www.FastBusinessCredit.com. Call within 72 hours of downloading this free guide at 1-888-313-6333 and receive a Bonus GUIDE, a $47 value, “15 Secrets to Help You Secure More Cash and Credit for Your Business�, and a 30 minute free consultation, a $200 value plus a special one time offer after you call!
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© 2010, FAST BUSINESS CREDIT , Inc., ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Master Resell Rights as details above.
www.FastBusinessCredit.com. Call within 72 hours of downloading this free guide at 1-888-313-6333 and receive a Bonus GUIDE, a $47 value, “15 Secrets to Help You Secure More Cash and Credit for Your Business”, and a 30 minute free consultation, a $200 value plus a special one time offer after you call!
TABLE OF STRATEGIES Be Sure to read your SPECIAL ONE TIME OFFER on page two only available to those that review our “Insiders Guide”! SCOTT J. LETOURNEAU CHAIRMAN AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER........................................................3 FAST BUSINESS CREDIT, INC........................................................................3 DISCOVER HOW YOUR BUSINESS CAN SECURE BUSINESS TRADE AND CASH LINES TO PUT YOUR BUSINESS IN THE POSITION TO BEAT THE ODDS AND RANK IN THE RARE 5% THAT ARE STILL IN BUSINESS AFTER FIVE YEARS! 6 DID YOU START YOUR BUSINESS WITH A DREAM OR A VISION? FAST BUSINESS CREDIT HELPS YOU MAKE IT A REALITY FASTER THAN ANYONE ELSE! 7 HAVE YOU MASTERED THE FASTEST WAY TO GROW YOUR COMPANY?...............................................................................................9 COULD YOU USE A BUSINESS LINE OF CREDIT.................................................10 (NOT TRADE CREDIT) OF UP TO $100,000?.......................................................10 ESTABLISHING THE PROPER FOUNDATION FOR YOUR BUSINESS ......................11 IS YOUR KEY TO SUCCESS!..............................................................................11 WHY INCORPORATE?........................................................................................11 SOLE PROPRIETORS ARE ROLLING THE DICE....................................................12 SOLE PROPRIETORS ARE RISKING THEIR PERSONAL CREDIT AND CAPABILITY FOR FUTURE FINANCING!.........................................................................................13 INSURANCE IS NOT A FOOL-PROOF SAFETY NET .............................................16 ADDITIONAL BENEFITS OF INCORPORATING.......................................................16 WHICH STATE IS BEST TO INCORPORATE YOUR BUSINESS?..............................16 WHAT’S THE MOST COMMON REASON FOR BUSINESS FAILURE?.........................................................................................19 From Your Business Credit...........................................................31 COULD YOU USE A BUSINESS LINE OF CREDIT.................................................31 (NOT TRADE CREDIT) OF UP TO $100,000?.......................................................31 BECOME AN AFFILIATE PARTNER WITH FAST BUSINESS CREDIT:................39
www.FastBusinessCredit.com. Call within 72 hours of downloading this free guide at 1-888-313-6333 and receive a Bonus GUIDE, a $47 value, “15 Secrets to Help You Secure More Cash and Credit for Your Business”, and a 30 minute free consultation, a $200 value plus a special one time offer after you call!
Scott J. Letourneau Chairman and Chief Executive Officer FAST BUSINESS CREDIT, Inc. "Hi. I'm Scott Letourneau and I started FAST BUSINESS CREDIT to help entrepreneurs get their business off to a fast start and have access to the cash and capital they need to grow. As you know 80-95% of entrepreneurs fail within the first five years, and the #1 reason is lack of cash flow! Like any field, business credit services have it share of misinformation. I am known for cutting through misinformation to provide my clients the best of the best and what really works vs. hype. Our programs will help you understand the full picture of what it takes in today’s economic environment to get access to both trade and vendor credit for your business. There is no magic pill in this area. The business credit area has changed dramatically over the last year.
Scott J. Letourneau
This powerful report will guide you through many of the costly mistakes to avoid and tips for success.
Incorporate and Business Credit Expert
I recommend you call FAST BUSINESS CREDIT at 1888-313-6333 for a complete no cost analysis of your situation and what is possible and realistic (again no magic pills) for your business to secure in the area of cash and vendor credit!"
Over 7 years ago, Scott Letourneau founded FAST BUSINESS CREDIT, Inc. and 13 years ago, Nevada Corporate Planners, Inc. He is also a busy lecturer, consultant and author. He is also a busy lecturer, consultant and author. Mr. Letourneau is recognized and recommended by top professionals, such as Sandy Botkin, Attorney/CPA, and Attorney Dr. Arnold Goldstein, as the foremost expert on not only Incorporating your business but also on how to access capital to help your business get off to a fast start!! To his 5,000+ clients, Mr. Letourneau's expertise has allowed them to incorporate with confidence and "get their business off to a fast start".
www.FastBusinessCredit.com. Call within 72 hours of downloading this free guide at 1-888-313-6333 and receive a Bonus GUIDE, a $47 value, “15 Secrets to Help You Secure More Cash and Credit for Your Business”, and a 30 minute free consultation, a $200 value plus a special one time offer after you call!
Mr. Letourneau has a BA in Finance, a Masters Practitioners Degree in NLP and is the author of " The Insiders Guide to Incorporating Your Business and Protecting Your Assets!” & “The Insiders Guide to Securing Cash and Trade Credit for Your Business”. He has appeared on CNN Headlines News with Pat Summerall’s Success Stories and has also been interviewed by Channel 8 News, in Las Vegas, and various radio stations throughout North America for his expertise and experience. Plus he is a contributing author in the new book available now from Entrepreneur Magazine’s Start Up series "Start Your Own Information Marketing Business – Your Step-by-Step Guide to Success". He was nominated for the real estate warrior of the year, in 2007 with helping real estate investors protect their assets! Scott is a rare combination of the best training from Tony Robbins, Dan Kennedy, Michael Gerber, and Jay Abraham all wrapped into one speaker (Coach) Mr. Letourneau is happily married to De Ann, an amazing classical violinist, and a proud father of three beautiful girls, Gracie, Rosie and Faith!
www.FastBusinessCredit.com. Call within 72 hours of downloading this free guide at 1-888-313-6333 and receive a Bonus GUIDE, a $47 value, “15 Secrets to Help You Secure More Cash and Credit for Your Business”, and a 30 minute free consultation, a $200 value plus a special one time offer after you call!
A One-Time Only Special Thank You Offer Available to those that Review our “The Insiders Guide to Securing Cash and Trade Credit for Your Business!” To Gain Access to This Special Offer You Must Call FAST BUSINESS CREDIT at 1-888-313-6333 within 72 Hours of Requesting this Guide! Here is what you will receive when you call… Free Bonus Gift #1: A free 30 minute consultation with one of our senior business analysts who are the best trained in our industry. You will have the opportunity to speak to the best, avoid costly mistakes and gain insights from years of experience to help your business understand what it will take for your business to get access to cash and capital in today’s tight credit world! ……$200 value!
Free Bonus Gift #2: “15 Secrets to Help You Secure More Cash and Credit for Your Business” You will have an opportunity to test your business and asset protection I.Q. with our 20 question test. You will discover the most costly mistakes and how to avoid them before and after you form your corporation or LLC. Nowhere else will you find these powerful insights in one report!..........$47 value!
Free Bonus Gift #3: You will have the opportunity to purchase our top selling, Business Credit Secrets Revealed CD, this is where we have UNLOCKED THE BANK’S LENDING CODE on the formulas to get your business up to $100,000 in business lines of credit at a 50% discount! In this CD you will find the exact formula we extracted from a major bank on the criteria you must know before you apply for a business credit card, line of credit or business loan. Has the levels within that formula changed over the past you? Absolutely! For example, a year ago your credit score for a business credit card had to be around 600, now it is closer to 680710. The key is you will learn the formula, the answers to the test, before you apply for any type of bank financing! You will only pay $97… $48 for this powerful CD! This is a one-time offer on the day you call (must be within 72 hours of requesting this guide).
www.FastBusinessCredit.com. Call within 72 hours of downloading this free guide at 1-888-313-6333 and receive a Bonus GUIDE, a $47 value, “15 Secrets to Help You Secure More Cash and Credit for Your Business”, and a 30 minute free consultation, a $200 value plus a special one time offer after you call!
Discover How Your Business Can Secure Business Trade and Cash Lines to Put Your Business in the Position to Beat the Odds and Rank In The Rare 5% That Are Still In Business After Five Years! From the Desk of CEO, Scott Letourneau Dear Entrepreneur, In my ongoing efforts to deliver actionable value to you, I have invested more in comprehensive research and streamlined systems to help your business get off to a fast start than anyone else… because I want you to be one of the TOP 5% that are still in business and thriving after five years! If your goal is to protect your assets or determine the best entity or structure for your new partnership, business, real estate opportunity… you’ve come to the right place. Not only does FAST BUSINESS CREDIT track cutting-edge research to give you the best information on which entity is optimal for your needs, but we have also created one of the most comprehensive networks of professional resources in the U.S. to keep you moving in the right direction. That correctly-focused forward momentum is crucial in our challenging business world today. As if cutthroat competition, a fluctuating marketplace, and the double-edged sword of the new global economy weren’t enough, forces threaten from outside your business as well…
According to the FBI, More than 250,000 Criminals Make
their LIVING Each Year Through LAWSUITS! Will Your Assets Be Protected? And not only do you have to survive lawsuits, but the scrutiny of the IRS, too. Amazingly enough, in a self-audit last year the IRS determined they were $300 BILLION SHORT in tax collections --- and that their biggest culprit was NOT large corporations. They’ve decided that small business owners just like you cause most of their shortages, especially sole proprietorships. That makes sole proprietorships that file a Schedule C tax return 300% more likely to get hit with an IRS audit versus those who do not!
The IRS Has A $300 Billion Per Year Tax Gap. Is Your Business A Target? Do You Have A Strategic Plan To Avoid Destructive Audits? As you read our guide, you’ll discover why sole proprietorships are such huge IRS targets. That alone should scare off most business owners, yet over 67% of all U.S. businesses still operate as sole proprietorships. It makes terrible business sense… but then, these well-intentioned (yet naive) sole proprietors stubbornly cripple themselves even more by dramatically REDUCING their opportunity to utilize business credit.
www.FastBusinessCredit.com. Call within 72 hours of downloading this free guide at 1-888-313-6333 and receive a Bonus GUIDE, a $47 value, “15 Secrets to Help You Secure More Cash and Credit for Your Business”, and a 30 minute free consultation, a $200 value plus a special one time offer after you call!
Did You Start Your Business With A Dream Or A Vision? FAST BUSINESS CREDIT Helps You Make It A Reality Faster Than Anyone Else! Let me ask you an important question: What is your dream, your vision? Are you one of the 500,000 every month looking to start a business? Perhaps you will become an Awakened Entrepreneur, as Michael Gerber describes in his recent book, Awakening the Entrepreneur Within. (Be sure to listen to my timeless interview with Michael Gerber, a valuable bonus that you’ll receive as a new FAST BUSINESS CREDIT client that will inspire you to take your dream to a new level.) Perhaps, your dream for your new business is to provide quality services to your clients and make a difference in your marketplace. You’re no doubt excited, yet maybe feeling a bit overwhelmed. You may have the ability to start a successful business, yet may not have a handle on the key strategies to get you there quickly. If anything rings true here, I know how you feel. I was there six years ago when I started FAST BUSINESS CREDIT . I was on a mission to provide top-quality service for those who wanted to incorporate in Nevada. I considered it my duty to dispel the misinformation that was so prevalent back then (and still is) about this valuable, yet misunderstood strategy. Believe me; I know what it’s like to be an entrepreneur. Over the last eleven years, I have invested an enormous amount of money with many top professionals to ensure conscientious, accurate service for our clients, including fees paid to Deloite and Touche, multiple law firms and other professionals. I have personally worked many 70-90 hours, seven days a week. I have made (and learned from) every mistake in the book along the way, especially in the HR and employee area.
First, The Harsh Reality… Here is some of the background of the uphill battle the small business owner’s face when it comes to getting capital and what some of the options are and some of the difficulties they may have. Local, regional, and national banks had one-page application loans, where they lend between $5,000 and $100,000 unsecured loans to businesses. It was based on their credit score. That product that was available 3 to 6 months ago up until it basically disappeared. Also credit scores on the principal owner was approximately 680 credit score. That credit score has gone to 720, 730.
Even with Help by the Government Banks Still Have Problems! Now instead of looking at the individual, the banks are also looking at the person’s business. It’s virtually impossible to get a small business loan in this environment now, because the banks themselves don’t have the liquidity to advance this money to the merchant and they’re finding reasons not to give loans. Now, in this special report, you will learn the best secrets to put your business in a position to gain access to cash and capital and to retain 100% ownership in your company! As you know, the financial and lending world it a moving target. It is quite possible that several of the secrets may change over time. The key is to focus on the strategy behind the secret so you are in a better position to ask better questions for your bank or financial professionals. You will now be armed with better information and a structure
www.FastBusinessCredit.com. Call within 72 hours of downloading this free guide at 1-888-313-6333 and receive a Bonus GUIDE, a $47 value, “15 Secrets to Help You Secure More Cash and Credit for Your Business”, and a 30 minute free consultation, a $200 value plus a special one time offer after you call!
from which to ask important questions about what has to happen in order for your business to be in the best position to gain the most cash and capital! Plus you are likely to receive different opinions on certain approaches and criteria. Successful people looks for what works and move forward….unsuccessful people look for one part or pierce of information not to be accurate or off with current standards and therefore disregard the rest of the information. Don’t fall into that trap! That can be a costly mistake!
Secret #1: Will You Receive Help from the SBA? The Small Business Administration, (SBA loans) is for people that actually have secured assets, including some equity in their house or inventory receivables in their business. About 8 months ago, the Small Business Administration, at the government level, looked at their portfolio and was not happy with the performance of the portfolio. What they did was they closed the pipeline that’s been open for the last 15 years to these small businesses that needed access to capital. The government guarantees 90% of these loans. The local banks guarantee 10%. But SBA lending has really dried up. It’s available to very few people right now. That funding has dried up and quite honestly, they’re not going to help you until you’ve been in business for 2 or 3 years anyway.
Secret #2: Leverage with Real Estate? More Problems. Obviously, nobody has equity in their house or they’re leveraged. These forms of getting access to capital for their business aren’t available anymore. A home equity line of credit (HELOC) is very difficult to obtain. If you have one from the past look out! The banks are cutting off the limits on these HELOCs to protect for the declining value of homes!
Secret #3: The Biggest Mistake Most Small Business Owners make when Starting a Business. Most small business owners start off as a sole proprietorship and they self-finance their business for the first 6 months. Then when they get things up and running, they form a corporation or LLC, to separate credit or credit cards in the business name from personally. If your revolving debt’s 80%, 90%, you’re automatically going to get rejected by the bank when you apply for a business credit card, or you may get a very, very low limit. It’s very important that you incorporate, as soon as you start the business and stop using your personal credit cards. Keep your revolving debt low, and you have to work on your credit score.
www.FastBusinessCredit.com. Call within 72 hours of downloading this free guide at 1-888-313-6333 and receive a Bonus GUIDE, a $47 value, “15 Secrets to Help You Secure More Cash and Credit for Your Business”, and a 30 minute free consultation, a $200 value plus a special one time offer after you call!
Have you Mastered the Fastest Way to Grow Your Company? Then I began studying with the world’s top business experts, including Jay Abraham, Chet Holmes, Dan Kennedy, Michael Gerber and Tony Robbins. I hired mentors in HR and leadership to help take FAST BUSINESS CREDIT to a whole new level. We’ve done so much more than survive the odds for the past eleven years --- we have prospered. We now have more opportunity and JVs on the table than ever before to help more entrepreneurs succeed!
with Marketing Legend, Jay Abraham
Top Fortune 500 Sales Trainer, Chet Holmes
Top Internet Guru, Armand Morin
Marketing Superstar, Dan Kennedy
E-Myth Legend, Michael Gerber
Chicken Soup for the Soul, Co-Author Mark Victor Hansen
George Ross, Donald Trump's attorney and business negotiator
Gene Simmons of KISS
Bill Glazer
After implementing many of the strategies that I learned from these experts, FAST BUSINESS CREDIT has become one of the most successful and well-respected companies in our field.
www.FastBusinessCredit.com. Call within 72 hours of downloading this free guide at 1-888-313-6333 and receive a Bonus GUIDE, a $47 value, “15 Secrets to Help You Secure More Cash and Credit for Your Business”, and a 30 minute free consultation, a $200 value plus a special one time offer after you call!
I consider all those years of mistakes and successes a distillation process, helping me to tailor our services and to transform FAST BUSINESS CREDIT into what I call a “Launch Pad for Business Success.” Our goal is to help YOUR company be everything it can be, too --- and more! I share my story with you to encourage you and reassure you that you are not alone. I have walked in your shoes. I know what you’re facing. The effort may be massive, but your results can be, too --- with the proper support. Today, I actively mastermind and personally network with most of the top marketing and Internet professionals in the world. I work closely with hundreds of other top growth experts, regularly attend many of the top seminars worldwide, and invest thousands each year to stay on the cutting edge of strategy and information. I’ll gladly do whatever I can to gain your trust as our client. I know what’s being offered out there, and can confidently say that no company comes close to our overall passion and commitment. We’ve assembled the most comprehensive wealth of cutting edge resources and strategies, any one of which can help steer you on the path to success faster, with less risk, and as efficiently as possible. Here’s just one…
Could You Use a Business Line of Credit (not trade credit) of up to $100,000? In our most recent breakthrough, FAST BUSINESS CREDIT has UNLOCKED the BANK’S CODE to obtaining Lines of Credit (REAL CASH) for your business! As an FAST BUSINESS CREDIT client you’ll learn these valuable secrets, get capital when you need it, and avoid the number one reason for all new business’ failure: lack of cash flow. We don’t want to see you become just another statistic --- one of the 80-99% that fail in the first five years! In fact, that cash infusion can provide the marketing dollars to propel your business to the next level. I’ve shared just a few of the many ideas I have to help your company not only get started, but to prosper. Read on for even more valuable information, tips and strategies. Should you have any questions, comments or concerns, please give our office a call at 1-888-313-6333. Mention that you have downloaded our FREE GUIDE and ask for our special bonus, yours just for calling!! Dedicated to Your Success! Scott Letourneau CEO, Fast Business Credit
www.FastBusinessCredit.com. Call within 72 hours of downloading this free guide at 1-888-313-6333 and receive a Bonus GUIDE, a $47 value, “15 Secrets to Help You Secure More Cash and Credit for Your Business”, and a 30 minute free consultation, a $200 value plus a special one time offer after you call!
Establishing The Proper Foundation For Your Business Is Your Key To Success! Anyone who operates a business, alone or with others, may incorporate. Under the right circumstances, the owner of any size business can benefit! But maybe you’re wondering, “How can I be sure I’m choosing the right entity? Wait - what happens if I choose the wrong one? Will the IRS come after me? Will I really be protected against lawsuits? I have so many questions…” Everyone in business is looking for iron-clad protection, striving to “bullet proof” their company against today’s ultra-competitive business climate. If you’re like most, you’ve probably asked yourself the questions above... or maybe you haven’t yet decided whether incorporation is right for you. Maybe you’re still wondering… • Why incorporate at all? And why in Nevada, versus in my home state? • What are Nevada’s benefits? • Why starting your business as a sole proprietorship may prevent your business from having access credit for your business after you incorporate! Hint: You “revolving debt ratio” is a major factor and this is something you will never hear from your CPA! • S-Corporation…C-Corporation…LLC… What’s the difference? • Do I have choices as to how my LLC will be taxed? How do I know which is best for me? • Why is it so important to separate my personal and business credit? What is the different between trade and lines of credit? • What does FAST BUSINESS CREDIT do to help me be one of the rare 5% of business owners who make it past the first five years? Will they actually help my business make more profits? • Let’s be honest, I intend to compare you to others… but what should I look for? • Why use a company like Fast Business Credit to incorporate my business? The following pages will answer these and many more questions, giving you a solid starting point for one of the most important decisions you’ll ever make to ensure the security, resilience, and prosperity of your business. We at FAST BUSINESS CREDIT know that if you understand the importance of incorporation and have a firm grasp on all of your options, you’ll undoubtedly see the value of the services we offer. The information here is only a small part of the contribution that FAST BUSINESS CREDIT will make to your business, both in the incorporation phase and beyond. But let’s get right down to business…
Why Incorporate? First, let’s look at the basic question at hand: Why bother with incorporation at all? If you’re like many small business owners, right now you’re operating as a sole proprietorship. That’s probably not because you’ve chosen to, but because you don’t consider your business large or sophisticated enough to need to incorporate – or maybe you’ve never thought about it at all. If you’re lucky, you’ll never have to pay the price for putting off that crucial next step… but that’s a very dangerous “if.”
www.FastBusinessCredit.com. Call within 72 hours of downloading this free guide at 1-888-313-6333 and receive a Bonus GUIDE, a $47 value, “15 Secrets to Help You Secure More Cash and Credit for Your Business”, and a 30 minute free consultation, a $200 value plus a special one time offer after you call!
Sole Proprietors Are Rolling the Dice In today’s ultra-competitive and dangerously litigious business climate, you can’t afford to throw the dice with your most valuable asset. Your exposure is far greater than you may think, both personally and professionally. As a sole proprietor, regardless of the size of your business, you personally have unlimited liability if your company is sued. You could actually lose all of your personal assets. Sharon McNair is a CPA and a member of the Nevada State Board of Accountancy. She tells us that her fellow CPAs often advise their clients that they don’t have to incorporate until they reach a certain profit level – say, $30,000. She thinks this is madness – and we couldn’t agree more. Think about it – just being involved in a lawsuit is so very, very costly, regardless of whether you win or lose the case. It’s pretty twisted logic to think that a small business can absorb that financial blow better than a larger one. Worse, most people are naively unaware of what can happen to them, both professionally and personally, if their business is hit with even a frivolous lawsuit. Here are just a few things you would struggle with, or be completely unable to do if your business is sued: 1. You may not be able to get a loan for a new home, refinance or take a second mortgage on your current home. (We’ll explain why in a moment.) At best, you’d have to pay a much higher interest rate, because you’re now considered a higher risk to the lending institution – through no fault of your own. 2.
You may not be able to finance a new car.
You may not be able to lease office space.
Why do lawsuits cause such a problem with loans? If you haven’t recently applied for a home loan, a second, or financing for a car, you may not be aware of how times have changed. Five years ago financial forms asked, “Do you have any judgments against you?” That meant, “Have you been sued, lost the suit, and had a judgment levied against you?” However, financial institutions have gotten smarter. They’ve tightened up the system that they use to rate levels of risk for loan applicants. Today’s loan applications ask a very different question: “Are you currently involved in a lawsuit?” That means that if anyone tries to sue you for any reason, frivolous or not, at the very least you’ll be rated as a much higher risk. (Remember, that’s before the suit is even decided.) And that translates to a lot of money out of your pocket! End result: You may be financially paralyzed! Are you willing to forego that dream home, that new car, because someone tripped on a pavement crack in your business’ parking lot? And just imagine what being unable to lease office space could do to your business… Creating a legal entity separates the business from you personally, so that any legal action can only affect that entity – and not you personally! This is by far the biggest reason to incorporate or form an LLC. It makes no sense to have a sole proprietorship unless you have no assets or future assets coming… in which case you shouldn’t – and wouldn’t – be in business at all.
www.FastBusinessCredit.com. Call within 72 hours of downloading this free guide at 1-888-313-6333 and receive a Bonus GUIDE, a $47 value, “15 Secrets to Help You Secure More Cash and Credit for Your Business”, and a 30 minute free consultation, a $200 value plus a special one time offer after you call!
Sole Proprietors Are Risking Their Personal Credit And Capability For Future Financing! You may already be thinking, “I don’t plan to have a sole proprietorship… I’m convinced that I need to form an entity.” But when will you take action? If you wait 30 days or longer, do you realize the negative impact that may have on your business? Although it’s not impossible for a lawsuit to pop up in that short period, a MUCH bigger (and disturbingly common) mistake lurks at this important business start-up phase… Using your personal credit cards to finance the start-up of your business is the most widespread mistake made. Added to the folly of operating as a sole proprietorship with a “let’s see how we do first before we incorporate” mentality, it’s a recipe for disaster. Here’s why: Financing your business with your personal credit (credit cards, home equity line of credit, etc.) negatively affects your “revolving debt ratio.” That ratio is a major factor in your new corporation or LLC’s ability to obtain a business credit card at the start,,, and later, a business line of credit. Why is this so important? The number one reason business owners fail, especially during the first six months, is lack of cash flow. That’s when the folly of overestimating revenue and underestimating expenses rears its ugly head. And for most small business owners, that behavior is as predictable as the sun. FAST BUSINESS CREDIT is one of the few, if not the only company that literally “Cracked the Bank’s Code” on business lines of credit for you. We spent more than four months going back and forth with a major bank to figure out exactly how they make their decisions as to who gets those valuable lines of credit, how much… and who does not. Factors such as the “liquid credit score,” the risk category of your business, gross revenues, your personal credit score, derogatories, and your revolving debt are all taken into consideration. Here’s the bottom line: If you’re starting your business by nearly or completely maxing out your credit cards, the bank will ignore you. Even with a 700 personal credit score, if your revolving debt is close to 90% maxed out, that sends the bank a very clear message that you cannot manage your personal debt. Why give you money to start a business? Basically, you’re on your own financially. Don’t be misled by TV or Internet ads about “corporate credit,” either. Usually, they refer to “trade lines of credit,” which doesn’t give you actual cash for you to use in your business as you choose. Now, if you’re building homes or have more than 30 employees, developing trade credit can be important --- but it’s still not cash. You can’t use trade credit to make payroll, nor to spend on pay-for-click advertising or any of the many other strategies you need to start quickly and gain that all-important competitive edge. Want a simple solution? 1. STOP using YOUR PERSONAL CREDIT CARDS ASAP! 2. Incorporate or form an LLC 3. Open a BUSINESS CREDIT CARD and use that ONLY for your business expenses. Yes, it is personally guaranteed, but it will NOT negatively impact your personal revolving debt ratio. That’s key advice as your business gets started. Remember, when your corporation or LLC applies for a business line of credit, half of the bank’s formula in determining eligibility is your personal credit score --- and most importantly, the revolving debt ratio.
www.FastBusinessCredit.com. Call within 72 hours of downloading this free guide at 1-888-313-6333 and receive a Bonus GUIDE, a $47 value, “15 Secrets to Help You Secure More Cash and Credit for Your Business”, and a 30 minute free consultation, a $200 value plus a special one time offer after you call!
Sole Proprietorships Are 300% More Likely To Be Audited By The IRS Even By Las Vegas Standards, Those Are Incredible Odds! Fact: Sole proprietorships are currently being targeted by the IRS. Why? In a self-audit last year, the IRS discovered a $300 billion tax gap --- meaning that more than $300 billion-worth of taxes go unpaid annually. They concluded that the biggest offenders were not large corporations, but rather small business owners who owed somewhere around 70% of that $300 billion. Of that group, 1/3 were sole proprietorships. You can bet the IRS isn’t going to ignore that low-hanging fruit! In fact, you are 300% more likely to be audited if you file a Schedule C.
Is Your Business a Hobby, or a Business? Most people enjoy a hobby --- golf, tennis, cooking --- and while they’ll spend money on those activities, they’re not a business. Yet when most people join a business opportunity or start a business, though they don’t consider it a hobby, that’s often actually what they create because they don’t know the rules of the game. But they have a problem: The IRS is getting much tougher on this subject. The number one reason the IRS goes after business owners is the failure to use proper analytical records. You’d be well advised to use software like QuickBooks® to determine how your business is really operating --- to update your gross revenue, cost of goods sold, and income. The biggest mistake we see new business owners make is using their online bank balance as their only business financial barometer. First, that’s the wrong way to make financial decisions. Second, it sends the IRS a very clear message: you are NOT serious about your business. This single mistake may cause the IRS to consider your business as a hobby. If they do, you cannot write off your hobby’s losses against your earned income --- and that kills one of the biggest reasons to start a business in the first place.
www.FastBusinessCredit.com. Call within 72 hours of downloading this free guide at 1-888-313-6333 and receive a Bonus GUIDE, a $47 value, “15 Secrets to Help You Secure More Cash and Credit for Your Business”, and a 30 minute free consultation, a $200 value plus a special one time offer after you call!
67% Of All U.S. Businesses Operate As Sole Proprietorships… If Your Clients Are Business Owners, How Do You Protect Yourself? If everything we’ve told you is true (and it is), how do you keep your own business safe? To understand the mindset, consider these three simple, yet costly myths:
Myth #1: Sole proprietorships are simple --- the easiest business structure to operate. As you know by now, the worst choice is to operate as a sole proprietorship. Unfortunately, simplicity and asset protection are “inversely related,” meaning the more protection you have, the more complex your situation may become. I know that does not resonate with many of you. But your goal is to accumulate profit and assets, and the more assets you accumulate, the more you must protect them. The good news is that you need not go it alone. The key is to strategize with a knowledgeable, experienced advisor to come up with your optimal protection plan. After all, you need to stay focused on adding value and profit to your new venture, not to become an expert on business start-up methods. You should only have to do that once --- but do it right.
Myth #2: Most start-up business owners cover only one component of the big picture by getting tax advice from their professionals. But there’s more. Could you benefit by having a separate legal entity to help save on taxes? Which entity is best for your venture? As you know now, there are many elements to consider.
Myth #3: I’m a good person, and I have insurance. Why would anyone sue me? That’s admirable, but that’s not how the game is played. Desperate people don’t care if you’re a “good person.” If you have money --- or the perception of money --- you’re a potential target! Don’t bury your head in the sand. Now that you’re aware of the pitfalls, take action yourself --and arm your clients as well --- with the tools and information to be successful. After all, it’s in YOUR best interest to make sure your clients prosper! How do you make that happen? Call FAST BUSINESS CREDIT and ask for more information on how we can help your clients and your business! We touched briefly on the question of insurance just now. Let’s go a little deeper…
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Insurance Is Not A Fool-Proof Safety Net Even though many professionals tell you that you’re protected by insurance, you can still spend a lot of money defending a lawsuit without ever having a claim against your insurance policy. But what if a claim is made? Insurance may provide some level of protection – but worst case, that protection may be only as good as the legal representation you can afford. (I can’t tell you how many clients have found that their insurance companies weren’t nearly as friendly when they filed a claim as they were when they first signed up!) True, you can get Errors and Omissions insurance (or “E&O”), business liability, and even officers’ and directors’ insurance --- and again, a good policy should provide some protection. But NONE of those will help you protect the corporate veil (a hugely important benefit that we’ll talk about more later.) In fact, there is NO insurance policy in existence that can do that. If you have a smaller insurance claim of, say, $10,000, your insurance company will usually pay it. However, if you have a claim for $900,000… put the coffee on, because you can expect a visit from your insurance company’s attorneys. Why? To find a loophole in your policy so they don’t have to cover you. And of course, even if they do cover you, your rates will skyrocket – if your policy isn’t cancelled!
Additional Benefits of Incorporating Marketing and Joint Venture Advantage Which sounds better : “It’s the CEO of ABC, Inc on line 1 for you, Bob,” or “It’s the owner/operator (meaning a sole prop) on line 1 for you, Bob”? As a new business owner attempting to get through a gatekeeper, every minor advantage helps! So many miss this door-opening opportunity, even though it could spell the difference between prospering and being out of the game in the first 90 days. We have our own policy at FAST BUSINESS CREDIT regarding JVs. If a sole proprietorship calls and wants to do a JV, that means one of three things: 1. They have no profits in their business. 2. They don’t believe they will succeed, so they didn’t spend the money to incorporate. 3. They have a “Let’s try it out first to see if it works, then incorporate later” mentality. Our standard answer is, “Thanks for calling, but we’re unable to work with you right now.” Of course, they never hear the “real reason” they were rejected. Nor will you, because now you know not to make this mistake in the first place.
Which State is Best to Incorporate Your Business? Oh, yes, like any other subject, there are lots of opinions, and like any subject there are exceptions to the rule. There is not adequate room to cover every angle in this report, but let’s cover the key fundamental points on the top four options.
www.FastBusinessCredit.com. Call within 72 hours of downloading this free guide at 1-888-313-6333 and receive a Bonus GUIDE, a $47 value, “15 Secrets to Help You Secure More Cash and Credit for Your Business”, and a 30 minute free consultation, a $200 value plus a special one time offer after you call!
Keep in mind, FAST BUSINESS CREDIT does incorporate in all 50 states. If you have a higher tolerance for risk, you may want to consider incorporating in your home state. Either way, FAST BUSINESS CREDIT can help you form your company and protect your assets.
The Four Most Common and Best Options: • • • •
Nevada -The front runner. Nevada Secretary of State Ross Miller has recently (in March 2008) announced plans to amplify Nevada’s place in the incorporating marketplace with many changes coming in 2008. His goal is to surpass Delaware for the #1 spot! Delaware –The long time stand by, and the most popular, especially for the large East Coast law firms. Going public? Delaware may be your best option (although do not count Nevada out.) Wyoming - The new kid on the block, with slight benefits, but most are irrelevant to legitimate entrepreneurs overall. Your Home State –simple, easy, least thought-involved choice --- the biggest default selection.
The “Safe” and “Simple” Choice… Your Home State This may be the best choice for some, especially if you’re operating with a low budget, and particularly if you’re still equivocating: “I’m not even sure if my business will work.” Your absolute worst option is to operate as a sole proprietorship, so at the very least you should establish a separate legal entity. Keep in mind that “simple” and “asset protection” are inversely related. That means if you want more protection for your current and future net worth, keeping it simple (meaning using your home state because it costs less) and/or not having separate entities for separate assets are recipes for disaster, and much more expensive than doing it correctly from the start! The more financial success you enjoy, the more complex your structure should be to protect them. The key here is to outsource these services to a company that can make it easy for you.
www.FastBusinessCredit.com. Call within 72 hours of downloading this free guide at 1-888-313-6333 and receive a Bonus GUIDE, a $47 value, “15 Secrets to Help You Secure More Cash and Credit for Your Business”, and a 30 minute free consultation, a $200 value plus a special one time offer after you call!
But Wait….Planning to Move Out of Your State in the Next Few Years? Then your best “pivot point” is Nevada. Here’s why: Imagine you live in and have incorporated your business in California. An unexpected opportunity arises, and a year later you move to Florida. California has an annual franchise tax fee ($800 at a minimum.) Florida does not. Do you want California to be your state of domicile, and now have to foreign register into Florida? In this case, there’s no advantage to being linked to California. So do you dissolve the California corporation and form a new one in Florida? That strategy means you’d lose 1-2 years of track record, which is very important when it comes to establishing business lines of credit. If you anticipate even a possible change of circumstances in the next 2-3 years, the best approach is to incorporate or form your LLC in a state like Nevada and foreign register from the start.
Start Your New Business With The Wrong Entity, And If You’re Audited Five Years From Now, You Could Lose All Your Profits! Unfortunately, most books on the subject of “Which entity is best for you” describe only the general pluses and minuses of sole proprietorships, S- and C-Corporations, LLCs, and limited partnerships. What these books DO NOT do is help you figure out which entity is best for your particular situation — and why. We once had a New York client in the pest control business who decided on his own that he wanted to form a C-Corporation. We advised against it, but the client insisted. His accountant was very upset with him two years later when he decided to sell his business, because he should have had (as we had advised) a flowthrough entity – and he paid the price. Moral of the story: a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing. He’s not alone. Many people get incomplete advice from attorneys, accountants and well-meaning friends who just didn’t understand their “big picture.” We often get clients who have already formed their first corporation with their attorney’s help, and now want to form a second or third. When we ask them what kind of corporation (S-corp or C-corp) the first is, their answer is, “I don’t know.” We ask, “Well, what was the benefit of using that type of corporation?” And they’ll say again, “I don’t know.” It’s obvious that they’d never grasped the implications (or importance) of their decision. In fact, one client came to us for help in forming his second corporation, having learned a hard lesson the first time around. After cooking up a great name for his new corporation (and that’s as far as he’d gotten), he left a message for his attorney asking what type of corporation he should use. Three weeks later he received a bill for $3,200, with the news that his attorney had formed an LLC for him – with absolutely no input about this poor man’s situation, his needs, or the future of his new entity. FAST BUSINESS CREDIT prides itself on the individual attention we give each and every client, ensuring that they are fully “armed” and ready to make that vital decision. We understand the ins and outs of each type of entity, and even more importantly, make sure that you do, too – BEFORE you make that crucial decision. Here’s just a brief overview of the benefits and differences between entity types: (Bear in mind that this is a general summary. The details of your situation may bring other nuances to light - call us at 1-877515-0505, and we’ll go over everything with you.)
www.FastBusinessCredit.com. Call within 72 hours of downloading this free guide at 1-888-313-6333 and receive a Bonus GUIDE, a $47 value, “15 Secrets to Help You Secure More Cash and Credit for Your Business”, and a 30 minute free consultation, a $200 value plus a special one time offer after you call!
What’s the Most Common Reason for Business Failure?
The Business Owner Runs Out of Cash! Let me Ask You This Question…
Could Your Business Use a Business Line of Credit (not trade credit) of up to $100,000? Would That Cash Infusion Provide the Marketing Dollars to Propel Your Business to the Next Level?
FAST BUSINESS CREDIT HAS THE SOLUTION! “The Insider Secrets of Business Credit” When you become an FAST BUSINESS CREDIT client, you’ll learn how your business can profit with a business credit card, business line of credit or business loan and know Exactly what the criteria are! Finally I can expose the “insider banking secrets” about how your business can get cash --- real lines of credit, NOT vendor credit --- to expand your success! This is a skill that must be mastered in order to maximize your company’s ability to survive and thrive through the rough times.
www.FastBusinessCredit.com. Call within 72 hours of downloading this free guide at 1-888-313-6333 and receive a Bonus GUIDE, a $47 value, “15 Secrets to Help You Secure More Cash and Credit for Your Business”, and a 30 minute free consultation, a $200 value plus a special one time offer after you call!
When You Become a Client of FAST BUSINESS CREDIT You’ll Learn: • • • • • • • • • • • •
The difference between personal and business credit (Both are very important, but have very different requirements.) Personal credit score targets and score factors that you should evaluate Even a high personal score may not necessarily qualify you for credit. How your business’ gross revenue comes into play (How is that formula affected if you’re still in your first year of business?) How the LSC score affects your ability to get lines of credit What is the minimum LSC score required by the bank? How your personal credit score influences the bank’s decision to give you a line of credit Requirement differences between a business credit card, a business line of credit and a business loan Which credit agencies the banks use to evaluate your business (It is not what you think!) The magic dollar amount that you MUST be under when applying for a business line of credit! The time frame for receiving your line of credit What are your options if you do not qualify? Plus, you’ll learn all about FAST BUSINESS CREDIT ’s turnkey services and steps to maximize the money you receive to market your business! And much, much, more….
Never before has the entire picture been presented in one place, all at one time. You may have heard bits and pieces, but this is the inside track to what the bank requires before you get a dime! Imagine, having access to these insider secrets, only through FAST BUSINESS CREDIT , what this may do to help keep your business off the ground and off to the launching pad to business success!
www.FastBusinessCredit.com. Call within 72 hours of downloading this free guide at 1-888-313-6333 and receive a Bonus GUIDE, a $47 value, “15 Secrets to Help You Secure More Cash and Credit for Your Business”, and a 30 minute free consultation, a $200 value plus a special one time offer after you call!
Secret #4:
Merchant Account Cash Advances! The Hottest Source of Lending Today!
Does Your Business Have VISA/MASTER CARD Sales Every Month? If so, this May be Your Solution! The New Kid on the Block: Merchant Account Cash Advance Lending. Here are the Facts: -Banks turn down 7 out of 10 small business applications. Banks focus almost exclusively on the entrepreneur's credit rating. Instead of credit scores, this program focuses on cash flow generated by credit card transactions! Credit scores look at the struggle of the business and cash flow you look at the success of a business! For the first time in about 17 years, the American public can’t simply overspend, overcharge their credit cards then go refinance their house in 3 years from now and get back to zero and start over again.
www.FastBusinessCredit.com. Call within 72 hours of downloading this free guide at 1-888-313-6333 and receive a Bonus GUIDE, a $47 value, “15 Secrets to Help You Secure More Cash and Credit for Your Business”, and a 30 minute free consultation, a $200 value plus a special one time offer after you call!
Secret #5: What is Merchant Account Cash Advance Lending? Merchant account cash advance lending purchases people’s future Visa/MasterCard receipts at a discount. They are paid back by deducting a fixed percentage of the merchant’s daily Visa/MasterCard credit card sales from the processor. In essence, there isn’t a fixed payment on the merchant and they come to an agreed amount of percentage that they are going to take back from the merchant.
Secret #6: How Does Merchant Account Cash Advance Lending Really Work? You must work with the right company when utilizing a merchant account cash advance! On a good month, the money is paid back a little bit faster. But in a slower month, it will be paid back a little bit slower. You will be required to switch to a designated credit card processor prior to being funded. This is for the benefit of the customer, because when lending money out and buying people’s receivables, a very important part is how fast can the money get to the customer when they’re doing their business again? There is an additional delay by setting up a lockbox, which can be done in some circumstances if somebody’s tied to it, but the faster I can get the money, the less money I have to give that merchant to have the same impact on their business. If there is 3-day delay on somebody and they have $100,000, I could have given that same merchant $90,000 and would have the same impact on their company. Merchants who submit the merchant information form, the last 12 months of credit card statements can be approved and funded in 5 to 7 business days. The automatic repayment method of the merchant’s daily Visa/Master Card receipts really streamlines the repayment process. It really assists in those bad months.
www.FastBusinessCredit.com. Call within 72 hours of downloading this free guide at 1-888-313-6333 and receive a Bonus GUIDE, a $47 value, “15 Secrets to Help You Secure More Cash and Credit for Your Business”, and a 30 minute free consultation, a $200 value plus a special one time offer after you call!
Secret #7: The Funding Factor and Remit Rate Secrets! On a $10,000 advance, the merchant’s going to pay back somewhere in the neighborhood of $13,000 to $13,500 over approximately 7 months. That’s a 1.35 funding factor. That was a standard. That’s a factor that we stand by. 1.35 funding factor with a 20% remit. A remit is the percentage that we’re taking back out of the credit card processing. If that merchant does $100 in credit card transactions a day, $20 is going to come to Discount Merchant Funding, $80 is going to go to that merchant. What this means is on the daily Visa/MasterCard credit card processing that the merchant batches out for the day. Cash Advance Ratio: Ranges from 1.12 to 1.48. 1.12 means, you get a cash advance of $100K, you will pay back $112K. 1.48 means, you get a cash advance of $100K, you will pay back $148K!
Remit Rate: Daily pay back rate. A percentage of VISA and Master Card Sales (not AMX). Ranges from 15-25%. If you average $10,000 per day @ 15% pay back $1,500 per day, if 25% you pay back $2,500 per day.
Key to consider: Your ratio of credit card sales to cash sales. If 90% or more of your revenue is from credit cards, you will want a lower REMIT RATE. If only 50% of your revenue is from credit card sales, you can withstand a higher REMIT RATE. Average about 6-9 months to pay back this advance.
www.FastBusinessCredit.com. Call within 72 hours of downloading this free guide at 1-888-313-6333 and receive a Bonus GUIDE, a $47 value, “15 Secrets to Help You Secure More Cash and Credit for Your Business”, and a 30 minute free consultation, a $200 value plus a special one time offer after you call!
Secret #8:
What is the Difference Between a Loan and
an Advance? This isn’t a loan. It’s definitively a purchase of the future credit card swipes. The interest rate, it’s not really an interest rate; it’s a set factor. If I loan somebody $100,000 and they take 3 years to pay me back, that’s still paying me the same amount of money back. On the flipside, if they have a tremendous month and they pay off a 7-month factor in 3 months, I’m obviously making more money. I’m making more money faster. In a merchant account cash advance, the company providing the advance is actually purchasing, at a set price, their credit card receivables. If somebody says, “I’m going to do $100,000 next month,” and I give them $80,000 for that $100,000 worth of credit card receivables, I’m paying 80¢ on the dollar for the money today. Do we want you to become an FAST BUSINESS CREDIT client? Absolutely! For all the other reasons mentioned already, the bottom line is that we know we work harder than any other company to bring you the best of the best, getting your business off to a fast start! In fact, we are so dedicated to convincing you that you will be in good hands, we are willing to do what ever it takes…so therefore read our “ethical bribe” to you!
Secret #17: Are You Losing Joint Ventures? What are some of the situations that people don’t realize, that if some people are doing business with you or joint ventures, or in the area of government contracts or even any kind of bidding, they actually may check out your Dun and Bradstreet score in your company. That may be a deciding factor if they do business or joint venture or recommend you.
The Real Importance of Your Dun & Bradstreet Credit Profile! It used to be, before the current credit crisis, that 100 people would go into a bank to get a business loan, and probably 90 of them would get turned down for a straight business loan. They would steer them into something else, a second on their house, equipment leasing, a personal loan, something else. And 10 out of 100 would get a business loan. That was before the credit crisis. The banks didn’t tell you that we’re going to pull your Dun and Bradstreet credit profile and take a look at that. Now, you take the same 100 people that go in, probably 100 are going to get turned down, rather than 90. It was bad before. Government statistics show that it was bad for a straight business loan and credit lines before. But it’s gotten worse, the last year especially. It’s even more important now, if they’re going to pull that credit profile. You could have gone in 3 years ago, even if you didn’t have a full credit profile, and got $15,000, $20,000 if you had decent personal credit.
www.FastBusinessCredit.com. Call within 72 hours of downloading this free guide at 1-888-313-6333 and receive a Bonus GUIDE, a $47 value, “15 Secrets to Help You Secure More Cash and Credit for Your Business”, and a 30 minute free consultation, a $200 value plus a special one time offer after you call!
That isn’t the case anymore. The banks will pull that credit profile. If it doesn’t exist, they’re going to turn you down. Like I say, the statistics were high before. It’s almost 100% now. If you have that credit profile there and it’s deep enough and it’s set up and you have the ratings and the scores, then you can get the lines of credit. But very, very few people that are going to go into a bank are going to have that in place!
Secret #18: How You Can Destroy Your D & B File By Checking it Yourself! Can you go to Dun and Bradstreet and check out your own profile to see if there even is one? Yes, you can. But here’s the problem, if you go to Dun and Bradstreet too early and set up a credit profile, if you pay to have them set up a credit profile, they’ll give you a number and they’ll give you access where you can log in to see if you have a credit profile. Now you’re not going to have one if you don’t know you have one, so you don’t need to see that. But they’ll say, “Okay,” depending on what package you get from them, anywhere from free to $300, $700, “we’ll build a credit profile for you.” They really won’t do it. They’ll just get a number for you and they’ll see if there are any vendors out there that will report. Then when they start to check your corporate compliance, if everything isn’t in order, they’ll red flag you or they’ll put comments in your file. “Secretary of State lists this person as a CEO. This person from the company listed somebody different as its CEO.” They’ll start putting things on there, negative information.
Odds Are You will Red Flagged (Fried) Your D & B File, Even with D & B’s Own Program! You can access it. But we caution people, don’t go to Dun and Bradstreet and start anything until you’re in corporate compliance and everything is verifiable, or you’re going to start getting negative information put on. It’s almost impossible to get any of that changed or taken off.
Secret #19: Costly Mistakes Made with Your Business Credit Profile! What are some of the other mistakes business owners make if they were going to do it themselves, in regards to a business license, phone number, and some of those things that they don’t know about? If you’re not listed in 411, then that business number is unverifiable. A lot of people we deal with say they don’t have to be listed in 411. They don’t need that. If you’re not listed in 411, if your address on your business license is different than the address with the Secretary of State, if your officers don’t match what they call the company representative and ask them who those officers are. Sometimes if you don’t have a website, they’ll note that. Business ownership, if they have more than one answer to a question come from either businesses, a licensing department, state, company representative, or public information, a negative comment will be put on that credit file. There’s a number of things that people can do before they go to Dun and Bradstreet, to make sure that they’re in corporate compliance and a number of things that they can do not properly that will get a negative comment put on that file.
www.FastBusinessCredit.com. Call within 72 hours of downloading this free guide at 1-888-313-6333 and receive a Bonus GUIDE, a $47 value, “15 Secrets to Help You Secure More Cash and Credit for Your Business”, and a 30 minute free consultation, a $200 value plus a special one time offer after you call!
Secret #22: How Banks use Your D & B File to Evaluate Your Business for a Loan. With today’s current credit crisis, when the banks or credit card companies pull that and take a look at it, it’s critical. If you don’t have a file, they’re not going to give you anything. Let me just make one thing clear. Even if they pull it and you have an 80 Paydex score and no late payments, that isn’t the end-all. That doesn’t necessarily mean everything, because you might have 4 people reporting with lines of $200. You’ve got an $800 total aggregate of credit. It’s a real light credit profile. It’s more than just having the Dun and Bradstreet number. It’s more than just having the score. It’s what’s in that credit file. There are different tiers of credit that you want to develop so your credit file is not too light.
Secret #25: Corporate Experian® Vs. Dun & Bradstreet! Most banks are reporting to Corporate Experian®. There isn’t a big difference between Corporate Experian® and Dun and Bradstreet. It’s much like what’s the difference between personal Experian®® and TransUnion and Equifax. They’re just 3 different agencies that are collecting the same information. They may have slight differences. The scores may be slightly different. But it’s basically the same person, the same credit profile, and 3 different agencies that are scoring it. That’s kind of the same with Dun and Bradstreet and Corporate Experian®. They’re 2 different companies that are trying to report on the same thing. Now, different vendors, different industries are focusing on one or the other, which doesn’t happen in the personal credit world. Banks now are typically reporting to the Corporate Experian®, and credit cards are typically reported to the Corporate Experian®. Vendors and businesses are reporting to Dun and Bradstreet. Those are a few of the differences.
Secret #28: Does a Two-Year-Old Shelf Corporation Help Me Establish More Business Credit? In the past, it was suggested to people who were brand new in business that if they wanted large lines from banks or from credit cards and they were brand new, didn’t have any history, that the get a shelf corporation. That was a possibility. Many people in the past have purchased a shelf corporation that has at least 2 years, and that was the key. You didn’t need to go purchase a 5-year, because a 5-year will cost more than a 2-year. The key was 2 years. That’s what the bank looked for. The reason that was is, last year and the years previous to that, the banks simply would go to the Secretary of State and see the incorporation date of that corporation. That’s the only criteria that they used to
www.FastBusinessCredit.com. Call within 72 hours of downloading this free guide at 1-888-313-6333 and receive a Bonus GUIDE, a $47 value, “15 Secrets to Help You Secure More Cash and Credit for Your Business”, and a 30 minute free consultation, a $200 value plus a special one time offer after you call!
establish the age of that corporation. If you bought a corporation that has been sitting on the shelf for 2 years, they considered you 2 years old. Nowadays, the banks may do that to consider the age of the corporation, but they’re also going to ask for a tax return or a business license or something that shows that you’ve been in business 2 years, if you’re saying you’ve been in business. Because of this it is not recommended to spend the money to go purchase a shelf corporation for creditbuilding purposes. Now there may be some other things that your accountant or attorney may tell you that you may want one for. But for credit-building purposes, unless you can provide documentation to go along with that 2-year corporation, it is not necessary to spend the money on a shelf corporation.
Secret #31: Starting Your Business as a Sole Proprietorship will Prevent Your Business from Accessing Maximum Capital! Over 70% of all small business owners still operate as a sole proprietorship. The problem with sole proprietors is they self-finance their business through their personal credit cards. And unfortunately, the accounting world is telling those people, “You don’t make enough profit to incorporate. Therefore, stay a sole proprietorship and keep it simple.” But it really shoots you in the foot when it comes to financing later on. I’d rather see people incorporate as soon as they get started, stop using your personal credit cards, get the business credit cards, and start using that and protect your revolving debt and keep it as low as possible.
www.FastBusinessCredit.com. Call within 72 hours of downloading this free guide at 1-888-313-6333 and receive a Bonus GUIDE, a $47 value, “15 Secrets to Help You Secure More Cash and Credit for Your Business”, and a 30 minute free consultation, a $200 value plus a special one time offer after you call!
What Does George Ross Say About When to Obtain Financing from Banks? “The time to borrow money from the bank is when you do not need it!” --
George Ross, attorney and key negotiator for Donald Trump!
CEO, Scott Letourneau and George Ross
Secret #34: Will Bankruptcy Hinder my Ability to Get a Cash Loan or Line of Credit? Introducing the Tax ID Number Only Credit Card! Unfortunately, yes, for the large cash lines. If you have a bankruptcy or a lot of negative information on your personal credit file, the banks probably will disqualify you and we’ll have to go the other routes. It depends on how old the bankruptcy is. If it’s over 2 years, some business credit builder programs will have some options. If it’s fairly new, you are looking at maximizing your vendor credit options first, then after a few months look to the EIN Only business credit card, where they don’t look at the personal credit at all. You may be able to obtain 2-3 of the EIN only business credit cards only. Those are not large cash lines of credit, but for most businesses these amount of extra capital properly invested into marketing tools can really jump start a business! The levels for the EIN only business credit cards are around $5,000 to $10,000. If you got all 3, you’re only looking at between $15,000 and $20,000 max. But that’s more than what anybody is going to be able to get if they have a bankruptcy and a 500 FICO score anywhere else, and it’s a place to start.
www.FastBusinessCredit.com. Call within 72 hours of downloading this free guide at 1-888-313-6333 and receive a Bonus GUIDE, a $47 value, “15 Secrets to Help You Secure More Cash and Credit for Your Business”, and a 30 minute free consultation, a $200 value plus a special one time offer after you call!
Secret #36: Does a Home Based Business Owner Need Vendor Credit? There are over 50,000,000 home based business owners in the U.S. Most of them have a very low overhead business, with no employees working in a home office. Since, they do not have an office with office supplies and employees there needs for vendor lines of credit are much lower. Typically, a home based business owner does not need a $50,000 line of trade credit at home depot. They do need cash. Although, it is very important for them to develop the vendor credit and D&B profile; not necessarily that they need vendor credit, but to build up their credit score and to build up their rating with Dun and Bradstreet. Because that, as a worst-case scenario, will allow them to get access to some cash and credit cards.
Secret #37: Is Your Current Corporation or LLC “Fried” from a Credit Prospective? As the saying goes, when you go it on your own, you are on your own! This is the big concern when you build your business credit profile on your own, even with D & B’s business credit builder services online. Mistakes happen often in the compliance section which end up causing those serious about developing a business credit profile to have to form a new company! By law, Dun and Bradstreet, it’s a business, not a government agency. By law, they don’t have to remove anything. Many times, they don’t. Sometimes they will, if it can be proved and you get somebody that’s good to work with there, they’ll take a couple things off. The cost of a corporation would be less than trying to go to court. You may win, I don’t know. You may go to court and win and they would clean everything up. You spend $15,000, $20,000, and you get it all cleaned up. But for a tenth of that, you can get a new corporation.
Secret #40: Stop Using Your Personal Credit Cards to Finance your Business! The big problem is that if you operate that way you will jack up your personal revolving debt and when it comes time to form an LLC or corporation for your business, and you apply for a simple business credit card (not debit) in the name of your new entity, 95% of the formula is your personal credit score and your revolving debt! The number one reason that most business owners got rejected from even a simple business credit card was their personal revolving debt was too high! That includes if you have a HELOC (home equity line of credit, which is like a big credit card on steroids).
www.FastBusinessCredit.com. Call within 72 hours of downloading this free guide at 1-888-313-6333 and receive a Bonus GUIDE, a $47 value, “15 Secrets to Help You Secure More Cash and Credit for Your Business”, and a 30 minute free consultation, a $200 value plus a special one time offer after you call!
Secret #45: How is it Possible that Your Credit Score could be 40-50 Points Higher Between Credit Agencies? The algorithms that the credit scoring agencies use is the same algorithms. The distinction is what data gets reported. Some banks might just report data to Experian®. They don’t put in the labor to report to Equifax and Transunion. Well, guess what? If you apply for a credit card at the bank and they only report to Experian®, and that revolving debt shows up at Experian® but not at Equifax, that may be the reason your score is higher at Equifax and lower at Experian®. Now, if your bank uses Equifax, in my example that may be to your benefit. You’ve really got to know what you’re getting yourself into. And if they don’t know, just ask them to ask their underwriters to please find out and call you back.
How Many Ways Could Cash/Credit Like This Help Your Business?
Trade Credit - $40,000 Credit Cards (tax id only!) - $25,000 Equipment Lease - $100,000 Small Business Loan - $25,000 Unsecured Business Loan - $25,000 Business Credit Cards - $30,000 Bank lines of Credit - $40,000 - $100,000
(Based on Business score only) (Based on Business score only) (When qualified - 600+ FICO) (When qualified - 600+ FICO) (When qualified - 660+ FICO) (When qualified - 660+FICO) (When qualified - 680+FICO)
Estimated Total - $150,000 - $250,000 Guaranteed minimum of $150,000 or your money back!
That Cash/Vendor Credit Infusion can Provide the Marketing Dollars to Propel Your Business to the Next Level (and Survive the “Credit Tsunami.”)
Learn How To Separate Your Personal Credit From Your Business Credit!
www.FastBusinessCredit.com. Call within 72 hours of downloading this free guide at 1-888-313-6333 and receive a Bonus GUIDE, a $47 value, “15 Secrets to Help You Secure More Cash and Credit for Your Business”, and a 30 minute free consultation, a $200 value plus a special one time offer after you call!
Here's How To Obtain Unsecured Business Lines Of Credit, GUARANTEED... Or Your Money Back!" Introducing... The Ultimate Business Credit Builder This program is the foundation to an advanced level of business credit building. The Business Credit Builder will help you establish your business credit and set it up so you can obtain lines of credit from the bank. This foundation will consist of helping you with establishing trade or vendor credit, building the Paydex (from Dun and Bradstreet) to 80 and then applying for business credit cards that are based on the TAX ID ONLY and not your social security number! You will have a personal business credit coach to guide you through the entire process. With This Proven System, You Can Get the Cash Lines of Credit You Need Now to Finance the Launch, Operation, and Growth of Your Business
The entire purpose of the Business Credit Builder Program is to build the foundational level of business credit and to give you some cash to repair your personal credit if needed. Once your personal credit is above 680, the foundational level of your business is already in place and we can move onto the next steps in the Business Credit Builder Program where we can obtain a combination of trade credit, credit cards and bank lines of credit!
Why You Should ALWAYS Separate Your Personal Credit From Your Business Credit Having credit established for a business is key to its success. Throughout the history of a company the need for credit will most likely arise. Establishing the business’s credit should be started before the company needs it. No lending institution wants to lend money to a business in need of cash flow. The business can start out using the owner’s or officer’s credit to gain approvals under the business name, but as the business gets grows it should start to establish it’s own credit history and credit profile in order to take on business credit of it’s own. This is possible with a Corporation or Limited Liability Company (LLC) using the corporation tax identification number.
Could You Use a Business Line of Credit (not trade credit) of up to $100,000? In our most recent breakthrough, FAST BUSINESS CREDIT has UNLOCKED the BANK’S CODE to obtaining Lines of Credit (REAL CASH) for your business! As an FAST BUSINESS CREDIT client you’ll learn these valuable secrets, get capital when you need it, and avoid the number one reason for all new business’ failure: lack of cash flow. We don’t want to see you become just another statistic --- one of the 80-99% that fail in the first five years! In fact, that cash infusion can provide the marketing dollars to propel your business to the next level.
www.FastBusinessCredit.com. Call within 72 hours of downloading this free guide at 1-888-313-6333 and receive a Bonus GUIDE, a $47 value, “15 Secrets to Help You Secure More Cash and Credit for Your Business”, and a 30 minute free consultation, a $200 value plus a special one time offer after you call!
What are the Two Reasons Business Owners Should Try NOT to use their Personal Guarantee on Business Credit? When officers and owners use their own personal credit profiles to obtain credit for the business, they risk the chance of lowering their own personal credit scores. There are two reasons business owners should try not to use their personal guarantee on business credit. First, the individual signer is liable if the business cannot make the payments and second the credit obtained for the business can affect the person’s personal credit score. Keep in mind, your personal credit score is based on several factors, including: available credit, the amount of available credit used, late payments, and much more.
Special Alert Bulletin for Entrepreneurs and Business Owners Who Need Business Financing … The 8 Questions You Must Ask Before Working With Any Business Credit Building Company! There are not many business credit building companies out there, however, those that are out there are taking advantage of the lack of knowledge from the general public regarding business credit…don’t let them rip you off! Find out inside – and also discover how to get unlimited cash financing for your business and investments … WITHOUT Risking Your Personal Assets, Lowering Your Personal Credit Score, or Damaging Your Personal Credit History
Question #1: "Will I be obtaining only trade credit or CASH credit?" Be careful, there are a number of companies out there that will only help you obtain trade credit. Trade credit can only be used with the individual creditor, and no where else. This is great if you need $3000 of paper products, but is useless if you need money to invest, cover business expenses or expand your company. And if it is CASH credit, will I always need to personally guarantee the application?" If the company says you will always have to personally guarantee whatever kind of credit you receive -then you are NOT getting the kind of service you deserve.
Question #2: "Will you show me, step by step, how to incorporate my business and build c-a-s-h corporate credit to the corporation?" My guess is that if you wanted to figure out the intricacies of incorporating and building corporate credit on your own ... you would have done it already. (I've done it. And believe me ... this is NOT stuff you want to muddle through on your own.) If you won't be receiving step-by-step instructions for following that prescribed process, call another company. (Like Fast Business Credit -- "The Ultimate Business Credit Builder " spells out each step in our proven system for securing cash lines of credit without personal guarantee in crystal clear detail.) www.FastBusinessCredit.com. Call within 72 hours of downloading this free guide at 1-888-313-6333 and receive a Bonus GUIDE, a $47 value, “15 Secrets to Help You Secure More Cash and Credit for Your Business”, and a 30 minute free consultation, a $200 value plus a special one time offer after you call!
Question #3: "If I get stuck while I'm taking all those necessary steps, will I have to pay you hundreds or even thousands to help me figure it out?" Many companies charge low fees up front and continue to tack on heavy, additional charges each time you call or write for help. Not Fast Business Credit. "The Ultimate Business Credit Builder" delivers everything you need to know to secure cash lines of credit without a personal guarantee -- for a flat fee.
Question #4: "How do I use corporate credit to help me start or grow my business?" If they can't answer that question ... if they can't explain how your personal credit history can permanently damage your business goals if you don't take the right precautions, then you better find another resource. "The Ultimate Business Credit Builder" shows you how to secure the corporate credit you need to finance the launch, operation and growth of your company. And while you're doing it ... to bulletproof your personal assets and safeguard your personal credit and credit history.
Question #5: When companies promise to get you cash Credit, ask them this pointed question: "What type of paperwork is required to get cash lines of credit?" Beware of companies that require you to furnish financial statements, tax returns, business plans, bank statements, etc. Typically, these requests for documentation are a ploy to sell you additional services. "Don't have a business plan? No problem -- we can write one for you ... for a small fee, of course!" The answer you're looking for is "We can help you get credit of any kind -- cash included, without hurting your personal credit file. And you don't have to waste your time and money providing unnecessary paperwork either!" If that's not the answer you get, give us a call! Fast Business Credit has been helping real estate investors, stock and other investors, entrepreneurs and small-business owners from a wide variety of industries all over the U.S. qualify for the lines of credit their businesses need.
Question #6: "Will you show me how to invest my corporate credit to make hundreds of thousands in profits?" There is only one good answer to this question: "Yes, we can ... and it's all covered in our up-front fees!" If that's not the answer you get from the company helping you build your corporate credit, give Fast Business Credit a call at 1-888-313-6333.
www.FastBusinessCredit.com. Call within 72 hours of downloading this free guide at 1-888-313-6333 and receive a Bonus GUIDE, a $47 value, “15 Secrets to Help You Secure More Cash and Credit for Your Business�, and a 30 minute free consultation, a $200 value plus a special one time offer after you call!
Question #7: “How will you be helping me build my business credit?” If the answer is you will be receiving a great book, program, cd, guide, course, etc. that shows you exactly what to do…then hang up! When it comes to building your business credit you can not rely on a simple book to answer your questions. There is simply too many situations that a book can not cover them all, beside that, the lending industry is constantly changing. The lenders we use this month will probably not be the ones we use in 6 months. You need to make sure you have a personal credit coach that walks you through the process and is there to answer all of your specific questions.
Question #8: "Does your system for obtaining cash lines of credit come with a full money-back guarantee?" It's critical to get the specifics about money-back guarantees. Because most companies that offer "money back" guarantees promise only that your corporation will get a 80+ Paydex score -- or they'll refund your money. While this is a start, it's not good enough -- because there's no guarantee about how much c-a-s-h you will get. That's why we offer an unmatched guarantee: if you do not secure a cash line of credit, we will refund your entire investment in this program. This is not, by any means, a comprehensive list of all the questions entrepreneurs should ask when it comes to building corporate credit. But if you address these costly and dangerous errors, you will be on your way to building a safe, secure, and financially sound business—the business you always dreamed of! FAST BUSINESS CREDIT shows entrepreneurs and business owners how to get at least $30,000 – $100,000 and up – in cash to finance their businesses … while bullet-proofing their assets, slashing their taxes, and safeguarding their personal credit history and score. FBC’s groundbreaking, The Ultimate Business Credit Builder Program, is a proven, step-by-step program for separating personal credit from corporate credit, building your corporate credit, and obtaining cash lines of credit!
www.FastBusinessCredit.com. Call within 72 hours of downloading this free guide at 1-888-313-6333 and receive a Bonus GUIDE, a $47 value, “15 Secrets to Help You Secure More Cash and Credit for Your Business”, and a 30 minute free consultation, a $200 value plus a special one time offer after you call!
What are others saying about FAST BUSINESS CREDIT? "I recently interviewed Scott Letourneau on the Shared Vision Masters Teleseries and he was outstanding. If you are an entrepreneur and want to know the secrets of business financing, then by all means connect with Scott. I have recommended him to my close associated and I recommend him to you." Kenneth D. Foster CEO - Shared Vision Network Author - Ask and You Will Succeed
"Dear Scott, Thank you for speaking at our organization. Your presentation was insightful, energetic, and engaging. I can't tell you how many times I was stunned by some of the information you gave. My jaw literally dropped! your presentation, without any sales "pitchiness", is a call to action for business owners who are serious about being successful in their business." "In your presentation our members received a college education in 45 minutes that will save them thousands of dollars or maybe even millions of dollars in the future. One of our members who heard you presentation told me afterward that she wished she knew this before she gave her business to her children. It would have not only saved her over half a million dollars in legal fees, but it would have saved her family from the destructive lawsuits that tore them apart. Your information is essential for anyone running a family business!" "Thank you so much!"
Gina Robinson-Billups Moms in Business Network The International Association of Working Mothers
www.FastBusinessCredit.com. Call within 72 hours of downloading this free guide at 1-888-313-6333 and receive a Bonus GUIDE, a $47 value, “15 Secrets to Help You Secure More Cash and Credit for Your Business�, and a 30 minute free consultation, a $200 value plus a special one time offer after you call!
"Hi Scott!" "I wanted to thank you once again for under-promising and over-delivering with the great teleseminar you did for our Internet Marketing students. They were particularly impressed with the information you gave them on ways of building and securing corporate credit, especially in these precarious times. As you know, I am a firm believer in being sure people are set up in their business entities from the beginning, before they open the doors, and I want to thank you for driving that point home as well." "Again, you under-promised and over-delivered when you gave them the extra hour of instruction. I believe that showed your commitment to helping create excellent businesses and business relationships from the beginning." "Thank you again for helping us jump-start the www.IMDTraining.com students." "To all our success!" Cyndi Parker CEO IMDTraining.com EasyPushButtonTraffic.com
"I've worked with thousands of business owners as a CPA and now as an Attorney helping them pay less in taxesand to properly protect their estate." "Unfortunately 80% of business owners fail in the first 3 years, due to a lack of cash flow. If those 80% listened to Scott's CD's about how banks lend money and how to gain access to more cash, they would have been in a much better position to service! Unfortunately, no one teaches the business owner the process on how banks lend money, except for Scott!" "His system is a must!"
Joseph J. Dadich, CPA, Esq., L.L.M
www.FastBusinessCredit.com. Call within 72 hours of downloading this free guide at 1-888-313-6333 and receive a Bonus GUIDE, a $47 value, “15 Secrets to Help You Secure More Cash and Credit for Your Business�, and a 30 minute free consultation, a $200 value plus a special one time offer after you call!
Take the Next Step to Secure Business Trade and Cash Lines of Credit for Your Company!! No doubt the previous pages have stimulated your thinking and made you aware of aspects of your own company in new ways. As well you should be – the decision to build business credit is an important step for you to take, and one that will establish the basis for the security, prosperity and resilience of your company and your future. As such, we invite you to call us if you have any questions. Our consultations are free, comprehensive, and essential to ensure that you have a firm grasp on all the advantages available with your ultimate choice. We are a valuable resource for you in your business credit decisions, but of course, you are ultimately the one who will decide what path to take. We would be very happy to count you among our clients, but that decision is yours as well. We understand very clearly that when we take good care of you, you are likely to do more business with us. Jay Abraham calls this the “life time value of a new client” and we take that very seriously! Plus we really appreciate your referrals!
Ready to Begin Right Away? When you call, please tell our receptionist you’d like to get more information today. We take lots of calls and respond to each one individually, but place priority on those who need help right away. If you’re facing a contract deadline, or you’ve been presented with a time-sensitive business opportunity, let me know so I can get to work with you quickly. On behalf of FAST BUSINESS CREDIT, I look forward to having the opportunity to work with you. Our mission is not just to help you get access to the cash and capital to grow your business and be in the Top 5% that are not only in business after five years but also profitable!
Take just a moment to call us now at 1-888-313-6333
www.FastBusinessCredit.com. Call within 72 hours of downloading this free guide at 1-888-313-6333 and receive a Bonus GUIDE, a $47 value, “15 Secrets to Help You Secure More Cash and Credit for Your Business”, and a 30 minute free consultation, a $200 value plus a special one time offer after you call!
A One-Time Only Special Thank You Offer Available to those that Review our “The Insiders Guide to Securing Cash and Trade Credit for Your Business!” To Gain Access to This Special Offer You Must Call FAST BUSINESS CREDIT at 1-888-313-6333 with 72 Hours of Requesting this Guide! Here is what you will receive when you call… Free Bonus Gift #1: A free 30 minute consultation with one of our senior business analysts who are the best trained in our industry. You will have the opportunity to speak to the best, avoid costly mistakes and gain insights from years of experience to help your business understand what it will take for your business to get access to cash and capital in today’s tight credit world! ……$200 value!
Free Bonus Gift #2: “15 Secrets to Help You Secure More Cash and Credit for Your Business” You will have an opportunity to test your business and asset protection I.Q. with our 20 question test. You will discover the most costly mistakes and how to avoid them before and after you form your corporation or LLC. Nowhere else will you find these powerful insights in one report!..........$47 value!
Free Bonus Gift #3: You will have the opportunity to purchase our top selling, Business Credit Secrets Revealed CD, this is where we have UNLOCKED THE BANK’S LENDING CODE on the formulas to get your business up to $100,000 in business lines of credit at a 50% discount! In this CD you will find the exact formula we extracted from a major bank on the criteria you must know before you apply for a business credit card, line of credit or business loan. Has the levels within that formula changed over the past you? Absolutely! For example, a year ago your credit score for a business credit card had to be around 600, now it is closer to 680710. The key is you will learn the formula, the answers to the test, before you apply for any type of bank financing! You will only pay $97… $48 for this powerful CD! This is a one-time offer on the day you call (must be within 72 hours of requesting this guide).
www.FastBusinessCredit.com. Call within 72 hours of downloading this free guide at 1-888-313-6333 and receive a Bonus GUIDE, a $47 value, “15 Secrets to Help You Secure More Cash and Credit for Your Business”, and a 30 minute free consultation, a $200 value plus a special one time offer after you call!
Become an Affiliate Partner with FAST BUSINESS CREDIT: FAST BUSINESS CREDIT gets offers every week from companies that want to affiliate with us to help their clients get off to a fast start. Unfortunately, we don’t align with just anyone --- your company must be the right fit for us. Please understand that not everyone is accepted to this vibrant, valuable program. FAST BUSINESS CREDIT ’s focus and concern is that each and every client receives top-notch, accurate, ethical assistance to help them succeed. Follow through is essential to preserve our reputation, which is as important to us as yours is to you. Therefore, we’re looking for top-notch partners to join us in expanding the scope and reach of our services. Here is a list of how we may help your clients.
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If you think you may be interested --- or that your own clients would thank you for a great new partnering opportunity --- contact , FAST BUSINESS CREDIT, at 1-888-313-6333 for an appointment to apply as an FAST BUSINESS CREDIT Affiliate/Alliance Partner.
Revised 1-4-10
www.FastBusinessCredit.com. Call within 72 hours of downloading this free guide at 1-888-313-6333 and receive a Bonus GUIDE, a $47 value, “15 Secrets to Help You Secure More Cash and Credit for Your Business”, and a 30 minute free consultation, a $200 value plus a special one time offer after you call!