A conversation with the Head of College
Mr Richard Ford
A month from tomorrow, people around the world will celebrate Christmas.
Here at Scots All Saints, Christmas celebrations began today with a Preparatory Christmas Concert where it was wonderful to recognise the achievement of our Prep students and see virtues like gratitude and kindness reflected in their performances of songs and poems.
On Friday next week, all families from Junior and Senior are invited to attend Carols on the Green. The evening begins at 5:00 pm, and will be a showcase of Junior School talent and a celebration of Christmas. Come along with a blanket, chairs and pack a picnic or enjoy the food our P&F will be selling.
As a College whose motto is All for Christ, Christmas does not just signal the end of the year and holidays, it is a celebration of God’s good gift to us of Jesus.
On Christmas Day, churches throughout Bathurst and beyond will be holding services and I would encourage your family to consider including this in your Christmas celebrations. If you are around Bathurst in the lead up to Christmas, Bathurst Presbyterian Church are holding the following the services:
Sunday 18 December 2022 at 10:00 am
Christmas Carols with Bathurst Presbyterian Machattie Park, Bathurst
Saturday 24 December 2022 at 6:00 pm
Christmas Eve Service Bathurst Presbyterian Church
Sunday December 25 2022 at 9:00 am
Next week, I have invited Year 2 to come over to Karralee to help decorate the Christmas tree in my office and to reflect together on the year and the meaning of Christmas. I am looking forward to having their help and hearing about the things for which they are thankful from 2022.
Junior School Campus Preparatory School, Junior (Years K 6) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Senior School Campus Senior, Boarding (Years 7-12) 4173 O’Connell Road
Christmas Day Service Bathurst Presbyterian Church
I look forward to seeing the College community next Friday night for Carols on the Green.
From the Chaplain
Rev. Michael Bennett ChaplainMore precious than gold
I caught an old episode of Antique’s Road Show the other day. It was filmed in 1980. The host shared a story of a couple in England who decided to take their dog for a walk. As they grabbed the lead from the front door, they remembered they had an old painting in the loft that had been passed down through the family. They didn’t think much of the painting and were planning to throw it out in the next council rubbish day. Instead they took it to the Antique’s Road Show and, well you can probably guess what happened next.
The painting turned out to be Richard Dadd’s long lost painting titled: The Halt in the Desert (1845)! It was worth one hundred thousand pounds. Since the couple had just retired and were struggling to make ends meet, they sold the painting to the British Museum.
I would like to use the story as a metaphor for God’s word. God’s word, and for that matter God, often sit in the background of our lives, the loft for example. We generally give both His word and Him such little time and attention –except, maybe in a crisis.
Yet the Psalmist wants to encourage us to keep God and His word at the front and centre of life. He wants us to realise the value, and to embrace it. Psalm 19 states:
The law of the LORD is perfect, refreshing the soul.
The statutes of the LORD are trustworthy, making wise the simple.
8 The precepts of the LORD are right, giving joy to the heart. The commands of the LORD are radiant, giving light to the eyes.
9 The fear of the LORD is pure, enduring forever.
The decrees of the LORD are firm, and all of them are righteous.
10 They are more precious than gold, than much pure gold; they are sweeter than honey, than honey from the honeycomb.
11 By them your servant is warned; in keeping them there is great reward.
May we discover God and his precious words in new ways this week! Amen
Junior School Campus Preparatory School, Junior (Years K 6) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Senior School Campus Senior, Boarding (Years 7-12) 4173 O’Connell Road
Monday 8.00am 2.00pm
Wednesday 12.00pm 4.00pm
Friday 8.00am 2.00pm
Wednesday 7 Dec 1.00pm to 5.00pm
Tuesday 13 December 9.00am 4.00pm (Pre Booked appointments only)
Wednesday 14 December 9.00am 4.00pm (Pre Booked appointments only)
Thursday 15 December 9.00am 4.00pm (Pre Booked appointments only)
Saturday 21 January 9.00am 2.00pm (Pre Booked appointments only)
Monday 23 January 9.00am 2.00pm (Pre Booked appointments only)
Tuesday 24 January 9.00am 2.00pm (Pre Booked appointments only)
Wednesday 25 January 9.00am 2.00pm (Pre Booked appointments only)
Friday 27 January 9.00am 2.00pm (Pre Booked appointments only)
Monday 30 January 8.00am 4.00pm (First Day of Term 1 general business)
Wednesday 1 February 12.00pm 4.00pm (Normal Trading Hours resume)
Location Junior School Campus, 70 Eglinton Road phone (02) 8069 0470 sasc@noone.com.au
For assistance outside of these hours, please contact Noone at the Chatswood Store
Telephone (02) 9436 1700
Junior School
Mr Chris Jackman Head of Junior SchoolJunior School Triathlon
The term is quickly coming to a close, and we have one more major sporting event before the end. On Tuesday, 29 November, all students in Years 3 to 6 are invited to participate in the Junior School Triathlon, which involves a swim, bike ride and a run. All students are encouraged to enter either the individual event or the team event, where they only have to do one leg of the triathlon.
Oran Park School Music Performance
Our Year 3 to 6 students will be entertained by a visiting school, Oran Park School, on Thursday, 1 December at 9:00 am. We always welcome other schools as it is a wonderful opportunity for our students to not only meet students from another
Junior School
Mr Anthony Roohan Deputy Head of Junior SchoolSemester 2 Student Reports
Teachers are currently finalising Semester 2 reports. Reports will be handed to students at the end of the school day on the final day of the year by their class teacher. Reports are just one part of our assessment and reporting processes which also includes Seesaw, Parent-Teacher Interviews and ongoing discussions with your child’s teacher. The student report begins with a description of Achievement and Effort bands. I encourage you to read these descriptions before reading the report. In the English and Mathematics components, we aim to give you a clear idea of how well your child/ children have achieved in a range of specific areas, such as fluency or handwriting. Once again, we have also included a section on future goals for these two key areas of learning. Comments are provided for all areas of learning and seek to provide a brief overview of content before elaborating on your child/ children’s level of achievement.
school but also to experience what they are doing in their music program.
Carols on the Green
At 5:00 pm on Friday, 2 December, all Scots All Saints students and their families are invited to come to Carols on the Green. All students in Prep to 6 will be on stage singing or playing a carol that they have been practising. Our P and F will be running a canteen where you can buy a sausage sandwich and a drink. Please bring a picnic rug or some camp chairs. No alcoholic drinks are allowed on College campus grounds. Students are to dress in casual clothes (with enclosed shoes) and remain with their families under their supervision. Music staff will invite students to the stage to perform with their peers before returning to their families, who are required to maintain supervision for the carols.
School Reports
On Tuesday, 6 December, the last day of Term 4, all Junior School students will bring home their Semester 2 Reports.
Junior School Presentation Day Assembly
Our Junior School Presentation Day Assembly will be held on Tuesday, 6 December, on the Chapel Lawn at 9:15 am. Presentation Day is a celebration of learning throughout the year, and we’ll be acknowledging students for their outstanding effort and achievement.
All Kindergarten students will receive a ‘book prize’ to recognise their effort and achievement in their first year of formal schooling. A number of other special awards will be presented, including:
The Citizenship Award (Years 1-6)
This award will be presented to a student who has demonstrated a range of social skills for building positive relationships, including self-management strategies, courage, optimistic thinking and a range of core and social values, including kindness to others, fairness, honesty, respect and responsibility. This award will be presented to one student from each class in Years 1-6.
Effort Award (Years 1-6)
This award will be presented to a student(s) from each class (Year 1-6) who received the highest score based on the effort bands in the Semester 1 and 2
Senior School Campus Senior, Boarding (Years 7-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Junior School Campus Preparatory School, Junior (Years K 6) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795 02 6331 3911
student report for each of the ten main KLA areas: English, Mathematics, Science and Technology, Geography, History, Visual Arts, Music, PDH, PE and STEAM.
Academic Award (Years 3-6)
This award will be presented to a student from each Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 class who received the highest score based on the Achievement Band scale in the Semester 1 and 2 student report i.e. Outstanding= 5 points, High= 4 points, Sound= 3 points, Basic= 2 points for each of the nine main KLA areas that can be found on the report: English, Mathematics, Science and Technology, Geography, History, Visual Arts, Music, PE and PDH.
Special Year 6 Awards
A number of special awards will also be presented to our Year 6 students. These awards include:
• The All-Rounder Award
• Sportsperson of the Year
• Performing Arts Award
• Innovation and Design Award
• Dux of Year 6 (The ‘Karralee Boys’ 1942- 1946 Prize)
• Presbyterian Church Trustee Award for Christian Leadership
We hope that you can join us for this special occasion as we celebrate learning in 2022.
Public Speaking Program - BYO Board GameTuesday, 6 December
The final task for our Public Speaking Program for 2022 is our Board Games Afternoon. There are so many skills that students develop through playing board games; brain development, concentration, language and teamwork skills, problem-solving and sportspersonship are just a few.
On Tuesday, 6 December, we’ll be setting aside a session for students to play a range of board games with their peers. Students can simply bring along their favourite board game (age appropriate) and settle in for a session of fun, problem-solving, critical thinking and communication. So dust off the board games and get set to bring your favourite one in boys and girls!
Home Readers
As the end of the year comes around, can I ask that you all check for any home readers that might still be at home. All home readers should be returned by Friday, 2 December. Staff will undertake a complete audit of readers in preparation for 2023.
Junior School Campus Preparatory School, Junior (Years K 6) 70 Eglinton Road
Senior School Campus Senior, Boarding (Years 7-12) 4173 O’Connell Road
Prep Wattle News
The Wattle Class have enjoyed many highlights this term. Early addition in Maths, Miss Burge for Christian Studies, Bee-bot, amazing basketball skills and our fabulous fundraising for TEAR Australia.
Junior School Campus Preparatory School, Junior (Years K 6) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Senior School Campus Senior, Boarding (Years 7-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Junior School
Presentation Day
Head of Junior School, Mr Chris Jackman would like to extend an invitation to all parents and special friends
Tuesday 6 December 2022 9:15 am
Chapel Lawn
Junior School Campus
Students should arrive to school at normal time dressed in their full summer uniform with hats and polished shoes.
At the conclusion of the Presentation Day, students will return to class with normal pick-up time at 3.15pm.
Junior School Campus Preparatory School, Junior (Years K 6) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Senior School Campus Senior, Boarding (Years 7-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Junior School Campus Preparatory School, Junior (Years K 6) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Senior School Campus Senior, Boarding (Years 7-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Senior School
Mr Justin Adams Acting Deputy Head P-12/ Head of Senior SchoolYear 8 - 11 2023 Orientation Day
On Tuesday we welcomed many new students to the College for an Orientation Day. We thank the students who buddied up with the new students and showed them around. It was pleasing to see our students interacting and getting to know the new students and helping them with any anxieties that they may have had. We look forward to welcoming them again in 2023.
Camps 2023
In 2023, the Senior School are moving to a bi-annual school camp model. We know the value of outdoor education/recreation camps to our students but also know the costs, both financial and time lost from the learning curriculum. We, therefore, will be having a three-day, two-night camp for Year 7 (27 – 29 March), which will have a focus on team building, getting to know one another and getting active outdoors. This camp will be located at an outdoor education provider that uses a base camp where all the activities are done on-site, and students will sleep in cabins. The Year 9 students will also have a four-day, three-night camp (7 – 10 March) which will be more of a bush setting involving camping, hiking, canoeing, abseiling, ropes courses, mountain biking, etc. This camp is specifically aimed at developing independence skills, cooperation, leadership and overcoming challenges whilst being supported by others.
Our students in Years 8 and 10 will still have opportunities for excursions. We are planning for more curriculum-based ‘big days out’ where we can combine interests from various departments and travel to do them, for example, a big day out to Sydney to visit the aquarium and a national park tour to link learning in science and geography. Our Year 10 students will be encouraged to pursue their Duke of Edinburgh Award from the start of the year and will have the opportunity to attend a camp for the Adventurous Journey component during a holiday
break. This will not be compulsory for Year 10 students, but a great opportunity.
Student Wellbeing Program 2023
In my last report for The Roar, I introduced The Resilience Project and highlighted the TRP@Home resource for parents.
This week, I would like to draw to your attention the resources specifically aimed at Teens. On the TRP@Home webpage, there is a focus for the month and the one for this month is on empathy. Parents are encouraged with their teen to watch a short video clip and then have a short discussion (there are some guiding questions) to work through with their teen. https://theresilienceproject. com.au/at-home/teens/ Again, I encourage you to look into the resource and familiarise yourself with the program. Our students will be working through TRP in 2023 as part of our pastoral/wellbeing program. Our hope is that with a supportive and knowledgeable community, we can work together to improve the educational outcomes and wellbeing of our young people.
Upcoming Events
2 December Carols on the Green (Junior School Campus)
6 December Final Teaching Day for 2022 – classes finish at 3:20 pm
7 December: Senior School Awards and Presentation Assembly (BMEC) 1:00 pm start, arrive by 12:45 pm
Wishing all our students, parents and friends a Merry Christmas and a safe and healthy holiday. God bless.
Junior School Campus Preparatory School, Junior (Years K 6) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795 02 6331 3911
Senior School Campus Senior, Boarding (Years 7-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795
On Saturday, Lily Moore and Paige Hatton attended the Western Show Society group final for Junior Judging and Paraders in Dubbo.
Both girls placed first in the paraders. Paige also came first in grain judging and second in meat sheep and cattle judging. Lily came first in meat sheep and second in Merino sheep judging. This means they have both qualified for these events at Sydney Royal Easter Show 2023.
We are all so proud of the girls and look forward to cheering you on in April 2023!
Mrs LibbyDawes
All Things Sport
Mr Mark Wilkinson Sports AdministratorSAS Juniors dominate Tennis Club Championships
A big congratulations to Ben Lenehan, Henry GarciaHennessy, Eliza Rennie, Jake Robinson, Sarah Edwards and Izaak Scott, who all walked away with some impressive silverware!
This morning, Japan upset Germany in the Football World Cup. Their 2-1 victory was impressive but this was even better.
At the conclusion of the match, Japanese supporters stayed behind to clean up the stands.
Pretty impressive stuff!
Max Hemsworth and Jake Kearney will represent NSW Country at Futsal Nationals
Story and photo courtesy of The Western Advocate
They may not be big on experience, but when it comes to skill Bathurst duo Max Hemsworth and Jake Kearney are considered some of the finest futsal players in country New South Wales.
The Scots All Saints' College duo have been named in NSW Country futsal teams and will play at the national titles in Melbourne come January.
Max will line up for the Under 14s while 11-year-old Jake Kearney is one of the younger members in the NSW Country Under 12s squad.
They earned their spots after impressing at a oneday trial at Bathurst Indoor Stadium on November 6.
"We had a trial here, we just did drills and then played some games," Max said.
"I didn't play it, but I just went to the trial. I'd played normal soccer and they're pretty much the same.
"I've played outdoor all my life to be honest and I thought I'd just give this a shot."
Futsal is a five-a-side game played indoor, with a smaller, harder and less bouncy ball than is used in soccer.
Games are shorter, but fast-paced and high intensity.
Though Max hadn't tried futsal prior to the trial, as he mentioned he is well versed with soccer.
He represented the NSW Country Under 14s at the 2022 National Youth Football Championships at Coffs Harbour.
He also plays for Western NSW FC in the Football NSW Boys' Youth League.
Like Max, Jake Kearney has played plenty of soccer but only has limited futsal experience.
He'd only played four games of fustal before attending the trial, but the skills he'd developed outdoors saw him impress.
Junior School Campus Preparatory School, Junior (Years K 6) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Senior School Campus Senior, Boarding (Years 7-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795
"I wasn't that confident I'd be selected, but I thought I'd be a chance," Jake said.
"I started playing outdoor soccer but then I thought futsal might be a bit better, I like it more because it's faster and yeah, definitely more skilful.
"I played outdoor since I was like five. I started and played until under 9s with Bathurst '75s then for one year in Under 10s I played with Scots All Saints and then I played for Macquarie MeerKats."
Though both boys are not sure what to expect at nationals, they are eager to line up for NSW Country.
"It's going to be fun going down to Melbourne, having a holiday but also playing futsal will be good," Max said.
"I'm excited but I'm also a bit nervous," Jake added.
As for what team they'd most like to beat at nationals, the duo were united in their opinion. It's Queensland.
The tournament will run for five days with close to 1,000 participants and over 100 teams being involved.
Please complete the following should you want to join the Scots All Saints College Equestrian Team, book agistment and lessons for 2023. ALL STUDENTS WHO ARE CURRENT MEMBERS MUST REJOIN FOR 2023.
1. Complete this google form (and read carefully the information at the top of this Google form).
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd57chBk-HxzT8t1iGSp-quWSHlFNsSKOsvtjP_huwwFlNOPQ/ viewform?usp=sf_link
2. Complete all required forms – see list at top of the Google form (available at https://scotsallsaints.nsw.edu.au/ learning/co-curricular/equestrian/ and return either in HARD COPY DIRECTLY TO LIBBY DAWES or VIA EMAIL AS ONE DOCUMENT (not photographs or several documents – these will not be accepted as it takes far too long to print out and collate individual pages). Please make sure all forms are fully completed and signed by parents and students in relevant places.
3. If you need to order saddlecloths please do so via the information in the information booklet. https://scotsallsaints.wpenginepowered.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/SASC-Equestrian-InformationBooklet-2022.pdf
4. Please order uniforms directly from the Uniform Shop.
5. If you want to book lessons for Term 1 2023 please complete this Google form as well.
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfxUulHkYn1NJ2UUReT0Ctf-VpojM9jiLEfeFgYuiLmzhM0rg/ viewform?usp=sf_link
Senior School Campus Senior, Boarding (Years 7-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Junior School Campus Preparatory School, Junior (Years K 6) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795 02 6331 3911 connect@scotsallsaints.nsw.edu.au
Year 9 Visual Arts
Year 9 Visual Arts students completed a unit "The Great Southern Land". Through this vibrant artmaking experience students painted, drew, photographed, sewed and collaged small landscapes that represented our beautiful Australian landscape. Take a moment to view the inspirational visual works by this very talented group.
Mrs Bronwyn JacksonFrom the Scots School archives
A recent tribute in The Roar to the Hector family was a reminder that it is sixty-five years this year since the Pipes and Drums gave their first performance. There are sixtyfive years of photos with which to illustrate this story. A few years ago, Tim Hector wrote an account of how the band came to be formed, and that has been the main source of information for this article.
The idea for Scots School Bathurst, as it was then known, having a pipe band arose out of the first time the Cadet Unit wore kilts for the 1954 Royal Visit. An initial attempt to follow this up showed that it was not an easy thing to do, but a group of people in the school persisted through 1955 and 1956, and the band gave its first performance at The Scots School Ball in 1957 and its second at Speech Day the same year. The formation of the band was supported by the Headmaster of the day, Mr Alan Mitchell. The Parents and Friends were also heavily involved, especially Mr Ivor Hector and Mr Perry Taylor. Support was also sought, and eventually given, from the Australian Army, which permitted the band to be part of the Cadet Unit, and provided material support.
With the support from the Army, funds raised by the P&F, and money from the school budget, the process of acquiring equipment commenced. In September of 1956, Tim Hector, who had recently been a member of the Pipe Band at Scots College Bellevue Hill, was asked by Alan Mitchell to advise on the instruments, equipment and clothing needed to create a presentable band corps. Bagpipes were loaned, donated or purchased by parents for their sons. The school imported some drums from Scotland and the uniform. Tutoring the band members were also undertaken. A local, Mr Eric Lindsay, was brought in to train the bagpipers. Tim Hector and Hedley Taylor, who had been side drummer with the Scots College Pipe Band, trained the drummers.
The band went into its first performances in rather improvised uniform. Blackwatch kilts were provided by the 30th Battalion. English-style battle jackets were purchased from a private clothing contractor. The band members whitened their cadet issue webbing belts and wore hose tops (made by cutting off the foot portions of worn-out Army socks), Army-issue boots and old-time jungle gaiters. These were originally green and oiled, but for band use were scrubbed clean and given countless applications of white cleaner. The Drum Major’s baton was a glorified broomstick!
The band’s first performance outside of the school was Anzac Day in 1958, which began a tradition that is maintained today. At the time, it was decided that a fulltime instructor was needed, and this resulted in the appointment of Bill Durham, who was brought out from Scotland as part of the Bring Out A Briton scheme.
After their success in the Pipe Band Championships in 19689, the Scots pipers and drummers recorded “A Collection of
Junior School Campus Preparatory School, Junior (Years K 6) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Senior School Campus Senior, Boarding (Years 7-12) 4173 O’Connell Road
A photo of the TSS Pipes and Drums on their 2008 tour of Scotland.
Mrs Ives later recalled that the Durham family’s first accommodation in Bathurst was the Maids Quarters, which now houses the Betty Ives Archive Centre.
There is much more to tell about The Scots School Pipes and Drums. It went on to win Australian Juvenile Band Champions on a number of occasions and has been on tours to Scotland and New Zealand. There is also some family continuity, with the grandchildren of one of the original band members being involved in the current ensemble. A group of parents also formed the Friends of the Band, which has raised funds and provided support in other ways. Old band members seem to have a special relationship with their memories. Stories about it attract considerable attention on The Scots School Old Boys and Girls Facebook page.
All Saints’ College Old Bathurstians’ Annual General Meeting
The 2022 Annual General Meeting of the Old Bathurstians’ Union will be held in the Board Room of Esrom House, Junior School Campus, on the 3 December 2022 at 10:30 am.
All positions declared vacant and all life members of the OBU are eligible to vote.
We welcome anyone who wishes to be nominated for a position to advise the secretary before the meeting if possible.
If unable to attend the meeting but wishes to be considered for a position, please notify the secretary via email –memory.sanders@scotsallsaints.nsw. edu.au
Thursday 24 November 2022
Science/Maths Yearly Exams
HSC Economics Seminar
Friday 25 November 2022
Science/Maths Yearly Exams
HSC Business Studies Seminar
Saturday 26 November 2022
ISA Summer Sport - Round 6 (Cricket, Touch, Tennis)
Monday 28 November 2022
Years 7-10 Exams
Tuesday 29 November 2022
Years 7-10 Exams Wednesday 30 November 2022
Years 7-10 Exams
Thursday 1 December 2022
UN Youth - Write Time Right Place
From a few weeks ago: the Pipes and Drums performed for the crowd awaiting the start of the Edgell Jog.
Oran Park Anglican Visit Friday 2 December 2022
Carols on the Green K-12
UN Youth - Write Time Right Place