For perusal only
Collage of Seven Parts for Ensemble
“Light infinitely faint it is true since now no more than a mere murmur. ...”
Company, Samuel Beckett
Collage Time–Line
ISSUU Version
For perusal only
ISSUU Version
For perusal only
With many thanks to the musicians of Ensemble Recherche, for whom this work was written, for their assistance, and also to Carl Rosman, Antja Thierbach, Bettina Junge and Helen Bledsoe for their inexhaustible patience tracing the borders of these sounds.
Commissioned by Ensemble Recherche and the Ernst-von-Siemens Musikstiftung, and Austrian Radio (ORF) for first performance at Musikprotokoll, Steirischer Herbst in Graz on 9th Oktober 2009.