Scotland Correspondent issue 6

Page 1

1745 - Flight for freedom Making scents of home Showing off - a rural tradition p1

The Scots at Little Big Horn Sky high Scotland Historic home with unique golf links




inside this issue 8 1745

New movie puts spotlight on forgotten past

18 The view from


44 Coodham House Luxury living at historic home of golf

74 Reef relief

Preserving the marine environment

The Seaplane experience opening up Scotland

108 Hebridean


The entrepreneurial spirit creating a change in taste

108 It’s a date

A round-up of what’s on this month

58 Little Big Horn

84 Celebrating

Date 4 ur diary

Remembering the Scots of the 7th Cavalry

Summer of shows showcasing the traditions of rural life

Cover Photo


36 Home Yearning The fashion label evoking the ties that bind

66 Weathering life


Fine future forecast for former opera singer

102 Dandie


The dog hoping its day will come again


Jonathan Birch

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Scotland Correspondent is an independent magazine published by Flag Media Limited. The monthly digital title provides an international audience of readers with comprehensive coverage of modern day Scotland, its people, achievements, culture, history and customs. Every issue covers a variety of topics of interest to thousands of people every month, many of them visitors to Scotland or part of the great Scottish diaspora. The digital edition incorporates audio, video and text in a single platform designed for use on Apple, Android and Windows devices. The magazine is free to subscribe to and download. Printed copies of Scotland Correspondent magazine can be obtained from selected distributors. For more information on how to get a copy, subscribe or enquire about advertising please contact the relevant departments at The publishers cannot accept responsibility for any claim made by advertisements in Scotland Correspondent magazine or on the Scotland Correspondent website. All information should be checked with the advertisers. The content of the magazine does not necessarily represent the views of the publishers or imply any endorsement. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without prior agreement in writing from Flag Media Limited.



Forgotten history film tipped for runaway success Photos by Jonathan Birch



ike any other country Scotland is a nation of contradictions. Friendly and warlike, creative and destructive, beautiful and brutal. Our history is soaked in blood, spilled in acts of both glory and disgrace. Almost everyone is familiar with the swashbuckling adventurism of the 1745 Jacobite uprising. Bonnie Prince Charlie and the clans have been immortalised on millions of shortbread tins and whisky bottles the world over. But, beneath the tartan and heather clad layer of fictionalised fact lurks the forgotten reality of an altogether different Scotland. A thought provoking film, called simply ‘1745’, will this summer provide a shocking and stark reminder of a time far less innocent and romantic than many would rather believe. Just 18 minutes and 19 seconds long the movie, which will be premiered at the Edinburgh International Film


Festival, shines a light on Scotland’s shameful involvement in the slave trade. Written by Morayo Akandé, a proud Scot of Nigerian heritage, it focusses on the tale of two African slaves who ran away from their Scottish owner. The script was inspired by newspaper adverts from the time in which merchants would appeal for information on the whereabouts of their “property” - escaped slaves who went on the run after being brought to Scotland from the plantations of the West Indies.

of the cast to convey the story. It tells the tale of two sisters, Emma and Rebecca Atkin, played by real-life sisters Moyo and Morayo Akandé, who were taken as slaves from Nigeria to the West Indies in the early 18th century before being brought to Scotland by their abusive ’owner’.

Shot in late October, at Gosford House in East Lothian and among the rugged wilderness locations of Glen Nevis, Glen Coe and Glen Etive in Lochaber, the movie expertly uses the dull autumn light and brooding scenery to marvellous effect.

After years of misery the sisters run away and find themselves fighting for survival against the elements in the harsh landscape of the Highlands. All the while they are being pursued by their predatory master, expertly played by Clive Russell, best known for his roles as, ‘Lord Lovat’ in Outlander, ‘Chief Inspector Frederick Abberline’ in Ripper Street, ‘Angus O’Connor’ in Happiness and ‘Brynden “Blackfish” Tully’ in Game of Thrones.

There is very little dialogue in the film, relying instead on the atmospheric location, skilful camera shots and emotionally charged performances

Moyo and Morayo, who grew up in Glasgow after their parents moved north from London, are both established actresses. Morayo, 28,


was in the movie Burnt and the US TV series 24: Live Another Day while Moyo, 29, has appeared in Bob Servant Independent, Taggart and Lip Service. She recently completed filming with The Fast & The Furious director, Rob Cohen on his new feature Category 5 and is scheduled for a role in a remake of the classic BBC television comedy Porridge. Although a fictionalised account 1745 is based upon research carried out by academics from Glasgow University. Between 1717 and 1766 at least 31 slave ships sailed from Scottish ports and it is estimated that almost 30 per cent of slave owners in Jamaica were Scots. Around the time the film is set, 1745, there were about 100 slaves in Scotland. Most had been brought back as trophies and status symbols by the slavers who had made their money from sugar, tobacco and cotton plantations.

Clive Russell plays Master David Andrews

Quite a few of Glasgow’s historic 18th century school buildings, churches and affluent houses were built on the proceeds of businesses fuelled by slavery. Several streets and popular landmarks in the city are named after Scots merchants with links to the trade in human misery. Important people of the day, such as Andrew Buchanan, John Glassford, Archibald Ingram and James Dunlop, are all immortalised in stone. Even the locations of their plantations are remembered in street addresses bearing names such as Virginia, Jamaica, Tobago and Antigua. Most people are aware of the date and its associations with Bonnie Prince Charlie and the Jacobite Rebellion but the film aims to point out that other people were fighting for their freedom in Scotland at the same time. According to the makers of the movie: “1745 highlights a forgotten part of Scotland’s history. While Scotland was fighting for its national


Pete Smith, Sound recordist and Julian Schwantitz, Director of Photography


freedom in that fateful year, its economy was in large part founded on the booming colonial slave trade. While the majority of slavery happened elsewhere - off-stage, across the Atlantic - there were African slaves here, kept as trophies and pets in the houses of their rich merchant masters.� 1745, which is competing for Best Short Film at Edinburgh International Film Festival 2017, is one of six exciting new shorts from up and coming filmmakers to be shown during the festival. Now in its 70th year the event, which runs from June 21 to July 2, will this year showcase a total of 151 features from 46 countries and include 17 world premieres, 12 international premieres, nine European premieres and 69 UK premieres.

Moyo and Morayo AkandĂŠ



Gordon Napier, Director

There will also be personal appearances from actors Kevin Bacon, Kyra Sedgwick, Richard E Grant, Stanley Tucci and Bernard Hill. Directors Oliver Stone and Lizzie Borden, along with Bond movie composer David Arnold will also be there. Mark Adams, EIFF artistic director, said: “In the Festival’s 70th Anniversary Year, we’re proud to be showcasing some of the most exciting, accomplished material from around the world and are looking forward to hosting these talented filmmakers and artists when the Festival opens on 21st June.”




Helping Superman to fly and making a splash for Scotland

Photos by Loch Lomond Seaplanes



hen David West announced his ambition to start a seaplane service in Scotland his idea was initially greeted with incredulity, followed by opposition and then celebration. Now, more than 10 years after the first flights began, Loch Lomond Seaplanes is an international brand with an image that has appeared on advertisements and tourism promotions for Scotland around the world. The instantly recognisable aircraft featured as a key part of the opening ceremony of the Commonwealth Games and has even been credited with helping to bring the MTV Europe Music awards to Glasgow. Scotland is made for seaplanes. It has 6,200 miles of coastline, 790 major islands and 562 large, freshwater lochs yet getting such a venture off the ground wasn’t exactly plain sailing.



David West

David, who has been passionate about flying since he was sevenyears-old, had to fight a long and hard public battle against those opposed to the idea. It was as if wherever he turned the response from some sectors was along the lines of: “The answer’s No, now what’s the question?” Objectors feared the Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park would be inundated with seaplanes, even though at the time there were only a handful registered in the whole of the UK, and that it would somehow impinge on tourism with noise pollution and disturbance to wildlife. While at first glance the combination of aviation and sustainable tourism may not appear a natural fit seaplanes are in a class of their own when it comes to environmental responsibility. Float planes have been operating in some of the world’s most sensitive conservation areas for decades. They



are one of the few forms of transport allowed on the Great Barrier Reef in Australia while the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) have their own fleet specifically used for biological work, including sea turtle and mammal surveys.


Seaplanes are also used to monitor the activities and resources in the 1,252 square mile Channel Islands Nautical Marine Sanctuary situated in the Santa Barbara channel off the coast of Southern California; while the Washington State Department of Ecology uses them to sample water

quality because it’s the only form of transport, excluding rowing boats and kayaks, that doesn’t contaminate their findings. Unlike most power driven marine vessels a seaplane’s propeller is entirely above the water so it doesn’t


disturb sediments or marine life, nor does it contribute to noise pollution. Float planes don’t spread non native species, discharge oily bilge or sewage and any wake caused by their motion through the water is too small to be a factor in shoreline erosion. A five year study on the environmental effects of seaplanes by the Army Corps of Engineers responsible for waterways in the U.S.A. concluded that seaplanes have no impact on air quality, water quality, soil quality, wildlife, fisheries or hydrology. “A versatile seaplane can take advantage of the geography to open up parts of the country that are normally difficult and time consuming to access,” said David. “There aren’t many places in the world as breathtakingly beautiful as Scotland, especially during long, light summer evenings and it’s the most responsible way of flying there is because seaplanes leave absolutely no trace of their visit.” After a drawn out fight lasting almost two years the company eventually began operations in April 2004 with a new amphibious Cessna T206H by providing scenic tours along the west coast and charter flights from Loch Lomond. During the initial stages of setting up the operation it became obvious there was no aviation legal framework which would allow the operation of large seaplanes on scheduled services throughout the UK and Europe. Working with the UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) David helped devise new criteria for licensed water aerodromes with Scotland at the forefront of innovation. As a result, David has been called upon to help several overseas governments with the establishment of new seaplane regulations in other countries. Three years after the first aerial tours took off LLS expanded operations


with the opening of a £125,000 Glasgow City Centre Seaplane airport on the River Clyde next to the Science Centre - the only one of its kind in the world. More success and recognition


followed when, in October 2007, LLS won Scotland’s top tourism award, the prestigious Thistle Innovation Award, and in May 2008 it was voted by Scots in a nationwide poll as the country’s top “Must Do” activity.

Later the same year, in August, LLS was nationally recognised by the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) as a leading exemplar of innovation. Stewart Stevenson, former Minister


Actor Sam Heughan


E Street Band

for Transport, Infrastructure and Climate Change for the Scottish Government said: “If we managed to get this kind of service serving many of our remote communities we’d make quite a substantial impact on green issues. Flying will still be part of our future we have to use it


responsibly - this is the responsible way of flying”. Over the years the services has attracted the attention of a myriad of celebrities, including racing driver Sir Jackie Stewart, Outlander star Sam Heughan, Olympian Sir Steve

Redgrave, international singer Susan Boyle and even Bruce Springsteen’s E Street Band. In total more than 50,000 people have flown with Loch Lomond Seaplanes over the last decade, many of them ordinary Scots as well


as tourists. “If you look at the post codes of people who fly with us you can see they come from all over Scotland and not just the more affluent areas. A lot of people save up or treat friends and family to flights as a lifetime experience,” said David. “I’ve flown all over the world and I can honestly say there is nowhere like Scotland. The scenery, the light and the mood of the landscape changes almost by the second.


“One moment we are flying by a majestic mountain peak then over a stunning glen with the hillsides a blaze of colour, constantly changing in response to the light as it breaks through the clouds.” Originally from Bonhill, West Dunbartonshire, David, now aged 57, grew up wanting to be a pilot. After gaining his licence in 1978 aged 21 through self-funded tuition he clocked up as many hours as possible by ferrying small aircraft around the world.


“I used to deliver light aircraft across the Atlantic. It was a way of gaining valuable flying experience and getting paid for what I love to do, “ said David who is fond of recalling the memory of one particular trip. “I had stopped over in Iceland to refuel and an American pilot called Chris came across to me and asked if I had done this before. It was his first time and he looked a little anxious so I gave him some help. “It was only later that I realised it was the actor Christopher Reeve so I guess you could say I helped Superman to fly”.


David went on to a 35-year international career accumulating more than 20,000 flying hours. As one of the country’s most experienced pilots he achieved UK, Hong Kong, USA and Canadian Airline Tranport Pilots Licences on such diverse aircraft types as the Douglas DC9, L1011 Tristar, Airbus 330, Airbus 340 and the Boeing 747. “I still love flying as much as I did the first time I took to the air,” said David. “But there is something special about a seaplane, it puts back the fun and romance into air travel.”



Creating a sense, and scents, of home

Photos by Tìr-Dhàimh



aving a baby, launching a business and moving house are all among the most stressful experiences in life. But, to undertake all three at the same time requires a degree of fortitude, talent, determination and stamina that few possess. But then creative entrepreneur


Rachel Devine is no stranger to hard work. As an accomplished senior designer for some of the biggest High Street names she is used to working creatively under pressure to exacting standards. After 15 years in London the 34-yearold graduate of Cardonald College in Glasgow has just returned home to

Scotland to launch her own fashion and homeware label, TĂŹr-DhĂ imh. Pronounced teer-dayv the name means homeland in Gaelic and is a fitting label for a collection of highend scarves and and luxury scented candles inspired by the natural beauty and wildlife of Scotland.

Rachel, who gave birth to a baby boy called Milo in April this year, took the decision to go it alone and set up her own business after discovering she was pregnant. While most people might have thought one life-changing event at a time was enough she decided to move house almost 400 miles and launch a luxury brand.


“I’ve been thinking about starting my own business for some time and when I fell pregnant I thought that now was as good a time as any to move back to Scotland and realise my dream,” said Rachel. “After studying at Cardonald I moved to London. Initially, I thought it would be just for a couple of years but that turned into 15 years.

“I was working with various fashion suppliers supplying the likes of Top Shop and River Island, doing a lot of scarf design and product development. “But I realised I wanted to do my own stuff rather than being restricted by what other people wanted me to do.” With the support of her husband David, a fellow Scot from her home

town she met up with in London, and a desire to raise a family in Scotland she launched her new brand just before Christmas 2016. “I just felt that now was the time to pursue my own creative interests and develop a brand of beautiful, luxurious home and fashion items, inspired by my love of Scotland,” said Rachel. “I think ladies will appreciate the beautifully soft, luxury scarf collection, printed on silk/modal - each one digitally printed with a beautiful abstract design, portraying a different facet of Scottish heritage and culture.” Each scarf comes complete with it’s own luxury gift box for that added touch of exclusivity and almost immediately her designs found favour with style conscious high-end shoppers throughout the UK. “All of my scarfs are printed with designs inspired by, and based on, a


Scottish theme, whether it’s seabird eggs, the colour of the hills or the rugged coastline,” said Rachel who has found a niche by taking Scottish themes and creating abstract designs that anyone can appreciate. Even her range of luxury scented candles and room diffusers are evocative of her sense of Scottishness and nostalgia for home. The smokey, almost masculine tone of the distillery hearth candle, for example, is certainly no ordinary fragrance but it is very popular with both men and women. Other fragrances, such as juniper harvest with its fresh zingy citrus tones twilight loch and its scent of dusk flowering blossoms are more feminine in their appeal. ‘I grew up in Lanarkshire,’ said Rachel, who admits her childhood in and around the ‘dear green place’ of Glasgow and open country of the west of Scotland left her with a deeprooted love of nature, which shows in her design work.



“Scotland has always been a major source of inspiration for me. The people, places and even natural things such as rock formations, bird feathers and eggs have a beauty all their own. I like to be able to take that and turn it into an abstract design for luxury products that people love.” However, moving back home is more than just returning to her roots to raise a family as Rachel believes now is a good time to be living in Scotland. “When I left college over 15 years ago there didn’t seem to be that much of a creative buzz in Scotland compared to how it is now,” she said. “I moved away to London for work and to gain experience I didn’t feel I could get in Scotland. But now it’s nice to see so much more opportunities back home. It’s a very exciting time.”



Luxury mansion with unique golfing links

Photos by Stewart Cunningham



n opulent Victorian mansion which was set on fire and left to rot in the mid 1990s has been hailed as triumph over tragedy after being rebuilt and turned into one of the most spectacular luxury homes in Scotland.


The phoenix-like resurrection of Coodham House in the heart of South Ayrshire near Symington, has been an inspiration of what the marriage of traditional skills and 21st century technology can accomplish. To enter through the gates of

Coodham is to be transported back in time to a golden age of country estates and magnificent stately homes. Carved pink sandstone, ornate balustrades and gleaming period sash windows overlook rolling

lawns, acres of landscaped gardens and an ornamental lake provide a breathtaking welcome to visitors as they follow the meandering driveway into the property. However, it is a far cry from the broken shell of a country house which just a few years ago was a roofless, burnt out shell with a forgotten history. It was here that Captain James Ogilvy Fairlie, the creator of Prestwick Golf Course, thought up the idea for the greatest golfing tournament in the world - The Open Championship. Built in memory of James’s father, William Fairlie, by his widow Margaret the 90 acres estate and four storey house was originally called ‘Williamfield’ in his honour. William Fairlie was a man of his time.


He made his substantial fortune as a trader in the British Empire and his business interests ranged across the world from India to Java, Europe, Australia, China and elsewhere. He supplied the East India Company’s Bengal army with elephants, bullocks, camels and victuals before going on to became

one of the biggest ship owners in Calcutta transporting rice, indigo, cotton and opium to the China coast. In little more than 30 years after leaving Scotland in 1780 Fairlie had established a world-wide trading network. He returned from India in 1812 when he and his family settled in Park Crescent, London and he


became a Member of Parliament until his death in 1825. It was then that his widow decided to create a house in his honour and she bought Coodham, laying the foundation of what was to become one of the most important estates in the country. After Margaret Fairlie died in 1845 the property passed to her son James Ogilvy Fairlie, a former army officer who on arriving to live at Coodham was alarmed to discover there was no golfing in the area so he set about rectifying the problem. He persuaded the Earl of Eglington to release some ground at Prestwick for the construction of a new links golf course and invited the professional at St Andrews’ golf course, ‘Old’ Tom Morris, to design the course, which held its first tournament in 1857. In 1860 Colonel Fairlie orchestrated the first ever championship in order to decide the title of the best


professional golfer in Britain. The Open Championship still generates around £72million for the local economy and every year homes close to the tournament are rented out for considerable sums – often as much as £10,000 a week. As Fairlie’s former home Coodham’s place in golfing history was recognised in 2011 when it became the first location in the world to receive a commemorative plaque honouring historic heroes of the game. In the late 1800s the estate was sold to Sir William Houldsworth, a one-time mill-owner in Reddish, Stockport and Conservative MP for Manchester North West from 1883 to 1906. Although he made his fortune south of the border Sir William spent his last years at Coodham where he invested heavily in improving the estate.

Sir William made his own mark on the house, adding a private chapel in 1878, creating the lake and populating the gardens with a variety of rare plants, including spruce pine, 30 species of bamboo and other plants from the Black Forest and California. Today, the grounds are regarded as being of considerable national importance. The lake, which is a mile in circumference and is stocked with an assortment of fish attracting a variety of birds and wildlife, was often used for skating and as a curling rink for important competitions in winters gone by. The estate remained in private hands right up until the outbreak of World War Two when it was it was used to billet soldiers and as a military headquarters. After the war Coodham passed to a Catholic Order, the Passionist Fathers, who used it as a spiritual retreat until 1988 when it was sold to

a private owner. For 16 years the house and the grounds were left to decay as the building was stripped of its fittings and the interior of the once imposing country mansion was almost completely destroyed by fire, theft and vandalism. However, when developers Goldrealm Properties acquired the estate they began to restore and improve on the original splendour of the four-storey Victorian mansion to create six exclusive apartments and three additional luxury homes. “It had fallen into total ruin. There was no roof, no interior and lots of fire damage so we had it all to do,” said Willy Findlater the architect charged with turning the ruin into a series of luxury homes. “We were also aware that in renovating Coodham House we were acting as custodians of history and culture as well simply redesigning a magnificent property. “Being a listed building meant it all had to be restored using traditional skills, and to satisfy the requirements of South Ayrshire Council and Historic Scotland we had to ensure the integrity of the historic fabric was maintained.” Lime mortars and putties were used


and samples of the remaining stone were taken away for analysis so an exact geographical match could be found for the new stone work. Five years of painstaking work has resulted in the original A-listed external walls being meticulously restored or replaced, including the intricate roof balustrade and entrance pillars which lead to a spectacular Turkish marble hall and staircase.

Within the traditional façade a totally new structure has been designed around the existing windows and other features to create four luxury apartments and two lavish duplex apartments. The East Wing, Chapel and West Wing form a further three very individual designer homes. Each apartment has been finished to the highest standards including timber floors, deep oak skirting,

handcrafted doors and windows along with ornate Georgian-style plasterwork inspired by Robert Adam. In addition, each home is fitted with a designer kitchen, luxury bathrooms with Porcelanosa ceramic tiles, and state-of-the art technology to create cable free audio visual facilities, lighting, satellite TV and a videovoice security system. Â Â The insulation of the walls, underfloor heating and the finest Swiss made radiators ensures the warmth created by the gas central heating is cost effectively retained. High performance acoustic building board, designed to reduce the transmission of sound through walls, has been fixed to a resilient steel framework to create the impression of each apartment being a detached property free of any potential noise from neighbours. However, the biggest challenge for



the architects was presented by The Chapel. “Churches present a lot of problems when it comes to turning them into something they were never intended to be,” said Mr Findlater. “The scale and size of the spaces inside churches makes them very difficult to turn into domestic properties without a lot of planning and attention to detail. “We basically had a big tall hall with huge windows which we managed to divide up into smaller rooms which would be suitable for a domestic space.” Extra floors were put into the chapel to subdivide the building into four levels creating a unique luxury living space while at the same time retaining the original full scale windows and painstakingly restored stonework.




The top floor master bedroom, with its mix of stained glass and picture windows, enjoys an unrivalled view of the estate over the lake and adjoining woodland. “It was important to maximise the power of the original features without it appearing to be ecclesiastical. In terms of The Chapel we got around this by adopting a modern approach,” said Mr Findlater. “People don’t necessarily want to feel like they are living in an actual church so we had to be sensitive to that.” “Throughout the mansion house we wanted to create something that blended good traditional craftsmanship with a state of the art interior. “I believe we have struck the right balance to ensure Coodham provides contemporary classic homes that combine the grandeur of former times with the demands of the


modern age,” he said. Throughout Coodham it is clear that attention to detail has been second to none. Local craftsmen using the best materials from home and abroad worked with Turkish marble, African oak, West Coast quarried pink sandstone to recreate the exterior and construct an entirely new interior. Doors and windows have been

individually handmade on site from the finest timbers while the contemporary steel balustrade follows the oak paneled stair as it curves upwards from the grand entrance hall towards a source of natural light emanating from a beautifully decorated cupola. Stone features that include the roof balustrade and grand pillared entrance portal have been recreated to the original historic specification. The sale of the apartments and three individually designed homes, ranging from £299,000 to £599,000, is being handled by Slater Hogg & Howison and there are just four properties remaining. The property is situated just 27 miles from Glasgow city centre and six miles from Prestwick International Airport with frequent flights daily to London, Dublin, Rome, Paris and more than 30 other world-wide destinations, making it attractive to many overseas buyers.



The Scots who fought with Custer


ust inside the nave of St John the Evangelist church in Edinburgh a small brass plaque pays tribute to a soldier of a foreign army killed in one of the most famous battles in history. The memorial to John Stuart Stuart Forbes commemorates his death on 25 June 1876 alongside General George Armstrong Custer at the Battle of Little Big Horn. Despite the plaque being the only one of its kind in Scotland there were a number of Scots in the 7th Cavalry at the time of the battle, of which three were killed alongside Forbes with Custer. According to Custer enthusiast and author Peter Russell, who has written a book about the massacre, there remains some mystery as to the true story of how the son of a minor Scottish aristocrat ended up thousands of miles from home, fighting as a lowly cavalryman under an assumed name.


‘English by Birth, Scottish by blood’, by Peter Russell and Leslie Hodgson, tells the detailed story of how Forbes became a victim of Custer’s last stand.

John Stuart Stuart Forbes was born in Rugby on 28 May 1849, the son of a wealthy Edinburgh banker. He returned to Edinburgh, aged two, and was educated at Edinburgh Academy before moving to Cheltenham aged 10 with his widowed mother. Over the next few years he attended a number of English private schools, never staying longer than a couple of years at each one. By the age of 21, having inherited £2,000 from his late father and his brothers’ love of gambling, he left Britain for New Zealand via New York sometime around 1871. Whatever happened over the next few months nobody knows but it’s believed he was involved in a scandal big enough to prevent him going home.

George Armstrong Custer


Custer’s last stand

What is known is that on 20 January 1872 Stuart Forbes enlisted as a Private in the United States Army under the alias of John S. Hiley, the married surname of his sister, Henrietta. “Why Forbes was serving under a false name is not known,” said Mr Russell, 77, a semi-retired financial adviser from Bexleyheath, Kent.

Photos by Jeremy Kemp

“People have said it was because of a gambling debt or that he had got a servant girl into trouble but none of that really rings true when you look deeply into his background, wealth and character.

peers, he never rose above the rank of Private. Stuart Forbes finally met his end on 25 June 1876 at Custer’s last stand at the Little Bighorn River in Montana along with more than 200 other soldiers of the 7th Cavalry.

“Whatever it was it must have been something that would have brought shame on the family so that’s why he enlisted under the surname of his sister’s husband.” Although the black sheep of his family Stuart Forbes appears to have been a model soldier. Despite being highly educated, in comparison to his


Photo by Meodegard - The Little Big Horn Monument

On the morning of the battle Custer, who had started out with little more than 600 men, divided his force. He divided his 12 companies into three battalions and three companies were placed under the command of Major Marcus Reno who was ordered to

Photos by Bailey P. Baldwin - Site of the battle

enter into the Big Horn Valley. Three other companies were assigned to Capt. Frederick Benteen who was ordered to hold the bluffs at the end valley to stop any of the Lakota, Northern Cheyenne and Arapaho warriors escaping. Five companies remained under Custer’s immediate command while the 12th company, under Capt. Thomas McDougall, was detailed to bring up the rear with the mule train carrying supplies.


Photos by Bailey P. Baldwin - Indian Memorial

Mr Russell. “His body was never formally identified but it’s likely to have been in Deep Ravine, where most of the men were killed, but it could equally be anywhere on the battlefield between the Little Big Horn River and Last Stand Hill.” On the monument to the fallen, which was erected some time after the battle, he is listed as J.S. Hiley. His real identity was only discovered after the army appointed a team to take an inventory of the dead soldier’s belongings. Among the items in Private Hiley’s trunk they found a letter from his mother which revealed his real name. Ironically, it also revealed that “the matter of some trouble he had gotten into in his native country was soon to be settled up and he could then return home without molestation”. Almost a year after the battle his family were given permission to erect a plaque in the Church of St John the Evangelist, Edinburgh, the only memorial to any member of Custer’s command in Scotland. It reads simply:

In Memory of

Photos by David F. Barry - Chief Gall, Hunkpapa Lakota leader

JOHN STUART STUART FORBES 7th Reg’t United States Cavalry. Born at Rugby 28th May 1849. Killed in Action 25th June 1876. St James 4: 13-14-15. Romans 8: 35-37

The series of engagements that followed took place over three distinct but related actions which have collectively come to be known as the Battle of the Little Big Horn. Reno and his men were pinned own in the valley and had to fight their way to cover on a nearby hilltop, where they were besieged by hostiles for two days, while Custer’s Last Stand took place further up the valley. “How Stuart Forbes died and exactly where we will never know,” said


Bones at Little Big Horn 1876

Other Scots who took part in the battle Alexander Brown from Aberdeen was a Sgt in G Company and on the day of the battle he was detailed to escort the pack mules. He was involved in the hilltop fight but survived the battle. He died on 7 April 1884. Andrew Hamilton from Port Glasgow was a blacksmith in Company A. Aged 23 when he enlisted in 1872 by the time of Little Big Horn he was an experienced soldier, having taken part in two previous military campaigns. He was involved in the fighting which took place in Big Horn Valley and on the hilltop. He survived the battle and was discharged as “a blacksmith of excellent character” at Fort Rice, Dakota Territory on 17 April 1877. His fate after leaving the army is unknown. James Hill from Edinburgh was First Sergeant with Company B at the time of the battle. At 37-years-old he was an experienced soldier, having been a veteran of the 71st Highland Light Infantry. He survived the hilltop fight and eventually died at his home in Wooster, Ohio, on 18 November 1906. William McMasters from Glasgow was a Private detailed to escort the Pack train of mules and was involved in the hilltop fight. He survived the battle and was discharged from the army in December 1879 only to rejoin in January the following year and served until 1890. His fate after that is unknown but he may have returned to Scotland. David McWilliams from Edinburgh should have been in the battle but on the way to Little Big Horn he


George Custer

accidentally shot himself in the leg while hunting. He continued to serve until 1882 until he was invalided out of the army as a result of his wound. He died from an overdose of the painkiller laudanum in September 1882. William Moodie from Edinburgh was a Private in A Company. He was killed aged 35 in the retreat from the valley on the first day of the battle. Charles Scott, a Scot whose birth town is not recorded. He enlisted on 20 November 1873, aged 25, giving his previous occupation as Cook. He was killed on Last Stand Hill, along with all of the soldiers of Custer’s Column. Peter Thompson from Markinch in Fife had a narrow escape. He should have died with Custer but his horse dropped-out from exhaustion on the way to the Little Bighorn. Unable to rejoin his own company

he later climbed up the bluffs and joined Major Reno’s command. While pinned down by enemy fire he made several trips outside the lines to obtain water for the wounded resulting in him being wounded also. Thompson survived the battle and in recognition of his bravery he was awarded the Medal of Honor. And finally… George Armstrong Custer About eight weeks before he died Custer got a letter from an Orkney businessman, James Cursiter, saying he thought they were related. Custer wrote to his wife days later saying that he now believed his family may have originated in Orkney. Unfortunately there is no evidence to back that up. It is far more likely that Custer was of German descent but it is very possible he went to his death believing he had Scottish heritage.



The future is bright for weather presenter with a sunny disposition By Jo De Sylva


s a regular fixture on radio and television for the past 15 years or more Judith Ralston has become something of celebrity, even though the path to success hasn’t been as smooth as it might have been. While her sunny smile and warm personality have made her a firm favourite among millions of Scots who rely on her for weather information her life has not been without its share of dark clouds. A battle with weight, the loss of a child in pregnancy and a struggle against depression brought on by a crippling voice injury which destroyed a promising career as a singer have all played a part in making her the person she is today. Inside BBC Scotland headquarters on Pacific Quay in Glasgow on a cold, wet and windy day there is a definite warm front as Judith smiles


and her eyes twinkle as she talks about juggling family life with work and her growing celebrity status. A typical day for the mother of three usually starts with organising childcare for her 5-year-old twins, Max and Georgia. She shakes her head and laughs as she explains how they are now operating as a team, one being the lookout and the other getting up to mischief, which means her life never has a dull moment. On top of 10 hour days spent keeping both TV and radio listeners up to date on what’s happening outside, along with looking after her 13-year-old son Alexander, the twins and running a home with husband and fellow Meteorologist Fraser Ralston, it’s surprising she gets a moment to herself. However, she wouldn’t have it any other way as she admits being a mum has changed her for the better. “It’s no longer about me. I come last in the pecking order,” she beams.

Instantly recongisable the spectaclewearing, raven-haired presenter has become something of a celebrity. There are a number of Internet sites that analyse her every move on TV and each appears to have a growing fan base, a situation she admits to be feeling a little bemused but flattered about. “It’s both men of a certain age and women who recognise me and come up to speak and that’s really positive. I’m a woman’s woman, I’ve gone through so many of the circumstances many women experience, bereavement, the loss of a child in late pregnancy, weight issues, so I feel I can relate to the issues most women face”. Despite her job as a regular television presenter she laughs at the thought of being thought of as glamorous in any way. “I buy most of my clothes on the high street like everyone else,” she says. “It’s much harder being a woman

Photos by Tom Watt


and being judged on how you look rather than your ability. I work with so many great people, the two Sallys [Magnuson and McNair] and Jackie [Bird], and we’re all concerned about getting the information across wether that’s news or weather. We’re not so concerned about how we look. “It’s amazing how there are now so many women my age doing great things with their careers,” said Judith, who points to actress Monica Bellucci who became a Bond girl aged 50 when she starred in ‘Spectre’. “She looks amazing. It just shows it’s possible to look good the other side of 45.” Life could have been so much different for the 48-year-old from Dunbar. As a youngster she was an incredibly talented musician having started playing the violin at just 6 and then going to a specialist music school as an oboist aged 12. At 18 she went to the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama in


Glasgow, which is now the Royal Conservatoire, and graduated in 1991. From there she spent some time studying music in Canada and then the Royal Northern College of Music in Manchester as she developed her vocal talents to become a rising star of the UK opera world. As she talks about her love of music Judith’s face lights up. “It’s being part of a team, creating the most magical moments on stage,” she says softly, touching her heart as she talks about the camaraderie she shared on the music circuit. Having completed her training she was touted as a great Scottish Opera talent with huge potential. She worked with Scottish Opera on a number of performances and travelled extensively across the world delighting audiences. It was a career she seemed destined for and everything she imagined it would be. But, just as her star was ascending

disaster struck and a devastating set of circumstances led to a career change which propelled her into a completely different spotlight. She developed problems with the muscles in her voicebox as a result of bad teaching and over a period of only 12 weeks it led to a total collapse of her voice. Even now she is unable to shout without her voice going into spasm. “Many people couldn’t understand it, I could still talk but my singing voice had gone,” she said. “It was like a bereavement. The person I had been, this larger than life singer with a big voice was no longer there. Many great friends stood by me but I lost a couple of friends, some people didn’t believe me but I was eventually vindicated”. The grief of losing everything she had dreamed about and worked for had a profound impact on her. She started eating for comfort and was on antidepressants for eight months as her


weight ballooned from 13-stone to 18 stone in just eight months. “I was devastated and found solace in food. I just wanted to hide away and found food to be such a great comfort” she says. At her heaviest Judith was 18 stone and wearing size 22 clothes, something you would never imagine by looking at the slim and healthy person she is now. “It’s like an addiction, but the problem is you have to face food every day. It’s not like alcohol where you don’t have to drink, but you do have to eat. You should never look down on a fat person. There is always a story behind why they are the size they are”. It was a long road to get to where she is now, but with the help of a slimming club Judith is now the fittest she has ever been. “I took up running which was a great breakthrough for me, and I now find that I’ve stopped craving unhealthy food and I want to eat healthily. I feel like I’ve really broken the back of it,” she said confidently. While Judith was at her lowest point she took a job cleaning. “I had to earn money” she explains. “I didn’t know what to do. Something I’d been training for all my life had been taken from me and I didn’t know what I was going to do.”


It wasn’t until a friend suggested, during one of Judith’s darkest periods, that she use her voice in another way and a new career opportunity presented itself. Starting out as a radio travel presenter for AA road watch, she joined the BBC when a slot became available at the Travel desk. She was then asked to cover weather shifts and slowly progressed her broadcasting experience to present music programmes for the BBC. While it may not be the life she was expecting Judith admits to be being happy and grateful for the life she has in Scotland with her family. “I love Scotland. I’m passionate about the place, it’s just so beautiful. I also love the East coast. Dunbar is where I’m from and where much of my family still live. It’s where my Grandmother came from and whenever I come across the A1 and see the Bass rock I get the tug in my heart that makes me feel like it’s where I belong. “It might sound funny coming from a former Opera singer but what I love about this place is that when you walk down the street people will tap you on the shoulder and say ‘how ya doing hen?’ “That’s what I love about Scotland, it’s much more of a classless society than other places”.



Photo by Guy Phillips


Photo by SNH / Ben James - Empty Urchin Shell on a tide - swept maerl bed


Protecting Scotland’s seabed E

mergency action has been taken to protect an environmentally important seabed habitat damaged by fishermen dredging for scallops. The endangered flame shell beds off the north west coast of Scotland have been designated as a Marine Protected Area (MPA) by Environment Secretary Roseanna Cunningham. The protection for Loch Carron’s shell beds follows an investigation by Scottish Natural Heritage and the Scottish Government into destruction of part of the vulnerable habitat. The inquiry confirmed damage to the flame shell beds was consistent with the impact of scallop dredging. However, the investigation also found there was a viable prospect of recovery because part of the bed had survived and another nearby bed had remained intact. Flame shells are orange coloured


Photo by SNH / Ben James - Marine Scotlnad’s RV Alba na Mara on Loch Carron

Photo by SNH / Ben James - Research Vessel Alba na Mara


Photo by SNH / Ben James - Divers prepare to check flame shell bed

molluscs which hide in nests they build on the seabed. Hundreds of these nests can combine to form a dense bed, raising and stabilising the seabed and making it more attractive for lots of other creatures. Flame shell reefs are good hunting grounds for young fish, and offer good attachment for scallop spat, as they settle from the plankton, and are therefore a vital part of the wider ecosystem. The MPA means any proposed development or use of the sea will have to take the need for recovery into account. To manage fishing activity, an urgent Marine Conservation Order will be put in place to prevent mobile gear fisheries, such as dredging, in the area - initially for one year. “We take our duty to protect Scotland’s rich marine environment extremely seriously and recognise the importance of safeguarding vulnerable habitats like flame shell beds,” said Ms Cunningham.


Photo by SNH / Roddy MacMinn - Starfish with only two arms on the shell bed

“By introducing a Marine Protected Area and putting in place a ban on dredging we hope to ensure the recovery of the flame shell beds in Loch Carron. “While we recognise there are concerns around scallop dredging in coastal waters, we must balance environmental concerns with the need for legitimate and sustainable fishing. “The Scottish Government will now begin work immediately to identify if there are other areas which should be protected.”


Photo by SNH / Ben James - Exposed flame shell


Photo by SNH / Ben James - A Large Anemone

Katie Gillham, Head of SNH’s Coastal and Martine Unit, said: “The evidence collected by recreational divers, and by Marine Scotland Science and SNH, clearly shows the damage that was done to the flame shell bed. “Alongside protecting the flame shell bed, this new MPA will help us learn more about the recovery of this Priority Marine Feature as it happens.” Photo by SNH / Ben James - A Painted Goby

However the conservation charity Open Seas is calling for more action and an expansion of a ban on scallop dredging within three miles of the coastline. The organisation claims that although scallop dredging is one of the most destructive forms of fishing in Europe, it is banned in just 4.4 percent of Scottish inshore waters.

Photo by SNH / Ben James - A Small featherstar


It is calling for a rethink about a more sustainable approach for the sake of the environment, fisheries, communities and the nation’s seafood.

Photo by SNH / Ben James - A Burrowing Sea Cucumber

Photo by SNH / Ben James - Diver filming reef




Showing off

Photos by Gerry McCann



nce the highlight of the rural calendar, both socially and for business, agricultural shows have been a mainstay of Scotland’s country communities across four centuries. This month marks the beginning of a fun-packed calendar of events stretching from the borders to the Highlands. A wide variety of shows, many dating back more than 200 years attract locals and visitors alike in abundance. Most were set up at a time when there were many more people working on the land. Almost every farm had a number of workers on the payroll. Numerous related



businesses, from blacksmiths and butchers to saddlers and suppliers reliant on the farm industry could be found in every village. Now, when many farms have grown bigger and machinery has replaced people as the dominant work force, the annual shows remain the highlight of the year for many communities and are even more popular than ever. From the Gargunnock Show near Stirling, which was founded in 1794, to the Lairg Crofters Show in Sutherland thousands of people flock to these and many others across the country each year to take part in a celebration of rural life. Events such as The Highland Show in Edinburgh, Turriff in Aberdeenshire and The Black Isle show near Inverness are mainstays of the agricultural calendar. “My family has been attending the Turriff show for more than 150


years,” said Paul Keith, a 52-yearold accountant who now lives in London but makes the trip home to Aberdeenshire every year for the show. “My grandfather used to work a farm

in the North East, as did his father and grandfather. Ever since I can remember I have always gone to the Turriff show. I was born in the North East of Scotland but even though I have lived in England for the last 35 years I have only missed about half a


dozen shows. I come every year with my wife and children to meet up with family and friends. It’s tradition!”


Townies, whose only experience with a farm animal or cereal crop is what they find on their breakfast plate, mix happily and easily with dedicated sons, and daughters, of the soil.

Isle show, which takes place this year on the 2nd and 3rd of August, to record the festivities at one of the country’s oldest celebrations of rural life. Founded in 1836 with the intention of promoting the interest of agriculture to as wide an audience as possible this year marks its 180th anniversary.

Photographer Gerry McCann is a frequent visitor to the annual Black

In between the beauty parades of brushed and groomed livestock;


aisles of gleaming giant farm machinery - the wheels of which alone could dwarf a man; and trade stalls selling everything from sunglasses to family saloon cars there can usually found a vibrant cocktail of new and old traditions.


“The Black Isle Show has been a major event in the Highlands for 180 years and every year it seems to get bigger and attract more people,” said Gerry. “There really is something for everyone. On one hand you have

all the farm people meeting up to talk shop, show off their prize animals, meet with suppliers and see the latest in farm machinery. On the other, there are thousands


of ‘townies’ who probably wouldn’t know one end of a cow from another but they enjoy the horse shows, musical bands, market stalls and a heap of other entertainments.

“There are also plenty of opportunities for people to learn how their food is grown, how sheep are sheared and what farming means to everyone. Events like the Black



Isle Show are so much more than just an enjoyable day out, they fulfil an educational service and provide a deep rooted historic link to Scotland’s rural past.” New for this year is a tractor-pulling extravaganza which will take place


on the show’s preview night with a prize pot of £2500. Although, to nonfarmers, the idea of tractor-pulling may not seem all that exciting it is a sport growing in popularity and one which contestants take very seriously.


Rod Mackenzie, the show’s secretary said: “The Black Isle Show is 180 years old and this year we are marking that fact by celebrating the Year of History, Heritage and Archaeology. We have loads of sideshow events planned which fit in with this theme but the biggest has to be a discovery area where people can learn about farming and how it has evolved over the years. There will be lots of ‘have a go’ attractions too so it’s great for small and big kids alike.”


June 3 Gargunnock Show, Stirling

28 - 29 Border Union Show, Kelso

5 Lorn Show, Benderloch, Argyll

10 Angus Show, Brechin

29 Banchory Show, Aberdeenshire

6 - 7 Keith Show, Banffshire

22 - 25 Royal Highland Show, Edinburgh

30 - 31 Turriff Show, Aberdeenshire

9 Bute Agricultural Show, Rothesay



10 Grantown Show, Speyside

2 - 3 Black Isle Show, Muir of Ofd

10 Islay Show 12 Orkney County Show

1 Haddington Show, East Lothian

2 Wigtown Show, Dumfries & Galloway

15 Kirriemuir Show, Angus

2 Arran Show, Isle of Arran

15 Caithness, Wick

3 Stewartry Show, Castle Douglas

12 Mid-Argyll Show, Lochgilphead, Argyll,

22 Braco, near Auchterarder, Perth.

4 - 5 Perth Agricultural Show, Perth

19 - 20 Galloway Country Fair

22 Sutherland Show

4 Kintyre Agricultural Show, Campbeltown, Argyll

26 Lochaber Agricultural Show, Fort William|

5 Berwickshire County Show

26 Moffat Show

5 Dumfries & Lockerbie Show

26 Lairg Crofters Show, Sutherland

1 Doune and Dunblane Show

22 Biggar Show 26 Stranraer Show, Dumfries & Galloway


12 Kinross Show




Celebrating one of the world’s rarest dog breeds A

breed of dog made famous by Sir Walter Scott but now rarer than Giant Pandas has been honoured with a statue in the Scottish Borders.

More than 150 Dandie Dinmont Terrier owner and enthusiasts from across 14 countries, including USA, Canada, Scandinavia and Europe, gathered near Selkirk to celebrate Scotland’s most iconic but almost forgotten canine. Three days of festivities marked the 175th birthday of the breed’s founding father ‘Old Ginger’, born at The Haining in Selkirk on 4 June 1842. The Dandie Dinmont, named after a character from Sir Walter Scott’s novel ‘Guy Mannering’ and the only breed to have its own tartan bestowed by a Clan Chief, is among the rarest dogs on earth. Only 316 puppies were born worldwide last year. The breed, which has a long body, short legs and distinctive “top-knot” of hair on the head is regarded as being friendly, tough and courageous. It makes for an ideal companion and watchdog. It’s believed forefathers of the breed were used for hunting badgers and otters in the 1600s in and around


Sir Walter Scott and his dogs by Henry Raeburn


A Dandie Dinmont Terrier by John E. Ferneley Jr.

the Scottish Borders. They remained almost exclusive to that area until 1815 when writer Sir Walter Scott published his novel Guy Mannering. In the book Scott included the character Dandie Dinmont who owned a number of these specialist terriers.


Queen Victoria

However the Dandie Dinmont, who was once so popular that it appeared on cigarette cards in the early 1900s and even had a train, steamship and whisky named after it, is now in danger of extinction. A favourite with notable personalities such as Queen Victoria, the painter Sir Edwin Landseer, mystery writer Agatha Christie and actor Sir Alec Guinness they are now registered as a Vulnerable Native Breed by the Kennel Club The event in the Scottish borders aims to raise awareness of the dogs and save them from extinction. Activities across the weekend included a ‘Barking Plaid’ Tartan Fashion Show at Dryburgh Abbey Hotel, which saw items exclusively styled in the historic Walter Scott black and white tartan fabric for both dogs and owners, and a ‘Meet the Dandies’ public event at Bowhill House and Country Estate. A street parade of Dandie Dinmont Terriers through Selkirk got the birthday party proceedings off to a good start followed by the opening of the Dandie Dinmont Discovery Centre, the Dandie Dinmont Derby and the unveiling of the ‘Old Ginger’ bronze statue by the Queen’s sculptor for Scotland, Alexander Stoddart, at The Haining. “The Dandie Dinmont Terrier is Scotland’s forgotten dog breed with a dedicated and passionate following of enthusiasts from around the world,” said Paul Keevil, UK Coordinator of the event. “The first weekend in June marked the largest ever informal gathering of the breed as we celebrated the 175th birthday of the father of the breed “Old Ginger”.


Photo by Allan Warren - Sir Alec Guinness



Sweet taste of success



sk Roy Lewis, the entrepreneur behind the Hebridean Liqueur Company, which of his brands he is most proud of and his response is almost to recoil in shock.

Roy is one of a select band of craft liqueur producers in the UK and an entrepreneur in an industry which is undergoing something of a enlightenment.

“That’s like asking which of your children do you love the most,” said Roy as he takes time to highlight the specialist properties of each of his creations and praises their unique qualities.

In early times liqueurs were used for medicinal purposes and there is undoubtedly still something of the apothecary’s talents in combining spices, fruits and sugars with whisky, rum and other spirits to help make


life less painful and more enjoyable. Hebridean Liqueurs was started in Helensburgh by Roy to fill a gap in the market he spotted while holidaying in the Lake District. “In Scotland there are hundreds of whiskies and quite a few liqueurs but in England there is hardly anything, especially in the Lake District. I thought it might be interesting to

themselves.” Figures complied by market researchers Mintel suggests the market for liqueurs is growing. Despite a misconceived perception that it is predominantly a female favourite evidence suggests otherwise. Industry figures show men, and those in the 18-24-yearold bracket particularly, are drinking liqueurs most often. Over the last few years the image of liqueurs as being sickly postdinner afterthoughts or only for special occasions has changed to one of being socially acceptable, sophisticatedly indulgent and a key component of cocktails. According to the Wine & Spirit Trade Association (WSTA) market report figures demonstrate a definite increase in the sales of liqueurs.

see what happened if we created something dedicated to that market.

completely impossible to do that but we managed to do it.”

“At about the time cane sugar was being brought into England from the Caribbean one of the main destinations for the new import was the Lake District where they used to caramelize it and mix it with local spirits.

The Lakeland Liqueur quickly proved a hit with locals and visitors alike as the distinctive eye catching bottles flew off the shelves.

“I always like to introduce some sort of historical link to the theme of each liqueur we make so we took that idea and combined caramel, butterscotch and whisky to create the original Lakeland Liqueur. “On the very first day we took it to market we realized there was a big demand. One very cold March day in 1995 we took all the stock we had down to the Lake District and sold enough of it with payment on delivery in the first afternoon to pay for the entire batch. That was unheard of within the industry and against all the advice we had been given. Everybody told us it was


Inspired by their initial success Roy created the Hebridean Whisky Liqueur which comprised the winning formula of the Lakeland label with the added ingredients of traditional spices. According to Roy his company’s unique products are aimed at people looking for something with an interesting taste that isn’t too strong. “All our liqueurs are half the strength of whisky, and not too sweet,” said Roy. “Often with traditional liqueurs the reaction of people trying them for the first time is ‘Ooh! that’s sweet’ or ‘That’s too strong’. Ours are really formulated so that they are easier to drink. Our target market is somebody who is looking for a gift or a treat for

More than 28 million litres of liqueurs were sold in the UK last year. The WSTA claims the rise in sales is due to a love of cocktails among UK consumers. “Possible reasons for the growth in sales is that we are seeing a greater range of flavoured liqueurs,” said a spokesman for the WSTA. “There is a trend towards more flavoured products and we are seeing a greater increase in the popularity of cocktails.” Consumer demand for innovation has inspired the Hebridean Liqueur Company to increase its repertoire of offerings. It now has a wealth of retailers across the country, a comprehensive mail order list of wholesale clients and an extensive network of show exhibitors who sell directly to the public. “Our liqueurs can be a good introduction for somebody who is new to whisky,” said Roy. “A lot of people wo come to our shows and say that they don’t like whisky often end up buying a bottle or two after they have tried our liqueurs.”




Date 4 ur diary


26 May - 3 June Islay Festival of Music and Malt Isle of Islay 26 May - 4 June Dumfries and Galloway Arts Festival Edinburgh Road, Dumfries, Dumfries & Galloway. 26 May - 4 June Hidden Door Festival Kings Stable Road, Edinburgh, EH1 2NF The Hidden Door arts festival offers 10 days and nights of music, theatre, visual art, film and spoken word from a variety of artists. 2 - 25 June West End Festival Glasgow. Glasgow’s largest cultural event which every June takes over this popular area of Glasgow with a wide variety of events and performances. 2 - 4 June Gardening Scotland Ingliston, Edinburgh. For three days the grounds of the Royal Highland Centre in Edinburgh undergo a transformation in an explosion of scent and colour as host to the national outdoor living Show and gardening festival. 2 - 4 June FyneFest Achadunan, Cairndow Drink great beer, dance to great music and eat great food in beautiful surroundings at the head of Loch Fyne in Argyll. 2 - 3 June Oban Live Oban Oban Live is the biggest Music Festival in Argyll & Bute 3 June Gargunnock Show Gargunnock, Stirling


If you have a future event you would like included in our diary please email details to Gargunnock Farmers’ Club is one of the oldest in Scotland, founded in 1794. 3 June Shotts Highland Games Baton Road, Shotts, Lanarkshire. Highland Games with dancing competitions, pipe bands, funfair and various craft and refreshment stalls. 3 June Taste of Grampian Inverurie, Aberdeenshire This is a one-day food and drink festival for all the family with lots to see and do. Discover and sample the wide range of high quality food and drink products from Grampian in the North East of Scotland. 3 June Helensburgh & Lomond Highland Games Rhu Road Higher. Traditionally each Games is linked to a Scottish Clan but Helensburgh is unique in being linked to two local Clans; the Colquhoun’s and MacAulay’s. All the traditional attractions are on offer, including Running, Heavy Weights, Solo Piping, Wrestling and Highland Dance. 3 June TruckNess Bogbain Farm, Inshes, Inverness. TruckNess celebrates the fantastic work done by Trucker’s throughout the Highlands to bring our goods home while raising cash for a most worthy local charity. 4 - 5 June Mountain Bike World Cup Aonach Mor, Fort William. The greatest ‘Gravity Gathering on Earth’ with global stars of Downhill and 4-Cross biking. 4 June Markinch Highland Games Markinch, Fife. Traditional Highland Games including dancing, pipe bands, fun runs, cycling, stalls and children’s entertainment. 4 June Historic Motoring Extravaganza Lauder. Over 600 cars, motorcycles and commercial vehicles are expected in the “Open” concours classes together with

some 500 vehicles gathered around fifty “Club” stands. 4 June Gold Cup Day Scone Palace Park, Perth & Kinross. A prestigious day of racing and has long been recognised as one of the best days out on the Scottish Racing Circuit. Thrilling horse racing, fantastic crowds and an electrifying atmosphere.

Brechin, Angus. Annual agricultural show with live stock, fun fair, trade stands, craft marquee, horse and hound & tractor pulling. 10 - 18 June Leith Festival 17 Academy Street, Edinburgh. Nine days of events, organised for the people of Leith by the people of Leith.

8 - 18 June Edinburgh Festival of Cycling Ltd Edinburgh The Edinburgh Festival of Cycling acts as a real showcase for all aspects of bicycle culture and the host city and is one of the top 10 cycling festivals in Europe.

10 June Bearsden and Milngavie Highland Games Burnbrae, Glasgow Road, Milngavie, Glasgow. Traditional Highland Games with pipe bands, tug o’ war, athletics, heavy weights, children’s activities and Highland dancing.

8 - 11 June The Eden Festival St Anns, Moffat. Set in the stunning Raehills Meadows this years festival includes acts such as Cat Power, Gogol Bordello, Boney M, Agnes Obel, 2ManyDJS, Alice Russel, So Sold Crew and many more

10 June Hands On Events -Cairngorm Sportives 82km or 158km Cairngorm, Scotland, UK Quad burning ascents. Heart racing descents. Mountain scenery. Rider camaraderie. Highland hospitality. 72/158 km sportive.

9 - 11 June Crail Food Festival Crail Taking place in the costal village of Crail, the Crail Food Festival is a highlight of the summer festival calendar.

10 June Cupar Highland Games Cupar, Fife. Traditional Highland Games featuring athletics, heavy events, dancing, cycling, children’s activities and a pipe band.

9 - 11 June Potfest - International Ceramics Festival Perth. Potfest ceramic shows - putting public and potters together. Meet the potters, talk pots, and buy direct from the maker.

11 June Ardrossan Highland Games Memorial Field, Sorbie Road, Ardrossan. A family day out with traditional Highland Games events, such as pipe band competitions, Highland dancing, heavy events and more.

9 - 11 June Arran Folk Festival Brodick, Isle of Arran A weekend of Sessions, Concerts, and Ceilidhs.

11 June 2017 Strathmore Highland Games Glamis, Angus, Scotland, UK Traditional Highland Games with Highland dancing, Solo piping, tug-o-war, running, cycling and heavyweights.

9 - 11 June TMSA Keith Festival Keith. A festival of Scottish traditional song, music, dance, poetry and storytelling through competitions, concerts and impromptu sessions.

11 June Hawick Border Games Volunteer Park, Hawick, Hawick. Professional running events with food stands and children’s entertainment.

10 June Angus Show


15 - 18 June Borders Book Festival Melrose.

Date 4 ur diary Celebrate summer with a visit to one of Britain’s friendliest book festivals. Get set for a memorable weekend, with more than 100 events for all ages to choose from. 16 - 25 June The Moray Walking Festival Moray. This year’s festival has 50 plus events over 10 days. Whether it’s a gentle amble or an outdoor challenge there’s something for everyone. 16 - 17 June The Spirit of Skye Viewfield Road, Portree. Brand new festival for 2017 celebrating Scotland’s finest food, drink and music. 16 - 21 June St Magnus Festival Kirkwall, Orkney. Orkney’s midsummer celebration of the arts has grown from small beginnings into one of Britain’s most highly regarded and adventurous arts events. 16 June Selkirk Common Riding Games Philiphaugh, Selkirk Historical re-enactment and local horse race on Friday morning followed on the Saturday with running events. 17 - 18 June Burgie Horse Trials By Forres, Moray. Arena horse trials event, with food and craft stalls, a trade village, entertainment’s arena and side shows. 17 - 18 June Keith and Dufftown Railway- 1940s Weekend Dufftown, Moray This is the fifth year for this event and it has become more popular every year. 17 June Oldmeldrum Sports and Highland Games Oldmeldrum, Aberdeenshire. First held in 1930 this an annual event for the local


If you have a future event you would like included in our diary please email details to community and visitors features traditional Highland Games with Highland dancing, pipe bands, tug-o-war, light field events, heavyweights and running. 17 June Riverside Rock Jedburgh. The Scottish Borders Premier Music Festival at JedForest RFC, Riverside Park. 18 - 25 June Peebles Beltane Festival Peebles, Scottish Borders Peebles Beltane Festival is a festival of local legend, history and tradition 21 June - 2 July Edinburgh International Film Festival A two-week celebration of cinema with gala premieres and talks from visiting directors. Various venues, Edinburgh. 21 - 25 June Glasgow International Jazz Festival 141 Bridgegate, Glasgow The UK’s premier international Jazz Festival 22 - 25 June Royal Highland Show Ingliston, Edinburgh Scotland’s premier Farming and Rural Event. Thousands of animals & horses, shopping, quality food and lots of action. 23 - 25 June Solas Festival Tibbermore, Perth. Solas is Scotland’s midsummer festival which has been running since 2009. The all-age weekend-long celebration of music and the arts is designed to entertain, inspire and challenge. 24 - 25 June Scottish Traditional Boat Festival Portsoy, Banffshire. A celebration of maritime and cultural heritage, beautiful boats, exhilarating skiff races on the open seas, maritime and rural craft demonstrations, non-stop song and dance, mouth-watering food and drink.

24 June European Pipe Band Championships Forres, Moray. Piping at Forres, the European Pipe Band Championships. Pipers, drummers, food, craft, funfair & beer tents. Fun family day out. 24 - 25 June Civil War Re-enactment Weekend Lauder. The past brought to life at Thirlestane Castle with a weekend of living history from the Sealed Knot reenactment society. 24 June Drumtochty Highland Games Auchinblae, Laurencekirk. Drumtochty Castle Grounds, Auchinblae, Laurencekirk. Massed piped bands, Highland Dancing, Open and Local Tug O’War and much more for a fun family day out. 24 June Ceres Highland Games Ceres, Fife. Ceres Games are the oldest free games in Scotland, always held on the last Saturday of the month of June. A charter to hold the Games was given to the people of the village by Robert Bruce in 1314 in recognition of their support at the battle of Bannockburn. 25 June Lorne Highland Games Lorne, Oban. The games has all the favourite elements of a good Scottish Highland Games including caber tossing, hammer throwing and tug o’war - action you’d expect from a top event. 30 June - 2 July Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust Scottish Game Fair Perth. The Scottish Game Fair is firmly established as Scotland’s most popular outdoor event held within the parklands of the historic and scenic Scone Palace in Perthshire. An annual gathering for country sports enthusiasts, our three-day event is a true celebration of rural Scotland offering something for everyone 30 June - 8 July Edinburgh International Magic Festival Edinburgh. MagicFest brings the best in magic from Scotland, and around the world to Edinburgh for 8 days.

p117 30 June - 2 July Arran Malt & Music Festival Lochranza, Isle of Arran. A weekend dedicated to Malt Whisky and Traditional Music. Events include whisky and food masterclasses, Ceilidhs and dinners.


9-12 June National Celtic Festival Portarlington, VIC Australia This winter festival is regarded as Australia’s premier Celtic Festival and attracts over 15,000 people to the region over the three day long weekend of Celtic music, culture and arts. 10-12 June Highland Cattle National Show 2017 Mount Pleasant , SA Australia A weekend celebrating Highland cattle. As well as showcasing some of the best of the breed, there will be Celtic Dancing displays, mead, bagpipes, reenactment groups, kids craft activities, and much more!www. 25 June Scotland in the Park 2017 Greenbank, QLD Australia A full day of Scottish events presented by the Scottish Clans Congress of Queensland Inc , Logan City Council and Middle Green Sports, including Scottish clans, Pipe bands, Highland dancing, Scottish wares, Scottie dogs and much more. 30 June Scotland the Brave Melbourne, VIC Australia Scotland The Brave is the smash hit celebration of the best of traditional Scottish music, song, and dance. This spectacular production features over 100 singers, dancers, and musicians, performing popular works such as Amazing Grace, Highland Cathedral, The Gael, Ye Banks and Braes, Auld Lang Syne and many others.


10 June 42nd Annual Georgetown Highland Games Georgetown, ON Canada Highland dance, pipe bands, Clans and more.

10 June 31st Annual Grande Prairie Highland Games Grande Prairie, AB Canada 13-20 June Clan MacRae Canada Gathering Halifax, NS Canada 16-17 June 54th Cobourg Highland Games Cobourg, Ontario Canada 17 June The BC Highland Games and Scottish Festival Coquitlam, BC Canada 29 June - 6 July The Royal Nova Scotia International Tattoo Halifax, NS Canada


3 June Milwaukee Highland Games Wauwatosa, WI United States 3 June Garrett County Celtic Festival Friendsville, MD United States The Garrett County Celtic Festival celebrates the heritage, arts, and culture of the Appalachian immigrants from Scotland, Ireland, Wales, and Brittany. 10-11 June Blairsville Scottish Festival & Highland Games Blairsville, GA United States Lots of things to see and do including clan gatherings, genealogy tents, athletic competitions, pipe and drum bands, concerts, Highland dancing, children’s activities, Scottish food, Scottish merchandise, workshops, exhibits, Highland Cattle, ancient weaponry, historical reenactments, and a Massed Bands Ceremony 10-11 June The Mother Lode Highland Games Plymouth, CA United States Celebrate Scottish cuisine, culture, competition and entertainment at the Amador County Fairgrounds.


15-18 June Taste of Scotland Festival Franklin, NC United States A day of Scottish Fun, Food, Fashion, Music, Dancers, Games, Clans, Border Collie Demonstrations, Crafters, Continuous Entertainment and Culture for the whole family. 16-18 June Scottish Festival & Highland Games Chicago Itasca, IL United States The Scottish Festival & Highland Games features an extravaganza of activities and attractions - from the Caber Toss to Highland Dancing to the Dogs of Scotland. This family-friendly event is a chance to explore Scottish culture 23-24 June Ohio Scottish Games Wellington, OH United States Presented by members of The Ohio Scottish American Cultural Society of Ohio to preserve and promote Scottish Heritage and ancestry.



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