Globe Trekker

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May 2014

Travel Magazine

Your Guide to



More than just a holiday...

TIGHT FOR TIME Our pick of the more adventurous short getaways.

couch surfing The cheap way to travel



THE TEAM Craig Murch Art Director “My favourite place to travel would be to the East Coast of America.”

Ashley Copeman Sub Editor “Thailand is top of my list of favourite countries.”

Going Away This Summer? If you’re going travelling this summer or even if you are debating it, we at GlobeTrekker aim to give you the best possible information relating to your trip.

Jack Cunningham Editor

We believe ‘taking the leap’, to coin a phrase, is the best attitude to have towards travelling. Experiencing other countries, their people, and their differing cultural attitudes is one of the most fascinating feelings. It can deliver an invigorating sensation, allow you to create lasting relationships and can help you to develop skills that you simply didn’t know you had. The certainty of adventure and possibility of learning a new language is also a hugely important factor as to why most people choose to go travelling, so if you are caught in two minds… just think about the education that could be out there waiting for you, let alone the good times!

“There is a special place in my heart for New York.”

Scott Gower Design Editor

Why travel? Because you can. It is as simple as that! Dreams can come true, you will have stories for life and you will certainly try things that you have never tried before. And if you don’t think that you are capable of travelling, prove to yourself that you can. Provide yourself with a challenge that is more than simply grabbing a Starbucks before work every morning; get out there and try something completely different!

“Im at my peak in the Pyrenees. I belong in the snow.”

This issue focuses on the summer months and there are countless opportunities out and about to not only travel but to work as well. We aim to cover all aspects of travel, from simple advice to interviews with travellers with first hand experience. We’ll even throw a funny story or two in as well; after all… having fun is what travelling is all about!

Matt Curtis Editorial Assistant

Many thanks and all the best,

“New Zealand

is definitely my home away from home.”

The GlobeTrekker Team

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GlobeTrekker May 2014


FEATURES 10 InterRail - Our look at travelling Europe and the best way for you to take the trip

18 Australia - How to make the

most of travelling Australia and we speak to travellers who have been there.

24 Camp America - How

to apply to Camp America and an interview with a 2013 Camp worker

09 Sofa Surfing 13 Top 10 Hostels for InterRailing 16 Tight for Time - Short getaways for those who are busy

10 24

InterRailing has Inter-Railing hasbecome becomeaatraveller’s traveller’smust, must,and andone one for anyone to cross off their bucket list. InterRailing is perfect for the first time traveller looking to fill their lungs with freedom and adventure, in a continent with a concoction of history, culture and lifestyle.

Rory Cunningham, Camp America p29 ‘I‘I was was aa Canoe, Canoe, Mountain Mountain Bike, Bike, Rowing Rowing and and Kayak Kayak instructor Instructorat ataaprivate privatecamp campininOxford, Oxford, Maine; Maine; although although to to be be honest honest come come the the end end of of my my stay stay at at the the camp… camp… some some of of the the kids kids were were better better than than me me on on the the water!’ water!’


GlobeTrekker May 2014


Issue 001

May 2014

‘The ‘The Flying Flying Pig Pig Hostel, Hostel, situated situated in in downtown downtown Amsterdam, Amsterdam, is is the the perfect perfect location location to to capture capture everything everything Amsterdam Amsterdam has has to to offer.’ offer.’

Working Working in in Australia Australia allows allows YOU YOU to to earn earn money money and and extend extend your your stay stay in in the the country, country, giving giving you you more more time time to to explore the great sights and scenery that the country explore the great sights and scenery that the country has has to to offer offer whilst whilst making making new new friends friends along along the the way. way.




GlobeTrekker May 2014

Photo Of The Season Why not get involved? We’d love to include your best new travel photos (at 300dpi) and the inspiring stories behind them. Send them with a pic of yourself to:

Algarve, Portugal

Benagil Sea Cave.

“It’s hard to explain the beauty of a place like this, but photos really can speak a thousand words. A friend and I were in Europe and had heard about such secluded beaches, but we didn’t know what to expect until we were actually there. The enormity of our surroundings gave me a fantastic chance to take some snaps, and this particular one stood out to me as it shows every aspect of the environment we were in; the soft sand, the water, and the towering rock face that engulfed us within.”

............................. Teddy Phillips spent two months travelling Europe and would happily do it again.

Top 10 Travel Tips 1

Travel Insurance

It sounds stupid, but what if something did happen? Money is tight enough as it is, let alone risking £1000’s on medical bills. Also, make sure the insurance you get covers you for activities that you might take part in; whether it be winter sports or hiking.


Stash the cash

Don’t keep all your money in one place. If the unfortunate happens, you are going to need some of that emergency cash. Make sure you have some just in case.


World adaptors

We advise you have at least one... you’re going to have to charge your phone and camera at some point, right? They are small, compact and dont take up a lot of space.


Challenge yourself

Why not? You don’t want to get home and regret not doing something. So step out of your comfort zone and do something to tell the grand children.


Tell the bank

They will block your cards. Unblocking them can be tricky, as well as expensive. Just give them a heads up, it will save you the hassle.


Toilet roll

Or just some tissues. You do not want to be caught out in your time of need, trust us... it will be worth it.



You need to know when and where you are going, and you need to know where you will be staying... at least for the first few nights. However, flexibility can be exciting, so dont be affraid to have fun and be adventurous.


First aid kit

You need the basics, some plasters for blisters and maybe some anti-septic creams... you don’t want to be fighting infection when you are supposed to be having fun. Some paracetamol might not go a miss either.. for those occasional hangovers.


Carrier bag

You’re probably only going to have one bag or suitcase. So if you have wet or dirty clothes you are going to need somewhere to store them. A plastic bag can be used to store your garmnts and can stop your other clothes smelling.



This is your trip of a lifetime, and you will want to remember it for ever. Take plenty of snaps because once the trip is over, this is all you will have... apart from the fanatastic memories of course


What happened to ‘never talk to strangers’? Travelling the Globe can always leave your pockets feeling dry, so budgeting when you can is essential. Cutting down on accommodation costs is a common structure of saving, but what about kicking accommodation costs out the door completely? Although turning up at a stranger’s house with your backpack and a subconscious fear of a horrible nights sleep can seem daunting, it can also be a great chance to meet some unforgettable people. Despite these obvious fears, there are reasons why ‘CouchSurfing’ is now a global phenomenon, connecting 6 million people around the world; you can pick and choose hosts that you will feel comfortable with, as well as using it as an advantage in terms of location, language barriers and discovering a country’s culture through its locals. How does it work? Look for the city you plan to visit and browse locals with couches available. Look through profiles and references to find people you might want to stay with. When you find a few interesting and potential hosts, carefully review their profile and send a ‘Couch Request’ for the dates you’ll be there. It really is as easy as that. Create your profile on and make sure you give yourself an attractive enough outline that hosts will feel comfortable with!

Mark and Dave Pollard, twin brothers who travelled the world surfing on a couch, explain the advantages of CouchSurfing, even in countries like Russia.

What made you guys want to CouchSurf? Saving money was essential for us as we were travelling for a year, we were in Russia and thought we’d give it a shot. We also did it because it was a chance for the locals to show us around, and help us with language barriers. Is it Safe? It is incredibly safe, though I did hear one girl who said she had a CouchSurfer stay for about three weeks and, in the end, she had to ask him to leave! Would you do it again? Absolutely. We would definitely do it again; once we grit our teeth and tried it, we were hooked. We met so many great and helpful people, and it shows that even in a country like Russia, CouchSurfing is not something that should be feared! Best Memory? Meeting each of the Russian girls I stayed with; going to a summerhouse with Dave, 10 girls, and myself where they cooked a barbeque for us and fed us cocktails, we were having the time of our lives. That or being invited to go to a festival with some rich locals… just a few thing that spring to mind! Article by: Ashley Copeman

Discovering Europe on the tracks: A beginners step into Travelling. Indulge in the bustling city of Prague, the snow-capped mountains of Switzerland and finish your journey on the sun-swept beaches of Spain. Whichever your preference, there is a piece of Europe for everyone’s taste. Discovering every inch of beauty in Europe’s mountain-hugged towns, vibrant cities and serene countryside in just 30 days is just about the definition of an adventure, and it’s all possible with just one ticket. InterRailing has become a traveller’s must, and one for anyone to cross off their bucket list. InterRailing is perfect for the first time traveller looking to fill their lungs with freedom and adventure, in a continent with a concoction of history, culture and lifestyle.

Why Go by Train?

It couldn’t be anymore convenient, you can be as flexible with your journey as you like. Pick and choose any route as you please, and discover Europe your way. If you find yourself passing through a small town that catches your eye, jump off and explore. The price is also another element that attracts travellers; you can pick up a global pass for under £400, which allows you to travel up to 30 countries in 30 days. Cheaper passes are available but limit the amount of countries you can access. Travelling across Europe by train is not only cheap and convenient, but it gives you the opportunity to take in some of the continent’s unforgettable scenery. Jumping from country to country means that every journey will be different, and sights will contrast each other with everyday. Travelling by train also gives you the chance to meet fellow traveller’s who are on the same route as you, as most of the trains have a specific InterRail ticket section for foreign travellers.


GlobeTrekker May 2014

Top Tips Have a rough plan

Although being spontaneous is part of any traveller’s lifestyle, it’s always best to have a rough plan of the route you’d like to take. You should have an idea of where to start and where to end; you can then have the freedom of letting the middle of your journey decide itself. This also gives you the ability to study certain areas of your destination, look out for the best hostels/ hotels and book early to save yourself money, and avoid the hassle of finding a place to stay if you find yourself arriving in the evening. Research the area’s top hot spots and sights and give yourself multiple opportunities for things-to-do.


Budgeting your money is easy with the right preparation. There are lots of different ways to save you those extra pennies that will all add up. The best way to save your money is by deciding on your accommodation, as keeping a roof over your head is your biggest priority. You can find cheap hostels for around £20 a night, and this usually includes a free breakfast (although don’t bank on it). Bringing camping equipment is a popular method among travellers across Europe as there are plenty of places you can pitch up a tent, you can pay very little for campsites or find somewhere secluded for free. Take advantage of your InterRail ticket and use the overnight trains as a bed for the night as well as transportation.

Key Information if you are planning on going InterRailing - 30 countries await you - take your pick along the way. - 170,000+ travellers choose the Global Pass every year. - Get a travel pack free with your pass. - Global Pass Prices: (25 and under) - 5 days within 10 days: £153 - 10 days within 22 days: £224 - 15 days continuous: £260 - 22 days continuous: £288 - 1 month continuous: £369

Travel Lightly

Don’t make the mistake of dragging your wardrobe across Europe (they call it backpacking for a reason!); all you need is a backpack with enough room for clothes and essentials. This will save you time and effort loading and unloading off trains, and having to wrestle it through a bustling city.

Be Safe and Aware

It is more than likely you will have a trouble-free adventure, but its best to take precautions and avoid unnecessary slips. Carrying a lock is always a good idea, whether you’re on a train, or a shared dorm, you should keep your bags safe. Keep your passport or any form of I.D on you, ticket inspectors will often ask foreigners for a form of I.D along with their InterRail ticket, so be prepared. If you’re travelling alone, be sensible at night. If you’re diving into Europe’s wild nightlife, don’t drink yourself into a coma, as you’ll be an easy target for thieves.

Be Sociable

There will be plenty of first-time travellers that you will bump into along the way, so be friendly and sociable and help create a better experience for others as well as yourself. Meeting great new people is often the highlight of anyone’s travelling experiences!


GlobeTrekker May 2014

Photos sourced by: Will Valender

Will Valender, a first time InterRail traveller, spoke to us about his experiences and how he would highly recommend it to anyone with a thirst for travel. Q: Was it a good experience as a first time traveller? A: Unforgettable, I went with two friends and none of us had done any real travelling before so it was a bit scary at first, but once we got through the first day it was all just a fun adventure and we took everyday as it came! The trains are easy to access and unless you go into the more outback towns then language barriers aren’t usually a problem. Q: What’s the best part of travelling by train? A: There were loads of great aspects of choosing to go by InterRail, I’d say the convenience of it all and how easy it was to jump from country to country. But also getting to see each country as we went through it made the trip much more memorable. We also met loads of great people from all around the world that were taking the same route as us.


Q: What did you do for accommodation along the way? A: We took camping gear with us and pitched up a tent a lot of the time, as campsites were cheap. When we decided to check out the nightlife in places like Berlin we booked a hostel for around £12-15 a night. Q: Did you feel safe? A: Yeah, we didn’t have any real problems; I think the main danger is getting too drunk and ending up on your own. Avoiding rough areas of places is best; we had a few guys offer us drugs but nothing more than that. Avoiding trouble is easy, so be aware of your surroundings and luggage just in case. Q: Any extra tips for any first time InterRail travellers? A: Yeah. Like I said before, just be awake and aware to the dangers. Also don’t be afraid to socialise with other travellers, a lot of them will be in the same boat as you so be friendly and approachable and you’ll meet some memorable people.


GlobeTrekker May 2014

European Hostels: Top Ten If anything coincides with backpacking through Europe, it’s lounging down in a hostel that provides the typical necessities for the budget traveller. Despite this, choosing a hostel can often be a last minute decision for travellers in the midst of their adventure. We have compiled a list of our favourite hostels across Europe to help you plan your trip.

Wombat’s City Hostel – Berlin, Germany

Hostel One Prague – Prague, Czech Republic

Berlin is one of the most popular hot spots for travellers, and it is home to one of Europe’s most popular hostels. Located two minutes from the metro station, Wombat’s City Hostel offers a clean and lively environment. If you’re looking for a night in the bar and a great social atmosphere then Wombat’s is the hostel for you.

Hostel One Prague is situated in the quiet province of Cimburkova (10 minute walk from the City Centre). The hostel provides a basic night’s sleep for the budget traveller, but makes up for it by promising every visitor a wild visit.

Our Ratings Facilities – 8/10 Price – 9/10 Atmosphere – 9/10 Location - 10/10

The hostel staff is made up of fellow travellers which creates a warm and friendly atmosphere from the moment you step through the door. Free dinners are offered most nights, as well as organised nights out which introduce you to the local bars and clubs.

Las Musas Hostel – Madrid, Spain You often expect ‘get what you pay for’ when booking a budget hostel, but with Las Musas, this is not the case. Found in the city centre, Las Musas is surrounded by the bustling Spanish streets and warm lifestyle, capturing the true essence of Madrid. The price, location and cleanliness this hostel boasts should not be avoided Our Ratings Facilities - 9/10 Price - 10/10 Atmosphere - 8/10 Location - 10/10

The Flying Pig – Amsterdam, Holland The Flying Pig is one of the more commercial and popular hostels in Amsterdam, which makes it a great place to meet fellow travellers. Situated in downtown Amsterdam, it’s the perfect location to capture everything Amsterdam has to offer. Our Ratings Facilities – 8/10 Price - 7/10 Atmosphere - 9/10 Location – 10/10

Our Ratings Facilities - 7/10 Price - 9/10 Atmosphere - 10/10 Location – 7/10

Carpe Noctem – Budapest, Hungary. Ranked as one of the favourite hostels in all of Hungary by travellers, Carpe Noctem is the perfect place for solo travellers to get a taste of Budapest due to its smaller size and allocated rooms. The staff are very helpful and create a friendly atmosphere, not to mention the daily trips and nightly excursions they organise for their guests. Located in central Budapest, it’s the ideal hostel for any solo traveller passing through the energetic capital. Our Ratings Facilities – 9/10 Price – 8/10 Atmosphere – 9/10 Location – 10/10


GlobeTrekker May 2014

Yes! Lisbon Hostel – Lisbon, Portugal Named the best Lisbon hostel of the year in 2011, this accommodation provides the best in terms of facilities and staff… all designed to make you feel right at home. With free tours, pub crawls and daily breakfasts it’s a bargain for budget travellers looking to fill their stomachs with food and beer. The hostel has nightly security, facilities and a restaurant that you wouldn’t expect to find in a travellers hostel.

Hostel Celica – Ljubljana, Slovenia This hostel is one of the most unique and cool in all of Europe. Don’t let the ‘refurbished prison’ tag put you off, because that’s exactly what it is. The hostel uses old prison cells as rooms, which have been resurrected into an artistic and soulful place to rest your head. It’s only a short

walk from the train station and will promise every guest a quirky and memorable stay.

Hostel Mali Mrak Zagreb – Zagreb, Croatia

Art Hostel – Sofia, Bulgaria

Our Ratings Facilities 10/10 Price 8/10 Atmosphere 10/10 Location 9/10

Our Ratings Facilities 10/10 Price 9/10 Atmosphere 9/10 Location 10/10

Backpackers Villa Sonnenhof – Interlaken, Switzerland If you’re looking for one of the most beautiful and serene stays available in Europe, then Backpackers Villa Sonnenhof provides exactly this. Lying on the mountains of Interlaken, this hostel gives you some of the best views across some of the most beautiful mountains and lakes of Switzerland, at an affordable price. Our Ratings Facilities 8/10 Price 8/10 Atmosphere 9/10 Location 10/10

If you’re looking for a friendly and quiet place to rest your head then look no further than Hostel Mali Mrak. Located within a short tram ride from the centre of Zagreb, it avoids the hustle and bustle of the city centre while offering a friendly and welcoming stay courtesy of its family run etiquette. Our Ratings Facilities 9/10 Price 8/10 Atmosphere 10/10 Location 7/10


GlobeTrekker May 2014

Art Hostel is one of the most popular in Sofia, it doesn’t boast the beautiful sights of Interlaken or the unique factor of Celica, but it surrounds itself with everything you’ll need in the centre of Sofia at a very cheap price. The staff are also very helpful with newcomers coming into the city, and will provide you a free breakfast and a friendly smile. Our Ratings Facilities 7/10 Price 10/10 Atmosphere 8/10 Location 10/10

Article by: Ashley Copeman

Cheap flights to popular destinations Travelling across the world? Experience the incredible scenery, breath-taking culture and quirky characters that you are bound to meet along the way by booking your flights with STA Travel… Take the leap and get out there! It has never been so cheap!

London to Sydney Return flights from


London to Sao Paulo Return flights from


London to New York Return flights from


London to Buenes Aires Return flights from


London to Beijing Return flights from


London to Cape Town Return flights from


Book now. 15

GlobeTrekker May 2014

Tight For Time? Here are our top five ideas for short trips that can still give you that travelling feel.


ltimately, we believe that any travelling experience should be memorable, no matter how short it may be. So if you’re in a full time job with limited holiday leave, or whether other commitments are restricting the time you have to visit places across the world, it might be an idea to check out our top tips geared to help you enjoy the short and incredible trips that really are out there… Halong Bay Cruise, two days, VIETNAM. This is a fantastic chance to visit one of the most breathtaking places in the world. Enjoy this slow cruise through the idyllic, never ending bay of islands in the sun whilst kicking back with a


GlobeTrekker May 2014

beverage or two. There might even be a few good photo opportunities as well. Prices on the web: £112 per person, prices include a guide, transport, admission fees and meals as per itinerary. (Excluding flights, Cycling in Iceland, Reykjanes Peninsula, ICELAND. How about taking part in the most epic bike ride of your life? This route goes over glaciers and volcanic scenery, but worry not… it is not as dangerous as it sounds! The 22km circular ride covers tough terrain and may test your cardiovascular endur-

ance, but the chance to relax your muscles by taking a dip in the Blue Lagoon afterwards is more than a just reward! Prices on the web: £203 per person, including lunch, all transport, helmet and bike hire. (Excluding flights, Amsterdam, three nights, HOLLAND. Fancy a chilled out, relaxing break? Then look no further. The picturesque canals, great nightlife and breathtaking art has ensured that Amsterdam is one of the most popular city destinations for tourists around the world. Prices on the web: £237 per person, prices include flights and accommodation, and bed and breakfast. ( Sea kayaking, JERSEY. With a variety of coastal tours, you get the opportunity to pass between sea cliff pinnacles and pink granite rock faces. Weather permitting; there may also be the chance to kayak into the enormous cave Le Creux Gabourel.

Prices on the web: £37.50 for adults and £27 for children, which includes a two and a half hour session with a trained instructor. (Excluding flights, Active in the Sinai, six nights, EGYPT. Ideal for active and fit people, this adventure hub offers the opportunity to explore the Sinai desert by camel, 4x4 driving, snorkeling in the underwater garden of the Red Sea and even camping under the stars! This type of trip offers a packed schedule but ensures you get a truly unforgettable experience. Prices on the web: £465 for adults and £419 for children, including transport, accommodation and meals. (Excluding flights, Although prices here may vary from the relatively cheap to the borderline expensive, we believe you can’t put a price on life changing experiences. Don’t be caught in two minds; opt to be brave and take the leap, we promise you will not be disappointed! Article by: Jack Cunningham & Scott Gower


GlobeTrekker May 2014

Working Working Down Under


GlobeTrekker May 2014

“Whilst we were there we were surrounded by loads of wild crocodiles! It was just really unique and different because it was a place where tourists do not go.� GAVIN MOORE


ustralia is one of the most popular destinations for young travellers all over the World due to its unique wildlife, appealing climate and natural beauty. Working in Australia allows YOU to earn money and extend your stay in the country, giving you more time to explore the great sights and scenery that the country has to offer whilst making new friends along the way. Some of the most popular types of jobs for travellers include: -Plant and Animal Cultivation -Fishing and Pearling -Tree Farming and Felling -Mining and Construction Interested? One of the main questions we hear from our readers is how to choose which ones to do, how to apply for them and what to expect from such a working environment. >>


GlobeTrekker May 2014

We believe best way to find out such answers, apart from official company and government websites, is by talking to people who have done it before and who have the know-how. After all, their experience is likely to be similar to the one you gain. Antony Bond is a 21 year old former drama student who is travelling to Australia for the first time on May 28th. He, along with many other first time travellers, has a few questions about the journey that he is about to encounter. Gavin Moore, a 23 year old entrepreneur who has been in Australia since October 1st 2013, has provided him with some answers in an interview that we at GlobeTrekker hope will help anyone who has any queries or reservations.


GlobeTrekker May 2014

Antony - Hey! So what kind of work have you done?

Antony - Excellent, was it particularly hard to find the work?

Gavin - Hello there! I have done three different farming jobs since I came to Australia last year; two were in Darwin and the last one was in Adelaide. I flew into Darwin on October 3rd and had my first job five days later which was watermelon picking on a local farm. The second job that I had was at a different farm in Darwin where instead of picking fruits, I was packing them and in this case it was mainly mangoes. After travelling to Adelaide with friends for the next part of my journey I managed to get myself a job on a farm where I became a grape picker.

Gavin - There are many different agencies set up to help you find local work. In Darwin there is a company called JobShack and they helped me get the watermelon picker job almost straight away. After being in the city for a while you learn where all the farms are so a few friends and I went to a few that were close by and enquired about jobs‌ and this is how I got my second job as a fruit packer. The more people you can get to know on your travels the better; whilst working in Darwin we made friends with a couple of guys who owned their own farm in Adelaide. When we eventually headed south we contacted them about whether

they had any jobs, to which they responded with open arms, offering every single one of us a job! Antony - Well my friends say that I could talk for England so it shouldn’t be too hard for me to make friends! Whereabouts did you stay whilst working and how much did it cost? Gavin - In my time in Darwin I stayed on the two farms that I was working at. The first one was $85 per week and was pretty basic; the only thing that was included in the price was the use of the washing machine, which eventually became very handy! On the second farm the rent was $112 per week, which was slightly more expensive but included a cooked meal every evening so it balanced itself out well. When I left Darwin I hired out a campervan with some friends and headed to Adelaide. Whilst working there we stayed in the van at a local campsite, which was $10 per person per night, this is the cheapest accommodation that I have experienced on my journeys and is also the most fun as you are in a relaxed environment with your friends. Antony - Were there many people working with you on the farms? Gavin - On the two farms in Darwin there were around 20 of us out in the fields every day, working from when the sun came up until the sun went down. In

Antony Bond is excited for the journey that lies ahead.

Adelaide, as it was a slightly smaller farm, there were only 12 of us working including the five friends that I had travelled with. Antony - Thanks very much, that is a lot of help to me. One more question... What has been your best non-working experience whilst you’ve been travelling? Gavin – No problem. Well, that would probably be when I was in Darwin. The farmer who we were working for took us all out on his little boat down a river in the Outback to fish. Whilst we were there we were surrounded by loads of wild crocodiles! It was just really unique and different because it was a place where tourists do not go. Also, as I mentioned earlier, I have hired a campervan with my friends and have driven just over 13,000km around half of the country. If you can do this I highly recommend it as it allows you to see more of the ‘real’ Australia. Hope you have fun out there! If you are interested in applying for this type of work, a working visa is essential. Visa applications and other important information relating to working in Australia can be found at: We hope that this has been helpful and that it enables YOU to have the best experience’s possible when trekking across the other side of the world. Interview conducted by: Matt Curtis & Scott Gower

Gavine Moore is loving every moment in Australia.


GlobeTrekker May 2014




GlobeTrekker May 2014

............................................................. Belgium 2014 First Weekend: Friday 18th - 20th July Second Weekend: Friday 25h - Sunday 27th



GlobeTrekker May 2014

Big Bear Lake: One of Camp America’s popular destinations


GlobeTrekker May 2014

Planning to travel the States this summer? How about trying something different. Camp America is a great way to get out there and get working whilst enjoying yourself abroad.


GlobeTrekker May 2014

United States of America Big Bear Lake, California


Article & Interview By : Jack Cunningham

amp America is a tried and trusted company that offers you the chance to spend your summer in the US of A, working and living with children as an activity leader or councilor. That or behind the scenes as support staff… which ever takes your fancy. Camp is designed to give you the best of both worlds; it’s time for work and play! But what different types of summer camps are out there? It is important to think about which one might suit YOU the best.

Private/Independent Camps

Private camps are the epitome of the great American summer camp tradition. Many have been around for over 100 years! These camps are generally family owned and cater to children from high-income families. In short… this is where the money is! Because Mum and Dad are footing the bill, there’s a lot for their children to enjoy - from the usual activities like watersports, tennis, drama and baseball to the more unconventional like skateboarding, climbing and even circus. These camps are situated in idyllic settings, with accommodation typically being a large log cabin beside a large, clear lake. If you’re looking for a luxury placement, then look no further!

Special Needs Camps

Special needs camps tend to cater for campers who have a


GlobeTrekker May 2014

variety of needs, such as learning, emotional, physical or mental disabilities. As a counselor you will usually be placed in charge of a small group of campers and will be required to spend your day ensuring they’re enjoying the activities on offer in a safe environment. Prior experience is not essential, although it can be useful in your application if you think this is the type of camp for you!

Agency/Non-profit Camps

These types of camps offer something a little bit different. Essentially, the agencies are charitable and run camps to support children from their local area. Unlike the private camps, agency camps are run to strict budgets and rely on donations to provide funding, but what they don’t have in the latest equipment… they certainly make up for in the sense of community!

Faith Based Camps

These Camps offer campers from Christian or Jewish backgrounds the chance to enjoy all the activities found at traditional camps, with focus also spent on incorporating their faith.If you are thinking of applying, it should be noted that although having a strong belief isn’t an essential requirement to work here… being open minded, respectful, and willing to learn about the lives and faith of others is exceptionally necessary. Whether faith plays a large part in your life or not, these type of summer camp will allow you to form close relationships… providing the basis for a memorable and fantastic summer! >


GlobeTrekker May 2014

Lake Thompson, Maine

< Girl Scout Camps

The focus here is outdoor living, which means you’ll most likely be living in tents for the summer. These camps are designed to be a ‘girls-only’ environment, and many find this atmosphere hugely important in helping young girls develop their confidence and skills. It’s also one of the main reasons behind the incredibly strong sense of community that you find on a Girl Scout camp. But don’t worry gals - there’s plenty of time to meet guys on your travels!

Specialty Camps

These particular camps focus on one particular skill or activity, such as tennis and gymnastics. Generally, these camps are privately owned and seek staff that have experience in teaching a specialist skill. The experience and skill level of the applicant is important - as although camps will typically cater to campers with a range of abilities, many of the campers attending will be incredibly adept at their skills area. Who knows, you could be nurturing the next Tim Henman or Pete Sampras!

Under-privileged Camps

Each year thousands of children from low-income and homeless backgrounds get the chance to spend a couple of weeks in the countryside thanks to funding by local authorities, charities and agencies. For many of the youngsters that attend these


GlobeTrekker May 2014

camps it’s their first time out of the city and often their first chance to truly enjoy themselves away from the day-to-day dangers that they can experience there. Don’t be fooled, life on camp can be challenging. Often campers have special learning needs or attention deficit disorders - or at the very least a tough personality! On these camps, it will be your job to ensure that campers are encouraged to have fun and develop new skills and experiences in a safe and happy environment. Achieving this can be a truly rewarding experience!

Day Camps

Daytime activities only here! Children from the area spend time at camp during the day, before returning home for the night. Throughout the day, you’ll take part in a full-range of activities and ensure that the children’s day is action-packed and that they’re suitably tired out by the time they head home. Once you’ve said goodnight to your campers, you have the rest of the night off and can enjoy all that the camp has to offer for yourself, just remember not to be back too late! At most day camps, accommodation will be offered on site. However, in some instances, local families may provide accommodation. This means you‘ll be living with the family throughout your stay and therefore you will be able to gain a rich and cultural understanding of what life is really like in the United States!

Kamp Kohut, Oxford, Maine.

Q: What was your routine and how did you spend free time?

One traveller who took the leap and went to camp was Rory Cunningham, from Bath in England. He has journeyed across Australia and parts of Europe but says this trip is definitely his most memorable and exciting to date.

A: You might have to bare with me here, it’s a quite a list. I had to wake up every morning at 7.30am and then go for flagpole and breakfast until 8.30. I would then return to clean my bunk and get ready for the days activities, which normally started at 9. From 9am -1pm there would be four activities, all 50 minutes each, with a 10 minute turn around. At 1 we would then go for lunch and had an hours break in our bunks to keep out of the mid day sun, which was great for my fair complexion. Then, at around 3pm, we would have three more activities ending in dinner at 6pm. We would then have an evening activity which the kids could chose to do, and this could had been anything from swimming to a big game of tag. We had a day off every other week and three to four evenings off a week starting from around 9.30pm. We had to be back on campgrounds pretty sharpish though unless you had the next day off… essentially this was a great time to go to the bar and have a few pints.

Q: What made you decide to do Camp America? A: I wanted a new experience in life and a chance to go and meet new people; I was desperate to try out something exciting and different. Q: How did you apply and what were the steps involved? A: I applied through Camp America around mid November…6 or 7 months before going. I had to write an online personal statement about myself and what activities I would feel comfortable teaching to young children. After the application it takes a few months to get placed at a camp but you always hear from them weekly about your progress Q: What role did you have when you were there? A: I was a Canoe, Mountain Bike, Rowing and Kayak Instructor at a private camp in Oxford, Maine; although to be honest come the end of my stay at the camp… some of the kids were better than me on the water!

Kamp Kohut, Maine

Q: How long were you there, and what length of time is it normal for people to be at camp? A: I was at the actual camp from June 3rd-August 15th, which in this time included two different set of children, and I had two days off between each group. It is normal to spend around two or three months at camp as the kids have the same summer holiday times as us. >


GlobeTrekker May 2014

Travelling at the speed of

Photos sourced by: Rory Cunningham

< Q: What was your most memorable moment? A: (Smiles to himself) I have too many to list to be honest. However, the majority of my happy moments were spent with the other instructors rather than the kids as we’re all in the same boat, pardon the pun. Q: But if you had to choose, what would be your funniest story from the experience? A: Probably on one of our nights off, when we stayed in a motel and watched in horror as a fellow instructor had to pay out a fine of $200 because he sprayed a whole fire extinguisher over another instructor’s car! It wasn’t pretty. Q: So what did you do after camp? A: I went travelling for a week with a bunch of other instructors to Boston and New York, it is something I will never forget as it gave us all time to wind down and experience some more of the country that had been our home for the last few months. Q: So you had free time to travel after your stay? A: Yeah, I had a Visa that lasted for a total of 90 days so I had as long as that had left on it to travel. Q: And lastly… would you recommend it to other people thinking about going and would you ever do it again? A: Yeah I would really recommend it as I have met people out there that I hope to keep in contact with for the rest of my life. Would I do it again? I’d say so yeah… although it wouldn’t be the same as the first time I did it, especially without all the same people, I still think it would be great to do something similar, maybe in a different location and a different camp… mix it up a bit, you know?

How to Apply ⦁ INTERVIEW: stage one, online application forms. A deposit fee is needed and you will be required to attend an interview with a trained Camp America interviewer. ⦁ APPLICATION & PAPER WORK: stage two of application process. This must be completed with two references and Enhanced CRB/DBS form. Once placed, applicants will be required to complete a visa application with their local US Embassy and arrange for a Camp America medical form to be completed by their doctor. ⦁ VISA APPLICATION: Camp America will provide applicants with the appropriate forms that are required to apply for a visa. Once completed, applicants will be required to attend an interview at their local US Embassy (in the UK, this will be in London). ⦁ MEDICAL INSURANCE: Camp America provides medical insurance which will cover the participant. ⦁ TRAVEL TO AND FROM THE US: Camp America arranges flights to the US and provides instructions for onward travel to the camps. Don’t worry, they wont let you get lost! They’ll even reimburse and money spent on overland travel which may be required to reach your destination. For an application form and for full terms and conditions, visit the Camp America website at HOWDY AND HAPPY TRAVELS!


GlobeTrekker May 2014

Pics by You #UnbelievableTrekkers Follow INSTAGLOBETREKKER: Tag your best photos with #UnbelievableTrekkers and we will post the best ones.

Travelling Tales Some of those unfortunate memories that will never leave


or travellers, there is always a subconscious fear of the next instalment of the Hostel series becoming reality, or being a protagonist on the next series of ‘Banged Up Abroad’. But

not all bad experiences are horror stories, some are just downright funny. We’ve collected some of our readers most worthy and funny experiences to share with you.

Dan McGovern, Cornwall.

I was in Hong Kong and met three guys: an Englishman, an American and a Swede. We went drinking in Kowloon and ended up in a small nightclub and started drinking tequila slammers… not too good an idea, as I promptly had a ‘micro sleep’ on one of the club’s tables. When I woke up 15 minutes later there were tables, chairs and smashed glass everywhere. Apparently, five minutes into my

Will Bray, London.

I stayed in a small hotel near the Blue Mosque in Istanbul. I arrived late and more-or-less went straight to bed. The hotel manager told me not to draw back one of the two

nap, three men came in… beat up a couple of other men and sat at a table near us, gang warfare or something. Glasses, chairs and tables were flying everywhere and I just slept through it all, completely unscathed. When I woke up 10 minutes later my friend was covered in bits of glass and a newspaper photographer was taking pictures of us, I didn’t have a clue what had happened!

pairs of curtains. The other set were the ones to open. I woke the following day, naked, and forgetfully threw back the set of curtains I was told not to. My fellow guests in the dining room will probably never forget it either.

Ashley, GlobeTrekker writer.

Charlotte Smith, Cornwall. I was swimming on a busy beach in Spain. As I was drying off on the beach, I couldn’t help but notice the wind picking up and blowing my bikini shorts all over the place. And then I felt the unmistakable

sensation of…flapping…down there. I had a peek into my bikini and yes, I had somehow managed to catch a fish in my shorts and it had been flapping around for at least 15 minutes!

One night in Thailand I was dragging my legs back from a beach party and all of a sudden a motorbike pulled up next to me. A woman asked me if I wanted a lift to my hostel, I accepted and jumped on. We arrived at my hostel and as I got off the bike she grabbed my arm, took off ‘her’ helmet, and revealed the face of one of the worst attempts at a ‘ladyboy’

I’d ever seen. At this moment he pleaded me for ‘sexytime’ and I don’t think I’ve ever sobered up… or ran… as quickly as I did then. I thought it was over, up until I put my keys in my door and noticed he was following me to my room. The focus I used to unlock that door and lock it again was Jedi-like. It goes without saying that I didn’t sleep for a few hours after that.


PowerMoney Extreme

PowerMoney Extreme Backup Battery When you’re on the go it is quite common to be let down by your smartphone’s battery. Whether you need to make a call or capture a spontaneous photo the phone can be quite essential on your travels. However, with this backup battery this is an issue for the past. This peice of tech uses a solar panel to charge the battery itself which can then hold that charge for up to a year. Charging your phone on the go has never been easier.


Overboard Multipurpose Waterproof case Keeping your important items safe is essential when travelling. This waterproof wallet provides an ideal case to keep all of your valuables where ever you may be. Use it for your cash, passport or mobile. This wil always come in extremely handy.

Tumi Travel Adaptor An essential item if you want to take your tech abroad is a good set of adaptors. This Tumi adaptor is versatile and robust so it is perfect for just chucking into your bag. It is capable of working in over 150 countries so you are unlikely to fall short anyhwere you go. There are slightly cheaper alternatives but none are as stylish and versatile as this.

MINIRIG Portable speaker It may not seem like the most essential part of your travelling kit, but if you’re like us here at the GlobeTrekker crew, you’ll want music playing almost everywhere you go. The speaker is made from aliminium making it super durable and with up to 60 hours of battery life this device really sets a new benchmark in terms of portable audio tech. With sound and bass quality that is superior to anything else on the market there’s really no need to look further if you want to take the tunes with you on your travels.

EUROHIKE Eurohike Pathfiner Rucksack A good rucksack if you’re travelling is key. You’ll want a bag that you can strap on your back and not have to worry about lugging extra gear around. A hiking bag such as this is ideal with it’s many different compartments and straps which will allows you to attatch other items onto it. This 65 litre model should allow plenty of room for all your gear without being too heavy. With a waterproof cover, it is ideal for all who are on their travels.


GlobeTrekker May 2014



GlobeTrekker May 2014

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