Werke GmbH has been producing CLAAS agricultural telescopic loaders since 2005, and will do so until the end of 2017, which CLAAS sells under the global CLAAS SCORPION brand. Two years ago, CLAAS and Kramer-Werke agreed to end their partnership in the development and production of agricultural telescopic loaders by the end of the current year.â—€

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