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According to the World Health Organization, the prevalence of people with mental emotional disorders in the world increases in the age range of 10-19 years, mental health conditions account for 16% of the global burden of disease and injury. Half of all mental health conditions start at the age of 14 but cases go undetected and untreated for a number of reasons, such as lack of knowledge or awareness about mental health among health care workers, or stigma that prevents adolescents from seeking help. It may increase the likelihood of taking further risky behaviors and may affect the mental and emotional well-being of adolescents.
The global prevalence of eating disorders increased from 3.4% to 7.8% between 2000 and 2018. 17% of junior-high school students with the most ages 13-15 years experienced symptoms of mental emotional problems. Puberty is what causes teenagers to be more concerned with physical changes than their behavior. This case is also experienced mostly by women with a prevalence ranging from 4% to 6% for women while 1% in men. In Indonesia there are 38% of people who have eating disorders or who experience loss of appetite and most of them are women, while there are 8.7% of adolescents aged 13-15 years and 8.1% of adolescents aged 16-18 years with thin and very thin conditions. Studies show that there is an increase in the prevalence of eating disorders from 3.5% in 2000-2006 to 7.8% in 2013-2018. This disorder is one of the psychiatric disorders with the highest mortality rate. This disease is basically dangerous because it occurs over a long period of time, generally occurs in women because more women have negative body perceptions and tend to want to look perfect.
MARVEL (Mental Illness Prevention in School) is a community development program that has been going on for four years. The main goal is to make MARVEL into a sustainable project in SMAN 1 Kota Padang. Now that MARVEL is in its 4th year, we are going to recruit new cadres because the previous cadres have graduated from SMAN 1 Kota Padang. We are hoping that MARVEL is one step closer to becoming a sustainable project which we planned to be implemented in 2024. “EDIOMS (Eating Disorder On Modern Society)” is the theme of MARVEL 2022. To get there, MARVEL 2022 is planning on doing two interventions and three mental health campaigns. The pre-intervention which was held on September 11th is the foundation of it all. It consisted of a comprehensive presentation by a trainer from Mental Health Community Care of West Sumatera, Mrs. Puti Dewi Sartika, M.Psi, about eating disorders.
In her presentation, Mrs. Puti explained that there are many types of eating disorders such as Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, Binge Eating Disorder, and Eating Disorder, and Not Otherwise Specifies where each type has its own symptoms. There are a lot of causes of eating disorders, they are categorized into three causes: psychological, biological, and social. Eating disorders have several effects such as mood swing, sleep disturbance, depression, and social isolation, with even more severe complications if left untreated like internal bleeding, heart failure, faint, hair loss, headache, and death.
So let's love your body by being grateful for everything it does, wear comfortable clothes, spend time with people who love you, give your body the right energy or nutrients to help you make your dreams come true,
Mysterious acute hepatitis is an ongoing international problem. According to a report by WHO on 5 April 2022, there were 10 cases of severe acute hepatitis in children under ten years of unknown cause in Scotland. As of 1 May 2022, WHO spokesman Tarik Jasarevic said they had received at least 228 reports of probable cases of acute hepatitis. Most case reports came from Europe, but some came from the Americas, the Western Pacific and Southeast Asia.
In Indonesia, the Ministry of Health recorded 14 suspected cases of acute hepatitis consisting of 1 probable case and 13 pending classification cases as of 17 May 2022. A spokesperson for the Indonesian Ministry of Health, dr. Mohammad Syahril, Sp.P, MPH said that the 13 pending classification cases were spread across the provinces of North Sumatra, West Sumatra, DKI Jakarta, Jambi, and East Java. However, as of
24 June 2022, the development of mysterious hepatitis disease in Indonesia has reached 70 cases across 21 provinces. Of course, this data clearly shows that the prevalence increase in Indonesia is relatively high and urgent action is needed regarding this problem.
On 23 June 2022, the Indonesian Ministry of Health again reported that 30 cases of suspected acute hepatitis were being investigated. The cases consist of 16 cases with probable status and 14 pending status. Reports of this case have increased since 1 May 2022. Until now, the cause of the mysterious acute hepatitis is still unknown about the truth. There is limited information due to the lack of sources and platforms that discuss this disease. Limited information has an impact on the level of public knowledge that is minimal about acute hepatitis. One example is the lack of public knowledge about the early detection of acute hepatitis, which leads to delays in medical treatment, as experienced by one of the patients at Dr Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital. Delayed treatment since symptoms appear can increase the patient's risk of death. The lack of awareness of the early signs that lead to this mysterious acute hepatitis is a problem that needs to be addressed. The symptoms anticipated as a preventive measure for mysterious acute hepatitis, quoted from the Ministry of Health page, are nausea, vomiting, severe diarrhea, dark urine, and pale white stools.
The spread of cases of acute hepatitis without a clear etiology continues to expand. With the number of patients continuing to increase, of course, it is something that deserves attention from all parties. Through the Ministry of Health, the Indonesian government strives to detect cases of acute hepatitis in Indonesia by conducting pathogen analysis using Whole Genome Sequencing Technology (WGS) and socializing NAR Hepatitis to the public. As for other actions taken by the Indonesian Ministry of Health to anticipate the spread of acute hepatitis in Indonesia, such as collecting global information about acute hepatitis quickly, increasing public awareness by conducting socialization and education about this disease, and compiling management guidelines related to acute hepatitis. As previously mentioned, increasing self-awareness regarding acute hepatitis is one of the preventive measures that the community can take. Of course, education is needed about this widespread disease to prevent the increasing prevalence of acute hepatitis in Indonesia.
Therefore, this mysterious acute hepatitis issue needs to be criticized and studied more deeply by students in the health sector, especially general medicine, so that interventions can be implemented to increase public awareness about this issue. Through CIMSA, SCOPE and SCOPH CIMSA FK Unpad are expected to collaborate in formulating appropriate intervention patterns to carry out preventive and promotive efforts on this issue to the community through webinars, talk shows, volunteering, air campaigns, and ground campaigns.
The goals of ANTIS activities are to hold a series of interventions in the form of webinars, talk shows, air campaigns, ground campaigns, and volunteering which are carried out for two days and volunteering for three weeks to increase public knowledge and awareness, especially students aged 15-24 years and people adults with an age range of 25-64 years regarding acute hepatitis which is a world health problem is measured by increasing post-test results compared to pre-test at least 10% and volunteers can educate at least 30 people through ground campaigns.
Each intervention in this ANTIS activity went smoothly. For the number of participants from each of our activities, we have met the target, namely 147 Webinar & Talk Show participants, 30 volunteer participants, and 100 ground campaign participants. We are also very grateful to be able to present great resource persons for our activities, especially in the intervention of the Talk Show. We are very proud to be able to invite representatives from the Indonesian Ministry of Health, namely dr. Fatcha Nuraliyah, MKM (Work Team for HIV, PIMS, Hepatitis and PISP-Ministry of Health RI) and representatives from WHO, namely Dr. B. B. Rewari (Regional Advisor-Hepatitis/HIV/STI, World Health Organization, Regional Office for South-East Asia).
ANTIS (Acknowledge More about Acute Hepatitis of Unknown Aetiology) has succeeded in realizing each point of the aims and objectives of the establishment of this activity, namely, increasing awareness and concern for members of SCOPH-SCOPE CIMSA FK Unpad towards world health problems, especially acute hepatitis problems, increasing the ability of OCs in projects management that is carried out in a hybrid manner can be seen from the implementation of webinars and online talk shows as well as the ground campaign in the Bandung city square well. In addition, ANTIS has also succeeded in increasing the knowledge of SCOPH-SCOPE CIMSA FK Unpad members and the public regarding the contents of mysterious acute hepatitis. Hopefully, this ANTIS activity can benefit us medical students to positively impact the community and increase public awareness and knowledge about mysterious acute hepatitis so that the incidence can be reduced. We hope that through this activity, we can inspire other medical students to jointly make good changes in the health of the Indonesian people.