Building the Change-capable Organization to Meetthe Top Technology Trends of 2012 and Beyond

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50 Years of Growth, Innovation and Leadership

Building the Change-capable Organization to Meet the Top Technology Trends of 2012 and Beyond

A Frost & Sullivan Executive Brief

Frost & Sullivan

Abstract...................................................................................................................................4 The Case for the Change-capable Organization.................................................................5 Top Six Technology Trends for 2012 and 2013......................................................................5 The Drivers of Change and Opportunity............................................................................5 Competencies for the Change-capable Organization.........................................................9 Change Management...........................................................................................................9 Process Optimization............................................................................................................10 Information Governance......................................................................................................12 Information Insight...............................................................................................................13 Conclusion...............................................................................................................................14 Resources.................................................................................................................................15


Frost & Sullivan


A change-capable organization can respond nimbly to myriad market, technology, and competitive changes without redesigning its supporting operation and infrastructure from scratch.

Firms that wish to position themselves for success in 2012 and the next decade will need to build a business model that is “change-capable.” A change-capable organization can respond nimbly to myriad market, technology, and competitive changes without redesigning its supporting operation and infrastructure from scratch. A number of technology trends and changes are both driving and enabling the change-capable organization in the coming 18 to 24 months. These technologies—cloud computing, social media, mobility, data growth, business intelligence, and compliance—will underscore the competitive advantages of innovation, speed-to-market, and “designed for change” for firms that seek a competitive advantage. This paper, a collaborative effort between Frost & Sullivan, a research and advisory organization, and Paragon Solutions, an advisory consulting and systems integration company, first examines the trends of these significant technology drivers and enablers. This first segment takes a snapshot of the statistics for these technology trends, and identifies the areas of growth and adoption. Armed with market trend numbers, this paper provides a framework of specific competency areas for change-enabling the organization, so it can be change ready for long-term sustainability.


Building the Change-capable Organization to Meet the Top Technology Trends of 2012 and Beyond

THE CASE FOR THE CHANGE-CAPABLE ORGANIZATION Traditional, monolithic business models of past decades had more insular and fixed components, making change a cumbersome and expensive proposition. While these models strove for operational excellence and economies of scale, they were vulnerable to unforeseen changes: disruptive technologies, upstart competitors, and faltering economic markets, to name a few. Most businesses have started evolving to a change model out of necessity, driven by the pressures of competition and squeezing out costly operational overhead. However, as the top technology drivers and trends (cloud computing, social business, mobility, data growth, compliance and analytics) become competitive mandates, the need to adapt and embrace these changes will accelerate. Firms will need to develop a deliberate plan to enable adaptation within their organization. A number of key competencies will ensure certain firms are more successful than others: change management, process optimization, information governance (IG), and information insight.

Economic Changes

New Competitors

A number of key competencies will ensure certain firms are more successful than others: change management, process optimization, information governance (IG), and information insight.

Regulatory Mandates

The Changecapable Organization Tools/Technology Trends Cloud Computing Social Business Compliance Data Growth Analytics Mobility

Change Competencies Change Management Process Optimization Governance Information Insight

Source: Frost & Sullivan and Paragon Solutions

TOP SIX TECHNOLOGY TRENDS FOR 2012 AND 2013 The Drivers of Change and Opportunity Six key technology trends and changes have moved to the hot priority list for the next 12 to 24 months. These priorities—cloud computing, social business, mobility, managing data growth, analytics and compliance—have the ability to either create obstacles for existing organizations, or can provide unique enabling opportunities for the change-capable organization. Organizations seeking to maintain competitive ground should monitor and assess the potential disruption, both positive and negative, these trends can mean for their business.


Frost & Sullivan

Cloud Computing Cloud computing provides an opportunity to increase capacity and add capabilities without investing in new infrastructure or licensing new software. It can encompass any service that extends information technology’s (IT) capabilities in real time. Frost & Sullivan estimates the cloud computing market (infrastructure as a service, or IaaS) in the United States at $1.75 billion, with a five-year compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 50 percent through 2015. Providers such as AT&T are allocating upward of $1 billion of their capital budgets to focus on cloud services. Content depots—organizations that collect, store, protect, and deliver large quantities of digital content—are the fastest-growing consumers of storage. Continued growth is predicted despite specific organizational issues, such as appropriate application of cloud services to the enterprise computing environment, management of cloud resources, and security of the cloud. Frost & Sullivan has identified four industries leading the adoption of the cloud in 2012: financial services and insurance, healthcare, high-tech, and professional services. Cloud computing takes up about 26 percent, on average, of a company’s IT budget. Companies are using the cloud for business agility as they need faster time to market. As firms are looking to maximize their investment in existing IT infrastructure and storage, this technology appeals across numerous sectors. Social Business

A recent survey showed that 26 percent of B2B marketing budgets are allocated to content marketing, of which social media is one of the most popular tactics.

Social networking—including sites such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter,YouTube—accounts for nearly one in five minutes of online activity today. Social networks and blogs reach almost 80 percent of active Internet users in the United States. With 800 million active Facebook users and upward of 155 million tweets sent per day, social networking has become entrenched in behavior. Retailers looking to enhance their brand positioning have adopted the use of social media for promotions and advertising; and the B2B market is quickly following suit. A recent survey showed that 26 percent of B2B marketing budgets are allocated to content marketing, of which social media is one of the most popular tactics. It is currently used by 74 percent of B2B marketers. Each social media channel is seeing increased adoption by this group, by between 15 percent and 20 percent. More than half (56 percent) of corporate users predict the value of social media will increase for their companies during the next 12 months. The main reason is the increasing reach and power of social media, although low cost and speed are also important. In a recent study conducted by Frost & Sullivan, 75 percent of healthcare professionals reported using social media within their institutions. More than half (53 percent) of institutions use either dedicated staff or external parties for social media efforts (38 percent and 19 percent, respectively). Only 15 percent of institutions have a dedicated budget for social media, although of this group 57 percent have increased their budget allocation in 2012. Among those that do not have a dedicated budget, 13 percent report plans to budget funds within the next year.


Building the Change-capable Organization to Meet the Top Technology Trends of 2012 and Beyond

Within the pharmaceutical industry, while mobile marketing’s share of the marketing mix increased 288 percent during a two-year period (2009 to 2011), social media doubled its share of the marketing mix in the same time period, increasing by 99 percent. Many pharmaceutical companies are using social media specifically to monitor feedback from multiple channels, including public sentiment on drugs and therapeutic areas. As for insurance, about 25 percent of companies use social media for marketing, with significant activity planned in 2012. Furthermore, a study of financial services firms found that 40 percent expect to invest up to 10 percent of their overall marketing budget on social media in the coming 12 months. Mobility

Mobile devices will displace PCs for many business functions.

Mobile devices have changed the way information is consumed. The global smartphone market has grown swiftly. In 2012, more smartphones and tablets will be shipped than PCs and laptops. Smartphone shipments are expected to reach 500 million in 2015. Mobile devices will continue to offer much richer functionality to the extent they will displace PCs for many business functions. Mobile banking users in the United States, for example, will increase by two-thirds during the next two years; from 28.7 million users in 2011 to 52.5 million in 2013. Companies must have the ability to market through a variety of channels, to integrate information technology across them, to develop mobile applications, and to drive digital commerce. Mobile payments are also gaining ground. Frost & Sullivan expects significant action in the contactless payments space during the next two years in the United States, with several commercial deployments and rollouts enabling consumers to use their mobile phones for local purchases at the point of sale. The entry of top mobile operators and leading smartphone value chain participants, as well as new devices such as tablets, are expected to drive the mobile payments industry forward. Data Growth In most U.S. economic sectors, companies with 1,000 employees or more store, on average, more than 235 terabytes of data. Globally, 15 petabytes of new information are created daily. Mountains of data are created from financial transactions and customer interactions, but this has been eclipsed by the unstructured information created and flowing from new devices and multiple points along the business value chain. Knowledge workers are constantly adding data from multiple sources in many forms: graphics, video, and other multimedia applications; business continuity needs for disaster recovery; compliance records retention; and medical industry standards. This is growing at a CAGR of 80 percent. With the proliferation of mobile devices and communication outlets, the growth rate is not expected to slow down. Keeping that information—storing, managing, accessing, and protecting it—is now a rapidly growing cost. We see the impact of spiraling data growth in the growth rate of the storage market (18 percent year-over-year growth of a $31 billion market), which has historically been the first line of defense for IT managers buckling under the burden of increasing information files.


Frost & Sullivan

This data growth increases the need for analytics, the data that can be mined to provide a holistic view of a customer and a business. The volume and complexity of data necessitates the use of more sophisticated analysis techniques and technology to yield the value of the data. Banking and insurance have taken a lead in using the massive amounts of data compiled. Within the healthcare industry, large hospital chains, national insurers, and drug manufacturers are in a position to grow through the sharing and analysis of their deep data reserves. Analytics and Business Intelligence (BI)

In banking, healthcare and pharmaceuticals, Big Data will be the main component in targeted marketing and personalized medicine.

Analytics has evolved beyond marketing and customer care and is being used by operational teams across an enterprise. “Big Data”—the analysis of large data sets—will provide firms the ability to incorporate unstructured content and analyze behavior and preferences across multiple business units. Previously, this effort would have been too costly and complex. The use cases for Big Data are proven in areas such as communications and retail, where large volumes of variable data can provide a 360-degree view of customers and their interactions with the company. In other industries, such as banking, healthcare, and pharmaceutical, Big Data is just gaining ground as a cost-effective way to do detailed analysis with information that is growing at a rapid rate. For these industries, Big Data will be the main component in targeted marketing and personalized medicine. Some recent estimates of the overall BI and analytics market size it at $10.5 billion in 2011, representing a 13.4 percent growth rate from the previous year. The demand for BI and analytics will continue as Big Data gets “bigger.” It is a priority for CIOs in the coming year as they recognize that 1.8 zettabytes of information were created and replicated last year, and almost 90 percent of that was unstructured. Compliance Across all industries, some consistent compliance trends have emerged: • Demand for stronger data protection This concerns customer-specific information including financial and personal information. Recent high-profile data breaches drive home the need to secure customer and other proprietary data. Approximately 558 incidents in the United States cost businesses $6.5 billion in 2011. The average cost per company was $7.2 million. • Security for new IT models such as cloud “Security concerns” was ranked as the top response to a Frost & Sullivan survey about the shortfalls of cloud computing (55.3 percent). The financial services and insurance industries lead the demand for security from the cloud, driven to ensure business continuity, prevent loss of intellectual property, and enhance employee productivity. These companies have also been adopters of add-on modules such as encryption to adhere to regulatory compliance.


Building the Change-capable Organization to Meet the Top Technology Trends of 2012 and Beyond

• The continued trend in e-discovery to manage growing litigation costs Some estimates calculate the cost of discovery involving electronically stored information (ESI) as half or more of the litigation budget. To manage that cost, firms are continuing to evaluate and invest in e-discovery technologies and solutions. Both within the United States and globally, strict compliance standards have recently been rolled out in the financial services sector, with the goal of avoiding another economic crisis similar to what happened after 2009. The Dodd-Frank Wall-Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, Basel III and Solvency II have specific liquidity and capital requirements for financial services institutions. The implementation required for the new rules could cost some of the larger U.S. banks up to $100 million, depending on the approach taken. COMPETENCIES FOR THE CHANGE-CAPABLE ORGANIZATION Change Management For significant, enterprise-scale initiatives, managing change is a critical success factor. According to the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania Executive Education Program on Leading Organizational Change, “Researchers estimate that only about 20 to 50 percent of major corporate reengineering projects at Fortune 1000 companies have been successful. Mergers and acquisitions fail between 40 to 80 percent of the time.” Recent surveys show that large-scale technology deployments are, on average, two times over budget. But even at the smaller scale, holistic organizational readiness is an important component for success. Unfortunately, this competency is often overlooked until the project is declared a failure for not having met management expectations. Consistently, executives have ranked a number of reasons for the failure of change: organizational unpreparedness, lack of sponsorship and commitment at multiple levels, and poor management of the program. Addressing these and other factors at the outset by scoring the readiness and prioritization of particular initiatives across areas such as technology, training, communication and more, firms can develop a heat map of initiatives on which they are most prepared to embark. Those that score highest have both the greatest likelihood of success and impact to the organization. From there, the change management plan is developed, with stakeholders engaged and prepared to manage the scale, duration, and importance of the program.

Consistently, executives have ranked a number of reasons for the failure of change: organizational unpreparedness, lack of sponsorship and commitment at multiple levels, and poor management of the program.

Change Management in Action The fastest-growing technology initiatives, such as cloud computing and mobility—while initially driven at the CIO level—are making strides outside the IT department with value to the line of business that translate into faster time to market. For adoption of these technologies to successfully take hold, a number of key factors need to be evaluated and planned for: changes to the business process, responsiveness and acceptance by internal and external stakeholders, and impact to corporate or regulatory compliance. Ignoring these could spell disaster and undermine customer and investor trust.


Frost & Sullivan

One more consideration exists: to execute the change management program well, it needs to be integrated tightly with the specific initiative. If it is a stand-alone program managed from the outside, buy-in will be low. For example, firms in the pharmaceutical industry looking for ways to improve their contract sales effectiveness through a revenue management cloud solution are finding poor system adoption without a strong change management program in place. This is not surprising, given that software implementation impacts multiple segments of the business, touching numerous stakeholders, such as distributors, administrators, providers, and ultimately patients. In other industries such as financial services, insurance and healthcare, change management is being integrated into two main categories: revenue-producing process optimization programs and compliance-mandated information governance initiatives. In both cases, management priorities are moving beyond the cost-cutting value proposition of the past decade to competitive differentiation with improved and better managed customer, member, and patient interactions. More integrated change management initiatives are anticipated to be launched as firms attempt to embrace the top six technology drivers. Process Optimization

The changes caused by technology drivers are jump-starting operational process optimization initiatives.

Process optimization is a hybrid competency born of the 1990s corporate reengineering wave and business process management technologies of the past decade. As a result, today’s process optimization initiatives have both operational and technology implications. In some cases, the changes caused by technology drivers are jump-starting operational process optimization initiatives. Data Growth and Compliance Drive Pharmaceutical Process Changes The pharmaceutical industry has seen an increased focus on optimizing the R&D process, specifically in clinical operations where data growth and regulatory compliance have exacerbated process latencies. With all other segments of the pharmaceutical value chain having been examined for efficiency during past decades, clinical operations has two key candidates for optimization in the coming year: electronic Trial Master File (eTMF) and risk-based monitoring. An eTMF is a library of documents—literally thousands of pages—required by health authorities to verify proper conduct and oversight of each clinical trial. As a result of the manual nature of the process that includes trial sponsors and research organizations, the effort is burdensome and fraught with inconsistencies and potential regulatory risk. On its own, converting paper documents to electronic does not create the efficiencies required to make eTMF beneficial. Coupled with organizational workflow improvements, however, eTMF can deliver the maximum benefits required for a growing clinical study portfolio. In another area of clinical operations, the move to risk-based monitoring is being driven from the need for pharmaceutical firms to better manage the increasing number and complexity of clinical trials. With more than 30 percent to 40 percent of a company’s clinical study budget


Building the Change-capable Organization to Meet the Top Technology Trends of 2012 and Beyond

going to on-site monitoring, firms are looking to supplant this brute-force approach, which is growth-constrained, with the use of a more centralized, technology-enabled monitoring process model. Supported by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s recent guidelines, this outcome-based model will enable firms to improve their clinical trial efficiency, enhance subject protection and improve the quality of clinical trial data. For Financial and Insurance Firms, It is All About the Customer Process optimization in financial services and insurance firms is being targeted at customerfacing business interactions such as client on-boarding, account opening, and the transferring of accounts and claims. As these firms are looking to generate additional revenue and directly improve the quality of service with their clients, these externally facing initiatives have gained ground over pure-cost efficiency plays. In financial services, whether initiating a new client or adding new services for an existing client, the account opening process typically takes weeks. Front-line advisors review client applications and supporting documents to establish client identity, prepare pricing and billing, develop risk profiles, issue user credentials, and more. Banks looking to differentiate themselves are seeking to streamline the administrative component of on-boarding and emphasize the advisory component—where clients perceive the most value. The case for optimization is compelling on two fronts: cost savings and revenue growth. Firms are interested in stemming the customer attrition rate of nearly 30 percent of new customers, as well as looking to cross-sell new clients within the first 90 days of signing on. In banking and insurance, improving overall transactional self-service is accelerating the growth of mobility and flipping business models from branch office/agent-driven to on-line/personaldevice driven. Research shows customers are more frequently interacting with their financial institutions without agent interaction. With ease of use and increased satisfaction being the attraction for customers, firms are redesigning processes to enable tools that add immediate value and create more opportunities for upselling. For insurance firms, filing a claim is known as the “moment of truth.” Both healthcare and property and casualty claims processes require various types of information, often from a variety of sources, that must be collected, reviewed, and managed. Some 25 percent of claims are initiated with paper, slowing down the process to enable capturing of the information, entering data into an online system, validating information, and then onto the adjudication of the claim. The process can take 30 days without having to deal with exceptions. Implementing technology to address this business challenge (both “on premise” and cloud) requires a review and redesign of existing business processes. Cloud and Social Networks Are Driving Optimization For all industries, cloud computing represents an opportunity to redesign existing value chains and workflows. As the cloud market moves from infrastructure-as-a-service and software-as-aservice to applications-as-a-service, the value proposition for cloud will move from cost savings and predictability (chief IT concerns) to innovation and competitive advantage (key business

The value proposition for cloud will move from cost savings and predictability to innovation and competitive advantage.


Frost & Sullivan

line concerns). Cost-burdened, nonregulated businesses have been the first to migrate to cloud technology. As security and data protection issues are handled confidently, banks and pharmaceutical firms will adopt forms of cloud technology for their IT and business models. The rapid adoption of social media within the past year is also having an impact on how firms are looking at their business processes. Organizations are looking to replicate the collaborative and conversational process model that is inherent in social networks such as Facebook and Twitter. For most businesses, this process is being targeted directly at customers through promotions or customer service channels to monitor immediate feedback and preferences. Some industries, especially those that require innovation from global teams such as the pharmaceutical industry, find social platforms can also accelerate creative collaboration. So, increasingly social networks are redesigning how customers and employees are interacting. The focus on process optimization will be tightly aligned with the most successful technology initiatives to enable both operational cost savings and faster time to value.

The information glut has made governance a top priority in the coming year for firms looking to navigate changes brought by compliance mandates, data growth, and emerging technologies.

Information Governance The information glut has made governance a top priority in the coming year for firms looking to navigate changes brought by compliance mandates, data growth, and emerging technologies. Historically, data growth has been an IT concern that was addressed with increased storage. That approach has created costly overhead and exposure to compliance risk. Governance addresses an organization’s need to proactively manage information from creation to archival and disposition. Regulated industries with paper documents have been engaged in governance practices for decades. In fact, most firms have some type of governance practices and policies already baked into their paper-based processes. However, governance as a strategic corporate capability is an emerging discipline that is encompassing a cross-section of functional areas: IT, compliance, legal, and operations. The perfect storm created by exponential unstructured data growth and the changes in the mid-2000s of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure exposed the costs and risks of unmanaged electronic information stores and elevated IG from an IT and back-office problem to a chief executive officer problem. Looking for the Needle in the Haystack Traditional information management approaches were not discriminating. The “back-up everything” approach seemed inexpensive and manageable. Organizations stored volumes of data on backup magnetic tapes that would typically be sent off-site for storage. Litigation and increased regulation changed that. Teams of legal reviewers would have to sift through volumes of “discoverable” stored information, which incidentally had a limited shelf life. The legal costs to these firms were staggering and generally exposed the firms to unnecessary risks. For many firms, a tiered approach and schedule to storing and disposing of information was the first step in building a more manageable and defensible strategy.


Building the Change-capable Organization to Meet the Top Technology Trends of 2012 and Beyond

A More Proactive Model A number of challenges are going to make a proactive IG strategy a front-and-center initiative for firms looking to better balance costs and compliance. • Uncontrolled, unknown content Growing file shares, and collaboration and knowledge sharing sites, have created environments where compliance and records managers cannot easily apply IG policies. Often called “information in the wild” for obvious reasons, this information is often created and stored outside the scope of corporate retention policies. In many cases, regulatory or corporate policy adherence would fall on the shoulders of the creator or user of the information. For many organizations, the first step is in performing information analytics to assess the content, its classification, and whether it should be properly archived or disposed of after a stipulated time. This assessment provides the initial diagnostic that helps to determine a go-forward strategy and eliminates the “blind spot” that this type of content creates for organizations. • Privacy regulations Driven by consumer pressure as a result of growing cybercrime, and phishing (the unauthorized acquisition of customer data), organizations will increasingly be required to show regulators in the coming 24 months that stringent data privacy policies exist, and are taught and enforced. Going beyond infrastructure security and disaster recovery procedures, privacy officers will need to certify all data elements are protected with a documented program that educates employees on the proper handling of potentially sensitive information. With most privacy breaches resulting from people mismanaging information, this element of an IG program will be increasingly important.

Organizations will increasingly be required to show regulators in the coming 24 months that stringent data privacy policies exist, and are taught and enforced.

• Automated records retention Even as organizations will expend effort to make employees more aware of better information handling policies, they will be deploying solutions that will intelligently record data without the user having to knowingly store that data. In other words, technologies will be able to recognize, categorize, and store information based on predefined business rules to better protect organizations from noncompliance. For the next 18 months, the twin concerns of cost management and compliance will make IG a top priority for multiple industries: pharmaceutical, insurance, financial services, and healthcare. Information Insight Organizations are looking to better sift through the growing data stores of customer interactions and provide management with real-time decision support. As BI technologies create new opportunities to collect and synthesize information, industries with volumes of customer data can now gain targeted insights for competitive advantage on two key fronts.


Frost & Sullivan

“Consumerization” of Intelligence for Real-time Insight

With new userfriendly interface tools, business managers, or the consumers of the data, are able to intuitively filter sophisticated analysis that is tailored to their needs.

Traditional intelligence solutions required the involvement of IT and created a lag time in the analysis provided. The net result was firms could not adequately get out in front of BI for real market innovation. With new user-friendly interface tools, business managers, or the consumers of the data, are able to intuitively filter sophisticated analysis that is tailored to their needs. These tools leverage current technology capabilities such as integrated search and mobility, which both increase the ease and adoption of this technology. For communications, pharmaceutical, healthcare, and financial services firms, access to relevant customer data through this type of business analytics will be a welcome addition to the BI portfolio in the coming year. Crunching the “Big Data” For industries such as telecommunications, healthcare, and banking, market competition has leveled the playing field so the edge goes to the firm with actionable information. This type of personalized marketing is challenging at best when silos of supersized relational databases house statistics with various customer data. In the pharmaceutical industry, for example, volumes of statistics and data on every drug are captured on multiple fronts. Clinical studies, adverse events, social networks, e-mail, texts, and much more create the kind of analysis challenge that historically was enabled only in a supercomputing environment. The ability to do massive amounts of parallel processing using new technology capabilities means organizations can unlock the information that was hidden in these silos. This type of mass analytics, while more accessible to firms, requires a rigorous strategic approach to be successful. Processes such as the identification of the sources, classification of the information, and mining of the information will be required as big data initiatives become mainstream. For the next 12 to 18 months, the two ends of the BI spectrum will gain attention as firms strive to gain customer insight for competitive advantage. CONCLUSION Building the “change-capable” organization requires a number of core competencies that can meet specific industry challenges while embracing emerging technologies. Clearly, the interweaving of change-enabling competencies (change management, process optimization, information governance, and information insight) makes for a stronger, more agile organization that will be able to respond to predicted and unforeseen changes. Where firms have made these competencies standard business practice, they increase the likelihood of their success in adopting the technology opportunities that can redefine processes, delivery models, market interactions, and brand perception.


Building the Change-capable Organization to Meet the Top Technology Trends of 2012 and Beyond

Authors: Clare Walker, Senior Consultant, Frost & Sullivan; Martha Coacher, Vice President of Marketing and Alliances, Paragon Solutions Paragon Solutions’ Contributors: • Change Management: Geoffrey Lewis, Director Advisory Services, Life Sciences • Process Optimization: Jamie O’Keefe, Director Clinical Optimization Practice; Bertha Yuen, Director Advisory Services, Financial Services • Information Governance: Scott McVeigh, Associate Director, Information Governance and Compliance • Information Insight: Jim Sheppard, Director Business Analytics and Data Management; Rick Ruiz, Director Information Integration RESOURCES Frost & Sullivan • Profiles of Major Companies in Cloud Computing, 2011 • 2011 Cloud User Survey: The Who, What, and Why of Infrastructure as a Service Usage • 2011 Cloud Infrastructure as a Service Market: On the Road Toward Commodity Status • 2011 United States Corporate Use Of Social Media • Social Media Use Among the U.S. Healthcare Provider Institutions, 2011 • Generic Pharmaceuticals Market—A Global Analysis, 2011 • North American Hosted Enterprise E-mail Services Market, 2011 Other Sources: Accenture The Conference Board Content Marketing Institute Computerworld comScore, Inc. Cutting Edge Information EMC2 Forrester Research, Inc. Gartner, Inc. IBM IDC Insurance Networking News McKinsey & Co. Nielsen Online Trust Alliance


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ABOUT PARAGON SOLUTIONS Paragon is an advisory consulting and systems integration firm that specializes in enterprise information management to help clients achieve better business results. The company does this through its industry practices, solution accelerators and specialized technology competencies that help clients achieve operational efficiency, business capability and regulatory compliance. Paragon focuses its work on a few key industries—communications, financial services, healthcare, insurance, and life sciences. The industry-focused strategy consulting and systems integration teams work to address concerns in process optimization, information governance, and information integration. For more information about building the change-capable organization, visit ABOUT FROST & SULLIVAN Frost & Sullivan, the Growth Partnership Company, enables clients to accelerate growth and achieve best-in-class positions in growth, innovation and leadership. The company’s Growth Partnership Service provides the CEO and the CEO’s Growth Team with disciplined research and best-practice models to drive the generation, evaluation, and implementation of powerful growth strategies. We leverage 50 years of experience in partnering with Global 1000 companies, emerging businesses and the investment community from more than 40 offices on six continents. For more information visit,

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