HIGHLANDER Sarah Burry: persevering beyond a chronic illness pg 8
Integrity: balancing opportunity and consequences pg10&11
Adopting pets from the ASPCA for the holidays pg 14
December 2014 Vol VI Issue III @scotscoopnews
When most people think about racism, they only consider the issue in black and white. However, racism is an issue that hangs over all races.
Racism is more than black and white Alisa Takahashi Staff Writer
There is this that just because public transportation is no longer segregated, racism is over. When the word “racism” is used think back to slaves being mistreated by plantation owners, or the injustices of black people not being able to sit in the same places as whites on the bus. Simultaneously, severe acts of racism and discrimination like massacres, mass expulsions and near-genocidal policies were perpetrated against the Chinese. These acts were not any less harsh or unjustified than slavery or segregation but are much less known about today. People are subject to the same racial tensions that too
"Are you Ching Chong?" That's the question Cheng said he heard from a customer service representative at the grocery store. It is a slur that many other Asian-American people have heard at some point in our lives. Some of these peoples are refugees from sad countries torn apart by war. Others are children of the stable middle class whose parents came to the U.S. in search of a better life. Some came with nothing, not even speaking English. Others came with skills and affluence. Many were born in the U.S. to immigrant parents. No matter what their route, young Asian Americans, largely those with Chinese, Korean and Japanese backgrounds are stereo-
typed because of it. Asian-Americans are often forgotten in the race discussions, while race relations pertaining to African-Americans, or LatinAmericans have been hot topic discussions and generated far more outcries over the treatment and racial discriminations. What is the difference between calling a black person a n(expletive deleted) and an Asian person ‘Ching-chong”? However, hateful acts and or remarks made towards Asians are not seen as demeaning and is not as chastised as it would be towards an African-American or LatinAmerican. “If I were to say something totally offensive like ‘that man’s going to steal some-
Being blind to race brings up issues of cultural insensitivity.
many think is only a black and white issue. While our society might think that we are conscious of racial and cultural prejudices, the truth is that we have turned a blind eye to racism that occurs daily to minorities. As long as we address racism as only two-race issue, we will never understand the magnitude of this nor that those who are somewhere between black and white face the same prejudices as both blacks and whites. When Kwok-Ming Cheng, the average working adult male, went to a Whole Foods in New York City to pick up some pre-ordered sandwiches over the weekend, he wasn't expecting to get tapped with a new nickname.
Continued on pg 3
Racial blindness Minh-Han Vu Art Staff
All Asians are clueless foreigners. All blacks are ghetto. All Middle Eastern people are terrorists. While to many, it may seem obvious that the statements above are offensive, harmful, and untrue, such oppressive stereotypes are still widely perpetuated. Although one may expect our society to grow more accepting in an increasingly diverse environment, the negative effects of racial prejudices are still felt throughout our daily lives and have yet to be fully overcome. In attempts to stifle the ubiquitous effects of racism, many, including junior Samantha Pipkin have attempted to completely overlook race and culture by adopting the ideology of racial color blindness. “All humans deserve to be treated the same, regardless of their race. In order to achieve equality, every human should be given opportunities based on their ethics, not the color of their skin. Color blindness allows us to do this,” said Pipkin. The application and promotion of color blindness can be very clearly seen in the case against affirmative action, an action or policy often in relation to education, that favors
communities who tend to suffer from discrimination. Pipkin said, “Affirmative action is unfair and unethical. People should be chosen purely based on their academic and extracurricular achievements. A person’s capabilities cannot be judged through their race, so it shouldn’t play any role in the admissions process.” Pipkin is not alone in her belief that race should not play
a role in education. The American Civil Rights Institute, headed by Ward Connerly, has won a series of ballot initiatives that prevent government institutions from considering race and ethnicity in numerous areas of public matters and uphold practices of color blindness, including in areas of public education.
Continued on pg 2