March 2015 Image: London Institute for Contemporary Christianity
BUS 2015
Fruitfulness on the Frontline Forty five years ago my father-in-law moved from the Tent Hall in Glasgow to the Dawson Mission in Carron, a mission hall associated with the Carron Iron Foundry. The Mission Hall had been established to facilitate outreach to the thousands of workers in the foundry and the pastor of the mission fulfilled a chaplaincy role within the factory. In a very real sense, the workforce and their families were the mission field on which the mission focused. Heavy industry changed, workforces in such numbers disappeared and the associated chaplaincies and organisations dwindled with them. However, today we are seeing a resurgence in the opportunities given to chaplains in the workplace. Supermarkets, football teams, town centres, call centres, even the off-shore oil industry are seeking out people to serve as chaplains. During the recent bin lorry tragedy in George Square, it was police, town centre and fire brigade chaplains that were called on to support the public, the emergency service personnel and to speak to the media. A new opportunity is presenting itself in our society to get alongside those who are struggling with the pace and pressure of life and to offer spiritual care within a person’s place of employment. Chaplains offer pastoral care to those of faith, differing faiths and no faith, which presents challenges for their own faith and invites a deep evaluation of their self understanding of the gospel. Many Baptist Churches and ministers have been quick to respond to these new openings. In this edition of connect we read something of Jack Quinn’s adventure and calling with Work Place Chaplaincy Scotland. As chaplaincy grows in these new industries, more churches will have increased opportunity to engage in their local workplaces, releasing ordained and locally recognised leaders with pastoral gifts to serve in paid
“It is surely through the distinctive living of each believer, that opportunity will arise “to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.” 1 Peter 3:15” and voluntary positions. It is encouraging to know that within our Union we have a group of pioneers in this form of mission who will support and guide us through these developments. This new opportunity also carries a danger that as a consequence of the professionalising of chaplaincy in the work place, individual believers forget their own responsibility to be a witness. 1Peter 2:12 says “Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us.” Peter goes on later in the chapter to apply this directly to how we behave in the workplace, family and local community, the places we might call our frontline. Part of our faithful witness as a Christian people is the living of a distinctly Christian lifestyle in every area of life. To be a person of prayer for and with our colleagues and friends would be one way of expressing our faith. Others can seek to use gifts of generosity, hospitality, encouragement, compassion in our places of work and other frontlines. It is surely through the distinctive living of each believer, supported and encouraged by their local church, that opportunity will arise “to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.” 1 Peter 3:15 The London Institute for Contemporary Christianity has been encouraging thinking in this area for a number of years and has created a variety of tools that have been used widely amongst our churches. If you want to explore effective faithful witness in your frontline why not check out their latest Published by The Baptist Union of Scotland, resource “Fruitfulness on the frontline.” (Charity Registration SC004960) Alan Donaldson
48 Speirs Wharf, Glasgow, G4 9TH, t: 0141 423 6169 f: 0141 424 1422
Build Your Kingdom Here “THE challenge for the church today is to be as effective as it possibly can be in what might appear to be an alien environment.” So says workplace chaplain, Rev Jack Quinn, a former pastor of Adelaide Place Baptist Church for almost 30 years and a founding member of Business in Glasgow, a non-profit organisation exploring the connections between work and spirituality. Baptist Chaplain to the University of Strathclyde and a former sessional lecturer at The Scottish Baptist College, Jack, who began ministry as a Baptist minister in Perth, has never doubted that the role he Often the management are pleased that someone’s listening. took up with Work Place Chaplaincy Scotland (WPCS) Church, has taken up a new role in the chaplaincy just over a year and a half ago will be demanding. team at SOAR at Intu Braehead. “Together we cover a large area of commercial However, it’s one he feels passionately about. As West of Scotland Regional Organiser, his ‘flock’ activity in the complex and have been able to make has expanded to cover an area stretching from meaningful relationships with some of those who Stranraer to Fort William. He and his 21-strong team serve the community in the retail industry. However, of chaplains support workers in a wide-range of it’s a slow process.” locations including shopping centres, Scottish Fire & “The most significant benefits usually come later as the relationship progresses. Whether we are talking Rescue stations, airports and engineers’ offices. “We are an independent Christian charity supported to the managing director, the junior, or the janitor, that conversation by all Scottish “It’s the work of industry and commerce that puts bread is entirely churches, the CBI on our tables and it’s important that people do that while confidential. We and STUC and we feeling valued and supported and encouraged.“ can also assist serve around 1500 people in business business and local authority outlets across the country,” he explained. to enable staff, who might be having difficulties WPCS is discovering that, with the right approach, at home, to reach their full potential. We see the it’s possible to make connections within the business whole person and can often help them feel able to world. Even those who’ve served in ministry for many keep working during challenging times. It is the work years can find a role to play as chaplain to a business of industry and commerce that puts bread on our or commercial enterprise. For example, Grant tables and it’s important that people do that while Brooks, current Church Secretary for Castlehill Baptist feeling valued and supported and encouraged. Chaplaincy is about being available and letting the individual set the temperature of the water before you venture in. You have to win the right to speak to them at any level.” For more information on WPCS please visit their website:
Many of the Braehead staff have got to know Jack very well
Rosemary Dewar
BUS 2015
Life on the Frontline
We asked a few people from Adelaide Place, Glasgow, to tell us of their commitment to faith on the frontline. This is what they said:
Shona Galbraith Sexual Health Nurse Shona is married with three children and has been in nursing for over 20 years. She says the challenging specialism of sexual health nursing is one that presents many opportunities to help hurting people.
“It’s seen by some as a ‘no-go area’ for the church. But people are looking for love and I feel deeply that giving support in a nonjudgemental way is an appropriate expression of my faith.”
John Adams Government IT Manager John, married to Jacqueline, is a native of Northern Ireland and travels the world for the Department for International Development. He is very passionate about being able to make a difference in the world.
“It’s really challenging. I’m conscious about not coming across too negatively as a Christian. But I’m glad to be in role that helps fights global poverty.”
Rowan McDowell Child Pratictioner Rowan is engaged to artist, Sam, and is planning a July wedding. She’s been working for nearly 4 years. At a young age God gave her the gift of being able to understand and enjoy being with kids. Since then she’s always wanted to work with children.
“I am open about my faith and staff ask freely about what I believe. I can also share my faith during Christian festivals. .”
Rory Martin
Sports Day Volunteers
Sports Day is always a massive success and relies on an army of highly valued volunteers to make it happen. Usually, with only a few days to go, we’re still wondering whether or not there will be enough! So this year we wanted to highlight some of the roles that we need people to fill. Some require a knowledge of sports, others don’t. While we award points for the young people, this year we also want to start offering a limited number of points for churches providing volunteers as a way of saying thank you for the service they are providing for Sports Day. In this Connect, and in the next, we’ll profile a few roles. If these are things you, or someone in your church, may be able to help us with then please get in touch with Jenny ( and she’ll be able to give you more info.
Swimming: Timers need to watch a lane, sometimes two, with a stopwatch and time the race. When the race starts you start the stopwatch, when it finishes you stop it - it’s really that simple! Timers alsocheck the correct name of the swimmer before the race, mark the time at the end, and pass time sheets to the Coordinator. Volunteers are led by the Swimming Coordinator.
Netball: Netball umpires need a knowledge of the game rules and to be available for most of the day (11:30am-4:00pm). There are usually two umpires per game where possible. At the end of games scores are passed to the Netball Coordinator. Umpires are led by the Netball Coordinator who is also able to help in any disputes, and should be willing to pray with teams before the game starts.
10 and Under Races: Volunteering at this event is similar to helping at a school sports day as the races are pretty much the same. Volunteers help put out props for races, help manage the children competing and stand at the finish line to help work out winners. This team is led by the 10 and Under Coordinator. Mo Gibbs
March Prayer Link Sunday 1st Leslie Edge (Chaplain, The Prince & Princess of Wales Hospice, Glasgow) - Pray I will continue to appropriately meet the spiritual and religious needs of the patients, patient’s families, 140 staff and 650 volunteers in the Hospice and surrounding community. Give thanks for people’s generosity, as we have raised £13.5 million of the required £21 million for the new Hospice to be built in Bellahouston Park. Burra Isle, Shetland - Give thanks to God for our Soccer School 2014 (our 5th year)! 14 ‘coaches’ from various mainland churches helped us out with teaching ‘football skills’ and leading Bible sessions with discussion groups. Almost 80 children enrolled from all over Shetland. Please pray for family contacts that were made and for Soccer School 2015. Calderwood, East Kilbride - When BUS recently asked us what have been our greatest encouragements and challenges this past year, we had one answer: ‘God is moving and we are trying to keep up!’ Pray for us as God moves that we will rejoice in his blessing and favour and sacrificially commit ourselves to his work in our community. Cambuslang - Give thanks for the 30+ p1-p7 children who attend the Arkonauts group. Pray that some may join us on a Sunday. Thank God for the generosity of our members and adherents for their offerings that help us to maintain our large, old place of worship. Ask for God’s guidance as we plan some improvements to the building.
Sunday 8th Ron Flett (City Centre Chaplain, Aberdeen) - The Chaplaincy is growing! Contacts in the shops on Union Street are slowly strengthening and I am a recognised face at Aberdeen City Council. I also try to regularly visit the local fire stations and have extended this work to include Bon Accord Care. Pray that I manage to find balance in supporting the people I meet.
@scottishbaptist Campbeltown Community Church - Give thanks to God for the success of our Get in The Picture initiative, last Christmas, and for our first leaders day. Pray for our parent and toddler ministry as we transition to the Mainly Music format. Pray also for grace, love, vision and forgiveness to triumph as local churches explore working together.
Sunday 15th Carluke - Give thanks for new opportunities in local schools, in Health and Social Services, and for those soon to be baptised in March 2015. Pray for our new Smart Recovery Group, for Amie’s schools work and for Archie, our new Project Manager at the Centre of Hope. Also pray that we would grow in love for God, his people and our community. Carnoustie - We’ve had an exciting month of baptisms and welcoming new members. As we celebrate our 4th birthday, praise God for his hand at work in our church. Pray that we would grow in faith and love as we take the gospel into our community in this coming season. Castlehill, Bearsden- We are enjoying talking and praying through our church’s Core Values. Pray that God will lead us and shape us as we consider what motivates us. Give thanks for new faces on Sunday mornings and pray that they will know faith in Christ. Pray for our 4th, and very popular, Fun Day that God would do amazing things!
Sunday 22nd Cliff Jackson (Lead Chaplain, Auchenlochan) - We are delighted to welcome Rev. George Hunter as Chaplain to one of our three care homes and to a number of independent and assisted living residents. Two volunteers from Work Place Chaplaincy Scotland have joined to help us. Cathcart - Pray for the current development of a ‘ministry of small things’ - a fresh approach to how we think about and practice pastoral care as a congregation. Pray for wisdom for shared ministries with other churches and emerging forms of ministry. And pray for a welcoming heart in all that we do. Central, Edinburgh - Please pray with us for many people to come to salvation this year across our city. We have a number of different missional communities seeking to love people and share Jesus. Pray that our vision would increasingly and unashamedly be of Jesus at the heart, and nothing else.
Sunday 29th Gordon Jones (Chaplain, Royal Alexandria Hospital) - Please ask our Father to supply healthcare chaplains with the deep compassion and wisdom necessary to effectively comfort and support. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will transfigure chaplains into luminous, truly Christlike good Samaritans. City Gates, Edinburgh - At the end of February our pastor, Keith Short, will leave and move to become senior pastor at St John’s Evangelical Church in Linlithgow. Please pray for Keith in this move and that City Gates Baptist Church would know God’s power and presence as we move into a new chapter in the life of the church. Cleland -We give thanks to God for the faithful ministry we receive week by week from our visiting speakers. Please pray for our Mothers & Toddlers (Jelly Tots) Group who meet every Thursday where we share God’s love with those who come along. We would also value your prayers as we celebrate 80 years of witness in Cleland on 28/29 March. Coastline Community Church - Continue to pray that the Lord would bless our outreach, youth work, community programmes and Sunday services. We are really thankful for the growth, both numerically and spiritually, we are experiencing and we pray for the energy to keep up with it all. Coatbridge - Thank God for new members, recent child dedications and more recent baptism. Pray for us as we explore how to be more effective in engaging and building relationships in our community, especially with those in new houses close to the church. Thank God for the continued chaplaincy in Coatbridge High School and the new initiatives being considered there.
Pray too for ... Alan Donaldson - Pray for safe and comfortable journeys with worthwhile outcomes as I travel to Colonsay (local church), Birmingham (BMS Council of Reference), Swanick ( BUGB Council) and Pitlochry (BUS Council). I will be preaching in Adelaide Place, Bathgate and St Ninians and joining the Ministers Day of Prayer. Vital to the future of BUS is the imminent appointment of both the Mission and the Ministry Development Coordinators. Mo Gibbs - I’m extra busy and pregnant so need extra time and energy! Also pray for young people applying for Step Out as the application deadline is this month and give thanks for the great testimonies found in the applications. Praise God for His work in the hearts and lives of young people. Pray for wisdom for in organising teams and planning the Sports Day. Jacqueline Primrose - March is a very full month with both the BUGB and BUS Councils, interviews for Ministry and Mission Development Coordinators and the usual duties. Pray for discernment during the appointment processes and at Council. Also pray that we will know God’s strength and filling in serving Him and our churches, that we will hear Him and experience His presence. John Greenshields - March starts with our annual Chaplains’ Conference Day for the growing number of our ministers now serving in varied chaplaincy settings - NHS, Hospice, the Armed Forces, School, Prison and Workplace Chaplaincy. The Next Stage of Ministry Conference takes place in Pitlochry. We anticipate having around 30 ministers between these two conferences. Pray for all attending and helping to lead. Jim Purves - Give thanks to God for what I have witnessed to be many healthy, developing churches within our Union. As our nation experiences many challenges, thank God for increasing community involvement and faithful adherence to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Pray for God’s blessing on those in congregational leadership and for Spirit-filled wisdom and insight for effective mission.