Minutes of the meeting of the Supporters Direct Scottish Council held on Monday 19 th November 2013 at 7pm at ADF Offices, Glasgow 1) Present and Apologies: Present:
Neil Bone (NB – Chair) Brian Guthrie (BG – Vice Chair) Morag McHaffie (MM ) Fraser MacDonald (FM) Alan Wilson (AW)
In attendance:
Paul Goodwin (PG – Head of Supporters Direct Scotland) Andrew Jenkin (AJ – Network Support Manager) Mark Reid (MR – Project Manager) Fraser Rankine (FR – Incoming staff) David Lampitt (DL – Supporters Direct Chief Executive – on phone from Item 7)
Richard Atkinson Elaine Miller
2) Minutes of Previous Meeting The minutes of the previous meeting held on the 23 rd of July 2013 were agreed as a correct record 3) Matters Arising None 4) Action Points
MM to send MR notes on Partick Thistle ticket pricing research
5) Issues raised by committee membership not on the agenda
6) Presentation by Head of SDS – Update
PG has met with Sport Minister and Richard Foggo and is positive about future relationship with Scottish Government
Scottish Government keen to know SDS moving towards self-funding sources but like ‘crisis management’ aspect of the work.
Proposed levy on season tickets – SFA & SPFL agreed in principle
Council discussion around self funding and viability of levy. Proposed instead for Scotland games and Scottish Cup semi-finals and finals.
7) SDS Staff Update – MR & AJ •
MR presented on membership status with Berwick Rangers rejoining membership.
Currently working with Annan Athletic to help conversion to either CIC or IPS model.
Falkirk Fans work progressing with 13 groups now working together with Supporters Society. A charter is to be produced and 900 people completed the Falkirk Fans survey.
Motherwell Trust have written to say they’re happy to work with Well Society and John Boyle has donated his shares to Well Society.
MR updated council on election process stating NB, RA, CW and BG up for reelection
MR to continue working on Supporter Liaison Officer role across Scotland
MR moving on to work on Colour of our Scarves project – working in 4 pilot areas before the end of 13/14 season: Falkirk, Hamilton, Dundee & Leith. SG want focus on data collection of sectarianism around areas. Photographer Stuart Roy Clarke has visited 7 stadiums taking pictures.
DL joined in on conference call
AJ updated on social media performance of Scottish Fans
Updated on progress of white papers and announced production of booklet with research on following topics: Implications of lifting alcohol in Scottish football, impact of TV on crowd attendances, Summer Football, Safe Standing, Fan Segmentation Market Research, Womens Football, Disabled Access and experience, Ticket Pricing, Fan Ownership/Governance and clubs’ uses of Social Media. Booklet will be sent to all clubs, chairmen and key stakeholders thought-out the game. Interactive PDF also to be produced.
8) SDS Long Term Strategy DL input on long term strategy and surveyed council’s views. NB stated importance of financial independence. FM required further information on relationship between proposed advisory board and council. Established council set strategy and advisory group helped staff deliver it. Stated that January and Community Ownership week would be a good opportunity to float idea with membership. DL stated SD have had discussions with a social bank on how to implement a fans bank in the UK and are actively looking at it with the idea of a Community Football Fund drawing investment from various sources.
9) Social Media Index – AJ AJ updated on work with Yomego, digital marketing company, and plans to produce an index with how clubs are best using social media.
10) Cross Party Group – EM In EM’s absence, PG fed back on EM’s notes that Cross Party Group don’t want a separate football group.
11) Update from Council on contact with Membership NB has had conversations with Given Amateurs who are interested in working with Scottish Fans MR wanted to highlight EM’s work in bringing Dons Trust back onside with SDS PG asked that Council continue to talk to other Trusts on a week to week (game by game) basis 12, 13, 14) Right To Buy, Stadiums as Community Assets and Rates Review of Stadium
PG had conversations with Scottish Governmnet about points 12, 13 & 14 and SDS have been given opportunity to develop proposal for implementation in Scotland – FR to work on upon starting
15) AOB
NB thanked DL for his ongoing support for SDS during his period of tenure and wished him well for the future.
No other business
16) NB to send out possible dates for next council meeting