13 minute read
The Threat Behind The Sweetness
I Gede Paskha Yustiana from CIMSA UWKS
The frequency of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM), a chronic metabolic conditionasaresultofinsulinresistance, decreased insulin production, and eventually failing pancreatic beta cells, type 2 diabetes is characterized by insulin insensitivity that lead to less glucose is transported into the liver, muscle, and fat cells with hyperglycemia, there is an increase in the breakdown of fat, has been continuously rising worldwide. Due of this pattern, it is quickly turning into an epidemicinsomeplaces.
According to the WHO, each year, 1.5 million deaths are directly related to diabetes. Nearly 422 million people worldwide suffer from diabetes. The number of affected nations is anticipated to double in the following ten years due to an aging population, adding to the stress currently placed on healthcare providers, particularly in less developednations.
Genetics and lifestyle choices are the main causes of type 2 diabetes. It is well recognized that a variety of lifestyle factorsplayasignificantroleinthe emergence of type 2 DM. These include a sedentary lifestyle, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and physical inactivity.
It has been discovered that obesity has a role in about 55% of type 2 DM cases. Type 2 DM in children and adolescents is thought to have increased as a result of the rise in juvenile obesity between the 1960s and 2000s. Toxins from the environmentcouldbepartofthereason why type 2 DM rates have recently increased. Bisphenol A, a component of various plastics, has been discovered to have a sluggishly positive connectionwithtype2diabetesincidence.
Diabetes can damage the heart, blood vessels, eyes, kidneys, and nerves these are why we have to prevent it. Type 2 diabetes is largely preventable by following a few simple steps: losing weight, increasing physical activity, eating a healthy diet, and not smoking. However, it is clear that individuals cannot bear the entire burden of behavior change. Families, schools, workplaces, healthcare providers,communities,themedia,thefood industry, and the government must all collaborate to make healthy choices easy.
As for the individuals that have been already diagnosed with type 2 diabetes such following things can be done to manage the disease and prevent the complications. First of all is the food diet,theimportanceofregulareatingin terms of meal schedule, type and amount of food. The recommended standard is food with a balanced composition in terms of carbohydrates 60-70%, fat 20-25% and protein 10-15%. Second is physical activity, diabetics are advised to do physical exercise regularly (3-4 times a week) for approximately 30 minutes. And avoid laziness and lack of physical activity. If diet and increased physical activity cannot control blood sugar levels. It is necessary to use antidiabetic drugs, as well as use insulin regularly and accordingtodoctor'srecommendations.
In conclusion, it is important to have knowledge about how to maintain our healthy lifestyle and practice it in our daily lives in order to prevent the threat of type 2 diabetes as well to keep the bodyhealth in general.
Salt Shakers: Shaking Off The Habit of Excessive Salt Consumption
Viona Mareska from CIMSA UNUD
As seen from the increasing production of processed food and rapid changes in lifestyle, it is as clear as day that we are continuously falling into the trap of slothfulness and its dangerous aftermath to our body. As world leaders aim to reduce health problems, in the midst of all the turmoil, debates and different world views on how to create the ideal healthy world, some of the tiniest of factors become camouflaged and unaddressed, most especially, food. Take, a simple grain of salt – a timeless ingredient dating back to 6050 BC, thousands of people died in search of salt and wars have taken place for its trading rights in the past. For something to be a commonplace part on our kitchen top, people wouldneversuspectitslethalproperties.
The efforts of lowering cardiovascular diseases such as stroke, hypertension and heart failure are clearly stated in the Sustainable Development agenda, however the distance towards said goal has ironically become wider each year, with excessive salt consumption being a prime suspect of suchsetbacks.Duetosaltbeingthemost ubiquitous and accessible food seasoning and preservative, salt has reached an international stage and become utilized even to the poorest of countries. In fact, in 2021, 290 metric tons of salt were produced. The World Health Organization (WHO) has found that salt, provokes water retention in blood vessels, resulting in increased pressure within itself, to further aggravate, excessive salt in the body will also cause microvascular inflammation and functional abnormalities. Seeing such dire conditions, the dream of reducing salt consumption has become something that feels a miles away from reality.
Indonesia is no stranger to this issue; Indonesia is the top fourth country with the highest increase of cardiovascular diseases in the last decade. As of today, a quarter of the entire population has hypertension and is causing 5 million deaths per year. Despite the mass educative effort that the Indonesian government of health has implemented, concrete and significant changes in the population’s lifestyle are still subjectedtoself-persistenceandawareness.
Therefore, further individual and specialized efforts in educating the population through the media and uncomplicated acronyms have been written within the mandate of the ministryofhealth.
The Indonesian Ministry of health has issued a guideline recommendation regarding sodium consumption in which states that the healthy daily intake of an adult is five grams or is equivocal to 1 teaspoon. A key note to remember is not just the quantity of salt to consume, but the quality of salt. All salt consumed should be fortified with iodine to stimulate brain development and maintain the population’s general mental function. Aside from the change of sodium intake, exercising, regular evaluation and maintenance of overall body health is essential to upkeep, considering its role of being our starting point to be in a tip top condition of health.
While salt may be one of the most timeless ingredient, our cardiovascular health will always be our most priceless asset to have. Let us all walk hand in handpursuingabetterus.
RAISE: Realize The Impacts of Bullying on Mental Health
Ferizal Al Rasyid from CIMSA FK YARSI
School is one of the places for a child to gain knowledge, develop and form a character. Seeing the importance of school for a child, school must be a safe and comfortable place that is useful for making a foundation for children in sorting out right and wrong. However, it is sometimes hindered by some deviant behaviors that make the school a less comfortable place or become a scary place, one example of behaviorisbullying.
Bullying is aggressive behavior that is carried out intentionally by an individual or group of people, repeatedly and continuously towards victims who cannot fight themselves easily. Some of the triggering factors that can cause a child to want to bully seniority, racism, differences in economic level, less harmonious family conditions, and group/individual character, which have envious, spiteful, andvindictivequalities.
Bullying is divided into four categories: physical violence, verbal abuse, social and cyberbullying. Physical violence occurswhenapersonisphysically harmed through an action. Verbal abuse is bullying that is carried out through threats, sexually suggestive calls, and spreading false or dangerous rumors (hoaxes). Mental or psychic bullying means ignoring others and making or inviting others to dislike someone. While cyberbullying is bullying that occurs with the help of information technology that aimstoharmandharmsomeone.
The act of bullying can affect the level of social intelligence of the victim because it is shaped by the environment and the people with whom we interact. Then an unkind environment can be seen as negative behavior and always be considered despicable. These actions are carried out by bullies, based on theories presented by experts regarding the dangers and impacts of bullying behavior in the educational environment. Bullies are usually aggressive both verbally and physically, want to be popular, often make trouble, find fault with others, are vindictive, envious, live-in groups and master social life in the school environment. Usually, the perpetrators have a lack of empathy towardothers.
Based on data from the 2018 national survey of child and adolescent life experiences, it is explained that 2 out of 3 girls or boys have experienced at least one type of violence during their lifetime The 2018 PISA study at least 41% of students have experienced bullying at least several times in one month. The influence of bullying activities on emotional intelligence and mental health can change a person's personality to be moody, pessimistic, apathetic to their environment, decreased academic aspects, and traumatized.
Indonesia has a law regulating child protection within an educational unit contained in Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 35 of 2014 concerning amendments to Law number 23 of 2002 concerning child protection, in article 54 paragraph (1) that: "Children in and within the education unit must receive protection from acts of physical, psychological, sexual violence, and other crimes committed by educators, education personnel,fellowlearners,andorother parties".
The problem of bullying will continue to increase if it is not followed up immediately and can have a very bad impactonthevictim.
Counseling about bullying in schools is one way to prevent the spread of bullying cases in Indonesia. By providing information and knowledge about bullying so that students can know the impact of their actions. So that it can minimize bullying in Indonesia, especially in schools and teenagers. Not only for students, counseling about bullying can also be donetoparentsandschooleducators.
Bullying behavior can have a very bad impact on mental and physical health in the future. By conducting counseling on bullying in schools, it is hoped that it can have a positive impact on the teaching and learning process in
Setiawan, J, A., et.al., 2022., Edukasi pencegahan buliying pada murid sekolah dasar. Jurnal pengabdian perawat, Volume 1, pp. 1-7
Yunitasari, P., 2021., Dampak Bulliying terhadap kesahtan mental remaja.
Jurnal Keperawatan, Volume 13, pp.
Kamil, Y, N., Bayu Adi L., Lilis K, 2022. Peningkatan Kepekaan Pada Korban
Bullying di Lingkungan Pendidikan.
Jurnal pendidikan modern, Volume 7,
Kurniawan, H, E., Aini, L., Susanto T., 2022., Fungsi Afektif Keluarga Dan Temper Tantrum Pada Anak
Prasekolah: Studi Cross-Sectional., Volume 2., pp 1 – 3.
Mental health is a picture of a person's emotional, psychological, and social relationship where it reflects how a person feels, thinks, and acts towards himself and others. Emotional mental changes are conditions where a person experiences emotional and psychosocial changes and this is normal to happen, but if it is left unchecked, grows as time passes, and is disturbing, then it can lead to a pathological state.
The prevalence of depression in the population grouped by age was found that elderly is the highest amount, followed by the adolescent and young adult age group. These results are higher than those of productive age (25-34 years, including college students). This condition can affect the student’s life, both in academic, physical, and social functions. If this happens persistently, the individual may experience relationship disturbances and develop several physical ailments. In addition, students who experience mental emotional disorders are reported to have unsatisfactory academic scores. Mental emotional disorders in college students are also related to dropout rates.
In 2020, SCOPH CIMSA FK UIN SH held a community development called LESI with the theme "Depression" on the strength of distributed online assessments using the Google Form platform and filled by 220 college students. Based on the LESI primary assessment using the Self Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20) which contains questions about mental health problems, it shows that 111 people (50.45%) had an SRQ Test score above 6, the Riskesdas border to indicate a person has mental health problems. This proves that there are still many preclinical students of the medical faculty at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta who have mental health problems.
Therefore, in the third year of Community Development LESI, SCOPH CIMSA FK
UIN SH held LESI (Let's Erase Sadness and Insecurities) to increase the knowledge of preclinical students of the medical faculty UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta regarding stress management, coping with stress, as well as the benefits of sharing, exchanging ideas and providing a forum for coping stress in the form of Art Therapy. LESI has 2 interventions in it.
Prior to the intervention, SCOPH CIMSA FK UIN SH held pre-intervention activities to get to know each other and bonding with the target community, 15 preclinical students of the medical faculty of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. The first intervention was carried out on Sunday, 23rd of October 2022 with an online seminar and consultation. In the intervention, participants and the target community received material about stress management and how to deal with it presented by Sophie Dwiyanti S.Psi. Hereafter, this event was continued with a sharing session from a survivor of mental health problems by Adinda Nurul Istiqomah. Each material was delivered within 1 hour and followed by an interactive Question and Answer session with the speakers. After the presentations from speaker and survivor, the question and answer session ended, the target community then underwent a private online consultation session with the UIN SHpsychologistteam.
The second intervention was carried out on Tuesday, 10th of January 2023 with the concept of art therapy. In this second intervention, the target community is facilitated to do art therapy. This art therapy aims to provide an activity to manage and cope with stress. Prior to art therapy, the target community was given exposure to material related to therapyforstressmanagement,arttherapy,and various types of art therapy. The material was delivered by Anisah Chairani, M.Psi, Psychologist. After that, a question and answer session was held. Next, the target community undergoes art therapy guided by LESI Buddies (members of SCOPH CIMSA FK UIN SH) and accompanied by them during this community development.
From this event, SCOPH CIMSA FK UIN SH hopes that preclinical students of the medical faculty at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, especially the target community, can understand stress, stress management, and coping stress technique.SCOPHCIMSAFKUINSHalso hoped that this event can raise awareness and be able to deal with mental health problems. Because a healthy mind will make it positive so that the body will work properly emotionally, psychologically, socially. It will affect the way we think, feel and behave. Mental health will also have an impact on physical health and good social life, according to the saying "Al-'aqlu Salim Fil Jismi Salim" A healthy mindliesinahealthybody.
Diabetes Risk Reduction Program By Applicating Of Health Lifestyle
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a chronic metabolic disorder characterized by persistent hyperglycemia. It may be due toimpairedinsulinsecretion,resistanceto peripheral actions of insulin, or both. Chronic hyperglycemia in synergy with the other metabolic aberrations in patients with diabetes mellitus can cause damage to various organ systems, leading to the development of disabling and life-threatening health complications, most prominent of which are microvascular (retinopathy, nephropathy, and neuropathy) and macrovascular complications that increased risk of cardiovasculardiseases.
There are two main types of diabetes: Type 1 diabetes, which is a result of damage to the pancreas that leaves it producingeitherverylittleinsulinornone at all, and an increase of blood glucose level. This type usually develops in childhood or the teenage years. Things are different in type 2 diabetes, whereinsulinismadebythepancreasbutthe body’s cells gradually lose the ability to absorb and use the insulin, which also occurs with the increasing blood glucose level. In the past, type 2 diabeteswasoftenreferredtoas“adultonset” diabetes because it is commonly diagnosedlaterinlife. diabetes, changing their diet and getting more exercise can help delay the onset of diabetes for several years. But it's not clear whether eating the "right" foods and getting more physical exercise can help you to prevent type 2 diabetescompletely.
In Indonesia, the incidence number of the non-communicable disease continues to increase. Based on data from Kementerian Kesehatan RI (2019), the percentage of non-communicable diseases reached 69,91%. Riskesdas, 2018 (Riset Kesehatan Dasar) shows that compared with Riskesdas 2013, the prevalence of non-communicable diseases increased. One of them is Diabetes Mellitus, which increased from 6,9% to 8,5%. Of the top ten countries with Diabetes Mellitus, Indonesia is in the big 4, with a prevalence of 8,6% of the total population against Diabetes Mellitus type 2. From 2000 until 2030 it is estimated that there will be an increaseof8,5to21,3millionsouls.
If type 2 diabetes goes untreated, blood sugar levels stay high all the time. Type 2 diabetes can develop gradually over several years without any noticeable symptoms, so the diagnosis often comes as a surprise. The treatments for Diabetes Mellitus that commonly do are lifestyle changing, medication, and surgery. A lot of people who have type 2 diabetes also have other health problems, such as high blood pressure or high cholesterol. Treating those problems helps to reducetheriskofcardiovasculardiseasetoo.
As medical students, things that could contribute to the Diabetes Mellitus issue are education and health promotion. Therefore,SCOPHCIMSAUNEJpresent a community development called DRAGONBALL: Diabetes Risk Reduction Program By Application of Healthy Lifestyle at Kelurahan Patrang, Jember that we aim at decreasing the prevalence of DM in the future by educate people how to prevent this disease.
There’s a lot of advice out there about how to prevent type 2 diabetes. It mainly concerns lifestyle factors such as eating a balanced diet, getting enough exercise, and keep their weight normal. In peoplewhoareatagreaterriskofdeveloping
We have 3 interventions held in 3 consecutive months, September, October, and November. The first intervention is welcoming volunteers and introducing the community all about Dragonball as community development including what we will do in every intervention. The community was accepting us very well and welcomedus,theparticipantswerealso excited. We also did a blood glucose check on the community and we were extremely happy to help the participants and answer their questions about Diabetes. We gave monitoring cards to the participants and asked them to bring the card to the next intervention.
For the second intervention, we invite our Alumni, dr. Ajeng Eka Putri Widianti to educate the community about what Diabetes Mellitus is, the signs and symptoms of DM, the complication of it, what should we do if our blood glucose level is more than normal, and how to prevent Diabetes Mellitus. The participants were really excited and interacting along with dr. Ajeng Eka. In the second intervention, we also did a blood glucose check and wrote the result on the monitoring card. So, we could compare their blood glucose level in the first and second intervention to see if there any changes on that.
In the final intervention, we invite our external partner, Ms. Nurul Baro’ah as the representative of Nutrinote.id. Ms. Nurul Baro’ah to give education and knowledge about Diet and Nutrition for Diabetes Mellitus. We started the day by checking the blood glucose level and writing on the card as usual. So, we could compare the glucose level of participants among the last 3 interventions. Most of them have decreased scores and we were really glad knowing that they have normal blood glucose levels. Then, the participants sat and listen to the presentation from Ms. Nurul Baro’ah. The last agenda of this final intervention is a cooking demo by Ms. Nurul Baro’ah and continued with a food plating competition for Karang Taruna. We have talked to the community and Karang Taruna that we will hold a food plating competition before, and the participants must bring their own stuff for this competition . It was a really good event because the participants could know what is the best food for patients with Diabetes Mellitus and how to cook that. The food plating competition was also exciting and full of laughter.
Overall, Dragonball has done very well despite it being really tiring to prepare 3 interventions every month, and of course, there were mistakes along the way. But, it was so fantastic and surely gave us amazing experiences, such as checking people’s blood glucose level, communicating with them, answering their questions and their worries, seeing their reaction if their glucose level is normal, and also got a lot of knowledge about Diabetes Mellitus. We even got a special thanks from the community for holding this event. Big applause and a million thank you to all of the amazing committee of Dragonball 2022!