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Training for those working with Children and Young People 1

2012 - 2013 Safety Net is an independent registered charity which aims to improve safety and wellbeing for children, young people and families.

Providing training to the children, young people and families' workforce


Introduction Safety Net Safety Net is an independent registered charity which aims to improve safety and wellbeing for children, young people and families. We have a practice base, established over 10 years, which includes a home visiting service for families with children aged 5-11 in the East Brighton area, a children and young people’s schools programme across Brighton and Hove to promote emotional wellbeing and bullying prevention, community child safety events and activities and a Positive Parenting Programme (Triple P). We have developed a range of short courses based on proven methods of working for the community, voluntary and statutory sectors. Any income raised through training goes directly to support work with children, young people and families.

Our trainers All our trainers are qualified and experienced practitioners who have particular skills and knowledge in working with children, young people and families. We also actively seek to build partnerships with other organisations in the voluntary and statutory sector to provide high quality training.

Our courses We provide training to the children, young people and families’ workforce. We can train staff or volunteers, whether in the statutory or voluntary sectors. We offer a range of courses on working safely with children and young people as well as in-house training that can be tailored for your organisation’s needs.

Book courses directly at: All income raised through training goes directly to support work with children, young people and families.


Safety Net Training Safety Net has a long and well established history of delivering training to the Children’s Workforce across Brighton and Hove, Sussex, and beyond. We can also offer bespoke courses designed specifically to meet your needs and also have specific courses that organisations and schools can purchase for their staff. Training courses available Child Protection & Safeguarding          

Child Protection – Entry Level Child Protection – Introduction / Level 1 Safeguarding for Schools (to meet OFSTED requirements) Developing Child Protection Policies & Procedures Safeguarding Teenagers Safeguarding & Child Protection for Community Groups Child Protection for Trustees Safeguarding for Child Minders Safeguarding Children with Disabilities E Safety

E learning 1 day half day half day half day half day half day /evening 1 day 1 day half day

Protective Behaviours: Safety Awareness Programme     

Protective Behaviours Foundation Course Protective Behaviours – Practice Day Protective behaviour Network meetings Safe Start - Protective Behaviour in Early Years Keeping it Safe - Protective Behaviours for Youth Workers

2 days 1 day 3 hrs 1 day 1 day

Working with Children and Young People  Creating a Culture of Participation  Engaging with Challenging Parents and Carers

1 day 1 day


In-house training Safety Net trainers can come to your organisation to deliver any of our courses direct to your staff.

Who are the courses suitable for? The courses are suitable for organisations who have significant contact with children young people and their families. This could include teachers, youth workers, people working in after school clubs or community groups, and covers issues relating to all age groups up to the age of 18

Training we offer: Child protection / Safeguarding courses for schools Suitable for primary, secondary and special schools. These can be run as a half day inset or twilight session (3hrs) and are suitable for all school teaching and support staff. This course meets OFSTED requirements for whole school Safeguarding training. Protective Behaviours Protective Behaviours is a safety awareness and life skills programme. It builds confidence and resilience by exploring our right to feel safe. At the end of this 2 day course you will be able to: identify and understand your own intuitive feelings (early warning signs) and what safety feels like; understand the difference between safe, adventurous and unsafe situations; and develop support networks. The course will also explore tools and resources to promote keeping safe for ourselves and for the people we work with. Developing Safeguarding Policies and procedures Building upon level 1, this course will look at legislation and how this can be implemented into your CP policies and procedures. In addition, it will look at communicating these to both your staff and those they work with. This course is for: those who have completed level 1 and are in either a supervisory or managerial position

Well Being at Work Enabling effective communication and building an understanding of the individual and collective needs of any team is essential in order to maintain a healthy workforce. This one day course looks at tackling challenges in the workplace and finding solutions to issues that teams experience. Whether a new team ,or a long established , this training allows staff the space to explore what work means to them and promotes healthy lifestyles and stress busting techniques that are proven to reduce sickness and lost work days. A fun and interactive day, suitable as team building or ‘away day’ activity. Many of the courses listed in this guide can also be delivered in-house. Book online at or email .All income raised through training goes directly to support work with children, young people and families. All income raised through training goes directly to support work with children, young people and families. All of the above can be delivered in a one day or half day inset or can be tailored to the needs of your


Schools Training In addition to the Safeguarding courses listed above, the Safety Net Schools team can provide specific training to school staff and pupils. The schools team have worked in schools across Brighton and Hove developing peer support programmes for the past six years and now can offer you ‘in house’ training which will allow schools to put these programmes in place for less money. These peer support training days include: 

Buddy programme training – 1 days whole school training to include basics of Circle Time, highlights of Protective Behaviours, and MDSA training to promote whole school links and promote ‘Positive Playtimes’.

Peer Mediation Programme Training – 1 days training to include basics of Circle Time, Active Listening and Problem Solving Skills using VITAL.

SNAP : Safety Net Assertiveness Project – Assertiveness is how to stand up for yourself without being mean. Project is because the SNAP work will grow and change as we tell the workers what we want, like setting up the Steering Group, having more support groups and by more children learning about SNAP.

Hear direct from the children that have taken part in safety Net Schools programmes by visiting

We continue to deliver direct to the children, our popular peer support programmes (as above) and support schools with the ‘Bolster your Buddies’ programme. This includes hosting Buddy networking events and the development of a Peer Support Steering Group to develop our programmes. Contact the Schools Team for more information on 01273 420973

Book online at or email All income raised through training goes directly to support work with children, young people and families.


Protective Behaviours Protective Behaviours

2 day course

Protective Behaviours is a safety awareness and life skills programme. It builds confidence and resilience by exploring our right to feel safe. At the end of this 2 day course you will be able to: identify and understand your own intuitive feelings (early warning signs) and what safety feels like; understand the difference between safe, adventurous and unsafe situations; and develop support networks. The course will also explore tools and resources to promote keeping safe for ourselves and for the people we work with. This course is for: all those who work with children, young people, parents and families.

Protective Behaviours Practice Days Staff who have attended the 2 day Protective behaviours course can attend the Practice Day sessions. These are a chance to meet with others who are using PB’s in their work, share experiences, refresh knowledge and look at new tools and resources. There are 3 practice days per year. This course is for: all those who have attended the 2 day Protective Behaviour training in the past..

Protective Behaviours Network Meetings A lunch time session , for practitioners who use PB’s in their work. Featuring a guest speaker at each session, the network meetings enable worker to learn about new developments in Protective Behaviours and to share experiences. An informal session including a free lunch. This course is for: all those who use Protective Behaviours in their work with children, young people, parents and families.

Book online at or email All income raised through training goes directly to support work with children, young people and families.


Child Protection & Safeguarding Introduction to Child Protection: E-learning


Safety Net (in conjunction with Brighton and Hove City Council) is able to offer an introduction to Child Safeguarding and Protection for you to complete online. This course is arranged through the E-Learning Academy for Children and lasts approximately three hours. To gain access to the E Learning contact This course is ideal as: a basic introduction prior to undertaking other Child Protection courses we offer.

Child Protection level 1

1 day course

This 1 day course covers issues relating to all age groups (up to 18). Participants will gain an understanding of their role in establishing a safe environment and safe working practices in protecting children and young people from harm and abuse. The course will also look at identifying signs that a child might be at risk and responding to keep the child and themselves safe. It will also cover background information about the law and child protection. This course is for: all those who work with or have significant contact with children or young people.

Introduction to Safeguarding & Child Protection – Lets Protect Half day course FREE for community groups in Brighton & Hove This is an introduction to child protection issues for those working or volunteering in community groups in Brighton & Hove. You will gain a basic understanding of your role in establishing a safe environment and safe working practices in protecting children and young people from harm and abuse. This course is for: those who have contact with children or young people as part of a small community project/group.

E Safety - Half day course This course is currently under development and will be launched in Autumn 2012. An E safety course for parents will also be available. Book online at or email All income raised through training goes directly to support work with children, young people and families.


Child Protection & Safeguarding Safeguarding Children with Disabilities

1 day course

To increase staff’s knowledge and awareness of safeguarding and child protection when working with children and young people with a disability. This course covers : Identify the factors that cause children and young people with disabilities to be more vulnerable to harm; Gain an understanding of the legal context within safeguarding, Explore the safeguarding needs of children and young people with disabilities, Recognise the attitudes and assumptions that can exist in relation to children with disabilities when investigating abuse and neglect, Identify differing methods of communicating effectively with children and young people with disabilities This course is for : all those who work with or have significant contact with children with disabilities

Developing Child Protection Policies & Procedures

half-day course

Building upon level 1, this course will look at legislation and how this can be implemented into your CP policies and procedures. In addition, it will look at communicating these to both your staff and those they work with. This course is for: those who have completed level 1 and are in either a supervisory or managerial position.

Child Protection for Trustees

Half day course

This course is suitable for those who have some responsibility for child protection in their organisation or who just want to know the basics about accountability around child protection. It is suitable for those who want a basic knowledge but who do not necessarily work directly or face to face with children. This course is for: Trustees or those with responsibility for Safeguarding, even if they have no direct contact with children.

Book online at or email All income raised through training goes directly to support work with children, young people and families.


Working with Children, Young People & Families Teenage Protection 1 day course

This workshop will explore the possible impacts of abuse and neglect on young people. It will consider the young persons’s response to these issues and provide clarity on the duty to safeguard the interests and wellbeing of young people within these environments. This course is for: all those who work with, or have, significant contact with young people aged 12 – 19 years.

Engaging & communicating with Challenging Parents / Carers

1 day

This course aims to build on participants’ ability to work in partnership with parents/carers. Participants will have the opportunity to examine their understanding and experience of partnership; explore how power and difference between workers and parents/carers can impact on effective working and communication; look at how working relationships can get "stuck" in resistance or compliance by parents/carers; examine messages from parents /carers about what works for them; and share and develop practice strategies that enable them to put partnership into practice. This course is for: all those who work with or have significant contact with parents / carers.

Creating a Culture of Participation

1 day course

‘Tell me and I forget, Show me and I remember, Involve me and I understand’ This course will equip practitioners with an understanding of the principles of participation work with children and young people. It will help workers understand the experience of children and young people and how to take their views into account in decisions that affect their lives, as well as project planning and delivery.An interactive and fun course where you will learn practical tools and skills to effectively communicate and engage with children and young people. This course is for: all those working with 5 – 19 year olds

Book online at or email All income raised through training goes directly to support work with children, young people and families.


Training Prices Most of our training is delivered Free to those working or volunteering across Brighton and Hove. Those outside of B&H the following prices apply.

Open Training Course

CVS organsiations

Statutory sector

Commercial sector

1 day




2 days




In-house training If safety Net Trainers come to your organisation to deliver bespoke training, or any of the training listed above then the price varies according to the type of organisation. course duration

CVS Organsaitions

Statutory sector

Commercial sector





1 day




2 days




Schools Safeguarding Training Half day or twilight – up to 30 staff Full day – up to 60 staff in two sessions

£350 £700

Cancellation policy For open training: courses cancelled less than two weeks before the course start date will not be refunded. All courses are based upon a minimum of 12 attendees. If under subscribed, Safety Net may postpone a course until the following scheduled date and move your booking accordingly. For in-house training: once a booking has been agreed and confirmed, please note that there are cancellation fees. Cancellations must be made in writing and cancellation fees apply whether payment has been received or not. Fees are as follows: More than one month prior - 10%, One month to two weeks prior – 50%, Less than two weeks prior – 100% Book online at at or or email email book online All income raised raised through through training training goes goes directly directly to to support support children, work withyoung children, young and families. all income people andpeople families.


Venue & timings All training courses take place at accessible Brighton training venues . you will be sent venue details and timing for training with your booking confirmation.

Booking onto a course For Schools training or In House training , please contact the training team on 01273 411613 to discuss requirements Or e mail For Open training please use the booking form below. Or you can book directly using Event Brite

Book courses directly at If you or your organisation requires any further training in safeguarding or related areas, please contact us to discuss your requirements. Contact Details: Safety Net Manor Offices Drove Road Portslade BN41 2PA Telephone:

01273 420973 (training line) or 01273 411613 (main line)



Charity registration no. 110877

Book online at or email All income raised through training goes directly to support work with children, young people and families.


Training Booking Form This form should be sent to: Training, Safety Net, Emmaus, Manor Offices, Drove Road, Portslade, Brighton BN41 2PA Alternatively, please book online via Event Brite at or email

Booking form 1. Name of course:………………………………………………………………... Course details

Please - confirmation and an invoice will Date ofprint coursand e complete ………………………………………………………………... be issued upon receipt. Fields marked * are mandatory.

2. Name of course:………………………………………………………………... Date of course: ………………………………………………………………... 3. Name of course:………………………………………………………………... Date of course: ………………………………………………………………... Pricing band (e.g see page 13): Total cost:


Your details First name Surname Organisation Contact tel. Email

………………………………………………………………... ………………………………………………………………... ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………... ………………………………………………………………...

Address details (for invoicing) Line 1 Line 2 Town County Postcode

………………………………………………………………... ………………………………………………………………... ………………………………………………………………... ………………………………………………………………... ………………………………………………………………...

Please give a brief outline of the work you do in relation to the course(s) you would like to attend:

Do you have any previous experience of training or learning in relation to the(se) course(s): yes no  Yes, please give details:

Book online at or email All income raised through training goes directly to support work with children, young people and families.


Training Calendar 2012 / 2013 New training dates are added all the time, please check Event Brite for updated details

May 2012 Date


For who


08 May

Protective Behaviours Day 1 of 2


15 May

Protective Behaviours Day 2 of 2


22 May

Child Protection Training Level 1 Child Protection Training – Lets Protect. Half day


Free for Brighton Groups Free for Brighton Groups £50

23 May

June 2012 Date

Community Group

Free for Brighton Groups


For Who


14 June

Protective Behaviours Network Meeting


27 June

Child Protection Training – Lets Protect. Half day (evening)

Community Group

Free for Brighton Groups Free for Brighton Groups

July 2012 Date 7th July


For who


Lone Working & Risk Assessment for At Home Childcarers


Free via Family Info Service

Book online at or email All income raised through training goes directly to support work with children, young people and families.


Training Calendar 2012-2013 September 2012 Date


For who


19 September

Child Protection Training – Lets Protect. Half day.

Community Group

Any / open course

Free for Brighton Groups £50

October 2012 Date Course

For who


02 October

Protective Behaviours Day 1 of 2 Protective Behaviours Day 2 of 2 Safeguarding Children with Disabilities Child Protection Training – Lets Protect. Half day


Free to Brighton groups Free to Brighton groups £50

Protective Behaviours Network Meeting


21September Creating a Culture of Participation

09 October 15 October 17 October

18 October

November 2012 Date Course 14 November

Child Protection Training – Lets Protect

December 2012 Date Course 12 December

Child Protection Training – Lets Protect. Half day.

Community Any / open course Community Group

Free for Brighton Groups Free to Brighton groups

For who


Community Group

Free for Brighton Groups

For who


Community Group

Free for Brighton Groups

Book online at or email All income raised through training goes directly to support work with children, young people and families.


Training Calendar 2012-2013 January 2013 Date


For who


23 January

Child Protection Training – Lets Protect. Half day.

Community Group

Free for Brighton Groups

February 2013 Date


For who


20 February

Child Protection Training – Lets Protect. Half day. Protective Behaviours Day 1 of 2 Protective Behaviours Day 2 of 2 Child Protection Training – Lets Protect. Half day.

Community Group Community

Free for Brighton Groups Free to Brighton groups Free to Brighton groups Free for Brighton Groups

21 February 28 February

Community Community Group

To book a place on any of the above courses please contact the training team by email at or call : 01273 420973 to request a booking form. Book courses directly at:

Please note that failure to attend a training course that you are booked onto could result in a £50.00 non- attendance charge.

For further information about any of our services, visit our website at, telephone 01273 420973 or email

Book online at or email All income raised through training goes directly to support work with children, young people and families.

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