Connect Baptisms in the River Ness
December 2018
This year, as I begin to think about Christmas, I find myself reflecting on the common theme of giving. We all know that Christmas Day is the day we have established to remember the gift of Jesus, and on Epiphany, 12 days later, we choose to remember the gifts brought by the Magi. Each of these acts of generosity has an impact on our understanding of a Trinitarian God who sent his Son as a priestly King, destined to die for the salvation of the world. As daily we accept this gift of a suffering Saviour, we are challenged to respond not only to his call of salvation, but in turn to a lifestyle that reflects this sacrificial generosity. Will we choose a path of generosity that includes personal suffering or do we place a discomfort limit on how generous we are willing to be? This year as a Baptist Union of Scotland, we have received a gift from the wider Baptist family in Great Britain of over 30 million pounds which will significantly reduce the pension debt of our churches. This vast sum cannot be raised without sacrifice, and has been given freely as a long term commitment to the mission and ministry of our Baptist family. On a more personal level, I am giving thanks for those in the Northumbria Community who opened their community house to me as a space for prayer and reflection which deeply impacted my personal relationship with Christ, my wonderful counsellor. I give thanks for those churches in our Union who gave what was asked, and for those whose generosity far exceeded that which was expected. I give thanks for office staff who, at various points in the year, stepped up and went beyond their obligations to enable the smooth running of our Union. I also find myself giving thanks for the generosity of encouragement from those who walk closely with us in ministry and ensure that the pressure we all feel is dissipated with appreciation.
In this past year, I have been overwhelmed at times by the generous spirit of our churches towards their communities. The growth in community service observed in recent years is a witness within our nation to the thankfulness of Christ’s followers for the love they have received. However, I recognise my own weakness in this area and the tendency towards selfishness and meanness. It is at these times that the liberality of others around me is vital to my ongoing generosity. Therefore, as an encouragement to continue our generosity, I have invited 12 of our grant receiving churches to tell their stories of how they have shared your openhandedness with their local communities. Over the Twelve Days of Christmas, beginning on Christmas Day, we will be releasing a daily video on Facebook, capturing the stories of how our shared giving has blessed 12 churches. This is just a sample of the generosity offered freely among us, but I hope it will remind us of the joy of sharing generously in the ministry and mission of other churches across the nation, and that it will inspire that generosity to be a mark of our 150th year as a Union.
Rev Alan Donaldson
General Director
Baptisms in the River Ness We were delighted when three people from our recent Alpha course asked to be baptised. Not only that, but all three decided that they would like to be baptised in the river Ness! This was a bit of a risk, as the river can be very high and strong in the early autumn. However on the day of the baptisms the weather was most gloriously warm and dry. We even had coffee/tea on the river bank and had many passersby looking on. The Lord’s favour was on us – what a great witness to our community. It’s good to take the church outside our walls on a Sunday morning.
Assembly 2018 Fearless
‘I left Assembly with the challenge and encouragement from Teun’s Bible study in Psalm 27 to stand fearless in our faith, to stand on the firm foundations we have and not to be frightened of the world around. We have to learn to wait on the Lord - and waiting time is not waste time but fill time. We are to teach God’s Word, seek God’s face and wait on him. God who has helped in the past can and will help in the future. Are we prepared to wait for the goodness of the Lord? Think about it, pray about it and act on it!’ Hamish Wishart, Minister, Cornton BC
‘I’ve been part of the development and production of 18 Assemblies, and this one felt like a good one to me. I was particularly struck by the sense of togetherness in the Union family, the justified positivity about the strategic progress you’re making. There was throughout the event an energy in the room, which may come partly from a younger profile amongst the delegates. I really enjoyed being part of it.’ Mark Craig, BMS World Mission Communications Director
‘We need to be fearless in prayer for our nation, communities, families and self. Through the prayers of His people, God has promised to heal this land. To be patient before God and wait for His invite to join Him in His work, done His way, not mine. To think outside of “safe space Sunday” and recognise we can be church in many different ways – home groups, café and chat, care homes – when we let ourselves be fearless, to try something new, because if God is for us, who can stand against us when the harvest is waiting.’ Margaret Coles, Montrose BC and BUS Council Member
But now, hear this, The whisper of creation’s command Rattles through this valley Breathes life to long abandoned parts ‘Preparing for the Assembly I spent time contemplating the idea of fearlessness in the Lord, and wondering how much of God’s kingdom work we miss or hinder through our own fear. Perhaps because of this, I was ready to hear a rallying call to strike out and my heart was encouraged by the call to the white fields, the valley of dry bones. Teun van der Leer made reference to a Eugene Peterson quote: “Waiting in prayer is the disciplined refusal to act before God acts.” This is not a passive waiting, but an attentive readiness to go where the Spirit leads, and join what the Father is doing, and this is my prayer as I contemplate how God would lead me, and us, into this next season.’ Fiona Stewart, Foolproof Creative Arts
Prayer Link December December 2nd
• Stirling Baptist Church • Stonehaven Baptist Church • Stranraer Baptist Church
December 9th
• Strathendrick Baptist Church • Stromness Baptist Church
December 16th
• Thurso Baptist Church • Tillicoultry Baptist Church • Tiree Baptist Church
December 23rd
• Uddingston Baptist Church • Viewfield Baptist Church • Westray Baptist Church • Westwood Baptist Church
December 30th
• Whytes Causeway Baptist Church • Wick and Keiss Baptist Church • Wigtown Baptist Church • Wishaw Baptist Church
Viewfield BC - We praise God for the arrival of our new pastor. We praise God for all the many activities that take place and the many relationships built through our various community initiatives. We also praise God for a number of new members in recent days. We pray that God will continue to add to the fellowship and that as a fellowship we would seek to serve the community as best as we can. We pray for the pastor as he takes on the role of Chaplain to Dunfermline FC.
Whytes Causeway BC – Please pray for the church as Ron Rye goes on sabbatical in January. Pray also for the new leadership team as they take on extra responsibilities during this time. Give thanks for the number of children now attending the church on a Sunday and pray for the church as they seek to appoint a children’s worker to coordinate and develop this work. Westray BC – We praise God for increased numbers at our Sunday morning services, especially for so many children. We also are thankful for an encouraging response to a recent ‘Freedom in Christ’ training course. We pray that as we enter a vacancy we will get clear direction on the way forward for future ministry and that God will continue to bless the work we do in the community and with our friends in the Church of Scotland.’ Wishaw BC – We are now into our fourth year of vacancy, please pray that we have wisdom, grace, and patience as we seek God’s will for us. Please give thanks for the continued good use of our premises made by community groups (AA, MS, etc.), with the resultant opportunities for friendship evangelism.
Wick and Keiss BC – We praise God for the encouragement we receive through the children in our Sunday school and for his provision of preachers during our time of vacancy. We pray for growth in our Sunday services, for the provision of a pastor, and for wisdom as we seek to reach out and serve the community.
Westwood BC - We praise God for His leading in the recent appointment of our new minister, Rev Mark Pexton and look forward to the next chapter in the life of the church. We pray His blessing as we seek to impact our local community through Food Bank, Harvest Cafe & Alpha and develop new relationships with neighbouring churches.
Stromness BC – We pray that there will be an impact in our community by those who are coming to the family meal on Wednesdays which is free to everyone. We also pray that there will be an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the town. We thank and praise God for the work among our young folk, our missionary outreach and our cooperation with the other BU churches in Orkney. We also thank God for Ally Heath and the vision he has given him for Stromness Baptist Church.
Thurso BC – We give thanks to God for amazing provision of our recently opened new building. We pray for God’s blessing and guidance as we start to reach out into a new part of the town where there are no other churches. Pray for us as we open the church to those who work in the local business park, as we host charity events in our building and for the CAP money course we are holding soon.
Stonehaven BC – We are giving thanks for the way God is opening a door for us, so that we can have our own space for church and office. We are praying that we will be patient as we wait God’s timing for it all to happen, and that once it does we will make the most of new opportunities to share the gospel, remembering as always to seek God’s guidance and blessing in all that we do
Tiree BC – Give thanks for this year’s holiday club and pray for the followup group Encounters. Pray for Mainly Music, Coffee Pot and our involvement at a personal level with the wider island community. Particular pray for the urgent need to extend our premises.
Tillicoultry BC – As we are now back in our building after renovations we are thankful for all that has been done and God’s faithfulness through it all. It feels like a time of new beginnings and refreshing. Between Tilly and Alva we have just employed a Youth Development Worker, Fiona Halliday. Please do pray for her as she works with young people in our communities. We are also finalising plans to open a CAP Debt Centre, part of a church partnership, which needs much prayer and wisdom. In all of this we pray that we would truly be seeking God and hearing His voice.
Uddingston BC – Please pray for us as a small, faithful group of committed believers, as we look for opportunities to re-envision the church and bear witness to Christ in Uddingston. We are all committed to seeking God’s inspiration and guidance as to His way forward trusting that the Lord will build His church. Please pray with us for the inspiration, guidance and health of our new leadership team and for young Christian families to be called to join us in what we are trusting will be a new beginning for UBC.
Strathendrick BC - We give thanks and praise for our newly established Youth Group ‘Xplore’ and for our growing links with Balfron High School, where we’ll be hosting our 3rd Prayer Space in December. We pray for the energy these commitments require – especially when those involved are young parents already busy with family life. May God guard, guide and protect all our young families.
Registered Scottish Charity SCO04960