Scottish Swimming Annual Business Document 2012

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AGENDA BUSINESS DOCUMENT & ANNUAL REPORT The Pathfoot Building, University of Stirling 23rd February 2013 10.00 am

Scottish Swimming AGM 2013

The Lecture Theatre, Pathfoot Building, University of Stirling Saturday 23rd February 2013

List of Acronyms used in this Report ASA BS CEO CPD CPO FINA LEN STO

Amateur Swimming Association British Swimming Chief Executive Officer Continuing Professional Development Child Protection Officer Federation Internationale de Natation Ligue Europeenne de Natation Swimming Technical Officials

Scottish Swimming AGM The Pathfoot Building, University of Stirling Saturday 23rd February 2013 – 10.00am


President’s Address


Minutes of the Meeting of 25th February 2012


Business from Minutes




Address 5.1 Address by Company Chair 5.2 Company’s Annual Report, which will include reports from National Committees


Attendance & Apologies for Absence


Financial Report 2011/12, Budget for 2012/13 & Membership Fees for 2013/14


Company Fees and Fines for 2013/14


Alterations to the Governance Documentation 9.1 SASA Constitution 9.2 SASA Articles 9.3 Company Rules

10. Matters the SASA needs to consider as sole member of the Company 11. Notices of Motion 12. Appointment of Members of SASA Council 13. Endorsement of Members of National Committees 14. Confirmation of Appointments 15. Installation of President 16. Presentation of SASA Life Membership:  John Deans

Scottish Swimming Annual Business Document 2013


Item 1 PRESIDENT’S REPORT When faced with a blank sheet of paper or in reality a blank computer screen and the challenge of capturing a unique year in your life, it can only be described as scrambled memories. So many people, so many places, so many experiences. It is almost guaranteed that I will miss someone or some group in my thanks and comments and to them in particular - thank you! It has been interesting to get a balance of what is actually going on in all of the disciplines across the country compared to the picture that you often get when discussing associated matters at Board and Council meetings. Regardless of the ongoing issues that every discipline faces, the enthusiasm that was very evident at every event or meeting that I attended made me proud of the our sport in the broadest terms. Whilst my core responsibility is to Council, the work that I will miss the most at the end of my term is the time working with the Board of Directors and I thank them for tolerating the views from the “coal face”. To my Council colleagues, a sincere thanks for giving me an easy time at Council meetings, while strongly representing your Districts when appropriate in the every changing and demanding business. At the start of my year in office, the last task that I expected to be involved in was the recruitment of a new Chief Executive Officer and although Ashley has now departed, I take this opportunity to thank her for the tremendous work that she has done for the organisation over the last eight years. It is only when you look back at these times that the true impact of the individual is recognised. Our new CEO, Forbes Dunlop, will face many challenges over the coming months and years, in particular with the Commonwealth Games looming on the horizon, however he will be supported by a very strong professional team who are often not given the credit that is due. The closer you work with the staff in the Scottish Swimming office you realise how much good and effective work is being done and perhaps the challenge for both the “office” and the “clubs” is to find a more effective way of understanding each other’s issues, which often get blown way out of proportion. Whilst we push our membership to increase the ongoing financial contribution to the organisation, the major funding still comes from sportscotland on an annual basis to support the core programmes and we have great sponsorship support from Scottish Gas for our competition structure and Kellogg’s for our development programmes. My thanks to all our stakeholders for their ongoing support and actual interest in our activities. I have tried to attend as many activities and meetings as practical during the year and my thanks to everyone that I have met at these events and the support that they have given to me. John Deans President

Scottish Swimming Annual Business Document 2013



Item 2 Minutes of the Scottish Swimming Annual General Meeting Saturday 25th February 2012 Pathfoot Lecture Theatre, University of Stirling, Pathfoot Building, Stirling FK9 4LA 1.

President’s Address: The President Neil Valentine, gave a warm welcome to Past Presidents, Life Members and Delegates alike, giving an extended welcome to John Lunn, sportscotland Partnership Manager. The President then went on to express his deepest regret at the deaths of former SASA members and asked that the delegates stand and observe a minute’s silence in the memory of:  Jim Thomson SASA Life Member  Julia Gilbert SASA Life Member  Keith Nichol 1930 ASC Club Member  Jack Grierson Gala ASC Water Polo  Bobby Greenlees SASA Life Member Neil advised that Attendance and Apologies for Absence had been moved further down the Agenda to ensure accuracy of numbers prior to voting. Finally, he introduced the top table, John Deans (Vice President), Deborah McGinniss (Finance Manager), Elaine Mackenzie (Director of Services), Maureen Campbell (Chair) and Ashley Howard (Chief Executive Officer), followed by Council members and Board members.


Minutes of the Meeting of 26th February 2011: Minutes agreed as a true and accurate record of proceedings. Proposed by Blair Prentice, Life Member and seconded by Allan Fletcher, Life Member.


Business from Minutes: None


Correspondence: Correspondence as noted below and listed in the Annual Business Document.  Walton Kilgour accepting appointment as the Company’s Independent Accountants  Elspeth Black accepting appointment as the Company’s Honorary Legal Advisor  David Booth appointment as the Company’s Honorary Medical Advisor


Address: 5.1 Address by Company Chairperson; MC thanked everyone for attending and for the opportunity to report on the Company’s performance over the past year. She went on to say that it had been an exciting year with lots of good development work taking place building on partnerships which would be demonstrated during the presentations. She advised that we were working on and had secured funding from external partners with the Board focusing on the long-term future of the sport, looking at 2012 promoting aquatics and preparing to capitalise on the boost in profile and attention heading towards 2014. She concluded by welcoming Ashley back and gave thanks to Neil for all his hard work during his year as President. Elaine Mackenzie, Director of Services preceeded her presentation with the TEAM brand group video. Thereafter, providing an update on membership detailing the effects of last years move to a two category structure and increase in fees. The positive message is that the integrity of the membership data we hold is good and there is a strong relationship with membership secretaries, however, whilst we have lost some swimming members a large percentage of these can be accounted for in the move to Swim Schools and we would work hard to ensure that these members came back into the Association through the swimmer pathway. We have been working hard to grow our understanding of our members to allow us to tailor our services accordingly. Scottish Swimming Annual Business Document 2013



Deborah McGinniss, Finance Manager summarised that our finances were in a healthy position, highlighting that the target set on securing investment totalling £250k to be achieved over a four year period to support London 2012 and Glasgow 2014 continues to be on track. The key messages from today’s presentation is to ensure that Scottish Swimming continues with their prudent approach over the next few years and build on last year’s success with the development of new and existing initiatives that will provide new income during the next twelve months . Sarah Pryde, Regional Swimming Development Manager (RSDM) for the East, outlined the roles and responsibilities of Regional Managers. As the coalface of Scottish Swimming, RSDMs work with key partners to support the development of swimming across Scotland. Sarah highlighted some of the areas the regional managers offer support and guidance to and the impact the regional managers have had since being in post. Sarah was then joined by John Sluman and Jo Maguire from the East District to present on a specific example of how partnerships can work to assist club development. The Combined Club Visit initiative included visiting all the clubs in the District to offer support and guidance on a range of club development topics as well as encouraging clubs to engage & support their District. John discussed the excellent feedback from the clubs and the significant successes achieved by having this partnership approach. Sarah identified other areas of development for 2012 and confirmed this partnership approach between the East District and Scottish Swimming would continue moving forward. Jo summarized the project, thanked the clubs for embracing the visits and encouraged other Districts to carry out similar projects, specific to their needs and demographics. Delegates asked a few questions and gave positive feedback. Paul Wilson, Disability Performance Development Manager, continued the theme of partnership working by speaking of the integrated approach to disability swimming within Team Stirling with five partners working together to deliver a performance environment for disability athletes. Paul outlined the inclusive approach that Scottish Swimming has been working on and highlighted the benefits to the swimmers in terms of pool access, coach contact and Institute support. He used the Central area as a model of good practice describing the local pathway and targeted support through the club structures. Continuing to give details of the Stirling Integrated Squad as an inclusive performance centre. Ashley Howard, Chief Executive Officer concluded the presentations commenting on the positive energy within the sport and the drive for long-term sustained success. She spoke briefly of the Back a Rising Star programme and concluded with the TEAM brand Hannah Miley video. 5.2

Company’s Annual Report (including reports from National Committees); Neil Valentine advised the delegates that the reports were contained within the Annual Business Document, and asked if any Committee Chairs wished the opportunity to update their reports. Duncan McKinnell (Swim Committee National Chair) updated on the Commonwealth Youth Games with the girls relay team winning a bronze medal. He also updated that Mark Szaranek had been selected for the European Youth Olympics, finishing by thanking the West District for a successful inaugural Grand Prix. Ken Fussell (Water Polo National Chair) thanked Neal Rayner for a successful 2011 Water Polo Championship. He welcomed Aberdeen as a new Water Polo club and congratulated Portobello on winning the British Water Polo Championships. Brian Bain (Open Water National Chair) commented on the increase in mass participation events. Scottish Swimming Annual Business Document 2013



Brian Hendry (Swimming Technical Officials National Chair) updated that Susan Coe, Midlands District, had been chosen to officiate at the London Paralympics, with the President adding his congratulations. 6.

Attendance and Apologies for Absence: Attendance;  Club Delegates: 76  Life Members: 12  Swim Schools: 4  Council & Board of Directors: 11  Total Voting Delegates: 103 Clubs Represented: 44 Also in attendance were: Staff Guest

21 1

East (25), Midlands (17), North (14), West (20)

East (16), Midlands (7), North (9), West (12) John Lunn, sportscotland

Apologies; Life Members -

George Battison, Nan Battison, Bill Black, Mary Black, Elizabeth Bowman, John Bruce, Ian Martin, Elenor Gordon McKay, Ramsay Morton, Bill Murdoch, Tom Tracey, Roy Wilson Board Members - Ian MacCallum Council Members - David Downie Committees Andrea Gellan, Open Water Clubs – East: Broxburn & District, Dunfermline WPC, Edinburgh University, Step Rock ASC Midland: Angus Masters, Carnoustie Claymores North: Aberdeen ASC, Dyce (Aberdeen) ASC, Inverness ASC, Nairn District, Orkney ASC, Shetland ASC, Skye Dolphins ASC, Wick ASC West: Lanark ASC, South Ayrshire AST 7.

Financial Report 2010/11, Budget 2012/13 & Membership Fees The President advised that questions had been submitted prior to the meeting and an answer sheet along with the Projected Income and Expenditure Summary for the period to 31/10/12 were tabled at the meeting. With no further questions from the floor the finance report was accepted and proposed by John Mason (Board Director) and seconded by Margaret Somerville (Livingston & District Dolphins). It was confirmed that the delegates approved keeping the membership fees for 2011/12 the same as 2010/11.


Company Fees & Fines for 2012/13 The Company Fees and Fines for 2012/13 as detailed in the Annual Business Document were agreed and accepted by the meeting.


Alterations to the Governance Documentation 9.1 SASA Constitution Before debating the proposals the President confirmed the voting rule; At least a two thirds majority of those present and voting must be secured before an alteration can be adopted. The President then went through each proposal asking if further clarification was needed or if there were any objections from the floor. Proposal PC1: Carried Proposal PC2: Carried Proposal PC3: Lengthy discussion took place on this proposal with an amendment to the Scottish Swimming Annual Business Document 2013



wording in 3.3.11 proposed by Duncan McKinnell (Life Member) and seconded by Cameron Mackie (Aquanauts Livingston) being accepted. An objection to the amended proposal was raised by Tom Hartnell (Livingston & Dolphins Swim School) and seconded by Ken Fussell (Western Baths). Following a vote (71 for; 27 against) the proposal with amendment was carried. Proposal PC4: Carried Proposal PC5: Carried with an amendment to the wording to specify licenced meet Proposal PC6: Carried Proposal PC7: Carried Proposal PC8: Carried 9.2

SASA Articles There are no proposals to amend SASA Articles.


Company Rules Before debating the proposals the President confirmed the voting rule; A simple majority of those present and voting must be secured before an alteration can be adopted. The President then went through each proposal asking if further clarification was needed or if there were any objections from the floor. Proposal PR1: Proposal PR2: Proposal PR3: Proposal PR4:

Carried Carried Carried Carried with an amendment proposed by Eddie Riach (Milngavie & Bearsden) and seconded by Brian Bain (Open Water Chair) to include Masters in R5.1.4 Proposal PR5: Carried Proposal PR6: Carried Proposal PR7: Carried


Matters the SASA needs to consider as sole member of the Company: None


Notices of Motion: None


Appointment of Members of SASA Council: The President advised that the appointment of members of SASA Council were as listed within the Annual Business Document. The AGM approved the nominations for the coming year.


Endorsement of Members of National Committees: Nominations for National Committes were approved with endorsement taking place from 1 st March 2012.


Confirmation of Appointments: All company appointments were approved.


Installation of President: Before his final duty of handing over the chain of office, Neil commented that Ron Taylor was stepping down from the Editorial Board with Blair Prentice handing him a small gift of appreciation for which Ron gave thanks. Neil went on to install Vice President, John Deans as President for the forthcoming year, adding Scottish Swimming Annual Business Document 2013



that he had worked closely with John during his time as Vice President and that John’s 25 years experience in swimming would bring a wealth of skills to the post of President. John Deans advised his first duty as President was to welcome Gina Logan, Vice President 2, to the Board of Scottish Swimming as Vice President 1 and to introduce and welcome David Downie to the role of Vice President 2. 16.

Presentation of SASA Life Membership: John spoke of his pleasure in presenting Neil Valentine, Past President with a Life Membership award. John went on to remind everyone of the Awards evening taking place on the 14 th September and thanked everyone for attending the AGM. With there being no further business, the meeting concluded at 2.15pm.

Scottish Swimming Annual Business Document 2013



Item 4 CORRESPONDENCE 1. Email from Mrs Elspeth Black accepting nomination as the Company’s Honorary Legal Advisor 2. Letter from Dr Kate Jordan accepting nomination as the Company’s Honorary Medical Advisor 3. Email from Allan Morgan of Walton Kilgour accepting nomination as the Company’s Independent Accountant

Item 5.1 CHAIR/CHIEF EXECUTIVE’S REPORT Scottish Swimming is delighted to celebrate a fantastic 2012. All eyes were on our athletes this summer as they competed at the London Games. Scottish swimmers performed with distinction and we are proud of them, their coaches, and clubs. Michael Jamieson’s Olympic silver medal and James Clegg’s Paralympic bronze medal were tremendous triumphs. These performances will go down in the history books to be remembered throughout time. But as we look ahead, there is more to come. With the fantastic support of our members and our partners, we have ambitious plans for 2013, leading up to what will be a thrilling 2014 Commonwealth Games. Underpinning our performance success, we reflect on our partnership work throughout 2012. Within our partnerships, we cover a broad range of agendas. We discuss matters of teaching, coaching, club training, water programming, income generation, events, communication strategies and the quality of what is on offer for those engaging in our sport from babies through to the young at heart. We have worked during 2012 to mature our partnerships with clubs, pool providers, and sportscotland, initiating long-term overarching agreements that capture the learn-to-swim, participation, club, and performance nature of our work. These agreements give fitting emphasis to the interconnected nature of the various activities that make up the entire aquatic pathway. In 2012, we have taken a step forward toward a long lasting aquatic infrastructure for Scotland. Lastly, we reflect on the progress of our Scottish Swimming team. We have updated our structure to better deliver our vision, adapting to new funding streams while keeping in touch with the economic landscape. We have engaged with staff on training and development to ensure we are ready for the new opportunities that lie ahead. We empower our team while demanding the highest level of accountability. There will be exciting changes ahead with a new CEO and new Director of Development who will work with our management team, our Council and our Board of Directors to evolve the Association’s culture, develop our best practice governance, and lead aquatic development throughout Scotland. Please join us in celebrating a successful 2012 for Scottish Swimming. Maureen Campbell , Chair – Board of Directors Ashley Howard, Chief Executive ______________________________________________________________________________________

Scottish Swimming Annual Business Document 2013





Championships 2011/12 was a difficult season for our Championships in terms of venues. We started the year with no Championship standard long course facilities in Scotland. As a result, we hosted our Championships in three different venues. The Short Course Championships were held in Inverness, a welcome return to this intimate venue. For National Age Groups, we ventured south of the border to Sunderland. While it wasn’t ideal to host this outside Scotland, it was an excellent venue and we were made very welcome. With the reopening of the Royal Commonwealth Pool we brought the National Championships to Edinburgh. This successful event provided a good showcase of the enhanced facilities available. From a swimming perspective, all three events were successful, with good entry levels and quality swimming. We introduced a number of innovations, including the Family Day at National Age Groups, and much enhanced event reporting via social media. 2012/13 will also not be without challenges. We return to the RCP for the Short Course Championships in December and look forward with excitement to the reopening of Tollcross in 2013 and the new Aberdeen pool, due to open in 2014. During 2012 we undertook a significant review of our Championships which has been approved by Board and Council. This gives us a good framework for the further development of our Championships over the next three years. Grand Prix In 2012 we introduced a Grand Prix series with prize money provided by Scottish Gas. Two events were held, in East Kilbride and Edinburgh. These were a great success, well supported by Scottish athletes. We are therefore expanding the series in 2012/13, introducing a North District Grand Prix, new prize money categories, and extending from 2 to 2½ days. Elite performances The headline events of the year were the London Olympic and Paralympic Games. Six Scots took part in the Olympics: Craig Benson (Warrender) David Carry (Stockport ITC) Michael Jamieson (Bath ITC / Edinburgh University) Caitlin McClatchey (Loughborough ITC) Hannah Miley (Garioch) Robbie Renwick (City of Glasgow) The standout performance was Michael Jamieson’s Silver Medal in 200m Breaststroke. Four other Scots made individual finals: David Carry – 7th, 400m Freestyle; Caitlin McClatchey – 7th, 200m Freestyle; Hannah Miley – 5th 400m IM and 7th 200m IM; and Robbie Renwick – 6th 200m Freestyle. Craig Benson, in his British senior debut, swam a life-time best to qualify for the semifinals in 100m Breaststroke. Five Scots were on the British Paralympic team: James Anderson (Stirling) – 4th, 50m Back; 8th, 100m Freestyle; 10th 50m Freestyle James Clegg (East Lothian) – 3rd, 100m Butterfly; 6th 50m Freestyle, 8th, 100m Freestyle Sean Fraser (Warrender) – 6th, 100m Butterfly, 6th 100m Backstroke, 7th, 100m Freestyle Andrew Mullen (Ren 96) – 4th, 50m Butterfly, 4th 50m Backstroke, 8th, 50m Freestyle Craig Rodgie (Carnegie) – 9th 200m Freestyle, 12th 100m Backstroke Pride of place went to James Clegg with his Bronze in 100m Butterfly, the highlight of a week of lifetime best performances. Scottish Swimming Annual Business Document 2013



Since London 2012, two athletes, Jim Anderson OBE and David Carry, have announced their retirement. Both have been exceptional ambassadors for Scottish Swimming, David represented Britain at two Olympics, and Scotland at three Commonwealth Games, with two Gold medals at Melbourne, 2006. Jim’s paralympic swimming career is likely never to be repeated, representing Britain at 6 Games, the highlight 4 Gold medals at Athens, 2004. Earlier in the year, Kris Gilchrist, a former World Short Course Champion, also retired, taking up a coaching role. I wish all of them well for the future. Following the Olympics and Paralympics, British Swimming is undertaking a performance debrief which is due to report in December. This will have implications for the top end of the sport, including in Scotland, and we await the findings with interest. Youth elite performances Four Scots were on the British team for the European Junior Championships in Antwerp: Craig Benson (Warrender) Charlotte McKenzie (Falkirk Otter) Stephen Milne (Perth City) Ross Murdoch (West Dunbartonshire) Ross took two Silver medals in 50 and 200 Breaststroke while Craig achieved Bronze in 100 Breaststroke. Charlotte and Stephen both made finals appearances. Records At the time of writing, 151 National Senior, Junior and Age Group Records have been broken so far in 2012, across all categories – Senior, Junior, Club and Age Group, and both Long and Short Course. This testifies to the overall strength of performance swimming in Scotland, both at Senior and Age Group levels. Full details are available on the website. Calendar review The Committee is reviewing the effectiveness of swimming competitions made available through the competition calendar against athletes’ requirements. This review, which has involved coaches and organisers across the Districts, gives us an opportunity to assess how well our current competition calendar meets the needs of swimmers at different ages and levels of ability. This review will complete in 2013. Committee One member of the Swimming Committee, Marion Durham (Midlands Swimming Convenor) stood down this year, returning to Australia. I am grateful for her, and all the committee members, contributions during the year. Duncan McKinnell, Swimming Chair ______________________________________________________________________________________ WATER POLO REPORT Scottish Water Polo continues to develop and grow. Development targets continue to be achieved and surpassed. The Water Polo Development Officer continues to be highly effective working on the delivery of UKCC, development of Mini Polo and assisting the development of new and existing clubs. Two swimming clubs, Aberdeen ASC and West Lothian, have formed Water Polo sections in their clubs. They have played development games and will be involved in competition in the near future. This will increase the number of teams in junior competitions to 10. The number of water polo players has now reached 500 a very significant increase from the 120 a few years ago. Scottish Swimming Annual Business Document 2013



As well as our volunteers running the sport in Scotland our officials have been involved in the British Water Polo League, British Championships, International Games and the 2012 Olympics. Scotland provided 5 National Technical Officials and 4 Games makers in key roles. Portobello won the 2012 British Championships, the first Scottish club to do so. Portobello and Scottish Water Polo Committee also hosted the British Water Polo League for one of their competition weekends at the RCP, another first. The Tri Nations was held in Cardiff. The Scottish Women’s team won their competition with the Men, Boys and Girls putting up a good effort. We look forward to hosting the 2013 event. Scottish competitions have been very successful this year with 5 Championships involving 23 teams and 18 games. The Scottish National League had 4 competitions involving 26 teams and 121 games. Pool time at the NSA has been well used being shared between the Scottish Squads and competitions. We also secured two sessions per week at the RCP in Edinburgh to run the Scottish Water Polo Academy and games. Warrender also secured 2 training sessions a week. The Academy programme has been a long term goal for us for and has been a great success with 50 players signed up. The sessions average 40 players per week. There are plans to establish academies in Dundee and Glasgow in the next year. The development of Water Polo Officials has been significant this year with a Referees course run in Glasgow qualifying 11 new referees and promoting 9 referees to C grade. Financially we have achieved the 2011/2012 budget target. The general feeling within the Water Polo community is still very positive, acknowledging that the work been done has greatly improved Water Polo in Scotland. Finally it is with regret that I inform you that we have lost the longest serving member of the Scottish Water Polo Committee this month. Dave Balbirnie served on the SWPC for 26 years and has been a strong supporter of water polo particularly the development of Junior Polo and was always willing to lend a hand and step into a job when required. In memory of Dave the Scottish Water Polo Committee has renamed our trophy for the Scottish Championships under 15 competition in his honour. Ken Fussell, Water Polo Chair ______________________________________________________________________________________ SYNCHRONISED SWIMMING REPORT Our Academy programme has continued this year and we have had very good links with Scottish Gymnastics, Scottish Dance and Cheerleading who have taken the athletes through various dry land sessions. We are delighted that we have another Synchronised Swimming Club join us from Grangemouth, some of the swimmers in this new club are now attending the Academy. The Inter District Championships was won by the West District who won the Skill1/2 category while East District retained the 3/4/5/ Skill category. The Mary Black Trophy was awarded at our Club Championships to Nairn SSC with Clydebank ASC just missing out on first spot by half a point. A very tense and close finish! The Scottish Gas Nationals and Age Group Championships were held again in Glasgow. Along with the many Scottish clubs entered in most events it was also great to welcome many teams Scottish Swimming Annual Business Document 2013



from England who travelled to our Nationals. It is very encouraging to see so many athletes attend this meet. Our National under 12 year old Scottish winner was Anna Whiteford from Clydebank ASC. Edie Turner from Edinburgh SSC won the figures and solo in the National Section 13, 14 15yr age groups. Katie Shirreffs from Nairn SSC took the Junior figure and Solo event. Edinburgh SSC went down to the ASA Age Groups held in Gloucester and the team finished a very creditable 5th in the Combination Team Event. Scotland had representation of 6 Technical Official’s at this Championship. Unfortunately our Education plan didn’t materialise as planned as key people were involved in the Test Event leading to the London 2012 Olympics and then the Olympics themselves. On a personal note I had the most amazing time being selected as a Technical Official for our discipline at both the Test event and Olympics this year. Margo Wimberley was also involved at the Olympics as a volunteer leading up to and during the Synchronised Swimming Events. It has been a privilege and honour for both of us to have been part of London 2012. Finally, I would like to thank all the work our volunteers do with helping to assist with various events etc. Also to Win Hayes our Board Member and Mary Black for her expertise as our referee at our events. Also to all the staff at Scottish Swimming, for their continued assistance throughout the year. Phyllis McLean, Synchronised Swimming Chair ______________________________________________________________________________________ OPEN WATER SWIMMING REPORT The highlight of the domestic season was the Scottish Championships at the new venue of Loch Venachar where events from 1 km to 10 km were held. The base at the Loch Venachar Sailing club proved ideal from a number of perspectives, particularly in supporting safety provision. Mark Deans (City of Glasgow) was the only swimmer to take two open titles with victories in the 2 km and 10m km but missed out on a hat-trick when James Leitch (REN 96) took the 5 km title ahead of him. The three women’s championships were won by different swimmers with Rebecca Smith (Skye Dolphins/Highland Swim Team) winning the 2 km, Helen McRoberts (Warrender) taking the 5 km and Alyshia McCracken (FIRST) winning over 10 km. There were 17 licenced events over the summer and additionally some events run by other organisations. Contact has been made with these organisations with the longer term goal of integrating all the events in Scotland into one calendar catering for the whole spectrum of abilities from recreational to elite. To enable this, it is necessary to overcome some regulations which previously prevented unregistered swimmers from competing in the Scottish Swimming licenced event and registered Scottish swimmers from competing in events organised by unaffiliated bodies. The introduction of temporary memberships in 2012 had allowed 31 swimmers to take part in SASA events and rather more are expected in 2013 as swimmers become more aware of the opportunities. A further rule change has allowed recognition of events held by other organisations so that SASA registered swimmers can compete in their events. There is still much progress to be made in the coming years but we now have a better basis for growing the sport and attracting more swimmers into SASA membership. The domestic season got off to a problematic start in 2012 due to water quality problems at the first Grand Prix event held at Strathclyde Park in June. Despite all water quality tests prior to the event giving results well within the acceptable limits a large proportion of the competitors suffered varying degrees of illness. Rapid investigations by NHS Lanarkshire revealed novovirus to be the cause and medical advice was made available to competitors. The loch was closed to immersion sports for the rest of the summer causing cancellation of some other open water Scottish Swimming Annual Business Document 2013



and triathlon events. Despite this setback, the attendance at events later in the year continued to grow with some events seeing record levels of participation. In international competitions, Scottish swimmers again competed well. A team of five took part in the French National Championships in June with Camilla Hattersley (City of Perth) taking a gold and silver medal in her age category and Rebecca Smith a further gold. A development squad of eight swimmers collected numerous medals while competing in a tour of three French Cup events in July. A further eight Scottish swimmers were selected for the British Swimming Development Tour at the end of August. Alyshia McCracken represented Scotland in the 16 km Faros Marathon in Croatia recording the fastest time by a British woman in the history of the event. Lucy Campbell (Windsor SC) was selected to compete for Great Britain at both the European Junior Championships Turkey and the inaugural World Junior Championships in Canada finishing in very creditable positions of 6th and 8th respectively. At the ASA Open Water Championships, Mark Deans and Lucy Campbell won their age categories and Camilla Hattersley and Rebecca Smith won silver medals. While Scotland didn’t have representatives competing in the open water events at the London Olympics but we were represented among the contingent of officials with Ralph Payne and Lesley Prentice playing their part. Within the field of endurance challenge events, congratulations go to James Leitch for swimming the length of Loch Lomond on four separate occasions over the summer. He now holds the two fastest times ever recorded over the course. Finally, I would like to thanks the members of the committee for their efforts over the year and to all the other volunteers who have assisted in staging events and organising overseas tours. Brian Bain, Open Water Chair ______________________________________________________________________________________ MASTERS REPORT The Long Course training series at Stirling is now an established part of the Masters Calendar. This starts the season closely followed by the 1st Club meet run by Aberdeen Silver City and swimmers can quickly determine if their training is sufficient or adequate. It is usually around that time when thoughts turn to entering the main events of the year such as Scottish, British National Championships and European or World Masters Championships. In April our Scottish Masters National Championships were held in Scotstoun Pool and Scottish Swimming’s National Events Team handled the challenges of the limited poolside space and the temporary electronics with great skill and patience and the swimmers did appreciate their efforts. It reinforced the appreciation of the tremendous facilities we had grown to enjoy at Tollcross in previous years. There were a good number of Scottish Masters records as well as a handful of British Records and Karen McBeath of Forres Bluefins deserves special mention for her trio of British Records in the 200, 400, and 800 FC. There was a tremendous atmosphere perhaps enhanced by the smaller venue and the relays were particularly well fought and supported. Congratulations go to Silver City Blues for establishing a considerable superiority in winning the Club Champions trophy.

Scottish Swimming Annual Business Document 2013



This year, a composite team was entered for the 14th World Masters Championships in Italy. This ensured a visible Scottish presence and team spirit as well as encouraging greater representation. We appreciated the flexibility shown by the Scottish Swimming Board in accommodating this and to Editorial Board for assisting in drafting a Proposal for 2013 AGM to continue this opportunity. In this highly successful trip to Riccione, Italy there were no fewer than 27 new records set. These are now updated on the Scottish swimming web site. This was no mean feat as the event had over 12,000 entrants spread between two 50m pools swimming concurrently and it was challenge enough to just get to the blocks in time. Warm up and swim down was an unproductive affair not without some degree of danger. Some of these records have stood for a very long time and it would be a pity to let them fall without making reference to the worthy record setters of old and new. In some cases the personalities are still around but just not competing. For example, Alex Pitcher’s new record in the 100 Breaststroke. 25-29) removed that set by Bruce Benning of Tayside Masters in Blackpool in Sept 1987 an impressive 25 years. Where are Tayside Masters now? This single example from many others underline the changing nature of a vibrant Masters swimming scene and there are challenges ahead in providing more club and local competition to whet the appetite of adult swimmers who are growing to realise the health benefit of an exercise regime. While Masters swimming has its major events which produce quite staggering podium times and records there is a huge potential of growth through participation and Masters Committee are delighted to see that there is to be part-time Development Officer to promote the Discipline. Eddie Riach, Masters Chair ______________________________________________________________________________________ SWIMMING TECHNICAL OFFICIALS’ REPORT This year there were several changes on the STO Committee – Stewart Finlayson relinquished his position as STO Member to take over from Janice Morgan as West District STO Convenor. Janice however was co-opted onto the Committee until the Seminar in September where Joanne Maguire was voted on as the STO Member for the next two years. The STO Committee continue to work hard during the year to train, examine, advise and assist officials throughout Scotland and I thank them all for their efforts. This year our STO procedures were updated by Janice and I would like to thank her for getting through this very onerous task and for all her work on the Committee over these last 4 years. Kevin Paterson has been busy constructing a workbook for Hytec Meet Manager training as a continuation to our Recorder Training and there is an ARES AOE Training workbook in its draft stage. Following the membership renewal this year we currently have 830 on the database and the number of Licensed officials also continues to rise and now stands at 418 – 24 up on the whole of last year. Licence renewal is now underway and it will be interesting to see how many renew for the next 4 years. FINA Tom Mills has been confirmed as one of the three British Swimming Referees on FINA Referees List 17 and Kevin Paterson has been confirmed as one of the two British Swimming Starters for FINA Starters List 17. Congratulations to both.

Scottish Swimming Annual Business Document 2013



OLYMPICS 2012 In the summer Alison Finlayson, Tom Mills, David Downie and Barbara Murdoch officiated at the London Aquatics Centre, Ralph Payne and Lesley Prentice officiated at the Open Water Events at the Serpentine whilst Susan Coe and Elizabeth Fitzsimmons officiated at the Paralympics. Registered Officials (* as at 30/11/12) 2011 2012* East 135 158 Midland 71 70 North 380 375 West 231 227 Total 817 830 Timekeeper Assessments (~ as at 9/12/12) 2011 2012~ East 172 162 Midland 73 101 North 311 312 West 204 210 Total 760 785

Judges Assessments 2011 2012~ Judge 1 219 183 Judge 2 57 45 Judge 2S 26 18 Total 302 246 Licensed Officials 2011 East 71 Midland 34 North 177 West 112 Total 394

2012* 91 35 181 111 418

Certificates Awarded 2011 2012* Judge 1 86 104 Judge 2 45 32 Judge 2S 20 16 Referee 5 4 Recorder 8 8 AOE 4 1 Brian Hendry, STO Chair ______________________________________________________________________________________ DIVING REPORT 2011/12 has been a promising year for diving with progress being made within most districts. Edinburgh Diving Club has maintained good standards and now that they have returned to their home pool, there has been exceptional growth in the diving programme. Scottish Diving is indebted to Newbattle who gave invaluable support to Edinburgh over the last 3 years. It is pleasing to report that a legacy programme continues to run in Newbattle with a view to handing over to Midlothian Council. A new novice event between Scotland, Wales and Ireland was launched this year – The Celtic Cup. A team of 18 divers from Edinburgh, Ayr and Dundee went to Bangor in Wales for the inaugural event in June. The young, inexperienced team acquitted themselves very well, winning the event convincingly. Scotland has maintained a good profile at events across the UK, always achieving respectable results through Final placings, and a very creditable number of medals. At the Armada Cup in Plymouth James Heatly won Gold and Silver in his age group for 1m and 3M, respectivey. At the same meet Amber Foster dived steadily to bring home a Bronze in the 12/13 Years 1m event. Amber also acquitted herself well at National Age Groups, notably winning a Bronze in Group C 3m girls. At G Star, a high standard event, a team of 5 divers reached 8 finals and brought home 1 Gold, 3 Silvers and 1 Bronze. At the elite level, 2 Scottish divers were selected to represent GB at the European Junior Diving Championships this year. A strong performance in the selection event, the Dresden Scottish Swimming Annual Business Document 2013



International, enabled James’ first experience of diving at GB level. Grace Reid excelled in the Junior Europeans, winning Gold in 3m synchronised diving and Silver in 3m individual. Grace’s consistency led to her selection for the FINA World Junior Championships in Adelaide where she again delivered a great performance, finishing 9th in her age group. The final event of the year was Dive Lund in Sweden. A Scottish team of 5 divers was sent and delivered some excellent performances. Amber won silver medals in both 1m and 3m. James was in great form taking Gold in 1m and Silver in 3m. A key strategy of Scottish Diving is to grow the number of coaches and technical officials. Last year saw the start of delivering UKCC diving coach courses and in 2012, the first Level 2 UKCC course was run in Edinburgh. A course has also been organised for Diving Recording which is scheduled to be run in late November. With the re-opening of the RCP in Edinburgh, which has allowed the re-“Open”ing of the national championships, the promise of new diving facilities in other districts and the prospect of hosting high profile events in the future, 2012 has ended on an uplifting note. Jane Ogden, Diving Chair ______________________________________________________________________________________

Scottish Swimming Annual Business Document 2013



Item 7 FINANCE REPORT The enclosed accounts are extracts taken from the certified accounts of Scottish Amateur Swimming Association Limited (SASA Ltd). A copy of the statutory accounts can be obtained from the Finance Manager at the National Swimming Academy should any member or partner of the Association wish to review them. The main highlights to report are the final accounts show a profit totalling £65,021 and an increase in turnover to £3M for 2011-12. There were a number of factors that contributed towards this growth with the main being recovering VAT totalling £82k under the partial exemption method. The other significant contribution came from Comic Relief funding and the Scottish Government which will be used to support the Early Years/Active Adults/School Swimming programme that underpins the work of the participation team. Membership income continues to be strong with £519k received (↑£21k from 2010-11). We achieved a number of our income targets during the course of this year all of which strengthens our financial position further at the end of October 2012. Medal success in London ensured that we delivered against our shared sportscotland targets thus reducing any potential funding pressures from sportscotland for the year 2012-13. The accounts presented to our members are in the same format as the last year with comprehensive notes to the accounts to assist with comparing this year’s figures to the previous year. The notes to the accounts are as follows:1. The final accounts show after investing the sum of £100k towards Performance we still have a surplus totalling c£65k with £50k being ring-fenced for 2012-13 to support two areas. a. The first area is Scottish Swimming investigating a move to an Online Membership System (OMS). This will bring Scottish Swimming in line with ASA and WASA. b. The second area will be to support the website. This is an area that is in need of significant redevelopment to provide a solid platform for all online marketing operations. 2. The remaining surplus £15k will be allocated towards the High Performance Reserves (£250k) needed to fund our four year high performance plan. We are now half way through this plan. To date we have generated £155k with £100k being re-invested during 2011-12 to support our high performance plan. This leaves us with a High Performance Reserves balance of £55k and a target of £95k to be achieved over the next two years. The projected surplus for 2012-13 is £40k. 3. The funding from sportscotland totals £1,285,292 for 2011-12 compared to £1,202,481 for 2010-11 (↑£82k). This is primarily due to ring-fenced funding released to support UKCC course programmes. 4. Under Services, the sportscotland funding in this area has not declined but is a reallocation of Top Up grant totalling £15k to Development. 5. Membership continues to grow with only c£5k short fall against our target this year (2011-12) and I would expect the membership income target of £525k to be achieved next year (2012-13) as figures indicate that our membership numbers are growing. 6. Under Services, the VAT recovered (£82k) under the partial exemption included financial years 2008-09 and 2009-10 (£47k), 2010-11 (£13k) and 2011-12 (£22k). 7. Under Performance, the funding from British Swimming is less this year (£50k) compared to last year (£120k). The main reason for this was due to increased activities associated with the ITC programme (£105k) in a pre-Olympic year (2010-11). 8. The cost of the Olympics is mainly reflected under the Performance heading with World Class Competitions showing investment totalling £83k which is an increase of c£50k compared with 2010-11. In addition to this further investment was made towards Athlete Training and Competition totalling £404k which is an increase of £69k (net) compared to 2010-11. 9. Under Development, the report shows grants from sportscotland being more this year (£422k) compared to last year (£377k). The main reasons for this are due to the release of funding to support UKCC bursaries paid out this year totalling £164k compared to £139k last year and the release of Top Up grants to support planned activities. 10. Our UKCC target (£195k) was achieved and I am pleased to report that we maintained income generated through UKCC from candidates fees despite a reduction in the bursary grant received from sportscotland; reported profits generated during this year is £40k (providing a 20% return on investment). Scottish Swimming Annual Business Document 2013



11. Our Awards scheme also showed an increase in sales; £137k turnover in 2011-12 compared with £108k in 2010-11. 12. The total income under the Development heading has increased significantly; £1,020,564 (201112) compared with £902,642 in (2010-11) due to the participation team now being allocated to this area. 13. Staffing costs are shown as being higher than the previous year as they also include future job posts (SCVO – posts covered purely by external funds) and maternity cover. Under Development, it appears that staffing costs are up on the previous year, however, this is simply due to the transfer of the Participation Team to Development. 14. The balance sheet continues to show our strong cash flow position with a healthy bank balance reported at the end of the financial year. The stock value has increased and now includes merchandise stock. Debtors totalling £123k includes all monies owed to Scottish Swimming as at the end of October with no debts older than three months. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Board, Council, committees, budget holders, commercial partners and all our supporters for their cooperation and support during 2012. I wish clubs, members and all connected with Scottish Swimming a very successful 2013.

Deborah McGinniss, Finance Manager

Scottish Swimming Annual Business Document 2013



Scottish Amateur Swimming Association Limited Overview of Income & Expenditure for year ending 31/10/12 2011-12 *Area of Investment (Summary) Income Expenditure Services £ 940,807 £ 674,763 Performance £ 1,023,616 £ 1,275,929 Development £ 1,020,564 £ 986,473 Release of Olympic Ticket Reserve £ 17,200 £ Total Income/Expenditure £ 3,002,186 £ 2,937,165

2010-11 (restated) Income Expenditure £ 826,979 £ 561,631 £ 1,051,965 £ 1,224,226 £ 902,642 £ 938,081 £ 2,781,585

15,021 50,000

£ £

40,447 17,200

Excess to CMS/Website Redevelopment

£ £ £

*Total grants received from sportscotland





Excess to High Performance Reserves Excess to Olympic Ticket Reserves

£ 2,723,938

Corporate Headings Analysis for Period to 31/10/12 2011-12 Services



2010-11 (restated)








- sportscotland








Merchandise / Commercial Development




Fundraising/Bank Interest



VAT - Partial Exemption



Grants £




























National Swimming Academy



















Committee Expenses Marketing & Communications



General Overheads Services Income & Expenditure



Release of Olympic Ticket Reserves






£ £




2011-12 Performance









2010-11 (restated)




Grants - sportscotland



- British Swimming & British Disability











- Stirling Integrated Programme














Athlete Training & Competition Costs









World Class Competitions









Performance Coaching & Development









Performance Programmes





















Committee Expenses Perf Income & Expenditure



Release of Olympic Ticket Reserves




Scottish Swimming Annual Business Document 2013



2011-12 Development


2010-11 (restated)




Grants - sportscotland





- Scottish Government / Comic Relief





- Kelloggs





- British Gas





Swimming Awards & Products









Education (UKCC & CPD)






















Club Development









Discipline Support






















Participation/Healthy Living

National Committees/Swimmer Pathway Dev Income & Expenditure



Release of Olympic Ticket Reserves






Total Income (incl Release of Olympic Ticket Reserve)



Total Income



Total Expenditure



Total Expenditure



Website & CMS/Integra redevelopment





Total Surplus to High Performance Reserves



Excess to High Perf Reserves



Release of Olympic Ticket Reserves


Excess to Olympic Tickets



Balance Sheet as at 31/10/12 2011-12

2010-11 (restated)

Fixed Assets





Current Assets Stock Debtors Prepayment Bank & Float

£ 46,189 £ 123,162 £ 23,859 £ 1,141,964

£ £ £ £

34,701 175,624 74,595 978,650

£ 1,335,173

£ 1,263,570

£ £

329,761 566,685

£ £

245,484 619,801





Current Assets Less Current Liabilities





Total Assets less Current Liabilities





£ £ £ £

358,507 55,468 50,000

£ £ £ £

358,507 40,447 17,200 -





Current Liabilities Creditors Grants c/f & Other Deferred Income

Represented by:Retained Reserves Retained High Perf Reserves to support 2014 Olympic Ticket Reserve

Website & CMS/Integra Reserve

Scottish Swimming Annual Business Document 2013



Notes to Accounts for the year ended 31 October 2012 1. Government grants were received during the year from sportscotland, Scottish Government and Comic Relief. The total amount within income amounted to £1,405,499. Last year government grants received from sportscotland and Health Prevention amounted to £1,256,559. A core grant is received to support the basic functions of the Company and in addition grants are received to support coaching, performance, development and other specific areas. Grants not fully utilised during the year are deferred to later accounting periods in accordance with the terms of the offer documents. 2. The analysis of Income and Expenditure has been changed in this year's accounts due a restructure with the Participation Team moving from the Services Team into the Development Team. As a result, the comparative figures for 2010-11 have been re-stated to be consistent with this analysis. The total income and expenditure from Services in 2010-11 have decreased to £826,979 and £561,631 respectively (formerly £917,206 and £666,909). The income and expenditure for Development have increased to £902,642 and £938,081 respectively (formerly £812,413 and £832,803). The main income and expenditure headings reclassified were Scottish Government/Comic Relief and Participation/Healthy Living (See Development). The reanalysis has had no impact on the total Income and Expenditure for 2010-11, or the transfer to reserves. 3. These accounts are prepared under the historical cost convention. 4. Fixed assets are depreciated over three years. The charge for the year amounted to £14,411 compared to £11,002 during 2011. 5. Stocks are valued at cost. 6. At 31 October 2012 the Association had a financial commitment of £11,550 p.a. plus VAT for a period of fourteen years for the rental of premises at Stirling. 7. During the year fixed assets costing £22,999 were purchased. Assets were disposed of which had a written down value of £1,204. 8. Reserves include Bell Legacy totalling £176 and a JY Coutts Fund totalling £308.

Report of the Accountants to the members of Scottish Amateur Swimming Association Limited "We have examined the financial statements for the year end 31st October 2012 and are satisfied to the best of our knowledge and belief, that in accordance with the information and explanations supplied to us, the financial statements have been properly prepared from the accounting records of the company. The procedures undertaken do not provide all of the evidence that would be required in an audit, and consequently we do not express an audit opinion on the view given by the accounts."

Walton Kilgour Chartered Accountants 2 Marshall Place Perth PH2 8AH

Scottish Swimming Annual Business Document 2013



Item 8 COMPANY FEES FOR 2013/2014 Protests Complaints Appeals Special Meeting of Council Special District Meeting Composite Team Meet Licence Applications Temporary Membership Fee

Fees 2013 £25 £50 £100 £250 £100 £150 £10 £10

Item 9 Proposed Alterations to Scottish Swimming Governance Documentation Introduction This year there are 11 proposals and resolutions to amend Scottish Swimming Governance Documentation. Some of the proposals are to “tidy up” the Governance Documentation. The proposals can be broken up into 4 areas.  3 proposals are to tidy up the documentation or improve wording to make it clearer. PC2. PC3, PC5  2 proposals are to bring the governance documentation into line with current practice. PC4, PR1  4 proposals are to make changes to current governance documentation. PC1, (PC4), PC6, PC7, RA1, PR2  1 proposal is to introduce new procedures into the governance documentation. PR3 The Proposals are categorised depending on the Governance Document being changed. 1. Proposals to change the Constitution - prefixed by “PC”. 2. Resolutions to change the Company Articles - prefixed by “RA”. 3. Proposals to change the Company Rules - prefixed by “PR”. Each proposal/resolution contains 3 elements 1. The proposal identity, proposer and seconder 2. A briefing note to explain the context of the proposal including the relationship, if any, to other proposals or resolutions 3. The proposal itself The voting rules for each set of proposals are 1. Amendments to the SASA Constitution (“PC”s) At least a two thirds majority of those present and voting must be secured before an alteration can be adopted. 2. Amendments to the Company Articles (“RA”s). Scottish Swimming Annual Business Document 2013



At least a two thirds majority of those present and voting must be secured before an alteration can be adopted. 3. Amendments to the Company Rules (“PR”s). A simple majority of those present and voting must be secured before an alteration can be adopted. Please note that any alteration to the Governance Documents shall take immediate effect unless otherwise decided by a simple majority.

Proposed Alterations to the SASA Constitution Proposal PC1 Proposed by Danny McGowan, Life Member Seconded by Gina Logan, Cupar & District Briefing Note. To include participation based activity in the objectives of Scottish Swimming. Such activity includes Aqua Zumba and recreational activity, however, the objective is being kept “open” to allow scope to grow into other areas. Note Resolution RA1 is linked to this proposal. “Amend paragraph C2.1 and C2.2 as detailed” “Renumber existing C2.3 to C2.6 to be C2.2 to C2.5” C2.0 OBJECTIVES C2.1 The objectives of the Scottish Swimming shall be to: a) Advance the public participation in Aquatic Sports by promoting and managing the teaching, knowledge and practice of swimming, diving, open water swimming, water polo, synchronised swimming, life saving and masters swimming (collectively referred to hereinafter as "aquatic sports"). b) Advance the public participation in aquatic based recreational activities (such as swimfit). c) Promote and deliver aquatic based initiatives (such as top up swimming lessons and fitness instruction). Proposal PC2 Proposed by Blair Prentice, Life Member (Editorial Board) Seconded by Margaret Somerville, Livingston & District Dolphins (Editorial Board) Briefing Note. To clarify that Swim Schools staff and their clients, who are not members of Scottish Swimming, are not covered by Scottish Swimming’s Complaints and Appeals procedures as set out in the Company Rules. “Add paragraph as detailed” C3.4 Affiliated Swim Schools C3.4.7 Swim Schools should have their own Complaints and Appeals procedures. Their staff and clients, who are not members of Scottish Swimming, are not covered by Scottish Swimming’s Complaints and Appeals procedures as set out in Company Rules.

Scottish Swimming Annual Business Document 2013



Proposal PC3 Proposed by Blair Prentice, Life Member (Editorial Board) Seconded by Margaret Somerville, Livingston & District Dolphins (Editorial Board) Briefing Note. To clarify that athletes taking out an “Athletes not Members of Scottish Clubs” membership should be a member of a Club affiliated to FINA. “Amend paragraph as detailed” C3.5 Athletes not Members of Scottish Clubs C3.5.1 Any athlete, eligible to represent Scotland in accordance with Company Rules Section R4.5, who is not a member of a club affiliated to SASA, who wishes to be recognised as “Scottish” must register with SASA. The appropriate form can be obtained from the Company Office. For the registration to be/remain valid an annual Swimmer membership fee shall be paid and the athlete must be a member of a Club affiliated to FINA. Proposal PC4 Proposed by Brian Bain, Chair, National Open Water Committee Seconded by Eddie Riach, Chair, Masters Swimming Committee Briefing Note. The proposal is to make minor amendments to the Temporary Competitors Members Category rules introduced last year after the experiences of the first year of operation. There is no fundamental change to the conditions. C3.8.5 has been amended and expanded to clarify who has responsibility at the different stages of the process. C3.8.6 has been amended to allow an applicant to apply for two temporary memberships in each discipline. This is because the Chair of each discipline is monitoring the applications rather than it being done centrally. C3.8.8 & C3.8.9 have been added to clarify the ruling for situations which have arisen in the year. “Amend paragraphs as detailed” C3.8 Temporary Competitor Members C3.8.5 The promoter is responsible for considering the applications to compete in the event and forwarding the corresponding temporary membership applications to the Chair of the relevant discipline a minimum of one week before the event. The Chair will consider applications and confirm, or otherwise, to the promoter whether the application is acceptable given the limits set out in C3.8.6. The promoter is responsible for confirming to the applicant that temporary membership has been granted. C3.8.6

An applicant can only apply for 2 temporary memberships in a calendar year in a given discipline.

“Add paragraphs as detailed” C3.8.8 Swimmers competing in an event as a temporary member will not be representing a club but will swim as “unattached”. C3.8.9

Temporary Competitor Members in an event will be entitled to awards, medals, etc. as defined in the event information.

Scottish Swimming Annual Business Document 2013



Proposal PC5 Proposed by Blair Prentice, Life Member (Editorial Board) Seconded by Anne Hendry, Life Member (Editorial Board) Briefing Note. To clarify that the Districts of Scottish Swimming are treated the same as Clubs in the implementation of Scottish Swimming’s Protests, Complaints and Appeal procedures as laid out in Company Regulations. “Add section as detailed (and update the Index).” C9.10 Scottish Swimming Governance C9.10.1 In terms of the application of the Scottish Swimming Governance procedures for Protests, Complaints, Suspensions & Fines and Appeals, Districts are treated as being the same as an Affiliated Club. a) Protests – Section R11 of Company Rules shall apply. b) Complaints – Section R12 of Company Rules shall apply. c) Suspensions and Fines – Section R13 of Company Rules shall apply. d) Appeals – Section R14 of Company Rules shall apply. Please note that this will require C9.10 to be added to the SASA Constitution Index. Proposal PC6 Proposed by Cath Fleming, Portobello ASC Seconded by Ian Fleming, East Kilbride ASC Briefing Note. To try and ensure that nominations for SASA Life Membership, as well as the J Y Coutts and John Gunning awards, are appropriate by referring the person or body who is intending to make a nomination to the guidelines which have been approved by Council. These will be obtainable from Scottish Swimming. “Add paragraphs as detailed” C11.2 SASA Life Membership C11.2.6 Nominations should satisfy the guidelines obtainable from the Company. C11.3.2

J Y Coutts Awards C11.3.2.5 Nominations should satisfy the guidelines obtainable from the Company.


John Gunning Awards C11.3.5.6 Nominations should satisfy the guidelines obtainable from the Company.

Proposal PC7 Proposed by Ian Fleming, East Kilbride ASC Seconded by Allan Fletcher, Life Member Briefing Note. To give Scottish Swimming flexibility in setting the dates for award nominations to be made by in order to take account of major sporting events, eg Olympic Games, Commonwealth Games and European Championships. “Amend paragraphs as detailed” C11.3.2 J Y Coutts Awards C11.3.2.2 Nominations must be made to the Company by 31 July, or a more suitable date determined and advised by the Board, for submission to the SASA Council. C11.3.3 Nancy Riach Memorial Medal C11.3.3.2 Nominations must be made to the Company by 31 July, or a more suitable date determined and advised by the Board, for submission to the SASA Council. Scottish Swimming Annual Business Document 2013



C11.3.4 W G Todd Prizes and Cups C11.3.4.2 Nominations must be made to the Company by 31 July, or a more suitable date determined and advised by the Board, for submission to the SASA Council. C11.4.2 Water Polo Player of the Year (Speedo Trophy) C11.4.2.2 Nominations shall be submitted to the Water Polo Chair by 31 July, or a more suitable date determined and advised by the Board. C11.4.3 Junior Water Polo Player of the Year C11.4.3.2 Nominations shall be submitted to the Water Polo Chair by 31 July, or a more suitable date determined and advised by the Board. C11.4.4 John and Margaret Bell Award (John and Margaret Bell Memorial Award) C11.4.4.2 Nominations shall be submitted to the Diving Chair by 31 July, or a more suitable date determined and advised by the Board. C11.4.5 Denis Sullivan Memorial Trophy C11.4.5.2 Nominations shall be submitted to the Open Water Swimming Chair by 31 July, or a more suitable date determined and advised by the Board. C11.4.6 The Eian Prentice Memorial Junior Award C11.4.6.2 Nominations shall be submitted to the Open Water Swimming Chair by 31 July, or a more suitable date determined and advised by the Board. C11.4.7 The Synchro Swimmer of the Year Trophy C11.4.7.2 Nominations shall be submitted to the Synchronised Swimming Committee Chair by 31 July, or a more suitable date determined and advised by the Board.

Proposed Alterations to the Company Articles Resolution RA1 Proposed by Danny McGowan, Life Member Seconded by Gina Logan, Cupar & District Briefing Note. To amend the Company Objects to also cross reference the SASA Constitution. Note This resolution is linked to Proposal PC1 and will be withdrawn if proposal PC1 is not adopted. “Add paragraph as detailed.” A1.2 Company Objects A1.2.2 Refer to SASA Constitution Sections C2.1, C2.2 and C2.4.

Proposed Alterations to the Company Rules Proposal PR1 Proposed by Anne Hendry, Life Member (Editorial Board) Seconded by Margaret Somerville, Livingston & District Dolphins (Editorial Board) Briefing Note. British Swimming has introduced a term of Office of three years for the British Swimming Judicial Appointments Panel (BS JAP) from 2012. This change is to bring our regulations into line. “Amend paragraph as detailed” R1.3.2.2 British Swimming (BS) Judicial Panels Membership c) British Swimming Judicial Appointments Panel (BS JAP) Nominate one person, who is or has been on the Scottish Swimming National Panels Members list for appointment for a period of three years. A retiring member shall be eligible for re-nomination. Scottish Swimming Annual Business Document 2013



Proposal PR2 Proposed by Duncan McKinnell, Life Member Seconded by Margaret Somerville, Livingston & District Dolphins Briefing Note. Licensing of events has been the subject of many discussions regarding the possible reasons for a licence not being granted for a meet. This proposal is to add more clarity to some of the reasons why a licence may be refused.  A clash with National Competitions  A clash with District Meets  A clash with other meets in the same District.  The unsuitability of the licence application due to the application itself or previous applications by the same promoting body. The proposal also clarifies that a licence will only be granted during the Scottish Swimming AGM in exceptional circumstances and reduces the restriction from being the whole weekend to being the day of the AGM. “Amend paragraph as detailed” R4.4.6 A licence can only be granted for the day of the Scottish Swimming AGM with the agreement of the Chief Executive. The licence will only be granted in exceptional circumstances. “Add paragraphs as detailed” R4.4 Licensed/Accredited Meet R4.4.7 During the period of a National competition organised by Scottish Swimming, another licence can only be granted for the same discipline, with the agreement of the relevant National Discipline Committee. The licence will only be granted if there is sufficient justification and the proposed meet will not impinge upon the successful running of the event with which it clashes. R4.4.8

During the period of a District competition organised by a Scottish Swimming District, a licence can only be granted for the same discipline, in the same District, with the agreement of the relevant District Discipline Committee. The licence will only be granted if there is sufficient justification and the proposed meet will not impinge upon the successful running of the event with which it clashes.


A licence application may be declined where the licensing authority has reasonable grounds to believe that the running of the meet would place an excessive workload on local officials or impact on the viability of a previously licensed competition in the same geographical area.


A licence application may be declined where the licensing authority has reasonable grounds to believe that the licence conditions will not be complied with or where the organising body has previously breached licence conditions.

Scottish Swimming Annual Business Document 2013



Proposal PR3 Proposed by Eddie Riach, Chair, National Masters Swimming Committee Seconded by Sandy Galletly, Life Member Briefing Note. The proposed change is to introduce a Competition Team category to allow competitors from different Clubs to participate under one banner when competing at Masters events organised by LEN or FINA. The request has particular relevance to Masters who compete at European and World Masters events under their Club names, as there is not an official Scottish Team taking part. This will enable them to compete together for relays, etc. The rule is only applicable to events organised by LEN or FINA and does not apply to events organised by the home countries (unless these are on behalf on LEN or FINA). The proposed change is only applicable to Masters events If this proposal is accepted Scottish Swimming will be proposing an administration fee the same as the Club Affiliation fee. “Add new section as detailed (and update the Index).� R5.5 Competition Teams R5.5.1 Membership of an Affiliated Club is a prerequisite of membership of a competition team. R5.5.2

With the prior approval of the Company, Competition Teams may be established by two or more Clubs for the purpose of competing at a single Masters competition organised by LEN or FINA. Only one Competition Team will be given approval to compete in any competition. Each competition will require a separate application.


Application to establish a Competition Team shall be made to the Company by the Chair of the National Masters Committee or one of the clubs whose swimmers are going to be part of the team. The application will require the support of the National Masters Committee to ensure there is no conflict over multiple applications for the same competition as per Section R5.5.2. The application must state the relevant competition and the swimmers involved and must be accompanied by the fee as specified in Section R3.4.1.


No application will be granted for a competition where a Scottish National team is taking part.


Competitors representing a Competition Team cannot also represent their registered club in the same competition.


Any Scottish Masters individuals records established under a Competition Team will be recorded under the Competition Team name. No Competition Team relay times can be recognised as Scottish Masters relay records.


Competition Teams are not entitled to have delegates at SASA, Company or District meetings.


Competition Teams shall only have the entitlement to take part in the specific competition applied for. They shall have no other benefits. Please note that this will require R5.5 to be added to the Company Rules Index.

Scottish Swimming Annual Business Document 2013





Scottish Swimming Annual Business Document 2013



Item 12 APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS OF SASA COUNCIL Council Gina Logan David Downie Eddie Wilmott Ronnie Anderson Cath Fleming Danny Rankin Ian Fleming Alan Thomson Colin Downie Pamela Thomson Iain Meldrum Maureen Campbell Danny McGowan

President Vice President Vice President District Reps

Board Reps

All Districts All Districts All Districts East District East District West District West District North District North District Midland District Midland District Chair Director

Item 13 NOMINATIONS FOR MEMBERS OF NATIONAL COMMITTEES All National Chairs and Staff Nominees are listed for information only. Swimming Committee Chair Committee

Duncan McKinnell Elizabeth Stewart Helen Smith Helen Murray David Haig

National Championships/ Meet Convenor Technical Officials Rep BSCA Rep Staff Nominee

West North East Midland

Margaret Riach Brian Hendry Phil Potter Ally Whike

Open Water Committee Chair Committee

Squad/Team Manager Events Co-ordinator Technical Officials Co-ordinator Health & Safety Co-ordinator Staff Nominee

Les Rodger Jim Gallacher Jennifer Ewen Andrea Gellan Sandra Westgate Greg Donald Lynne Deans Ralph Payne Jim Gallacher Ally Whike

West North East Midland

Masters Swimming Committee Chair Committee

Events Co-ordinator Technical Officials Co-ordinator Staff Nominee

Eddie Riach Mac Fleetwood Vacancy Laura Crawford Alastair Caird Margaret Riach Stewart Finlayson TBA

West North East Midland

Scottish Swimming Annual Business Document 2013



Synchronised Swimming Committee Chair Committee

Events/Assessor Co-ordinator Director of Technical Officials Staff Nominee

Phyllis McLean Emma Miller Clydebank ASC Margo Wimberley Edinburgh SSC Irene Glen Fife SSC Julie McDonald Simpson Grangemouth SSC Tracey Shand Nairn SSC Elizabeth Bowman Elizabeth Bowman/Phyllis McLean Mandy Church

Diving Committee Chair Committee Events Co-ordinator Director of Technical Officials Staff Nominee

Jane Ogden Peter Smith Kay Neale Vicki Tomlinson Mary Sless No Nominee Sarah Pryde

Ayr Diving Club Dundee City Aquatics Edinburgh Diving Club

Water Polo Committee Chair Committee

Domestic Co-ordinator Director of Technical Officials Staff Nominee

Ken Fussell Neil Kennedy Richie Metcalfe David Thomson Sam Miller Dougie Gardiner Paula Dunbar Steven Funai Neilson Rutherford Callum Imrie David Dalziel Iain Woolley Peter Gilhooley Richard Wakefield Russell MacAloney Steven Funai Neal Rayner

Aberdeen ASC Dunfermline WPC East Dunbartonshire Edinburgh University Falkirk Otters Hamilton WPC Menzieshill Whitehall Portobello St Andrews University WPC Stirling Swimming Warrender Baths Club West Lothian Western Baths WPC

STO Committee Chair Committee

Brian Hendry Stewart Finlayson West Kevin Paterson North Alistair Shields East Neil Valentine Midland Elizabeth Stewart Joanna Maguire Eilidh McCall-Lawrie/Elaine Mackenzie

STO Member STO Member Staff Nominee

Coaches Technical Panel sportscotland Rep (Chair) sportscotland Partnership Manager Coach Coach Coach Coach Coach Coach Coach Performance Director Staff Nominee

Phil Reid John Lunn Laurel Bailey Gordon Glasgow John Szaranek Steven Tigg Graham Wardell Ian Wright Gary Paterson Ally Whike Shona McCallum

Item 14 Scottish Swimming Annual Business Document 2013



CONFIRMATION OF APPOINTMENTS Appointments at AGM Independent Examiners Honorary Legal Adviser Honorary Medical Adviser

Walton Kilgour Elspeth Black Dr Kate Jordan

FOR INFORMATION BRITISH SWIMMING JUDICIAL PANEL MEMBERS Judicial Panel:Tom Tracey Margaret Somerville Appeal Panel:Doris Mair

John Anderson


Scottish Swimming Annual Business Document 2013



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