October 2012 • Volume 46 • Number 9
“Communicating Science” Took Center Stage at the 2012 APS Annual Meeting The year 2012 marks the first time that the APS Annual Meeting has been held in New England in almost 50 years, and it is the first time it has been held in Providence, RI. This year’s meeting drew more than 1,600 attendees and guests from 47 different countries located in every corner of the world. Some attendees could sleep in their own homes at night, while other guests traveled through 11 time zones and over multiple oceans to arrive in Rhode Island, the “Ocean State” of the United States and the “Sailing Capitol of the World.” This year’s meeting boasted over 900 scientific abstracts, including an impressive Poster Hall that housed more than 600 posters! More than 30 APS committees took advantage of the meeting as a place to meet and discuss vital subject matter topics as specific as virology and turfgrass pathology as well as topics of general policy, such as extension and teaching. One of the true stars of this year’s meeting was the Plenary APS President Carol Ishimaru kicked Session. Carol Ishimaru’s theme, Communicating Science, off the 2012 APS Annual Meeting in was brought to life with a unique and interactive presentation Providence, RI. approach. The session kicked off with a very humorous yet revealing video of ordinary neighbors trying to guess what phytopathology means. In a matter of minutes the audience was able to see firsthand how simply describing plant pathology can have a profound change in understanding from the public. The session continued through a variety of communication exercises, and by the end, all of the attendees left with a fresh approach for most effectively communicating their research efforts. Discussions continued well after the session, in hallways and small groups, definitely striking a chord with all those who attended. If you missed the session or if you need a reminder of the communication skills that were taught, make sure you check out the full video online at www.scientificsocieties.org/aps/plensess/2012.
The energetic and interactive “Communicating Science” Plenary Session gave attendees an opportunity to put their communications skills to use. David Gadoury, Cornell University (left), was a good sport about the constructive critique he received on explaining “What Is a Plant Pathologist?”
In addition to this insightful plenary session, the overall meeting held some of the most current and relevant scientific sessions in plant pathology, including a current look at pathogen effectors and host targets, new insights into the virulence mechanism of plant-pathogenic bacteria, and examining the question, “Do regulatory agencies really make the rules in crop protection?” Additionally, this year’s field trips really took advantage of the New England location from a scientific perspective. The trips
News Help This Video Go Viral
Unveiled at the 2012 Annual Meeting in Rhode Island, the new APS plant pathology video is now available for all members to share. The video is aimed at undergraduates in biology and related majors who have limited agricultural background, and it’s now available for your use in classroom settings, on organization websites, on display at career fairs, and for sharing with colleagues. The concept of developing a video for this purpose came out of the APS Department Heads Meeting as a high priority during the APS Annual Meeting in Hawaii (2011). The goal was to present plant pathology as an exciting and useful career for high school and undergraduate students to consider as they plan their future. APS Council approved and funded the effort, and one year later, under the direction of APS President Carol Ishimaru and a small committee of APS members, including Monica Elliott, Michelle Grabowski, Matthew Haas (graduate student), George Hudler, and David Schmale, along with APS staff member Michelle Bjerkness and Scott Whitman, the project consultant with FLM+, the company contracted for production, the video was completed. View the video today at www.apsnet.org/Pages/ APSVideo.aspx, and help spread the word about the growing field of plant pathology! n
“Communicating Science” continued on page 143
In this Issue Editor’s Corner ........................................ 142 Division News ......................................... 144 Public Policy Board ..................................144 APS Foundation ...................................... 150
Meeting ................................................... 151 2012 APS Annual Meeting Highlights .... 152 OIP News & Views ................................. 154 People ..................................................... 154
Classifieds ................................................ 159 APS Journal Articles ................................ 163 Calendar of Events .................................. 164
October 2012 • Volume 46 • Number 9
Editor-in-Chief: Doug Jardine Managing Editor: Michelle Bjerkness Editor: Amanda Aranowski Design: Agnes Walker Advertising Sales: Cindy Anderson Phytopathology News (ISSN 0278-0267) is published eleven times per year by The American Phytopathological Society (APS) at 3340 Pilot Knob Road, St. Paul, MN 55121 U.S.A. Phone: +1.651.454.7250, Fax: +1.651.454.0766, E-mail: aps@scisoc.org, Web: www.apsnet. org. Phytopathology News is distributed to all APS members. Subscription price to nonmembers is $76 U.S./$90 Elsewhere. Periodicals paid at St. Paul, MN. CPC Intl Pub Mail #0969249. Postmaster: Send address changes to Phytopathology News, 3340 Pilot Knob Road, St. Paul, MN 55121 U.S.A. Submission Guidelines Address all editorial correspondence to: Doug Jardine, Department of Plant Pathology, 4024 Throckmorton Hall, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, 66506-5502 U.S.A. Phone: +1.785.532.1386; Fax: +1.785.532.5692; E-mail: PhytoNewsEditor@scisoc.org. In order to ensure timely publication of your news items and announcements, please send in material six weeks prior to the date of publication. Material should be no more than six months old when submitted. Submission of materials as electronic files, via e-mail, will speed processing. For information on submitting electronic images contact Agnes Walker at awalker@scisoc.org. Deadline for submitting items for the December 2012 issue is October 15, 2012.
APS Leadership Council President: Michael J. Boehm President-Elect: George S. Abawi Vice President: A. Rick Bennett Immediate Past President: Carol A. Ishimaru Acting Immediate Past President: John Sherwood Internal Communications Officer: David M. Gadoury Treasurer: Steven A. Slack Senior Councilor-at-Large: Walter F. Mahaffee Intermediate Councilor-at-Large: Jeff B. Jones Junior Councilor-at-Large: Mary E. Palm Divisional Councilor: David G. Schmale III Publications Councilor: Anthony P. Keinath Executive Vice President: Steven C. Nelson Editors-in-Chief APS PRESS: Margery L. Daughtrey MPMI: Gary Stacey Phytopathology: George W. Sundin Phytopathology News: Doug J. Jardine Plant Disease: R. Mike Davis Plant Disease Management Reports: Kenneth W. Seebold Plant Health Progress: Ned A. Tisserat The Plant Health Instructor: Katherine L. Stevenson Board and Office Chairs and Directors APS Foundation Chair: Ray D. Martyn Divisional Forum Chair: Lawrence E. Datnoff PPB Chair: Jan E. Leach Publications Board Chair: Anthony P. Keinath OE Director: Scott E. Gold OEC Director: Seogchan Kang OIP Director: Sally A. Miller OIR Director: Brian D. Olson OPRO Director: Monica L. Elliott AMB Director: Scott T. Adkins Division Officers Caribbean Divisional Forum Rep.: Lawrence Datnoff President: Judith K. Brown Vice President: TBA Secretary-Treasurer: Aaron Palmateer North Central Divisional Forum Rep.: Tamra Jackson President: James Stack Vice President: Amanda Gevens Secretary-Treasurer: Carl Bradley Northeastern Divisional Forum Rep.: David Rosenberger President: Beth K. Gugino Vice President: Christian A. Wyenandt Secretary-Treasurer: David C. Thompson Pacific Divisional Forum Rep.: Jay Pscheidt President: Themis Michailides President-Elect: Judith Brown Secretary-Treasurer: Akif Eskalen Potomac Divisional Forum Rep.: Daniel Roberts President: Yilmaz Balci Vice President: Bingyu Zhao Secretary-Treasurer: Nicole Donofrio Southern Divisional Forum Rep.: Timothy B. Brenneman President: Raymond W. Schneider President-Elect: Jason Woodward Vice President: Thomas Allen Secretary-Treasurer: Gary E. Vallad
142 Phytopathology News
Editor’s Corner How Well Can You Communicate Your Science? Doug Jardine, Kansas State University, PhytoNewsEditor@scisoc.org WOW! That’s what I thought to myself on my way out of the Plenary Session at this year’s annual meeting. The theme of the session, Communicating Science, was creatively planned by President Carol Ishimaru to be highly interactive. Two faculty members from the Center for Communicating Science at the Stonybrook School of Journalism, Valeri Lantz-Gefroh and Evonne Kaplan Liss, led us through two hours of fun and thoughtful discussion on the problems of communicating science and how we as plant pathologists need to do a better job. For those who could not be present, or those who were and want to relive the experience, the entire two-hour Plenary Session can be viewed at www. scientificsocieties.org/aps/plensess/2012. If you don’t have time to watch Doug Jardine the entire two hours, I would strongly encourage that you watch the three-minute embedded documentary video that begins approximately 10 minutes and 30 seconds into the session. In the video, Lantz-Gefroh wanders through her neighborhood asking people what they know about The American Phytopathological Society and whether or not we are worthy of government funding. If you don’t laugh, you have no sense of humor. Perhaps, too, we should consider whether it is time to once again revisit what we call ourselves? On a distinctly different note, October 27 is Make a Difference Day. Created by USA Weekend Magazine in 1992, the day traditionally falls on the fourth Saturday of October and is the nation’s largest day of community service volunteering. It is estimated that 3 million people participate worldwide, helping millions more. The recent highly successful annual meeting in Providence is evidence of the great things that can happen when volunteers pull together. When we work together, we can all make a difference. To quote Marian Wright Edelman, American activist for the rights of children and president and founder of the Children’s Defense Fund: “We must not, in trying to think about how we can make a big difference, ignore the small daily differences we can make which, over time, add up to big differences that we often cannot foresee.” Please join in on October 27 to make a difference in your community. n
Stunning Results of the 2012 Art in Phytopathology Contest Put on by the APS Graduate Student Committee, the Art in Phytopathology Contest accepts submissions of plant disease photography and/or manipulations of disease snapshots. This year they had more than 35 entries, and creativity flowed. The winner of this year’s Best in Show Award and first place in the Microscopy Category was “Eye Opener” by Francisco Flores, a graduate student from Oklahoma State University. Other winners included “Powdery Mildew” in the Arts & Crafts Category by Mohamed ElMeleigi, Qassim University, Saudi Arabia, and “Fusariumland: A world of colors and shapes” “Eye Opener” by Francisco Flores, a graduate student from in the Digitally Altered Category by Rodrigo Oklahoma State Unversity, won Best in Show and first place Pedrozo, a student at Kansas State University. in the Microscopy Category. First in the Humor Category was Marin Brewer, assistant professor at University of Georgia, with “Patrick Star.” In the Nature Category, first place went to “The British Are Coming!” by Andrew Loyd, a graduate student at North Carolina State University. All entries can be viewed at www.apsnet.org/members/apsleadership/comm/Pages/ ArtinPhytopathology.aspx. n
“Communicating Science” continued from page 141
departed for nearby athletic fields (Turfgrass Field Trip), a hiking trail and water fall (New England Fungal Foray), and a local cranberry bog (Pests, Protection, and Politics of the North American Cranberry). As attendees moved from session to session and took time between sessions at the common areas, real one-on-one plant pathology communication developed. To refer to this annual meeting phenomenon as “networking” downplays what a truly unique experience it is to be able to discuss your research with someone else at length, sharing commonalities and ideas. As first-time meeting attendee Brian Webster, University of Madison, told us, “You can get a collaborative discussion going and you can get feedback and input from other researchers and scientists to tighten up your work or to take something in a slightly different direction…The connections you can make here as a graduate student are invaluable.” As per tradition, President Ishimaru welcomed attendees to the 104th APS Annual Meeting at the Opening General Session and Awards and Honors Ceremony on Sunday. After informing people of some of the local terminology that can be heard around Providence, a few examples being “beah,” as the cold refreshing alcoholic beverage that many connoisseurs prefer to be microbrewed, and “de kleenaz,” where you take your clothes, now soiled from the field trip, to be laundered. The opening session also incorporated some positive financial news from the APS treasurer as well as a membership update from the internal communications officer. It was during the opening session that one of Ishimaru’s new initiatives was unveiled, a video that was developed to help increase the recognition and understanding of plant pathology as a career path. The video targets undergraduates in biology and related majors with limited agriculture background and will be available for members to use in classroom settings. If you haven’t seen it, be sure to check it out at www.apsnet.org/pages/ APSVideo.aspx. The session continued on with a brief list of the many highlights of this year’s meeting and then acknowledged the many individuals honored this year for their dedication to the science of plant pathology. During the Awards and Honors Ceremony portion of the program, the audience was introduced to each recipient and given a brief glimpse into their life, their research, and their contribution to the society. The Distinguished Service Award, which has been given on rare occasions, was awarded to Randall Rowe for providing sustained, outstanding leadership to the society while also furthering the science of plant pathology. The APS Fellow honor along with several other awards were given to nine well-deserving APS members this year, based on their distinguished contributions to plant pathology or to the society. Be sure to check out the video of the full session on our website at www.scientificsocieties.org/aps/opensess.
Here’s just a few of the headlines you missed this month from the APS Twitter feed. Clemson plant pathologist working to raise cucurbit yields, lower production costs http://bit.ly/OqeaTT Boxwood facing new blight disease http://wapo.st/P0pfhs Wheat ‘Rust-Tracker’ a breakthrough in disease prevention http://bit.ly/ TjxKGO New basil fungal disease found in Minnesota http://bit.ly/OQ9BDi Epigenetics – a new dimension to understanding plant disease http://bit. ly/UsDiNl Must Watch! Video: Plant Pathology: Taking you further than you ever imagined http://sco.lt/8Kz0kL Legal challenge refused over first genetically modified potatoes http:// bbc.in/NMYcHT
This year’s Final Night Celebration had everyone on their feet, dancing well past the official end of the party, and giving all who attended one last chance at prime networking opportunities. The swing band played music that people of all ages could enjoy, and plant pathologists kept the dance floor warm all night long. Aside from a few sore feet the next day, this Final Night Celebration was fabulous in every way.
UK: Northern Ireland free of potato wart disease after 50 years http://bit.ly/ PMamfW
Thank you to everyone who helped make the 2012 APS Annual Meeting a huge success. Sponsors, attendees, poster and oral abstract submitters, committee members, exhibitors, and even guests all worked hard to make this meeting the success that it was. For a visual overview of all the events mentioned, check out the photos featured on pages 152–153; additional images have been posted at www.apsnet.org/meetings/meetingarchives/2012annual/overview.
Droughts Are Pushing Trees to the Limit http://bit.ly/OnWszd
We look forward to seeing everyone again in 2013 in Austin, TX, at the 2013 APS-MSA Joint Meeting! n
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The Greatest Man You’ve Never Heard Of: Norman Borlaug http://bit.ly/UaYvt5
New Soybean Virus Confirmed in Indiana http://bit.ly/TSySS8 Screening technique uncovers 5 new plant activator compounds http://bit.ly/ O3z1AV Tourism Industry Threatened by Lethal Yellowing Disease http://bit.ly/QfJzLV
Do you follow @PlantDisease? What are you waiting for? Get the latest and greatest plant disease news as it happens! www.twitter.com/plantdisease
Please contact us for more detailed information www.acdiainc.com; (479) 595-0320; infor@acdiainc.com Phytopathology News 143
Division News
Public Policy Board
Southern Division Meeting 2013
APS PPB Offers Opportunities to Get Engaged at the 2012 APS Annual Meeting
The Southern Division of APS meets Friday, February 8, through Sunday, February 10, 2013, in Baton Rouge, LA. In addition to oral presentations, the program will include a special symposium entitled “Plant Pathology 2.0: Considerations for the Future of our Discipline.” The Spanish Town Mardi Gras Parade passes in front of our hotel Saturday afternoon. Join us for good science, good food, and a good time. If you are not a member of the Southern Division, contact Ray Schneider for details on abstract submissions and other details at rschnei@LSU.edu. n
Jan Leach, APS Public Policy Board Chair, jan.leach@colostate.edu
North Central Division Moves Meeting to June 12–14, 2013 The North Central Division recently announced that their meeting has been changed to June 12–14, 2013. Please mark your calendars! The meeting will be held in Manhattan, KS. n
IMPORTANT APS DATES TO REMEMBER November 2012 1 Nominations due for 2013 APS Awards 1 PPB industry representative submissions due December 2012 3 Proposals due for OIP Global Experience Program 14 John and Ann Niederhauser Endowment (JANE) proposals due 20 PPB open position submissions due January 2013 7 International Travel Award applications for APS-MSA Joint Meeting due
144 Phytopathology News
Events sponsored by the APS Public Policy Board (PPB) during the 2012 Annual Meeting provided APS members several opportunities to engage in policy activities and to participate in conversations about the future of funding for agricultural research and government regulatory activities. At two well-attended Listening Sessions, Sonny Ramaswamy, recently appointed director of the USDA’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA), heard ideas and concerns from our members on the direction of funding opportunities in New USDA-NIFA Director Sonny Ramaswamy spent NIFA’s portfolio. Among many other issues, several hours actively engaged with APS members, members expressed concerns about the security students, and post-docs during two well-attended of funding for the National Plant Diagnostic Listening Sessions. Network (NPDN), the need to better integrate extension/outreach activities into funding opportunities, and NIFA’s role in sustaining and training the future agricultural workforce. Ramaswamy gave specific examples of how NIFA had responded to suggestions of stakeholders at previous listening sessions, and he indicated new opportunities in the coming funding years, such as increased funding for graduate assistantships and postdoctoral fellowships. He emphasized that NIFA is currently paying down a mortgage and that large changes and increased dollars available for grants will not be evident until 2014. During six hours of continuous meetings with various APS groups, a very energetic Ramaswamy listened, answered questions, and reminded members to “get engaged” and let congressional representatives know their views on whether agricultural research is critical. Kellye Eversole (Eversole Associates) opened a Wednesday afternoon PPB symposium— Everything a Scientist Should Know About Politics, Funding, and Public Opinion—with an instructive presentation called “Policy 101: A Not-So-Boring Look at How Government Works.” Two following talks provided valuable insights to members on international funding opportunities at USAID (Rob Bertram, director, Office of Agricultural Research and Policy, USAID) and NSF (DeAndra Beck, program director, Office of International Science The APS PPB “Get Engaged” Campaign drew in many and Engineering, NSF). The session ended with members who were interested in impacting policy and presentations from Melanie Lewis Ivey (PPB connecting directly with congressional representatives. early career intern) and Angela Records (PPB policy fellow) explaining how important and easy it is for members to become engaged in science policy and how we need to better communicate the importance of science to policymakers. Records and other PPB members staffed the APS PPB Get Engaged! booth throughout the week, helping interested members contact their congressional representatives and discussing APS-related topics of policy interest. For the first time, PPB hosted an Open Forum on Hot Topics, which this year focused on regulatory issues with discussions that included the potential impacts on plant pathologists as a result of EPA’s endocrine disruptors screening program, EPA and Fish & Wildlife Service regulations related to the Endangered Species Act, and the regulation of dual use research. Experts who provided context and provoked discussion were Paul Lewis, chief, Chemical Information and Testing Branch, Chemical Control Division, Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics EPA; Beth Carroll, senior stewardship manager, Syngenta Crop Protection and PPB member; and Anthony Keinath, professor, Clemson University, and APS Publications Board chair. Lewis also provided expertise on the dual use research issue, as he was formerly executive director, National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity, Office of Biotechnology Activities, Office of Science Policy Office of the Director, NIH. Eversole and Tom Harrington (PPB member and professor, Iowa State University) facilitated
the discussions that more than filled the allotted time. Based on the success and interest in these discussions, PPB will sponsor another Open Forum next year. Please send suggestions on hot topics, expert names, and forum format to Jan.Leach@colostate.edu. We hope you enjoyed the ample opportunities to get engaged at the annual meeting and that you will continue to be engaged throughout the year. Please visit the PPB site to learn of more opportunities to become engaged! n
Two Positions Open on Public Policy Board APS announces the availability of two positions on the APS Public Policy Board (PPB) for plant pathologists with broad interests in policy issues related to funding for research and extension in agricultural sciences, education of plant pathologists, and regulation of plant pathology. Applicants should demonstrate experience and expertise in order to effectively collaborate with other PPB members on these very active and productive initiatives. The new PPB members’ roles will include interacting with relevant APS committees and groups, providing leadership on the development of PPB input to national agencies, participating in monthly conference calls, joining the PPB’s midyear meetings in Washington, DC, to discuss initiatives with policymakers and funding agencies, and giving broad membership updates in presentations at the APS annual meetings and Phytopathology News articles. Interested individuals should have 1) demonstrated experience and expertise in one or more of the broad areas of plant pathology that are targeted by PPB initiatives, and 2) an interest in public policy. Individuals should also be willing to take the lead on developing PPB’s initiatives in existing or emerging policy areas of importance to the society. PPB requests submission by December 20 of a short statement of interest and background (short CV) from members interested in serving APS as a PPB board member. Please send these items to PPB Chair Jan Leach at Jan.Leach@colostate. edu. Questions? E-mail or call Leach at +1.970.491.2924. Full details are available on APSnet at www.apsnet.org/members/apsleadership/Pages/VolunteerOpenings.aspx. PPB will review submitted materials and make a determination on the PPB appointment. n
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Position Open on Public Policy Board for Industry Representative with a Focus on Regulatory Issues
PPB is among the most active and influential functions within APS. It provides scientific input on public policy issues to the society’s officers and federal policymakers and agency personnel and works with other scientific organizations and coalitions to increase the awareness of the science of plant pathology. It has an advisory role to regulatory agencies in the areas of crop protection products, crop biosecurity, genetically engineered crops, threatening plant diseases, human pathogens on agricultural crops, and federal research funding priorities. Current PPB initiatives include funding for agricultural sciences, funding for culture collections, science education, food safety, and policy issues relating to pesticides and biotech products. Detail on PPB activities can be found at www.apsnet.org/members/outreach/ppb. Interested individuals should have 1) the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed, as well as adequate time to address regulatory issues on behalf of PPB; 2) the broad interest and experience to contribute to the wide range of PPB efforts; and 3) an interest in public policy. Full details about the position are available online at www.apsnet.org/members/ apsleadership/Pages/VolunteerOpenings.aspx. PPB requests submission by November 1, 2012, of a short statement of interest and background (short CV) from members interested in serving APS as a PPB board member. Please send these items to PPB Chair Jan Leach at Jan.Leach@colostate. edu. Questions? E-mail or call Leach at +1. 970.491.2924. PPB will review submitted materials and make a determination on the PPB appointment. n
Edited by M. Lodovica Gullino, Jaacov Katan, and Angelo Garibaldi ©2012; 8.5" x 11" hardcover; 256 pages; 69 images; 4 pounds; ISBN 978-0-89054-401-3; Item No. 44013
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APS announces the availability of a position on the APS Public Policy Board (PPB) for a plant pathologist in industry or with a background in industry to focus on regulatory issues important to plant pathologists for managing crop diseases. For this position, PPB is particularly interested in plant pathologists with knowledge of regulatory issues at either EPA or APHIS and a willingness to participate actively in PPB regulatory activities with APHIS, EPA, FDA, and other regulatory agencies.
The American Phytopathological Society Phytopathology News 145
Curly Top and Efficacy Trials Added to Plant Disease Nutrient Management Management Reports, Vol. 6 Webcasts Produced More than 120 new trials were recently added to Plant Disease Management Reports (PDMR) Vol. 6. In total, 517 efficacy trials have been published in this volume. Across all volumes going back to the for Focus on Tomato year 2000, nearly 7,000 reports are available for users. PDMR cover fungicides, nematicides, resistant The Plant Management Network, a nonprofit publishing effort for the benefit of growers and consultants, has produced two new webcasts for the tomato industry: Curly Top Disease of Tomato and Nutrient Management in Fresh Market Tomatoes.
Curly Top Curly top disease has impacted western U.S. agriculture for over a century, and it is a significant threat to tomato production. In his Focus on Tomato webcast, Bill Wintermantel, research plant pathologist at USDA-ARS in Salinas, CA, discusses the viruses that cause curly top disease, as well as curly top’s biology, transmission through vectors, epidemiology, and management. This presentation is designed to provide knowledge of curly top to growers, industry, and others interested in management of virus diseases affecting tomato production. The talk is open access through November 30, 2012, and can be viewed at www.plantmanagementnetwork.org/edcenter/ seminars/tomato/CurlyTop.
Nutrient Management Determining the correct amount of nutrients for a fresh market tomato crop is relatively easy. But knowing correct rates is only a piece of the puzzle. This presentation by Josh Freeman, assistant professor of horticulture at Virginia Tech University, helps users ensure their tomato crops have the correct amount of nutrients in the correct placement at the correct time. Freeman also instructs viewers on providing adequate moisture for nutrient uptake and utilization. This presentation is open access through November 30, 2012, and can be viewed at www.plantmanagementnetwork.org/ edcenter/seminars/tomato/nutrientmanagement. Focus on Tomato is a publication of the Plant Management Network (PMN), a nonprofit online publisher whose mission is to enhance the health, management, and production of agricultural and horticultural crops. It achieves this mission through applied, science-based resources. Users can view other recent webcasts in the Focus on Tomato resource at www.plantmanagementnetwork.org/fot. n
146 Phytopathology News
varieties, and other biological controls that protect agricultural and horticultural crops from disease. Each one- to two-page report consists of a summary outlining trial conditions and results. Test plot trial data, also in the report, includes treatment rates, application timings, and other pertinent efficacy data for each product tested. Users can search the reports by keyword or section. Keyword searches can include product names, active ingredients, host crops, and authors. Sections include cereals and forage crops; citrus, tropical, and vegetable crops; field crops; ornamentals and trees; pome fruits; seed treatments (for all crops); small fruits; stone fruits and nuts; and turfgrass.
APS members can have continuous access to all volumes of PDMR, F&N Tests, and B&C Tests online for $38 yearly. This subscription also includes access to other Plant Management Network resources, like Arthropod Management Tests, a similar publication covering the effectiveness of insecticides, applied crop science journals, webcasts, targeted extension searches, image collections, proceedings, and more. Learn more about the utility of PDMR through an online tutorial at www.plantmanagementnetwork.org/edcenter/seminars/miscellaneous/PDMR. Then visit PDMR at www.plantmanagementnetwork.org/pub/trial/pdmr. n
USDA Grant-Funded Webcast Teaches Effective Scouting, Management of Gray Leaf Spot As part of a USDA grant-funded project to help growers, crop consultants, and extension educators improve their knowledge and understanding of important foliar diseases, Alison Robertson, Iowa State University, produced a webcast presentation on gray leaf spot. This webcast, published in the Plant Management Network’s (PMN’s) Focus on Corn resource, reviews characteristic symptoms of gray leaf spot, discusses the disease cycle and conditions that favor infection, and covers management options. The research in this presentation was funded through a USDA-NIFA grant on corn diseases. Through links and attachments embedded in the webcast player, this presentation leads viewers to other important resources funded through this grant, including the brochure “Foliar Fungicides for Corn: Targeting Disease”; a 26-page booklet entitled “Corn Foliar Diseases: Identification and Management Field Guide”; online crop management newsletters from the University of Illinois, Iowa State University, the University of Wisconsin, and The Ohio State University; and various university-based crop management blogs. This presentation is permanently open access and can be viewed at www.plantmanagementnetwork. org/edcenter/seminars/outreach/corn/GrayLeafSpot. Focus on Corn is a publication of PMN, a nonprofit online publisher whose mission is to enhance the health, management, and production of agricultural and horticultural crops. n
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The International Society for Plant Pathology and Its Next International Congress of Plant Pathology in Beijing Brian Deverall, ISPP, brian.deverall@sydney.edu.au The purpose of the International Society for Plant Pathology (ISPP) is to promote the worldwide development of plant pathology and the dissemination of knowledge about plant diseases and plant health management. ISPP membership is drawn from the national and regional societies of plant pathology as well as individuals, and APS was a charter member and remains a strong champion of ISPP. The society sponsors an International Congress of Plant Pathology (ICPP) at regular intervals and other international meetings on plant pathology and closely related subjects. The society establishes committees to consider and report on special fields or problems in plant pathology. The society organizes other activities, including the publication of journals, the ISPP Newsletter, and several websites, as approved by the Executive Committee. ISPP is incorporated under Minnesota U.S.A. Statute Chapter 317A. The registered office of the International Society for Plant Pathology is 3340 Pilot Knob Road, St. Paul, MN, 55121. The 10th International Congress of Plant Pathology (ICPP2013) will be held in Beijing, China, August 25–30, 2013. It has been organized by the Chinese Society for Plant Pathology (CSPP) on behalf of ISPP (www.icppbj2013.org). The theme of the congress is Biosecurity, Food Safety, and Plant Pathology: The Role of Plant Pathology in a Globalised Economy. There has been considerable interaction between members of each society in drawing up a substantial scientific program, which can be seen along with much other information for ICPP2013 in the First Circular available at http://bit.ly/TXs6Ib. The International Advisory Committee includes Jan E. Leach (APS), Michael W. Shaw (British Society for Plant Pathology), Andreas von Tiedemann (German Phytomedical Society), Gert H. J. Kema (the Royal Netherlands Society of Plant Pathology), Caroline Mohammed (Australasian Plant Pathology Society), and Ichiro Uyeda (Phytopathological Society of Japan). Online registration is strongly encouraged. If you cannot register online, please download the registration form (http://bit.ly/Pf4J9I) and return it to Yu Shen, CICCST/ICPP2013, 86 Xueyuan Nanlu, Beijing 100081, PR China; fax: +86-10-62174126; e-mail: icpp2013pco@gmail.com or yshen@ciccst.org.cn. n
ISU Changes Department Name The Department of Plant Pathology at Iowa State University (ISU) has been pursuing a name change and recently completed this strategic plan by embracing its new name “Department of Plant Pathology and Microbiology.” The name change fundamentally reflects the department’s new mission, “To explore ways to manage or exploit plant-microbe associations and to educate students, practitioners, and the public to improve and safeguard human environmental health and to enable sustainable human prosperity.” Furthermore, the department co-administers the undergraduate microbiology degree program and is heavily involved in microbiology undergraduate and graduate teaching. The department continues to offer graduate degrees in plant pathology and participates in a number of interdepartmental graduate programs. The first plant pathologist hired by the Botany Department of Iowa State College (now ISU) was Irving E. Melhus in 1916. The undergraduate curriculum in plant pathology was established in 1957, and the name of the department was changed to the Department of Botany and Plant Pathology. In 1979, the department changed its name to the Department of Plant Pathology, Weed, and Seed Sciences. The department’s name was once again changed in 1988 to the Department of Plant Pathology until the most recent name change. Change is good, and the 21 faculty members and approximately 40 graduate students are looking forward to entering an exciting new phase. n
A New Plant Health Society Established in Spain The Spanish Association for Plant Health (Asociación Española de Sanidad Vegetal [AESaVe]) has recently been established following consensus recommendations reached at a meeting on “The Needs for Specialized Education in the Plant Health Profession” held in Valencia, Spain, in March 2012. The main thrust underpinning the Spanish Association for Plant Health is to implement in Spain the European Union (EU) Directive 2009/128/ CEE, whereby integrated pest management (IPM) practices resulting in minimum possible use of pesticides are enforced as main strategies for the management of plant diseases, weeds, and insect and mite pests. The directive must be implemented by member country of the EU by devising and enabling a national action plan that should be operative by January 1, 2014. A main conclusion reached at the Valencia meeting was that the level of professional specialization of the scientific disciplines involved in plant health currently active in
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Spain, such as entomology, plant pathology, weed science, and others, are not sufficient to successfully face the challenges and complexities of implementing IPM strategies. This conclusion reinforces a similar one previously and independently reached by the three scientific societies dealing with plant health aspects in Spain, namely the Spanish Society of Applied Entomology (SEEA), the Spanish Society of Plant Pathology (SEF), and the Spanish Society of Weed Science (SEMh). Discussions and analyses by these three societies, as well as during the meeting in Valencia, identified the reasons for the weakness as being the recurrent erosion of university education in those disciplines, which is likely to worsen by new curricula being established by Spanish universities that must adapt to the European Space and University Education System (also known as the Bolonia Programme), based on an European Credit Transfer System. AESaVe is a nonprofit, open society committed
to promote plant health as a specialized profession in Spain through enhancing the need for specific training at Spanish universities on plant health disciplines, while at the same time enhancing the perception by society of the critical role played by plant health on agroforestry sustainability and food security. Thus the AESaVe follows in the track of those that championed the worldwide need for a social face to a well-established profession of plant health, among them the late G. Agrios, J. A. Browning, and J. G. Horsfall. AESaVe will work closely with SEEA, SEF, and SEMh. The current board of AESaVe includes the president of SEF and past presidents of SEEA and SEMh, together with representatives of the official National Plant Health Service. The first president of AESaVe is Rafael M. Jiménez Díaz, professor of plant pathology at the University of Córdoba, who is a former president of SEF and a fellow of APS. n
APS Leadership Institute Hosts Workshops at Annual Meeting
Rick Bostock, APS Leadership Committee Cochair, rmbostock@ucdavis.edu
The APS Leadership Institute hosted three workshops at the APS Annual Meeting in Providence. Teri Balser, dean of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at the University of Florida, facilitated two all-day workshops, Leadership I: Finding Your Style and Leadership II: Working with Others. Balsar has served as the leadership development coordinator for the American Society of Agronomy and has presented her leadership-training program throughout the country to scientific societies and other groups during the past several years. Leadership I focused on what it means to be a leader in a range of contexts, discussed different leadership styles, and through a series of exercises and case studies, raised participants’ awareness of their own styles and how these Rick Bostock fit with those of others. Building on the knowledge gained in Leadership Institute I, the Leadership II workshop helped individuals go deeper in their understanding of the interpersonal aspects of leading and managing and explore ways to apply their understanding to areas of conflict or change in their professional, personal, and societal lives. Discussion also covered issues related to change management and change leadership.
Edited by Rick L. Brandenburg and Callie P. Freeman
A half-day workshop geared toward graduate students and post-docs was sponsored by Monsanto Co. and coordinated by Emilio Oyarzabal, also of Monsanto and a member of the APS Leadership Institute Committee. The workshop, facilitated by Sherry Harsch-Porter of the Porter Bay Group, Inc. in St. Louis (www.porterbay.com), was entitled Understanding Your Behavioral Style. It was a highly interactive session designed to help participants discuss and understand human behavior in various situations, for example, how you influence others or respond to rules and procedures. The workshop utilized results from each participant’s DiSC personal assessment that they completed prior to the workshop. Marci Smith and Michelle Bjerkness at APS Headquarters and Gretchen Williams of Monsanto are gratefully acknowledged for their support, which was critical to the success of all three workshops. The APS Leadership Institute Committee was formed by APS Council in 2009 in response to the need for the society to provide members opportunities to equip themselves with the Leadership Institute cochairs Rick Bostock (left) and skills required to function efficiently in the Chris Smart (right) organized a successful two-day event current environment and to become leaders. this year with the help of trainer Teri Balser (center). The scope includes helping members develop leadership and administrative skills not only for their primary place of employment, but also within their service to APS and similar volunteer organizations. Rick Bostock (University of California-Davis) and Christine Smart (Cornell University) were the founding cochairs of the committee and recently stepped down after the Providence meeting.
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The workshops are particularly well suited to scientists and technical professionals, covering material in a way that fits the needs of leading and managing scientific organizations and working within volunteer organizations such as APS. Each workshop had about 25 registrants with different levels of professional experience and from various APS sectors, including university, government, and industry. Participants ranged from graduate students and early career professionals to mid-level and senior faculty, department chairs, and individuals holding management positions within their organizations. In the afternoon of the second day, a panel of past and current APS presidents—Jim Moyer (North Carolina State University), Jacque Fletcher (Oklahoma State University), and Mike Boehm (The Ohio State University)—shared their insights and perspectives on leading with the workshop participants.
Bill Schneider (USDA ARS) and Janna Beckerman (Purdue University) were appointed chair and vice chair of the committee by APS Council to serve three-year terms. n The American Phytopathological Society
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Scientists Share Their Passion for Soil Solarization with New Work Phytopathology News is proud to introduce its readers to Abraham Gamliel and Jaacov Katan, coeditors of the highly anticipated new APS PRESS title, Soil Solarization: Theory and Practice. Katan was one of the pioneers in developing the soil solarization approach, and he and his colleagues published their results in Phytopathology in 1976. This was perhaps the first research article on soil solarization, which was at the time referred to as solar heating. Since then, many studies on soil solarization were carried out and published worldwide by a variety of scientists, including Gamliel, who focused his Ph.D. as well as his post-doctoral research on the subject. Many of these studies are fundamental to the foundation of soil solarization theory and practice today, and they are documented in numerous publications. The two coeditors cooperated for many years in various aspects of research and scientific writing, which aided in the development of Soil Solarization: Theory and Practice. They took a few minutes to answer some questions for us. Can you tell our readers about this book in only one sentence? This book describes a novel and simple use of solar energy to control soilborne pests, maintain healthy crops, and preserve a healthy environment. What material in this new book will surprise people the most? We were very much surprised to see so many developments in this topic of research. For example, there are many new uses of solarization beyond the simple focus of soil disinfestation (i.e., eliminating plant pathogens from soil), including controlling human pathogens in wastes and controlling invasive plants. The principle of incorporation of soil solarization in the integrated pest management programs is another important issue and is described in detail in five chapters. The development in application technology and plastic technology is another big advance. However, probably the most exciting are the four chapters on understanding the mechanisms of solarization actions during and after the termination of the solarization process. An additional important development includes the modeling of solarization performance in various locations and climatic conditions. In your opinion, what is the biggest advance that has been made in this field since 1991? A major question we faced as editors was whether it is justified to publish a new book on soil solarization since the last one was published just 20 years ago. In other words, what advances have been made since 1991? We believe that the 43 authors of the 28 chapters in the book demonstrated that the answer to this question is “yes, it is justified,” and that soil solarization has become an integral component of management programs on a farm scale. The evidence for that are the numerous new studies carried out since 1991, the many new developments described in the various chapters, the adaptation of soil solarization for other and unusual uses, the expansion of the solarization research to over 70 countries, and most importantly, the practical use and wide adoption of this method in various countries and with different cropping systems.” What do think the future holds for soil solarization? We hope that this book will further enhance the research and the implementation of soil solarization. NOTE: Soil Solarization: Theory and Practice will be available in October and may be preordered from www.shopapspress.org. n
5 for APS
Share APS with your colleagues! As we all learn from Carol Ishimaru’s Plenary Session, Communicating Science is essential to our discipline. Regardless of age, career level, or free-time, each one of you plays a vital role in helping to expand the APS presence and spread the APS message.
Your Science. Your Society.
150 Phytopathology News
APS Foundation Foundation Announces 2012 Tarleton Student Fellow The APS Foundation is pleased to announce that Cassandra Swett was named the 2012 recipient of the Raymond J. Tarleton Student Fellowship. Swett is a fourthyear Ph.D. student in the Department of Plant Pathology Cassandra Swett at the University of California (UC)Davis under the advisement of Tom Gordon. Her general research interest lays in the ecology of fungal plant pathogens with specializations in Fusarium species, nursery diseases, diseases affecting trees, and the ecology of systemic induced resistance. She combines field research, physiological studies, histology, culture-based, and molecular approaches to better understand how diverse life history strategies of Fusarium circinatum, the cause of pitch canker in pines, can influence disease development and spread. Her research questions focus primarily on native pine forests in California, but she is also conducting a study in South Africa, examining grass hosts in pine nurseries and plantations in collaboration with Mike Wingfield and Emma Steenkamp at the University of Pretoria. Swett’s studies have greatly advanced the understanding of the life history strategies of F. circinatum and the roles of symptomless F. circinatum-host relationships in pitch canker epidemiology. She has characterized a new mode of symptomless infection in pine seedlings which beneficially stimulates root mycorrhization and growth and induces defenses that systemically enhance resistance to later infections. These symptomless interactions also reduce host drought tolerance, and in managed systems, this may contribute to establishment losses following out-planting. Using a phylogenetic approach to suggest alternate hosts, she has characterized an endophytic association of F. circinatum with grasses, a previously unrecognized component to the biology of this fungus and the epidemiology of pitch canker. Studies in California and South Africa have found that F. circinatum can colonize and asexually reproduce on a wide range of grass species as an endophyte and saprophyte, providing alternative inoculum sources for pitch canker development; the first paper describing these findings has been published in Plant Disease. Together, the results from her research provide new insights into the evolution and ecology of F. circinatum and defense mechanisms of native pine seedlings and also have application
to the management of pitch canker worldwide. In addition to research-related activities, Swett has a strong commitment to mentorship and teaching—she has independently mentored 10 undergraduate internship projects, cotaught and assisted in a wide range of undergraduate and graduate courses, and will be teaching a Fungal Ecology course in 2013. In addition, she is actively involved in plant pathology outreach through the development and leadership of a graduate-student-run plant disease clinic, and she is involved in a wide range of committees, including the APS Committee on Innovation and Entrepreneurship. The Raymond J. Tarleton Student Fellowship will be used to help support research costs associated with travel to field sites and laboratory supplies and studies conducted in South Africa. n
Meeting Workshop on Nucleic Acid-Based Pathogen Detection Coming in January A hands-on workshop for applied plant pathologists on nucleic acid-based pathogen detection will be held at the University of Kentucky in Lexington. The workshop will begin on Tuesday, January 22, 2013, with introductory lectures and lab activities suited for those with little PCR experience. All participants—beginners and experienced alike—will attend from Wednesday morning, January 23, 2013, through mid-day Friday, January 25, 2013, during which time participants will design, execute, and interpret three real-time PCR experiments (SYBR, Green, and Taqman assays). Presentations and discussions will include basic theory of real-time PCR, experimental controls, PCR inhibition, use of PCR kits, verifying amplicon identity, arrays, minimizing contamination, troubleshooting, sequencing (direct vs. cloning), and selecting fluorophores. Activities and discussions will be included on primer design, interpreting BLAST searches, and the use of curated genomics databases. The topic of quantification will be covered but not in depth. Registration will be $250 and $300 for Wednesday–Friday and Tuesday–Friday, respectively. For more information, contact Paul Vincelli (pvincell@uky.edu). n
Advocate for APS in Just Five Minutes or Less, and Help the Profession and Yourself in the Process David Gadoury, Internal Communications Officer, dmg4@cornell.edu APS is the single most effective advocate for your profession, and your profession needs effective advocacy now more than ever. Accordingly, we are developing an initiative that will take you less than five minutes, but will benefit the profession exponentially. I know we are all under time constraints, and that is why we’ve developed a plan that builds on a broad base of engaged APS members but does not require a large investment of time from any individual. Anyone and everyone can help, and for the good of the profession, you should help. 1. APS membership is a renewable resource that you can count on to help your career, your professional growth, and your discipline. Why would you David Gadoury let yourself run out of that? Renewing when you receive your first invoice is important. It saves the membership team at APS Headquarters time…time which they can then rededicate to other member services. Even if you haven’t received your invoice yet, you can take a minute today to renew. You can even renew your membership for up to three years at a time, locking in this year’s membership rate, and saving that much more time in the process. You can either renew online, or you can renew by calling Denise Kessler at Here’s our challenge: We need to build our +1.651.994.3806. She can’t wait to membership to be an even more effective hear from you!
advocate for the profession at the national
If you think we’re doing this just level, and especially to provide more to raise funds for APS, think again. effective advocacy at the state level where Our organization spends more on many decisions relevant to the future of member services than we charge in the profession will be made. dues. Membership services, especially for students and post-docs, are heavily subsidized by income streams other than dues (e.g., institutional subscriptions to APS journals). Here’s our challenge: We need to build our membership to be an even more effective advocate for the profession at the national level, and especially to provide more effective advocacy at the state level where many decisions relevant to the future of the profession will be made. Note: Are your retiring and have been an APS member for more than 20 years? You may be eligible for a FREE lifetime emeritus membership! Click on the members tab at www.apsnet.org/members, or e-mail APS at apsinfo@apsnet.org to find out more emeritus membership. 2. As we move toward one of the largest retirement booms in the history of our profession, we must place an extra emphasis on telling the next generation of plant pathologists what APS is and why it is so important. Failure to do so is just bad parenting. Are all of the plant pathology faculty, post-docs, and students in your department members of APS? If not, go rattle some cages. It just takes five minutes to tell a colleague about your APS experiences. Each one of you plays a vital role in helping to expand the APS presence and spread the APS message. Communicating the impact and importance of plant pathology will benefit each and every plant pathologist out there. We are presently a very low-profile profession. I’ve said this before, but we have very little to gain by remaining a well-kept secret, especially when budget decisions are about to be made. If we can double our membership, we can double the number of success stories we’ll have to tell.
Call Denise! It will take less than a minute to renew your membership over the phone with her!
It just takes five minutes to tell a colleague about your APS experiences. If you missed the Plenary Session on Communicating Science at the annual meeting or you are just feeling shy, or even if you are a teacher and would like to provide membership materials to all of your students, APS Headquarters can give you free communication kits to distribute.
Please contact APS today for more information about either of these initiatives. A quick and easy way to find out if someone is a member is to use the “speed search” function on APSnet.org (www.apsnet.org/members/directories/Pages/SpeedSearch.aspx). Just enter a last name, and hit return. Want a list of all APS members in your state? Use the “advanced search” function (www.apsnet.org/members/directories/Pages/AdvancedSearch.aspx). Is there a name that’s missing that should be there? Now’s the time to talk to them. n Phytopathology News 151
2012 APS Annual Meeting Highlights
Attendees swarm the APS PRESS Bookstore, Exhibits, and Poster Hall during the Opening Reception.
APS Annual Meeting attendees take over the Rhode Island Convention Center!
The poster viewing times allow poster authors to discuss their research one on one with fellow attendees.
Workshops begin with a bang on Saturday with the first one filled to capacity.
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The 2012 Opening General Session was a full house.
Ray Martyn addresses the crowd gathered to celebrate the APS Foundation’s 25th anniversary.
This year’s Industry and Extension Social hosted at the Historic Squantum Club was a sellout event!
This year’s special sessions were more popular than ever.
The layout of the Rhode Island Convention Center offered attendees multiple spaces in which they could network and meet with colleagues.
APS honors its student travel awardees during the Opening General Session and Awards and Honors Ceremony.
Carol Ishimaru passes the gavel to incoming APS President Michael Boehm.
Attendees peruse this year’s 80 different items from all over the world at OIP’s Eighth Annual Silent Auction.
Attendees closed out the meeting in style during the Final Night Celebration.
Phytopathology News 153
OIP News & Views Travel Support Available for 2013 APS-MSA Joint Meeting for Developing Country Members The APS Office of International Programs (OIP), in cooperation with the APS Foundation, is pleased to announce the availability of a travel award to support travel costs for early to midcareer APS members native to and working in developing countries who otherwise would not be able to participate in the 2013 APS-MSA Joint Meeting. This award is intended to support scientists holding post-graduate positions in their respective country; graduate students and post-doctoral fellows will not be funded. One $2,000 award will be made for the 2013 APS-MSA Joint Meeting. Applications must be submitted by January 7, 2013, per instructions provided at www.apsnet.org/members/ foundation/apply/Pages/InternationalTravelFund. aspx. n
APS Foundation JANE International Cooperation Research Funds Available The John and Ann Niederhauser Endowment (JANE) was created, with the APS Foundation, to facilitate international cooperation related to research on and management of plant diseases, with particular emphasis on those caused by Phytophthora spp. To increase the award’s impact, the scope of projects to be considered has been expanded to include any international program in plant pathology that involves cooperation between a person or institution in the United States and a person or institution outside the United States. Principal investigators must hold post-graduate positions in their respective country; graduate students and postdoctoral fellows will not be funded. Project proposals should have a clear implication for developing countries and practical applications. This year, the endowment will provide one award of up to $3,000 for a project to take place during the 2013 calendar year. Applications must be received by December 14, 2012, for consideration. Visit www.apsnet.org/members/ foundation/apply/Pages/JANEEndowment.aspx for full application details. n
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Record Funds Raised During Eighth Annual Silent Auction Our sincerest thanks to everyone who participated—from the donors, bidders, and sponsors to the volunteers on hand in Providence—in the Office of International Programs’ (OIP’s) Eighth Annual Silent Auction! In 2012, we raised more than $2,500 from the auction items to support the Global Experience Program, with more than 80 cultural gems up for bid. The auction featured many unique cultural items, including an African table runner, pearls from Bangladesh, and the item that started a bidding war— Norman Borlaug’s signed and annotated copy of Principles of Plant Pathology by Stakman and Harrar donated by APS member Jesse Dubin. Another big thank you to this year’s silent auction sponsor Eversole Associates; their continuing support of this activity has been greatly appreciated. Watch for information on the 2013 auction coming soon. For pictures from the event, visit www.apsnet.org/members/ outreach/oip/pages/silentauction.aspx. n
OIP Global Experience Program Applications Now Being Accepted The APS Office of International Programs (OIP) is requesting proposals for the OIP Global Experience, a program aimed at helping APS plant pathologists work with scientists and extension personnel in developing countries in training and outreach efforts.
Thank You! 25 years ago, the APS Foundation set out on a journey to create possibilities for plant pathology… Now, thanks to the generous donations of nearly 1,800 donors, the APS Foundation has raised more than $1.5 million dollars, which has provided 630 awards for an impressive $430,000 in support! We appreciate all who stopped by to help celebrate the 25th Anniversary at the APS Annual Meeting. The donations onsite were the second highest amount of funding ever raised at a meeting. Thank you for being part of this extraordinary effort! Your contributions are critical to ensuring the continued strength and achievements of the Foundation. For those of you who haven’t had a chance yet this year, help us continue this success for another 25 years and make a donation today!
The program is open to all APS members to conduct short courses, workshops, or training programs in collaboration with a cooperating institution in a developing country. Teams of a senior and junior plant pathologist are encouraged. Development of training/ extension materials for the workshop will also be supported by this program. Up to $3,000 ($4,000 for teams) will be available to successful applicants to support travel and training material costs. Host institutions are expected to provide in-kind contributions or matching funds. Proposals are requested for programs to be administered in 2013. Proposals should be received on or before December 3, 2012. Read more about the Global Experience Program, download an application, and read about past awardees’ experiences on APSnet at www.apsnet.org/members/outreach/oip/Pages/ GlobalExperience.aspx. n
People Student Degrees and Awards Christie Almeyda completed the requirements for a Ph.D. degree in plant pathology from Washington State University (WSU) under Hanu Pappu’s supervision. Her supervisory committee included Ken Eastwell, Christie Almeyda Alex Karasev, and Pat Okubara. Her dissertation was entitled “Incidence, molecular characterization, genetic diversity and serological studies of pararetroviruses associated with Dahlia spp.” Almeyda was born in Lima, Peru, and earned her B.S. degree in biology from the National Agrarian University, Peru, and an M.S. degree in plant pathology from the University of Minnesota. At WSU, she received the Karen DePauw Leadership Award, Future Leader Forum Scholarship from the Association for International Agriculture and Rural Development, a Graduate Student Travel Award from the American Society for Virology, and the Elsie J. and Robert Aycock Student Travel Award from the APS Foundation. Maryam Alomran completed the requirement for an M.S. degree in plant pathology at Washington State University. Her supervisory committee included Frank Dugan (chair), Lori Carris, and Tim Murray. Alomran explored the seedborne mycoflora of lupine seeds. Renuka Attanayake successfully completed requirements for a Ph.D. degree in plant pathology from Washington State University (WSU) under the supervision of Weidong Chen. Her supervisory committee included Frank Dugan, Renuka Attanayake Dennis Johnson, and Tobin Peever. Her dissertation research was on the genetic diversity, population differentiation, and evolutionary potential of the plant-pathogenic fungus, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Renuka obtained her B.S. degree in botany and chemistry from the University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, in 2002 and M.S. degree from the Department of Plant Pathology, WSU, in 2008. During her Ph.D. study, Attanayake was awarded two competitive APS travel awards in 2008 and 2011, a WSU GPSA travel award in 2008 and a student travel award to attend the
52nd Soil-Borne Plant Pathogen Conference, San Marino, CA, as well as a travel award to attend the Smithsonian Workshop on multiple sequence alignment and phylogeny estimation in 2012. She was placed second in the North American Pulse Improvement Association’s student oral presentation competition in 2007 and 2009. Ebrahiem Babiker completed the requirements for a Ph.D. degree in plant pathology at Washington State University (WSU). His supervisory committee included Scot Hulbert (chair), Ian Burke, Kimberly Campbell, Ebrahiem Babiker and Tim Paulitz. Babiker’s project was on Rhizoctonia root rot. He determined the effect of timing of glyphosate applications on the severity of the disease on barley and investigated the impact of wild oat, Italian ryegrass, and downy brome on incidence of the disease and observed significant reductions in shoot length, root length, and seedling fresh weight in barley grown in wild oat and Italian ryegrass residue. He has received two competitive APS travel awards, one travel award from the Crop Science Society of America, a WSU graduate student travel grant, and an S. O. Graham Scholarship. In addition to his Ph.D. research, he was involved in research to develop a camelina mutant with increased resistance to acetolactate synthase inhibitors herbicides and conducted research on camelina downy mildew. Babiker obtained his B.S. degree in horticulture from the University of Khartoum, Sudan, and an M.S. degree in plant breeding from South Dakota State University. Tyler Bourret completed the requirements for an M.S. degree in plant pathology at Washington State University. His supervisory committee included Dean Glawe (chair), Gary Grove, Jack Rogers, and George Vandemark. His thesis was entitled “Diversity of wild yeasts in a central Washington vineyard.” Bourret’s study was the first to characterize the yeasts associated with grapes in Washington. Bourret grew up in Seattle, WA, and attended the University of Washington. Tyler will be pursuing his Ph.D. degree at the University of California-Davis. Eric Carr completed the requirements for an M.S. degree in plant pathology from Cornell University in 2012. His research was supervised by Eric Nelson and was on the developmental responses of Pythium aphanidermatum zoosporangia to vermicompost-induced disease suppression. Prior to his M.S. work, Carr served as a research technician in the Department of
Eric Carr
Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology. He earned his B.S. degree at Millersville University, Millersville, PA, and he is currently in charge of composting research at a large farm near Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Peng Cheng successfully completed the requirements for a Ph.D. degree in plant pathology from Washington State University (WSU) under the supervision of Xianming Chen. Her supervisory committee included Kulvinder Gill, Peng Cheng Scot Hulbert, and Tobin Peever. Her research was on stripe rust population genetics and resistance gene mapping. Cheng obtained her B.S. degree in biotechnology from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China, and an M.S. degree in plant pathology from WSU in 2008. During her M.S. studies, she placed second in the Graduate Student Poster Competition at the Research Exposition of 2008 Statewide Faculty Meeting in Richland, WA. She was awarded a Graduate and Professional Student Association Travel Grant to attend the APS Annual Meeting in Honolulu, HI, in 2011. Noma Chingandu completed the requirements for an M.S. degree in plant pathology at Washington State University (WSU). Her supervisory committee included Hanu Pappu (chair), Ken Eastwell, and Pat Okubara. Chingandu investigatNoma Chingandu ed the virus-host and virus-virus interactions using thrips-transmitted tospoviruses as a model system. Chingandu grew up in Harare, Zimbabwe, and obtained her B.S. degree in applied biology and biochemistry from the National University of Science and Technology (Zimbabwe). She came to WSU on a Fulbright Scholarship and received a competitive travel award from the APS Pacific Division. Chingandu will be pursuing her Ph.D. degree in plant pathology at the University of Arizona. People continued on page 156 Phytopathology News 155
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Allison Jack completed the requirements for a Ph.D. degree in plant pathology from Cornell University in 2012. Her research was supervised by Eric Nelson and was on the mechanisms of vermicompostinduced suppression Allison Jack of Pythium aphanidermatum. Prior to her Ph.D. work, Jack earned an M.S. degree in soil science at Cornell in the Department of Crop and Soil Science with Janice Thies and a B.A. degree at Reed College in Portland, OR. Jack has had a longstanding interest in composting and agricultural sustainability and has become nationally recognized for her compost-related outreach activities. She is currently an assistant professor at Prescott College in Prescott, AZ, where she is responsible for oversight of their agroecology program. Jack will also be spending a one-year study leave in the Netherlands working with Jos Raaijmakers. Shyam Lal Kandel completed the requirements for an M.S. degree in plant pathology at Washington State University. His supervisory committee included Tim Paulitz (chair), Kim Campbell, Axel Elling, Scot Hulbert, and Richard Smiley. His thesis was entitled “A survey of root lesion and cereal cyst nematodes in the dryland wheat production areas of eastern Washington and resistance of Pacific Northwest wheat varieties.” Kandel grew up in Chitwan, Nepal. He received his B.S. degree in agriculture in 2004 and an M.S. degree in plant pathology in 2007 from Tribhuvan University, Nepal. Brian King completed the requirements for a Ph.D. degree in the Department of Plant Pathology and PlantMicrobe Biology at Cornell University in March 2012. He conducted his Ph.D. research in Donna Gibson’s program Brian King with assistance from Gary Bergstrom, with a focus on evaluating the potential of plant-pathogenic fungi and their enzyme complement for use in biofuel production using lignocellulosic digestion. He is currently at the Department of Plant Biology and Biotechnology at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark, as a post-doctoral associate. His project is focused on developing the moss Physcomitrella patens as a model system for characterization and optimization of terpenoid biosynthetic pathways for high-value medicinal metabolites as well as biofuel intermediates. 156 Phytopathology News
Yu-Hsuan Lin successfully completed the requirements for a Ph.D. degree in plant pathology from Washington State University (WSU) under the supervision of Hanu Pappu. Her supervisory committee included Charles Brown (USDA ARS), Dennis Johnson, Alex Karasev (University of Idaho), and Mark Pavek. Her research was on biological and molecular studies of Potato virus S (PVS) in potato in relation to late blight (LB) of potato. Lin received her B.S. degree in plant pathology from National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan, and an M.S. degree in plant pathology and microbiology from National Taiwan University. She had worked as a research assistant in the Research Center for Biodiversity, Taiwan, for two years before joining WSU in 2008. She received a highly competitive Ministry of Education Scholarship from Taiwan to pursue her Ph.D. degree at WSU. Dan Villamor completed the requirements for a Ph.D. degree in plant pathology at Washington State University (WSU) under Ken Eastwell’s supervision. His supervisory committee included Alex Karasev, Hanu Pappu, and Julie Tarara. His dissertation was Dan Villamor entitled “Molecular analyses of Betaflexiviridae viruses associated with rusty mottle and twisted leaf diseases of sweet cherry (Prunus avium).” Villamor was born in Davao, the Philippines, and received his B.S. degree in agriculture in 1998 and an M.S. degree in plant pathology in 2003. Before coming to WSU, he worked as an assistant research manager for two years in the banana industry. He won second (2009) and third (2008) place in poster competitions at the Washington Association of Wine Grape Growers Annual Meetings. Awards Carolee T. Bull was recently awarded a 2012 ARS Administrator’s Outreach, Diversity, and Equal Opportunity Award in the non-supervisory/ non-managerial category, Pacific West area, for “innovative program development Carolee T. Bull and outstanding mentoring provided to minority and women undergraduate researchers in the Salinas Valley of California.” The awards program annually recognizes employees for exemplary achievements in promoting a diverse workplace free from discrimination, harassment, and retaliation, and
for their demonstrated commitment to workforce diversity through actions that clearly exceeds responsibilities of their positions or assignments in ARS. Robert E. Davis, research leader, Molecular Plant Pathology Laboratory, USDA ARS, received the most prestigious award in mycoplasmology, the Emmy KleinbergerNobel Award, for outstanding research contributions. Robert E. Davis The award was presented to Davis at the 19th Congress of the International Organization for Mycoplasmology in Toulouse, France, July 15, 2012. Over his distinguished career, Davis has made numerous contributions to science, including one of the APS-listed Millennial Milestones in Plant Pathology, his discovery of spiroplasma, and coining that term for helical, motile wall-less prokaryotes. He substantiated the discovery of phytoplasmas and later unveiled lineagespecific pseudogene formation and ongoing host adaptation in phytoplasmas; advanced spiroplasma ecology, classification, taxonomy, and genomics; led his group in pioneering phytoplasma classification, phylogeny, and taxonomy, and in presenting the groundbreaking theory that mobile genetic elements played a key role in launching the evolutionary emergence of phytoplasmas. Davis has received numerous prestigious awards, including APS Fellow and Ruth Allen Awards; Fellow of the Washington Academy of Sciences (WAS) and the American Association for the Advancement of Science; WAS Biological Sciences Award; USDA Silver Plow Award; USDA-ARS Science Hall of Fame Award; and the U.S. Distinguished Presidential Rank Award. In 2003, Davis received the Order of the Knight’s Cross from the president of Lithuania. He is an elected member of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences. Davis holds a B.Sc. degree in botany from the University of Rhode Island and a Ph.D. degree in plant pathology from Cornell University. Jean Beagle Ristaino, a William Neal Reynolds distinguished professor at North Carolina State University, has been named a 2012 Jefferson science fellow. Ristaino will spend the next year in Washington, DC, Jean Beagle Ristaino working as a science advisor at the U.S. Department of State. The Jefferson Science Fellows Program was started in 2003 by the secretary of state and is administered
by the National Academies of Science through partnerships with U.S. academic institutions, the U.S. State Department, and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). The aim of the Jefferson Science Fellows Program is to apply accurate state-of-the-art science and technology solutions in the implementation of U.S. foreign policy. Many national security and food security issues are tightly interwoven. Ristaino conducts research on the oomycete plant pathogen, Phytophthora infestans, that caused the Irish potato famine and is still a global threat to food security. She has done international agriculture research in developing countries in Latin America and Asia and has broad interests in global food security and agriculture, biotechnology, global climate change and plant disease, ecosystem services, and access issues, including gender equity for women in agriculture. She will work in Washington, DC, and travel to U.S. embassies and missions overseas during her fellowship year and then serve in a consulting capacity to the U.S. Department of State for an additional five years. Collaboration Dalphy O. C. Harteveld, Ph.D. candidate, Tree Pathology Centre DAFF & School of Agriculture and Food Sciences, University of Queensland, Australia, visited Tobin Peever, Department of Plant Pathology, Washington State University July 21 to August 2, 2012. Harteveld presented a seminar to the department entitled “Alternaria leaf blotch and fruit spot of apple in Australia” and discussed her research with Dennis Johnson, Wonyong Kim, and several other members of the department in Pullman. Dalphy traveled to the irrigated potato fields in central Washington to view early blight infections with Tom Cummings and Lydia Tymon. She also visited the fruit tree orchards of Wenatchee with Mark Mazzola, Parama Sikdar, and Christian Aguilar and went water skiing on the beautiful Lake Chelan.
MSA Advisory Board (2004–2009) and was past chair of the board. She is serving as an associate editor of Mycologia. Carris’ research includes the biology and systematics of plantpathogenic fungi, with an emphasis on smut fungi (Tilletia Lori Carris and allied genera). Her research on Tilletia species focuses on species complexes infecting cultivated (Triticum, Lolium, Poa, Festuca, etc.) and wild grass hosts (Apera, Bromus, Poa, Vulpia, etc.), using morphological, cytological, and molecular methods. Her current research focuses on smut fungi associated with grass seed crops, both as pathogens and as contaminants. In 2011, Carris received the Excellence in Teaching Award from APS and the William H. Weston Award for Excellence in Teaching from MSA. At WSU, she received the 2007 Mentor of the Year award, the 2009 Woman of Distinction Award, the 2010 Association of Faculty Women Samuel H. Smith Leadership Award, and the 2010 CAHNRS R. M. Wade Excellence in Teaching and Learning Award. Presentations Tim Murray, professor in the Department of Plant Pathology, Washington State University, gave the keynote talk entitled “Global Change in Winter Climate and Agricultural Sustainability” at the Plant and Microbe Adaption to Cold meeting in Sapporo, Japan, in June. He presented another talk at the same meeting on his research entitled “Marker-assisted selection for resistance to speckled snow mold of wheat.” This working group has met every three years since 1997 at various places in the northern hemisphere where winter climate is a limiting factor for agriculture. Murray will be hosting the next meeting in 2015. In Japan, Murray was hosted by a former visiting scientist to his lab, Zenta Nishio. Enroute to Japan, Murray spent six days in China hosted by former post-doctoral scientist Hongjie Li, now with the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences in Beijing. During the trip he visited Li’s lab and visited Taiyuan in Shanxi Province, where he met with breeders from the Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences and gave two seminars on his ongoing research.
Dalphy Harteveld and Tobin Peever
Election Lori Carris, associate professor in the Department of Plant Pathology, Washington State University (WSU), was elected executive vice president of the Mycological Society of America (MSA). Her three-year term began at the end of the annual MSA meeting held in early July in New Haven, CT. Carris served on the
The Department of Plant Pathology and Microbiology at Iowa State University (ISU) held its 7th Annual Departmental Retreat on June 8, 2012. The retreat was organized by the Plant Pathology and Microbiology Graduate Student Association and featured two invited speakers. Mark Mescher, Center for Chemical Ecology, The Pennsylvania State University, spoke on the “Manipulation of Host-Derived Olfactory Cues by Vector-Bourne Pathogens of Plants and Animals,” and Ana Dias gave a presentation entitled “Getting Prepared for Jobs in the Seed Industry.” Dias is an alumnus of ISU and is currently the lead corn pathologist with Monsanto Corporation in DeKalb, IL. Both speakers met individually with faculty and students during their visit. Following a potluck dinner, the team of Mark Gleason and Mike Dunbar defeated Gary Munkvold and Erika Saalau in the finals of the department’s annual canoe races.
Tim Murray with Zenta Nishio
ISU Plant Pathology Graduate Student Association Vice President Tracy Bruns, guest speakers Ana Dias and Mark Mescher, and ISU Plant Pathology Graduate Student Association President David Hessel
A symposium, “Research and Management of Insect-Transmitted Virus Diseases in Vegetables in the Tropics and Subtropics,” was recently organized by Naidu Rayapati (Washington State University), Ed Rajotte (Penn State University), and Muni Muniappan (director of IPM CRSP, Virginia Tech) in collaboration with G. Karthikeyan and S. Mohankumar of Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU), July 10–13, 2012, at TNAU, Coimbatore, India. The main purpose of this symposium was to review the current status of insect-transmitted virus disease management in vegetables in the tropics and subtropics. The symposium was cosponsored by the USAID-funded Integrated Pest Management Collaborative Research Support Program (IPM CRSP) and USDA. Plant virologists and entomologists from the United States (Scott Adkins, USDA-ARSUSHRL; Judy Brown, University of Arizona; Amer Fayed, Virginia Tech; Robert Gilbertson, University of California-Davis; Michael Goodin, University of Kentucky; Barry Jacobsen, Montana State University; Christina Rosa, Penn State University, and John Sherwood, University of Georgia) presented invited lectures on different aspects of plant viruses and their management. In addition, scientists and IPM People continued on page 158 Phytopathology News 157
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CRSP collaborators from India, Bangladesh, Ghana, Honduras, Indonesia, Senegal, Tanzania, and Uganda shared their research programs on management of virus diseases in different vegetable crops. Representatives from USAID mission/New Delhi and USDA-APHIS/New Delhi have participated in the symposium. Discussions were held on the current status of research, education, and extension relevant to the management of emerging and re-emerging virus diseases, especially those of vegetable crops in IPM CRSP host countries. Participants visited vegetable fields and markets to gain firsthand impressions about agriculture and crop production by farmers in India. Retirement Larry Frank Grand, professor with a joint appointment in the Departments of Plant Pathology and Forestry at North Carolina State University (NCSU), retired after 45 years of dedicated service to the profession and university. A native Larry Frank Grand of Lock Haven, PA, Grand quickly realized his passion for forest pathology and mycology as an undergraduate at Pennsylvania State University (PSU), working summers for the Pennsylvania Bureau of Forestry. After receiving his B.S. and M.S. degrees in forestry at PSU, Grand headed west to Washington State University, where he completed a Ph.D. degree under the internationally recognized mycologist Jack Rogers. After joining NCSU in 1967 as an assistant professor, Grand quickly rose through the ranks to professor in 1976 and also served as interim department head from 1990 to 1992. Grand has had a remarkable career and impact as a teacher and mentor both in and out of the classroom. Grand taught numerous undergraduate courses, including Forest Pathology, Introduction to Mycology, and Kingdom of Fungi, which reached more than 1,500 students, as well as graduate courses on Advanced Mycology, Plant Disease Diagnosis, and Colloquium. His colleagues’ appreciation of his exemplary teaching ability was recognized by receipt of the William H. Weston Award for Teaching Excellence from the Mycological Society of America in 1998 and the Excellence in Teaching Award from The American Phytopathological Society in 2002. Grand’s research program focused on ectomycorrhizae, Phytophthora root rot of Fraser fir, and the biodiversity of wood decay fungi
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in North Carolina ecosystems. Along with his graduate students, Grand investigated the role of plantation fertilization on growth of pine in relation to ectomycorrhizae development and basidiocarp formation as well as the diversity of species of mycorrhizal fungi in pine plantations and natural habitats. Grand along with colleagues and students assessed disease loss from Phytophthora root rot of Fraser fir and the Phytophthora species involved. He also authored then updated the North Carolina Plant Disease Index, a resource that is widely cited. Grand’s greatest passion in research, however, was the study of fungi, particularly those causing wood decay. As part of the All Taxa Biodiversity Inventory for the Great Smoky Mountain National Park, Grand and his students made numerous forays to collect and identify wood decay fungi in the park. As a result, a series of papers on the biogeography and hosts of poroid wood decay fungi in North Carolina were published. This work was also expanded to piedmont and maritime forests in North Carolina through the North Carolina Parks and Recreation Areas program of biological inventory in which he collected and identified fungi in all groups. Early on in his career as curator of the mycological herbarium in the department, Grand was adding more than 70 new accessions of fungi to the collection each year. Recently, Grand and a colleague received an NSF grant to digitize the collection and make it available on the Internet. In recognition of his passion for fungi and longtime commitment to the herbarium (now 8,000 accessions), it was renamed the Larry F. Grand Mycological Herbarium. In Memory John Tomlinson, plant virologist for 32 years at the National Vegetable Research Station (later Horticulture Research International), Wellesbourne, United Kingdom, passed away on June 12, 2012, at age 84. Early in his career, Tomlinson’s investigations on the causes and control of crook root disease of watercress are especially notable. He was alert to possible new ways of preventing disease spread from lettuce crops, and elucidated the importance of collecting seed from plants with a low incidence of infection of Lettuce mosaic virus, an aphidborne disease which can be seedborne. Virus spread in the subsequent crop was then greatly reduced. In 1958, as a Kellogg Foundation fellow at the University of Wisconsin Madison, Tomlinson successfully purified Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) and demonstrated serological relationships between the strains of CMV. Back in the United Kingdom, he addressed the means of spread of Lettuce big vein virus and pioneered control of its fungus vector by use of detergents in hydroponic culture. Another virology technique championed by Tomlinson was the use of ultrasonics for transverse breakage
of filamentous virus particles to allow their use in gel diffusion serology. Tomlinson traveled to California in 1967 on a Fulbright fellowship: his accomplishments included further work on CMV purification techniques at Berkeley and work at Davis on the etiology and epidemiology of viruses of lettuce and brassica crops—a longlasting collaboration that defined his career. At Wellesbourne, he was a respected and helpful colleague: he delighted in diagnosis of vegetable virus diseases referred to him by extension staff and enthusiastically engaged with growers. Many young researchers, British and from other countries, will remember Tomlinson as their mentor in the techniques of plant virology. Robert (Bob) Kenneth, professor emeritus of plant pathology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJ), the Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment at Rehovot, Israel, passed away in 2012. Robert (Bob) Kenneth He was born in New York in 1922, joined the U.S. Army and served in Europe during 1943–1946, and immigrated to Israel in 1948. He spent some time experiencing the communal life of a kibbutz in Bet HaShita. He studied in HUJ from 1949 to 1955, where he was awarded an M.Sc. degree in plant pathology and mycology in 1955 and a Ph.D. degree in 1960. His academic career began in 1961 as a lecturer at HUJ’s Faculty of Agriculture in Rehovot and was promoted to a full professor in 1978. Bob did research in Canadian and American academic institutions as a postdoctoral fellow and on sabbatical leaves. Bob was the first assistant in the Department of Plant Pathology and was the “big brother” of the new young assistants, getting us acquainted with research, supervisors, administration, and innovations and obtaining the most out of very limited resources. The lack of funds and of equipment inspired the adoption of useful substitutes to advance his ideas and planning. We remember him spending nights in the fields with a field microscope and flash light, investigating the process and timing of sporulation in foliar pathogens. In exploration field trips, he was scouting around, covering a large area, always coming back with important new specimens and information. He was proud of the nickname “Eagle eye Kenneth” that we gave him. Bob Kenneth was a pioneer in several respects in addition to his scientific endeavors. As a newcomer with very limited resources, he was allowed to settle with a caravan on the Campus of the Faculty, where he studied and worked, to live there temporarily, as a student with his family, which they did for four years.
Bob’s scientific activities covered many fields, including taxonomy of fungi, cereal diseases— especially downy mildews and various leaf spots, diseases of wild grasses, and wild cereals as sources for disease resistance. He was an expert in the taxonomy of helminthosporia and related fungi pathogenic to Gramineae. He also studied entomophagous fungi as potential biocontrol agents as well as biocontrol of weeds by pathogens, using naturally occurring fungal pathogens. He led the establishment of checklists of plant pathogens in Israel. He delivered invited lectures on the above topics at many national and international conferences. Among others, he was an active participant in meetings and symposia in India, Tokyo, Thailand, Venezuela, and other places, devoted to downy mildews and leaf spots of Gramineae, especially maize and pearl millet. He was also an active participant in symposia on invertebrate pathology. Bob’s contributions on the Helminthosporium flora of Gramineae are well known. His skills in taxonomy of fungi combined art and precise scientific knowledge. During many years of scientific activities, he served in many positions: chair or member in many professional national and international committees and forums, head of the department, founding member (and later president) of the Israeli Phytopathological Society, consultant for international scientific institutions, and others. Bob was an enthusiastic teacher and taught several courses in mycology and plant pathology and supervised many graduate students, with whom he remained in close contact throughout the years and many of whom went on to become leaders in research, extension, teaching, and administration. He had a deep knowledge in art, general history, and history of science, as well as in many other fields. Bob had a warm personality spiced with a lot of humor and was sensitive to social and public events and affairs. He was married to Naomi, with whom he had two children and five grandchildren. Bob Kenneth will be remembered fondly by all of us. Submitted by Jaacov Katan and Amos Dinoor. n
Share Your News with the APS Community Whether you’ve recently won an award, graduated, or received a promotion, we want to hear about it, and so do our readers! Submit your item online at www.apsnet.org/publications/ phytopathologynews/_layouts/ apsforms/phytosubform.aspx or e-mail Editor-in-Chief Doug Jardine at PhytoNewsEditor@scisoc.org.
Classifieds Classified Policy You can process your job listing at www.apsnet.org/careers/jobcenter. Please note: Your online job listing will be edited by newsletter staff to a maximum of approximately 200 words for the print listing in Phytopathology News. Fees for posting online are $25 member/$50 nonmember for graduate or post-doc positions and $200 member/$250 nonmember for all other positions. To have your job listing included in Phytopathology News, simply select the option on the online form (there is an additional $55 fee). If you have any questions, contact the APS Placement Coordinator (apsplacement@scisoc.org). Extension Specialist I—Extension Plant Pathologist This is an extension specialist I position, plant pathologist, 100% extension. The position reports to the chair of the Plant and Soil Sciences Department in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources. The position is part of a multidisciplinary team of faculty and professionals at the University of Delaware (UD) and UD Cooperative Extension in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources. He/she will provide primary leadership and educational opportunities in the development, marketing, implementation, and evaluation of a comprehensive outreach and educational program in plant pathology in Delaware based on local and regional needs. The agricultural industry is vital to the economy of Delaware and a diverse range of agronomic and horticultural crops of economic importance are grown in the state, including grains, vegetables, and ornamentals. The extension plant pathologist will develop and lead a statewide extension program in plant pathology that supports Delaware’s agricultural industry, and provide applied research on plant diseases of state-wide importance as well as translational science in the form of educational programming on the management of plant diseases. This information is conveyed to a range of audiences including but not limited to extension staff and volunteers; producers and producer groups; crop consultants; industry personnel; and federal, state, and local governmental agencies such as the Delaware Department of Agriculture and USDA/APHIS. The position will work closely with these individuals and groups on plant disease issues affecting the state and region. This position will serve as an expert source in plant pathology for agronomic and horticultural crops, identifying plant diseases and related plant health problems, monitoring diseases in the state, evaluating disease and nematode control programs, developing and reviewing plant
disease control recommendations, and providing information through educational programing, trainings, publications, and electronic media. The position will work to increase the use of integrated pest management. The candidate must have a master’s degree, Ph.D. preferred, in a discipline related to plant pathology, a strong fundamental background in plant pathology, and four to five years of plant pathology extension, industry, or research experience. Experience in agronomic and/or horticultural crops preferred. Interested persons should submit (1) a letter of application, (2) CV, (3) statement of extension interests (two pages maximum), and (4) names, e-mail, postal address, and telephone numbers of four references. Complete applications should submitted as a single PDF document at www.udel.edu/udjobs, select Staff under Apply Now. Questions regarding the search can be sent to Gordon Johnson, Search Committee Chair, gcjohn@udel.edu. The closing date is August 31, 2012, but it will remain open until the position is filled. Research Fellow/Associate The University of Minnesota Department of Plant Pathology receives and evaluates applications from candidates for temporary part-time and full-time research positions on a continuous basis. These temporary positions are available to persons holding an earned doctorate (research associate) or master’s (research fellow) degree in plant pathology or a closely related field and possessing applicable research experience. Positions available in the Department of Plant Pathology may be in the areas of plant pathogens, virus and phytoplasma diseases, molecular biology and gene mapping, cloning of plant disease response genes, epidemiology, microbial ecology, biocontrol, cereal rusts, forest pathology, population genetics, bacterial diseases, air pollutants, mycotoxins, nematology, diseases of vegetables and ornamentals, urban pathology, mycology, wild rice, electron optics, computers, diseases of small grains, resistance to plant pathogens, turfgrass diseases, potato diseases, and soybean cropping systems and disease management. These positions are contingent upon availability of funding. Duration of appointment, position, and salary vary according to funding/ qualifications. Positions typically vary from three months to one year but may last up to three years. The department maintains a file of applications from candidates for temporary partand full-time research and teaching positions on a continuous basis. These temporary positions are periodically available to individuals holding an M.S. or Ph.D. degree and applicable training and/or experience. Please apply online via the Employment System at employment.umn.edu/ applicants/Central?quickFind=104583. Submit letter of application, resume, transcripts (attach Classifieds continued on page 160 Phytopathology News 159
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as Additional Document 1), and the names and addresses of three people who can be contacted for reference. Indicate from the list above the area(s) of interest. Questions may be directed to Carol Ishimaru, cishimar@umn.edu. This position is open until filled. Post-doctoral Research Associate University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, is offering a joint project between the Departments of Plant Science, Microbiology, and Biological Sciences. The successful candidate will be involved in an exciting research project investigating genes and gene products involved in Pseudomonas chlororaphis strain PA23 biocontrol using state-of-the-art cell and molecular biology techniques, including laser capture microdissection and RNA sequencing methods. Reporter fusions and mutant analysis will be used to elucidate the regulatory network overseeing expression of biocontrol factors. In addition, the impact of grazing predators, such as Caenorhabditis elegans, fungal pathogens, and plant products on bacterial gene expression will be examined. Proven research skills and expertise in plant pathology, microbiology, and molecular biology or a related field is an asset and the ability to work creatively, cooperatively, and independently as part of a multidisciplinary team is highly desirable. The successful candidate will also be involved in the establishment of an RNA sequence database using current bio-informatics methods. Candidates for the position must have a Ph.D. degree in plant biology, breeding, genetics, plant pathology, bioinformatics, or genomics and a strong oral and written communication skill set. The position is available immediately. Please send a letter of interest, your CV, and names and addresses of three people who can be contacted for reference to Dilantha Fernando, Department of Plant Science, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3T 2N2, or by e-mail to D_Fernando@umanitoba.ca. Pay scale is $33,000, plus benefits. This position is open until filled. Post-doctoral Research Associate The University of Illinois has funding available for a post-doctoral research associate to study the genetics of host plant resistance to nematodes in Miscanthus and other bioenergy grasses. Previous work at the Energy Biosciences Institute has identified plant-parasitic nematodes that are virulent on M. x giganteus ‘Illinois’ and commonly grown switchgrass cultivars (two promising bioenergy crops). Rapid screening assays have also been developed. The successful applicant will screen a large germplasm collection of Miscanthus to identify resistant genotypes and associate SNPs (being developed currently via RADSeq) with putative resistance genes. Subsequent work will include studies to understand the mechanisms of resistance, genetic mapping in biparental populations (R x S), and introgression of resistance 160 Phytopathology News
genes from Miscanthus into sugarcane. The successful candidate should have a Ph.D. degree in nematology, plant pathology, plant breeding, genetics, or a related field. Experience with nematode assays, molecular methods, and analysis of genetic data is required. A demonstrated ability to produce quality research output, a strong publication record, and excellent verbal communication skills are desired. The ability to work independently, yet as part of a team, is needed. Start date is flexible but ideally by autumn 2012. Initial contract will be for one year, with an additional one to two years possible contingent on performance and funding. E-mail CV, a brief description of research interests and career goals, and contact information for at least three references to Erik Sacks, esacks@illinois. edu. This position is open until filled. Deputy Director of Agricultural Experiment Station and Associate Dean for Research, College of Agricultural Sciences Colorado State University (CSU) is accepting applications for the deputy director of the Agricultural Experiment Station (AES) and associate dean for research, College of Agricultural Sciences (CAS). Responsibilities include lead, manage, and provide vision for mission-oriented research at CSU; manage AES budget for programs in numerous campusbased colleges and off-campus research centers; coordinate collaborative efforts with CSU leaders and other agencies in Colorado as well as across the United States and internationally; and, in partnership with VPR and others, support faculty start-up packages and sponsored program initiatives. Full position description is available at www.colostate.edu/Depts/ AES or by contacting Steve Wallner (swallner@ colostate.edu) or +1.970.491.7018. Minimum qualifications include Ph.D. degree; academic achievement; leadership/administrative experience; appreciation for strength in diversity; excellent communication skills. Applications must be received by October 15, 2012 Applications should include a statement, not to exceed five pages in length, addressing 1) the required and desired qualifications described above, 2) the candidate’s administrative philosophy, and 3) a vision statement for the future of agricultural research; a current professional resume; and the names, addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses of five references. Please provide all application materials electronically as a PDF document. Inquiries and applications should be directed to Steve Wallner, Search Committee Chair, Agricultural Experiment Station, Campus Delivery – 3001, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523-3001 U.S.A.; phone: +1.970.491.7019; fax: +1.970.491.7396; e-mail: swallner@colostate.edu. Salary is commensurate with the successful candidate’s background and experience.
Superintendent and Associate Professor of Plant Pathology Montana State University Department of Research Centers-Eastern Agricultural Research Center has a 65% research/25% administration/10% outreach position. The incumbent is responsible for the development of a field-oriented research program that focuses on disease management in pulse crops, sugar beets, and other crops under production in this Montana region. The incumbent is responsible for the administration and management of resources in support of EARC’s research and outreach programs pertinent to Montana agriculture. Administrative duties will include budget development and prioritization of state and federal appropriations, general operations, and maintenance of existing MAES facilities and equipment, management of commercial crop production and sales, research center personnel management related to general operations of the facility, and general oversight of new construction and renovations. As superintendent, this individual will assist with evaluation of EARC staff and serve as an advocate for MAES and the research center. The individual is expected to cooperate with other scientists, educators, farmers, and related industries, advisory, and commodity groups to develop research priorities and actively participate in developing recommendations for management of pulse crops, sugar beet, and other crop diseases. The person in this position will also provide expertise to other research programs in the department, college, and MAES as appropriate. Securing extramural funds from state, regional, and national grant programs as well as the agricultural industry is required. Required qualifications include a completed Ph.D. degree in plant pathology or closely related discipline. Demonstrated expertise in plant disease management of field crops; planning, designing, and implementing field research and interpreting research results using accepted, innovative, and strategic scientific methodology; and effective communication, Post-doctoral experience in agricultural crop disease management. Preferred qualifications: documented grant-writing success; experience with disease management in pulse crops and/or sugar beets and experience in overall management/participation with a research team. Screening will be begin on October 1, 2012, and continue until a suitable candidate is found. To apply, submit 1) a signed letter of application describing how their training, expertise, and talents uniquely qualify them to fulfill the required and preferred qualifications for this position; 2) a resume or CV; 3) unofficial transcripts of all university academic work (official transcripts will be required at time of hire); and 4) name, mailing address, e-mail address, and phone number of four professional references. An application packet addressing all the above requirements and qualification as listed is highly encouraged. Missing materials and information may not be requested and may result in your application
not being considered for the position. Electronic submissions in PDF format are preferred and must have the applicant’s signature on the letter of application. Submit materials to Krisi Steinmetz, MSU Department of Research Centers, 748 Railroad Highway, Huntley, MT 59037 U.S.A.; phone: +1.406.348.3415; e-mail: krisi.steinmetz@montana.edu. Questions regarding the position may be directed to Joyce Eckhoff, +1.406.433.2208 or joyce.eckhoff@ montana.edu. This position is open until filled. Assistant/Associate Professor—Fungal Evolution Cluster The College of Biological Sciences at the University of Minnesota announces up to two tenure-track positions in fungal biology at the assistant professor or associate professor level. The position(s) will complement a faculty cluster focused on plant and fungal evolution. Research that facilitates collaborations in evolutionary genomics, phylogenetic systematics, evolutionary ecology, molecular biology, or cellular biology of fungi is of special interest. We welcome applicants working in any area of fungal biology and are particularly interested in those whose research explores the interface between organismal and genetic approaches to the study of evolutionary processes. The position(s) in the fungal evolution cluster are part of a larger cluster hiring effort. The College of Biological Sciences at the University of Minnesota is hiring 16 scientists to form six interdisciplinary clusters in emerging areas of biology that connect with other STEM
disciplines. The research clusters are organized around the following research themes: cellular biophysics, functional proteomics, fungal evolution, genome variation, microbial systems and synthetic biology, and theoretical biology. Interested in joining the CBS faculty as part of a collaborative fungal evolution research cluster? Visit the college’s cluster hiring website for detailed information and to apply: z.umn. edu/cbsclusterhiring. Applicants are encouraged to submit materials by November 1, 2012, for consideration by the search committee. Required qualifications: Ph.D. degree (or foreign equivalent) in fungal biology or a related discipline and appropriate post-doctoral experience. Strong publication record in disciplines related to the position. Potential to initiate and sustain strong extramurally funded research program in fungal biology. Ability to communicate effectively with multiple audiences. Track record of interacting creatively and collaboratively, and evidence of potential to be an effective teacher and commitment to innovative teaching and student learning. Please apply online at https://employment.umn.edu/ applicants/Central?quickFind=104816. This position is open until filled. Seed Quality and Pathology Supervisor Heinz North America seeks a seed quality supervisor who will report directly to the manager, Plant Protection & Technical Services, and will also work closely with the tomato breeding, sales, and product development staff. Who will be successful in this role? A leader
who will supervise pathology lab technical staff and assist the manager in research activities, including disease indexing, culture collection maintenance, seed treatment, and grow out tests; supervise seed quality technical staff and assist the manager by compiling/ maintaining database of in-house and thirdparty DNA hybridity, germination, seed-health, and grow out results; harmonize activities and follow up and fix discrepancies on data; assist in seed purity, germination, and seedhealth testing; act as principal contact for manger of seed ops, regional sales managers, and order processing coordinator and seed producers for seed quality-related information; and track consumables inventory and place orders through SRM. The following skills/ experience are required to be considered for this position: B.S. degree in plant pathology, seed technology, or agronomy. At least one year of previous experience (plant pathology or seed technology) in research or commercial laboratory/training in seed technology will be considered an asset. Ability to speak Spanish will be considered an asset. Ability to work effectively in interdisciplinary setting. Excellent organizational and record-keeping skills. Ability to balance multiple tasks and achieve deadlines. Attention to detail and self-motivation are necessary. To be considered for this opportunity, apply at http://sh.webhire.com/jobcart/ view_job.cart?JOB_ID=2631114&ACCT_ NAME=heinz&SITE=I&CCC_DEST=CS. This position is open until filled. n
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Get ready to kick up your heels in Austin at the
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APS Journal Articles Phytopathology October 2012, Volume 102, Number 10 Diversity Among Ralstonia solanacearum Strains Isolated from the Southeastern United States. Pectobacterium spp. Associated with Bacterial Stem Rot Syndrome of Potato in Canada. Development of a Variable Number of Tandem Repeats Typing Scheme for the Bacterial Rice Pathogen Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola. Physiological and Biochemical Aspects of the Resistance of Banana Plants to Fusarium Wilt Potentiated by Silicon. Production of DAPG and HCN by Pseudomonas sp. LBUM300 Contributes to the Biological Control of Bacterial Canker of Tomato. Effect of Temperature, Wetness Duration, and Planting Density on Olive Anthracnose Caused by Colletotrichum spp. Mummified Fruit as a Source of Inoculum and Disease Dynamics of Olive Anthracnose Caused by Colletotrichum spp. An Immunocytochemical Procedure for Protein Localization in Various Nematode Life Stages Combined with Plant Tissues Using Methylacrylate-Embedded Specimens. Linkage Disequilibrium and Spatial Aggregation of Genotypes in Sexually Reproducing Populations of Erysiphe necator. Genetic Variation in Puccinia graminis Collected from Oats, Rye, and Barberry.
Plant Disease October 2012, Volume 96, Number 10 Chestnut Breeding in the United States for Disease and Insect Resistance. An Evaluation of Cucurbits for Susceptibility to Cucurbitaceous and Solanaceous Phytophthora capsici isolates. Role of Systemic Agrobacterium tumefaciens Populations in Crown Gall Incidence on the Walnut Hybrid Rootstock ‘Paradox’. Response of Potato Cultivars to Five Isolates Belonging to Four Strains of Potato virus Y. Detection of Viruses in Sweetpotato from Honduras and Guatemala Augmented by Deep-Sequencing of Small-RNAs. A Protocol for Assessing Resistance to Aphelenchoides fragariae in Hosta Cultivars. Geographical Distribution of Cacao swollen shoot virus Molecular Variability in Côte d’Ivoire. Molecular and Serological Typing of Potato virus Y Isolates from Brazil Reveals a Diverse Set of Recombinant Strains. The Genetic Structure of Pseudoperonospora cubensis Populations. Effects of the Mycoparasite Sphaerellopsis filum on Overwintering Survival of Stem Rust in Perennial Ryegrass. Genetic and Molecular Mapping of Stripe Rust Resistance Gene in Wheat–Psathyrostachys huashanica Translocation Line H9020-1-6-8-3. Phenology of Xylella fastidiosa and Its Vector Around California Almond Nurseries: An Assessment of Plant Vulnerability to Almond Leaf Scorch Disease. Integrated Use of Pyraclostrobin and Epoxiconazole for the Control of Fusarium Head Blight of Wheat in Anhui Province of China.
Preliminary Assessment of Resistance Among U.S. Wheat Cultivars to the Triticum Pathotype of Magnaporthe oryzae. Integration of Elicitors and Less-Susceptible Hybrids for the Control of Powdery Mildew in Organic Tomato Crops. Characterization of Alternaria alternata Causing Black Spot Disease of Pomegranate in Israel Using a Molecular Marker. Molecular Variation of Sporisorium scitamineum in Mainland China Revealed by RAPD and SRAP Markers. Differential Responses of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides and C. truncatum Isolates from Different Hosts to Multiple Fungicides Based on Two Assays. Influence of Nematicides and Fungicides on Spring Wheat in Fields Infested with Soilborne Pathogens. Effects of Postharvest Onion Curing Parameters on the Development of Sour Skin and Slippery Skin in Storage. Evaluation of Cultivar Resistance to Soybean Cyst Nematode with a Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction Assay. Survival of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. vasinfectum Chlamydospores Under Solarization Temperatures. Pathogenicity Spectra and Screening for Resistance in Barley Against Tunisian Pyrenophora teres f. teres. First Report of Enterobacter cowanii Causing Bacterial Spot on Mabea fistulifera, a Native Forest Species in Brazil. An Outbreak of Onion Center Rot Caused by Pantoea ananatis in Korea. First Report of a Group 16SrI-B Phytoplasma Associated with Gardenia jasminoides in China. Severe Outbreak of Bacterial Blight Caused by Xanthomonas arboricola pv. corylina on Hazelnut cv. Tonda di Giffoni in Central Italy. First Report of Crown Rot of Bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis) Caused by Fusarium oxysporum in the United States. Canker on Bark of Populus spp. Caused by Cytospora tritici, a New Disease in China. First Report of Didymella bryoniae Causing Gummy Stem Blight of Chayote in Taiwan. First Report of Anthracnose of Mile-a-Minute (Persicaria perfoliata) Caused by Colletotrichum cf. gloeosporioides in Turkey. First Report of Bark Cracking of Koelreuteria bipinnata var integrifoliola Caused by Lasiodiplodia theobromae in China. First Report of Daylily Leaf Streak Caused by Kabatiella microsticta in China. First Report of Potato Stem Canker Caused by Rhizoctonia solani AG-5 in China. First Report of Black Spot Disease Caused by Alternaria alternata on Cherry Fruits in China. Studies on a New Pathotype 93R57 of Puccinia triticina on Wheat in India. First Report of Leaf Spot of Sweet Basil Caused by Cercospora guatemalensis in Korea. First Report of Sexual Reproduction of Fusarium solani f. sp. piperis in Bahia, Brazil.
First Report of Sclerotinia Stem Rot Caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum on Brassica carinata in Florida. First Report of Mango Malformation Disease Caused by Fusarium tupiense in Senegal. First Report of Raspberry bushy dwarf virus Infecting Grapevine in Hungary. First Report of Maize chlorotic mottle virus and Maize Lethal Necrosis in Kenya. First Report of Root-Knot Nematode Meloidogyne arenaria on Atractylodis macrocephalae in China. First Report of the Cereal Cyst Nematode Heterodera filipjevi on Wheat in Serbia. First Report of Meloidogyne marylandi Infecting Bermudagrass in Florida.
MPMI October 2012, Volume 25, Number 10 RNA Silencing and Plant Viral Diseases. Why No Feeding Frenzy? Mechanisms of Nutrient Acquisition and Utilization During Infection by the Rice Blast Fungus Magnaporthe oryzae. Functional Analysis of Gene-Silencing Suppressors from Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Disease Viruses. The Requirement of Multiple Defense Genes in Soybean Rsv1–Mediated Extreme Resistance to Soybean mosaic virus. Necrosis-Inducing Proteins of Rhynchosporium commune, Effectors in Quantitative Disease Resistance. Development of Viral Vectors Based on Citrus leaf blotch virus to Express Foreign Proteins or Analyze Gene Function in Citrus Plants. Arabinogalactan Proteins Occur in the Free-Living Cyanobacterium Genus Nostoc and in Plant– Nostoc Symbioses. Genome Sequencing and Mapping Reveal Loss of Heterozygosity as a Mechanism for Rapid Adaptation in the Vegetable Pathogen Phytophthora capsici. A Novel Two-Component System PdeK/PdeR Regulates c-di-GMP Turnover and Virulence of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae. Transgenic Expression of Tobacco mosaic virus Capsid and Movement Proteins Modulate Plant Basal Defense and Biotic Stress Responses in Nicotiana tabacum.
Plant Management Network www.plantmanagementnetwork.org Plant Health Progress Effect of Cultivar Selection on Soil Population of Verticillium dahliae and Wilt Development in Cotton. Occurrence of Viruses Infecting Watermelon, Other Cucurbits, and Weeds in the Parts of Southern United States. Occurrence and Distribution of Iris yellow spot virus on Onion in Mauritius. First Report of Turnip mosaic virus Occurrence in Garlic Mustard in Minnesota. First Report of Alfalfa mosaic virus Occurrence in Tecoma capensis in the USA. First Report of Vinca minor Co-infected with Puccinia vincae and Golovinomyces orontii in Texas. n
Phytopathology News 163
News The American Phytopathological Society 3340 Pilot Knob Road St. Paul, MN 55121 United States of America
Calendar of Events
APS Sponsored Events
February 2013 8-10 — 2013 Southern Division Meeting. Baton Rouge, LA. www.apsnet.org/members/divisions/south
March 2013 27-29 — 2013 Potomac Division Meeting. Shepherdstown, WV. www.apsnet.org/members/divisions/pot June 2013 12-14 — 2013 North Central Division Meeting. Manhattan, KS. www.apsnet.org/ members/divisions/nc/Pages/default.aspx 17-19 — 2013 Caribbean/Pacific Division Meeting. Tucson, AZ. www.apsnet.org/ members/divisions/carib Upcoming APS Annual Meetings August 10-14, 2013 — Austin, TX. August 9-13, 2014 — Minneapolis, MN.
Other Upcoming Events October 2012 1-5 — 10th EFPP Congress IPM 2.0. Wageningen, the Netherlands. www.efpp.net/ipm2
16-18 — 27th Annual Tomato Diseases Workshop. Wooster, OH. www.apsnet.org/27tomato 22-23 — Patholux 2012: Impact of Plant Pathogens on the Quality of Crops and Wine. Mondorf Les Bains, Luxembourg. http://patholux.lippmann.lu November 2012 4-10 — Third International Symposium on Biological Control of Plant Bacterial Diseases. Agadir, Morocco. www.iavcha.ac.ma/biocontrol2012 19-21 — Sixth Meeting on Induced Resistance in Plants Against Pathogens. Viçosa, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. fabricio@ufv.br December 2012 4-6 — 2012 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum. Orlando, FL. http://scabusa.org/forum12.html 13-14 — Frontiers in Legume Symbiosis—A Symposium in Memory of Adam Kondorosi. Paris, France. www.isv.cnrs-gif.fr/colloque-AK2012/home.html 16-18 — Fitness Costs and Trade-Offs in Plant-Parasite Interactions: British Society for Plant Pathology. Norwich, United Kingdom. www.bspp.org.uk/meetings/bspppres2012.php January 2013 28-Feb 2 — XII International Plant Virus Epidemiology Symposium. Arusha, Tanzania. www.iita.org/IPVE
February 2013 4-7 — Third International Research Conference on Huanglongbing. Caribe Royale, Orlando, FL. www.IRCHLB.org April 2013 21-25 — 17th International Reinhardsbrunn Symposium on Modern Fungicides and Antifungal Compounds. Friedrichroda, Germany. www.reinhardsbrunn-symposium.de 22-26 — ISAA 2013—10th International Symposium on Adjuvants for Agrochemicals. Foz do Iguaçu, Paraná, Brazil. http://events.isaa-online.org May 2013 5-8 — 11th International Verticillium Symposium 2013. Georg-August University, Göttingen, Germany. http://verticillium.phytomedizin.org August 2013 25-30 — 10th International Congress of Plant Pathology. Beijing, China. www.icppbj2013.org September 2013 3-6 — Second International Symposium on Plum Pox Virus. Palacky University, Olomouc, Czech Republic. http://isppv2013.upol.cz n
For the most current listing go to www.apsnet.org/meetings/meetingcalendar.