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Th e Ga t e for String Qu Full Score

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for String Quartet and Orchestra The Gates

Fu ll Score

ISSUU Version For perusal only

The Gates (2016) for String Quartet and Orchestra James Di llon Gate [from Old Norse gat ] ; Opening, passage, a means of entrance or exit (Oxford English Dictionary)

The ‘gate’ marks a boundary, the point where the one territory stops and another begins, to ‘pass through’ traces a transition. Here it is the ‘fermata’ or ‘pause’, a suspended time interval which defines boundary, opens into and cuts off areas of musical activity, areas patterned by greater or lesser intensity.

Any musical work exists on the edge between the heard and the unheard, between the measures, between the worldly and the spiritual, that axis, that pole or centre, which contains its own periphery. We may speak of an ‘edgy’ work or an ‘edgy’ performance, where the pressure of what is bounded defines certain limits.

Like the Japanese Torii, the gate, or often a series of gates to a Shinto temple, marks the entrance to a sacred space. To enter through the gate is to ‘en’trance’, to put into ‘trance’, to delight; the gate as ‘exit’ is to enable d eparture

Commissioned by Südwestrundfunk

First performed by the Arditti Quartet and the SWR Symphonieorchester, conducted by Pierre-André Valade, on 14 October 2016 at Donaueschinger Musiktage

ISSUU Version

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Instru mentation:

3 Flutes (1st doubling Piccolo)

3 Oboes (3rd doubling Cor Anglais)

2 Clarinets in B -

Bass Clarinet in B -

3 Bassoons (3rd doubling Contrabassoon)

4 Horns (+ mutes)

3 Trumpets (+ straight, plunger, harmon & cup mutes)

3 Trombones (+ straight, plunger, harmon & cup mutes)

Tuba (+ mute)

Percussion (4 players):




15 Suspended Bells – e.g. hand bells

6 Crotales or Antique Cymbals (D, E. F, G +, A, B)

Tubular Bells (2 sets)

5 Suspended Alarm Bells* (or Almglocken or Caribbean Steel Drums) – (D,F,B,E,G) – must be freely swinging and/or allowed to ring freely

2 Gongs (low D & C)

Large Tam-tam

Mark Tree

2 Triangles (1 small, 1 large)



Wind Chimes (glass)



4 Bass Drums

Temple Blocks

* see e.g. Kolberg Percussion, Uhingen, Germany




14 1st Violins

12 2nd Violins

10 Violas

8 Violoncellos

6 Contrabasses

Score in C

Piccolo sounds one octave higher than written

Bass Clarinet sounds one octave lower than written Contrabassoon sounds one octave lower than written

Celesta sounds one octave higher than written Glockenspiel sounds two octaves higher than wrtten

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James Dillon

James Dillon ( b 1950 ) has been published by Peters Edition since 1982. In that year, Parjanya-Vata, for solo cello, won the Kranichsteiner Musikpreis at the Darmstadt Ferienkurse für Neue Musik. The First String Quartet was premiered by t the Arditti Q uartet the following year at the Huddersfield C ontemporary Music Festival – one of many festivals regularly featuring Dillon’s music. O ther works include his ‘German Triptych’ ( Überschreiten, 1985; helle Nacht, 1987; Blitzschlag, 1996 ) and the opera Philomela ( 2004). In 2003 he was awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of Huddersfield and in 2007 took up the position of Professor of Composition at the University of Minnesota

James Dillon ( *1950 ) wird seit 1982 von der Edition Peters verlegt. Im gleichen Jahr wurde Parjanya-Vata für Violoncello solo bei den Darmstädter Ferienkursen für Neue Musik mit dem K ranichsteiner Musikpreis ausgezeichnet. Das Arditti Quartet brachte im Folgejahr Dillons Streichquartett Nr. 1 beim Huddersfield-Festival für Zeitgenössische Musik zur Uraufführung – nur eines von vielen Festivals, bei denen seine Musik regelmäßig erklingt. Zu weiteren Werken gehören die „deutsche Trilogie“ ( Überschreiten, 1985 ; helle Nacht, 1987; Blitzschlag, 1996 ) sowie die Oper Philome la ( 2004 ). Im Jahr 2003 erhielt er die Ehrendoktorwürde der Universität Huddersfield, und seit 2007 hat er eine Professur für Komposition an der University of Minnesota inne.

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