for SATB and baroque orchestra
St Rose Music Publishing Co. / Chester Music Ltd.
Duration: c. 10 minutes
St Rose Music Publishing Co. / Chester Music Ltd.
Duration: c. 10 minutes
2 Oboes
2 Bassoons
2 Trumpets in C Trombone
Full score in C. Orchestral parts are available on hire from the publisher.
Now these are the names of the children of Israel, which came into Egypt; every man and his household came with Jacob. Reuben, Simeon, Levi, and Judah, Issachar, Zebulun, and Benjamin, Dan, and Naphtali, Gad, and Asher. And all the souls that came out of the loins of Jacob were seventy souls: for Joseph was in Egypt already. And Joseph died, and all his brethren, and all that generation. And the children of Israel were fruitful, and increased abundantly, and multiplied, and waxed exceeding mighty; and the land was filled with them.
Exodus 1:i–vii King James Bible
That it maye please thee to preserve all that travayle, by lande or by water, all women labouringe of child, all sycke persons and yonge children, and to shew thy pitye upon all prisoners and captives. from the Litany
The Book of Common Prayer 1559
O most merciful Father, which of thy gracious goodness hast heard the devout prayers of thy Church, and turned our dearth and scarcity into cheapness and plenty; We give thee humble thanks for this thy especial bounty; beseeching thee to continue this thy loving-kindness unto us, that our land may yield us her fruits of increase, to thy glory and our comfort.
A thanksgiving for Plenty
The Book of Common Prayer 1559
Tbn. Timp.
whichcameinto Egypt; ev'ry
sa char, Zebu lun andBenja min,
sev mf en ty souls: p And p Joseph died,andallhisbrethren,
andallthatgene ra tion. And
M that p itmayplease,thatitmayplease, that p itmaypleasethee,thatitmaypleasethee, that p itmaypleasethee, n Out of Time M 5 5 33
*loosely repeat phrase out of time with other singers, twitchy, ecstatic, but hushed.
q = 72 In Time N That p dolciss.
itmayepleasethee topreserve allthattravayle by That p dolciss.
itmayepleasethee topreserve allthattravayle by nf p q = 72 In Time N nf p
p - loose improvisation, do not coordinate with other players
women labour inge of allsyckepersons andyongechildren,
andtoshewthypitye upon allpriso ners andcaptives.
Obs. Tbn.
goodness hastheardthedevout prayers ofthyChurch,andturnedourdearthand
goodness hastheardthedevout prayers ofthyChurch,andturnedourdearthand
goodness hastheardthedevout prayers ofthyChurch,andturnedourdearthand
goodness hastheardthedevout prayers ofthyChurch,andturnedourdearthand
scarci ty into cheapness andplenty;
scarci ty into cheapness andplenty;
scarci ty into cheapness andplenty;
scarci ty into cheapness andplenty;
Wegive thee
Wegive thee
Wegive thee
Wegive thee
humble thanks forthisthyspecial bounty, be
humble thanks forthisthyspecial bounty, be
humble thanks forthisthyspecial bounty, be
humble thanks forthisthyspecial bounty, be
seeching thee tocontin ue thyloving kindness
seeching thee tocontin ue thyloving kindness
seeching thee tocontin ue thyloving kindness
seeching thee tocontin ue thyloving kindness
Obs. S. A. T. B.
unto us, thatourlandmayyieldus herfruitsof increase, unto us, thatourlandmayyieldus herfruitsof increase, unto us, thatourlandmayyieldus herfruitsof increase, unto us, thatourlandmayyieldus herfruitsof increase,
tothyglory andourcomfort.
tothyglory andourcomfort.
tothyglory andourcomfort.
tothyglory andourcomfort.
that p itmayplease, that itmayplease, that p itmaypleasethee,thatitmaypleasethee, that p itmaypleasethee, Out of Time S 5 5 33
*loosely repeat phrase out of time with other singers, twitchy, ecstatic, but hushed.
q = 72 In Time T
That pp itmayepleasetheetopreserve allthattravayle bylandeorby
That pp itmayepleasetheetopreserve allthattravayle bylandeorby nf p q = 72 In Time T
p p - loose improvisation, do not coordinate with other players
out pitye upon allpriso ners andcaptives.