SCO CL@SIX Brochure 2010-11

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How to book

0131 668 2019 www.thequeen

Queen’s Hall Box Office, Clerk Street, Ed inburgh EH8 9JG 10am to 5pm Monday to Sa turday All major cred it cards, except American Expr ess, accepted . Postage charge of 50p where applicab le. Tickets also av ailable on the door at St Cuthbert’ s Parish Church from one hour befo re each concer t (subject to av ailability).

tickets (unre se senior citizen rved) £12 s £10 students/ch ildren £5 People with a Disability 50% off standa rd ticket prices for people with a disabilit y and a compa nion. St Cuthbert’s Parish Church 5 Lothian Road , Edinburgh EH 1 2EP Full access to stalls for wheelchair us ers.

“Great idea. Great timing . Great venue . Great!”

Guide dogs ar

e welcome. An inductio n loop is fitted for people with he aring difficulti es. Please notify the Box Office when booking. Scottish Cham ber Orchestra 4 Royal Terrace , Edinburgh EH 7 5AB Tel: 0131 557 6800 Fax: 01 31 557 6933 E: info@sco.or W: www.s

CL@SIX audie

nce member A charity regi stered in Scot land No. SC015039 The SCO rece ives funding fro m:

Every effort is made to ensu re that all information is correct at tim e of going to press. The SCO does, ho wever, reserve the rig ht to change dates, artists or prog rammes if nece ssary. Photography: Jane Stockdal e, Eric Richmon d, Colin Jackson, Lelli e Masotti and Heikki Tuuli.

23791 cl@six Brochure.indd 1

CL@SIX s t r e c n o C 10/11 One-hour classical conc from 6pm-7p erts m

St Cuthbert’s P Lothian Road arish Church, , Edinburgh Tickets 0131 668 2019

11/8/10 12:37:25

Perfectly timed bite-sized classics


d Romantic Winr

Youthful Gen iu

Tuesday 12 O ctober 6pm

moz art schubert


Idomeneo: Ove rture and Ballet Mus ic Symphony No 3

scot tish cham ber orchest ra antonello m anacorda C onductor Truly this is a night for yout hful genius. M around 24 ye ozart was ars old and Sc hu time they wro te these works bert barely 18 at the . Mozart’s balle originally clos ed t music festive in tone his opera Idomeneo, and is suitably to celebrate its while Schube happy ending rt’s , of simply delig symphony promises half an htful music. hour

start – off to an ideal g in n ve e r u dings Get yo ificent surroun n g a m e th id lax and sit back am rish Church, re ttish a P ’s rt e b th u of St C the Sco of music with r u o h n a y jo n e hestra. Chamber Orc y home, cert on the wa n o c IX S @ L C g. Catch a after shoppin l, o o h sc r e ft kids, after work, a mily, with the fa h it w s, d n you. With frie as a treat for st ju r O s. e u with colleag



Tuesday 7 De 6pm

Czech Suite dvorˇák inds (arr. sheen) Sonatina for W p’ strauss rom an Invalid’s Worksho ‘F semble sco wind en ins Director michael coll d. in Strauss’ bloo g ruments was un st yo in e d th in d w r an fo Writing horn player nt lle ds ce ex en fri an ith His father was up listening to him play w ow gl ew a gr – r is se th po com use of – maybe beca ery bar of at home, and permeates ev n tio ec aff d an lksy charm th fo m of ar ll w fu of řák’s suite is vo D a. tin na his So od spirits. and sheer go

Drum Roll Scandinavian Strings

Tuesday 16 N ovember 6pm

nielsen Little Suite Op sibelius 1 Rakastava grieg Holberg Suite sco strings john storgår ds Conductor


Tuesday 1 Feb 6pm

moz art moz art haydn

Impresario Overture, The No 2 in D K211 rto ce Violin Con 3 ‘Drum Roll’ 10 o Symphony N

ra ber orchest scot tish cham /Violin or ct ire D niczek alex ander ja dn. venerable Hay t is paired with and director – ar oz M ul hf ut t Yo lois distinctly niczek – as so Alexander Ja for this music and lends a ralling ft th gi e en has a nativ stra for an nt to the Orche most popular ce ac n ria st Au ’s . One of Haydn s drum roll, hour of music its eponymou ith w g in en op symphonies, by Mozart. follows music

Atmospheric music for strin gs by three gr Scandinavian eat co without words mposers: Sibelius tells a lo ve st , Grieg pays tri bu olden times w te to the danc ory hile Nielsen’s Little Suite was es of presented as be or nobody know ing by “Mr. Carl Nielsen, w iginally hom s”. How quickl y that was to change!

23791 cl@six Brochure.indd 2

11/8/10 12:37:52

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