for Mezzo-soprano and 12 Musicians

POD PETERS on demand
commissioned by Levande
First performance: November 24th, 2012 in Gothenburg, Sweden
E. guitar and classical guitar
Karin, für ersten Seiten, siehe Geisterinsel Vorlage:
Clarinet in B b
Bass clarinet in B b
Oboe (also English horn)
(nach F. Hölderlin und A. Schönberg)
commissioned by Levande Musik
Karin, für ersten Seiten, siehe Geisterinsel Vorlage:
First performance: November 24th, 2012 in Gothenburg, Sweden
Trumpet in C (with straight, plunger and cup mutes)
Clarinet in B
Trombone (with straight and plunger mutes)
Bass clarinet in B
Oboe (also English horn)
(nach F. Hölderlin und A. Schönberg)
commissioned by Levande Musik
First performance: November 24th, 2012 in Gothenburg, Sweden
Percussion two players
Percussion 1: thick metal wire coat hanger large Tam-Tam
Vibraphone (with functioning motor, soft and hard mallets)
Percussion 2: Vibraphone (with functioning motor, soft and hard mallets)
Crotales (a full set) plus additional crotales for bowing on Timpani *)
Percussion two players
Wind chimes
Crotales (a full set) plus additional crotales for bowing on Timpani *)
Percussion 1:
Timpani (one large drum)
Glockenspiel *)
Vibraphone (with functioning motor, soft and hard mallets)
Timpani range:
Crotales (a full set) plus additional crotales for bowing on Timpani *)
Snare drum
Wind chimes
Timpani (one large drum)
Timpani (one large drum)
Reibestock (threaded wooden or metal stick)
2 Bass bows
thick metal wire coat hanger
Timpani range:
2 superball mallets and 1 metal rod of medium thickness
large Tam-Tam
Snare drum
Percussion 2:
thick metal wire coat hanger large Tam-Tam
Snare drum
Reibestock (threaded wooden or metal stick)
2 Bass bows
2 superball mallets and 1 metal rod of medium thickness
Vibraphone (with functioning motor, soft and hard mallets)
Glockenspiel *)
2 Bass bows
Percussion 2:
Trumpet in C (with straight, plunger and cup mutes)
Piano (with sostenuto pedal, plectrum, brush and rubber hammer)
Trombone (with straight and plunger mutes)
Clarinet in B
Timpani (one large drum) thick metal wire coat hanger large Tam-Tam
2 superball mallets and 1 metal rod of medium thickness
Vibraphone (with functioning motor, soft and hard mallets)
snare drum
Timpani (one large drum)
2 Bass bows
Timpani range:
Piano (with sostenuto pedal, plectrum, brush and rubber hammer)
Bass clarinet in B
Oboe (also English horn)
Guitar – Classical guitar and electric guitar with Whammy Bar, volume pedal, tremolo, distortion, reverb and delay effects, (all independently controlled with a footswitch), glass slide, ebow, one finely threaded metal rod, one violin or cello bow
Guitar Classical guitar and electric guitar with Whammy Bar, volume pedal, tremolo, distortion, reverb and delay effects, (all independently controlled with a footswitch), glass slide, ebow, one finely threaded
Trumpet in C (with straight, plunger and cup mutes)
metal rod, one thin, flexible stick (such as the handle of a vibraphone mallet), one violin or cello bow
Trombone (with straight and plunger
E. guitar and classical guitar
Piano (with sostenuto pedal, plectrum, brush and rubber hammer)
8 Scordatura: 6 5 4 3 2 1
Guitar Classical guitar and electric guitar with Whammy Bar, volume pedal, tremolo, distortion, reverb and delay effects, (all independently controlled with a footswitch), glass slide, ebow, one finely threaded
metal rod, one thin, flexible stick (such as the handle of a vibraphone mallet), one violin or cello bow
E. guitar and classical guitar
Percussion — two players
Percussion two players
Percussion 1:
Vibraphone (with functioning motor, soft and hard mallets)
Percussion 1: Vibraphone (with functioning motor)
Crotales (a full set) plus additional crotales for bowing on Timpani *)
Wind chimes
Percussion 2:
Timpani (one large drum)
Timpani range:
Percussion two players
Crotales (a full set) plus additional crotales for bowing on Timpani *)
thick metal wire coat hanger large Tam-Tam
Percussion 1:
Snare drum
Vibraphone (with functioning motor, soft and hard mallets) Marimba
Reibestock (threaded wooden or metal stick)
Wind chimes
2 Bass bows
Crotales (a full set) plus additional crotales for bowing on Timpani *)
Violin (with plectrum)
2 superball mallets and 1 metal rod of medium thickness
snare drum
thick metal wire coat hanger large Tam-Tam
*) Glockenspiel sounds one octave higher than written, crotales sound two octaves higher than written.
*) Glockenspiel sounds one octave higher than written,
Glockenspiel *) 2 Bass bows
crotales sound two octaves higher than written.
2 superball mallets and 1 metal rod of medium thickness
*) Glockenspiel sounds one octave higher than written,
crotales sound two octaves higher than written.
Violin (with plectrum)
Viola (with plectrum)
Viola (with plectrum)
Violin (with plectrum)
Viola (with plectrum)
Crotales (a full set) plus additional crotales for bowing on Timpani *) in standard tuning
Crotales (a full set) plus additional crotales for bowing on Timpani *) in standard tuning
Timpani range:
Note: the score is in C, except for the strings and guitars which are transposed to standard tuning
Note: the score is in C, except for the strings and guitars which are transposed to standard tuning
Note: the score is in C, except for the strings and guitars which are transposed to standard tuning
2 superball mallets and 1 metal rod of medium thickness
Timpani (one large drum)
Timpani (one large drum)
thick metal wire coat hanger
large Tam-Tam
Timpani range:
large Tam-Tam
thick metal wire coat hanger
Snare drum Wind chimes
Vibraphone (with functioning motor, soft and hard mallets)
Reibestock (threaded wooden or metal stick)
2 Bass bows
Crotales (a full set) plus additional crotales for bowing on Timpani *)
Snare drum
Glockenspiel *)
2 superball mallets and 1 metal rod of medium thickness
Timpani (one large drum)
Timpani range:
Reibestock (threaded wooden or metal stick)
thick metal wire coat hanger large Tam-Tam
2 Bass bows
2 Bass bows
*) Glockenspiel sounds one octave higher than written, snare drum
Vibraphone (with functioning motor, soft and hard mallets)
2 superball mallets and 1 metal rod of medium thickness
Crotales (a full set) plus additional crotales for bowing on Timpani *)
2 superball mallets and 1 metal rod of medium thickness
Timpani (one large drum)
crotales sound two octaves higher than written.
Percussion 2: snare drum Triangle
Timpani range:
in new tempo: two
(volume of E. Guitar must always remain underneath that of the Percussion) (detune string IV while playing)
gradually transition to flautando
The sound of the motor should begin on the downbeat of measure 282, which means that the motor should be turned on slightly before.
(prepared Vibraphone produces an iterative sound against the paper strips) place
The sound of the motor should begin on the downbeat of measure 282, which means that the motor should be turned on slightly before.
(prepared Vibraphone produces an iterative sound against the paper strips) place weight on Vibraphone Pedal to hold it down.
For more than 200 years, Edition Peters has been synonymous with excellence in classical music publishing. Established in 1800 with the keyboard works of J. S. Bach, by 1802 the company had acquired Beethoven’s First Symphony. In the years following, an active publishing policy enabled the company to expand its catalogue with new works by composers such as Brahms, Grieg and Liszt, followed in the 20th century by Richard Strauss, Arnold Schoenberg and John Cage.
Today, with its offices in Leipzig, London and New York publishing the work of living composers from around the world, Edition Peters maintains its role as a champion of new music. At the same time, the company’s historic and educational catalogues continue to be developed with awardwinning critical and pedagogical editions.
Seit über 200 Jahren steht die Edition Peters für höchste Qualität im Bereich klassischer Notenausgaben. Gegründet im Jahr 1800, begann der Verlag seine Tätigkeit mit der Herausgabe von Bachs Musik für Tasteninstrumente. Schon 1802 kamen die Rechte an Beethovens erster Sinfonie hinzu. In der Folgezeit wuchs der Katalog um neue Werke von Komponisten wie Brahms, Grieg und Liszt sowie – im 20. Jahrhundert – Richard Strauss, Arnold Schönberg und John Cage.
Als Verleger zahlreicher zeitgenössischer Komponisten aus aller Welt ist die Edition Peters mit ihren Standorten Leipzig, London und New York auch weiterhin Anwalt neuer Musik. Zugleich wird das Verlagsprogramm im klassischen wie im pädagogischen Bereich kontinuierlich durch vielfach preisgekrönte Ausgaben erweitert.