Having trouble convincing people that “NEW” Media isn't that NEW?
you are not alone
the numbers SHOULD be enough
the numbers SHOULD be enough
one thing is for certain
businesses hate being left behind
‌.. so here is something that might help
in 1994
Nelson Mandela was sworn in as the President of South Africa
‌.20 years ago, when
Jeff Bezos started
the very next year‌.. 19 Years Ago (1995) & started
When Steffi Graf won the 1996 Wimbledon Championship
Google & Expedia were hard at it
The next year the world lost Princess Diana
3 years later‌errr‌. nothing happened
other than Google Adwords and PayPal launching
in 2000 (14 Years Ago)
in 2001 we got “smarter� faster
or did we?
It was 12 years ago when Lleyton won Wimbledon
and the next year, “networking” went digital
when George W Bush won a Second term
and the “war on terror� continued
Mark was busy explaining
and we got
its been 9 years since London was terrorised
and since the worlds second largest search engine started
followed by a bit of company
0 1 0
6 0 0
7 0 2
0 1 0
so the next time someone says “NEW” MEDIA
you may like to show them this
or play this
“NEW” MEDIA #youredoingitwrong
love your work
Scott McLaughlin www.loveyawork.com