Contact Lenses For Kids If you have kids and they suffer from some eyes-related frailties, you’ll go hay-wire! At least that goes true for me and my wife. Well, Johnny, our son, contracted Progressive Myopia at the age of nine, but as he grew he joined the soccer in his high school. Due to this, he had trouble keeping his glasses. So after consulting our house physician, we decided to get him contact lenses. Since, for parents, we’d want to give our children the best of all we have; we decided to give our son lenses from the Acuvue brand! But one of the most important questions, asked by parents, with regards to contact lenses is; “Can I give my child contact lenses? If so, at what age?” To answer that, I would like to emphasize on the fact that although earlier, children were given contact lenses at the range of ages ranging between twelve and thirteen and above. However, today; the children can wear contact lenses even at an age of eight. If your child has been wearing glasses from an early age, it might be challenging for him/her to change to contact lenses. Since the contact lenses are directly place on the eyes, there are chances of infection. Wearing and storing them and other related issues definitely bother particular parents. Some Benefits of Getting Contact Lenses to Kids
Certain lenses are capable of slowing down Progressive Myopia: Researches have revealed that certain types of lenses known as GP lenses, when used overnight, are capable of reducing Progressive Myopia. These lenses are capable of reducing the growth in the eyes (the very cause of Progressive Myopia).
Contact lenses Are Very Helpful Those Into Sports: If your child is into sports, lenses can prove to be more advantageous than Polycarbonate glasses (especially in terms of durability). By wearing Contact Lenses your child can also perform better and may have better peripheral (side) vision.
There are plenty of other benefits that could assure you that it is safe for your child to wear Contact Lenses.
Some Suggestions For Those Kids wearing Lenses If your child wears contact lenses, here are certain tips that he/she needs to follow:
The child should never wear contact lenses without having duly cleansed rinsed his/her hands, for it might cause infection. The child should never expose his or her contact lenses to either water or saliva. The child should never wear anybody else’s lenses etc.
In case you are looking for Acuvue Contact Lenses at a reasonable price, you could search out Sclera Lenses.
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