2 minute read
Captain of School
Joshua Ledger
Captain of School
Semester 2 has been one that I am sure the Scotch community is very proud of. A busy second half of the year has meant that there has never been a dull moment, and both students and staff have worked incredibly hard. I thank all those involved in allowing Scotch to run as smoothly and positively as it has done.
The semester opened with a commemoration for the ANZACs at Chapel and Assembly, with ANZAC Day held on the first Sunday of term. A three-day lockdown sadly prevented large numbers of people from gathering for ANZAC ceremonies over the weekend, however, Scotch was fortunate enough to have commemorated those fallen soldiers throughout the week and reflected on our close connection with the 475 Old Scotch Collegians who had enlisted by the end of World War I.
In Week 6 of Autumn Term, The Laramie Project production demonstrated once again the immense level of talent in the PLC and Scotch community. The play features a series of interviews, following the brutal murder of a homosexual teenager, Matthew Shepard. This confronting, eye-opening performance is one that I am sure all involved will never forget. Congratulations to all staff and students involved with the countless hours of planning and performing.
We saw numerous events being organised and running smoothly throughout this semester, such as the famous Ag Day, where boys come to school dressed in a farm theme. Leadership Day took place in Week 2 of Winter Term for the Year 11 boys, as they began applying for leadership positions, undergoing interviews and presenting speeches. It can be a nerve-racking time for many, and I know that the annual Leadership Day introduces boys to getting out of their comfort zone and readies them for the leadership process.
Unfortunately, COVID-19 restrictions prevented our inaugural Arts Day from happening in the last week of Autumn Term. Countless hours of hard work were put into organising Arts Day, and I know the boys were all looking forward to it. I hope that we will see Arts Day posters around the school next year.
After COVID-19 restrictions prevented Round 1 against Hale School in the Public Schools Association Winter Sport season, we have been fortunate enough to have not missed any further sporting fixtures this year. Scotch has again demonstrated high levels of competitiveness and sportsmanship during this season. Across the board, Scotch is proving to be a strong competitor in PSA Sport.
In the Week 2 of Winter Term, Scotch celebrated NAIDOC Week. During the week, the boys enjoyed eating emu and kangaroo. On the Friday, they marched by the Aboriginal flag painted on the top oval and the traditional smoking ceremony was held. At Assembly, we were lucky enough to hear from Noongar Elders Mr Neville Collard and Curtin University’s Professor Simon Forrest, and Senior School students Will Wolf and Jett Sibosado.
I want to take this opportunity to thank both staff and students for the outstanding Semester 2 we have had and wish everyone all the best as we move into the end of the academic year. There has not been a moment at Scotch that has not been energetic, and for that, I am very grateful. This year has definitely been one to remember.