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The World Health Organization (WHO) defines diabetes mellitus (DM) as a chronic disease with various causes characterized by high blood sugar levels accompanied by metabolic disorders due to insufficiency of the function of the hormone insulin, either reduced production or decreased responsiveness of body cells to insulin. In 2019, the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes RI) stated that the prevalence of diabetes in Indonesia is estimated at 10.9% of the population aged 15 years above and is 2% based on a doctor's diagnosis. When calculated from all ages, the prevalence of diabetes in Indonesia based on a doctor's diagnosis reaches a percentage of 1.5%. It places Indonesia in seventh place with the highest numberofdiabeticsworldwide.
According to the Ministry of Health (2017), 80% of non-communicable diseases are caused by unhealthy lifestyles. Among them, 26.1% of the population lacks physical activity; 93.5% of the population over the age of 10 consumes less fruit and vegetables; 36.3% of the population over the age of15smokes;and4.6%ofthepopulation over the age of 10 consumes alcohol. This is a concern of the Ministry of Health in reducing the number of noncommunicable diseases, one of which is through a lifestyle, namely a healthy diet. A healthy diet is a diet that is followed by adopting a healthy diet with balanced nutrition so that the nutrients thebodyneedsareadequatelymet. WHO stated that 420 million people with diabetes require proper diabetes management. An estimated nine million people with type 1 diabetes need insulin to survive, and around 60 million people with type 2 diabetes need insulin to manage their condition. It further noted that the need for insulin to treat type 2 diabetes is expected to increasebymorethan20%by2030.
In connection with the high rate of diabetes in Indonesia, insulin is still an urgent need. Therefore, it is necessary to study the availability of insulin in Indonesia and the access and facilities provided by the government for the distribution of insulin to people with diabetesinIndonesia.