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Welcome to June 2023

Whilst I am excited about this issue, it is somewhat tinged with sadness. This will be the last issue of Mom’s Favorite Reads. In the five-anda-half years it has been running, the magazine has brought joy to so many people and it has been an honour to act as the Editor in Chief. However, all things must come to an end and the editorial team feel it is time for the magazine to retire. I would like to thank all those who have been involved in writing for the magazine; it has been a pleasure to work with you all.


I will end with some good news for the writers amongst us – Scott and Lawson Publishing are bringing out a new magazine called Writers’ Narrative, the first issue of which will be published in August this year. I am delighted to be taking on the role of Editor in Chief. So, as one magazine bows out another steps on to the stage. I hope you enjoy this issue and are looking forward to the new one.

Wendy H. Jones

Author, Publisher, Writing Coach

Welcome to the June issue of Mom’s Favorite Reads eMagazine. As we move towards summer our thoughts turn to sun, sea and sand as the saying goes. It also turns to mountains and cities and anything which brings us joy. Yes, this month we celebrate summer fun. I know I certainly need a bit of summer sun in my life and fun of course. We have an interview with novelist and nonfiction writer S. C. Skillman and what a talented lady she is. As always there are short stories, flash fiction, articles, poems, book reviews and so much more.


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