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SC Next India
ISCEA is the developer of Internationally recognized certification programs of Certified Supply Chain Analyst (CSCA), Certified Lean Master (CLM), (CSCTP), Certified Demand Driven Planner (CDDP) etc. The International Supply Chain Education Alliance (ISCEA) was the first organization certifying supply chain professionals around the globe, and it remains the worldwide authoritative resource for supply chain career development with thousands of certificate holders commanding top-tier salaries. More details about ISCEA at : www.iscea-emea.com/about-iscea ISCEA GLOBAL PRESENCE LATIN AMERICA : Brazil, ASIA: Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Srilanka ASIA-PACIFIC: China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Taiwan, Thailand, South Korea, Singapore EUROPE: France, Holland, Belgium, Germany, Sweden, Finland, Norway, United Kingdom, Spain Italy, Greece, Hungary, Austria, Poland, PACIFIC : Australia, New Zealand, NORTH AMERICA : Canada, United States For India :india@scnext.org