Editorial Page
Local Officers of SCORA
Foreword from NORA
National Committee of SCORA
Editorial Page
Local Officers of SCORA
Foreword from NORA
National Committee of SCORA
HIV and The Long Journey to Overcome
Child Marriage and Its Effect on Pregnancy
Gallery of SCORA
Best LORA for Second Period
Beauty and a Beat
HIV in Pregnancy: Mom’s Struggle in The Vigilance
Gallery of SCORA
From National Officer of Sexual & Reproductive Health and Rights including HIV & AIDS
Dearest SCORAngers & SCORAngels,
Great things come from small beginnings.
Also here I am, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Ginaung Sasti Megantari as a National Officer on Sexual & Reproductive Health and Rights Including HIV&AIDS CIMSA Indonesia 2022-2023.
As one of the Standing Committees in CIMSA. SCORA is closely related to sexual and reproductive health issues including HIV and AIDS. These issues are still a challenge in our midst. SCORADAR is a portrait of the real contribution made by SCORA on various scales both locally and nationally. We sincerely hope that the spirit of being SCORA members continues and is passed on, particularly during these challenging times.
Representing my National Committee, named PENTOL, we proudly present our SCORADAR 21st edition. As you go through the content, we hope it will relight your passion and inspire you to do more as you continue to spread your contribution, especially in the terms of sexual and reproductive health and rights including HIV&AIDS issues. Enjoy!
Lots of consensual hugs,
Ginaung Sasti Megantari
National Officer on Sexual & Reproductive Health and Rights Including HIV&AIDS
CIMSA Indonesia 2022-2023
Greetings, SCORA!
We all glad to see you again in SCORADAR 21th volume. If you all wondering what is SCORADAR? SCORADAR is a magazine published by SCORA once every period. In this magazine you can find several activities held by our SCORA CIMSA locals, some intriguing articles, our galeries that contain project highlight and external updates, games, and our best LORA for the period. This volume especially talk about breast cancer and HIV/AIDS.
It is such an honor for us, as the auditorial team, to be able to publish our first SCORADAR. We would like to thank everyone that helps us to make this SCORADAR possible. We hope everyone can get much information about SCORA CIMSA and we hope this magazine can inspire and motivating everyone to improve nation’s health. Last but not least, we are open to any feedbacks and suggestions regarding our publication and SCORADAR. please contact us through mcc.scora@cimsa.or.id
Enjoy your reading!
Media and Communication team Standing Committee on sexsual & Reproductive Health and Rights including HIV & AIDS
Ratih Purnama Dewi Media and Communication Coordinator SCORA CIMSA 2022/2023 Media and Communication Team Salman HafidzIndonesia was shocked by the news that hundreds of junior high school female students applied for a marriage dispensation. They do childmarriage for several reasons, including pregnancy before marriage and some economic factors. So, what is child marriage and how does it impact the mother and the baby?
Child marriage is a legal or informal marriage between a child under the age of 18 and an adult or other child. Indonesia is home to more than 25 million child brides. There is 1 in 6 young women married in childhood.2 Child marriage has become a particular problem in Indonesia. Even though UNICEF Indonesia data shows a slow decline in child marriage from year to year, this figure is still far from the target of decreasing to 8.74% in 2024.3 Overcoming child marriage in Indonesia was then exacerbated by the increase in child marriage during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Child marriage robs their childhood and can threaten their physical and mental health. Girls who marry early than they should be, which is 21 years old, are more likely to experience domestic violence.4Child marriage can also increase the risk of complications during pregnancy and childbirth for both herself and her baby. Pregnancy is a period of unique physiological and psychosocial changes. In addition, it is a stressful period with obvious and potential challenges. Therefore, women are more vulnerable to mental problems during pregnancy, and the frequency of mental disorders increases during pregnancy. The most common mental disorders in the antenatal period are depression and anxiety.
A stressful event increases the risk of expectant mothers developing psychological difficulties or mental disorders. Furthermore, the impact of child marriage and pregnancy at a young age has a huge risk of experiencing bleeding which can cause death for both mother and child, this of course will make life expectancy decrease and maternal and infant mortality rates increase.
In the dimension of a decent standard of living, an increase in the dropout rate will result in an increase in child labor and low wages which can lead to ongoing poverty.
Therefore, synergy is needed to participate in preventing child marriage. As medical students, we can help the government to participate in preventing child marriage. Prevention of child marriage can be done by providing education from the family environment, schools, and the surrounding community regarding the impact of marriage on children.
UNICEF. Child marriage [Internet]. Child Marriage. 2022. Available from:
https://www.unicef.org/protection/child-marriage UNICEF. Child Marriage Country Profiles [Internet]. UNICEF Data. 2023. Available from:
https://data.unicef.org/resources/child-marriage-country-profiles/ UNICEF. Child Marriage in Indonesia - UNICEF [Internet]. Child Marriage Factsheet in Indonesia. UNICEF; 2020. Available from:
https://www.unicef.org/indonesia/media/1446/file/Child_Marriage_Factsh eet.pdf
Kidman R. 2017. Child marriage and intimate partner violence: a comparative study of 34 countries. International journal of epidemiology, 46(2), 662–675. Available from: https://doi.org/10.1093/ije/dyw225
UNICEF Indonesia, Maternal and Newborn Health Disparities. 2017. Available from:
https://data.unicef.org/wp-content/uploads/country_profiles/Indonesia/ Alipour, Z., Lamyian, M., Hajizadeh, E., 2012. Anxiety and fear of childbirth as predictors of postnatal depression in nulliparous women.
Women Birth 25, e37–e43. doi:10.1016/j.wombi.2011.09.002.
Biaggi, A., Conroy, S., Pawlby, S., Pariante, C.M., 2016. Identifying the women at risk of antenatal anxiety and depression: A systematic review. J. Affect. Disord. 191, 62–77. doi:10.1016/j.jad.2015.11.014
World Health Organization, 2008. Maternal mental health and child health and development in low and middle income countries : report of the meeting, Geneva, Switzerland, 30 January - 1 February, 2008.