A conversation with the Head of College
Mr Richard Ford
It was a privilege this week to represent Scots All Saints at the 20th Birthday celebrations for Hope Care in Kelso. Each week, a group of Senior School students head over to Hope Care’s café on a Tuesday, where they help to prepare and serve a cooked lunch for people in need within the Bathurst community. This initiative started in Term 2 and has been of great help.
The Junior School students have assisted Hope Care in packing emergency hampers. Kindergarten to Year 2 have been packing tea and coffee packs, which then feed into the larger emergency hampers, which are packed by Years 3 – 6. Emergency hampers contain enough pantry staples (pasta, tinned food, cereals etc.) to feed either a single person or family for 3-5 days.
Over the coming days, our students will also be assisting to pack 750 Christmas Hampers. The time and effort given by students at the College has certainly been gratefully received by Hope Care, who presented us with a trophy of appreciation (pictured).
On Tuesday, the boarding students held a Bake Sale at recess to raise funds to support flood-impacted communities. Our boarders either know firsthand or through family friends the devastation caused by recent flooding, and it was great to see them banding together to do what they can to help.
Having spoken to both current and former parents of the College in flood affected areas, I know they are
Junior School Campus Preparatory School, Junior (Years K 6) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Senior School Campus Senior, Boarding (Years 7-12) 4173 O’Connell Road
grateful for the financial and practical help they are receiving. One past parent whose house at Eugowra was decimated by the flood is Hugh Ellis and his children, past students of the College, have started a fundraising page here
With only a few days left in the school year, I have encouraged students to continue looking for ways to help people around them in the College and wider community. In 2023, there will continue to be a range of service opportunities available to students, and I hope everyone gets involved.
As this is the last Roar for 2022, I would like to wish all College families a restful holiday, a Christ-focused Christmas and I look forward to seeing students back safe and sound on campus on Monday, 30 January 2023.
02 6331 3911 Issue 37 | Thursday 1 December 2022
From the Chaplain
Rev. Michael Bennett Chaplain
“Don’t leave him behind!”
I was recently listening to an old interview with the actor Sir Peter Ustinov. He was sharing some stories that occurred behind the scenes during the filming of Spartacus (1960). One story stood out for me. He said that after filming a slavery scene, the star and producer Kirk Douglas declared that he was taking a few days off in Palm Springs. Without getting out of his costume, slaves rags, he fell into the back seat of his limousine and fell asleep. The driver then undertook the long journey as Douglas slept.
Halfway to the destination, the driver pulled over at a petrol station in the middle of nowhere. He filled up and then went to the attendant to pay. At that time, Douglas woke up and went to use the facilities – still dressed as a Roman slave and covered with dirt. The driver returned, glanced in the back and just saw the blanket and some rags, presumed that the famous actor was beneath them, and drove off.
Douglas came out of the facilities and discovered there was no limousine. He was dressed as if he was homeless. He had no money, and this was well before mobile phones were invented. Kirk Douglas was stranded, and no one in the petrol station believed he really was the famous actor, and for a while, wouldn’t let him make a free phone call to get help.
As our time together comes to an end this term, I wondered if this is not somewhat a metaphor for our culture. Our culture is like the limousine driver. We have driven off into the future without the most important person on our journey – Jesus Christ.
Putting aside the spiritual importance of Jesus, it is hard to argue against his impact upon human history. More than two billion Christians in the world today call him Lord and Saviour. Just under two billion Muslims regard him as the second most important prophet in their faith. Educational institutions, hospitals and charities have been started because of his inspirational life of caring for the outcast. Cities like Christchurch bear his name. Our major holidays, or holy days, mark his birth and resurrection. Even Santa, good old St Nicolas, the third-century Turkish Bishop, was a follower of Jesus Christ.
This ‘Christ-mas’, I’d encourage you to stop and reflect upon the life of Jesus Christ. Indeed, you could start today by reading one chapter of the Gospel of Luke each day up until the 24th. In these chapters, you shall discover God’s great gift for humanity and his love for you, demonstrated through the birth, life, death and resurrection of his son, Jesus Christ.
“Everyone who comes to me and hears my words and does them, I will show you what he is like: he is like a man building a house, who dug deep and laid the foundation on the rock. And when a flood arose, the stream broke against that house and could not shake it, because it had been well built.” (Luke 6:47-48).
Junior School Campus Preparatory School, Junior (Years K 6) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Senior School Campus Senior, Boarding (Years 7-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Bonjour Bathurst
This week the students involved in Bonjour Bathurst practised their linguistic skills by conducting a survey about Christmas. They enthusiastically asked other students around the school about their thoughts on Christmas, collecting a variety of answers from all age groups. Thanks for watching this year’s episodes. We have a grand plan for all our viewers next year!
Click HERE to watch the video Joyeux Noël – The Bonjour Bathurst Team
Painting by Michelle Hazeldine (Year7)
Monday 8.00am 2.00pm
Wednesday 12.00pm 4.00pm
Friday 8.00am 2.00pm
Wednesday 7 Dec 1.00pm to 5.00pm
Tuesday 13 December 9.00am 4.00pm (Pre Booked appointments only)
Wednesday 14 December 9.00am 4.00pm (Pre Booked appointments only)
Thursday 15 December 9.00am 4.00pm (Pre Booked appointments only)
Saturday 21 January 9.00am 2.00pm (Pre Booked appointments only)
Monday 23 January 9.00am 2.00pm (Pre Booked appointments only)
Tuesday 24 January 9.00am 2.00pm (Pre Booked appointments only)
Wednesday 25 January 9.00am 2.00pm (Pre Booked appointments only)
Friday 27 January 9.00am 2.00pm (Pre Booked appointments only)
Monday 30 January 8.00am 4.00pm (First Day of Term 1 general business)
Wednesday 1 February 12.00pm 4.00pm (Normal Trading Hours resume)
Location Junior School Campus, 70 Eglinton Road phone (02) 8069 0470
For assistance outside of these hours, please contact Noone at the Chatswood Store
Telephone (02) 9436 1700
02 6331 3911
Junior School
Mr Chris Jackman Head of Junior School
Carols on the Green
At 5:00 pm on Friday, 2 December, all Scots All Saints students and their families are invited to come to Carols on the Green All students in Prep to Year 6 will be on stage singing or performing a carol that they have been practising.
Our P and F will be running a canteen where you can buy a sausage sandwich and a drink. Please bring a picnic rug or some camp chairs.
No alcoholic drinks are allowed on the College campus grounds.
Students are to dress in casual clothes (with enclosed shoes) and remain with their families under their supervision. Music staff will invite students to the stage to perform with their peers before returning to their families, who are required to maintain supervision for the carols.
Please do not park on the grass around the school, as it is still very wet.
Year 6 Farewell Chapel Service
On Monday, 5 December, at 10:20 am, we will be holding a special Farewell Chapel Service for our Year 6 students on the Chapel Lawn. Parents of Year 6 students are most welcome to attend.
Junior School Presentation Day
On Tuesday, 6 December, our Presentation Day Ceremony for Kindergarten to Year 6 students will take place at 9:15 am on the Chapel Lawn. This will provide us with an opportunity to celebrate students’ achievements and efforts.
School Reports
On Tuesday, 6 December, the last day of Term 4, all Junior School students will be bringing home their Semester 2 Reports.
Junior School Campus Preparatory School, Junior (Years K 6) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795
I wish everyone a safe and holy Christmas holiday break. I would like to thank all of our students and staff for their tremendous efforts throughout the year and pray that they have a restful, well-deserved holiday. I look forward to seeing everyone for the first day of Term 1 on Monday, 30 January 2023.
Junior School
Mrs Jo Nicholls
Pastoral Care and Wellbeing Co-ordinator
Year 6 Graduation Dinner
On the evening of Friday, 18 November, Year 6 had their Graduation Dinner on the Junior School Campus. The celebrations started on the lawn where families mingled and listened to the charming singing and guitar playing of College Captain, Lauren Cant. The Kemmis Building was transformed by Mrs Boshier and Ms Cranney and the students were awarded their graduation certificates and wowed their families with a wonderful musical medley, arranged and accompanied by our talented Ms Bates. It was delightful to celebrate this milestone with the students and their families and we wish them well as they prepare for Senior School. Thank you Mr Ford, Ms Leaf and Mr Bennett for attending and to all the Junior School teachers who came to support our Year 6, 2022.
To see more photos from the night click on the link:
Senior School Campus Senior, Boarding (Years 7-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795
02 6331 3911
continued page 4
Year 6 Farewell Chapel
The Scots All Saints College community is welcome to join the Junior School in their final Chapel service for 2022, on Monday, 5 December at 10:20 am on the Chapel Lawn.
ROAR THE Senior School Campus Senior, Boarding (Years 7-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795 Junior School Campus Preparatory School, Junior (Years K 6) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795 02 6331 3911
Junior School
Presentation Day
Head of Junior School, Mr Chris Jackman would like to extend an invitation to all parents and special friends
Tuesday 6 December 2022 9:15 am
Chapel Lawn
Junior School Campus
Students should arrive to school at normal time dressed in their full summer uniform with hats and polished shoes.
At the conclusion of the Presentation Day, students will return to class with normal pick-up time at 3.15pm.
Junior School Campus Preparatory School, Junior (Years K 6) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Senior School Campus Senior, Boarding (Years 7-12) 4173 O’Connell Road
02 6331 3911
Junior School Campus Preparatory School, Junior (Years K 6) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Senior School Campus Senior, Boarding (Years 7-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795
02 6331 3911 Awards & Presentation Ceremony Wednesday 7 December 2022 12:45 pm Senior School Compulsory for all students in Years 7-11 Bathurst Memorial Entertainment Centre 105 William Street, Bathurst Formal summer uniform with blazers required Day students are to be transported to and from this event by parents Parents are welcome to attend
Equestrian Awards
I am proud to announce our major trophy winners for 2022, which were presented to the students at our Xmas dress up showjump afternoon on Tuesday with our wonderful coach Jennifer Wood.
The 2022 winners are as follows:
Encouragement Trophy: Georgina Culley
Most Improved Trophy: Matilda Brady
Equestrian of the Year: Victoria Webb – Victoria has had some major achievements this year, including riding her first 1* in eventing and succeeding at this level at the North West Equestrian Expo at Coona and at ISHE in Tamworth but also competing extremely successfully in showumping and polocrosse! This is ALL on the same horse, Napoleon! Many riders learn by buying schoolmasters to learn on in the higher levels of these disciplines, but Victoria has produced this horse on her own from the very beginning – this is an achievement which she should be (and I know we are) very proud of.
Victoria has been a part of the equestrian team at the College since Year 7 and has been a super member of the team – she has progressed due to her commitment and dedication in having lessons run by the College by our wonderful coaches (Jennifer Wood, Sarah Farraway and Jana Poppe) every week. Her leadership of the team, support of all team members and beautiful team spirit are something that should inspire all of our members. She will stop and help someone needing it. She will always be happy for those who succeed and
receive an award but also happy for those who have had a personal best or win – she will stand on the sideline and cheer her team members on – she never puts herself first but puts her team first – what a perfect recipient of this award. Congratulations Victoria!
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all of our equestrian members and parents for their support of our program. Watching our students riding and doing what makes them happy is a privilege I do not take for granted. We have had some wonderful times this year –the highlight being at Coona, where we took a huge team and had an absolute ball, along with huge successes. I look forward to this event again in 2023. We have had some challenges as well – flood waters damaging our centre twice, with the most recent one causing a lot of damage but the support of the College has allowed us to repair this quickly and get on doing what we love doing.
We must all say a huge thank you to Bruce Inwood, who keeps the centre so wonderfully, grades the arena before every lesson day and is always a huge support. We are so lucky to have him!
So to all of our team members – put your horses out for the Christmas holiday, have a lovely time with family and friends, enjoy Christmas, and I look forward to seeing you and your four-legged friends again next year!
Mrs Libby Dawes, Director of Agricultural Studies and Equestrian
Junior School Campus Preparatory School, Junior (Years K 6) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Senior School Campus Senior, Boarding (Years 7-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795
02 6331 3911
Georgina Culley – Encouragement Trophy 2022. Matilda Brady – Most Improved Trophy 2022. Victoria Webb – Equestrian of the Year 2022.
People's Choice Award winners
MAD Night, a significant event in the Scots All Saints Creative Arts calendar is a wonderful opportunity for Visual Arts students to have their artworks from across the year exhibited. Many elective student’s artworks were showcased, as well as a wide selection of distinguished Year 7 and 8 works. Year 7 had digital drawings inspired by David Hockney and Van Gogh, with Year 8 displaying their clay skulls, recent drawings of animals, plants, and machinery, as well as watercolour urban landscapes. Year 9 exhibited paintings, collagraph prints and photomontages. Year 10 had the
lino prints on show, collections of works responding to the theme of ‘Belonging’ and ceramics. Beautiful, constructed baskets, metal insects and paintings showcased Year 11’s creative year of artmaking.
On the night, a People’s Choice Award was open for voting, and congratulations go to two Year 10 students, Jake Henry and overall winner Laura Scott with her beautiful sketch of herself dressed in full pipes and drums uniform and flanked by her beloved grandparents.
Mrs Bronwyn Jackson
ROAR THE Senior School Campus Senior, Boarding (Years 7-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795 Junior School Campus Preparatory School, Junior (Years K 6) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795 02 6331 3911
All Things Sport
Mr Mark Wilkinson Sports Administrator
Happy first day of Summer sports fans.
As the clock runs out on 2022, a number of our sporting competitions are hitting the brakes for a welldeserved Christmas rest. Here’s a summary for you:
• ISA Cricket, Touch Football and Tennis – No more games in 2022.
• Local Touch Football – We will play Monday night games next week but no games on Wednesday.
• Local Cricket – No games this Friday night due to our Christmas Carols and this Saturday will be our last round before Christmas.
• Local Basketball – This week will be our last round before the break.
I’d like to say a massive ‘thank you’ to everyone who has supported our students’ sporting endeavours in 2022. As they say, it takes a village.
So to everyone who took on the ever-confusing after school taxi service, volunteered on canteen duty and sacrificed their Saturday morning sleep ins to cheer on the red, white and blue from the sidelines – thanks a million!
2022 has been unreal!
This year we fielded 80 plus teams in eight different sports, making Scots All Saints College the biggest sporting club in Bathurst.
We were lucky enough to have the help of 80 awesome coaches who braved the wind, rain, sun and snow plus some seriously early Saturday mornings.
We had a whole heap of super fun carnivals:
• 9 x Swimming carnivals
• 5 x Athletics carnivals
• 7 x Cross Country carnivals
• 1 x Triathlon
Junior School Campus Preparatory School, Junior (Years K 6) 70 Eglinton Road
We had representative athletes travelling far and wide:
• 18 x HICES representatives
• 16 x ISA representatives
• 7 x AICES representatives
• 5 x CIS representatives
Four athletes were awarded the prestigious Colour Honours:
• Mia Baggett (Netball)
• Tyler Puzicha (Cycling)
• Angus Parsons (Cricket)
• Lily Kable (Hockey)
With our Active Afternoons program, we gave every single student the chance to find a sport they really love. In 2022 we served up some Basketball, Brazilian Ju Jitsu, Cycling, Cricket, Dancing, Equestrian, Football, Golf, Hockey, Netball, Pickleball, Swimming, Theatre Sports, Tennis, Table Tennis, Ten Pin Bowling, Touch Football, Rugby and even Walking!
I hope you and your family have the best Summer and Christmas ever.
See you in 2023. I can’t wait!
Senior School Campus Senior, Boarding (Years 7-12) 4173 O’Connell Road
02 6331 3911
Senior School Campus Senior, Boarding (Years 7-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795
02 6331 3911 Carols on the Gree n 5-8pm Friday 2 December We invite you to a Preparatory to Year 12 sing-a-long carols from the Performing Arts Academy. Bring along a picnic, blanket and chairs. (No alcohol permitted on school grounds.) The P&F will be selling hot food and ice creams. Junior Campus 70 Eglinton Road.
Junior School Campus Preparatory School, Junior (Years K 6) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795
ICAS Mathematics Award Winners (L-R)
Front Row:
ICAS Science and Mathematics Competitions
The ICAS Science and Mathematics competitions were held in Term 3 and the College recently received the results. All students who participated should feel proud of their efforts and are to be congratulated for having a go.
Special congratulations are extended to the following students who received Merit, Credit and Distinctions awards.
Mr Phillip Cant and Mrs Buffy Phillips
ICAS Science Award Winners (L-R)
Back Row:
Front Row:
Junior School Campus Preparatory School, Junior (Years K 6) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Absent: Henry Garcia-Hennessy.
Senior School Campus Senior, Boarding (Years 7-12) 4173 O’Connell Road
02 6331 3911
Grace Cranston, Audrey Lesh, Felix Betts, Nicholas Lenehan, Benjamin Lenehan, Claire Reynolds.
Ameer Al-Zubaidai, Thomas Koffmann, Anders Ewington, Eleanor Burge, Esme Hall.
Row: Hayden Marr, Hollie Black, Wendy Peng, Aleki Finau, Benjamin Lenehan, Evan Goldsmith, Felix Betts, Vin Pearce.
Thomas Koffmann, Patrick Lenehan, Eleanor Burge, Esme Hall, Gabrielle Christen, Ameer Al-Zubadai, Max Banning.
Absent: Bridget Li, Edward Anderson, Henry Garcia-Hennessy.
ROAR THE Senior School Campus Senior, Boarding (Years 7-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795 Junior School Campus Preparatory School, Junior (Years K 6) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795 02 6331 3911
Prep End of Year Concert
ROAR THE Senior School Campus Senior, Boarding (Years 7-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795 Junior School Campus Preparatory School, Junior (Years K 6) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795 02 6331 3911
Junior School Triathlon
From the All Saints' College archives CHRISTMAS TIME
Each year the All Saints’ College family celebrated Christmas with special end of the year Nativity Plays, Carols and Chapel Services. Many of the Alumni will remember playing their part in the Nativity plays directed by their Kindergarten Teachers - Val Malone, Eliska Burns, Gabrielle Darlington, Maggie Walsh, Sally Allcorn just to name a few! We uncovered some lovely photos of the various events and hope some of the Alumni still in the All Saints’ family see themselves as they were some years ago!
This year we will be celebrating Carols on the Green on the All Saints’ Campus with the SASC Performing Arts Academy and Preparatory to Year 12 students on
ROAR THE Senior School Campus Senior, Boarding (Years 7-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795 Junior School Campus Preparatory School, Junior (Years K 6) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795 02 6331 3911
All Saints’ College Old Bathurstians’ Annual General Meeting
The 2022 Annual General Meeting of the Old Bathurstians’ Union will be held in the Board Room of Esrom House, Junior School Campus, on the 3 December 2022 at 10:30 am.
All positions declared vacant and all life members of the OBU are eligible to vote.
We welcome anyone who wishes to be nominated for a position to advise the secretary before the meeting if possible.
If unable to attend the meeting but wishes to be considered for a position, please notify the secretary via email –memory.sanders@scotsallsaints.nsw.
Thursday 1 December 2022
UN Youth - Write Time Right Place
Oran Park Anglican Visit
Friday 2 December 2022
Carols on the Green K-12
UN Youth - Write Time Right Place
Tuesday 6 December 2022
Junior School Presentation Day 9:15am
Classes Conclude 3:15/3:20pm
Wednesday 7 December 2022
Senior School Presentation Day BMEC 1:00pm
Thursday 8 December 2022
Staff Day
Friday 23 December 2022
Reception closes Wednesday 4 January 2022
Reception reopens
Friday 27 January 2022
Staff Development Day Sunday 29 January 2022
Boarders return 2:00pm Monday 30 January 2022
Term 1 classes commence
02 6331 3911 CLICK HERE CONNECT TO SCOTS ALL SAINTS Facebook Twitter Instagram Youtube
Senior School Campus Senior, Boarding (Years 7-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795 Junior School Campus Preparatory School, Junior (Years K 6) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795
A reminder to Senior School parents to place their Box of Books textbook orders as soon as possible. Deadline for placing your textbook order is Friday, 9 December. Textbooks 2023 2022 HOMEWORK CENTRE HAS FINISHED FOR THE YEAR W e look forward to working with you again in 2023