3 minute read
Mr Aaron McDonald
The Old Scotch Collegians (WA)Inc. held its Annual GeneralMeeting on 29 March 2023.
In the President’s address I highlighted some key achievements by the OSC in the 2022Calendar Year:• The organic growth of the Old ScotchCollegians’ Business Directory (available to join for free on the Scotch website) to141 member businesses. This initiative has been spearheaded by RichardGardner (2000). By the time this article goes to print, the OSC will have hosted its next event for members of theBusiness Directory with more to come later on in the year. The Directory fosters a community between OSC members by(1) offering discounts to members of theScotch community; and (2) employment opportunities in almost any industry forOSC. Please reach out if you have any queries regarding the Directory and the upcoming Business Directory events:oscpresident@scotch.wa.edu.au
• The OSC is hosting a strategy day with heaps of proposed initiatives for it to tackle in the short to medium term including the improvement of its database and enhancing opportunities for interaction through mentoring. The OSC Committee has much work to do.• Our gala event, the Founders’ DayDinner was top shelf with the Story of the move to Optus Stadium which includedIan Olson of Gage Roads Brewing Co(OSC 1985), John Flecker of Multiplex(OSC 1984), former Scotch Parent andPremier of Western Australia the Hon.Colin Barnett and current parent OliverPeterson. The panel discussion was engaging and invoked lots of interest from those who attended about the move away from Subiaco. The OSC Committee is committed to providing thought provoking and engaging speakers for its events including Founders’ Day.I wish to pass on my thanks to outgoing members of the OSC Committee: Denver Quantrill, Greg Ledger and Harry Gilchrist. I also wish to provide a warm welcome toBen Bartholomaeus and Banjo Harold to the Committee.Avid readers of the Clan will also be used to reading the message from Mark Paganin, Chair of Council. Mark retired from the Council at the end of last year and I wish to record an expression of thanks from the members of the OSC for his commitment to the College over a considerable period (despite being an Aquinian).
Lastly and only partly related to the OSC, you may have heard that the College’s swimming team broke a 38 year drought to win the PSASwimming recently. A week later, a group ofOSC from the time that Scotch won 38 years ago jointly participated in the Port to Pub swim, winning the Legends category in a blistering time of 5 hours and 58 minutes. A photo of their feat is below and includes (from leftto right), Ben Devenish (OSC 1987), BruceMcCully (OSC 1987), Anthony Hewett (OSC1988), Jeremy Pethick (OSC 1987), Colby Leaman (OSC 1987), Stewart Rhodes (OSC1987) and Dave Harvey (OSC 1987) at rear.The OSC wishes you every success for the year ahead.