March 7, 2014 edition
The Pulse
Your regular check up on SCKMC activities Share your thoughts, story ideas, and comments by e-mail to claytonp@sckrmc.org.
SCKMC Participates in Tornado Drill Emergency managers from across the state prepare for severe weather each spring with a statewide tornado drill. SCKMC participated in Tuesday’s drill by acting out a safe area evacuation using volunteers as patients. Volunteers from the hospital auxiliary portrayed a variety of patients including an obstetrical patient in active labor, and a patient requiring isolation precautions. The medical center’s severe weather policy calls for all patients, visitors, and staff to relocate to the post-operative area within the facility’s surgery department if a direct hit by a tornado appears imminent. The decision to relocate patients is carefully coordinated by the onsite incident commander who receives information from State and local emergency management. The hospital’s drill lasted approximately 45 minutes but it had been planned for weeks. Joanne Holman, Education Coordinator, and Scott Stevens, Safety Officer were two of the leads for planning the drill. While both Holman and Stevens stated that they felt the drill was success, neither feel their job is complete. “We are concerned about our patients, and getting them to a safe spot is what we do best. Everybody wanted to get those patients to safety. The actual experience of moving the patients, and having the input from our volunteers that helped, will make us even better with our next drill,” Holman said.
Ray to Offer Grocery Tours SCKMC’s Registered Dietitian, Diane Ray is leading a series of nutritional field trips at local grocery stores. Each hour long tour will focus on making the most of your food dollar with tips for easier and healthier shopping, while providing you information to understand food labeling. Each tour is designed to cover a different subject and is limited to no more than six participants. The first tour will be held on Tuesday, March 25th at 10:00 a.m. inside the Ark City Dillon’s store. Themed “Shopping for Diabetics/Heart Health” this first tour is designed to point out healthy and tasty options for those with specific diet restrictions due to chronic health issues. To reserve your space or for more information visit www.sckmc.org.
Healthy Living: Cold & Cough The common cold is caused by a virus that gets into your body through the mouth, nose, or eyes. Coughs are your body’s natural way of clearing your throat and airways, and are often also caused by viruses. Keep in mind that there aren’t any medicines that can cure colds since they are caused by viruses. However there are some steps that can be taken to help you feel better and ease symptoms: • Use a cool-mist humidifier. These will add moisture to the air so you can breathe easier. However, be sure to clean and dry it each day to prevent mold. • Use saline nasal drops. Saline drops do not require a prescription, are safe for children, and can help to relieve a stuffy nose. • Drink lots of fluids. Avoid caffeine and stick with 100% fruit juice or warm chicken broth to prevent dehydration and to loosen congestion. • Rest. Stay home from work or school to help your body fight of the virus while limiting exposure to others. • Cold and cough medicines. Over the counter medicine is safe to use as long as you follow the dosing instructions. You will be most contagious during the first 2 to 4 days that symptoms appear. And while cold symptoms usually get better after 7 to 10 days, you may still be able to spread cold germs for up to three weeks. To help prevent the spread of germs you should cough or sneeze into your elbow; wash your hands frequently, and stay away from others whenever possible. Pay close attention to your symptoms. If they get worse after a few days or don’t improve, see your family physician. A persistent cough could be the sign of a more serious condition such as asthma or bronchitis.
Employee of the Month Congratulations Kathy Broce, Registered Nurse with Dr. Perry Lin's Womens Health Clinic, for being named the SCKMC Exceptional Service Award winner for the month of March! Kathy was nominated by a patient for her friendly and helpful service. If you would like to nominate someone for next month's award visit us at www.sckmc.org.
Good nutrition starts with smart purchases. Learn how to make healthy food choices aisle by aisle during our FREE grocery store tours led by Registered Dietitian Diane Ray. Each tour is designed to cover a different subject such as shopping for diabetics/ hearthealth, healthy eating for families on the go, and nutrition for seniors.
Each tour is limited to no more than six participants.
Visit www.sckmc.org for more information including tour dates and reservations.
Find out more about our services at www.sckmc.org