3 minute read
Mr Mark Paganin
In Western Australia, we have been fortunate that the pandemic has not impacted College life for students on campus and their interactions with academic and co-curricular activities to the extent experienced in most other Australian states.
In speaking to chairs or members of councils from schools in other states, what has been highlighted is the value of in-person interaction between teachers and students. Our thoughts go out to those families in the Scotch community and schools throughout Australia impacted by the pandemic.
The return to a more normalised daily school life has allowed the Council to progress its two iconic projects, namely, the Gooch Pavilion and the Boat Shed. By the time you read this report, the Gooch Pavilion refurbishment will be completed, officially opened and in usage by the students and Scotch community. It is another example of the continuing financial support that the College receives from the Foundation for which we are most appreciative. The outcome of the inaugural online fundraising campaign Give to the Gooch was well beyond expectations. The comments that accompanied the generous and widespread donations from students, Old Scotch Collegians within and outside of Western Australia, reinforced that the Gooch Pavilion is widely regarded as part of the soul of the College. The Boat Shed planning is progressing well and is expected to be completed and open for the Scotch Rowing programme in 2022/23.
The Council will be holding a strategy session at the end of the academic year. It will draw on the experiences on campus from all stakeholders of Scotch College and its community as well as our global school relationships. We look forward to communicating the outcome to the Scotch community early in the new year.
In the last report, I mentioned how pleased the Council was with the significant leadership appointments by our Headmaster, Dr Alec O’Connell, over recent times. The Council has benefited from presentations from each of those appointments, encompassing the Heads of Junior School, Middle School and Senior School as well as our Chaplain. The Council is happy to report that each new leader has settled in very well and brought fresh ideas to complement the educational deliveries on offer by the College.
We have also had further appointments to our Council. I am pleased to welcome Naomi Flutter to the Council. A Scotch parent, Ms Flutter will bring her tertiary education experience as the Pro-Chancellor of the Australian National University and corporate expertise to Scotch. Reverend Steve Francis, a former moderator of the Uniting Church in Australia, Synod of Western Australia, has been invited to join the Council. Reverend Francis will bring his values and spirituality to the Council’s deliberations, which will follow on from the significant contribution of Reverend Margaret Tyrer, who has recently retired from the Council.
It has become an annual tradition for the Captain of School to present to the Council, allowing us to get a feel of student life and particularly the Year 12 cohort. Dr O’Connell also hosts Year 12 Houses for lunch to seek their opinions on life as a Scotch student and suggestions to enhance the educational experience at the College. I would like to take this opportunity to recognise and thank the Year 12 students and their families for their time at, and contributions to, Scotch College. We wish each student all the very best in life after school and look forward to maintaining engagement with them as OSCs in the decades ahead.
To the families of Scotch College, the Council wishes you a restful and enjoyable summer break, and we look forward to seeing you back on campus next year. To Dr O’Connell, his Executive and staff, we thank you for the leadership, commitment and energy you bring to the College. To my fellow Council members, thank you for your valuable engagement with, and service to, Scotch and the students.