Protective Behaviours for Schools: PEER SUPPORT AND ANTI-BULLYING PROGRAMMES Safety Net’s School’s Team have a seven year practice base of delivering Peer Support training to children and staff in schools through our: 1. Buddy Programme 2. Peer Mediation Programme and 3. Safety through circle time training. Our work has been funded by the Behaviour Improvement Project, the Anti Bullying Alliance, the Primary Care Trust and the Neighbourhood Renewal Fund as well as receiving funding from schools for tailored programme delivery and consultancy around Peer Support. All our programmes use the Quality Circe Time model and compliment the SEAL and Healthy School Strategies for Primary Schools. We are currently booking training sessions at Primary schools in East Sussex and would like to offer two options for delivery; Option A is for a whole day’s training session for a group of a maximum of 30 children from Year 4, 5 and/or 6 to take place in your school with two members of school staff present. The cost of this training could be spread between a cluster of three local schools with ten children and two staff from each school attending and held at one host school. Option B is for a series of four one hour training sessions delivered to a group of twenty children from one school selected from Year 4, 5 and 6. The costs of each training option is £500, this includes a copy of the Playground Buddy Training pack, a set-up meeting and certificates for the children and staff. Option B includes built in weekly transport costs for the trainer. For more information about how we can support your school in delivering Circle Time, SEAL or Peer Support Programmes please contact Ms Den McCartney, Schools Coordinator on 01273 696622.