Issue 7
Editor’s Report Vinnie Rugari Welcome to 101, and another semester of Scope. If you’re new, Scope is Bond’s very own weekly magazine - a medium for students to have their work published, a sort of weekly soapbox on which Bond students from all walks of life can stand atop and make their opinions heard. And usually, it’s a lot better than this. For those of you playing at home, you’ll know I’m not the usual man in charge of Scope. But while our esteemed editor Shuba Krishnan is overseas, I’ll be steering the ship. This week, Scope is from an alternate universe - one in which I was cool and popular enough to be elected onto BUSA. And my, haven’t things changed? Of course, there’s nothing funny about this week’s Scope - or indeed, this editor’s report. This week, Dan Pierce puts Lady Gaga under the proverbial microscope and tells us why she is more than just a pop star, and Emma Lago lets the new kids know exactly what they should expect from Bond. They say a picture is worth a thousand words. If that’s the case, our 4-page spread of O-Week photographs is J. R. R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings - not only in its hypothetical word count, but also in its scale, impact and storytelling power. This week is also a personal milestone - we’re also publishing our first (and last) ever photo essay, which is a remarkable postmodern look at contemporary society, courtesy of Ike Kutlaca. And, all the old ‘favourites’ are back - the reviews, bits & pieces, and all the rest. Don’t worry - normal transmission will resume next week. Until then, send your complaints to: studentpublications@
CONTENTS The things you should know about Bond
OUR HAUS 06 Bond ‘O’ Week Photos 08\ Love my Life 12 Rafael Di Mexicali is Cleaning 13 Scope Review 16 BCHC Delights 20 Disabled Children
Exploration Society 20 Welcome to Recreation at Bond 21 Bits & Pieces 22
Scope Team Benjamin Strick Sub Editor Emma Lago Sub Editor Vinnie Rugari Sub Editor Alan White Photographer Ivy Chai Designer
SAM’s your mate Rupert Pedler
Adam Roberts Welcome to 101 - ten-one or one-o-one, you decide. It’s been great to see many new faces around campus as well as all the oldies back for yet another semester. We’ve survived a jam packed Bond Week full of new and exciting activities, like the Exploration Society’s Helicopter Lottery, the Information Centre meeting point, gaming time in the Chill Out Zone and fun times in togas and everyone’s tightest and brightest. We’re already looking forward to this Friday’s Club Sign-On Day so all students can get involved with the extensive and various extra-curricular past times Bond and the surrounding area have to offer. As tradition, this will be followed by the not-to-be-missed ‘Bond the Builder’ Pub Crawl with shirts currently on sale in the Student Lounge. Funding allocations for all clubs and societies will be due in the coming weeks as well so start to get organised and find meeting times in all of your hectic schedules. In conjunction with the Alumni Relations Office, BUSA is offering all students the chance to buddy up with alumni through the Alumni Mentoring Program. Simply check your emails, or visit www.bondstudents. for more information. With a new year, comes a new menu. Food & Beverage have added spice to their culinary repertoire, with Pasta and Salad now available at Don’s Tavern not to mention the introduction of Don’s Pizza. Kebabs will also be available from Cafe Bond. The Bond University Student Association is looking forward to sharing an outstanding semester with you all so don’t hesitate to come in to our office located next to Cafe Bond and the University Centre to say ‘Hi’ anytime!
Student Politics
SAM, he’s definitely your mate. SAM (Student Activities Membership) is your key to getting involved with University life at Bond. A once off payment of $110 gets you free Gym Membership for the Semester, cheaper entry to all events at Bond and limitless other benefits. You can pick up your SAM from the Gym or the BUSA office and just show your SAM sticker to reap the rewards. In 2010, don’t stay in your den, make some friends and achieve perfect zen.
President’s Report
The things you should know about Bond... 4
Emma Lago In my first few weeks at this wonderful institution, I heard many abbreviations and phrases tossed around that seemed complete ga ga nonsense. ‘FSA’s, BUSA, SAM, Tevals, Palaver, and the Bat Labs,’ were ideas alien to me. With nods of understanding and faces devoid of the confused expression that marked my face, I soon realised Bond has its own lingo. So for those of you who have just joined us, I have devised a brief list of terms you should get to know, in the hope you shall not be left as confused as I once was. BUSA – the ‘Bond University Student’s Association’ is the overarching student body that governs the FSA’s and organises most events around campus. FSA – an abbreviation of ‘Faculty Student Associations’. Each faculty elects a representative body of students to govern specific issues within that faculty. At Bond there is: LSA – Law Students Association BSA – Business Students Association HSA – Humanities Students Association HMSA – Health and Medicine Students Association For both the FSA’s and BUSA, appointment of students is upon election. You have probably already begun to witness the sheer volume of student politics that exists at Bond. I was blown away in my first semester by the campaigning under the arch. The cupcakes are always a bonus though. Each FSA holds one social event per semester. The LSA’s Bond Bar Exam, previously known as Drink the Pub Dry, held at Melba’s last night is always a great start to the semester. The BSA’s Palaver in week 2, transforms Don’s,
as it is elaborately decorated in theme. The previous three themes been Aztec, On Ice and Vegas. The HSA holds Whitehouse in week 3 this semester (usually week 2), which involves a classy night by the lake in all white with a white marquee. Finally, the HMSA holds Havana nights, which is the med kids’ opportunity to show us they can party just as hard as the rest of the university. Previously it has been held on the sports field with themes of Hawaiian and Shipwrecked Pirates, however in 093 it was held on board a boat. The night ended with a large number of Bond students dressed as sailors traipsing through Surfers after way too much tequila. Don’s – Hopefully you frequented our campus tavern in O-week, if not, you have a lot of catching up to do. Don’s is open through the day for lunch and dinner, but most importantly
it plays host to our Thursday nights. Thursday night- Undoubtedly the biggest social night of the week for Bondies, with pre’s starting anywhere on campus, before heading to Don’s for live music, renowned dj’s, and jugs of your favourite basics. Buses then leave for the Bedroom (our sponsorship nightclub) in Surfers at 12am and return at 3am. The Bedroom also now provides buses on Tuesday and Wednesday nights for those keen partygoers. Sport at Bond: Halfway through the semester, once the team sports get well underway, Thursday evenings also play host to our grudge and rivalry matches. From 6pm onwards on the sports fields, the middle weeks of the semester host North v South AFL, Bus v Law Rugby, and regular performances by our very own Bond Cheerleaders. These Thursday night games are only a few of the vast range of sporting clubs that Bond offers. We have
If you have scheduled Friday classes – epic fail. Friday is the beginning of the weekend here, and you’ll more than likely spend the day lying on the beach or nursing your hangover at Cafe Bond.
If you have scheduled Friday classes – epic fail. Friday is the beginning of the weekend here, and you’ll more than likely spend the day lying on the beach or nursing your hangover at Cafe Bond. If you’re a particularly social one, then Tuesday night’s are also a popular favourite at CBD in Market Square. They provide drink specials for Bondies until midnight when they close. Everyone then migrates to either Varsity Tav (open until 1am), or the Casino. Sometimes, both! Bat Labs – With two entrances, situated near the amphitheatre and between the law and humanities buildings, the bat labs, more technically known as the “computer labs” are a
The night ended with a large number of Bond students dressed as sailors traipsing through Surfers after way too much tequila. computer haven for students. Open 24hours, come exam time, there are fights for computers as students cram and pull all nighters. Exam time fills the labs with pillows, tired students in their pyjamas, copious amounts of Redbull and coffee, and is more social than Don’s on a Thursday night. (NB – Robina
McDonalds is open 24hrs, as is 3Beans in Broadbeach for coffee and cake (the peppermint cheesecake is amazing!). These are both early morning regular spots for Bondies studying). Tevals – the teacher evaluations you have to fill out at the end of each semester. These are now available online with encouraging prizes available. Wednesday by the Water – the BBQ organised by BUSA for all students. Every Wednesday your BUSA representatives will stand behind the BBQ’s by the lake and cook copious amounts of meat (there are vegetarian options however!). With live music, WBTW is a great time to catch up with friends for lunch and kick back and enjoy the sun. SAM – Student Activities Membership. If you haven’t paid it already I suggest you do so ASAP. Your SAM will help you get into every event at a discounted rate, have access to the gym all semester, and free entry to Don’s every
Thursday night. SAM – He’s your mate. Market Square – Down behind the blocks, Market Square is the place to go when you just can’t hack anymore Bra food. There are a wide range of restaurants available, as well as a pharmacy, IGA, night owl and medical centre. The most notable restaurant is the Lake – with amazing food and Tuesday night specials, you haven’t lived until you’ve had one of their cupcakes! Bond Sushi has really good, cheap sushi, and is situated opposite Subway. Another favourite is Roberto’s, a great place for Italian. Market Square also is where the local bar CBD is located. So, welcome to Bond, and I hope you enjoy your first semester as much as I did. Be sure to meet as many people as you can, because it is mind blowing some of the stories and accomplishments you’ll find here when you begin talking to people. Enjoy, I’ll see you at Pub Crawl!
amazing netball teams, soccer teams, beach volleyball teams, social touch teams and more. For any more information of any of the sporting clubs please contact Sophie McNaught, the BUSA Sporting Clubs Director at sophie.
OUR HAUS Dan Pierce
I sit here in a soothing summer breeze – cigarette smoke hangs heavy in the air, as does the remnant fragrance of a recently consumed carton of beer. The intoxicating atmosphere, however, is not what plagues my thought foremost. No, rather it is the inspired and pungently-poetic tour-de-force that is The Fame Monster, the lyrical hooks of which currently propagates like an audible inferno to devour all social conventions that we hold dear. But the magnum opus, thus far, of that certain Lady (we all know who I mean) brings to bear much more than a collection of, what the lesser of us would call ‘mindless pop garbage’. No, it brings to the forefront of the social agenda a phenomenon that challenges all that society has become accustomed to in the last decade or so. Forget the repetitive beats and melodies and take the time to garner a more wholesome and complete view of what Gaga represents, and indeed has become iconic of. What that is exactly I will attempt to describe, albeit not in its entirety – such an exposition can occur only through personal viewings (or ‘listenings’ given the piece’s musical nature) of this masterpiece. Subsequent exposure to Gaga’s work will undoubtedly yield somewhat of a conundrum to the listener: you are hearing what would appear to be yet another empty shell of a pop-clone that produces a series of ridiculously-similar, in terms of synth-laden harmony and melody, tracks with no lyrical meaning whatsoever – at the same time you are confronted with the prospect of a genuine artist whose passion for innovative fashion and portrayal of emotion is unrivalled. So what does it represent? We have entered a new era of pigeon-hole shattering artistry whereby the propensities of Generation Y and
the ‘noughty’ decade that facilitated it are put to polyphony. We, as a generation, have become accustomed to the stock-standard pop star and the music that follows. Never, however, has this occurrence been exemplified and indeed satirised more than by Lady Gaga. The single ‘Bad Romance’ is evidence of this. The video clip itself portrays several vastly different exemplars of the same person, alluding to Madonna, Britney and Aguilera all in the same piece. The iconic Gaga-esque feel remains throughout despite these forays, or indeed pisstakes of, other pop artists. Is this an attempt to point out the hollowness of today’s musicians? Perhaps a shot at how easy, and profitable, it is to effectively crack the mainstream media market? People are threatened by this and, like some habitual reflex action, automatically dismiss Lady Gaga’s music on face value. To do so is to ignore the core message that the music conveys – her constant mimicking of other artists is a result of her respect, not distaste for them.
Gaga is a Frankenstein, a collage, a piecemeal composition of every pop star from Bowie to Beyonce and through sampling the individual aspects of each, has created something refreshingly original and, for most, believable. She is above and beyond the emptiness of the socialite scene and maintains a mystique around her personal life, labelling herself a ‘simple Italian-American girl from New York’.
We, as a generation, have become accustomed to the stock-standard pop star and the music that follows.
She represents, regardless of whether it is inadvertent or deliberate, herself. So what, if anything, can we learn from this ‘monster’ of an artist? She’s arty, eccentric and out there. Traditionally, she isn’t the most physically attractive female performer to grace the stage, and yet the whole hermaphrodite ‘thing’ just seemed to spur on public interest in her instead of killing it. She has created the Haus of Gaga whereby she is herself in both fashion and personality. What you see is what
you get with Gaga, with a little shameless product placement thrown in to pay the bills. Perhaps the most conclusive concept that can be drawn from the Gaga phenomenon is to be yourself. Be who you are without subscribing to the paradox of uniform individuality and show to the world, with pride, your true colours however out-there they may be. Gaga is the flagship for the new era of pop-culture that is being ushered in at the beginning of this new decade, the new era that promotes making things as big, as loud and as weird as possible. Perhaps I’m seeing things that aren’t there, some kind of Rorschach Test or reading too much into it. I stick by my analysis and whatever your individual opinion may be, you cannot escape the fact that we now live in a post-Gaga world and the rules of the game have changed forever.
Bond ‘O’ Week
Helicopter Lottery & Vice Chancellor’s Welcome
Tight 'n' Bright
down and killed. Exaggeration? Never! So this all brings us to now: Facebook. The spoilt brats of the world can now alert all of their ‘friends’ simultaneously of something irrelevant that occurred in their life... Tammy is going to the shops – time to get a new toaster! Rick forgot how much he enjoyed fairyfloss. Root canal work is just around the corner but so worth it! Ali ~~ hApPy BiRtHdAi Mi BaBy. LuV yOu LoTs!! ~~
LOVE Today, I was watching television with my grandma and younger brother. An ad break came on and my brother yelled, ‘NEED TO PEE!’ and dashed off to the bathroom. My grandma looked in shock and asked, ‘where the bleeding hell is he off to?’ to which I replied, ‘the toilet, Nanny... you know? The place where you urinate?’ She frowned at me and replied, ‘No I don’t need a hearing aid!’. LML.
Today, I had fantastic sex in a room full of 40 or so sleeping persons. Nobody noticed. LML. Today, I thought I needed petrol but it turned out I had half a tank left so I really didn’t. LML. Today, I walked by the lake in my lunch break to find that the jumping fish seemed to be in a mad frenzy. Both intrigued and entertained, I sat there watching the fish for the rest of the afternoon and skipped my CEV lecture. LML. Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce LML. It seems that sites like and have taken us by storm. Sure, there are times where you think ‘fuck this’ or ‘why me?’, and yes, there are moments where you generally feel victimised by your surroundings or circumstances, but I’m not so sure that this is the mentality that our society should be adopting. Why do we feel so hard done by? Was emoism not just a teen phase that we thought we’d surpassed so long ago? Is life just more demanding now or are we just a generation of trend-setting lazy wingers? Where does this need for extensive socialisation along with
George had the worst day of his life. If only I had a rope and a high place...
My Life
Tassie Williams
the sharing of woes with complete strangers come from? Though initially serving the purpose of data storage, those chunky black boxes have come a long, long way. Remember the days of the floppy disc? No? Me neither. What about the popularity of the 32MB USB when it first came out? Insanatarium! So, from data and file storage and information supply, the capabilities of the computer have now extended deep into the realm of social networking and pseudo-life. The Sims? Farmville? Seriously... The craze of self-publishing began years ago in the early-mid 90s, but more innovative online social networks beyond the chat room and IM took off with the introduction of Myspace in August of 2006 where you could say your mood was ‘happy/sad/angry/ confused/three other simple options’. And each development, as it were, gave birth to a new type of stalker... Don’t accept candy from strangers. Don’t walk through parklands at night. Don’t tell oldmanthunder69 your ASL. Don’t believe oldmanthunder69 when he says he’s 16, lives two suburbs away and thinks you should get ice cream together some time.
People seek sympathy, or just attention by complaining of their ‘woes’ through the means of status updates via Facebook for the iPhone Daddy bought. Now that we are often spectators to the ups and downs in the lives of others, we continually rate or compare ourselves against these other people and perpetuate reason for our own sympathy. But for some, it seems that the attention spawned from making proclamations to 13 120 randoms is sufficient reason to continue annoying the rest of us who don’t give a damn. Congratulations! 18 251 people agree that your life sucks because your Dad used the electric shaver you bought him for Christmas on the dog. A medal for your hardship. It is THIS mentality is what needs to be driven out of us all. Why flip the everyday happenings of life itself into a negative experience? Time to be positive. These virtual addicts demonstrate that they can actually write, evident in their ability to tell an awkward ‘I accidentally had sex and got caught’ or a ‘my pants fell down’ story with a punch line as though they’re unique to the world – I’m sure they could summarise something positive, amusing or surprising that they’d witnessed or heard into a oneliner. Maybe we wouldn’t detest Facebook ‘whores’ so much if they... no, let’s face it... we will always hate Facebook whores. Scratch that! But truly, try it – write to the editor next week with your own LML story. We’ll publish them in the Week 2 edition of Scope. Let’s see if you’ve got the talent to sensationalise something that’s already positive in your life
Don’t post your address online.
without being a bragging little bi-atch.
Don’t post your surname online.
I leave you on this note: LOVE your life – don’t fuck it.
Don’t go online unless you want to be hunted
Rafael Di Mexicali is Cleaning MODEL: Rafael Di Mexicali PHOTOGRAPHER: Rafael Di Mexicali HAIR & MAKEUP: Rafael Di Mexicali Rafael wears all of his own clothes. Rafael uses all of his own cleaning products.
Scope Fashion
Scope Fashion
Scope Fashion
Review 16
Where the Wild Things Are Adapting a 10 sentence short children’s picture book into the big screen is an unenviable task by any stretch of the imagination. Meticulous director Spike Jonze (Being John Malkovich, Adaptation) managed to turn the beloved classic tale to a winding psychoanalytic journey into the mind of a conflicted 12-year-old boy. Max, fondly remembered by many as the boy in the wolf suit, was a deeply troubled little boy looking for a sense of belonging. This complex character was immaculately portrayed with immense realism by relative newcomer Max Records. For those who liked to explore uncharted lands as a young child, Max’s journey will serve as a nostalgic reminder and prove that there is an adventure in all of us. The monsters, while not frightening in appearance, possess human-like hopes and desires that each of them worryingly seems like an accident waiting to happen. Essentially a figment of Max’s imagination, the monsters draw clear parallels between real life and the illusory monster island. These monstrous wonders all display such a vast range of emotions other monsters, like Edward Cullen, can only dream about. If the book holds a special place in your heart, you will undoubtedly love the film. If you’ve never read the book, then you can appreciate the film as the masterpiece it is. Spike Jonze has successfully added life to the story without losing the innocence and beauty of the picture book. Maurice Sendak, the author of the book, clearly knew what he was doing when he handpicked Jonze to take us on a journey into Max’s mind. And what a journey it was. Let the wild rumpus begin! --Andra Nasrie
Funny People First things first about Funny People – it’s not that funny. Despite being directed by Judd Apatow (the man behind The 40-Year-Old Virgin and Knocked Up), and starring Adam Sandler, Seth Rogen, Jonah Hill and Eric Bana, Funny People – which has just been released on DVD – is closer to a drama than a comedy. And when people see the aforementioned names attached to a title like Funny People, and aren’t delivered what they’re expecting – another crude but heartfelt comedy – people get upset. Funny People, though, is crude and heartfelt, as well as funny – but it’s also freaking heavy. Sandler is George Simmons, a lonely film star with a career a lot like Sandler’s – his roots are in standup, but he’s made some shocking movies recently. Simmons has just been diagnosed with a form of leukemia, so he returns to the standup scene, taking a young comedian Ira Wright (Rogen) under his wing along the way. Simmons has to deal with his illness, his isolation from family and friends, and Laura, the woman who got away (Leslie Mann). It’s a pseudoautobiographical role for Sandler – actual clips of his formative years in showbusiness are used to help add authenticity to his character. Funny People doesn’t know what it wants to be. It can’t decide if it’s Knocked Up’s brother, or a modern day Great Gatsby, or even a mentor/ protégé coming-of-age film like Scent of a Woman. It’s all of them, and that’s why it doesn’t quite work as well as it could have. Simmons gets sick, and has to deal with that, then he gets better and has a new lease on life, but his new lease on life may destroy a family and his relationship with Ira… it’s harder to follow than a film should be. Towards the end of the film we really start to understand the title – it’s not only haha funny, but also messed-up funny.
And let’s not kid ourselves – it’s easily half an hour too long. It certainly does drag on, and it would be a massive disappointment if Eric Bana didn’t rescue the film from potential disaster with his performance as Clarke, Laura’s obnoxious Australian husband. It’s weird yet rewarding seeing an Australian character in a movie like this – it feels like when a rockstar says the name of your city at a concert and you get all proud because he knows where he is. If you go into Funny People with an open mind, not expecting a Knocked Up-clone, you should enjoy it. It has similar comedic elements as that film, but some of the cinematography and montages make it star tingly serious and emotionally confronting. Unfortunately, the balance isn’t as good as it could have been. --Vinnie Rugari
Lady Gaga: The Fame Monster
August Burns Red: Constellations Note: If there are any Christians out there who don’t like ‘secular’ music, who believe that they are holier than thou and assume that I will burn in hell for eternity as a result of my musical taste – SURPRISE! This band is Christian.
‘Marianas Trench’ has some of the best progressive metal work from the album, switching flawlessly from 5/4 to 4/4, while also throwing in a few 6/8 measures for fun – a definite prog-nut (avid progressive rock/metal listener) pleaser.
August Burns Red released Constellations – their third studio album – in July, 2009. I was given this album by a friend in early 092, and regrettably didn’t listen to it for quite some time.
To answer the questions going through your head: Yes, the singer is in fact screaming, but is – for the most part – understandable to the untrained ear, and yes, this music – singing inclusive – requires talent, and ABR has plenty of it. (By all means, if you think that this music is talentless: learn an ABR song, and approach me. I’ll be happy to critique you, and inform you of your ignorance towards the talent that resides in the Metal genre.)
This is by far one of the best albums I have heard in a very long time. This is a result of the talent that is evident in every single track – intricate guitar work, phenomenal drumming, and some of the best lyrics I have encountered in all my years of metal. The best track of the album is difficult to pinpoint, as every track has something different to offer the listener. ‘White Washed’ starts with a simple distorted riff. This is then joined by the intricate drum work, which elevates the listener’s heart rate, thus preparing them what surely is one of the better songs on the album.
This album probably (read: definitely) will not be for everyone, and I can respect that. But people, for God’s sake (and remember, ABR are Christians) give them a chance. This may very well be the album that changes your perspective on Metal, and all the wonders that it entails. --Peter Clayton
I absolutely lost my shit when ‘Bad Romance’ came on in Surfers after Monday night’s Toga debacle. And I wasn’t alone. The opener from The Fame Monster, Gaga’s latest album, ‘Bad Romance’ has a synth backing and pulsating beat that is enough to make The Bloody Beetroots nervous, and a series of anthemic hooks that reach stadium status. The Fame Monster marks Lady Gaga’s transition from mere pop star to the realisation of the hype that crowned her natural successor to Madonna. Lady Gaga does not deserve to sit in the ‘mindless music’ category that dominates charts and is shunned by the sub-mainstream audience. Gaga is an artiste, and her music deserves to be treated with the same respect as Radiohead or Animal Collective or The Latest Indie Sensation. While nothing on the album quite reaches the dizzy heights of ‘Bad Romance’, the evidence is there of Gaga’s once-mythical musical talent. ‘Speechless’, for instance, is a ballad with hints of John Lennon, David Bowie and Queen about it. It’s her plea for her father to have the open-heart surgery he required, and it certainly tugs at the heartstrings (sorry). The Haus of Gaga is turning weird shit mainstream, and turning the mainstream – once dominated by manufactured artists and samey music – into a platform for genuine musicianship. Pop is back, and Lady Gaga is leading the charge. --Vinnie Rugari
Scope Review
Lady Gaga’s music never used to be music. One day she was nobody, and the next day she was just there. As soon as songs like ‘Poker Face’ and ‘Just Dance’ became ingrained into the public consciousness, Gaga became a pop star, and, almost out of reflex, cynics like myself dismissed her. Until one day, I was sat in front of Channel V, the video for ‘Bad Romance’ came on, and I thought to myself, “...why am I enjoying this?”
Among the highlights was a trip to Seaworld, a cruise on the amphibious Aquaduck and a special visit from the Queensland Fire Department who gave the children a ride around the campus on their fire trucks.
A gala Christmas Party in the Princeton Room served as the camp’s grand finale, with families, carers, friends and sponsors joining the children for a special evening of activities and games. A group of 31 Bond University students hosted a very special pre-Christmas holiday camp over the semester break for 20 intellectually and physically disabled Gold Coast children. The Bond students and staff volunteered their holiday time from December 21 to 23, to care for children with Down’s Syndrome, Autism and Cerebral Palsy, keeping them entertained with a host of fun activities. This was the second year Bond University has run the holiday program, which is the only one of its type to be hosted by an Australian tertiary institution. The holiday camp saw the children live on campus for three days, under the supervision of Bond volunteers who took responsibility for their well-being and organised a jam-packed program of sport, theatre, adventure and games.
Co-organiser Alex Smith said he was delighted with the success of this year’s camp. “The main aim of the holiday camp is to give the parents of these children a much-need respite, so it was really quite humbling to hear the feedback from the parents – I think they enjoyed the few days to themselves as much as
the first three days of their holiday break in the week before Christmas.
vThe holiday camp was instigated in 2008 by five current university students – Alex Smith, Will Marsh, Andrew MacAlpine, Henry Norris and Patrick McNamee who were all involved in similar holiday camps at their former school: St Ignatius College Riverview in Sydney. Alex says he is looking forward to continuing the tradition in December 2010.
we enjoyed the camp,” he said. “I’m confident that each of the children had a blast, the early morning tears on day one turned into late evening tears at the end of the camp because many were not quite ready to go home! “Interest in the camp has certainly increased since starting a year ago. This year we only needed 20 volunteer students, yet we received more than 100 applications. There was also an increase in the number of Gold Coast families who registered their interest to participate. “All of our volunteers did an extraordinary job – it’s a particularly a big ask of the students, many of whom were exhausted after just finishing their exams, yet were still willing to give up
Clubs & Societies
“The support we received from the community, particularly the Bendigo Bank, Seaworld and various Bond University departments was also incredible. These groups not only financially supported us, but nothing we requested throughout the course of the camp was too difficult,” he said.
Exploration Society
Dani Smythe It’s not every day that a Eurocopter 120 Colibri, a helicopter worth over 1.5 million, lands on your university lawn but last Friday, thanks to the efforts of the Exploration Society, 38 lucky bondies took a free ride over the picturesque Gold Coast hinterland, canals and beaches. A free coupon in the Bond Week pack or the purchase of a two-dollar ticket was all it took to be entered in the Helicopter Lottery, the society’s 2010 inaugural event. Student’s numbers were then drawn from a barrel and the winners were escorted down
the red carpet and into the plush interior of the chopper for a 15-minute cruise. Exploration Society president Hugh Minson said the idea came to him while at the beach with his enthusiastic roommate Will Cundy. “I’ve been out bodysurfing so many times and watched the choppers fly over, I started to wonder what that experience would be like,” he said. Minson then approached the owner of the helicopter, his entrepreneurship tutor Matthew Baird with the idea and began seeking sponsors for the unique event. The event was intended to get people out socialising as well as give them a chance to win a fantastic prize and Minson said it was a great experience for the society. “I had a lot of fun organizing it with other committee members. We did have 300 people register up so that was good,” he said. However, while the event was a positive experience Minson said he had hoped for better attendance, noting that the event was a surprisingly hard sell.
Student’s numbers were then drawn from a barrel and the winners were escorted down the red carpet and into the plush interior of the chopper for a 15-minute cruise. “Promotion was the hardest part and I learned trying to give tickets to new students, for free, is hard. It shouldn’t be. I was excited by the event so I can’t work out why others wouldn’t be excited too,” he said. Upcoming events for the Exploration Society will include a Valentine’s Day Skydive, a fishing competition dubbed the Deep Sea Derby, and the possibility of hiking and kayaking events. For information on upcoming visit http://
Palaver Lockdown Greg Russell The Business Students’ Association in conjunction with Shooter’s Lounger Bar & Nightclub Present.. Palaver: Lockdown
Palaver is run every semester by the Business Students’ Association and sees Don’s Tavern decorated in extravagant themes, people dressed to impress and ensures that no one goes home disappointed! This semester’s Palaver will be no different than those in the past - if not 1000 times better! Why? This is the current committee’s first one since being elected late last semester and their first chance to prove that the voters made the best choice!
7.30pm with buses leaving for the official after-party at Shooters Lounge Bar & Nightclub at 11.30pm
This semester the BSA is offering discounted tickets to all BSA members. To become a BSA member, you must be enrolled in a degree within the Faculty of Business, Technology and Sustainable Development and get your sticker at Club Sign On Day or from the office to put on your Student ID. It is FREE and comes with many other VIP benefits.
BSA President
Yours in Business, Greg Russell
Things to remember: Price: BSA Members: $35 SAM/ $55 Non-SAM Non BSA Members: $40 SAM/$60 Non-SAM Where: Don’s Tavern followed by the Official After Party at Shooters Lounge Bar and Nightclub Dress Code: Cocktail Attire - it’s a little bit fancy, jean wearers are banned! Times: Doors open to Don’s Tavern at
Welcome to Recreation at Bond Brooke Bennetts Welcome to Recreation at Bond University. For the events you want to remember and the nights you wish you’d forget, we are your man, metaphorically speaking. Let me introduce you to Rec Pod. Social Director Matt Wichlinski is at your beck and call every Thursday night at Don’s Tavern and gives you Pub Crawl every semester. Campus Life Director Andrew Dennis proudly brings to you Wednesday By The Water and is here for any food or security needs you may have. Clubs and Societies Director Raoul D’Cruz is here to help you join one of our clubs or even start a new one. And I am Brooke Bennetts, Vice-President of Recreation. Week One is upon us and with it comes some of the biggest Recreation events of the semester. Today at 12.00pm is Wednesday By The Water. Head down to the Ornamental Lawns for a sausage sizzle or a hamburger
(free for SAM members) and enjoy the sun, the surrounds and the music. Tomorrow night is Thursday Night at Don’s Tavern. Have dinner and a drink, catch up with old friends and meet new ones before heading to our nightclub sponsor The Bedroom. There is free entry to Don’s Tavern for SAM members and buses to and from The Bedroom, leaving at 12.00am and returning at 3.15am. Friday brings us Club Sign On Day on the Ornamental Lawns. Head down to sign up for your favourite cultural and sporting clubs and be immersed in the Bondie culture. With live demonstrations from Bond clubs and societies, live DJs and a free BBQ lunch for SAM members, Club Sign on Day is an event not to be missed.
Clubs & Societies
This is an event that hardly needs an introduction. In fact, if you haven’t heard of Palaver, perhaps some light reading in the history book of Bond University will help shed some light on the fact that Palaver is the best cocktail party at Bond that creates a line to buy tickets 5 times the size of Pub Crawl!
The semester’s theme is Palaver: Lockdown, think Prison Break – except this is one prison you will not try to escape from! Scheduled for Thursday of Week 2, you can expect to see queues under the arch when tickets go on sale next Monday.
Continuing on from the festivities of Club Sign On Day is the infamous Pub Crawl. That’s it for Week One, keep your ears to the ground, your eyes to the pages before you and get ready for a social life in 101 that (when telling your parents) you won’t remember, but will never forget.
Overheard in For more, visit Guy #1: I’d totally hit that. Guy #2: Dude, I’d hit that so hard whoever could pull me out would become the King of England.
22 Small child, trying a Sprite: I don’t like it. Dad: If you don’t like the taste, just spit it out. Mom: I’ve heard that one before.
Jock #1: You know what would be cool? Jock #2: No, what? Jock #1: Using chocolate milk in cereal!
White boy #1: I only like to watch girl-on-girl.
Jock #2: Oh man, like with cocoa puffs? Can you imagine how insane that would be?
White boy #2: What? You don’t like dick in your porn? That’s fucking gay.
Coworker #1: So what’ve you been up to? Coworker #2: The usual. Just whacked off. Coworker #1: Dude, you’re on speakerphone.
Cop: (Taking report of stolen car) Ok, what was the color, make and model? Metro Guy: It’s cranberry and... Cop: Cranberry’s something you eat, son. Your car was red.
New York Girl: Shopping with you is like shopping with an old man. Guy: Shopping with you is like shopping with a bitch.
Older black man, not looking up from his newspaper: N****, that is the stupidest thing you could have said.
Girl: It’s so good to see you, it’s been like two years. What have you been up to? Guy: Well, I’ve been playing a lot of Guitar Hero.
HOT Fire Conan O’Brien O-Week Rudi Koertzen’s finger raise Twenty20 Big Bash Bad Romance The beach Cob loaf spinach dip The 12th Man watch?v=QpB_40hYjXU Pub crawl Grey Goose Free kebabs Pez NOT Ice NBC Jay Leno Salads being moved to Don’s Dry corridors Earthquakes
Bored bus driver: This is Eldar Avenue. Next stop is Kissena Boulevard, and for those of you wearing headphones: blah blah blabbity blah.
Male student #1: Your sister has the best tasting punani in New York. Male student #2: I’ll pay for lunch if you promise not to say that again.
Manslaughter Jellyfish stings Blue-bottles in South East Queensland Missing flights Vinnie Rugari as editor
Bits & Pieces
Younger black man with suitcase: I just want you all to know that I am getting on the train with a suspicious package.