Scotcampus November 2013 Edition 108

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Graduate & Employment Special: We Help You Find Work

Rogue-One: Investigating Glasgow's Very Own Banksy

Your Definitive Guide To Scotland's Festive Happenings

Certificate of Work Readiness (CWR) – Help Young People Break the Cycle

No Experience = Can’t get a Job = Can’t get Experience What is CWR?

A new qualification offering young people the chance to prove that they have the skills employers want. It is SQA accredited and levelled on SCQF at level 4.

Who is it for?

16-19 year olds, with a positive attitude to work, and who want to develop extra skills to help them get and stay in a job.

How is it delivered?

It takes on average 10 weeks working five days a week. Young people spend the first three weeks with a training provider to help them prepare for their work placement. The young person will then spend up to four days a week for about seven weeks (190 hours) in an employment placement, followed by one day back with the training provider.

Do they get paid?

The young person gets a training allowance.

How can a young person access this opportunity? Speak to a Skills Development Scotland (SDS) advisor or call 0800 917 800 Further information for young people: Further information for employers:

YouthLink Scotland is a company limited by guarantee. Registered in Scotland No: 164547. Charity Ref: SC003923

EDITOR’S LETTER I Publisher: Graeme Barratt / Anna Purdie Editor-In-Chief: Jennifer Lynn

Editorial Manager: Aileen Lynn

Fashion Columnist: Portis Wasp

Contributors: Conor Cartwright, Ross Fingland, Nicola Robson, Danielle Shields, Aline Siekierski Business Development Manager: Neil Millar Design: BTDT Design

t’s the most wonderful time of the year… Or is it? More of a summer baby myself, I find the dark winter days somewhat depressing, but putting together this issue has definitely got me in the mood for a little festive sparkle. Yep, give me fireworks, give me fairy lights and I’m happy. This month not only have we uncovered the best places to shop, eat, drink and be merry this Christmas – a whole 33 pages of them – but we’ve also got plenty of careerrelated inspiration for you, in our annual graduate and employment supplement. You’ll find all the tips and stories you need to get you out of that rut and into a shiny new job over on page 10.


Of course, this wouldn’t be Scotcampus without some great interviews with the hottest musicians of the moment, from Frightened Rabbit frontman Scott Hutchison to the beautiful Birdy. Enjoy the issue – see you in the New Year!

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-Jennifer Lynn

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Scrooges If you’re reading this in November, feel free to cower in a corner with your hands over your eyes screaming, “I’M NOT READY FOR IT TO BE CHRISTMAS YET!” However, come December, we expect everyone to be on board with the big guy in the red suit, and fully embracing the holiday season. Who cares if you work in retail and only get one day off the whole month? That is gonna be one sweet pay packet come January.

Ugg Boots Staying In There’s nothing quite like a cosy night in when the rain’s beating down against your window and you’ve smugly invited all your pals round to yours. They think you’re doing a great deed, especially with that spread of Percy Pigs you’ve put on, but really you’re just ensuring that they’re the ones who have to brave the rain and not you.

Going Out Of course, we’re not condoning staying in all winter when there are so many festive goings on to partake in, and it’s the one time of the year when it’s acceptable to dress like a ‘Dancing On Ice’ contestant. Grab your sequined frock ladies, boys put on your dancing shoes, and get ready to boogie to that Mariah Carey remix come midnight. All we want for Christmas is… chips and cheese on the way home.

Fairy Lights Like the ones hanging across Edinburgh’s Princes Street, creating a starry sky blanket in Glasgow’s Royal Exchange Square, and just generally making buildings, trees and shop windows look so much more appealing from November to January. Forget the electricity bill; let’s just keep them up all year round?

We know they keep your feet warm in the frost. We know they’re the comfiest things ever and make you feel like you’re walking on clouds. We also know they’re the ugliest footwear choice since brothel creepers came back into fashion. Plus, since Scottish winters involve more rain than anything else, they’re going to get wet and they’re going to stink. Consider yourself warned.

OnlineShoppingFAIL As in, when you smugly do your Christmas party outfit shopping on ASOS or the likes, only to have it arrive and be miles too small. “I’ll just exchange it for the next size up,” you think to yourself, only to find that it’s now out of stock and you have to brave the high street along with every other sequin hunter. Which was exactly what you were trying to avoid.


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“‘Dancing On The Ceiling’ is my go-to karaoke number”

Interview: Frightened Rabbit



by Jennifer Lynn


t only feels like yesterday that Scotcampus were chatting to Frightened Rabbit frontman Scott Hutchison about his hopes for the band’s fourth album. Released on February 4th, ‘Pedestrian Verse’ topped the Scottish album charts, and reached number 9 in the UK – an achievement that was celebrated with “Champagne and ludicrously strong cider”. Almost 10 months on, during a seemingly endless tour, we got Scott on the phone again to find out what’s going down aboard the Frightened Rabbit train.

The last time we spoke it was a rainy January afternoon in Glasgow; today I’m in London and the weather’s holding up, where are you? I’m actually in Boston and it’s very, very pleasant out here! Sunny and halfway to warm so I can’t complain.

How is the US leg of the tour going? It’s been great, it’s been long – it’s the longest stint we’ve ever done out here – but it’s been really excellent. We’ve got to go to places that we hadn’t before, done a lot more work in Canada this time – Caledonia, Edmonton, a place called London in Ontario as well. It’s been really interesting, and I’ve had a good time, but it’s been pretty knackering at the same time.

Are there any home comforts that you particularly miss when you’re on the road for so long? A normal bed is definitely something I crave; I currently sleep in what is essentially a large coffin with a curtain. The back pain has started to kick in, but I try my best not to complain, because we’re very lucky. Being able to make yourself toast in the morning is another one, and not having to live with 10 other guys in close quarters, and waking up to the sound of them rifting and farting [laughs].

What’s the funniest story from the road that you can share with us? Well it’s funny, because whenever I come home and see my friends in Edinburgh or

‘What do you want for Christmas?’ Glasgow, I’ll try to tell them what I think is a funny story and they don’t come across as amusing at all. You live in this bubble and get so used to communicating in a certain way with each other, that this brand of humour folds in on itself, and by the end of the tour nothing is funny to anyone outside of that. It’s all the in jokes and stuff that I could tell you, but nobody would care, and a lot of it is completely unrepeatable!

How have you found that the American fan base has developed since we last spoke? Well they’ve always been a little insane, and I really like that; we were lucky that we had a decent fan base here from the start. Tonight in Boston we’re playing at the Paradise, where I think is second only to Glasgow or anywhere in Scotland as the place with the most insane crowd.

Last year we played here on Halloween and there was a Fred Flintstone in the audience, a couple of Santa Clauses… That was really interesting. I think it’s definitely a city where the drinking culture is quite similar to Scotland too, which makes a big difference.

Your album ‘Pedestrian Verse’ has done so well this year – top 10 in the UK, number 1 in Scotland – how does one celebrate that kind of success? Well we were on tour at the time, so we went and got involved in a quiz night in Portsmouth, and we won. What a victorious day. It was the Sunday that the charts came out, we went to the pub quiz, and we actually bizarrely won a bottle of Champagne. We celebrated by drinking Champagne and ludicrously strong cider. Grant got so smashed that he started shouting out all the answers towards the end of the quiz, to the entire room, and then proceeded to start shouting “quiz”

I would love to have the same amount of energy as I had when I was 5 on Christmas day, and not feel knackered for 24 hours; that would be a total gift! at the quizmaster for no reason at all. So we got kind of smashed, but I must encourage students to drink responsibly, although that’s probably a total waste of time!

Should we expect to hear any new material on the UK leg of your tour this November? Well nothing brand new, as in unrecorded, but we’re playing one of the songs from the new EP. We’ve toured a fair bit so there are people who have already seen us maybe a couple of times this year, so we’ve tried to change the set up a bit and bring some old songs back, and introduce a couple more from the new record.

Are you against doing covers or are you up for that? I don’t mind doing covers, but it’s difficult to select them, because I sing in my own accent and an American song can sometimes sound strange delivered in a Scottish accent. I’m definitely not against covers though, we’ve done them before on the road, and it would just be a case of picking the right one. ‘Dancing On The Ceiling’ by Lionel Richie would be a good one. That’s my go-to karaoke number.

After the tour you’ve got some time off for Christmas; how will you be spending that? Well my girlfriend lives in LA, so I’ll be spending some time out there, and then after the New Year we just want to get stuck into writing the new record. We’re very excited about touring in Australia again, but really we’ll start thinking about the new album in earnest. Free time is never really free time, but I don’t find going back into the studio stressful, for me that’s a holiday in itself.

Frightened Rabbit play Glasgow’s O2 Academy on November 16th and 17th



hristmas is a coming, but there’s more to the festive season than gingerbread lattes and open-air ice rinks… Of course, should either of these take your fancy, turn to page 47 for a full rundown of the best places to get in the spirit. However, if you’re after somewhere to hide from Père Noël, you’ve come to the right place.

You’re gonna hear us ROAR Disney’s ‘The Lion King’ musical comes to Edinburgh for the first time ever, with daily performances (except Mondays, with 2 shows on Saturdays) at the Playhouse until January 18th. 'Hakuna Matata' along with Timon and Pumbaa, watch Simba and Nala’s lion love story unfold and cower in fear as Scar makes his first appearance. Unmissable.

Tickets priced at £30-75, available from

The Stig comes to Glasgow If you’re obsessed with getting your weekly fix of 'Top Gear', or just your weekly fix of Richard Hammond, make sure you don’t miss Top Gear Live. Coming to Glasgow’s SSE Hydro on January 18th and 19th, add tickets to your Christmas wishlist, and prepare for fast cars and super stunts with The Stig.

Ticket priced at £49 – £99, available from

Who said bunnies are just for Easter? Glasgow’s very own Frightened Rabbit come home after a mammoth US tour and various stops around the UK. While their opening night at the O2 Academy on November 16th has been sold out for months, be quick and grab yourself a ticket for November 17th – everybody knows the last night is where the party’s at.

Tickets priced at £16 available from


Suga who? Mutya Keisha Siobhan, the reincarnation of the original Sugababes line-up, play Glasgow’s O2 ABC on November 10th. Summer single ‘Flatline’ will be accompanied by tracks from the girls’ new album, plus old favourites like ‘Overload’, ‘Stronger’ and ‘Freak Like Me’. Rest assured the ladies are back and better than ever. Especially Mutya.

Tickets priced at £17.50, available from

A fond farewell Hands up who shed a tear when they heard JLS were splitting? Say goodbye to Aston, JB, Marvin and Oritse as the boys bring their Greatest Hits tour to Aberdeen’s AECC on December 6th and Glasgow’s SSE Hydro on December 7th. Which colour hoodie will you be wearing? We’re going for a Marvtastic shade of green.

Tickets priced at £25 -33.50, available from &



Welcome to our

GRADUATE & EMPLOYMENT SPECIAL This year our annual supplement has taken a step away from the norm. Inside you won’t find a single CV, interview tip or guide to dressing for success; instead you can read up on the benefits of youth work, learn about training courses and hear from 3 self starters who really did it their way. So what are you waiting for? Delve in, get inspired and end that mundane job hunt once and for all. Your future is only a page turn away.

Good luck!

Graduate Careers in Audit, Tax and Advisory Let’s cut to the chase. When it comes to developing your graduate career with us, it’s going to be a lot of hard work. You’re going to have to study. And you’re not going to be running the show from day one. But you will be valued. You will be supported. And you will get all the training, development and exposure you’ll need for when it is your time to run the show.

To find out more go to

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o you ever look at someone with an awesome job in the music, gaming or digital industry and think, 'How on earth did they land that?'. Check out our handy snapshot of the ever growing and exciting creative Industries and start planning your future now!

about to visit a prostitute in a bar…this is the course for you! As the games and moving image industries continue to grow, so too does the demand for highly skilled creative animators. From simple animations to complex 3D modelling and VFX, interactive animation is seen in TV shows, advertising, movies, and web content and games.

Audio and Music Production Often working in the background for your favourite bands, it is the job of the very talented music producer to deliver the polished version of each track before they are distributed to radio stations, used on TV programmes etc. More recently A-List producers such as Dr Dre, Timbaland and The Neptunes (Pharrell Williams) have bathed in the limelight, but remember, they all started in a dusty underground studio learning the basic skills! If music isn’t your thing you could also work with audio in post production for film or TV, radio broadcasting or sound and plugin design.

3D Interactive Animation If when playing 'Grand Theft Auto' or 'Call of Duty' you’re thinking more about the quality of animation and the 3D modeling than how cool it is that you’re running around with a gun


Web Development These days EVERYTHING is done online. The market in web design has evolved and matured greatly in recent years meaning the importance of a strong web strategy and user engagement has come to be recognised by large corporations and freelance professionals alike. After all, a website for most businesses is their shop window and retail space. Because any business that is intent on growing and servicing our increasingly connected world needs web developers, we’re pretty sure there will always be jobs in this forward thinking sector.

Find out more about studying for a degree in the creative industries by visiting the home of creative media education, SAE Institute:


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YOUTH WORK Creating adventures within one of the

most innovative and rewarding sectors



“We’ve created a really exciting new community of musicians and creative minds alike.”


hese are the words of some of the finalists from the 2012 Youth Worker of the Year Awards: people whose lives have been changed by others and who now work to help their peers overcome the difficulties they face. For some, youth work conjures up images of drafty church halls or camping in the sodden Scottish summer, but that image has never been right: it’s one of the most innovative and rewarding sectors to be involved with. When formal and further education tells us to sit down, listen up and learn, youth work is a partnership with mutual input and respect. Organisations like the Boys Brigade and Girlguides strive to stay relevant in an ever changing society by constantly evaluating their methods and approaches to youth work. In Perth they’re taking an interesting approach to teenage drinking with their touring Binge and Vomit Bar whilst our 2012 winners Erskine Music run a dedicated music studio open to youths of all ages and abilities. And from the wilderness comes

“It’s the thing that gets me up in the morning. It’s a true motivator to get to work and see inspirational young people on a daily basis.”

“We have pushed boundaries and barriers, walking the talk and making things happen when others said it couldn’t be done.”

wisdom as many youth clubs promote outdoor activities across Scotland as means of improving confidence and optimism in children and teenagers alike.

by Sarah Paterson Media and Public Affairs, YouthLink Scotland

Youth work reduces anti-social behaviour and can change the lives of those hardest to reach out to. It is also a rite of passage. Help us to ensure these opportunities are available for the next generation and join the thousands of volunteers that give their time to YouthLink Scotland. Every young person deserves to have an adventure and if you’d like to be a part of it visit for more information!

YouthLink Scotland represents over 100 organisations, including the 32 Local Authority Youth Work Services and all major national voluntary youth work organisations, which support over 300,000 young people in achieving their potential.


I DID DIRECTOR IT MY WAY Success Stories From Self Starters Fancy being your own boss? Take inspiration from three entrepreneurs who turned their dreams into reality and started their very own business in their twenties!

Name: Douglas King Age: 28 Business: 14c Studio Title: Director What made you decide to go at it alone and start your own film studio? I've always wanted to be a film director and at first I tried the runner route: basically doing all the stuff that just keeps the production ticking over. It wasn't creative or rewarding in any way. Actually, I wasn't learning anything, so I thought the best way to learn my craft was to make films. I took on part time jobs to pay the rent and carried on making short films! My flatmate/ best pal was in a similar position with design stuff, so when we thought we had learned just enough, we started a business together.

Tell us about a typical day at 14c Studio… Usually we have a roll and square sausage, then sit down for 8 hours, working on emails, editing, scripts and plans. We used to have a roll mat in the office for naps around half 3. Very useful. Other days involve meetings, filming or going to other facilities to work on post


production stuff.

Tell us about your latest project with comedian Josie Long. 'Romance & Adventure' is the 2nd film Josie and I have made together. It's a bit of a two hander with our previous film, basically Josie's character is still having a hard time, but this time she has a pal to talk to! It's set in Glasgow and is about Josie and Darren's characters coping with the fact that all their friends are moving on with family and boring jobs.

Your latest film with Josie premiered in London’s Leicester Square. How did it feel strutting your stuff on the red carpet? The Leicester Square premiere was incredible, although a nerve wracking experience. We both made these films totally off our own backs, with no funding and just us and the team we assembled, pulling in every favour we could. It's rewarding to see it in front of an audience, especially with a bit of London glamour.

To view more of Doug’s work visit





ith summer days a distance memory and the library looming, money may be the last thing on your mind. With the new term now in full swing, it’s important to make sure you’re financially fit after the Fresher celebrations. Understanding how, when and what about student funding doesn’t need to be difficult. So here’s an easy guide from the Student Awards Agency for Scotland (SAAS).

Who pays my money? If eligible, students resident in Scotland should apply to SAAS for your tuition fees which are then paid directly to your college or university. Students in Scotland can apply for a bursary as well as a student loan. If successful, SAAS pay all bursary payments to you and The Student Loans Company then pay your student loan. SAAS also assess other additional grants for students who are lone parents, those with dependants and those leaving care to enter higher education and then pay grants on the same day as your bursary payments. You can find out more about these grants on the SAAS website.

When will I get my cash? An award notice is sent to you explaining the amount of tuition fees and bursary that you’re eligible for, how much the instalments will be and when they’ll be paid into your allocated bank account. For those who have successfully applied for a loan, the lump sum will be shown here but The Student Loans Company will send you a loan payment schedule a few weeks before your first day of term which explains when each loan instalment will be paid. Although we’re well into the first term, remember that you must confirm with your college or university that you have started your course before you’ll receive any loan payments.

What happens if my application was in late? Even though term’s started, you can still apply to SAAS for funding. Late or incomplete applications can mean that any funds you were entitled to from the beginning of your course will be backdated and paid in a single instalment with all remaining payments paid on the 7th of each month up until the end of your last term. Make sure you include all relevant household income documents in your first application for funding or you won’t get your full cash.

What about my placement expenses? If you’re studying nursing or an allied health profession, you may be able to get help with extra accommodation or travel costs while on placement by applying for those costs in arrears throughout the academic year. Any funds due to you will be paid into your bank account within 10 days of SAAS processing your claim. You can download the forms to claim placement expenses from the SAAS website.

questions about your student loan payments and you have already received your SAAS award notice, you should contact the student loans company on 0845 026 2019. If you change your bank account after applying for your bursary or loan, notify SAAS of your new account details through your web account and also inform The Student Loans company. We want you to be clear on your financial matters so you can start enjoying student life!

Watch the new ‘Your Money’ video on the SAAS YouTube channel to help keep you right on your cash.

Help, I’m still stuck! If you have any questions about your payment of bursary, additional grants, placement expenses or your student loan assessment, you should contact the SAAS helpline on 0300 555 0505. If you have any





I DID IT MY WAY Name: Kirsty Fitzgerald Age: 28 Business: Hidden Lane Tearoom Title: Owner Baking delicious cakes in your very own tearoom for a living, that must be pretty sweet? (don’t excuse the pun, we worked too hard on it). It is! Although there’s a lot more to it than that! The baking is definitely a plus but trying to find enough hours in the day to get everything done is a challenge. Thankfully I've got some great staff who can carry a bit of the baking load so that's a bonus.

Tell us about your typical day in the tearooms. On a busy day I’ll start at 7am and aim

to have the scones in the oven and the soup on the boil by 8am. This gives me a couple of hours before we open to sort all the other cakes and specials. Once open we have people in for breakfast, then lunch, then we clean up and get some more baking done and we always have meringues in the oven when we leave (on a timer of course!).

You also host vintage hen parties and craft / fashion stalls in the tearooms, do you have any other plans for the future? We have our new function room now, on the most part it's just used as an extension to the tearoom, but at the weekends we have private parties and we've just hosted our first craft fair and hope to do more of that. We've also had a few acoustic gigs and kids parties which are great fun!

What advice would you give to fellow bakers looking to launch their own café? Don't underestimate how much hard work is involved. I went into it thinking I'd be having a lovely time baking all day but the reality is there is a whole other side of admin, taxes, wages etc. which aren't so fun. Still totally worthwhile though, I wouldn't change a thing!

What's your favourite thing about being self-employed? It's probably a fairly obvious answer but not having to answer to anyone is pretty good! At first it was scary not having any direction but once I got into the swing of things it was great being my own boss. I never resent going to work, I don't resent 18 hour shifts as I'm doing it for myself and I don't hate my boss, because I'm her!


PRODUCT DESIGNER I DID IT MY WAY What projects are you working on right now? We’re working on a revolutionary pair of hair straighteners for one client and an interactive smart pen for another. We’re also developing a few of our own ideas: a hipster friendly customisable iPhone case and sports water bottle. Keep your eyes peeled, we’ll be launching these early next year!

Name: Craig Lynn Age: 28 Business: Product Sprout Title: Design Director Tell us about Product Sprout and a typical day in the office? There generally is no typical day, we design and develop products for inventors and companies so each day varies depending on what work we have on, in the past this has went from Caviar packaging to oil and gas equipment. Even within each project the work varies from brainstorming ideas and sketching one day to being in factories and arranging manufacture another. I guess it’s a mixture between Dragons Den and the Apprentice without any of the annoying personalities.

You work with 2 of your best friends from university, what is your serious/fun ratio? It’s generally quite a good balance! The best thing about working with friends is that you can fully trust them in terms of quality and effort. On the flip side you can also cut through a lot of the politics that generally exists in companies: if something’s not up to scratch you can just be brutally honest with each other without having to pussy foot around.

What’s your favourite thing about working for yourself?

Do you take on student interns? Yes, but the right interns. We aren’t looking to take on students that are just looking to tart up their CV. Students should see internships as an extended job interview and not just an alternative to working in Pizza Hut over the summer. Our intern at the moment is a perfect example of what we look for: he actively approached us with over 20 of his own product ideas. He didn’t want to just work for us but collaborate with us and develop these over the summer. We loved one idea so much, he started the next day and two months later his idea has gone from a sketch on the back of a napkin to a fully working prototype ready to sell!

For more info on Product Sprout & Internships visit Follow on Twitter @productsprout

I never get the Sunday night dread. I love what I do and how we do it so every morning and every night I’m looking forward to getting into the office and getting on with what I love. Being your own boss and being in control of your own destiny is definitely part of this, it’s risky but I wouldn’t have it any other way.




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The MoD is an Equal Opportunities Employer.

by Jennifer Lynn

Photography by Steve Baccon


t’s been 20 years since Ronan Keating, Stephen Gately, Mikey Graham, Keith Duffy and Shane Lynch burst onto the booming ’90s pop scene with their debut UK single ‘Love Me For A Reason’ shooting straight into the top 10. Countless hits later, with 4 number one studio albums under their belts, the original Irish boyband are back to celebrate. With new album ‘BZ20’ set for release on November 25th, and a UK tour kicking off 3 days later, we managed to pin down Keith for a trip down memory lane…

It’s been 20 years of Boyzone; what’s your earliest memory of being part of the band?

music, so going for a boyband wouldn’t have been up my street really. I fell into it; I didn’t go looking for it.

Well there’s a question, because you’re asking an old man to go back 20 years! My earliest memory would probably be going to the final audition for the band, which was on a Thursday night – I think it was the 3rd of October in 1993 – at a place called the Printworks, on the Quayside of Dublin. I was standing in the queue with Stephen Gately and Mikey Graham.

Back in the '90s there was a massive pop scene; are there any bands that you guys keep in touch with or still hang out with now?

How did that audition go? That was the final one; I never went to the other ones. Me and Shane were good mates, because we had grown up together, and he was the one who came up with the idea for the band. He approached Louis Walsh, so he was actually sitting in with Louis, watching other guys coming in to audition. I had already met Louis – and Shane, obviously – at this point, so I had fast-tracked through to the final audition. We had to do a dance to that Right Said Fred song, ‘I’m Too Sexy’, so I think I just went in and did a strip for everybody in the room. It kind of worked!

Should we be expecting any stripping on this tour? I don’t think so, we’re all married and settled down at this point, and we’ve got kids – some of whom are in their teenage years – so it wouldn’t be right for a teenager to see his father going out on stage and stripping. It’ll be more suits, looking sharp, putting on a slick show.

You had your first big TV performance on the Late Late Show in Ireland; would you have gone on ‘The X Factor’ if it existed back then? I don’t think I would have, because the way the Boyzone thing came about was all quite coincidental. I met Louis Walsh one Saturday night in a club and he invited me along to the auditions. I had known about them, but I didn’t know who he was, so I said, “Is that the same band that Shane Lynch is in?” And it all happened quite coincidentally. I don’t think I would have had the confidence to put myself in front of Simon Cowell. At the time I fancied myself as a bit of a drummer, and I was more into rock

We did a lot of work with Ant & Dec, who were obviously PJ & Duncan at the time, and every time we hook up we reminisce and chat about old times. A lot of the bands that were around in those days aren’t together anymore though; we bump into some of them from time to time. One of the biggest tours in the UK at the time was the Smash Hits Roadshow and that was a great way – before you were successful enough to sell your own arena tour – to get experience of performing. We used to tour with East 17, Another Level, Spice Girls… We toured intensively with the All Saints girls for a couple of years, and they are girls that we see around from time to time.

Most of the bands that were around in our early days are all broken up old men and women now! What do you think it is about Boyzone that has given you that longevity? There’s no specific answer really. The characters of the band need to have left a big enough memory in the minds of the fans so that, when you do decide to get back together, you’re recognisable. We had 8 years out of the business, came back together at the end of 2007, and performed together at Children In Need. We got a phenomenal response, which made us decide to maybe go on tour again, and within 3 hours of tickets going on sale we had sold 80,000. We toured twice with the Greatest Hits album, then started recording new material for the ‘Brother’ album, which was around the time that Stephen unfortunately passed

away. We finished that album in his memory, and it went to number one, but we only brought out one single from it. It just became too difficult to work for a while, because we needed time to go away and grieve our friend, and reassess the situation. We didn’t know if we should go on, but ultimately we decided we’re much better if we’re together, and it helps us deal with the loss of Stephen. For that reason we decided to put another album together, and go on tour again, so that’s exactly what we’re doing.

Do you ever recognise fans from the old days when you’re out on tour? Absolutely; you see the same old faces and it’s quite bizarre. You bump into them and you don’t recognise them immediately, but then you might recognise them through their eyes, or their attitude. Or else the photographs they show you from 20 years ago!

You must have some stories from back then, with the fans hanging outside the hotels… It was a long time on the road and at the time you don’t realise how lucky you are to have all that attention. It’s only when you get back together, years down the line, that you have a much bigger appreciation for everything around you. You’re more knowledgeable of the business and if you’re lucky enough to get that second chance it’s far more enjoyable. When you’re young you forget that the alternative to being exhausted and working all the time, doing something you love, would be doing a 9 to 5!

‘BZ20’ is released on November 25th. Boyzone play Glasgow’s SSE Hydro on December 15th.



he SSE Hydro opened in September this year and plays host to national and international music pop stars as well as global entertainment and sporting events. With a capacity of 12,000, you can expect all your favourite megastars to stop by this gigantic venue during their world tours. Have you checked it out yet? Here’s our top picks for the remainder of 2013.

November 15th Vampire Weekend

November 1st Artic Monkeys

November 2nd Chase and Status

November 8th Stereophonics

November 16th Queens Of The Stone Age

November 19th 30 Seconds to Mars

December 7th JLS


December 9th Tinie Tempah


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iana Vickers has come a long way since being introduced as “Little Diana from Blackburn”, the 17-year-old hair backcombing, nude lipstick wearing, barefoot performer on 2008’s edition of ‘The X Factor’. With a number one album under her belt and a successful stint in the West End playing the title role in ‘The Rise And Fall Of Little Voice’, Diana is back with album number 2, and a role in political satire ‘The Duck House’. We hauled her out of rehearsals for a chat on all things Vickers – bread makers and all…

Have you been watching ‘The X Factor’ this year or is that just weird? It’s not that it’s weird, but I’m usually out on a Saturday night or busy working, so I’ve not really tuned in this year. The One Direction year was different, and when Olly Murs was on it and people were buzzing about him, I’d tune in to have a look. I don’t really watch it religiously though.

How do you think your signature style has developed since those days of performing in your bare feet? I was 16, 17, and that was the kind of thing I was into then. I liked the boho look, guitar music, and now that I’m older my style’s a bit more out there and I have more fun with it. It’s more versatile, I like to try new things and I now wear very high shoes on stage!

Despite your theatre work, having designed a clothing line and done some modelling, is music still very much your focus?

Interview: Diana Vickers 30MUSIC

It is; this album means so much to me. It took 2 years to write, for such a long time I was just so focused on it, and that was my main thing. As I’m getting older I’m really getting into my acting as well though, I go through the whole audition process and go to my lessons, and I really enjoy it. I do love my music, but I’m lucky

to have my acting that I can take as much love out of; I think it’s really healthy.

Tell us about ‘Music To Make The Boys Cry’… When I wrote my first album I was still really trying to develop as an artist, I hadn’t really figured out what I wanted to do, so it was kind of a development album. I really enjoyed it at the time, and it did so well, so I’m proud of its success. This album I put my blood, sweat and tears into, I feel really close to it and I really took my time with it. There’s a bit more of a consistent vibe throughout it, it’s quite ’80s and feel-good, it makes you want to dance and it’s a bit sassier.

You’ve already released the single ‘Cinderella’ from that album, which is about a real life fairytale, but what elements would your own fairytale involve? I love laughing a lot… I love funny people, being around funny people. Food makes me happy. I love food and chocolate and cookies! And I love nice wine. So those would all be in my fairytale.

You set T in the Park on fire this summer; any plans to tour in the New Year? I loved T in the Park and I loved V Festival, but I’m in the West End until after March, so it would have to be after that. I’d love to do the album live, get to travel and see the fans. Hopefully – we’ll see.

Music To Make The Boys Cry is out now ‘What do you want for Christmas?’ “I don’t know why, but I just want a bread maker. I went through a phase with my boyfriend a while ago where we used to make loads and loads of bread. That sounds a bit weird, doesn’t it?”


YOU ME AT SIX: Taking on the World, one Wagamama at a time

I’d like a dog,” says You Me At Six drummer Dan Flint when Scotcampus ask him what we could buy him for Christmas. “I’d name him Neville, after Nevile Longbottom, because I like Harry Potter.” Four-legged friends aside, Dan and the boys were – like everyone it seems – in the midst of a US tour when we caught up with them in Boston, home of America’s only Wagamama. And some other stuff.

How is the tour going? It’s incredible. It’s our first headline US tour, half the dates are sold out, and if they’re not sold out they’re almost there. Last night in Toronto was crazy, because we’re in Canada right now, and loads of people have been saying they’ve never seen a crowd that crazy. Kids were showing up at God knows what time and queuing outside; everyone just seemed really excited for it.

And you were in Detroit a couple of nights ago, what was that like? We ended up playing the same stage that Eminem grew up playing when he was doing his rap battles, which is pretty funny, and you just can’t fault the kids

out here. They know all our songs, and to come from having no label push, no media or radio coverage, it’s just the fans spreading the word, and it’s grown really organically. We hang out with kids afterwards and they’re just great fans. In the UK it’s harder, because the shows are getting bigger, so it’s a bit dangerous for us to do that now.

What are your plans for your day off today? Well our tour manager is actually from Boston, so he’s going to give us a tour of the city, and the only Wagamamas in America is in Boston so I think we’ll go there! Should be good, a bit of a taste of England, that’ll be pretty decent.

How did your UK support slot with 30 Seconds To Mars come about? We’ve played with them in Portugal and Ireland before, and we ended up having the same agent, and they asked if we’d be special guests on their UK leg. We hadn’t planned to tour the UK until the new album comes out, but we’ve got the new single coming out, and hopefully we’ll have another new song by then. It’s a good way to test out the new songs without the pressure of headlining.

How do you think the new album compares to ‘Sinners Never Sleep’ and some of your older material? There are definitely songs on there that fans of You Me At Six are going to love. There are also tunes on there that are a lot more risky, in a good way, because we wouldn’t want to write the same album 4 times. That would be boring. They’re probably our favourite songs.

When you aren’t making and playing your own music, who do you guys listen to? It depends on the scenario, but before going on stage we’ve been listening to the new Chase & Status album, just because it’s very hyped and up-tempo. There’s an Instagram video of us all dancing to it which is quite funny. When we’re just chilling out we’ll listen to Bon Iver. Literally anything. I’ve been listening to our album a lot, because it’s just been mastered in the past couple of weeks, so it’s still quite fresh.

You Me At Six play Glasgow’s SSE Hydro on November 19th


Interview: Half Moon Run


anadian indie 4-piece Half Moon Run have had quite the 2013. Citing Glastonbury as a highlight, singer and guitarist Conner Molander is just as appreciative of the band’s UK fans as he is of his home crowd in Vancouver, where Scotcampus caught him on tour to talk making music, Mumford & Sons and Montreal writing sessions.

You guys have a show tonight in Vancouver; how have you been preparing for that? Well it’s a big one, because me, Dylan and Issac are all from Vancouver, so we’ve got a lot of friends and family coming out. Pretty much everyone from my childhood is coming out tonight.

How does it feel to play to the home crowd? It’s always the one that makes me feel the most nervous actually. It’s easier playing in front of 10,000 strangers, but there’s gonna be a lot of love in the room, I’m sure.

How did Half Moon Run all come together in the first place? We all ended up in Montreal, for various reasons, before we met. Another member started the jam, he was a mutual friend of all of ours, so brought us all together. We’ve had various transformations since then, because that was in October 2009,


but the band had been practising steadily since then in one form or another.

Then your first album came together… Yeah, little ideas were happening for the first year or so, leading up to late 2011 when we were recording it. It was really difficult, because we were all working restaurant jobs, and it was freezing cold in Montreal. We kept redoing it, because we weren’t happy, so it took 7 months. Those were some of the most gruelling times, but then after it got released it went great and things started picking up, and we started touring all over the place.

You’re touring the UK in November; how familiar are you with the fans here? We’ve been to the UK like 4 times in 2013 so far, so we’re getting quite familiar with them! Things really picked up there for us after Radio 1 started playing some of our tracks, so we have an amazing following there now, though it’s always been terrific really. I can’t wait to go back. Glastonbury has probably been our UK highlight up until now. We stayed in the camp the whole weekend and it was just amazing.

Who is the average Half Moon Run fan? Well, we actually get a lot of older couples who come out and like us, but if you look at the stats it’s mainly 18 to

25-year-old girls. It’s not a bad thing!

You’ve toured with Mumford & Sons before and you guys get compared to them quite a lot – do you think there’s a particular reason for that? I don’t personally think that we’re very similar bands, but we both have folk elements and a lot of harmonies, so that’s similar enough. A while ago we decided not to take comparisons too seriously one way or another, because people will say what they want anyway, but Mumford & Sons are amazing guys and a great band.

Have you started working on the second album? Yeah, as much as we can, every time we’re back in Montreal we’ll have a day in the studio writing. There’s a lot of ideas going on. We just need to tie it all together and get a couple of weeks, hopefully in early 2014, to work all that out.

‘What do you want for Christmas?’ “I just got a new guitar and a new pedal, so I’m real set up musically. Plus I’m at home right now, so I’m feeling real fulfilled, and I don’t think I really need anything!”


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Interview: Birdy


f someone mentions the name Birdy, chances are the first thing that pops into your head is Jasmine van den Bogaerde’s haunting cover of Bon Iver’s ‘Skinny Love’. Her breakthrough track, it was released in 2011, with her self-titled debut album following shortly after. Did we mention she was only 15 at the time? Now 17, Birdy’s back with her second album, and this time there are no covers allowed.

You’ve been away for a while; what have you been up to in between your last album and the new one? Well I’ve been on tour a lot; I’ve done a European tour, an American tour, and recently an Australian tour. I got to play 3 nights at the Sydney Opera House at the end of that, which was incredible. It’s the most beautiful venue. I also got to play at the Paralympics Opening Ceremony, which was a very surreal experience, and then I’ve been writing a lot for the new album and recording in America.

How did you like it over there? I really like it and I had recorded the


first album there, so it was nice to be back, working with the same people again too.

What should fans expect from the tracks on ‘Fire Within’ if they haven’t bought it already? Well it’s got quite a new sound; a few of the songs are quite upbeat and then there are some that are more stripped back, like the first album. It’s a real mix and it’s got a bit more of a drive to it I think.

How do you think your sound and your writing have progressed over the years? Well on this album the songs are all original, which is something I’ve wanted to do for a long time, so it’s exciting for me to be doing that now. I also done some co-writing on this album, which was quite a weird thing for me, but it created new ideas and gave colour to the songs.

Has there been anyone you’ve really enjoyed writing with?

When you released ‘Skinny Love’, did you expect to gain the kind of attention that came with it? No, I never knew what to expect from it, it was a whole new thing. I’d never done covers before and I had no idea what might happen. It was so exciting when it was played on the radio for the first time, and then seeing everyone’s reaction, and being able to watch the video on YouTube. I was still at school then, but I left last year to go to college, and have put my studies on hold for a bit while I focus on this new album.

Are you quite happy to focus solely on music for the time being? Yeah, suddenly at college there was a lot more work, and it was becoming harder to balance the two. For me music is what I want to do for the rest of my life, so it’s my priority, and I want to focus on it while I can.

‘Fire Within’ is out now

I really liked working with Dan Wilson; he’s a brilliant writer and we got some great songs on the album from it.



WEARING OUR HEARTS ON OUR FEET The Parisian designer famed for her wedged trainers and uber-cool urban style is the latest in a long line of high profile H&M collaborators this month. Featuring both womenswear and menswear, Isabel Marant Pour H&M lands instore and online on November 14th, with key pieces including slick leather trousers, loop knit cardigans and cosy wool coats. Get in line now; this collection is a guaranteed sell-out.

Shooting straight to the top of our Christmas wish list, these super cute heart printed pumps by Sophia Webster are an on-trend investment buy, and will keep your tootsies feeling loved all the way to Valentine’s Day.

Izzy Polka Heart Pumps, ÂŁ320, available now at www.

Isabel Marant Pour H&M is available from November 14th. For more information visit


Interview: Loula Creates founder Louise Kenny




lived in London. Then I made the move and it was the hardest but best thing I’ve ever done.

What did you study at uni and why did you choose that particular course?

I came up with the idea when I was in the fourth year of my undergraduate degree. We were learning how to use CAD [computer-aided design] and we were asked to come up with our own design module. I’d always been known for wearing crazy colours, and mixing up prints and textiles, mainly on my legs. I used to paint designs on to tights and people would stop me on Buchanan Street to ask me where they were from, and I’d just say, ‘Oh I made them myself.’ The more people stopped me, the more I thought maybe I could make and sell them, and when the design module came up it was perfect. I started designing prints for leggings and hosiery, created a collection and thought of a name, then developed the website and it all just went from there.

Ultimately I’d love Lady Gaga to wear my tights,” says Louise Kenny, founder and designer of luxury hosiery label Loula Creates. “Paloma Faith would look great in them too and Katy Perry could definitely rock Loula leggings.” Chatting on a chilly September afternoon in London, when a pair of her label’s signature paint splattered tights certainly wouldn’t go amiss, Louise talks Scotcampus through her journey from ambitious student to fully-fledged fashionista.

I studied Fashion Business at Glasgow Caledonian University. At school I was really into both Art & Design and more academic subjects, like Business and Marketing, and I really struggled to find a course that had both. When I found the course at Caledonian it seemed like the perfect fit, so I went with it, confident that if I wanted to start my own business I’d have both the design experience and business know-how to do it myself. It had always been on my bucket list to do a master’s degree too, and after I graduated I saw that there was an International Fashion Marketing master’s at GCU London, the new Caledonian campus in London. I applied – not really thinking that I would get it – then got in, didn’t tell anyone, ripped the letter up and threw it in the bin. It was really expensive and I just couldn’t afford it. I told one person, my old dissertation tutor, and a few days later he told me about the AllSaints scholarship. I had worked in AllSaints on Ingram Street for the whole 5 years when I was at uni, I’d met the owner a few times and done a placement at head office on the marketing team, so thought I might have a good chance of getting it. I applied straightaway, found out on a Friday that I’d been successful, and the course started on the Monday. I ended up travelling from Glasgow to London for lectures for the first three weeks, up and down twice a week, and sleeping on my sister’s floor because she already

At what point during all of this did you start your own business?

Do you make all the tights yourself? I do, from my bedroom, but hopefully one day I’ll expand and have my own studio. Oh, and a Loula Ladies army – that’s what I’d call my staff!

How do you decide what colours and styles you’re going to make each season? A lot of it is instinctual; I go with my gut feeling. Living in London I’m surrounded by so much inspiration and creativity, everything is so fast-paced; every time I walk down the street I get a new idea.

I’m always on my phone taking pictures and thinking, ‘I could use that for something, that could be part of a print, that colour looks really cool with that’.

Street style here is insane and bloggers have such a huge influence on trends. When I did my master’s my dissertation was based on the future of trend forecasting, and the main thing to come out of that was that digital and online are the way forward, which I totally believe.

What’s the most challenging thing about running your business? Competition. It’s strange because I think people who are into mainstream, high street fashion might look at Loula Creates and think, ‘I could easily get that in Topshop or Urban Outfitters for less money.’ The difference is that high street hosiery is mass-produced and hundreds of people will have the exact same styles, whereas with Loula Creates it’s hand painted and nobody will ever have the exact same pair as you, so that’s why you’re paying a higher price point. It’s hard for people to justify right now because of the way the economy is, but I’m not trying to do fast fashion; my tights and leggings are premium investment purchases.

Where do you see the brand going next? I really want to focus on my kidswear, because there’s such a market for Little Loula Legs, and they’re just so cute. I’m also hoping to launch swimwear in time for bikini season next year, full of colour and amazing prints that will enhance a tan, and make Loula lovers stand out on the beach. Loula legs need a push into the counter-seasonal markets, like Australia, Chile, Brazil and South Africa, so that they remain relevant all year round – I’ve got plenty to keep me busy.

How do you balance running your own label with your day job [Louise is also an international marketing and PR coordinator for Arcadia]? It’s really hard to keep motivated, but I know if I push myself I’ll achieve my goals at the end of it, and London is definitely the best place to be. I might not be eating or sleeping, but I’m living and breathing fashion!

Loula Creates hosiery and leggings are available at


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ne of the most exciting dates on the Scottish fashion calendar, this season’s Nightwalk runway show looks set to introduce a whole host of new names on to the style scene, from Aymee Charlton to Madame Gabrielle. Taking place at The Arches on November 7th, founder Angie Koorbanally is the woman making it all happen – well, providing there’s no power cut this year…

First things first – last year's power cut. How many sets of GHDs does it take for that to happen?! That was a crazy night! It was actually a problem that Scottish Power had and the power cut affected almost every establishment on that block. It was so strange when it happened; the show was just about to start, all the models were lined up and ready to go, the dressing room was buzzing with excitement. Then the lights went out. At first I didn't know what to think, then I saw the emergency lights come on, and I knew it was bad for us at that point. Thankfully we managed to get the show rescheduled for a month later and most of the original participants were in the rescheduled show.

There are a whole host of new designers showing this year. How do you go about selecting them for the show? First we advertise the designer places through our social network profiles.


Then we contact designers who have caught our eye directly to offer them a space. It takes a lot of research and time, but we always find exciting new names, and we support both emerging and established designers. We also look for collections that stand out for their tailoring, construction, concept and aesthetic.

How do you think Nightwalk helps them to gain recognition for their designs? Before each show we share information about each designer on our social networking pages, giving them an introduction to our followers, and many designers who have taken part in past Nightwalk shows have gone on to do bigger things.

Talk us through the week leading up to Nightwalk; what will you be doing? Before each show we do a fitting. At the fitting the models are fitted to each garment they are wearing on the catwalk. This also gives people a chance to get acquainted. We do our PR run, going out around the city visiting fashion hot spots, and telling the people there about the show. There’s a lot of admin, getting participant passes made, sending out invites, making sure everyone is clear on arrival times for show day, lots of tweeting and posting on Facebook and Instagram. The rest of the physical stuff happens on the day of the show.

Q&A: Nightwalk founder Angie Koorbanally

How many people does it take to make the show happen? We usually have about 30 models and a dresser for every model, but this time we are using 2 dressers per model. Then there's the production team, make-up artists, hairdressers, assistants and photographers. For this show we have 165 participants, including designers.

What's been your highlight of the whole journey so far? The highlight for me is the people I meet through Nightwalk. Fashion is not prejudice. It allows people to express themselves and it helps people find their identity. The people who take part in Nightwalk are creative minds who are focused and determined. I admire people who follow their dreams and work hard to bring them to fruition.

Where do you see Nightwalk going and growing to next? I would like to take Nightwalk to other cities around the UK eventually and I think there’s also potential for us to do a 2-day event.

Nightwalk AW 2013 takes place at The Arches, Glasgow, on Thursday 7th November. For tickets visit



FISH, SNAILS & VAMPIRE TALES: Are these what beauty is made of?

by Aline Siekierski


n between the moisturisers and creams, lotions and potions, we occasionally stumble upon some very unusual beauty treatments indeed – particularly thanks to our favourite celebrities posting pictures of themselves indulging on Instagram. The question is, how far are you willing to go for beauty, and which treatments are really worth the hassle?

Fish Pedicure On a recent trip to Prague I was surprised to see fish pedicure spas on nearly every street corner. For those that don’t know what a fish pedicure is, you basically have tiny little fish eat up the dead skin on your feet. Not a very pretty picture, huh? I remember seeing a fish pedicure spa at Topshop’s Oxford Circus store in London a couple of years ago, but this practice has since become illegal in the UK, and in several United States and Canadian provinces. The reason? The health risks. According to the government’s Health Protection Agency, fish pedicures carry risks of contracting hepatitis, and even HIV. If the user is infected with the blood-borne virus, and they happen to bleed in the water, the disease can be passed on. The risk is extremely low, but it is still present. This bizarre


beauty treatment is still very popular in Asia, where it first began, and several European countries where this practice is still legal.

Snail Facial Imagine having slimy snails slithering on your face… It probably sounds even worse than fish on your feet! This Japanese beauty treatment consists of having 2 to 3 live snails gliding up and down your skin releasing their mucus, which contains proteins, antioxidants and hyaluronic acid – key components in many high-end moisturisers. These chemicals help to reduce inflammation, promote cell turnover, and retain moisture.

You may be asking: “If we can find the same ingredients in store bought moisturisers then why do people choose to have these sludgy creatures on their face?”

Well, because people that have undergone this treatment claim that it really does work. It is also all-natural and some even admit that it is “surprisingly relaxing”. But don’t go hunting for some snails from your back garden; the ones used in this treatment come from specially designed organic farms.

Vampire Facelift This beauty treatment puts to test the famous saying “beauty is pain”. Ever since reality star Kim Kardashian let cameras film her undergoing this painful procedure for her show ‘Kourtney & Kim Take Miami’, this treatment has gained immense attention from the public, and the media. Blood is drawn from the patient and then the platelet rich plasma (PRP) from the blood is reinjected into the skin. The PRP triggers tissue growth, giving the person a glowier, youthful complexion. A slightly extreme (and painful) procedure for someone looking to cut down a few years from their look, but this treatment is believed to be a lot safer than ordinary Botox, since it uses natural cells from the patient.

Would you try any of these treatments? Tweet me your thoughts at @AlineSieks




Describe your style in 3 words Playful, feminine and eclectic.

Which item of clothing or accessory have you had the longest? ith undergoing a serious makeover, we’ve decided to welcome some of our favourite fashion bloggers to contribute to our shiny new site!


I’m a hoarder at heart so I have loads of clothes that I’ve had for yonks! My old band T-shirts from back in the day are still going strong, along with my £24.99 pleather jacket from H&M ,which I’ve had for 8 years!

Meet Betty, Glaswegian events and PR manager, fashion blogger, social (media) butterfly and professional sale shopper.

Which fashion bloggers do you follow? I met one of my best mates, Bee Waits For No One, through blogging as I followed her page for years. I love Thank Fifi’s classic taste and clean looks. I also look forward to Mona Lisa’s styling on her blog for the Herald.

What are your tips for staying warm in winter but still looking fab? 1. Shirts under everything! 2. Take full advantage of the textured fluffy trend; Primark is doing it so well at the moment. I have the jumpers in every colour! 3. Winter isn’t complete without a (fake) fur coat. No matter how old it is, a fur coat is forever the winter style staple.

Where's your favourite place to shop on… The high street: H&M, their ‘Trend’ section is always on point in terms of quality and wearability. It certainly gives more of a luxe feel for a snippet of the price, compared to the likes of Reiss or Whistles.

Online: I spend far too much time browsing ASOS Marketplace searching for new designers and quirky vintage pieces. Over the years this has slowly taken over my eBay addiction! Independent boutiques: I can always find a bargain in Vintage Guru on Byres Road and Circa Vintage has some incredible pieces within their collection too. My first stop for gifts is always Lala Land within the De Courcy's Arcade: a wee safe haven for indies across the country. I always try to find new brands first and buy straight from them.

It’s a cut-throat world being a designer and buying from them directly means the world to them financially and creatively. A visit to Gin In Teacups fair at The Arches is always great too. Just remember to shop local folks!

Check out more of Betty’s looks and style advice on Follow Betty on Twitter: @foreverursbetty Facebook: /foreveryoursbetty


My PORTIS WASP says... STYLE STING Grey Givenchy Leather High Tops So, apparently, the UK is bracing itself for one of the worst winters in over 100 years. Whatevs. These Givenchy high tops will protect me from all them evil elements. At £450 they’re not exactly cheap, which is why I had to choose between them or electricity this month, but it’s not like I’m not going to get lots of wear out of them. Statement kicks like these go with every outfit conceivable and if I promise to spend the next month walking – constantly – I’ll totally keep myself warm at the same time! A lot of the time people call me stupid, but most of the time I’m like, really, clever.

Available from


f you haven’t yet watched Netflix’ new prison drama ‘Orange Is the New Black’, then I’m sorry, but we totally can’t be friends. If you have, then you’ll know that it is amazing and, like me, you will no doubt be feeling like you’re serving your own jail sentence while we wait impatiently for series 2 to get made. Hurry up, producers!


AMI Shearling Trimmed Check Wool Bomber Since growing a beard I’ve found myself spending a lot more time outdoors doing proper man things. This AMI shearling trimmed check wool bomber jacket looks perfect for when I’m chopping wood in the garden and don’t want to catch a chill. 1. It looks super cosy around the collar! 2. It can be dressed up with a On the show, main character Piper Chapman is sentenced to 15 months in the slammer after she is convicted of a decade old crime of transporting money for her then drug dealing girlfriend. Cue much drama, lots of awkward tension between inmates, and one or two crazy characters you really wouldn’t want to share living space with. One of those crazies, Pennsatucky, is played by actress and singer Taryn Manning, and whilst Taryn is super sweet in real life and would have lots of great stories to share in the prison yard about her early pop music beginnings in Boomkat or working with Britney on cult classic ‘Crossroads’, you really wouldn’t want to share a cell with the Jesus-loving nutjob she plays on the show. I was fortunate enough to ask Taryn 5 questions for my blog a little while ago, and it totes seems appropriate to share her super cute answers with you now – if only to keep us distracted from not having any new episodes of ‘Orange Is the New Black’ to watch until next year! Bah humbug.

pair of skinny jeans and brogues, when chopping wood gets boring after ten minutes, and I’d rather be in a Starbucks mopping eggnog latte out of my beard. 3. Its only £595 – which is, erm, fine… I can totally make one eggnog latte last the month… Right?

Available from

Portis Wasp: A song that makes your heart skip a beat? Taryn Manning: ‘Roads’ by Portishead.

PW: If your life were a film it would be… TM: ‘Yellow Submarine’. This should speak for itself.

PW: The last film you watched that made you cry? TM: America's sweetheart, Miss Bullock's film 'The Blind Side' got me like the rest of 'em.

PW: If you were looking to impress a date or partner which signature dish of yours would you cook? TM: I make a killer chilaquiles breakfast.

PW: A guilty pleasure of yours you can't seem to quit… TM: I can’t seem to shake pizza; dough of any kind really.

The first series of ‘Orange Is the New Black’ is available to watch in full on Netflix. Do it!


1. I know this happened last month, but I’m still not quite sure what to make of Kate Upton and Snoop Dogg’s music video for ‘Hot Pockets’! Like, what the Snoop is all that about? Like, seriously? WTF. 2. I loves me a good brogue and Base London’s new ‘Manor’ range is pretty spiffy. Trust me, I’ve been wearing their ‘Woburn’ brogues for nearly a month now and these bad boys have not let me down. You don’t even need to worry about wearing them out in the rain – rubber soles, innit. 3. Following her recent bootleg of a bootleg collaboration with Versace for their Versus label, and totes awkward online letter to the NFL, M.I.A. releases her long-awaited new album ‘Matangi’ this month. The controversial singer promises her new music will sound like “Paul Simon on acid” and will not feature any fame whore producers. Never change, M.I.A. 4. Lady Gaga releases ‘ARTPOP’ on November 11th, and if it sounds as good as her album artwork looks, I’ll be a happy wasp. 5. Sorry if you’ve already brushed the cobwebs out of your hair, but we need to rewind a few days and make this Halloween pumpkin jumper a thing for the month of November. 6. ‘American Horror Story’ returned to our screens last month and everything is good with the world again. Well, maybe not for witchy folk – a lot of dramz going on with them in this series, but boy is it good to have the old gang back along with two new superstar additions to the cast, Kathy Bates and Angela Bassett. The always amazeballs Jessica Lange has her work cut out this year if she wants to win that Emmy! 7. ‘Gravity’ hits cinemas this month and stars two of America’s most likeable stars, Sandra Bullock and ‘Gorgeous’ George Clooney, as two astronauts lost in space after their shuttle is, quite inconveniently, destroyed. If you fancy 90 minutes of nerve-wracking tension and mind-blowing visuals then this is the one for you. If, on the other hand, you have an irrational fear of your space shuttle being destroyed, with only George Clooney’s calming voice to help regulate your breathing as you spin out of control and into a big black sea of nothingness, then it’s probably best you avoid this one. 8. Like, this is so random, but Ja’mie King, Australia’s most famous private school girl, returns to our screens this month in her own six-part TV series! ‘Private School Girl’ will follow Ja’mie in her last few months at Hilford Girls Grammar school and promises countless GIF-worthy moments from the obnoxious rich bitch. Will you be watching? Of course you will. Ja’mie will have no hesitation in smashing your dolls cupboard with a hammer if you don’t. 9. We are officially only a month away from new Britney music! That is all.




It’s Your Ultimate Scottish Christmas Guide


ollowing the success of our Hidden Gems feature in the September issue, we’ve taken inspiration from the Scotcampus City Guide once again, to put together your Ultimate Scottish Christmas Guide. Whether you’re celebrating in Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh or Glasgow, you’ll find our pick of the best Christmas dinners, pantos, last minute shopping spots and relaxation stations nestled within the next 33 pages.

In association with the

Think we’ve missed a vital location? Tweet us @Scotcampus and you might just see your suggestion featured online at



icking things off in the Granite City, our pick of Aberdeen’s best Christmas dinners will have your mouth watering as quick as you can say “pass the gravy”. From a party of 200 to a meal for 2, you’ll find something for everyone, and probably want to try them all. Christmas is a time for eating, right?

TIGER TIGER 1-2 Shiprow, AB11 5BY Perfect for large groups and all night affairs, Tiger Tiger have various rooms and areas that can be hired for Christmas parties, as well a range of menu options to suit all tastes and budgets. A classic 3-course Christmas lunch is available from just £13.95 per person, while Champagne receptions and finger food buffets can also be catered for, all in their glamorous Shiprow surroundings.


AMICUS APPLE 67 Langstane Place, AB11 6EN A new feature in Aberdeen, having just opened its doors in October, Amicus Apple offers a tasty 3-course Christmas menu for £29.95, with far more than just a roast dinner on offer. Choose from red lentil, chilli and toasted coconut soup, chicken and duck liver parfait, warm goats cheese galette or smoked salmon… and those are just for starters! Ideal for a cosy one with friends in modern yet welcoming surroundings.

Beach Ballroom


Beach Promenade, AB24 5NR venues/bb

50 Chapel Street, AB10 1SN christmas-2013.php

If it’s a traditional Christmas party you’re after this festive season, look no further than Aberdeen’s Beach Ballroom, where there’s turkey and all the trimmings on offer for £39.50 per person. Entertainment will also be provided by J.C. Lee and Road Runner Disco, making the Beach Ballroom a perfect spot for that big uni night out – minimal planning, maximum entertainment.

Indulge your patriotic foodie at Howies this Christmas, where you’ll find a set dinner menu for £32, featuring Scottish game terrine, baked fillet of Loch Duart salmon and Howies Christmas banoffee pie, to name but a few of the options on offer. A lighter lunch menu is available for just £25 per head and we’re all over the wild chestnut and mushroom risotto. Food coma guaranteed.

Tiger Tiger






e’s behind you! Yes, panto season is upon us once again, and Aberdeen has more than one on offer to keep you entertained until the big man gets here. If interactivity isn’t your thing, there are plenty of other treats on offer, that are as moreish as that chocolate in your advent calendar.

HIS MAJESTY’S THEATRE Rosemount Viaduct, AB25 1GL www.aberdeenperformingarts. com/venues/his-majestys-theatre


Everybody loves a panto at Christmas time – oh no they don’t, oh yes they do, etc. etc. His Majesty’s Theatre’s 2013 offering is the classic story of Cinderella, running from November 30th to January 5th, starring the brilliant Elaine C. Smith. If you’re still in the festive spirit come January, Scottish Ballet’s Hansel & Gretel is a magical way to spend an evening… Just make sure you don’t get eaten.

AECC Bridge Of Don, AB23 8BL From PINK’s charity Christmas Fayre on November 15th, to the CLAN Christmas Cracker on November 29th and Boyzone’s 20th Anniversary tour on December 12th, there’s something to suit all tastes at Aberdeen Exhibition & Conference Centre this festive season. Our pick? Mr Tinie Tempah on December 2nd, who will take you from Aberdeen to Ibiza, even if there’s snow on the ground.

MUSA 33 Exchange Street, AB11 6PH Fusing food with art and music, Musa is a perfect spot for some Friday night entertainment, from open mic nights to regular performances by the likes of Scotty Cruickshank and Dave Manning. We’ve had a peek at their Christmas menu too – they had us at ‘rosemary chips’.

ARTS CENTRE & THEATRE 33 King Street, AB24 5AA Fancy another panto? Make a wish and you might just find yourself popping out of a lamp at Aberdeen Arts Centre, where Aladdin is the story of choice this Christmas, from December 5th all the way to Christmas Eve.

Arts Centre & Theatre




hristmas is a time for giving, but with our pick of Aberdeen’s best shops, you’ll be tempted to keep all your purchases for yourself…



Guild Square, AB11 5RG

Stonehaven, AB39 2RD

Left all your shopping until Christmas Eve and don’t know what on Earth you’re going to do? Get yourself down to Union Square, where high street favourites like H&M and Zara stand alongside Hugo Boss and House Of Fraser, with the delectable Hotel Chocolat also making an appearance for the sweet tooth in your life. Tired of shopping? Hit the cinema for a feel-good festive favourite or fuel up at one of the centre’s many restaurants. Santa would be proud.

If you’re looking for the sweetest stocking fillers in town, Aunty Betty’s is the one. This ice cream and old school sweetie shop is the perfect place to buy jars of rhubarb and custards, strawberry bon bons and pretty much every other tasty treat you can imagine. We dare say Aunty Betty will have plenty of candy canes come December too. Four for you Glen Coco, you go Glen Coco!

Bon Accord

SOMETHING BON ACCORD FOR ME Thistle Street, AB10 1UY & ST NICHOLAS 19-25 Schoolhill, AB25 1HZ Another one stop shop in the heart of the city, Bon Accord & St Nicolas shopping centres house over 65 shops, including Topshop, Topman, Radley and the Disney Store. That’s pretty much all your gift giving bases covered right there, isn’t it? The centre also offer a gift card that can be used in any one of their stores, which is just perfect for the fussy relative in everyone’s life.

Now, while we know you’re meant to be shopping for your pals, there’s no harm in picking up a little something to reward yourself for your hard work. Cute boutique Something For Me stocks a wide variety of labels that you won’t find anywhere else in the city, from their own brand jewellery, to womenswear by Oui and Sandwich.

Union Square



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fter the stress of Christmas shopping and the strain of carrying heavy bags around all day you’ll be well in need of some me time. From spas to salons, our hair and beauty selections all have one thing in common: utter tranquillity.

THE MARCLIFFE SPA The Marcliffe Hotel, North Deeside Road, Pitfodels, AB15 9YA spa_treatments.htm From Essie manicures in all the colours of the rainbow, to hot stone massages, Fake Bake spray tans and luxury facials, all your pampering and preening needs can be taken care of at The Marcliffe Spa. Book in for some solo treatments (the calm before the storm) or take your BFF for a festive treat. Champagne spa lunches are also available – music to our ears.

ANGELS 8 Schoolhill, AB10 1JX index.html Founded by 3-time Scottish Hairdresser Of The Year winner Tracey Devine, Angels is a modern, clean, comfortable hair salon, offering everything from a straightforward cut to highlights and hair extensions. Super stressed? Add a head and neck massage in the Angels Space on to your treatment package for £15. Ultimate relaxation.

ZEN SPA 6 Upper Kirkgate, AB41 8YA As the name would suggest, Zen Spa will have you feeling utterly relaxed from the moment you arrive until the minute you leave, with massage, holistic therapies, spa exfoliation and body wraps all on offer. Why not try out one of the Zen Exotic Rituals? Mediterranean Dusk may come in at £130, but for 1 hour and 40 minutes of pure bliss, it’s cheaper (and faster) than a flight to Ibiza.



51 Holburn Road, AB10 6EY We may not have located the fountain of youth, but The Beauty Fountain is a damn good alternative, with eyelash extensions, gel nails, waxing and aromatherapy massage all on offer. The perfect place to get Christmas party ready.

The Marcliffe Spa





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oving further south now, you Dundonians are in for a treat this Christmas, if these tasty food and drink options are anything to go by.

PIPERDAM GOLF & LEISURE RESORT Fowlis, DD2 5LP christmas-party-nights.cfm It wouldn’t be Christmas without a big ol’ group party night and Piperdam do some of the best in Dundee. £38 gets you a 3-course dinner, a cheeky glass of prosecco on arrival and entertainment from the live band, or a smaller group might prefer a more casual preChristmas lunch or dinner at £18.95 and £23.50 respectively. Chipolatas always included.

BELLINI 36 Commercial Street, DD1 3EJ With both their Christmas lunch and dinner menus served from December 5th right up until Christmas Eve, with an additional menu for the big day itself, Bellini will add a little Italian flair to your festive dining experience. While classic turkey is still a viable option, why not change things up, and indulge in the Girasole Mediteraneo… or a even a good old pizza?

TAZA Unit One, Camperdown Street, DD1 3JA “Jingle your bells at Taza!” cries the website of this popular Indian restaurant – you don’t need to tell us twice. Hosting party nights on Fridays and Saturdays throughout the season, there’s a huge amount of choice on the menu, with European favourites like scampi and steak pie sitting side by side with traditional Indian pakora and samosas. The Christmas Day buffet menu is also an excellent choice if the aim of your day is, like ours, to eat as much as possible.


BRAES 14-18 Perth Road, DD1 4LN Looking for somewhere to wave farewell to the first semester with your uni chums? Braes early bird Christmas menu is available from November 25thDecember 1st, with 3 courses coming in at just £10.95 – what a bargain. Into December your turkey, beef, salmon or vegetarian wellington will come in at £16.50 for 2 courses or £17.95 for 3, making Braes an excellent budget friendly option. Only going for drinks? Email in advance and book an area of the bar absolutely free of charge. That’s a Christmas present in itself right there.




SOCIAL 10 South Tay Street, DD1 1PA Lucky enough to get a mention in our Hidden Gems last issue, Social Dundee makes the cut again, thanks to its modern take on the Christmas menu – think tasty sharing pizzas and sides, as opposed to meat and two veg. Also known for throwing a great Hogmanay party, be prepared for a queue at the bar, but the cocktails are well worth it.

DON MICHELE 177-179 Perth Road, DD2 1AS

The Byzantium

Another Italian delight, Don Michele begin dishing up their festive menu on December 9th, with seabass, lamb neck fillet and gnocchi amongst the turkey alternatives on offer. Don’t even get us started on the white chocolate and cherry mouse –

THE BYZANTIUM 11 Hawkhill, DD1 5DL Steak, seafood and wine are The Byzantium’s specialty, so expect the best of all 3 on their festive menu, which includes pan-roasted fillets of cod and hake as well as 28 day aged sirloin of beef. At £30 for 3 courses, we’re sure you can stretch the budget for a bottle of their finest rose Champagne too, as an after dinner treat…

RIVERSIDE INN Riverside Drive, DD2 1UH house/riverside-inn-dundee A brilliant budget Christmas option, Riverside Inn offers 2 courses for £12.99, with 3 for £15.99. Menu options include homemade butternut squash, spinach and chestnut herb crumble for the discerning vegetarian, while clotted cream cheesecake and rich chocolate tart will go down well with everyone.






rom the Big Friendly Giant to a friendly (or not so) battle on the racetrack, there’s plenty of fun to be had in Dundee this Christmas – Scrooges beware.



Dundee College Gardyne Campus, Gardyne Road, DD5 1NY

Unit 10 Myrekirk Road, DD2 4SH

After successful runs of ‘Cinderella’ and ‘Jack And The Beanstalk’, this year’s Gardyne Theatre pantomime is ‘Snow White And The Seven Dwarves’, so expect plenty of laughs from Dopey and co. Kicking off on December 4th and running until December 8th, we’d recommend booking now, or you’ll be booing louder than ever when it sells out.

DUNDEE REP Tay Square, DD1 1PB If you’re over the traditional panto, but still love the childish spirit of Christmas (who doesn’t?), then Dundee Rep have just the thing for you. Roald Dahl’s much-loved classic ‘The BFG’ has been adapted for the stage, with whizzpoppers and snozzcumbers aplenty. Don’t know what we’re talking about? Read the book and then get yourself to the show from November 28th to December 31st. The perfect alternative Hogmanay?

If a day of drinking isn’t quite your idea of a Christmas party, Dundee Karting could be an excellent alternative, offering everything from Karting & Pizza deals to a Karting & Kasino combo to please everyone. Or, of course, you can just stick to the track. What would Lewis Hamilton do?

CAIRD HALL City Square, DD1 3BB

Gardyne Theatre

’Tis the season to be merry as Caird Hall present a stellar programme of live music and entertainment, from the haunting Nordic Nights Concert By Candlelight on December 8th, to the swinging sounds of Christmas With The Rat Pack on December 14th.

Caird Hall



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lanked by the Overgate and Wellgate centres, Dundee’s main shopping streets will leave you spoiled for choice, with independent boutiques adding a little extra something to your standard high street spree.

OVERGATE SHOPPING CENTRE DD1 1UQ Need jeans for your brother? Try River Island, Topman or Gap. A dress for your sister? Hit French Connection, H&M or USC. In short, Overgate has a little bit of everything, to please even the fussiest person on your Christmas list. They also have a Starbucks and every Christmas shopper knows that nothing helps you refuel quite like a hazelnut latte in a red cup. Mmm.

WELLGATE SHOPPING CENTRE Tay Square, DD1 1PB While Overgate will have all your fashion needs taken care of, we’d recommend a trip to Wellgate for any fragrance purchases this festive season. With The Perfume Shop, Savers, Semi Chem and Superdrug all under one roof, you’re guaranteed to bag yourself a bargain.

MAGGIE’S FARM 22 Union Street, DD1 4BH maggiesfarmboutiquedundee This award winning fashion boutique also featured in our September issue, but we love their selection of oil slick dresses and cosy fur gilets for Christmas party season, so we’re giving them another shout out. Can’t make it to the store? Check out their Facebook page, pick what you want and call in an order for delivery. Just call them Santa’s little helpers.

Maggie's Farm

RARA AND THE PRETTY VACANT SHOWROOMS 19 Exchange Street, DD1 3DJ rara.vintage.dundee For the retro lover in your life, Rara launched in 2008, and has been filling the city’s vintage needs ever since. With a great range of clothing and accessories on offer, not to mention their super cute packaging, a visit to Rara will make shopping for the person who has everything that little bit easier.






ost-shopping pampering and pre-party preening are all taken care of in Dundee’s fine selection of spas and salons.

PARTNERS HAIR & BEAUTY 128-130 Gray Street, Broughty Ferry, DD5 2DG With haircuts and colouring, plus waxing, nails, false lashes and massages all catered for, Partners Hair & Beauty is your one stop shop for festive perfection. Stylist Donna even won the award for Best Female Hair Stylist at this year’s Scottish Hair & Beauty Awards, so book in with her, and be sure your tresses are in safe hands.

Benjamin Barker


YU SPA 1 West Victoria Dock Road, DD1 3JP en/spa/yu-spa-dundee Situated inside the city’s Apex Hotel, spend a day or half day at Yu Spa, taking in the Japanese hot tubs, Elemis treatments and a whole host of detoxifying facials, body wraps and massages. Pure bliss.

MCINTYRES 50 Union Street, DD1 4BE 3-time Scottish Hairdresser Of The Year award winners McIntyres offer cutting and colouring for both men and women, as well as hair extensions and permanent blowdries, all with 20% student discount. If that isn’t music to your ears at Christmas time, we don’t know what is.

This modern take on a traditional barbershop in the heart of Dundee is just the place to chill out and shape up before a big night on the town. With hot towel shaves on offer, as well as cutting, you’ll be fixed up and looking sharp in no time at all.





he romance of Scotland’s capital city, all castles and fairy lights, lends itself perfectly to a winter date or two. Ladies, take your beau to one of these fine establishments for some festive cheer, and we guarantee he’ll lend you his coat for the journey home.

THE DOME 14 George Street, EH2 2PF This grand building was once the HQ of The Commercial Bank Of Scotland, but now it houses several drinking and dining rooms, all serving up their own Christmas specials. Go for Hogmanay and you’ll be treated to both a Ceilidh band and a DJ, canapés and a piper at midnight, all for £40.

A ROOM IN… LEITH 1a Dock Place, EH6 6LU slider/a-room-in-leith Part of the ‘a room in…’ chain of cosy Scottish bistros, this Leith based incarnation’s Christmas party menu is a tasty treat, with roasted butternut squash, confit Ayrshire pork belly and chocolate ice cream sundaes amongst its festive offerings. Did we mention that ice cream sundae is topped with popping candy? It’s like a grown up visit to Willy Wonka’s factory.

TWENTY PRINCES STREET Royal British Hotel, 20 Princes Street, EH2 4A You’ll never get lost on the way to this grill and smokehouse, that’s for sure! Offering picture perfect views while you dine, book in now for a 7-course Hogmanay dinner party, with vegetarian version also available. Think eating’s cheating? The £40 tasting drinks menu might suit you better, with 6 courses of pure alcoholic delight on offer.

The Dome

BLONDE 75 St Leonards Street, EH8 9QR This modern wee restaurant has a bargain Christmas menu, offering 3 courses at lunch for just £17.50, or the dinnertime alternative for £23.50. That means once you’ve finished your eggnog ice cream you’ll have enough change left for a bottle of rosé – that’ll certainly keep you warm if your other half doesn’t oblige.




CAFÉ ANDALUZ 77b George Street, EH2 3EE Who says a Scottish Christmas has to revolve around a traditional roast? Tapas are a perfect alternative – sharing is caring, after all. However, it might be an idea to arrange the dishes carefully on your table, so your favourites just happen to be within easier reach… Nobody wants to be left without their patatas bravas at Christmas.

BOND NO9 84 Commercial St, EH6 6LL

Bond No 9

Bond No9’s cocktail menu is enough to lure us there any night of the year, but come Christmas time our minds shift to food – call it ‘thinking about our layers’ for winter. The Scottish cushion of beef is what we’re going for, followed by a white chocolate cheesecake… yep, the whole thing. You have spent winter in Scotland before, right? You’ll need all the energy you can get to stay warm

GUSTO 135 George Street, EH2 4JS restaurants/gusto-edinburgh Deck the halls at Gusto this Christmas, where you can indulge in a cocktail masterclass, choosing one of two festive drinks to learn how to make. Obviously you get to drink them afterwards, and can add the class on to a 2-course festive lunch, with a total price of £34.95. ‘Absolut’ bargain if you ask us.

KHUSHI’S 10 Antigua Street, EH1 3NH edinburgh/index.php Another untraditional – but damn tasty – offering comes in the form of Khushi’s Indian Christmas menu this season. Swap your prawn cocktail for a poppadom and pickle tray and prepare for a currytastic Crimbo. Sure beats your mum’s burnt turkey (unless you’re lucky and have a parent who can cook. Scotcampus doesn’t).






ome to the world’s most famous Hogmanay celebrations, you can bet your bottom dollar that you’ll have an entertaining festive season in Edinburgh, not least because of all the American tourists floating about. “Can you say, ‘There’s been a murder?’” is just one question our US pals asked a friend of Scotcampus’ at the 2008 Hogmanay street party…

THE VOODOO EDINBURGH ROOMS PLAYHOUSE 19a West Register Street, EH2 2AA index.php

18-22 Greenside Lane, EH1 3AA edinburgh-playhouse/

Don’t fancy spending Hogmanay out in the cold? Get yourself a one-way ticket to Vegas… That’s the name of The Voodoo Rooms’ New Year’s Eve ball, just FYI. With showgirls, roulette and an appearance from The Soul Foundation, you’ll feel like you’ve taken a flight to Sin City, without the risk of waking up married in the morning.

We’ve already mentioned that Disney’s The Lion King is taking over the Edinburgh Playhouse until January 18th, but we just have to emphasise what an amazing show it is, and why you should go go go! With its Elton John soundtrack and an amazing cast of dancers, this musical beats every panto in town, hands down.



Princes Street, EH2 2HG events/concert-in-the-gardens Edinburgh’s annual Concert In The Gardens will be headed up by Pet Shop Boys this year, with more guests to be announced, and fireworks guaranteed. Pack a poncho, pack sunglasses (for effect) and dance your way into 2014.

The Voodoo Rooms

10 New Market Road, EH14 1RJ While the Corn Exchange is go-to venue for larger, mainly corporate Christmas parties, our pick of their festive calendar is a gig from a little band called The Lumineers on November 23rd. There’s also the big Hogmanay party, where £42 will get you a supper of haggis, neeps and tatties, and live entertainment all night.

Princes Street Gardens







36-39 Market Street, EH1 1DF

2 Leven Street, EH3 9LQ

In close proximity to Edinburgh Waverley train station, Electric Circus can cater for Christmas parties from 6 people all the way up to 350, with karaoke packages, mystery shots and Champagne aplenty. We’ll be the ones singing ‘All I Want For Christmas Is You’. Every time.

King’s Theatre’s panto kicks off on November 30th, with the all-singing, alldancing Peter Pan. Join Tinkerbell and the Lost Boys for an adventure through Neverland and you’ll probably never want to leave.

THE PICTURE THE QUEEN’S HOUSE 31 Lothian Road, EH1 2DJ HALL 85-89 Clerk Street, EH8 9JG

From live orchestras to soul bands, there’s a little bit of everything on offer at The Queen’s Hall this Christmas, and they too have their own Hogmanay celebrations. Afore The Bells includes a ceilidh, whisky, Champagne and food, with a traditional Highland piper at midnight – what more could you want?

Highlights: Lucy Spraggan, Panic! At The Disco, Basement Jaxx and Tenacious D all make appearances at The Picture House over the next two months, making it the perfect place to seek alternative festive entertainment, with not a Santa hat in sight.

The Queen's Hall

Electric Circus





e love shopping in Edinburgh – from the vintage stores and independent boutiques of the Grassmarket, to the luxury of Harvey Nichols and the high street favourites that line Princes Street, there’s a gift for everyone waiting to be uncovered in the capital.

HARVEY NICHOLS 30-34 St Andrews Square, EH2 2AD Designer clothing for men, women and children, plus a haven of beauty gifts, accessories, shoes and jewellery all lie within the walls of Harvey Nichols’ Edinburgh store. Tired from carting your bags around? Head to the fourth floor Champagne bar and treat yourself to a glass. Bubbles make everything better.


PRINCES MALL Princes Street, EH1 1BQ When the rain starts pelting down – as it will – and your paper Topshop bag starts falling apart – as they do – seek shelter in Princes Mall. Housing the likes of JOY, Xile, Superdry and New Look, you’ll be able to tick a few presents off your list, before heading back out to face the elements.

EERO & RILEY 7 Easter Road, EH7 5PH


This cosy shop has loads of really gorgeous gifts, including stationary, jewellery (including some Bonnie Bling pieces) and homeware. We love their Baby Riley blankets too – personalised with any name and various patterns, they’re perfect for the little person in your life.

JENNERS 48 Princes Street, EH2 2YJ Part of the House Of Fraser chain, Jenners is a one-stop shop for festive delights, from favourite fragrances to clothes, toys and games. Visit the Grand Hall and you’ll be in the spirit in no time.

JOE 3 Greyfriars Place, EH1 2QQ Joe is your friend for bargain stocking fillers. Jewellery, accessories, cards… It’s all here, it’s all at ridiculously low prices and it’ll all bring a smile to your Secret Santa recipient’s face. Hell, it’s so good you’ll actually want to admit that you were Secret Santa, and we all know that doesn’t happen very often. Out of date selection box, anyone?

THE MUTT’S NUTS 108 West Bow, EH1 2HH Silly by name, silly by nature, The Mutt’s Nuts stocks some brilliant gift items, from Edward Monkton mugs to Grow Your Own… well, anything, really. Basically all the things one might find in Urban Outfitters’ homeware department. Without going to Urban Outfitters.




eed an up-do for your Christmas party, a Hogmanay cut or some post-festive detoxing? We’ve got it sussed.



1 Gillespie Place, EH10 4HS

The Balmoral Hotel, 1 Princes Street, EH2 2EQ health-and-fitness

Cuts, colours, blowdries and hair treatments are all on the menu at Coco Ribbon – great news if your ends have taken a beating from heat styling. Get your stylist to pop on a L’Oreal mask and all will be right with the world again.

PATERSON SA 129 Lothian Road, EH3 9AD A long-established salon in the heart of Edinburgh, with modern surroundings, expert stylists and a generous student discount scheme. Expect 30% off your cut and style from Monday to Thursday, and 20% off technical treatments on the same days. Re-sult.

The ultimate luxury spa housed inside Edinburgh’s famous Balmoral Hotel, book in for a day in January, and feel your post-holiday blues melt away. Non-members can access the spa for £25 per day or, if you’re booking a treatment costing £70 or more, you’ll get access for free. Well worth it, we say.



23 Queensferry Street, EH2 4QS One for the boys, this is a modern take on the traditional barbershop, which will leave you looking super fly ahead of that Hogmanay party. Don’t pretend you don’t care about getting a winch at midnight; we know your game…

Paterson SA






ur final destination, tradition might suggest it’s all about the drinking in Glasgow, but we’ve found an excellent selection of festive fayre to wash down your Bucky with.

GRILL ON THE CORNER 21-25 Bothwell Street, G2 6NL restaurant/glasgow One of our favourite festive dining spots, GOTC go all out with the Christmas crackers, ensuring you’ll have a crown to wear all night long. Their roasted butternut squash and pearl barley risotto is, quite possibly, the best veggie Crimbo dinner in the city


MUNRO’S 185 Great Western Road, G4 9EB A great place to head for the end of semester lunch, the menu at Munro’s is filled with mouth-watering walletfriendly munchies, from their beer bite buckets of wings and stuffed jalapenos, to sharing platters, hotdogs and burgers. Think eating’s cheating? They’ve got a ton of craft beers too. Win-win.


225a West George Street, G2 2ND

166 Bath Street, G2 4TB

For an alternative take on Christmas dinner, head to Gamba, and indulge in some of the finest seafood the city has to offer. Lobster, lemon sole, monkfish and seabass are all available, and those of you who hate a set menu will be pleased to know that this is anything but.

While advance booking for pretty much anywhere is recommended during the yuletide, Scotcampus must commend Lucky 7 for finding our party of 8 a table at 7pm on a Friday night with no reservation, after we were turned away from a fully-booked George Square ice rink. Top marks for hospitality, a tasty and purse-friendly menu, and some excellent tequila to boot.


Lucky 7

2 Nelson Mandela Place, G2 1BT Get your Italiano on with Amarone’s delicious festive menu. Both lunch and dinner options are available; thankfully you can order the honey & ginger cheesecake no matter when you dine. Phew.

Grill On The Corner




111 Hope Street, G2 6LL

This Halal Indian restaurant gives the option of picking your own set menu for a party if you call in advance, or you can dine from the tasty Indian and Moroccan a la carte lists. Kebabs, curries, fresh pizzas and burgers should appease even the mildest of spice fans.

With its US vibes, not only can you celebrate Christmas at Ab Lib, but you can get in on all the Thanksgiving action we usually miss out on! On Thursday 28th November the 4-course Thanksgiving menu will skin you just £21.95… It skinned that Turkey a whole lot more. Bad pun. We know.

LANSDOWNE BAR & KITCHEN 7a Lansdowne Crescent, G20 6NQ



523 Sauchiehall Street, G3 7PQ

A hidden gem in Glasgow’s West End, The Lansdowne’s 3-course Christmas and New Year menu comes with a glass of prosecco included, all for £29.95 per person. There’s haggis-stuffed chicken, steak pie and vegetable broth on the menu, so throw on some tartan, and fully indulge your Scottish heritage.


CRANACHAN 2nd Floor, Princes Square, 48 Buchanan Street, G1 3JN This wee café inside Princes Square offers a great view of the centre’s Christmas tree and has late night openings on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights throughout December. While their new market menu is positively delicious, we still can’t resist the charm of their afternoon teas, and tasty clootie dumpling. Just like Granny makes.


Downstairs at 192 Pitt Street, G2 4DY

193-199 Bath Street, G2 4HU

With live music accompanying dinner from Tuesdays to Saturdays, 1 Brasserie offers that little something extra, for those who like a bit of atmosphere with their festive fayre. There’s a choice of tasting menu or the more traditional 3-courser; which one will you go for?

An eternal favourite with students and office workers alike, Bunker’s 3-course Christmas menu comes with a complimentary bottle of wine per booking… If you’re really smart you’ll book you and your 10 pals separately. Or really stupid. They’re never going to fall for that, dafty.

Ad Lib


GLASGOW: EATING & DRINKING RED LEAF RESTAURANT Springfield Quay, G5 8NP restaurant-details/ red-leaf-restaurant While we can't condone gambling here at Scotcampus, we’d highly recommend a trip to the Alea Casino, if only to visit its Red Leaf Restaurant. Head chef Jamie comes from a professional background that includes London’s Dorchester Hotel and Loch Lomond’s Cameron House – if that doesn’t give you confidence in his cooking, nothing will.

TWO FAT LADIES 88 Dumbarton Road, G11 6NX www.twofatladiesrestaurant. com/westend The ever-popular Two Fat Ladies have a great festive a la carte menu on the go. Scottish seafood favourites, such as scallops and salmon, feature alongside rib eye steak and chicken supreme. Mmm, chicken supreme…

Two Fat Ladies



75 Waterloo Street, G2 7DA

241 North Street, G3 7DL

Housed inside Indigo Hotel, Limelight’s 3-course Christmas dinner comes in at £32.95 per person, with a lunch alternative available for £26.95. Their Hogmanay celebrations are renowned for being one of the best parties in the city, with dinner, DJs and dancing well into the wee small hours. Why not treat your other half to the celebration package, which includes a ticket, overnight stay and brunch on January 1st? Zero effort, maximum girlfriend/boyfriend points.

Though its name makes us think of Captain Jack (mmm… Johnny Depp), Black Sparrow is all pub and no pirates. Which, in hindsight, is probably a good thing. We love their drinks, we love their food and their Christmas menu is shaping up to be pretty sweet too – available from December 4th till December 31st. None of this still eating turkey in January. Pah.

HUMMINGBIRD 193-199 Bath Street, G2 4HU Hummingbird’s killer cocktails and cosy surroundings entice us every time, and this year’s Crimbo menu is an absolute bargain, at £17.95 for a 3-course dinner. Karaoke pods can be rented out for parties, you can book Champagne and nibbles in any of their private rooms for Hogmanay, or you can just join in the big free for all in the basement club space. In the bird’s own words, “YALDI!”







lasgow is one place that truly comes alive at Christmas time; hell, even the pigeons of St. Enoch Square look merry and bright, thanks to the plethora of entertainment options.

Clyde Auditorium



63 Trongate, G1 5HB

George Street, G2 1DU

While we’re not sure anything can beat last year’s Tron Theatre panto, 'Aganeeza Scrooge', we’re sure ‘Peter Panto And The Incredible Stinkerbell’ will give it a good shot. Once again written by Johnny McKnight, expect plenty of laughs, and the odd cringe worthy moment. In a good way. Obviously.

At the heart of the city’s festive celebrations, year after year, George Square’s open air ice rink is a mustvisit. Even if your abilities are more Bambi on ice than Torvill & Dean, it’s an unmissable part of Christmas in Glasgow. After the Christmas lights go on on November 14th, the fun just keeps on coming, with the rink opening on November 23rd.

CLYDE AUDITORIUM Exhibition Way, G3 8YW The good old Armadillo is hosting the brilliant Dick McWhittington panto this year, with John Barrowman and The Krankies both on the bill – oh yes they are! Also playing the Clyde Auditorium in December: 5ive. Who there are now just 4 of. The ultimate guilty pleasure.

MAGGIE MAYS 60 Trongate, G1 5EP Directly across from the Tron Theatre, Maggie Mays is a great spot to catch a band, with a beer and a burger in hand. On Hogmanay they’ll be hosting a rock ‘n’ roll covers band, with DJs in the basement and a live comedy show – what more could you want, really?

George Square



ROYAL CONCERT HALL 2 Sauchiehall Street, G2 3NY From 'The Nutcracker' to The Best Of The West End Concert, with a little bit of Eddi Reader and the RSNO Christmas Concert thrown in for good measure, Glasgow’s Royal Concert Hall is spreading the festive cheer all throughout November and December.

SSE HYDRO Exhibition Way, G3 8YW If you’ve read our listings over on page 28 you’ll already know exactly what’s going on at the Hydro, but might we emphasise how amazing this new venue is? Depeche Mode, Vampire Weekend, Queens Of The Stone Age and 30 Seconds To Mars are just a few of the acts taking to its shiny new stage before the year is out.

KING TUT’S 272a St Vincent Street, G2 5RL It’s business as usual at the Wah Wah Hut this season, with everyone from Boy George to Half Moon Run paying a visit to DF Concerts’ infamous venue. Our pick of the programme? Oh Land on December 3rd. If you ever saw her supporting Katy Perry on tour you’ll know exactly why.

SECC Exhibition Way, G3 8YW While many big name acts are now being housed at the shiny new Hydro next door, Primal Scream and the Irn Bru Christmas Carnival are both excellent reasons to visit the SECC this December – just don’t eat breakfast first. Before the carnival, that is. We’re sure Bobby Gillespie will make you anything but sick, Country Girl.

SSE Hydro

King Tuts


£1 Drinks All Night!





King's Theatre

THE PAVILION THEATRE 121 Renfield Street, G2 3AX Are you a real boy or is someone else pulling your strings? Make like Pinocchio and get yourself to the Pavilion panto, starring Stephen Purdon from 'River City', and Michelle McManus off of 'Pop Idol'. Or STV if you like. We prefer to bring up 'Pop Idol' again.

THE KING’S THEATRE 297 Bath Street, G2 4JN aladdin/kings-theatre/ 'Aladdin' is the panto of choice at The King’s Theatre this Christmas, with comedienne Karen Dunbar and Capital Scotland’s Des Clarke getting in on the action, as Slave Of The Ring and Wishee Washee respectively. See it from Friday 6th December onwards.



244 Gallowgate, G4 0TT Beady Eye, The Pixies, Editors… a roller disco?! There’s an eclectic mix of events happening at the Barrowlands this November and December, but would you really expect anything less? Just don’t drink and skate. We all know how that one ends up.

THE 13th NOTE 50-60 King Street, G1 5QT This veggie and vegan café bar is also home to almost nightly gigs, from some of Scotland’s hottest up and comers. Check out Nevada Base on November 16th, who play alongside The Little Kicks and Gav Prentice, for an evening of synth heaven.

Pavilion Theatre




t wouldn’t be December without trailing along Argyle, up Buchanan and down Sauchiehall Street in search of that perfect gift. From commercial centres to independent boutiques, Glasgow has it covered.



41 St. Vincent Place, G1 2ER

48 Buchanan Street, G1 3JN

Specialising in bespoke dresses for all occasions, you’ll have to book an appointment with MeeMee if you want her to design your dream dress, from a Christmas party frock to a glam Hogmanay gown. Or, if you’ve got an event coming up next year, why not book in for a consultation now? Just think of it as having your own Fairy Godmother. Without the mice.

Sometimes feeling like the most festive place in all of Glasgow, Princes Square’s Christmas tree and singing school choirs are worth the visit alone. Gift shops like Illuminati, plus Links of London, Ted Baker and Jo Malone have a luxe feel, and there are plenty of bars and restaurants should you feel the need for a pit stop.



55 St Enoch Square, G1 4BW

220 Buchanan Street, G1 2FF

From bustling high street chains like H&M, Topshop and Topman, to quirky card and gift shops, and the European Market outside in St. Enoch Square, you’ll find everything you could possibly need and then some at St. Enoch this Christmas.

A firm favourite on the Style Mile, Buchanan Galleries has a great mix of stores, all under one roof. John Lewis becomes a bit of a winter wonderland around this time of year, while the overwhelming scent of Millie’s Cookies will have you stopping for a shopping snack or two. Oh, and don’t forget to hit Boots for all your 3 for 2 favourites!

MeeMee Couture

Princes Square



HOUSE OF FRASER 45 Buchanan Street, G1 3HL There’s something about the grand red carpeted staircase in House Of Fraser that makes us come over all Miracle On 34th Street… So Santa, if you’re listening, we’ll take everything that Prada has to offer. Thanks!

BUCHANAN QUARTER Buchanan Street, G1 2JZ

House of Fraser

Glasgow’s newly opened Buchanan Quarter houses one of our favourite shops on the planet: Paperchase! Never underestimate the power of a well-wrapped gift and a humorous card at Christmas. Other highlights include a HUGE Forever 21, where you’ll go in looking for your sister’s gift, and come out with only presents for yourself. Guaranteed.

SLOANS MARKET 62 Argyll Arcade, 108 Argyle Street, G2 8BG Oh how we love Sloans for a warming plate of pub grub and a drink or two, but it’s their market that we truly adore, popping up every Saturday and Sunday from 11am till 5pm. The perfect place to find unique stocking fillers, expect handmade jewellery, vintage clothing and gift food galore.

SILVERBURN Barrhead Road, G53 6QR While we often make the trip to Silverburn purely on the promise of a Nando’s, there’s also a huge range of shops, to suit every taste and budget. Debenhams, M&S, Boux Avenue and Kurt Geiger are just a taste of what’s on offer.

GLASGOW FORT The Fort Retail Park, Provan Walk, G34 9DL Glasgow Fort is committed to giving students a great deal, and many of their shops have signed up to offer year-round discounts, from 10% off at Schuh, Topshop, Oasis and HMV, to 20% off at Frankie & Bennys, Prezzo and Pizza Express. Christmas shopping and eating for less. We approve!

BRAEHEAD Kings Inch Road, G51 4BN Who knew Glasgow had so many shopping centres – seriously?! With the Arena, ice rink and close proximity to Xscape, why not make a day of your visit to Braehead, and try some winter sports too? If you’d rather stay on dry (tiled) land, there’s everything from La Senza to Hollister to keep you busy, not forgetting Ikea across the road. Everybody loves Ikea.





hristmas wouldn’t be Christmas without a little festive sparkle. Make like Tinkerbell and get yours at one of Glasgow’s hottest hair and beauty spots – you too, boys.


30 George Square, G2 1EG

This luxury Hyndland Road salon offers pamper packages, with make-up, lash extensions, manicures and blowdries included, as well as standard cuts and colours. A comforting place to while away an afternoon, with amazing staff, we can’t recommend it highly enough.

A firm favourite, RRI offer a huge range of creative cutting and colouring options, with shiatsu head massages as standard. With extra Sunday openings in December, make sure you book now for that pre-party ’do, and prepare to be the belle or beau of the ball.

15 ROYAL TERRACE DAY SPA 15 Royal Terrace, Kelvingrove Park, G3 7NY Hidden away from the hustle and bustle of the city centre, 15 Royal Terrace offers treatments for girls and guys alike, with massages, facials, tanning and waxing all on offer. Can’t think what to buy your girlfriend for Christmas? Book her in here for a day. Preferably when the football’s on.


15 Royal Terrace Day Spa

111 Buchanan Street, G1 3HF Now stocking eco-friendly cosmetics, as well as all your favourite bath bombs, shower jellies and moisturisers, Lush have something for everyone this Christmas. Plus, their pre-wrapped boxes of goodies will always save you a job come Christmas Eve – which means more time in the pub for you. Hooray!





Of all the essentials you’ll need to think of for University, make sure you get your Unirider at:


by Jennifer Lynn

HOW TO GET A JOB ON TWITTER (Or any other Social Networking site)


n May last year my temporary features assistant contract at one of the UK’s biggest fashion magazines ended and, not wanting to move back from London to Scotland, I went on a serious job hunt. I mean, I had a job; a short-term retail fix to keep the pennies rolling in until I got one of those much-coveted jobs ‘in fashion’ that I really wanted, but I was looking for the dream. Friends and former colleagues whom I had met along the way would tip me off for one vacancy or another; some even recommended me to their industry friends and I had interviews coming out of my ears. In one week I sat in front of the section editors of 3 different glossies, dressed to the nines, only to receive rejection emails a few days later. “We don’t feel that the role would challenge you enough,” read one, and I’ll admit I had punched below my weight in an attempt to get a foot – hell, a pinkie toe – in the door. “Unfortunately we’ve appointed a more experienced candidate,” said another, going on to claim I was a very close second choice, which only made me feel worse. “You have been unsuccessful on this occasion,” the third put bluntly, after I truly fluffed that interview. Sigh. With a bruised ego, but an ever-defiant attitude, I turned to Twitter for comfort. While it would have been easy to type a 140-character rant into my MacBook and slam the lid shut, I took to the search bar instead, and typed the word “intern”. All manners of tweets came up, from dream placements in New York (you had to go to a US college to apply for those), to unpaid 4-week work experience slots (I couldn’t afford to work for free after finishing uni). Scrolling down, I saw a tweet from the PR manager of a major international fashion brand, looking for a full-time paid intern to start at their London office as soon as possible. I emailed off my CV and a cover letter, and within minutes I had a reply, inviting me to interview for the job the very next day. Score! With nothing to lose I headed along Oxford Street in one of my power interview outfits (at that point I’m sure it involved a crisp white shirt, bright red

skinny trousers and the unsensible heels I’ll never tire of – remember, I wanted to work ‘in fashion’) and attended the interview. Unsure of how it had gone,

or bombard potential employers with messages, this is a good heads up to keep your eye on their company jobsite, so you can be the first to apply.

I left the manager’s office, and had an email offering me the job before I had even made it to Tottenham Court Road tube station.

And as for the other social networking sites…

I started the next week and stayed all summer, until my next career move came a knocking, and that’s kind of the way things have gone ever since. So, how do YOU get a job on Twitter? Well, while I can’t guarantee your success, I can offer you a few tried and tested tips to help you on your way…

1. Know your search terms If it’s an entry-level position or internship you’re after, try – as I did – typing “intern”, “internship”, “paid internship” or “editorial assistant” into the search box. The results will be varied, but if you want to get into journalism, fashion or PR, you’ll definitely find something to apply for.

2. Look every day Monday was disappointing? Try again on Tuesday. Don’t be disheartened by a lack of results, non-responding companies or rejections; just keep searching.

3. Follow relevant recruiters Most graduate recruiters will have jobdedicated Twitter feeds, while outside companies like Gorkana or S1 Jobs will also post listings – if you aren’t following you might miss them.

4. Industry insiders tweet jobs before they’re advertised From the editor of your favourite magazine, to the CEO of that software company, you’ll often find that these people tweet about needing a new assistant or a staff member leaving before the official job ad gets posted. While you should never “Twitter stalk”

Facebook Again, it’s all about the search box, this time for finding official company pages to ‘Like’ and keep tabs on for any recruitment related posts. Make sure your own page is private though; the tables can just as easily be turned on you. Do you really think this summer’s holiday snaps show you in your best, most professional light?

Instagram Believe it or not, Instagram is a hunting ground for employers, so it could be an idea to keep your main account private and have a second ‘professional’ feed. Post pictures of your work, follow relevant companies, use hashtags that might attract employers, make sure your bio is work-related… Every little helps.

Pinterest Build yourself a visual CV – seriously. Words on paper often aren’t enough to get you an interview anymore, so a Pinterest board dedicated to your career history can be super useful, providing you strike the right balance of pretty and professional. Pin photos of your university, the logos of companies you’ve worked at, and link them all to their websites. Use the text box to list the dates you worked there and the skills you learned. If you work in a creative industry, such as graphic or fashion design, pin examples of your work. You never know who might be browsing – or repining, for that matter.

LinkedIn It’s the obvious choice, but recruiters are still scouring LinkedIn for potential employees, so make sure you keep it up to date with current job info and lose anything irrelevant that could work against you.


READING MATERIAL The hottest new season reads to get you through those chilly winter days…

Man Repeller: Seeking Love. Finding Overalls. By Leandra Medine, RRP £15.67, out now Super blogger and life-long New Yorker Leandra Medine is one of the smartest people we (don’t) know. Why? Because she correctly identified that some of the female brain’s most desired items of clothing are those most feared by the male species: jumpsuits. Harem pants. You get the picture. In her book she shares the stories connected to some of her most memorable wardrobe pieces and how they led her – eventually – to the big white dress. Serious LOLs.

Bridget Jones: Mad About The Boy By Helen Fielding, RRP £18.99, out now Bridget fans, rejoice: your favourite yo-yo dieter is back for a third instalment of man problems, this time with the added minefield of technology. Oh, and did we mention Bridge has two kids now, and that eternal love rat Daniel Cleaver is still sniffing about? If that’s not enough to whet your appetite this probably isn’t the chick lit for you… Pass it our way.


Andy Murray: SeventySeven – My Road To Wimbledon Glory By Andy Murray, RRP £20, released on November 7th Yes, the Scottish tennis superstar has penned an autobiography, and it’s out just in time for you to add it to your Christmas wish list. Focusing on the last two years of his career, Murray shares the secrets of his training regime, and just what it takes to get to the top. A must have for every tennis fan.

The Walking Dead Volume 19: March To War By Robert Kirkman, RRP £10.99, released on November 19th If you’re a big fan of the TV show, we can think of worse ways to spend a day than holed up reading the latest incarnation of ‘The Walking Dead’ – who wouldn’t want to transport themselves to a post-apocalyptic world where television doesn’t actually exist? Sounds pretty blissful if you ask us…

The Dinosaur That Pooped Christmas By Tom Fletcher & Dougie Poynter, RRP £5.99, out now Of course we’re recommending the new pocket sized version of this picture book as a Christmas gift for the little brother/ sister/cousin in your life. We’re not suggesting that you might want to keep it for yourself, just because dinosaurs are really awesome, and it was written by Tom and Dougie from McFly. Nope. Not at all. We’re way too cool for that.

Frankie Boyle: Scotland’s Jesus By Frankie Boyle, RRP £20, out now Back with his third book, comedian Frankie Boyle continues to say whatever the hell he likes, no matter whom it offends. Using recent news and current affairs as the springboard for his jokes, this isn’t one for the faint hearted, but it sure makes for a funny train journey.



TEN SUPERFOODS to see you through Winter


hile we’re all for the changing of the leaves, leftover Halloween sweets and the return of the Coca Cola Christmas advert, the one thing about winter that Scotcampus can’t condone is the pesky common cold. Wrap up warm all you want; unless you’re packing yourself full of vital immuneboosting vitamins and minerals, you’re going to be sniffling faster than you can say “pass me a Kleenex”. So, in the interest of your wellbeing and vital festive partying hours, here are our top ten superfoods to see you through winter. No need to thank us.

1. Carrots So we’ve all heard the old wives tale that carrots can help you see in the dark, but is there any truth to this seemingly ridiculous myth? Indeed there is. Thanks to its high beta-carotene content – which the body can convert into vitamin A – the humble carrot not only helps prevent cataracts and night blindness, but also reduces the risk of respiratory tract infections. Clever carrots. No wonder Bugs Bunny always looks so spritely.

2. Garlic You might not want to eat it before a date or a trip to the dentist, but garlic is great for fighting off a cold, and helping to clear sinuses. Containing both vitamins C and B6, it’ll keep your immune system healthy, and also helps with cell regeneration. Essential when you’ve been feeling rundown! Oh, and Twihards might not want to hear it, but it’ll also keep vampires at bay.


3. Salmon Vitamin D, which the body can produce naturally when exposed to sunlight, is obviously something most of us Scots lack during the winter months. Important for keeping your immune system healthy, regulating calcium to keep your teeth and bones strong, and for preventing depression, salmon is a rare dietary source of vitamin D. As an added bonus, it will also provide you with omega-3, which boosts concentration and makes your hair shiny. Win-win.

4. Beetroot Rich in antioxidants, beetroot helps fight free radicals, which can damage your cells’ DNA. It also contains soluble fibre, which can help lower cholesterol, and control blood sugar levels. Plus it tastes pretty damn good.

5. Dark Chocolate Hurrah, a sweet treat that’s actually good for you – in moderation, of course. Another source of antioxidants, as well as iron and zinc, dark chocolate can help boost energy levels, improve your memory functions and treat the common cold. As good an excuse as any for a square of Bourneville when you’re feeling poorly.

6. Broccoli Love it or hate it, broccoli contains more health essentials than you can shake a carrot stick at, including vitamins A and C, folic acid, calcium and fibre. Great as an alternative bone-strengthening food if you’re not a fan of dairy, broccoli is also

good for boosting energy levels, thanks to its iron content.

7. Kiwi Fruit This fuzzy little fruit provides more vitamin C than its famous orange counterpart, meaning kiwis can protect against coughs, colds and flus, and will also reduce the wheezing of asthma sufferers.

8. Eggs A great source of protein – vital for healthy bones, hair, skin and nails – eggs also contain vitamins A and D, meaning a boost to the brain, immune and respiratory systems. Who cares what came first; eggs made our list, chicken didn’t. Who’s laughing now?

9. Blueberries Super tasty and great as a snack between meals, blueberries contain high levels of antioxidants, which are vital for fighting pesky germs and free radicals. Also good for the brain and nervous system, blueberries can help improve concentration, and fight depression.

10. Cabbage There’s nothing glamorous about this leafy green vegetable, least of all the smell of it cooking, but it is a tasty and highly beneficial source of vitamin C. Also containing vitamin K, cabbage can help wounds heal faster, and keep bones strong.



t this time of year sometimes plans go out of the window. One minute you're finishing up in the library, the next your homeward journey is hijacked by revelling friends. A spontaneous meal out and two impromptu parties later and you're not really sure what day it is. Good job you got your assignment in early, but you're hungry and you've barely been in your kitchen all week. Money's tight, so whatever's in is going to have to do. The question is, what's safe to eat? Luckily for you there is help at hand in your snack-time quest… • The 'use by' date. You previously thought it was a ploy to make you buy more, but why would you believe that? You're a skint student – you can't buy more! The FACT is that eating food beyond its 'use by' date is a health risk – it could be host to unsafe levels of pathogens such as listeria. • The 'best before' date, which appears on a wide range of frozen, dried, tinned and other foods. The 'best before' dates are more about quality than safety. When the date runs out it doesn't mean that the food will be harmful, but it might begin to lose its flavour and texture. • When you're whittling your culinary options down, remember, date indicators are only valid if the food has been stored correctly – always follow the instructions on the pack.

THE DIFFERENCE A DATE MAKES in association with

What's out? The ham and the cream cheese in the fridge are out of date, so it doesn't matter if they look and smell okay – that sandwich is off the menu. Also, best stay away from the ketchup that has inexplicably been living in the bathroom. Bin it all.

What's in? The sausages behind the ham were in date, the jar of mustard correctly stored in the fridge and the frozen veg you found hanging on in the freezer. Success – your plate is full. Not your finest hour in the kitchen, but you're fed, safe and you haven’t had to spend any extra pennies in the shop – and that tastes like victory.



he weather outside is frightful in Scotland, so why not have an adventure where the cold is the key to all the fun, from chasing lights to seeking out the big guy in the red suit himself? These are our top winter wonderland themed vacations… Altogether now: sleigh bells ring, are you listening? In the lane, snow is glistening… Okay, we’ll stop now.

See the Northern Lights in Norway One stunning experience to tick off in your lifetime is to witness the beautiful Northern Lights. Although this aurora phenomenon can be witnessed in many countries like Iceland, Alaska and even Scotland, Norway is the best location to catch a glimpse, as it rests in the heart of the green sky. You could either choose to do this adventure alone, bringing with you a deck chair and some popcorn, or you could participate in one of the exciting tours that focuses on giving

visitors a unique experience. See the lights at sea on a Hurtigruten ship or go light chasing on an all-night snowmobile tour. You could even try your hand at photography lessons if you want to own that envied Facebook cover snap or Instagram shot. #nofilter

Meet Thee Mr C in Lapland If you are a big kid at heart, who likes nothing better than buying presents long before Halloween has even arrived, decorating the tree 12 days before Christmas and singing along to Wizard in every single shop you enter, then there is no doubt that you should spend at least one Christmas in Lapland before the magic wears thin. You may believe that Lapland is a fictional area, yet it actually exists, covering the whole of northern Finland. You could spend the days before Christmas becoming a pro rider of reindeer and huskies. Of course, no trip to Lapland would make any sense without a visit to Santa's lair – wish lists at the ready.

WONDERLAND ADVENTURES: The World’s Best Winter Holidays

by Danielle Shields Sleep at the Icehotel in Sweden If you fancy spending the night in something a little more hightech than an igloo then the world famed Icehotel will do just the trick! The first and largest Icehotel is located in Sweden where it was first constructed in 1990. Each year a team of artists use frozen water from the Tome River to create the hotel before it melts in the Spring. Everything inside the hotel's gorgeous interior has been sculpted, meaning that every suite is unique, for example the Tron themed bedroom. Since temperatures can be as low as -5°C in the ice kingdom it means guests can only risk one night of their stay in the Icehotel, before resting up in a cosier, more permanent chalet.

Bobsleigh in France You may have watched the Winter Olympics (or Cool Runnings) and thought bobsleighing would be an interesting sport to attempt, but one which is probably not open to the general public. Yet, you can try your hand at the only

bobsleigh track in France, which has been used by professionals! In 1992 this track was built in La Plagne for the Albertville Winter Olympic Games. A professional driver will aid you in shooting down the 1,500m track, where you can reach speeds of more than 100km/h. This 60-second experience is well worth £112, as you may not ever get this chance again – make sure to cry out the words to the Jamaican Bobsled Team song on the way down.

Ski the Alps in Switzerland One of the snowy season’s most well known sports is skiing and boy does it sound dreamlike to spend a week skiing all day down the cliffs of the Alps, while enjoying some picturesque views, before returning for hot chocolate in your chalet. Different resorts are suited to different levels of experience. If you have never attempted the sport in your life then Gstaad/ Saanenland is the place for you, or if you believe that you are a pro on the slopes then Mürren and Verbier

will both offer you a bit of a challenge. The biggest resorts, Davos and St. Moritz, will welcome all daredevils of any level and here you can even try your hand at snowboarding.

Trek the Pyrenees If skiing sounds like a bit of a challenge for something that is meant to be a holiday, then you can depend on your own two legs to explore the neighbouring mountains of the Pyrenees. Various trips offer you the opportunity to traverse between the borders of France and Spain. Some tours may have you focusing on a specific region like northern Catalunya, whereas others will include even more of a diverse adventure as you trek from France, and stay in different hotels before swapping cultures in Spain. Two holidays in one, what more could you want?


Glasgow’s very own Banksy




ou may not be familiar with the name, but chances are you walk past a Rogue-One creation every day. We like to think of him as our very own Bansky. Armed with a backpack full of spray paint cans, Rogue-One turns dull, damp underpasses into colourful walkways, brings an overlooked street to life with 3D portraits, and applies his creative flair to large scale productions. We caught up with Bobby McNamara to learn more about his stunning street art.

How did you find your way into graffiti art? The way most people do: through hip hop. You see graffiti splashed across all the music magazines and as a young kid it got me interested in art. I found the colourful spray painting really inspiring and the next thing you know I'm giving it a go myself! I went to a quiet spot with a big wall for my first ever piece. I loved it. I then moved on to a more public area and got a lot of attention from passers-by. That reaction had me hooked.

What piece of work are you most proud of so far? To be honest I’m proud of a lot of my paintings. You might be surprised to know that it’s not always the big commercial public ones but rather the small, more private works that I paint with friends that I feel happiest about. It’s all about how good my execution and can control is on the day, how interesting the subject is and how good my choice of colours are. Right now, I love my recent paintings of Venom from Spiderman and Marilyn Monroe.

If you could choose anywhere in the world to do your next piece of street art, where would it be? It would have to be a place in NYC called The 5 Pointz. This place is a famous focal point of graffiti which is about to be demolished. It would be amazing to say I had painted there.

What are you working on just now? Right now I’m working on quite an epic painting on a large wall down at Howard Street / Dunlop Street. It’s a mural of tropical and rare birds caged up in a warehouse and a couple of cheeky cats have managed to sneak in. It’s taken me 7 weeks to do so far. A lot of hard work with no rest. Another interesting one I've just finished is a Tripteck canvas for Judo Scotland which will be displayed during the Commonwealth Games 2014. Following the games, the canvas will be divided into 3 parts, and sent to 3 different Scottish Judo clubs.

To view more art by Rogue-One visit:


POWERHOOP: by Nicola Robson


ummer is well and truly over and all we want to do to get us through the depressing winter months is eat ridiculous amounts of junk food, while being as lazy as possible. For so many of us it’s difficult to find the motivation to drag ourselves to the gym, especially on those cold winter evenings, when we no longer have the pressures of looking good in a bikini on the beach. Let’s be honest, when given the choice of going to the gym or being tucked up in bed all cosy watching TV, no one would ever opt for the gym… Unless they found the perfect form of fun, fast exercise, that is. We all want a simple way to keep fit and tone up; something that doesn’t involve slaving away for hours at a time in a sweaty (sometimes intimidating) gym, but will give us the body of a Victoria’s Secret model. Well, revolutionary new fitness class Powerhoop could be the perfect solution – finally an end to devoting our entire evenings to running on a treadmill! The weighted hoop which you work with in the hour-long class is used in a number of ways for a complete body workout. It is particularly good for working your core, which has to be strong in order to tone up your stomach area. A study which took place in Canada revealed that the use of a Powerhoop for six weeks has been associated with a slimmer waistline and hips, and also in improving the waist-to-hip ratio, giving that amazing hourglass figure that I’m sure many girls dream about. Having heard so many good things about the class I decided to give it a go. Admittedly I could not get the hang of it at all at first. In my first class the


Are you up to speed?

hoop spent more time on the floor than on my hips… but I persevered, and having been to quite a few classes now, I am finally getting the hang of it. One unpleasant side effect that I did experience at the start was some bruising on my hips, from the weight of the hoop, but all instructors will assure you that this is completely normal and will stop happening after a few weeks once your abs are more used to the hoop. The class is divided up into different tracks, each working different body parts, all using the hoop. Squats and lunges for legs, shoulder presses and bicep curls for arms; it really is an amazing total body workout for anyone to try, no matter what your level of fitness is. Whether you have just gotten a bit lazy like me and want to try to get back into a routine, or if you’re just starting out your exercise regime, Powerhoop is a class well worth trying. It’s enjoyable, but still challenging, and I’ve already started to see results in just a few weeks – perfect!







y name is Conor Cartwright. I'm a failed footballer and a failed rockstar. I’ve played at Hampden Park and Hyde Park. I'm a washed up, prodigal has-been, and I’m 20 years old. However, I'm a cup half full kinda guy. Like most of you, I only decided to go to college for the SAAS money, and was somehow lucky enough to a find a place on the one course I actually wanted to do; Journalism, at Clyde College. So a retrospective thanks goes out to City Of Glasgow for their rejection of my application to do cookery. I'm not kidding – seriously, that happened. I've somehow dragged myself out of the hole that I was in and ended up here writing for the students of Scotland. My toast always seems to land butter side up (which would have been useful had I got on that cookery course). In my good fortune I've even managed to bag myself what I regard to be the best assignment going in this magazine. I’m getting to tick stuff off of my bucket list. If I can eventually get over that first hurdle and

make it to print, I’m going to be covering everything from bungee jumping and canyoning, to marathons and skiing here in Scotland. Then, who knows, maybe even further afield? We’re going to be providing you with footage from each event with our expert film crew getting dragged along for the experience. And, if I’ve got anything to do with it, some of them will be taking the plunge with me.

BUCKET LIST • Climbing Ben Nevis • Bungee jumping • Canyoning • White water rafting • Kite surfing

I'll be like Karl Pilkington, except balder, and you can catch all the action on

• Surfing

If you think you know of something bigger and better happening where you are then please tell us what we're missing out on. If it is physically possible, I promise I'll attempt it, and you'll get to watch me bricking it in a vast array of ’80s lycra leggings in full and stunning HD.

• Zorbing

• Skiing • Running a marathon • Paragliding • Parachuting • Scuba-diving • Swimming in the Forth on New Year's Day


Photography by Yasmin Soliman




Photography by Yasmin Soliman

Name: Yasmin Soliman Course: BA Photography @ UWS Age: 20 Tell us about your course; what aspects do you enjoy most? My course is very fast-paced and challenging but it prepares me for the real world of photography. The great thing about university is that it’s the best time in my photographic career to experiment and make as many mistakes as possible so that I can learn from them. I am lucky enough to be undergoing a placement at the DNA Gallery in Glasgow. I am delighted to be given the opportunity to work with such an amazing group of creatives and help organise future events at their gallery space!

What is your favourite subject to capture? I specialise in fashion, documentary and portraiture photography. So if I’m not out shooting in the crowded streets of Glasgow, you’ll probably find me tinkering about in a studio, fidgeting with some lighting equipment. I absolutely adore people and fashion, although I am no fashionista myself.

What image are you most proud of so far? I recently embarked on a colossal yet exciting 3D imaging project. I am ecstatic with the results and some of my 3D images featured in the ‘What Is Art?’ exhibition showcased at the DNA Gallery this year. I also photographed a male fashion editorial series, titled 'Jungle Fever' and I am really pleased with the

resulting images. A lot of my work has been published in various international magazines such as Vogue Italia, iMute Magazine and Youth In Revolt.

You do a lot of fashion photography; who would you love to work with from the fashion industry? I absolutely adore the work of Mario Testino, Perou and Rankin. Testino’s work is what inspired me to pursue a career in photography and I would do anything to assist or collaborate with him one day. I love the work of make-up artist Alex Box. Alex’s work is very painterly and is practically art on a human canvas. To work with her would be an absolute dream. Lastly, Russian model Natalia Vodianova. I don’t know how, but I will find some way to photograph her one day.

Can you remember the first photograph you ever captured? I can remember one of the first ever fashion shoots I undertook when I was in my mid-teens. My friend and I were so young, enthusiastic and determined to create something beautiful. We gathered a small selection of our own clothes, my friend styled her hair and makeup, and we embarked on an adventure to a woodland area not too far from home. That was the day I discovered a sense of direction in my life and career. Looking back, the images were merely snapshots taken on my first ever DSLR camera, but everyone has to start somewhere!

View more of Yasmin’s work online at


SO…THAT SO…THAT WENT WELL!WENT WELL! Team took to the with 120 exhibitors foroftwo daysmadness, of Freshers' madness, TeamScotcampus Scotcampus took to the SECCSECC alongalong with 120 exhibitors for two days freshers and boy oh boy didboy we have fun. did we have fun. and oh boy Over 8,000 students attended the biggest student event of the year and each of them left with a bagful of Over 8,000 of you attended the biggest student event of the year and each left with a bag full goodies and a belly full of free food. We had a team of cheerleaders learning the Beyonce Single Ladies dance, of goodies and a belly full of free food. We had a team of cheerleaders learning the Beyonce nightclub PRs battling it out in a heated rap battle, a fast flowing free bar and gorgeous models strutting their Single Ladies dance, PRs it outshow. in a Students heated rap-off, a fast flowing bar host and stuff on the runway fornightclub our exclusive Stbattling Enoch fashion from all over engaged withfree a whole gorgeous models strutting their stuff on the runway agencies for our exclusive St Enoch Centretofashion of clubs, pubs, restaurants, retailers, charities, recruitment and more. Some were looking scout show. Students from all others over engaged with whole clubs, pubs, restaurants, retailers, Glasgow’s hot spots whilst were looking forapart timehost workof and overseas opportunities. Now we don’t like to blow our own trumpet, but itand was pretty charities, recruitment agencies more.awesome! Some were looking to scout Glasgow’s hot spots whilst others lookingof for part time work and overseas opportunities. Now we don’t like to blow Check were out a snapshot this year’s Scotcampus Freshers’ Festival. our own trumpet, but it was pretty awesome! Check out a snapshot of this year’s Scotcampus Freshers’ Festival.

See you in 2014?



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In New Year Celebrations


hile here in Scotland it’s better known as Hogmanay, New Year’s Eve is one of those nights where the pressure is on to do something truly spectacular, and it often ends up being a bit anticlimactic. We’ve all been there: you get sick the day before and spend the bells in bed, the total babe you had your eye on snogs somebody else at midnight; shit happens. Ever the optimists, we at Scotcampus are currently planning our dream Hogmanay, and are looking all over the world for inspiration.

up without featuring the most famous celebrations in the world, in our home country and capital city, Edinburgh. Join in the fun at the famous street party, where fireworks will be set off on the hour every hour, from 9pm until midnight. Chvrches, Django Django and King Creosote are on this year’s line-up, with 80,000 people from across the globe descending on the city, to party their way into 2014. Best start practising your finest ‘Auld Lang Syne’.

Las Vegas

One for the party crowd, New Year’s Eve in Thailand involves one of the biggest beach parties in the world, fireworks, bonfires, copious amounts of alcohol, plenty of UV paint and more than a few skinny dippers. Keep your wits about you, watch out for pickpockets, don’t wander away from your group and don’t drink too much if you’re going for a paddle… This is one of the best New Year’s celebrations in the world, but also one of the most hazardous. You have been warned.

While you’ll never be short of a spectacular show, all-night party or fireworks display in Vegas, this year there’s something extra special on offer for the discerning festive traveller: Britney’s ‘Piece Of Me’, live at the Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino. Kicking off her 2-year residency on December 27th, expect a truly glittering performance from Ms. Spears as she works her way through 15 years of hits.

New York If you’ve seen the movie ‘New Year’s Eve’ you’ll already be accustomed with New York’s famous Times Square celebrations. While watching the ball drop at midnight is one way to join in the fun, there are plenty of official parties going on in the bars of the surrounding streets, which won’t leave you freezing and crushed against a barrier for hours.

Edinburgh We couldn’t have a Hogmanay round-

Koh Phangan

Sydney If you want to be amongst the first in the world to welcome the New Year, head to Australia, and take in the fireworks at Sydney Harbour Bridge. It’s worth getting there early to catch the aerial acrobatics over the harbour and the Harbour Of Light Parade – truly magical.

What are your plans for Hogmanay? Tweet us @Scotcampus and we’ll RT the best!

And the Greatest Christmas Song of all time is… by Ross Fingland


s November rolls around it’s time again to begin the Christmas countdown. We all know the story of Mary and Joseph and how the Son of God was born in a manger, but let's throw in a twist, just for the fun of it.

Let's imagine it’s 2013 – bye bye Donkey, hello Prius – and let's have the expectant mother en route to deliver the Holy One himself. To calm her nerves, Joseph decides to sync his iPhone and gets some Christmas pop classics on the go to calm his distressed wife, but just what would win over our Holy Saviour as the best Christmas pop song of all time? Would it be Mariah Carey with her meal ticket ‘All I Want For Christmas Is You’? Bobby Helms and his 1957 winter classic ‘Jingle Bell Rock’? Or could it be pop icon Britney Spears and her new millennium Christmas banger ‘Santa Can You Hear Me?’ There are, of course, millions of Christmas songs, so why have these three been selected for the shortlist? It’s simple really; they are classics of our generation and here’s why…

Mariah Carey’s career is hardly on a high these days, being more known for her over the top diva antics than for the impressively talented singer that she is – she does have a 5 octave vocal range that leaves even Christina and Beyoncé in her dust, just FYI. Carey’s classic comes all the way from 1994 and every holiday season will make a re-entry in the chart, which is why it is such a Christmas classic, fit for The Holy One himself.

Over the years it’s become a piece of pop culture history and I’m sure we’ve all sent an e-mail or a text to a crush at some point quoting the infamous line “baby all I want for Christmas is you”... No? Really? Oh lord, just me then. No matter whether you love it, you hate it or you’re really indifferent to it, you still know it and you know it just a little too well.

The second Christmas classic for the win has been covered by over 80 different artists since its 1957 release, including Girls Aloud, Alvin And The Chipmunks and the cast of the defining teen movie of our generation, ‘Mean Girls’. To quote the formidable Janis Ian “everybody in the English speaking world knows that song” and, well, it’s kinda true. Though I’m sure many of us won’t remember the original, how could we forget LiLo and Plastics werking it in their red PVC Santa suits, putting in a performance that Miley ‘twerking’ Cyrus would be proud of. The last song that hits the top trio on Joseph’s ‘Calm The Mother Of The Saviour’ playlist is a new millennium Christmas hit from ’90s pop princess Britney Spears. ‘Santa Can You Hear Me?’ is described by MTV’s Buzzworthy blogger Tamar Anitai as "the absolute Holy Grail of 1990s pop Christmas songs". The song has its similarities with Carey’s ’94 hit, granted not the vocal range, but the sleigh bells and perky pop beat that all Britney tracks need! The cutesy lyrics about love under the Christmas tree transport even the most hardened listener back to the more innocent of festive days. Although it’s not as well known as Mariah, or as covered as Bobby Helms, it’s probably one of the last true Christmas pop songs to ever be released and that is why, at least on this occasion, it’s the greatest Christmas pop song of all time. A gift from Godney herself to the baby tot who came to save us all. Merry Christmas, everyone.


What’s happening on SCOTCAMPUS.COM 24/7 Style, Substance, Music, Life and everything in between.

Today We’re Wearing… From the Scotcampus staff to our favourite fashion bloggers, get the inside scoop on what we wear everyday, including the high street’s hottest new season styles and our favourite vintage finds. You’re sure to find some sartorial inspiration hidden in our wardrobes… or at least a good lesson in hangover dressing.

Christmas Countdown Open the Scotcampus advent calendar every day in December for your chance to win amazing prizes, watch our favourite festive videos, unlock exclusive online content and more. That’s one good reason to bookmark us!

Conor’s Bucket List You met Conor over on page 91, so make sure you stay tuned to the website to watch him complete his bucket list, in a series of adrenaline-fuelled video diaries. Thought of another activity for him to try? Leave a comment and he might just take your suggestion on board for his next challenge.


Celebrities tweet the funniest things...

“Sinead. I don't have time to write you an open letter cause Im hosting & performing on SNL this week.” @MileyCyrus addresses THOSE open letters from Sinead O’Connor

“Knock knock” Who’s there @Caradelevingne?

“Hmmmm, what am I going to lie about today? ‪#decisionsdecisions” Never believe a word @nicolerichie tweets…

“Can you burn your retinas off from taking too many selfies? Asking for friend” Sure you are, @MarinasDiamonds

“8 girls are missing there bra's tonight in Glasgow!!! I am not responsible....... :p” Of course you’re not @LeeRyanMusic…

otcampus Follow us on Twitter @Sc 98BACKSIDE

“The dr did tell me I'm suffering from success tho” Are you sure that was an official diagnosis @diplo?

“I have got 1 more solo album in me and 1 BBK album in me after that i am stepping away...start hanging around with” ’Cause that’s what we all plan to do when we retire @WileyUpdates

“Have you ever been hungover in a place with too many children wishing they'd all just evaporate?” Average Monday on the train to work @professorgreen

"That looked awkward but you styled it out" story of my life” Ours too @elliegoulding

“Anyone know where in soho has a good selection of stripper shoes ?” Always seeking the answers to life’s important questions is @lilyallen


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