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Peter Plaisted donated a significant collection of original photographs, newspaper clippings and programme booklets from the late 1950s to leaving year 1963. Themes featuring the 1958 Year 7 Football Team XVIII, 1963 Football Team XVIII and 1960 Cadets taking part in ANZAC day commemorations. Well executed compositional photographs frame place and time. 1963 newspaper clippings from the West Australian newspaper confirm the great Athletics win for the Public Schools Association Scotch Team five years in succession; as well as highlighting student voices for fundraising drive ‘Save The Children Foundation’.
Peter gifted photographs belonging to his father Sydney Anzac Plaisted (OSC 1933) and Uncle Warwick Turner Plaisted (OSC 1930) including 1930-1931 Football Team Eighteen XVIII, 1930s Students with shield and 1930s Athletics Team.
Simon Carlin donated a landscape painting by Ron Russell depicting a 2016 cricket match between Scotch College and Guildford Grammar. The view looks towards the Gooch on a hot summer afternoon. Simon was gifted the painting by Ron’s daughter Julie, with the work originally exhibited at Monet Gallery of Fine Art.
Ned Auty (OSC 1963) donated a superb suite of photographs boarding days commencing Year 7 1959. The collection sums-up the general sentiment of school life and what it was to be a Boarder in the 1960s. Formal Cadet Officer Parades, students lining up on the fence line of the Top Oval, Quad, Pipe Band, events held at the Gooch, moments with Headmaster Dr G. Maxwell Keys and the annual Keys House Boarding display at Memorial Hall feature.
Douglas Brenkely donated a book he authored titled ‘RAAF Historical Record of No 4 Service Flying Training School Geraldton’ published in 2022; a welcomed addition to the schools’ antiquarian book collection specialising largely in war-time historical editions.
Douglas researched the book after the realisation that many generations might not be aware of the intense activity that took part at Geraldton airport during WWII relating to Australia’s commitment to the Empire Air Training Scheme. “Australia agreed to supply 36% of the total 28,000 aircrew drawn from the Dominions over the three years, this meant when the scheme was fully operational Australia would supply 432 pilots, 226 observers, 392 wireless operator-air gunners every four weeks for RAF service. This became the Empire Training Scheme.
During the years prior to WWII the Royal Air Force was becoming concerned that the RAF may not be able to sustain many losses of air of air crews envisaged on any likely conflict with Germany. This fact was brought home in no uncertain terms as RAF bomber losses mounted during the first two years of WWII and continued for considerable time after.
Alexander O’Connell contributed additional historical photographs and postcards supporting prior archival donations. A suite of photographs feature his grandfather William August “Bill” Goland. “Bill” as he was fondly remembered was a former teacher, coach and rowing enthusiast. The very early images date from 1911 and feature Bill socialising with collegiates Headmaster Peter Corsar Anderson, portraits in World War Two military uniform, 1920s photographs of the Public Schools Association Head of the River Rowing Crew Four IV in the school garden and early portraits of him as a young man.
Katherine Gajdatsy donated items belonging to her uncle David George Lovell Hedge (OSC 1954), relative of Alexander Gajdatsy (OSC 2016) and Nikolas Gajdatsy (OSC 2020). The donation includes memorabilia from David’s time at school including a 1950 enrolment acceptance letter from Headmaster Dr G. Maxwell Keys and Scotch College W.A. Charges booklet dated 1.1.1950 outlining fees, concessions, deposit, extra subjects and text book requirements.
Debbie Bayford donated two original book editions titled ‘Ungava A Tale of Esquimau Land’ published in 1906 by Robert Ballantyne; awarded to Alexander Sedwich (OSC 1908) Debbies maternal grandfather for Boarding Wool Class Form 2 signed by Headmaster P. C. Anderson in December 1907. Included the edition ‘Havelock the Dane – A legend of Old Grimsby and Lincoln’ published in 1899 by Charles Whistler was awarded in December speech night in 1907 for Arithmatic.
Colin Sharp donated a vast collection from his time at school along with items belonging to his father Cyril Sharp (OSC 1914). Two of Cyril’s blazers were donated featuring gold
striped braid. Seven 1946-1976 Reporter editions, 1948-1950 P.S.A. Athletics carnival Programmes, 1948-1952 Public Schools Association. Head of the River Programmes, 1947 and 1948 staff photographs, 1950s Arts and Crafts exhibition invitation and 1997 centenary dinner memorabilia – invitation, menu, entry ticket and The West Australian newspaper clipping showcasing the event.
Alexander Thom, Vice-Captain of Boats 2023, generously donated an official 1958 59th Anniversary Public Schools Association rowing programme originally belonging to his grandfather David Thom (OSC 1957). Alexander rowed two seat in the first VIII 2022 and his grandfather rowed bow seat in the winning first VIII 1957 Head of the River race featured in the programme for the previous year. The sentimental donation connects Alexander to the Thoms generational commitment to the Scotch College Boat Club.
Bradley Mc Meikan donated his grandfather William Roy Bishop Mc Meikan’s (OSC 1915) framed ‘1915 Rowing Crew VIII Winners’ photograph. The black and white image housed in hand carved frame relates to the former donation of William’s Oar from the winning first crew.
Bill Rock donated a telegram and letter dated 9th December 1958 from Headmaster Maxwell Keys to his father William Rock congratulating him on Bill winning the Scotch College entrance Scholarship. The letter states “Bill did very well in both tests and in the interview and congratulating him on coming to Scotch” Dr Keys 1958. The value of the scholarship at the time was 55 pounds 10 shillings per year for five years.
Graham Weir donated a sketch of the Scotch College Pipe Band by talented cartoonist Dean Alston gifted by his father Michael whom worked with Dean. Graham coincidentally performed as a Pipe Major in the school band during his time at Scotch.
Cary Dry attended school from 1973 and donated a 1944 Cadet Portrait of Mervyn Matthews (OSC 1946) in full Cadet Regalia. The photograph would have most probably belonged to Cary’s father Barry Dry (OSC 1951). Cary donated Reporter editions from 1970 - 1977.
The Moran family donated two photographic postcards belonging to their maternal relative, Edwin “Ted” Huck (OSC 1914) OAM BA.
Edwin commenced schooling as a day boy in 1910, volunteering in WW1 shortly after his Year 12 leaving year, 1914. He enlisted on the 27th September 1915 at 18 years and 6 months of age. He was placed in the 28th Battalion, trained at Blackboy Hill, embarked from Fremantle on the ‘Borda’ in January 1916, and fought on the Western Front. He was wounded in action three separate times, with a gunshot wound to the right shoulder and to the left leg in 2016, followed by what the telegram to his family stated as a “gunshot wound face fractured jaw severe” in 1918. This would result in his being an early recipient of reconstructive plastic facial surgery. Whilst recuperating in hospital, he was visited by King George V and Queen Mary, who spoke genuinely with him about his surgery. A letter from Buckingham Palace shortly followed: “The Queen and I wish you God-speed, a safe return to the happiness and joy of home life with an early restoration to health. A grateful Mother Country thanks you for faithful services. George R.V.” 1918.
The postcard features twelve servicemen on discharge from Wareham Hospital, Dorset, with Edwin seated centre left, middle row. His handwritten note on the reverse states, “This little lot were taken in Wareham – 9 South Australians, 1 NSW, 1 Victorian and 1 Groper; all wounded in the great war – ahem! A square dinkum photo nobody looks too angelic, from Eddie…” Ted Huck 1918.
Post-war, Edwin always referred to himself as Ted. He had a long and distinguished career as a teacher and Headmaster, and in 1964 came out of retirement, returning to Scotch College to teach history on occasion.
Ted received an OAM, a Medal of the Order of Australia, on 26th January 1979, in recognition of his service to education. The presentation was made by King Charles III, then Prince of Wales, to whom, breaking with protocol, Ted retold the story of his meeting with Charles’s great grandfather, King George V, which delighted and amused them both.
The second postcard features Collegians House circa 1910. The card was posted to Ted’s brother, Charlie Huck, during his first years at school.
Ted is survived by his great grandsons who attended the College; Nicholas Moran (OSC 2007) and Sebastian Moran (OSC 2010).
David Matthews has donated a magnificent Oar that rowed to win the 1984 Public Schools Association Head of the River race. The Oar features hand painted crew names, positions and weights. The First VIII won the race in record time and a significant occasion as it was the very last time the HOR was held on the ‘Narrows Course’ passing The Old Swan Brewery.
John Hill donated two reporter editions and a Record book that features his 1990 cohorts peer leaving signatures.
Cameron Newham authoured two books which he personally delivered to school on a recent stint home from the United Kingdom. ‘Country Church Monuments’ published in 2023 by Particular Books London with exquisite photographic images illustrates “the history of rural church monuments and forgotten national treasures of England and Wales” Newham 2023. ‘Learning to Bash Shell’ published by O’Reilly media will be housed in the Archival Reading Room library.