SC Ministry Foundation 2015 Annual Report

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The creativity of charity is boundless...


“The creativity of charity is boundless; it is able to find countless new ways of bringing the newness of the Gospel to every culture and every corner of society.” POPE FRANCIS


We recognize that the reverence with which we minister has greater importance than what we do. As St. Vincent de Paul said, “It is only for your love alone that the poor will forgive you the bread that you give to them.” We also acknowledge that those we serve have gifts by which they minister to us. We receive their gifts as graciously as we serve. SISTERS OF CHARITY OF CINCINNATI CONSTITUTIONS #10


n this 2015 annual report we celebrate “the reverence” of the Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati who serve and minister in organizations. Sisters of Charity minister as board members, volunteers, administrators, faculty, and staff. Since the First Sunday of Advent weekend on November 30, 2014, the Catholic Church has been celebrating The Year of Consecrated Life. This year, proclaimed by Pope Francis, will conclude on February 2, 2016 on the Feast of the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple. During this Feast Day, we are reminded that through baptism every person is consecrated to God and belongs exclusively to God, set apart for the sacred, and called to holiness.

“Religious life … is distinguished from other forms of

consecrated life by its liturgical character, public profession of the evangelical counsels, fraternal life led in common, and witness to the union of Christ with the Church.” (Catholic Catechism #925) Hopefully our lives reflect the words of Pope Francis: “When Jesus is our first and only love, we are empowered to love, in truth, mercy and compassion, every person we meet.”

St. Vincent de Paul stressed that “Love is inventive even into infinity.” You will see in the 2015 Annual Report of the SC Ministry Foundation the many ways that Sisters of Charity are bringing the creativity of charity and justice through their involvement with not-for-profit organizations. As stated in the Charism

Statement of the Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati: “As pilgrims we pray for the wisdom to know the needs of our brothers and sisters and we dare to risk a caring response.” Through this courageous response, Sisters of Charity are waking up the world through their joy-filled words and their passionate actions. They truly are demonstrating to the world the way to follow Jesus, and how to read the signs of our time. Like all Sisters of Charity, they are freed rather than constrained by their vows of poverty, celibacy and obedience. Community life, or life in communion, is a source of energizing friendship so their love will extend out to others. Above all, they know their need of God and their reliance on prayer, Eucharist and Scripture to respond creatively and to bring the newness of the Gospel to their ministries and all the people they encounter.

We wish that we could highlight all the

one-hundred-and-eleven Sisters of Charity who are involved with organizations with active grants through the SC Ministry Foundation during 2015 fiscal year. We thank all Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati for their prayers, support, and resources as we mutually work together with all our grantees and collective impact partners to be empowered to love, in mercy and truth, every person we meet and serve, and to bring about the Reign of God. Sister Sally Duffy, SC President and Executive Director SC Ministry Foundation 3

Sister Nancy Crafton, SC El Centro de Los Pobres | Avondale, Colorado

Sister Nancy Crafton, SC (right), enjoys a visit from a migrant family at El Centro de Los Pobres.

“Have the courage to be present in the midst of conflict and tension, as a credible sign of the presence of the Spirit who inspires in human hearts a passion for all to be one.� POPE FRANCIS 4


n the middle of a steelframed building settled back off a dusty road, amidst miles of flat Colorado farmland, stands a woman conversing in Spanish with a young Latino family. Small in stature with a smile as large as the Colorado open sky, Sister Nancy Crafton, SC inquires about the health of the infant cradled in the migrant worker’s arms. The family was visiting to thank Sister Nancy for her assistance with medical bills that far exceeded the wages the young father earned in the fields.

SC Ministry Foundation has supported Los Pobres in its efforts to

assist undocumented immigrants who migrated to the U.S. as children. The Federal Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals “The people I serve have become like (DACA) program allows the young adults to acquire family. My relationship with them is the documentation needed very important. As Sisters of Charity, for employment, college studies, or to simply earn we are called to this mission. We’re a drivers license. However, the only Gospel that some may read.” the costly application and legal fees push the process SISTER NANCY CRAFTON, SC out of reach for many. The funding from SC Ministry Foundation assisted Sister Nancy in coordinating the necessary legal assistance to complete DACA applications Since 2000, Sister Nancy has ministered to for 67 young women and men – bringing their dreams of migrant workers and their families through services a better future a little closer to reality. Above all, the fear of provided by El Centro de Los Pobres (The Center for deportation was alleviated for these young people. the Poor), the only charitable organization of its kind in southern Colorado. Sister Nancy learned of the needs The fear of being forced to return to a country filled of migrant families from Father Maurice Gallagher with violence hangs over the migrant community. The while working as a clinical nurse specialist in Pueblo, summer of 2014 brought many young migrant children Colorado. For years, Father Gallagher had been providing to southern Colorado who were fleeing the violence in emergency food and clothing for the migrant farm their home countries of Honduras and Guatemala. “The workers whenever they would knock on his door at the journey that brought them to Los Pobres required at least parish rectory. a three-day walk through the desert,” shared Sister Nancy. “I can’t get over how brave they are.” Over the past fifteen years, Sister Nancy’s efforts in grantwriting, fundraising and “friend-raising” have developed “We never know what we’re going to face from the ministry into a small nonprofit organization housed one day to the next,” added Sister Nancy. “By the grace of in a larger facility. The center’s services have extended God we are able to continue daily to help these vulnerable beyond food and clothing to include basic medical care, families.” financial assistance, and legal assistance.




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Sister Carol Bauer, SC Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley | Dayton, Ohio

Sister Carol Bauer, SC (center) with Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley Food Pantry staff Marilyn Horton and Carolyn Smith (left), and CEO Laura Roesch (right).

“I ask you to work concretely in welcoming refugees, drawing near to the poor, and finding creative ways to catechize, to proclaim the Gospel and to teach others how to pray.� POPE FRANCIS 6


uring the formative years of the Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati, the Sisters’ first mission outside of the area took them about 60 miles north to Dayton, Ohio. The establishment of St. Mary’s Academy in 1857, and later the opening of Good Samaritan Hospital in 1932, paved the way for a legacy of commitment to the Greater Dayton communities.

“I share the heritage of the Sisters of Charity with others by sharing the stories of how the Gospel has been creatively offered over the years in the ways the Sisters have been present.”

Sister Carol Bauer, SC has been ministering in the Dayton area since 1967,


initially serving in secondary education and then moved into parish ministry and pastoral administration. During that time she began volunteering with several social service agencies, including Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley, where she became a board member in 1983. “All through the years I have remained involved with their programs, and have referred many people to them for assistance,” shared Sister Carol. Her current role as vice president of mission effectiveness at Dayton’s Good Samaritan Hospital provides the opportunity to assist with several educational and community collaborations between the hospital and the agency, such as helping families in Catholic Social Services’ Refugee Resettlement Program become familiar with American health care practices and procedures.

Financial insecurity and instability continues to challenge families in Dayton, with 32% of all residents

and 48% of children under age 18 living in poverty. In 2014, the Food Pantry at Catholic Social Services received




more than 18,000 requests for food assistance. Housed in the basement of a former convent, recent renovations have allowed for expansion and for improved integration of the Family Stabilization and Support Program. SC Ministry Foundation has partnered with Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley to support this program that focuses on establishing stable income, stable housing and a medical home for struggling families.

“This is not a traditional food pantry where

clients are just handed a bag of groceries,” explained Sister Carol. “This is a food pantry where families choose their groceries with the assistance of a personal shopper. Very generous donations of fresh produce provide wonderful selections of locally-grown fruits and vegetables.” She adds, “In my mind, the reason the program has been so successful, and has been nationally recognized, is due to the intake process where the needs of the family are assessed. Then they are connected with resources that go beyond food – which leads to self-suffiency.” The program is making a difference – 65% of the participating families are reporting stable income and 76% are experiencing stable housing.

“In a moment, one issue can dramatically change lives. One of the greatest challenges for anyone who encounters the poor is to reserve judgement,” shared Sister Carol. “Seeking out these opportunities to become aware of what’s happening in people’s lives is a creative way to bring the Gospel to them.”

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Sister Monica Gundler, SC St. Bernard Project | New Orleans, Louisiana

Sister Monica Gundler, SC (left) with Sister Nancy Gerth, SCN (center), and Sister Vicki Lichtenauer, SCL (right), taking a break from construction work at one of the St. Bernard Project sites.

“At times, like Elijah and Jonah, you may feel the temptation to flee, to abandon the task of being a prophet because it is too demanding, wearisome or apparently fruitless. But prophets know that they are never alone.� POPE FRANCIS 8


rom among the vacant St. Bernard Project is lots and adandoned a vital partner to the foundations that House of Charity in the Hurricane Katrina left New Orleans rebuilding behind ten years ago, a efforts. The nonprofit was colorful corner store and named for an area adjacent its cheerful owner strive to the Ninth Ward, St. to serve the needs of Bernard Parish, which was “As a Sister of Charity, I hope to be the neighbors who have deemed 100% uninhabitable returned to their homes. “I in the wake of Hurricane a person who will bring God’s bring groups of volunteers Katrina. healing and light to others.” here every chance I get,” shared Sister Monica St. Bernard Project was SISTER MONICA GUNDLER, SC Gundler, SC. “They can established in 2006 to see with their own eyes the rebuild housing for New conditions that remain here in the Lower 9th Ward, and Orleans-area families who do not have the funds to rehab enjoy a treat while they hear Burnell’s story of dedication their storm-damaged properties. In 2009, St. Bernard for his neighborhood.” Project hosted the first “Nuns Build,” a gathering of Sisters from across the country that came to New Orleans to Since 2009, Sister Monica has been ministering install drywall, flooring, insulation and other needed tasks in New Orleans, Louisiana to assist with the rebuilding to return families to their homes. Sister Monica serves efforts of the community. “I initially volunteered in New on the planning committee for “Nuns Build,” which has Orleans in 2007 on housing projects after the storm,” continued as an annual event. shared Sister Monica. “I had just transitioned from serving as a campus minister to serving the congregation Despite significant progress over the past as a formation director. But I felt a calling to minister on decade, 5,000 families remain displaced from the the margins. There were so many needs in New Orleans.” storm and more than 100 families are waiting for services from St. Bernard Project. SC Ministry Foundation has Sister Monica’s desire to help women discern their partnered with St. Bernard Project since 2010 to support vocation and her personal calling to minister on the “Nuns Build” and move families off their waiting list and margins culminated with the opening of the House of back into the homes they loved before the storm. Charity, a community initiative of the Sisters of Charity Federation. Sister Monica is one of three Sisters who “I am grateful for this real experience of the Pascal host groups of young adults, college students, Sisters and Mystery,” shared Sister Monica. “Our faith allows us to Associates to spend time in prayer and reflection while take risks. The resilience and spirit of the people of New helping to rebuild the city of New Orleans. Orleans help us celebrate in the present moment.”




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Sister Margarita M. Brewer, SC Santa Maria Community Services | Cincinnati, Ohio

Sister Margarita Brewer, SC (right) and Luz Elena Schemmel, Director of Santa Maria’s International Welcome Center, meet with a family at Santa Maria Community Services.

“In a polarized society, where different cultures experience difficulty in living alongside one another, where the powerless encounter oppression, where inequality abounds, we are called to offer a concrete model of community, which, by acknowledging the dignity of each person and sharing our respective gifts, makes it possible to live as brothers and sisters.” POPE FRANCIS 10


s a native of Panama and mother of two sons and two granddaughters, Sister Margarita Brewer, SC, personally understands the challenges of immigrant families. “I know how hard it is to live in a new country,” she explained. “The difficulties are many, even if you are educated.”

Santa Maria introduced classes for English Language Learners

“In my ministries as a Sister of Charity, it is my experience that God has always prepared me for the next step, and placed me where I need to be.”

when Sister Margarita helped to launch the International Welcome Center in 2009. Financial education, employment assistance and other resources are also provided through the center.

“Many of the families I SISTER MARGARITA BREWER, SC After her sons finished their work with have very little undergraduate studies, she left a career in architecture education, even in their own language,” shared Sister to become a Sister of Charity – and devote her life to Margarita. “For them to succeed and improve their living ministering to the Hispanic community. conditions, and contribute to the future of this country, they need to be very well educated.”

Since 2001, Sister Margarita has volunteered with Santa Maria Community Services, an agency

committed to improving the lives of those in Cincinnati’s Price Hill neighborhoods. Originally established in 1897 by Sisters of Charity Blandina and Justina Segale to serve Italian immigrants, Santa Maria continues to serve today’s growing Hispanic population by connecting them with resources for health care, education and employment.

Health screenings and access to affordable medications were made possible for uninsured or

underinsured residents through the development of Santa Maria’s Bienestar (“wellness” in Spanish) program, one that is near to the heart of Sister Margarita. She has continued to support the program by assisting with the annual Bienestar fundraising event, which SC Ministry Foundation has sponsored for ten years. Each year the event recognizes a community member with the “Sister Margarita Brewer Hope Award” for exceptional devotion to enhancing health and education for the Hispanic community. In 2015, the award was presented to Alfonso Cornejo, president of Cincinnati’s Hispanic Chamber.




At Santa Maria, quality education begins with early childhood through their “Promoting Our

Preschoolers” program, which SC Ministry Foundation has supported since 2006. More than 1,000 children have participated since that time, with 40% from Hispanic families. The program increases parents’ knowledge of child development through support groups and home visits, and provides training for parents and in-home child care providers to improve the children’s skills. As a result, 90% of the children enrolled for at least one year have improved their language and developmental skills to help them prepare for kindergarten. “Early in my ministry with Mexican migrant workers in Georgia, I served as a translator for a mother of six and discovered that she could not read, or even write her own name on medical forms. After teaching her to write the letters of her name, we shared great tears of joy! It changed my life forever,” shared Sister Margarita. “I pray that all people will open their hearts and continue to help the new immigrants.”

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GRANTS GRANTS | FY 2014 - 2015

All Saints Parish, Bay City, MI: Emergency Assistance American Cancer Society, Cincinnati, OH: Program Support Annunciation House Inc., El Paso, TX: Meeting the Needs of Refugees Archbishop Felix Foundation Inc., Bar Harbor Islands, FL: Serving the Poor in Dominica Archdiocese of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH: Summer Learning Program at DePaul Cristo Rey High School; Price Hill Catholic Elementary Schools Summer Learning Camp Asili Museum & Institute, Cincinnati, OH: Program Support Bayley, Cincinnati, OH: Program Support Bethesda Foundation, Inc., Cincinnati, OH: Support for Hospice of Cincinnati; Program Support BoardSource, Washington, DC: Capacity Building Webinars Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH: Graduate, Fit for Life, and Ready to Serve Bread for the World, Washington, DC: Program Support Caring Response Madagascar Foundation, Cincinnati, OH: Assistance with Efforts in Tamatave (Toamasina) Catholic Charities and Community Services of the Archdiocese of Denver, Denver, CO: Immigration Services: U Visas, Deferred Action and Parish Outreach Catholic Charities Archdiocese of Santa Fe, Albuquerque, NM: Refugee Economic and Self-Sufficiency Integration Project Catholic Charities of Central Colorado, Inc., Colorado Springs, CO: Family Immigration & Naturalization Services Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Pueblo, Inc., Pueblo, CO: Immigration Services Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley, San Juan, TX: Assistance with Immigration Humanitarian Crisis Catholic Charities Southwestern Ohio, Cincinnati, OH: Vacaciones Utiles (Summer Learning Program for Low-Income Latino Children); Program Support


Catholic Charities/Little Flower Center, Aurora, CO: Kids Creative Knowledge Nook Catholic Church Extension Society of the United States of America, Chicago, IL: U.S. - Latin American Sisters Exchange Program Catholic Climate Covenant, Washington, DC: Capacity Building for Financial Sustainability Catholic Health Association, St. Louis, MO: Capacity Building Catholic Inner-City Schools Education Fund, Cincinnati, OH: Program Support Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc., Silver Spring, MD: Legal Services at the Artesia Detention Center; Capacity Building at Catholic Charities Las Cruces; Diocesan Migration and Refugee Services in El Paso, TX; Pro Bono Legal Services for Women & Children in Dilley Detention Center Catholic Medical Mission Board, New York, NY: CHAMPS (Children & Mothers Partnership) in Haiti Catholic Relief Services, Baltimore, MD, Response to Ebola Outbreak in Sierra Leona & Other Countries; Assistance after the Earthquake in Nepal and Surrounding Areas Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley, Dayton, OH: Family Stabilization and Support-Expansion Opportunities for Self Investment Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate, Washington, DC: Research Support Center for Chemical Addictions Treatment, Cincinnati, OH: Program Support Center for Migration Studies, New York, NY: Catholic Immigrant Integration Initiative Chatfield College, Cincinnati, OH: Religious Symbols of our Catholic Faith Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH: StartStrong: A Partnership for Healthy Babies and Families; Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Training Cincinnati Museum Center, Cincinnati, OH: Educational Programs for Price Hill Catholic Schools and Summer Learning Camps Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber Foundation, Cincinnati, OH: Diverse by Design Support

Layup 4 Lauren: Last November,

SC Ministry Foundation President Sister Sally Duffy, SC and Mount St. Joseph University freshman Lauren Hill shared a hug after Sister Sally completed the Layup 4 Lauren Challenge to support research for pediatric cancers. Rest in peace, Lauren, #22 Never Gave Up.

Cincinnati Works, Inc., Cincinnati, OH: Job Readiness, Barrier Management, Retention, Advancement Clarke University, Dubuque, IA: Program Support Colorado Vincentian Volunteers, Denver, CO: Mission Support Communicators for Women Religious, Williams Bay, WI: Capacity Building Cooperative for Education, Cincinnati, OH: Program Support Cure Starts Now Inc., Cincinnati, OH: Research for Cure of Pediatric Cancers Daughters of Charity Services of New Orleans, New Orleans, LA: Behavioral Health in Schools and School Nurse DePaul Cristo Rey High School, Cincinnati, OH: Board Development and Securing Jobs for Corporate Work Study Student Program; CISE Summer School Tutoring by DCRHS Students; Mission Advancement; Capacity Building; Campus Ministry, Service and Mission Trips; Performing Arts Program; Establishing Music and Drama Programs Doctors Without Borders USA, Inc., New York, NY: Care for Those Affected with Ebola & Containing the Outbreak in West Africa; Assist Victims of Nepal Earthquake Dominican Sisters of Peace, Columbus, OH: Capacity Building EarthLinks, Denver, CO: Program Support

GRANTS GRANTS | FY 2014 - 2015

East End Adult Education Center, Cincinnati, OH: Literacy and GED Instruction Education Matters, Inc., Cincinnati, OH: Program Support El Paso Villa Maria, El Paso, TX: Volunteer Program English Language Learning Foundation, Cincinnati, OH: Program Support Enroll America, Washington, DC: Get Covered America, Cincinnati Ohio FADICA, Washington, DC: Philanthropy Leadership Intern Program; Analysis of Recent Studies of Catholic Women Religious in the U.S.; Support the Global Freedom Network’s Vatican Convening/Symposium of “Young People Against Prostitution and Human Trafficking;” Capacity Building Fondazione Caritas Livorno Onlus, Livorno, Italy: Program Support Forgotten Harvest Inc., Oak Park, MI: Program Support Foundation Fighting Blindness, Libertyville, IL: Program Support FreeStore/FoodBank, Cincinnati, OH: Support for Those in Hunger FSG Inc., Boston, MA: Capacity Building; Collective Impact Funder Community of Practice Good Samaritan Hospital Foundation, Cincinnati, OH: Student Summer Employment 2015; Support for the Good Samaritan Free Health Center in Price Hill; Program Support Good Shepherd Center, Albuquerque, NM: Furniture Greater Cincinnati Homeless Coalition, Cincinnati, OH: Support for StreetVibes Haven House Inc., Juneau, AK: Program Support Health Policy Institute of Ohio, Columbus, OH: Ensuring Access to Care for all Ohioans Hispanics Avanzando Hispanics, Cincinnati, OH: Support for “Cincinnati: City of Immigrants” Booklet Holy Angels Church, Sidney, OH: Hispanic Community Empowerment Program Holy Family Church, Cincinnati, OH: Program Support Holy Family School, Cincinnati, OH: ESL Program; Program Support

Hospice of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH: Program Support Ignatian Spirituality Project, Chicago, IL: Homeless Men & Women Retreats & Materials for Retreats Ignatian Volunteer Corps, Baltimore, MD: Ignatian Volunteer Corps Greater Cincinnati: Core Program Sustainability IKRON Corporation, Cincinnati, OH: Expanding Supported Employment Services; Therapeutic Art Program for Youth & Adults with Mental Illness Incarnate Word Foundation– Missouri, St. Louis, MO: Capacity Building InterAct for Change, Cincinnati, OH: Building Systemic Bridges Out of Poverty; Capacity Building Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility, New York, NY: Corporate Responsibility Education; Program Support International Union of Superiors General, Rome, Italy: Talitha Kum: Anti-Human Trafficking Jesuit Retreat House, Parma, OH: Program Support Journey: The Ed Colina Foundation, Burlington, KY: Kenya Water Pump Project; Program Support JustFaith Ministries, Inc., Louisville, KY: Gather and Send Initiative; Capacity Building La Posada Providencia, San Benito, TX: Emergency Assistance for Asylum Seekers and Other Legal Resource L’Arche Cleveland, Cleveland, OH: Program Support Las Americas Immigrant Advocacy Center, El Paso, TX: Artesia Project for Legalization Services Support Legal Aid Society of Greater Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH: Capacity Building Light of Hearts Villa, Bedford, OH: Growing our Ability to Make God’s Love Visible; Program Support Local Initiatives Support Corporation, Cincinnati, OH: Price Hill Financial Opportunity Center Support Los Pobres, Inc., Avondale, CO: Assistance with INS Applications, Renewals & Fees: DACA, DAPA Mercy College Of Northwest Ohio, Toledo, OH: Program Support

Mercy Health Foundation, Farmington Hills, MI: Mercy Health Counseling Services for Supervision of Price Hill Catholic Schools’ Counselors/ Social Workers; Emergency Back-up; Trauma Counseling Support Mission Partners Guatemala, Cincinnati, OH: Improve Outside Play Area of Missionary Association of Charity for Whole Health Missionary Association of Charity for Whole Health, Monserrat, Guatemala: Early Childhood Stimulation Program Mount St. Joseph University, Cincinnati, OH: Physician Assistant Studies Program; A Pilot Course in NonViolence; Student Summer Employment 2015; Leadership in Nursing Support; Program Support Nazareth Living Care Center, El Paso, TX: Refugee Assistance New Ways Ministry, Mt. Rainier, MD: Connecting Catholic Parishes; Capacity Building North American Conference of Associates in Religion, Mount St. Joseph, OH: CARA International Study: A Profile of Associates and Religious in the United States and Canada North Brevard Charities Sharing Center, Inc., Titusville, FL: Support for People with Chemical/Alcohol Addiction Northern Kentucky University Foundation Inc., Highland Heights, KY: Program Support Office for Immigrant Affairs and Immigration Education, Chicago, IL: Pastoral Migratoria: Business Plan for a National Pilot Ohio Interfaith Power & Light, Columbus, OH: Capacity Building; Program Support Ohio Justice & Policy Center, Cincinnati, OH: Program Support Ohio Legal Assistance Foundation, Inc., Columbus, OH: AmeriCorps Justice Fellow Attorneys to Represent Unaccompanied Immigrant Minors in Ohio Ohioans to Stop Executions, Columbus, OH: Capacity Building One Simple Voice, Colorado Springs, CO: Pathways to Peace - The Interior Journey Over the Rhine Community Housing, Cincinnati, OH: Program Support


GRANTS GRANTS | FY 2014 - 2015

Partners in Health: A Nonprofit Corporation, Boston, MA: Assistance in Africa with the Ebola Crisis; Reducing Infant Mortality Peaslee Neighborhood Center, Cincinnati, OH: Program Support People Working Cooperatively, Inc., Cincinnati, OH: Price Hill Home Improvement Program Philanthropy Ohio, Columbus, OH: Philanthropy Ohio Health Initiative, Capacity Building Power Inspires Progress, Cincinnati, OH: Program Support Price Hill Will, Cincinnati, OH: Price Hill Comprehensive Community Revitalization Program; Capacity Building - Price Hill Convening; Program Support Purcell Marian High School, Cincinnati, OH: Blended Learning Program Resurrection School, Cincinnati, OH: Religion Books; Capacity Building; Program Support Roger Bacon High School, Cincinnati, OH: Capacity Building Safely Home Inc., Bedford, OH: Program for Victims of Sexual Trafficking Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Church, Leghorn, Italy: Program Support Saint Joseph Home, Cincinnati, OH: Program Support Salvation Army, Cincinnati, OH: Program Support Santa Maria Community Services, Cincinnati, OH: Infrastructure and Operational Capacity Building to Strengthen Mission; Capacity Building - Price Hill Convening; KRA-L Results for Catholic Price Hill Schools; Price Hill EITC/VITA Initiative; Program Support Seton High School, Cincinnati, OH: Financial Sustainability; Tuition Assistance; Science Department Enhancement; University Visits and Microscope Cleanings; Program Support Seven Hills Neighborhood Houses, Cincinnati, OH: Program Support Sisters of IHM, St. Clair Shores, MI: Support for Solidarity with South Sudan to Address Critical Educational, Health and Pastoral Needs


Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati, Mount St. Joseph, OH: Biannual Leadership Council Project Funding; Violence Against Women: Human Trafficking Symposium Sisters of Charity of Nazareth, Nazareth, KY: Relief Efforts Following Earthquake in Nepal Society of St. Teresa of Jesus, Covington, LA: Capacity Building Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Cincinnati, OH: Expanded Homelessness Prevention Services Assistance; Fans and Air Conditioners for Those at Risk due to Summer Heat Special Olympics Ohio, Columbus, OH: Program Support St. Aloysius, Cincinnati, OH: Program Support St. Anthony North Health Foundation, Westminster, CO: Program Support St. Bernard Project Inc., Chalmette, LA: New Orleans Rebuilding Program St. Dominic School, Cincinnati, OH: Program Support St. Ignatius Loyola Church, Denver, CO: Women’s Homeless Initiative Program St. Joseph Orphanage, Cincinnati, OH: Trauma Informed Care Training with Finding Hope Consulting; Program Support St. Lawrence School, Cincinnati, OH: Learning for Life; Price Hill Back to School Fair Support St. Rita School for the Deaf, Cincinnati, OH: Projectors and Dual Boards for Classrooms; Multi-purpose Learning Equipment; Program Support

Sister Blandina Segale, SC received Vatican approval in 2014 for her cause for canonization. Sister Blandina ministered in Colorado and New Mexico before returning to Cincinnati to establish Santa Maria Institute in 1897, now known as Santa Maria Community Services.

St. Teresa of Avila School, Cincinnati, OH: Spanish Instruction for 7th and 8th Graders St. William School, Cincinnati, OH: Capacity Building Starfire Council of Greater Cincinnati Inc., Cincinnati, OH: Community Connectors Support our Aging Religious, Inc., Washington, DC: Program Support The Athenaeum of Ohio, Cincinnati, OH: Program Support The Jesuit Spirituality Center, Milford, OH: Women’s Retreat Programming Business Plan The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, Cincinnati, OH: Program Support The Literacy Network of Greater Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH: Children’s Basic Reading Program at Resurrection School The National Conference for Community and Justice of Greater Dayton, Dayton, OH: Police and Youth Together The Social Centre, Roseau, Dominica: School Feeding and Training Programs The Spiritual Ministry Center, San Diego, CA: Program Support The Vatican Archives and Library, Vatican City, Italy: Program Support United Way of Greater Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH: Partners for a Competitive Workforce to Support Bold Goals for Income; Capacity Building Price Hill Convening University of Dayton, Dayton, OH: Design and Development of a Special Needs Catechetical Online Certificate Program; Urban Child Development Resource Center Western Wildlife Corridor, Cincinnati, OH: Capacity Building Whole Again International, Cincinnati, OH: Summer Food and Enrichment Program Working in Neighborhoods, Inc., Cincinnati, OH: Financial Capability Equipment; Tablets for Programs; Active Play Equipment for After School Program; Capacity Building YWCA of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH: Project Care; Eliminating Racism and Empowering Women

With Gratitude SC Ministry Foundation is grateful to Robert Killins, Jr., who has promoted the mission and ministry of the Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati for nine years through his dedicated service with the SC Ministry Foundation Board and his leadership with the Grant Review Committee.

Celebrating the Year of Consecrated Life through Days of Service

The staff of SC Ministry Foundation would like to thank all members of our Board and Board Committees for their ministry as stewards of our mission.

SC Ministry Foundation Board | 2014-15 Michael S. McGraw, Chair S. Joan Elizabeth Cook, SC S. Sally Duffy, SC Will Groneman S. Maureen Heverin, SC Donald L. Keller Kathy Kelly

Robert Killins, Jr. Denise Kuprionis S. Carol Leveque, SC Timothy S. Moller S. Patrick Ann O’Connor, SC Simón Sotelo

SC Ministry Foundation staff, current and former board members, and grantees joined the Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati in Days of Mission and Service events to commemorate the Year of Consecrated Life.

Financial Report | Fiscal Year 2015 International Education

Healthy Communities

Social Justice Poor and Underserved Healthy Communities.................$ 1,156,194 Social Justice..................................$ 1,044,600 Poor and Underserved................$ 1,682,325 Education .......................................$ 3,221,021 International..................................$ 107,950 Total Grants Awarded........... $ 7,212,090

SC Ministry Foundation Staff | 2014-15 S. Sally Duffy, SC President and Executive Director M. Maureen Maxfield Director of Education and Program Officer Amelia Riedel Director of Communications and Program Officer

Marybeth Schroer Systems Application Support and Administrative Assistant Donna Jo Smiley Executive and Grants Management Assistant

SC Ministry Foundation Mission SC Ministry Foundation is a public grant-making organization which promotes the mission and ministry of the Sisters of Charity.

Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati Mission Urged by the love of Christ and in the spirit of our founder, Elizabeth Ann Seton, we Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati strive to live Gospel values. We choose to act justly, to build loving relationships, to share our resources with those in need, and to care for all creation. © 2015 SC Ministry Foundation. Printed on recycled paper.

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“We know certainly that our God calls us to a holy life. We know that he gives us every grace, every abundant grace; and though we are so weak of ourselves, this grace is able to carry us through every obstacle and difficulty.” ST. ELIZABETH ANN SETON

Promoting the Mission and Ministry of the Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati 10

345 Neeb Road, Cincinnati, OH 45233 • 513-347-1122 •

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