for SSSAATTBB choir unaccompanied
Commissioned by Michael Kaye for the opening service of the City of London Festival in St Paul’s Cathedral, 5th July 1992.
ISSUU version for perusal only
Duration: c. 4 minutes
Order No: CH88259
At the round earth’s imagined corners blow Your trumpets, angels, and arise, arise
Of souls, and to your scattered bodies go ;
All whom war, dearth, age, agues, tyrannies, Despair, law, chance hath slain, and you, whose eyes Shall behold God, and never taste death’s woe. But let them sleep, Lord, and me mourn a space ; For, if above all these my sins abound, ‘Tis late to ask abundance of Thy grace, When we are there. Here on this lowly ground, Teach me how to repent, for that’s as good As if Thou hadst seal’d my pardon with Thy blood.
John Donne (1572–1631) (Dean of St Paul’s 1621–31)
No part of this publication may be copied or reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior permission of Chester Music Limited.
Conmoto (h=66)
Trebles (div.à3)
Alto (div.à2)
Tenor (div.à2)
Bass (div.à2)
Piano (forrehearsal only)
° ¢ { ©1992ChesterMusicLtd.
an gels
an gels an gels
blow (mp) yourtrumpets - an-gelsblow pp and mf a-
blow (mp) yourtrumpets - an-gelsblow pp and mf a-
blow (mp) yourtrumpets - an-gelsblow pp and mfcresc. a
blow (mp) yourtrumpets - an
and fcresc. a-rise,
and f a-rise, (noncresc.) dim. a
and f a-rise, (noncresc.) dim. a
rise Fromdeath, younum
rise Fromdeath, you (
rise Fromdeath,
rise Fromdeath, mp
rise Fromdeath, you
rise From death,
rise From death,
rise From death,
-ties ofsouls and to your scattered - bo dies -
-nities - ofsouls to your scatteredni - - -ties ofsouls to your -fi ni - ties - ofsouls and to your scat tered - bosouls and to your scat tered - bo -
a rise cresc. - Fromdeath,a-
a f rise cresc. - Fromdeath,a-rise,aa f -riseFromdeath,a cresc. -riseFromdeath,a-
Tempoprimo (h=66)
rise ffdim. - Fromdeath. p (h=80)rall.
rise ffdim. - Fromdeath.
rise ffdim. - Fromdeath.
rise dim. - From death.
rise dim. - From death.
-rise Fromdeath a rise, - a-riseFromdeath.
the -rise Fromdeath a rise, - a-riseFromdeath.
-rise Fromdeath a rise, - a-riseFromdeath.
whom -rise Fromdeath a rise, - a-riseFromdeath.
Tempoprimo (h=66)
All mfcresc.
whomtheflooddid andfire, f fire, fire shall cresc. o'er
All mfcresc.
whomtheflooddid andfire, f fire, shall cresc. o'er All mfcresc.
Piùmosso (h=80) 30
throw ffdim.
for perusal only
nœœ nbœœ b œœ b œœw n W
throw ffdim.
nœœ nbœœ b œœ b œœœnJœ n™ ˙ W
nœœ nbœœ b œœ b œœœ nnœœ n ˙ W
Piùmosso (h=80)
throw ffdim. shall o'er-throw dim. shall o'er-throw dim. shall mf o'er throw dim.shall mf o'er throw dim.ff dim.
All f whomwar, dim. dearth, age, agues, - ty mf -rannies, - Des-
All f whomwar, dim. dearth, age, agues, - ty mf -rannies, - Despair, -
All f whomwar, dim. dearth, age, agues, - ty mf -rannies, - Despair, -
All f whomwar,dearth, dim. age, agues, - ty mf -rannies, - Despair, - law, cresc. allwhom
dim. Agitato (h=80) f
version for perusal only
whose ff Menomosso,TempoI (h=66)
and ff you and ff you and ff you, dim. and ff you, dim. -pair, law, cresc. allwhomchancehath slain, ff law, cresc. allwhomchance hath slain, f cresc. ff law, cresc. allwhomchance hath
eyes dim. shall mp behold - God mf and sub. mp never, - never - tastedeath's
mp shall mp behold - God mf and sub. mp never, - never - tastedeath's mp shall mp behold - God mf and sub. mp never, - never - tastedeath's you mp whoseeyes,youwhose eyes shall be-holdGod,and never, - never - tastedeath's you mp whoseeyes,youwhose eyes shall be-holdGod,and never, - never - tastedeath's you mp whoseeyes,youwhose eyes shall be-holdGod,and never, - never - tastedeath's you mp whoseeyes,youwhose eyes shall be-holdGod,and never, - never - tastedeath's and mp never, - never - tastedeath's and mp never, - never - tastedeath's
(mp) f
(mp) f
(mp) f
(mp) f
(mp) f
Slower (h=58)
for perusal only
But ptenderly let them sleep, Lord,
But ptenderly let them sleep, Lord,
(mp) dim. ppp
(mp) dim. ppp
(mp) dim. ppp
(mp) dim. ppp
But ptenderly let them sleep, sleep, Lord,
But ptenderly let them sleep, Lord,
Slower (h=58)
Let mp themsleep,Lord, dim. p and mp memourn a space, p
Let mp themsleep,Lord, dim. and p me mourn mp a space, dim. pp and mp memourn a space, p and p me mourna space, dim. pp
Let mp themsleep,Lord, and me mourn mp a space, dim. pp and me mournaspace, p and p me mourna space, dim. pp and mp me mournaspace, p p
Let mp themsleep,Lord, dim. and p me mourn mp a space, dim. pp and mp me mournaspace, p and p me mourna space, dim. pp
Slower (h=52)
my p sinsabound mp - 'Tis mp late mf to mp askabun - -danceofthygrace
my p sinsabound mp - 'Tis mp late mf to mp askabun - -danceofthygrace
For p ifabove - allthesemysins noncresc. abound - 'Tis mp late mf to mp askabun - -danceofthygrace
For p ifabove - allthesemysins noncresc. abound - 'Tis mp late mf to mp askabun - -danceofthygrace to mp askabun - -danceofthygrace to mp askabun - -danceofthygrace my mp sinsabound p - 'Tis mp late mf to mp askabun - -danceofthygrace my mp sinsabound p - 'Tis mp late mf to mp askabun - -danceofthygrace
Slower (h=48)
me howto re-pent: As mf if thou pocoapococresc. hadstsealedmy
me howto re-pent: As mf ifthou pocoapococresc. hadstsealedmy
me howto re-pent: for mp that's cresc. as good mf Asifthou pocoapococresc. hadstsealedmy
me howto re-pent: for mp that's cresc. as good mf Asifthou pocoapococresc. hadstsealedmy
me howto re-pent: As mf if thou pocoapococresc. hadstsealedmy
me howto re-pent: As mf if thou pocoapococresc. hadstsealedmy
howto re
par (cresc.) -don with thy blood.
par (cresc.) -don with thy blood. fdim. ppp
par (cresc.) -don with thy blood. fdim. ppp
par (cresc.) -don with thy blood. fdim. ppp par (cresc.) -don with thy blood.
par (cresc.) -don with thy blood.