Connect Prayer Diary
August 2018
Prayer Link August August 5th
• Jim Purves (Mission & Ministry Advisor) • Hopeman Baptist Church • Inverkeithing Baptist Church • Inverness Baptist Church
August 12th
• Beatrice Anderson (Finance Administrator) • Irvine Baptist Church • Islay Baptist Church • Johnstone Baptist Church • Kelso Baptist Church
August 19th
• Lynn Scott (Administrator) • Kilmarnock Baptist Church • King’s Park Baptist Church • Kirkintilloch Baptist Church
August 26th
• Jenny Wilson (General Director’s PA) • Kirkwall Baptist Church • Knightswood Baptist Church • Ladywell Baptist Church • Larbert Baptist Church
We do hope you are enjoying the summer and the lovely weather we have been enjoying recently! Connect is having a month off over the summer. Here is the prayer diary for August 2018. Please also remember our churches across Scotland who are holding activities for kids and community outreach events over the summer.
Kelso BC - Give thanks for many years of faithful witness in Kelso, as the church takes steps to enter into a new stage of Christian witness and evangelism in the town. Pray for wisdom for those involved, in plotting the course, in discerning God’s will. Pray too for the right people to be involved in taking the witness forward into a new season, demonstrating and proclaiming the wonderful truth of the Gospel, for the people of Kelso and the surrounding area.
Jim Purves (Mission & Ministry Advisor) - Give thanks to God for our churches’ desire to be relevant and serve others with the Gospel. Pray for sustained wisdom and effectiveness in offering counsel and pointers in working with developing churches across Scotland.
Inverkeithing BC - We would like to give thanks to God for answered prayer. We have seen God work in miraculous ways in the midst of serious illness. We praise God too for his continued faithfulness to the church and give thanks for the areas where we are seeing the local community connect and enjoy the ministry of the church in our parent and toddler group and the weekly cafe. Please pray for us to see deepening relationships with God and with each other. Please pray that we find ways of reaching young people and families in Inverkeithing in a meaningful way.
Lynn Scott (Administrator) – Please pray for Lynn as she deals with all aspects of her work.
Hopeman BC - We recently had two ladies baptised on a Sunday morning, with many “un-churched” guests in attendance. Pray for their continued discipleship, as well as for the seeds that were planted in those visitors’ hearts. We also had three young girls accept Christ as Saviour in our kids’ club just before school ended as well.
Irvine BC - We thank the Lord for His faithfulness throughout our pastoral vacancy, and for the faithful ministry of His word through various preachers. Also for a number of friends who have come into our fellowship over recent months, and for their valuable contribution to our church life. As a small church, we would value prayer that the Lord would empower us to stand together in His service, and that He would provide a pastor to support us in our life and witness.
Islay BC - Please pray for our Scripture Union Beach Mission as we enter our 6th year of holding this annual event on Islay. Thank God for those who give up their holiday to bring the gospel to boys and girls on Islay. Pray for safety for the children and that they may encounter the Living Lord in their lives. Islay Baptist Church is in a time of transition, so please pray for the on-going ministries on the island that they will continue and grow during this time of change.
King’s Park BC – Please pray for our ministry at Holmbyre and the team who have been involved in outreach for over 10 years there as we have access to the newlybuilt community centre and seek guidance on the shape of ministry moving forward. Please pray for an increase in attendance at our holiday club and Messy Church as we seek to reach out and share our faith with the community in which we are placed. Please pray that God will continue to bless our Church as we seek to know him and make him known Jenny Wilson (General Director’s PA) – Please pray for the arrangements for our annual Assembly over the next couple of months. Please pray for God’s guidance and wisdom as I make final preparations and liaise with the venue, our speakers and exhibitors. Give thanks that we serve an amazing God and for the privilege of serving our family of churches across Scotland.
Knightswood BC - Please give thanks for the leadership going through the LEAD Academy programme and for the vision and strategy agreed by the church as a result. Please give thanks for a further time of growth in the church and for the sense of anticipation as to what the Lord may wish to do through us in this next stage of church life for his glory. Please pray for our discipleship and mission as a church and for an increased effectiveness in our evangelism to the local schools and community.
Ladywell BC - We give thanks for the on-going children’s work with our ‘JoyClub’ and Sunday School, as well as our Youth Fellowship. We give thanks for six young adults within our fellowship who lead, teach and work within the Youth Fellowship. We give thanks for the spiritual growth, faithfulness and support of our members and adherents. Please pray for us as we celebrate 50 years of Baptist witness in Livingston and the formation of the Baptist Church. On 30th September at our morning service in Inveralmond Community High School, Rev Bruce Milne, the first pastor of the church, will be our guest speaker. Please pray for the visit, health and ministry of Bruce as he comes and shares with us. Kirkintilloch BC - Please give thanks for the number of new members this year. We are also grateful to God for a new youth internship programme we hope to undertake in September. Please pray that this would be a positive experience for the young leaders and the Church. Please pray for the Eden Community project in the Hillhead area. Pray for the team as they settle into to their new roles and for the provision of a new team leader of God’s choosing. Johnstone BC – Please pray that as we get involved with the local churches in the area with a community outreach, that the planned evangelistic open air event on the 25th of August will enable us to start building relationships with our neighbours.
Kilmarnock BC – Praise God for five years of God’s faithfulness and provision through growth and baptisms in the church. Give thanks for the six young people who attended the Youth Alpha Kilmarnock BC ran in partnership with Kay Park Parish Church. Two unchurched young people will be attending Soul Survivor Scotland along with the church youth group, please pray that this conference will impact their lives. Pray for Kilmarnock BC as it enters a period of vacancy, that they may know and be encouraged by the Lord in regard to the future. Pray for the leadership as they step up in the absence of a minister, and for their moderator guiding the church through this period. Kirkwall BC - Give thanks for our recent Growing Leaders course. Pray for those who were on the course as they seek to action it - both in our gathered church community and also as they are scattered into their families and workplaces and neighbourhoods. Pray for the mentoring relationships that were established, that they might continue to be a blessing. Give thanks for new baptisms, new members, new deacons. Pray for conversions and baptisms - that’s what we really, really long to see. Beatrice Anderson (Finance Administrator) - Please pray for Beatrice as she helps Peter with Union finances and enquiries from our churches.
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