MT n.1 | January - March 2017

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Year XXIX n.1 January-February 2017


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Bobcat New E57W Stage IIIB FOR The new Performing Plating Volvo At work in Poland



Poste Italiane Spa Sped. Abb. Postale - Stampe periodiche in Regime Libero - CN/FO - Campione Gratuito





FROM THE CAB Locking position closed hatch

Pouring position open hatch



Cangini Benne srl 000_COVER_MT_ENG.indd 1

Cangini will be at SaMoTer trade fair in Verona, on February, 22-25 (pav. 6 – booth D7): Cangini comes again to this Italian kermesse to display its whole product lines

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At KOHLER Engines, we recognise what is exactly required. This is why in the most arduous and demanding working conditions, KOHLERÂŽ engines provide you with exceptional performance, higher productivity, low operating cost and ease of maintenance. With a highly specialised dealer network, trained on the latest emissions standard coupled with a substantial availability of parts worldwide, you can always count on us.

W W W. K O H L E R E N G I N E S . C O M / E U

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09/02/17 20:28



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Poste Italiane Spa Sped. Abb. Postale Stampe periodiche in Regime Libero CN/FO - Campione Gratuito



Year XXIX n.1 January-February 2017

Bobcat New E57W Stage IIIB FOR The new Performing Plating Volvo At work in Poland




Year XXXIX n. 1 January-February 2017

ON COVER > Cangini Benne srl HYDRAULIC


FROM THE CAB Locking position closed hatch

Pouring position open hatch



Publisher Mario Giunchedi – Editor in chief Manuela Cortesi – Contributors: Sarah Downie, Porfirio Ferrari, John Melegatti, Miriam Spada Graphic design: Nico Ambrosino – Administration & Subscriptions office Tel. 0545 97.15.78 Fax 0545 97.11.87 – E-mail: Subscriptions Italia: euro 36,00 Other countries: euro 60,00 Print GRAFICHE MDM - Forlì Advertising Concessionaria pubblicità (Italia-Estero) AD COMMUNICATION Via E. Fermi, 6 - 20027 Rescaldina (MI) Tel./Fax +39.0331.1462600 Anna De Bortoli – mob. +39 348 9691420 Davide Ferrati – mob +39 331 5218050

Cangini Benne srl

Companies > Samep

Registration CCIAA 115210 – Iscr. Soc. Trib. RA 11824 Aut. Tribunale di Ravenna n. 913 del 22/7/89 Iscriz. Registro Nazionale Stampa n. 3984 MT – Rivista Italiana del Movimento Terra S.C.I. srl – Via Martiri della Libertà, 63H 48024 Massalombarda (RA) Tel. 0545 97.15.78 – Fax 0545 97.11.87 –

09/02/17 20:07

Quality comparable to the original at the right aftermarket cost Miriam Spada p. 4 Companies > Cangini Benne srl Companies > Hyundai

De-tiering kits and wheel loaders John Melegatti p. 8

Innovation and tradition Porfirio Ferrari

p. 18

What’s up > Terex Trucks

Auto Maquinaria for Angolan support Porfirio Ferrari p. 10 Companies > Yanmar

New distributor in Sweden John Melegatti

p. 12 ConExpo/Con-Agg > Volvo

Volvo at ConExpo/Con-Agg Porfirio Ferrari

Responsability La riproduzione delle illustrazioni e degli articoli pubblicati su MT, traduzioni comprese, è riservata e non può avvenire senza autorizzazione scritta della casa editrice S.C.I. srl. Testi e materiali fotografici forniti in qualsiasi forma alla stessa non saranno restituiti, anche in caso di non avvenuta pubblicazione. La S.C.I. srl non si assume responsabilità relative ai suddetti materiali, anche in caso di esemplari unici, e ad eventuali errori contenuti negli articoli pubblicati. Il materiale redazionale pervenuto alla S.C.I. srl senza preventivi accordi sono da intendersi gratuiti anche se pubblicati. I nomi e le ditte pubblicati sono citati senza responsabilità, a puro titolo informativo, allo scopo di rendere un servizio al lettore. Frequency Sono previsti 8 numeri/anno, di cui 3 parzialmente in lingua inglese Sped. in Abb. Postale – D.L. 353/2003 (conv. in L27/02/2004 n.46) art.1, comma1, Commerciale Business – Forlì n. 74/2009

Cangini will be at SaMoTer trade fair in Verona, on February, 22-25 (pav. 6 – booth D7): Cangini comes again to this Italian kermesse to display its whole product lines

000_COVER_MT_ENG.indd 1

p. 22

Components > Hydreco Hydraulics Italia

Innovation at hand Porfirio Ferrari

p. 24

Components > For

High resistance vs Corrosion Porfirio Ferrari

p. 26

Machines > Doosan | Bobcat


New E57W Stage IIIB Wheeled Excavator John Melegatti p. 14

An introduction to our small Italian company Sarah Downie p. 28

At work > Volvo

Wheel loaders cultivate friends in Poland Miriam Spada p. 16

Per le immagini pubblicate si resta a disposizione degli aventi diritto che non si siano potuti reperire

001_003_Pub+Sommario.indd 2

09/02/17 20:28

HYDRECO HYDRAULICS delivers OUTSTANDING GLOBAL PERFORMANCE on the control of hydraulic systems for mobile applications. Advanced remote pilot operation of directional control valves offers user friendly, low effort control utilising circuit fluid pressure or electrical signals. The SAFETY and the TAILOR MADE SOLUTIONS are the milestones of our operation, with a KEY FOCUS ON CUSTOMERS NEEDS.

• ELE ELECTRAULICS™: complete control system based on CAN-bus protocol HA • HANDLES with on-off and proportional switches + capacitive sensors JO • JOYSTICK, hydraulic and electrical, dual and single axis, single and multiple

• Piston and gears PUMPS and MOTORS

• Directional control VALVES

tel.: +39 059 7700411

001_003_Pub+Sommario.indd 3



09/02/17 20:33

Companies > Samep

Quality comparable to the original at the right aftermarket cost This is the philosophy of SAMEP Tools, a manufacturer specializing in the production of adaptable spare parts for hydraulic hammers Miriam Spada


he reason behind the success of the Turin-based company is all in this sentence: with a range of over 10,000 tools and 5000 spare parts suitable for over 80 of the

top brands of demolition machines, SAMEP Tools has managed to carve out significant market share, as it can offer its customers a high quality product at an aff ordable price.

But how can all this be? According to general manager Mino Salvia, “the heart of the company is our production department, consisting of highly skilled and qualified staff working on next-generation machine tools. For

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processing purposes, our engineers select superior steel alloys by taking into account the specific function that each component will play inside the hammer. We do not cut back on raw materials. The workpiece then undergoes important tests, such as in the spectrometric analysis of the steel alloy, the ultrasonic test on all the bars, the conformity test, the thermal treatment and the hardness measurement. Plus, the whole production cycle takes place in our factory. The log of each single piece can be traced on our systems: when we talk about quality we know what we’re speaking of!� Quality is also guaranteed by a rigorous research and development department that, with the support of tools designed for metallurgical analysis, is constantly studying new materials and improvements in the production process. The investment in the product is rewarded by customers who choose the right price/quality ratio. For a company with such a strong focus on manufacturing processes and quality standards, the warehouse features the same standards. It has an extremely wide availability of materials: more than 10,000 bits and 3,000 spare parts in stock, which means more than 5,000 deliveries a year around the world.

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Companies > Samep

One of the noteworthy strong suits of SAMEP Tools is its sales support: in 2012, in total contrast with the economic crisis, a new branch was opened in Zaragoza, Spain, to meet the growing demand of this country, but also to quickly serve markets in Portugal, North Africa and southern France. With the opening of the new warehouse, the supply of a new product was launched as well: the teeth for TT buckets (ToughTeeth)®. The Spanish subsidiary is also the official distributor of Feurst® teeth for Spain and Portugal. Dynamic and versatile, the company also deals with some customised services, such as cylinder grinding and the manufacturing of oversized pistons, sample-based manufacturing and repairs on second-hand hammers. In recent years SAMEP Tools stood out for its constant ability to renew its image and its communications. Every year it attends at the most important

international trade fairs, such as Bauma, Conexpo and Intermat. In February 2017 it will take part in Samoter, the biggest Italian trade fair for earthmoving machinery. The new website,, which is fully responsible and easy to browse, has just been launched. Moreover, the company has a strong presence on the main social networks and is in charge of various paper-based and web advertising campaigns, as it knows the key role these instruments have in terms of international prestige and credibility.◀

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MT > n.1 gennaio-febbraio 2017 7

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Companies > Hyundai


ecently Hyundai launched their all-new Stage IV excavator and wheel loader line-up. Machines that comply with the latest emission regulation, that are up-to 10% more fuel efficient and with 13% more operator’s space, 10% noise reduction, 50% more durability of arm and boom and 100% more safety with Hyundai’s exclusive AAVM (Advanced Around View Monitoring) System. The all-new HX excavators and HL wheel loaders were predecessed by the Stage III B Hyundai 9A-series. For these models Hyundai have now introduced so-called “de-tiering kits” or “sulfur tolerance kits”. Hyundai dealers can de-tier machines prior to shipment to countries outside Europe and the US. De-tiering means automatically emission decertification. “Hyundai excavators and wheel loaders last for a long time, so it’s good that when our customers choose for the allnew HX/HL series from Hyundai, their

De-tiering kits and wheel loaders Hyundai Construction Equipment announce the immediate availability of de-tiering kits to adjust machines to those markets with a less stringent emission regulation and high-sulfur fuel John Melegatti

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previous machines can enjoy a second life in other countries. That’s how we can all help to make better use of our natural resources and build a better world. However to assure that the new owners have the same peace-ofmind when operating their machines we offer these sulfur tolerance kits.”, says Alain Worp, Director Sales CE for Hyundai Heavy Industries Europe.

Mr K.Y. Kong appointed as new COO of Hyundai Construction Equipment Hyundai Heavy Industries announce the appointment of Mr K.Y. Kong as the new COO (Chief Operating Officer) of

the Hyundai Construction Equipment division. Mr K.Y. Kong has been working for Hyundai for 30-years and has held a number of positions within the company, which include, Head of global Forklift Sales and Head of Production. Mr Kong will continue with maximizing operational excellence in both development and production. Mr K.Y Kong said “Technology, quality, marketing and HR are the key drivers for sustainable growth in our business. I am very confident that by focusing on these 4 pillars we will deliver great value to our customers, grow our marketshare, and achieve our goal of becoming a global top-

three construction equipment manufacturer and a top-ten material handling equipment manufacturer.” Mr. K.Y. Kong has succeeded Mr S.G. Rhee as the Chief Operating Officer of the Hyundai Construction Equipment division. Mr S.G. Rhee retired recently but he leaves an impressive track record. During the past years he has steered the company through challenging times amid a recessive economy in global markets like Brazil, Russia, China and many others. He has also initiated a comprehensive program to reduce operating costs and to reallign and minimize the number of key suppliers. Mr. S.G. Rhee says “Mr K.Y Kong and I have managed numerous projects together this makes me believe that this transition should work out smoothly.” Hyundai Heavy Industries Europe wishes Mr S.G. Rhee (who has been Managing Director from HHIE from 2011 to 2014) a well-deserved retirement.◀

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What’s up > Terex Trucks

Auto Maquinaria for Angolan support Auto Maquinaria has been appointed by Terex Trucks as its official distributor of articulated and rigid dump trucks in Angola Porfirio Ferrari

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i Terex Trucks has partnered with Auto Maquinaria, Limitada (AMQA) to supply and support its complete range of articulated and rigid haulers in Angola. Headquartered in its newly-opened facility in the capital Luanda, AMQA will also provide Factory-Approved parts and other essential aftermarket care services to customers throughout the iron ore, diamonds, and oil-rich country in Southern Africa. Pleased with the addition of Terex Trucks’ machines to the company’s portfolio, Adriano David, sales director at AMQA, revealed the appointment means its hauler offering to customers in Angola now comes with an increased payload. David explained: “The partnership with Terex Trucks is a great opportunity for AMQA to establish its position as the leading supplier of transport solutions to the mining industry in Angola. During the years of the global commodity boom, AMQA delivered a significant number of ADTs to mines in Angola and even became the best seller of articulated haulers in the entire world in 2007. However, with the increased depth of mines, many operations switched to the use of rigid dump trucks, which wasn’t a product we had

to offer to customers – until now.” Africa’s seventh largest country, Angola is rich in natural resources, including oil, diamonds, gold, iron ore and copper. The growth of the country is almost entirely driven by commodities, and considerable exploration is underway in Angola. Over the next few years, several major mining projects will open up, especially since it is estimated that as little as 40% of the Angolan mining resources have been identified. The durability and efficiency of Terex Trucks’ equipment is a good match for the demanding climate and conditions of the Angolan mining industry. The rugged and simplistic design of the machines, crafted in Motherwell, Scotland, provide a balance of power, torque, and effective gearing, coupled with optimum weight distribution to move more material in less time, with less fuel. To complement its existing range of products, AMQA will add all four Terex Trucks rigid haulers, the TR45, TR60, TR70, and TR100, as well as its TA250, TA300 and TA400 articulated dump trucks. Part of the NORS Group – which is one of the world’s largest suppliers of industrial equipment for construction and infrastructure – AMQA was chosen

to be Terex Trucks’ official distributor in Angola because of its experience and knowledge of the market. Thanks to an active team and great service, the company has built up a strong reputation in the industry and continues to meet, and exceed customer expectations. Guy Wilson, EMEA’s sales and marketing director at Terex Trucks, commented: “AMQA has made a name for itself as a trusted and established distributor for construction equipment across various sectors of the Angolan market. We are confident that this appointment will mean Terex Trucks is well represented in the years to come, where we anticipate new and exciting opportunities in Angola’s diamond, gold and iron mining sectors.”◀


Terex Trucks is a manufacturer of offhighway rigid and articulated trucks that are used in mining, quarrying and construction applications around the world. Headquartered in Motherwell, Scotland, UK, Terex Trucks (a division of Volvo Construction Equipment) has four models of rigid haulers with proven designs and payloads ranging from 41 to 91 tonnes, and three models of articulated haulers with payloads ranging from 25 to 38 tonnes, in its portfolio.

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09/02/17 19:34

Companies > Yanmar

New distributor in Sweden Diesel Power AB will be the new distributor for Yanmar Industrial Engines in Sweden. The company is located in Kungsbacka, near Gothenburg Their focus will be on Yanmar industrial engines


rom 1 January 2017, Diesel Power AB will be the new distributor for Yanmar Industrial Engines in Sweden. The company is located in Kungsbacka, near Gothenburg. Their focus will be on Yanmar industrial engines.

John Melegatti

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About DP

About Yanmar

Diesel Power AB was founded in 1991 and is a Swedish distributor for some of the world’s leading manufacturers of industrial and marine engines; John Deere, Hyundai SeasAll and Solé Diesel, marine generators from Kohler Marine, and water separating fuel filters from Racor. Diesel Power AB also provides spare parts and engine accessories. For more information visit www.dpower. se or contact Peter Nauwerck (Managing Director) on or mobile no. +46 705 68 57 73 or Mr. Anders Alvhede (Sales Manager) on anders. or mobile no. +46 705 68 57 97.

Founded in 1912 in Japan, Yanmar is a global brand and leader in the design and manufacturing of advanced performance diesel engines and final equipment. You will find Yanmar products in a wide range of applications in marine, industrial, energy systems, agriculture and construction. Yanmar has a global workforce of over 16,700 employees and a sales and service network operating in more than 130 countries. With European headquarters in the Netherlands and sales organizations covering the whole of Europe, Russia and Africa, Yanmar Europe employs around 600 people, generating annual sales turnover of 500 million euros.

YANMAR SWEDEN AB will remain the distributor of and responsible for Yanmar marine engines in the Swedish market. In Diesel Power AB, Yanmar has found a strong, enthusiastic partner for the sales and service of industrial diesel engines in Sweden. The company has been a successful John Deere distributor for quite some time and is fully familiar with the market. They have built a good reputation and are aware of all the technical needs, features and benefits to fulfill customers’ requirements.

flexible and very easy to integrate into existing applications, both mechanically and electronically.”

Anders Alvhede

Japanese quality Anders Alvhede of Diesel Power AB is responsible for sales to industrial customers and has more than 15 years of experience in industrial sales of engines, complete powertrain solutions, GENPACK and power packs. He was looking for a replacement of Diesel Power AB’s Mitsubishi dealership in the smaller engine range to keep up with new challenges. Yanmar was on top of his list. Anders Alvhede: Yanmar industrial engines complete our catalog to offer the best technical solution to the challenging customer requirements of today. The distinguishing quality of Yanmar engines is that they are very

Bert Kranenborg

Experienced partner “We are proud and delighted that a leading manufacturer of high-quality diesel engines like Yanmar has chosen us as their new Swedish distributor, thanks to our extensive technical expertise and long experience of industrial diesel engine applications,” adds Peter Nauwerck, CEO of Diesel Power AB. According to Bert Kranenborg, Area Manager Industrial Powertrain department of Yanmar Europe, Diesel Power has the ability to actively support current and new customers. The company takes over responsibilities of the Yanmar subsidiary in Sweden. The current service and dealer network for industrial engines will remain in place.◀


Regional Headquarters Europe Brugplein 11 1332 BS Almere The Netherlands Tel: +31 (0)36 5493200 Fax: +31 (0)36 5493209 E-mail:

Peter Nauwerck MT > n.1 January-February 2017 13

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Machines > Doosan | Bobcat

New E57W Stage IIIB Wheeled Excavator Building on the success of the company’s previous E55W model, Bobcat has launched the new E57W Stage IIIB compliant wheeled excavator. The new E57W is equipped with the Bobcat D24 diesel engine that delivers a 4% increase in power (42.5 kW) along with 7% fuel savings John Melegatti

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he Bobcat engine offers a distinctive solution to Stage IIIB compliance without the use of a diesel particulate filter (DPF). As well as reducing fuel consumption, this ‘non-DPF’ solution simplifies the operation and service of the machine, since there is no need for DPF regeneration. The E57W has an operating weight of 5920 kg and incorporates an updated hydraulic system delivering enhanced hydraulic performance and a 10% improvement in lift capacity. A long arm option increases the machine digging depth to 3795 mm and the dump height to 4510 mm. Peripheral equipment can be attached via 1st, 2nd or

Brief specifications for the Bobcat E57W Wheeled Excavator: Buckets: Operating weight: Digging depth (std front): Digging reach (std front): Digging height (std front): Wheelbase: Overall width: Overall height (std front): Overall length (std front): Rear swing radius: Digging force over bucket (ISO): Digging force over arm (ISO): Lifting capacity at ground level (over front): Maximum Travel speed: Engine (SAE J1349):

70 cm digging bucket 5920 kg 3495 mm 6110 mm 5980 mm 2100 mm 1920 mm 2855 mm 6120 mm 1650 mm 41.18 kN 27.45 kN 1.25 t at 5.0 m 30 km/h Bobcat D24 Stage IIIB 42.5 kW (52.3 HP) @ 2,400 rpm

an optional 3rd auxiliary circuit and is operated with proportional controls. A newly designed cab and operator area features a 7-inch display which provides fingertip operation of all of the machine functions. The cab also has a heated seat, ergonomically placed controls and simple, efficient operating procedures that reduce driver fatigue. In addition, the ROPS certified cab offers excellent visibility, making the worksite a safer place for everyone. Overall, the new Bobcat E57W wheeled excavator is designed to offer high productivity, excellent fuel economy, enhanced ergonomics, improved reliability and reduced maintenance.◀

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At work > Volvo

Wheel loaders cultivate friends in Poland A farmer in Poland has transformed a family business into one of the country’s largest producers of both premium-quality mushrooms and the compost used to grow them Miriam Spada


0 km (56 mi) east of Warsaw, in the small village of Skórzec, is home to the country’s leading producer of closed cup mushrooms, as well as the compost substrate used to grow them. Loved by gourmets, the mushrooms are exported across Europe to shops in France,

Germany, Italy and the UK, traveling thousands of kilometers from farm to table. In fact, Poland is the world’s biggest grower of mushrooms – exporting almost 200,000 tonnes annually. At the root of the production is UNIKOST, a family-owned group of

The durably-designed Volvo wheel loader is in superb working condition after accumulating more than 50,000 hours of continuous service

businesses that specialize in managing the various stages of the mushroom cycle – from the production of a highnutrition compost base, to nurturing the delicate harvest under controlled temperatures and humidity. The family tradition, dating back nearly 40 years, is continued by Urszula Sztandera-Kardaszynski, who has driven the business since 1994. Today, UNIKOST’s state-of-the-art mushroom-growing facility is cited as one of the largest in Poland, producing approximately 650 tonnes of mushrooms each month. The factory comprises more than 30 cultivation halls,

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providing 30,000 m2 (35,879 yd2) of mushroom-growing space, an area that is carefully groomed by its 200 employees.

purchases. In June 2015, UNIKOST took delivery of a second L120H, with two additional L180H wheel loaders completing the Volvo line-up.

Located just 10 km (6.2 mi) from the cultivation halls is the UNIKOST compost facility, delivering 1,200 tonnes of compost each week and employing some 80 people. Composting is a complex biochemical process that is not easy to control. To ensure the correct consistency, UNIKOST has its own laboratory where technicians test the compost daily.

“Having a large fleet of Volvo wheel loaders has made production more comfortable and helps deliver a quality product with no breakdowns,” says Sztandera-Kardaszynski.

Popping up nonstop The H-Series wheel loaders are specified with Volvo’s unique Torque Parallel (TP) linkage to deliver high break-

UNIKOST’s L120F wheel loader proves that no job (or load) is too tough

Toils of the soil Running one of the top producers of mushrooms in the country is not without its difficulties. For example, the working environment of the compost facility is highly corrosive and filled with ammonia and humidity – a toxic mix for most machinery.

out torque and excellent parallel movement throughout the entire lifting range. “The machines are productive and very durable, especially when working non-stop in our climate, which is tough during winter months,” says Leszek Kardaszynski, director of logistics and investment for UNIKOST.

Such is the high demand of the operation UNIKOST decided that it needed suitably durable machines. In 2000, Sztandera-Kardaszynski purchased her first two Volvo L120D wheel loaders and later invested in Volvo L120H wheel loaders – the first of its Series supplied to Poland. Over 12 months, the L120H accumulated more than 4,000 hours without experiencing any technical issues, prompting further

Fermentation and composting are part of a continuous process requiring the fleet of Volvo machines to operate seven days a week on two-or-three-shift rotas. To meet the demanding schedule, Kardaszynski adds that the wheel loaders “have the power to lift and shift the compost without any technical issues.” With business booming, it’s good pickings for UNIKOST. Recognized

for its outstanding growth, the company received the prestigious Gazele Biznesu award (Business Gazelle) in 2015 by Poland’s top financial daily newspaper, Puls Biznesu. The award-winning company business, covering three generations of mushroom growers, is taking a bite out of the Polish mushroom market. Given the corrosive environment, the machines are thoroughly cleaned each night to keep them working at optimum levels. For day-to-day maintenance, the plant has its own wellequipped workshops. The operation has proven successful; 15 years on, the first two machines are still in good working order, having clocked up more than 50,000 hours of arduous service. Kardaszynski keeps a close eye on the performance of the handling equipment, explaining that the decision to invest in Volvo wheel loaders is based on UNIKOST’s successful experience with the machinery and long-standing partnership with Volvo CE representatives.◀

The white-capped mushrooms are handpicked and sorted

INFO For further information, please visit: Or contact: Tiffany Cheng Director, External Communications Volvo Construction Equipment Tel: int +32 499 56 68 47 Tel: int +44 77 333 50307 Email:

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Companies > Cangini Benne srl The Multiscreening bucket VMS14

at work during one of the Cangini open house sessions

Innovation and tradition Cangini will be at SaMoTer trade fair in Verona, on February, 22-25 (pav. 6 – booth D7): Cangini comes again to this Italian kermesse to display its whole product lines attachment tools, quick couplers and buckets – to an Porfirio Ferrari international public 18 MT > n.1 January-February 2017

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or the Sarsina company, 2016 was a year of hard work that has borne fruit: many have been the Italian and foreign customers who have visited Cangini during the open house sessions organized on its own production site; many the meetings and exchanges of views all around the world; many the hours and hours of tests to succeed in offering those quality standards that Cangini’s customer requests and safety regulations provide for. 2017 will represent for Cangini the realization both of the new coating plant and the new production area exclusively devoted to hydraulic attachment tools, as well as the launch of new products, after the R & D’s important work of last year. The first appointment with Cangini will be the SaMoTer trade fair in Verona, on February, 22-25 (pav. 6 – booth D7): Cangini comes again to this Italian kermesse to display its whole product lines - attachment tools, quick couplers and buckets – to an international public. This Italian company is in fact well known for the extremely wide range of products: its attachment tools fill at present a catalogue of 40 items, and many others among variants and options, for the earth moving, the screening, the road and green maintenance works. Its range of quick couplers is continuously increasing to satisfy

The first appointment with Cangini will be the SaMoTer trade fair in Verona, on February, 22-25 (pav. 6 – booth D7 )

Mixing Bucket Safe Discharge

The operator locks the discharge pipe in the safest work condition

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Companies > Cangini Benne srl

Multiscreening bucket for frontal coupling

the compact design of the new VMS-F20

more and more requests from different markets. Then, the products firstly produced by this company at the beginning of the 1990s and thanks to which it became a leading company on the Italian and the European panorama: the choice of buckets. Related to the screening works, the most innovative product of this year, the Multiscreening Bucket. With

Mixing Bucket Safe Discharge From the cabin, the operator moves the pipe to the centre of the bucket, for the material discharge

The New Mixing Bucket Safe Discharge At SaMoTer also the new Mixing Bucket Safe Discharge: in the context of the 22nd SaMoTer Innovation Award, Cangini Benne has been awarded with one of the four Special Mentions assigned. With a special eye on safety on work sites, Cangini R&D staff has designed the new Mixing Bucket Safe Discharge, combining the operational effectiveness of a mixing bucket with central discharge and the safety standards of a Mix with side discharge.

In the new MIX SF, the operator always locks the discharge pipe from the bucket’s side in the safest work condition. His presence underneath the bucket is no longer necessary. Seated in the cabin, the driver will move the pipe to the centre controlling the hydraulic cylinder, thus considerably increasing the personnel’s safety level at this stage. Furthermore, the immediate and automatic stop of the mix functioning when the grid is opened offers additional protection.

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Multiscreening buckets In the Mustiscreening buckets both for excavators and frontal coupling, with the new rotary double drum in HB400, the material-size (25-60 mm) change system is controlled directly from the cab without stopping or slowing the work cycle down and without replacing any mechanical part. That way, all the difficulties related to the traditional screening concept are overpassed. The two rotary drums slide one on another: controlled by a hydraulic cylinder, the inner drum’s back and forward movement allows to change the dimension of the holes for the material pouring.

The newest models for both coupling systems, for excavators or frontal, are respectively the VMS30 and the VMS-F20, for machines from 20 to 30 tons. In details, the most innovative aspect is the compact design of the VMS-F20 model. The rotary double drums in HB400 are now two and their special design allows to get the tool’s height unvaried and the visibility from the cab wide as a consequence. The work capacity has been increased, with a better mass balancing and a working area widely enlarged, near to the machine’s track width.

its new rotary double drum design, it was launched last year at Bauma in Munich. Thanks to the great attention the market has granted to the tool, this bucket has paved the way to new models’ projects for machines of higher tonnages. Until now Cangini has in fact produced tools to be coupled with machines from 0.6 to 14 tons. With the latest Multiscreening buckets, for excavators and front cou-

INFO Cangini Benne s.r.l. Via Savio, 29/31 47027 Sarsina (FC) Tel. +39 – (0) 547-69 80 20 Fax.+39 – (0) 547-69 80 21

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ConExpo/Con-Agg > Volvo

Volvo at CONEXPO/ CON-AGG From industry-first size classes to technology advancements in machine interfaces and customer support capabilities — it will be clear to visitors why Volvo chose ‘push boundaries’ as its theme for CONEXPO/CON-AGG 2017 Porfirio Ferrari


howcasing a total of 28 machines, including new models and industry-changing concept vehicles, Volvo is offering visitors multiple interactive experiences to see how it is pushing boundaries of conventional machine design and technology. Visitors will inte-

ract with new intelligent operator systems, machine monitoring technologies, can visit the 3D theater and even pan for gold with the stars of Discovery Channel’s Gold Rush. A range of new technologies and services will be unveiled, the most notable of which are ActiveCare Direct and Dig Assist.

Never over-dig, always over-deliver Dig Assist allows the excavator operator to set job parameters, such as target depth and grade; conduct InField Design, and view job progress in real time, ensuring the work meets exact specifications. Dig Assist is the

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benefitting SkillsUSA and Skills/Compétences Canada — organizations dedicated to improving the skill level of North America’s workforce.

How to find us

latest addition to the suite of Volvo Assist programs — which also includes Compact Assist and Load Assist —providing real-time intelligence to the operator in terms that are easy to understand and directly tied to job quality. Booth visitors will have an opportunity to interact with the Volvo Assist programs on the Volvo CoPilot interface — a scalable, Androidpowered tablet computer that was recently named as the ’Most Innovative Human-Machine Interface (HMI) Feature’ at the 2016 Car HMI — Europe’s leading human-machine interface event. Booth visitors will also get a glimpse of future Volvo Assist CoPilot programs to be rolled out for soil compactors and articulated haulers.

Telematics monitoring direct from Volvo Volvo will be unveiling ActiveCare Direct — believed to be the industry’s first telematics monitoring service offered at the OEM level and supported through the company’s dealer network. Volvo has built an uptime center

with an experienced team of analysts capable of proactively monitoring and reporting on customer fleets throughout the United States and Canada. The service relieves the burden of sorting through vast quantities of available data and delivers thoughtful analysis and practical recommendations to the customer. An in-booth uptime center will be available for visitors to interact with telematics experts and see how the system works.

New machines and concepts Among the 26 machines on display will be the Volvo A60H, the world’s largest articulated hauler; the EC750E, the latest and largest excavator available from Volvo in North America; never-before-seen wheel loaders; and the HX02, a concept battery-electric, fully autonomous load carrier, making its first public appearance. The show will conclude Volvo’s year-long celebration of the 50th anniversary of the articulated hauler, showcasing a gold-painted A40G articulated hauler, which will have been recently auctioned at Richie Bros. – with proceeds

Volvo will have both an indoor (N10036) and an outdoor booth (G3894). Visit the outdoor area to see the latest in compact equipment and attachments; participate in an operator contest on a compact excavator, and visit the stars of Discovery Channel’s Gold Rush for photo opportunities and autographs. The company’s indoor area will feature all the latest equipment and interactive experiences, with new technologies from Volvo CE, as well as sister brands Volvo Trucks, Volvo Financial Services and Volvo Penta. Volvo will also host the latest round of the Construction Climate Challenge, with leading thinkers from business, academia and government discussing how the industry can best address environmental issues. Volvo wants visitors to leave CONEXPO-CON/AGG knowing how the combination of its machines, coupled with the latest operating technology and machine management solutions, can make an important contribution to lowering their cost of doing business. And in the spirit of being in Las Vegas, Volvo wants them to have fun doing it.◀

INFO For further information, please visit: Or contact: Tiffany Cheng Director, External Communications Volvo Construction Equipment Tel: int +32 499 56 68 47 Tel: int +44 77 333 50307 Email:

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Components > Hydreco Hydraulics Italia


at hand The company offers a wide range of hydraulic and electrical/electronic solutions that support the machines manufacturers in the optimal choice of the best devices. Let see in these pages some of the most interesting and new solutions Porfirio Ferrari


stablished more than 35 years ago in Vignola, in the province of Modena, Hydreco Hydraulics Italia, part of the English group Hydreco, is well known on an international basis as a leading company in the remote control for construction machinery market, as well as many others. Among the most recent solutions launched by the Italian company one of the most important is the HPV2C joystick. The unit has been designed to offer fine and accurate control in typical earthmoving, material handling and lifting applications, as well as many others, providing also robustness and reliability, typical standard of the Italian company. The dual axis joystick is the result of a brand new project; the proportional valves have been redesigned to ensure optimum control with very low effort, providing a wide range of low hysteresis characteristics to precisely control valves or variable displacement pumps of all type. A specific focus was paid to

The new MDC joystick with MFE2 handle

the internal mechanism, designed to ensure long operational life in the most adverse environmental conditions. The unit has a compact and lightweight aluminum alloy body for indoor or outdoor installation.

Joysticks for wheeled loaders Specifically designed for medium and large size loaders, the HPVL units (2 or 3 axes configuration available) are hydraulic joysticks capable to drive the functions of the latest generation machines, ensuring a smooth and accurate control. These units can be equipped with magnetic detent with prefeel, designed for the typical functions of the wheel loaders (e.g., the floating position of the bucket). Part of the same family, the CPVL units are designed for small wheel loaders, where compactness is a must. This joystick represents a versatile and high quality solution for hydraulic 3-axes

control. Both main and auxiliary lever can be equipped with mechanical and/ or magnetic detent with prefeel; the special kinematic linkage is also available, allowing the combined movement of the East-West axis of the main lever with the auxiliary one. A wide range of low hysteresis metering curves is available also on the wheel loader joysticks, as well as the other model in the product portfolio, to suite all the customer needs.

News at your fingertips A wide range of handles is available on each Hydreco Hydraulics unit (HPV2C, HPVL, CPVL included) to host and drive additional machine functions: from the simplest handles to ergonomic ones with digital or proportional controls. Among these, the new MFE2. The ergonomic multi functional MFE2 handle is the result of years of experience and research made by the Italian company, always committed to

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innovation and continuous improvement. The handle can be supplied as a standalone unit or assembled on Electric ON-OFF, electro-proportional and hydraulic joysticks available in the company product range. A specific focus has driven its design to reach the excellence on robustness, ergonomics and safety. The use of polyamide PA66 loaded with glass spheres gives the MFE2 structure a very strong resistance to impacts, adaptation to low and high temperature, abrasion resistance and dimensional stability. The ease of use, the comfort of the Safety Trigger button and the intuitive handling of controls are aimed to support the operator focus on his duty, with a significant increase on the safety side. The safeTgrip ® and the 15° forward tilted layout emphasize the interest placed in the study of a safe and comfortable use of MFE2 for the operator, in particular in continuous and heavy duty application. The large front panel is designed to host several controls, with high reliability and an IP68 protection degree for ON-OFF, proportional and signaling functions. The MFE2 is a real high-tech device: Hall effect controls as well as ON-OFF mini-joysticks, capacitive Dead Man, different types of buttons, rocker and potentiometric knobs are only some examples of controls available on this handle, that make it a very flexible device capable to satisfy the requirements of many applications.

MDC MDC Series Electrical Proportional joystick is the latest born in the wide range of Hydreco Hydraulics pilot controls. The MDC joystick combines the extensive Hydreco experience in hydraulics and the latest electronic technologies based on SMD Hall effect sensors and microcontroller’s architecture.

The product has a new design meant to provide a comfortable and fine control of mobile and industrial applications. It’s a single lever with single/dual axis control, supported by an extensive range of handle options. MDC versatility and flexibility of use satisfies the most demanding customer’s requirements, offering a complete range of output versions: CANBUS 2.0B, 0-5Volt, PWM, Ratiometric. The mechanical side of the joystick has been designed to provide a 5 million working cycles lifetime; the body – polyamide PA66 with 30% glass fibers – is extremely robust but light and with 76mm height only permit an easy installation on every machine. The automotive standards has been satisfied: the new joystick can operate from -40°C to +85°C with an IP65 protection degree. A specific Windows based interface has been created (Hydreco MDC Customer Suite) to setup the joystick through a PC simply utilizing a USB connection kit: power ramps settings on PWM version, as well as the ID message or the Baud rate on CAN Bus version represent examples of the possibility given by the Hydreco suite.

no compromise on reliability and safety critical environments. The whole system is controlled by the ECU Can Master Unit that runs the control algorithm: the Master Unit receives information from sensors and other control devices (electro–proportional joysticks, electric pedals, GPS/ GPRS unit, keypad and more), processes them and sends appropriate control signals to all electrical and electro-hydraulic actuators on the machine. One of the strength of the Hydreco Can Bus system is definitely the “Can Master Tool”, a Windows based integrated programming environment which offers a unique and comprehensive tool for designing the entire system (Master, Crane, Expansion, Display etc.). The Can Master Tool is also a very useful tool for diagnostics and start up of the machine, since it allows control parameters changes, software download, and “real time” acquisition of all relevant signals on a personal computer via RS232 serial interface.◀ An overview of the pilot controls valves

CAN Bus The Hydreco CAN Bus system combines years of experience in the hydraulics market with the most advanced electronic control devices for “mobile” applications on the market. The system complies with CANopen and SAE J1939 standards and it is therefore compatible and expandable with all devices on the market that meet the requirements of those protocols. The widely recognized benefits of CAN Bus, in particular the interference free, easy of wiring (only two wires to connect all components) and the high transfer rate for a serial protocol, highlight the robustness and flexibility of functions that the Hydreco CAN bus system provides, with

INFO Hydreco Hydraulics Italia s.r.l. Via dell’Artigianato 580 41058 Vignola (MO) - Italy Phone +39 059 7700411 Fax +39 059 7700425

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Components > FOR


ver since its inception, FOR 100% Italian manufacturing - has always been a close partner of OEMs in the mobile machinery industry. The company is continuously improving its engineering and R&D methods in order to meet very stringent customer demand within a highly competitive market. Our production range includes a wide portfolio, which cover most of the hydraulic port-to-port applications, JIC 37°, ORFS, DIN 24°, BSP 60°, BSPT, NPT, & JIS connectors. Flanges, Plugs, Test Points, and non-return valves.

HIGH PERFORMING ZIN PLATING: 1400 HOURS TO RED RUST Zinc plating is performed by FOR within our premises, and we are glad to announce that we have been able to improve our performance (ISO 9227 salt spray test).

FOR is using FeZn 12 IV S plating, 12 micron thickness, Chrome 3 passivated with Top Sealer of latest generation, so we can now achieve this outstanding result.

High resistance vs Corrosion FOR’s introduction of NEW PERFORMING PLATING, s the provision of high-quality hydraulic connectors & flexible hoses according to standard, as well as tailor-made solutions John Melegatti

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Our Zn plating is the right answer to high demand resistance, and a great alternative to the ZnNi plating, with the great advantage to be environmental friendly. In fact, not using Nickel, which is a black list metal, and have phased out already in 2006 the hexavalent chromium, and now also arsenic and cobalt are no longer into our products, we can really claim to have environmental friendly plating. This for the benefit of our employees, end users of our products, and of course of our environment.

Our fittings have all a great resistance against corrosion, but not only. Cleanliness is a very important factor when it comes to hydraulic system. FOR SPA can deliver a level of cleanliness for tube fittings and assembled hoses in line with NAS 8 – ISO 19/17/14 grade. Moreover, we can meet higher demanding level on specific features like biggest contaminant particle etc, which are very depending from customer to customer. All our parts have caps to protect threads and ensure cleanliness is guaranteed until the point of use.

NEW PRODUCTS INTRODUCTION: GREASE CHECK VALVE This a very niche products, but extensive application, in fact there are two on every crawler machine (mini excavator, crawler excavator, dozer, track type loaders, etc.). This valve ensure the greasing of the idler, and can hold up 1.000 bar pressure.

SPECIAL CONNECTORS & HOSE FITTINGS MADE TO DRAWING FOR has a vast array of special fittings that are able to cut operating time, reduce leak paths and save a great deal of space, given the current layout of hydraulic power systems.

HOSE FITTINGS – NEW CATALOGUE RELEASE We recently introduce into our product range the two-piece fittings, to implement our WIDE RANGE one-piece fittings. This product are included into our new catalogue; please request your new copy.◀

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CENTROSTILEDESIGN Following industrial projects from conception to realisation, designing tailor-made solutions and supporting clients through the machines’ complete lifecycle . An introduction to our small Italian company that’s making International waves Sarah Downie

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ince it was founded, Studio Ti (now CENTROSTILEDESIGN) has been working in the field of construction with some of the most prominent companies in the world. We support engineers in the development of new projects concerning both complete machines in addition to attachments and dedicated tools. We also work on Interior and Exterior Cab style design (images “Bozzetto 11” and “Design 12”) and we can also study the overall style of entire machines proposing 3D rendering; and we also have the capacity to make Ergonomic and Visibility Studies in order to produce very detailed and comprehensive 3D Projects. We’re able to work with the 3D and 2D CAD Systems, Creo and NX, and we can develop the Bom Structure of entire machines in the Customer Owner System. We are also able to develop FEM Documentation for ROPS/FOPS Structures and frames in general, and

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we have the capacity to simulate air stream inside Cabs to control for ideal ventilation. Since 1992, we’ve been a partner of the now CNH Group (previously New Holland, Fiat-Hitachi, Fiat Kobelco): we worked with the New Holland Engineering group on the complete TLB FB Model project in the 1990s and the 2000s, developing the EUROPE frame and USA frame version and we also developed the installation of the Power Train, engines groups, fuel tank and oil tank. Together with NH Staff, we defined kinematics motions about the Back-hoe and Front Loader and we developed the entire attachment, buckets, etc. We have been involved in the defining of the hoods, the Cab and ROPS frames. In subsequent years Studio Ti has been involved in the development of new projects for the TLB, working on new engines and models such as the NH 4WS version and CASE versions. Regarding Tele-handler machines, we worked on the entire project of “Little” TLH for the CNH Group. We defined the complete 3D model for the TLH, Frame, Extendable Arm, PowerTrain installation, Tanks, Engine installation, hoods, Interior and Exterior Cab groups. We developed all detailed welding and assembling drawings including the codification and Bom Structure in the Customer Owner System.

Studio Ti has always been involved in the development of Mini-Excavators, Wheel Excavators and Crawler Excavators for the CNH Group. Since the 2000s, we have developed the projects for the entire Mini-Excavators range, dealing with the Upper and Lower Frame Design, Stabilizer Blade, Engine installation, Hydraulic Layout, Attachment Device, Guards and Operator Station. We supported the customers throughout the complete lifecycle of the machines, developing improvements and industrialization for the plant dispositions and with the complete updating of every P/N in the Customer System. In the same years, Studio Ti participated in the development of WEX and CEX Projects (Wheel and Crawler Excavators) for FIAT-HITACHI and after FIATKOBELCO Brands. Also in this case, we’ve been involved in the project for the whole range; Frames, Tanks, Stabilizers, Engine installation, Guards, Counterweight and Attachments.

In subsequent years Studio Ti collaborated with Soilmec (part of the Trevi Group) in their New Drilling and Crane Project: we were involved in the new Interior Cabin Design, Upper Frames, Counterweights and in Side Openable Hoods. In particular, we studied an entirely new Ergonomics Operator Area for the new dashboards, New Seats Side Consoles and the New TouchScreen Monitor. We developed modular Counterweights in relation to operating weights of machines and have developed New Side Openable and Sliding Guards and new platforms to access the machines for service phases. We built representative and functional mock-up of the new Cab and we have also developed models and moulds for Dashboards and Guards. We followed the Customer with the building of Instrument Panels and Guards in fiberglass for the production.◀

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