Enjoying Dramatic Style with Scleral Contact Lenses Are you looking for dramatic and bizarre look? Then go for scleral contact lenses that come in different designs and patterns which suit your overall persona. These are large-diameter gas permeable contact lenses which are designed to vault over the whole corneal surface and rest of the white area of the eyes. Best way to celebrate Halloween parties There are a number of scleral contact lenses which are available at web stores with best price. They are perfect to celebrate Halloween parties and events with freaky and dramatic lens style. You cannot wear them with your ordinary clothes. For these, you need theme based attires, makeup and other accessories which compliment your style statement. Providing dynamic and dramatic look Sclera contact lenses provide dynamic, frightening and dramatic appearance when you wear them and flaunt yourself in the theme parties or events. These are made by Polyhema material that is soft, flexible and water absorbing material is used to make these lenses. Different from others
These are a little bit different than normal lenses. The insertion and removal of them from eyes is a bit tricky. Below we will provide you brief about how to insert and remove them: Fill them with non-preserved saline Insert with the help of index, thumb and middle finger and you may also use scleral cup to insert on your eyes. Place lens edge into lower cul‐de‐sac while pushing it onto the cornea Lift up your eyelids wide while pushing back your lower lid. You should tilt your head back and gently place them on your eyes How to wear and clean Rinse each side of the lens for few seconds with solution Never reuse solution Sock them for at least some hours Always store them in a clean lens case. Don’t rub your eyes after wearing them Use a mild non-cosmetic soap with oils, lotions and perfumers before wearing them Concern with eye care specialists and prescribe as per their suggestions
For More Information About Scleral Contact Lenses Visit: www.sclera-lenses.com