1. Scottish Ballet in 2021/22 2
Performing in a Pandemic
On Stage Starstruck The Nutcracker
On Screen Dive, Odyssey and The Shimmering Extraordinary
1. Scottish Ballet in 2021/22 2
Performing in a Pandemic
On Stage Starstruck The Nutcracker
On Screen Dive, Odyssey and The Shimmering Extraordinary
2021/22 was a difficult period for performing arts organisations the world over, and Scottish Ballet was no exception.
Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, the company successfully delivered performances on stage and on screen, achieving multiple awards, nominations and festival selections. Scottish Ballet championed access and engagement, delivering Dance Health classes for people living with neurological conditions, as well as events and opportunities for young people. Equity, Diversity & Inclusion was placed at the forefront of our mission alongside our sustainability initiative to achieve Net Zero by 2030.
Scottish Ballet’s membership base has grown by 11% since the launch of our free membership scheme in 2020/21, which seeks to build our audience nationally and internationally, raising our total to 60,048 free members.
For more information on the work that Scottish Ballet delivers, click to see the Financial Statements 2021/22
With choreography by Gene Kelly and Christopher Hampson, Scottish Ballet’s new full length narrative ballet, Starstruck, wowed on stages across Scotland and on screens all over the world, from America to Australia and beyond.
Despite 26 performances of Peter Darrell's The Nutcracker being cancelled due to Scottish Government Covid guidelines, the 47 performances that did go ahead were enthusiastically received across the country.
Works on screen achieved over 340,000 world-wide views.
‘A work of collaborative genius, milking the best elements of dance film for all they’re worth, Dive [Sophie Laplane] once again positions Scottish Ballet as a force to be reckoned within this field… Odyssey sees [Nicholas Shoesmith] continue to give us beautiful choreography, great musical choices and an imaginative outlook.’ — The Scotsman
Top: Scottish Ballet dancers in Dive
Middle: Former Principal Christopher Harrison in Odyssey. Photos by Andy Ross
Bottom: First Artist Madeline Squire in short film series
The Shimmering Extraordinary. Still from the film created by Fx Goby.
‘...positions Scottish Ballet as a force to be reckoned with...’
From wellbeing awards to rising stars and biennale selections, the company continues to shine in ceremonies across the globe.
• Best Dance Film, National Dance Awards 2021, The Secret Theatre
• Rising Star Award, One Dance UK Awards 2021, Jerome Anthony Barnes
• Silver Award for Best Membership/Fan Engagement during Covid-19, Covid Response Awards, The Secret Theatre
• Best Experimental Film, Manchester Film Festival, The Swan
Scottish Ballet's Dance Health classes and sessions for young people are delivered in person across Scotland. During the pandemic sessions were shifted to online delivery. We work to empower local groups and artists to take ownership to deliver our models in their local communities.
SB Health also moved to online delivery during the COVID-19 crisis, reaching a combined audience of 1,276.
Six artists have been trained to deliver SB Elevate®, dance classes for people living with multiple sclerosis, in Orkney.
We have created a new package of digital dance resources, SB Duet. The dance exercises can be safely accessed and performed by people with reduced mobility to share with their companions or carers.
The SB Health Team undertook an incubation period with medical specialists and people with lived experience to develop dance resources for people living with Long Covid.
The Safe to Be Me® Festival switched to digital in 2021, allowing 3,975 participants to explore their identities through creative, interactive experiences, including 71 workshops, 15 talks, and a number of films and film projects.
in the digital Safe to Be Me® Festival *total number of participants attending each event. This calculation is made to allow for participants attending multiple events.
Safe to Be Me® workshop participants. Photo by Tim Edgeler.
Scottish Ballet Youth Exchange (YEX) went digital in 2021/22 offering young people preparing for a career in dance the opportunity to experience new cultures and work with other young dancers from all over the world.
The Close
Taking inspiration from Starstruck, Scottish Ballet worked with NHS Scotland to explore how dance can aid recovery at a Young People’s Inpatient Unit in Dundee.
‘I could tell from the young people's body language that they enjoyed it. They were dancing and moving in a way that wasn't self-concious.’
— Karen Westley, Physiotherapist
‘a whirlwind of unforgettable experiences and once in a lifetime opportunities’
Scottish Ballet’s Associate Programme returned to studios in September 2021. Close to 500 applicants auditioned online and in person for 240 spaces available in this highly sought after programme. 24 children from the programme were selected to tour with The Nutcracker during our winter season.
A team of accountability partners has been established involving members of the Senior Leadership Group and Board of Directors, to progress change across the areas of recruitment, wellbeing and leadership. This work is supported by external consultants, including vital changes to the Chinese-inspired Tea Dance within The Nutcracker.
Anti-racism training was delivered to the Leadership team and Board members, with bespoke sessions being scheduled for all staff and dancers.
We have introduced BSL interpretation at public events and films along with captioning. A company-wide accessibility audit has been commissioned.
Scottish Ballet is working towards making changes (big and small) in every area of the organisation in order to reduce our impact on the environment. Our people, partners, and stakeholders will be expected to participate in our aim to achieve our sustainability target of Net Zero by 2030.
Three Green Action pillars have been identified as areas for improvement:
Despite the financial challenges of the pandemic, your support has ensured that Scottish Ballet has emerged from the past 12 months in a strong position. Thank you.
Scottish Government Grant (£5.12m)
Ticket Income (£1.64m)
Advancement Income (£1.12m)
Other Income
Philanthropic Gifts (£692,000)
Trusts & Foundations (£257,600)
Corporate Partnerships (£168,170)