Steps and Process to Form Your Turn Key Nevada Corporation or LLC! YES! Sign me up for… My own Ultimate U.S. Cash Machine, where I can be in the best position to claim my FULL SHARE of the Enormous $142.4 BILLION1 to be spent by U.S. consumers on the internet in 2010! I want the “DONE FOR YOU-EVERYTHING PACKAGE” & for YOUR COMPANY to set up my Ultimate U.S. Cash Machine for me so I can invest MY TIME maximizing my U.S. profits and joint ventures! Benefits for forming a Corporation or LLC in Nevada for U.S. Business:
Worldwide presence (office in your home country and now an office in the United States).
Potential for more internet revenue from U.S. customers because of the U.S. presence. Check your internet traffic in the U.S. compared to your home country and compare sales percentages to see if you have an opportunity to gain more market share in the U.S.
Here is an example of how Tom Hua and Brett McFall, Founders of the World Internet Summit use this strategy to drive more people to powerful events! You can do the same!
Gain more United States business and clients because of the comfort level of consumers doing business directly with companies in the U.S.
The Key to Success… Model the Best! Tom and Brett!
Source: http://www.emarketer.com/Article.aspx?R=1006813
The U.S. Economic Crisis = Your Opportunity! Corporate Layoffs-Unemployment + Real Estate (residential and commercial) Foreclosures + The U.S. Dollar Uncertainty = A Starving U.S. Market for Your Internet Solutions!
Now Add‌.
A 9.7 U.S. Unemployment (Real rate is closer to 16%... 15 million out of work + 20 million part time workers and those who dropped out=
35 Million People! Where Will They Turn?
Solu t ion = The I n t e r n e t ! U.S.
Consumers will Spend a Staggering
$153.8 BILLION* in 2010 ONLINE!!! Estimated to be $183.9 BILLION in 2012! In
New Zealand: $1.5 Billion (1/2 is from travel with Air New Zealand-2007). Australia: $68 Billion (2007). U.K.: 64.8 Billion (2009) *www.census.gov
U.S. Consumer Online Purchasing Pattern 1: They are skeptical. 2: If they purchase online, and if there are problems…. They want to know how they will get their money back! 3: If you “appear” Offshore= No Recourse=No Sale! 4: How does a U.S. Consumer Know?
Th e “Se cr e t I ngr e die n t ” Coke and KFC… …all have a secret(s) ingredient…
Tr ust !!!
W ill U.S. Online Consu m e r s Tr ust YOU?
What Appears Bigger? The Australia Only or…
The Australia + U.S… +
Two Offices Worldwide! The Marketing/JV Value is Huge!
Three Costly Mistakes to Avoid When Establishing Your U.S. Cash Machine!
1. Blowing Your One Chance at Setting up a U.S. Merchant Account! Most banks or merchant account providers will NOT open up a U.S. Merchant Account for a U.S. company that is 100% foreign owned. Why? No recourse. Some banks may set it up but they require a large hold back of your sales to keep as a safety net. If you attempt to set up your merchant account and fail, it will show up as a bad mark in the merchant account data base. When you go to get it done right, you may have blown your only chance because the next merchant account company will know you already failed to set up a merchant account. 2. Inconsistency in Your U.S. Company Set Up! This happens when someone will set up a corporation in one state, a bank account in another state and a mail forwarding program only with a virtual U.S. phone number. You may get your bank account set up but this will back fire when it comes to developing trust in the U.S. market. Only having a U.S. P.O. Box as your U.S. address sends a strong message to the U.S. consumer, that you are a flake or you are attempting to hide something. Trust is the name of the game, don’t get cheap to save a few dollars and lose out on sales and joint ventures because of it! 3. Costly Tax Mistakes with the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS). There are many pitfalls, and hidden land mines that can cause you a lot of damage with your U.S. company if you do not have all the fact up front. You must know which entity is best and the U.S. tax ramifications if the entity is taxed as a C corporation vs an LLC. Both have very different U.S. tax structures. You must have an ITIN number, and an EIN number. You must file the proper tax returns the following year. Setting up your company in the wrong state may cause you to pay an extra 5-8% of unnecessary state taxes. An LLC can be taxed in different methods; one will result in a flat 30% withholding tax on all profits before they flow back to you in your home country. If you are planning to expense out profits to your home country, you must be familiar with IRS form 5472 with the IRS! Having the IRS auditing your U.S. company can be a fast way to go out of business with penalties and interest!
Here is the Process You will Experience when You Work with NCP. Step 1: Fast Start to Incorporate Your Business! When you call our offices at 1-702-367-7373 you will speak with one of our highly trained senior business analysts. They will support you with your situation and your questions to help you determine the best entity and support tools to get your business off to a fast start to profits! After you select the best package for your business our senior business analysts will take you through the process to get you started (only takes a few minutes)! As part of your package, we will help you answer your questions about forming the U.S. company including items on taxes, banking, merchant accounts and your U.S. office. Here is a checklist that you will go through when you work with NCP! 1. You will receive an email with 72 hour in the subject line. This is to verify your initial information and email back confirmation, that all is correct to your senior business analyst. a. Let us know if you want to have your name trademarked in addition to being checked for availability. That is an additional fee and we can provide you with the best resource for Trade-marking. b. You will receive a free 30 day trial to the powerful Top 5% Club Gold Membership (see more details in this guide).. Once your registration is complete, you will receive access to many benefits to grow your business (and your ability to speak with me one-on-one)! 2. Your senior business analyst will process your order to customer service to file the articles. 3. Articles will be filed in Nevada. 4. You will then receive an email with the SS4 application attached. Verify the information is correct, sign and send back to NCP at 1-702-920-8984. This is the application we need to secure the EIN (Employer Identification Number) for your entity. We will apply for the EIN after we receive your filed articles back from the Secretary of State. We will obtain the number and call you with it. A copy will be in your record book or mailed to you shortly after. 5. Member’s Only Section: As an NCP client, you'll enjoy unlimited access to our Member’s Only Section, filled with the most explosive, step-by-step strategies available today. The information there is designed to support your new entity on the fast track to success! Far too often, we hear our clients' horror stories of how they formed their first entity with another company and were cut loose to struggle with what to do next. NCP has created a step-bystep guide to get you off to a great start. You can access our ‘Member’s Only’ when you become a client. There is a special link for international taxes with a video by our CPA and outline on how to take money out of your U.S. company.
6. Email reminders to keep you on track the first 90 days! You may have a 100 items on your checklist as you start your business --- and we understand. You'll receive reminders on everything from keeping your entity in compliance, to payroll, buy/sell agreements, tax deadlines, and others to free up your time, so you can focus on what you do best! 7. Your Corporate or LLC record book will be shipped Fedex. 8. Audio & video instructions for your record book: Did you ever wish you could have someone to explain each section of your corporate record book to you? Or perhaps you've heard it, but need to review it again --- whenever or wherever it's convenient for you. You'll have that information at your fingertips with NCP. Each section of our corporate and LLC record books is broken down and explained in 3-5 minute audio and video files that you can listen and watch over and over again, until everything is crystal clear! a. After you receive your Record Book you will get access to online video and audio support. b. If, after viewing the videos and audios, you would like additional support you can schedule an appointment with our customer service staff to help answer any remaining questions. This will allow you to set up a time that is most convenient for you to review any questions or concerns you may have. If you schedule an appointment, our customer service staff will send you confirmation of your appointment time via e-mail. If you are unable to make an appointment, our customer service staff will contact you soon after your record book arrives. 9. 30 minute review session to help you complete your record book: As we have mentioned, your record book will be shipped to you and you will have an opportunity to get most of your questions answered online. If you have additional questions, you may schedule on a calendar to reserve your 30-minute appointment with us to review the entire book at your convenience! 8
10. Time Sensitive Information a. Your record book will have instructions and forms for time sensitive information in the left hand pocket when you open the record book. Make sure to read it completely. If you have any questions call our customer service department at 1-702-3677373. b. You will receive a client response form. It gives us important information about the contacts for your company, how you heard about us, other support you may need and your input for improvements that we look forward to every month. c. The initial list of officers/managers for a Nevada LLC or Corporation has a separate fee of $125.00. The Nevada State Business License of $200 is another separate fee which is part of the list of officers/managers form filed with the Nevada Secretary of State. If you have a home state entity, this may not be the case. There are exceptions. d. Other important documents may be part of your package including, Stock Ledger Statement (Corporations only) and the ITIN application. You will receive attentive service from the well trained staff at NCP: Each and every new NCP employee spends their first 30 days in extensive training with internal videos and PowerPoint presentations. We cover everything, from answering the phone, to filing corporations and LLC’S. Our employees progress to the next training level only after comprehensive tests are completed satisfactorily. Then, ongoing weekly training sessions ensure that every employee has the accurate information you rely on at their fingertips. You're assured of a consistent, high-level experience from every NCP team member!
Additional Steps You Will Need to Accomplish with Your Local Professionals 1. Open a Bank Account for Your New U.S. Entity. a. Our bank contact in Las Vegas will contact you to set up an appointment for you to meet the nearest branch in your country. You will sign and complete all the banks forms in the comfort of your own country (no traveling required to the U.S.). The forms will come back to the bank in Las Vegas to establish the account. The minimum deposit is $1,000.00. b. You will then be in a position to point your U.S. merchant account and PayPal ™ account to the new bank account. 2. Apply for a State Business License in Nevada. a. This is now included when you file the initial list of officers with the Nevada Sectary of State. The separate fee is $200 for the state business license and $125 for the list of officers. b. A local business license may be required. That is a separate fee. 3. Payroll Service: a. When you are ready to start paying employees let us know and we will refer you to our contact, ADP. We have a national contract with them and can get you the most discounted prices. 9
4. Merchant Account Services: a. Accepting credit cards is a must for any business today. The key is that rates and services are all over the board. Especially, if you are operating an online business where refunds may be higher and sales spike more often. Nothing is worse then having your merchant account frozen. NCP has a great referral that understands these issues and has great service (plus they will consider setting that up for you as a foreign owned U.S. entity).
Step 2: Fast Start Support Tools to Help Your Business Get Off to a Fast Start to Profits and Stay Ahead of Your Competition!
Fast Start to Incorporate Your Business Webinar! As part of your package from NCP you will receive access to our Fast Start Incorporate Your Business Webinar! This is important even if you have already incorporated! I will walk you through the process, from starting your business and the transition to operating as a separate legal entity! You will receive a separate email with the date and time for this monthly webinar. You will discover the steps to get your new LLC/Corp off to a fast start to profits! You will learn the following: • • • • • • • • •
Tips on Capitalizing your new LLC/Corp! How to transition from a sole proprietorship to an LLC/Corp! How to issue the membership interest of the LLC/Corp! How and when to pay yourself! End of the year tax planning tips! How to run your business separate from your personal life! Tips on maximizing your business expenses! These are live webinars (you must be on live to gain access). Plus other strategies!
Fast Start Teleseminar Invitations throughout the Year! Here are a few samples of recent teleseminars (as a Top 5% Member, you will receive access to ALL of these previous teleseminars): • Michael Gerber-Awaken the Entrepreneur Within! • Alexander Van Buren-Make a Quantum Leap! 10
• • • • • •
Spike Humer-Strategies to Grow! A River of Traffic-The A9 Process! Business Credit Strategies! Stephen Wilkinghoff-Triple Overlap of Profits, ROI and Cash Flow! Stephen Pierce-Massive Internet Traffic! Breaking the Pattern of Overwhelm and Confusion (one of our most popular teleseminars ever!)
Fast Start E-Mail Reminders throughout the Year! You will receive important time sensitive reminders as you start your business and throughout the year including: • • • • • • • • •
To file your list of managers or officers. For a buy sell agreement when you have partners. The tax year end for your entity. To file your federal and state tax returns. To renew your corporation or LLC with the Secretary of State. Go to www.nvinc.com/RegisteredAgentBenefits for full details and benefits of having NCP act as your Registered Agent. See all the bonuses when you renew each year! http://www.nvinc.com/renewalbonus15/ You will receive at least over $388 of bonuses (maybe more) when you renew with NCP! Plus many others to keep you on track to profits!
Fast Start Resources! When you become a client you will see all the resources we recommend and use to grow our business and bring massive traffic to our websites. Here are samples of the powerful resources you will find at this link: • Which company to use for teleseminar and webinars! • Where to get free public domain content for bonuses! • Where to get promoted as a speaker! • How to make your own videos! • What are the best sites for article marketing, press releases and video marketing! • Other tips on driving massive traffic to your website! • Plus much, much more!
Fast Start Online Bonuses! When you become a client you will receive valuable bonuses to help your business get off to a fast start! Some of the bonuses you will receive are: •
Jay Abraham Marketing Genius - 60 Minutes from the Best Marketer in the World Learn how Jay Abraham successfully grows companies and makes them more profitable! These Jay Abraham CDs will be mailed to you within 30 days! 11
Dominate your Competition - This Market Domination Report to Grow Your Business is by two of the Best, Chet Holmes and Jay Abraham!
Sample Buy Sell Agreement - You need to protect yourself and your partners, a buy sell is a must! We recommend you review this with your local attorney.
Outline to Transfer Assets - After forming a new entity you will need to know the proper way to move assets into your new entity.
Outline of What to Do Next - Don't make mistakes and make sure your corporation or LLC is on track after formation with our Corporate or LLC Supplemental Guide! This PDF outline is included as a link when you receive your record book.
How to Break the Pattern of Overwhelm and Confusion! Any time you start a business it can feel overwhelming. In this MP3 you will learn the strategies on how to get out of overwhelm quickly and into productivity plus discover the pattern of motivation. This is an advanced interview that for many has changed their lives and made them 10x more productive!
Step 3: Fast Start Business Foundational Services to Invest in and Help Your Business Get Off to a Fast Start to Profits! (Call NCP at 1-702-367-7373 for current fees for each service)
What is the Key to Get Your Business Off to a Fast Start?
A Strong Foundation! As you know 80-95% of business owners fail within five years and only 50% make it past year one. The number one reason for business failure is lack of cash flow. There are many reasons for this including, marketing, sales and capitalization….One big reason is the lack of the proper financial system to keep track of your business.
Next, You Must Have a Source of Cash and Capital to Grow Your Business. Why? First, Let’s Review the Two Main Steps for Your Business: Step 1: Incorporate (you have done that): You operate your business as a separate legal entity, thereby protecting your personal assets from your business liabilities (this assumes you operate your entity property); additional recommendation-Incorporate in Nevada first.
Step 2: Separate your BUSINESS and PERSONAL CREDIT: Why this is a problem: 95% of businesses fail due to lack of capital (cash flow), the end result is they go out of business. If the business owner personally guaranteed many of their vendor contracts the individual is PERSONALLY FINANCIALLY LIABLE! Result: You potentially will lose most of your personal assets (the very problem you were looking to avoid by incorporating)! Yes, you avoid legal liability but you are still financially liable! Benefit: By separating your business and personal credit you obtain the following benefits: • Improve cash flow by obtaining terms with vendors (even with a brand new business) • Increase your trade credit lines faster thereby conserving your cash. • Avoid many personal guarantees. • Protecting your personal credit score. • Develop a separate credit profile for your business so it will stand on its own! • Helping your business to secure access to cash and capital!
Introducing the Best Program to Separate Your Business and Personal Credit and Give Your Business the Cash “Life” it Needs… The Ultimate Business Credit Builder System™! This system is a MUST to separate your personal and business credit, and to provide the additional cash flow to grow your business in the future! Plus many before they decide to do business with your company will check you out at D & B or Corporate Experian®! Building business credit properly is a step-by-step process. It requires specific information and correctly-implemented procedures to establish a sound business credit profile which will separate your personal and business credit. Business Credit Builder is designed to provide you with the ability to obtain trade or business credit without the use of a personal credit check or guarantee. Each step of this process is done legally, ethically and with a high degree of integrity. The Business Credit Builder™ Program has been used by thousands of business owners from every state in the nation. Here is a sample of a few of the powerful tools that are part of the Ultimate Business Credit Builder System. Call NCP at 1-888-627-7007 for current fees and more details.
Avoid the #1 Mistake Entrepreneurs Make in Running Their Business…. …The Worst Approach is Using Your Online Banking Account Balance as Your Primary Measuring and Decision Making Tool for Your Business. You Must have a GPS System to Give You Feedback on the Success of Your Business from Month One! Introducing the Best Program to Help Keep the IRS Off Your Back and Give You the Financial Feedback to Operate Your Business… Even with Our Powerful Tax and Bookkeeping System, it is Your Responsibility to Document the Business Expenses Properly and Bullet Proof Your Records from an IRS Audit! Now the Solution… Sandy Botkin's Tax System! This powerful tax program is designed to help you maximize your meals, travel and entertainment expenses (even if you have a CPA) and Help Keep the IRS Off Your Back! Did you know that recently the IRS discovered a $300 Billion Tax Gap each year! That means $300 Billion is not being paid in taxes and 70% of that comes from small business owners just like you! The IRS is increasing audits and a company just like yours could be a target! The good news is we have a solution that will help protect you that typically your CPA is not doing for you! Do you know the #1 belief by most tax payers that makes the IRS more money each year? “my accountant takes care of my taxes”! This would be equivalent to “My doctor takes care of my health”. Can you imagine being able to eat all the junk food you wanted, drink all the booze, smoke cigs all day and go to a doctor annually and get some router rooter job and it puts you back into perfect health? That does not happen, and in the same way the doctor does not take care of your health, the accountant typically does not take care of your taxes because they are reacting to information you provide them AFTER your tax year is over! • • •
This was quoted by a famous tax attorney/CPA-Sandy Botkin! Why? The challenge is that most CPAs, not all, do not support you throughout the year with input on how to maximize your business expenses. Typically, you only hear from them when you go to see them at tax time and they make a few suggestions and you pay the taxes! What makes Sandy Botkin different from almost every other CPA/tax attorney is that, he was 1 of 8 appointed to the chief audit council of IRS 16 yrs ago. In that position he trained IRS agents to maximize $ from audits against sole props, S corps, C corps and LLCs! 14
ďƒ The main way he accomplished this for the IRS was that he developed the diary for the IRS that is used in audits. Now all Sandy does is lectures to CPAs, attorneys, and business owners on how to maximize travel, entertainment, meal expenses and how to make their records bullet proof from IRS audit!! He does NOT do tax returns! He only does research on this subject and helps clients throughout the U.S. maximize their expenses. In fact, the average participant in his training course increased their deductions by over $18,500 AFTER going to their CPA! All backed by the IRS code! Call NCP at 1-702-367-7373 for current fees and more details on the complete program!
Step 4: Fast Start Professional Referrals-Taxes and Legal, Merchant Account, Payroll, Cash Advance, Credit Repair and Retirement Planning! Experience Our Golden Rolodex of Vendors! Payroll Services: Experts advise that the number one legal exposure to your business begins on the day you hire your first employee. NCP now offers complete payroll services - including HR through our affiliation with a top payroll service provider. Be confident that your business is in complete, up-to-date compliance with all payroll and HR laws. Merchant Account Services: You may be overpaying your merchant account rates every month without even knowing it! NCP compares your contracted merchant rates with nationally-available rates through our affiliation with a top rate-assessment company. Professional Referrals: You may need a referral to a law or CPA firm, or financial planner to help you with your legal, tax and financial concerns. NCP works with professionals that we have personally used and recommend! Credit Repair: A hot topic these days! We know the best in the country and will refer you to our resource when you become a client to help you clean up your credit so you can get your entity in a position to maximize more business credit! Merchant Account Cash Advance: This is the hottest form of lending for business owners today. Actually, it is not even a loan, but an advance on your future VISA/MasterCard sales! Caution in this area, you must work with a reputable company to help you determine how to best use this money to grow your business! Registered Agent Services in all 50 States: If your company is registering to do business in another state and you need a registered agent service let us know. We have a partner that will help in your home state!
Step 5: Fast Start Profits for Your Business-Make NCP another Profit Center for Your Business! Want to Add Another $500 to YOUR Bank Account Each Month? $1,500? $2,500? Without Breaking a Sweat? Ask us how you can earn cash by referring your clients to NCP!
Get Paid Monthly! Get paid on your very first referral! Ask us how you can receive our FREE GUIDE in a PDF format that you can pass on to your clients!
Refer a friend to NCP and earn 5 percent of the gross sale when they form their entity! At NCP your needs and your client’s needs always come first. If this material would be appropriate for your clients please contact us regarding our affiliate/referral program.
Step 6: Fast Start to Joint Ventures! Rest assured, when you choose NCP for your entity formation, you’re putting yourself in the hands of a full service company that cares about the entire you—personally and business-wise!
All of us at Nevada Corporate Planners are looking forward to the opportunity to help add even more value to your business, your clients, and your associates! I’m sure we all agree that we operate in an extremely competitive marketplace. As a business 16
owner, I know that like us, you’re constantly searching for the edge that will separate you from your competition. That doesn’t mean that you must endlessly recreate the wheel. It does mean that you need a value-enhanced strategy that optimizes and preserves your past efforts, while moving you forward to the next level. ******************************************************************************* Go to www.nvinc.com/StrategicAlliance and hear an audio overview by our CEO, Scott Letourneau, on two programs (teleseminars/webinars) that can be used to help your business grow!!! ******************************************************************************* That means that the lifetime value of your client is a paramount consideration in your business’ strategy. Properly guided, your investment in obtaining that client can and should compound over the time they remain with you --- the longer they continue as your client, the more valuable the relationship. But how do you constantly come up with new, innovative ways to secure their loyalty without straining your time, effort and resources --- and at the same time, continuously secure new clients?
What Are The Best, Lowest Cost Ways To Grow Your Business Today? Here’s the good news: You need not “go it alone.” One of the best ways to strengthen your competitive advantage with as little cost, effort, downside or risk as possible is through strategic alliances with other companies.
By leveraging the power of their assets… their experience… their resources… you add enormous value to your own offering. You’ll not only maximize your existing clients’ lifetime value, but you’ll multiply your new clients as well. We’d like to join you in a compounding strategy that makes you virtually invincible.
How NCP Will Help You Attract Clients By The Boat Load, Leaving Your Competition in The Dust! Here’s how NCP can help you, your clients, and the businesses you work with: You will benefit from our turnkey method focused on building strategic alliances, strengthening the positions of each associated company. You will receive e-mails, sales letters, strategy, free reports… We’ll also show you the BEST ideas to maximize your results… and resources! 17
Our tactics and strategies are not only focused on helping you (and in turn, adding more value for your clients), but as you introduce more businesses to NCP’s business-building, turnkey method, you’ll create your own “member network” and receive a referral fee. That’s 100% all profit for you --- No COGS with referral or affiliate fees. PURE PROFIT!
Marketing Ideas on How to Add More Value to Your Business: We could do a teleseminar or webinar where you interview me, Scott Letourneau (go to http://www.nvinc.com/aboutncp.htm to read more about our company and CEO) and we extend a special offer. I’ll present valuable information on these provocative subjects: How to help your members incorporate their business and keep the IRS off their backs! How to develop business credit and get more cash for your business (this is one of the hottest subjects in the country). The number one reason business owners fail is lack of cash flow. It is harder than ever for business owners to obtain cash. The good news is we can do a powerful teleseminar or webinar for your group to help solve this problem! Imagine your members having access to more capital to be in a better position to purchase more of your products and services! I have a free 96-page report, "The Insider's Guide to Incorporating Your Business and Protecting Your Assets," that could be sent as a bonus to any of your members, or to those that log onto the teleseminar or webinar. I have another free report on “The 20 Costly Mistakes Made Before And After Forming A Corporation Or LLC”. We could add a Teleseminar or Webinar to your clients as a bonus to one of your current programs which could be recorded, archived and replayed in the future, perhaps in your office for future members to view. And, we are open to any of your ideas. * For example, NCP has a new program for both personal and business credit that accelerates both. This concise program helps business owners get access to more money for their business, allowing them to invest more in products or services that can jump-start a whole new level of success.
There Is NO COST To Your Company! 18
Remember, we’ve done all the heavy lifting for you. We’ve designed provocative, result-grabbing e-mails, sales letters, strategies and free reports... we’ve orchestrated success-proven webinars and teleseminars. And it’s all set to go, waiting for YOU to reap the benefits.
This Is A TURN-KEY Program That Will Take Less Than 30 Minutes To Implement! Best of all, when you introduce another company to us that becomes part of our business-boosting program, you receive: • Referral fee back to your organization! • 10% referral fee on any service sold to your membership. • 25% affiliate free on our new business credit program! Let me know what the next step will be in your process. I am looking forward to working with you on this project!
Step 7: Visit our Fast Start Blogs and Leave Your Comments: www.FastBusinessStartUp.com and www.FastBusinessCreditSecrets.com plus receive access to many powerful, FREE strategies to protect and grow your business!
Step 8: See Scott Letourneau Present Live at an Event Coming Soon! You will receive an e-mail with dates and time!
Scott Letourneau, with Tom Hua President of the World Internet Summit. Scott Spoke at the World Internet Summit in Australia, New Zealand and U.K.! Scott will be speaking in Australia 19
at the WIS event February and in New Zealand in May 2010
Search in Google, “Scott Letourneau Video” for more tips to improve your business!
Step 9: Upcoming Fast Start Events for Your Business! The Ultimate Joint Venture Boot Camp 2011! January, 2010…Scott Letourneau hosted his first Ultimate Joint Venture Boot Camp! He invited world class speakers/trainers on subjects devoted to Joint Ventures! The 3 day event was a mind-blowing success and will now be an annual event! You won’t want to miss it! As The Ultimate Joint Venture Boot Camp 2011 gets closer you will receive e-mails with dates, times, speakers etc. Are you ready to begin right away? When you call, please tell our receptionist you’d like to get started today. We take lots of calls and respond to each one individually, but place priority on those who need help right away. If you’re facing a contract deadline, or you’ve been presented with a time-sensitive business opportunity, let me know so I can get to work with you quickly. On behalf of NCP, I look forward to having the opportunity to work with you. Our mission is not just to help you form your corporation or LLC. It’s also to help keep your business on track throughout the years! If you have any questions about our services, just give me a call at 1-702-367-7373. If you have a business partner, I recommend that you have them on the phone with you when you call.
NCP’s Complete U.S. Corporate/ LLC Package: ***************************************************** Formation of Corporation/LLC includes: ***************************************************** Expedited filing of articles Our Detailed Record Book, including Bylaws (Operating agreement for LLC), minutes and resolutions (6-10 business days). -Includes access to online videos with 24/7 access to help explain each part of the record book. -Plus, package includes calling our offices for a one on one appointment to answer any other record book questions. Registered Agent in Nevada: The contact point for the LLC or corporation in case the company is ever sued. If so, NCP would provide service of process and forward it on to you. If you are ever involved in any legal action, and would need a U.S. attorney we would refer you to one. Access to our ‘Members Only’ section: You will have access to over 200 pages of helpful tips! The benefit of this section is that it will tell you what to do next, tax responsibilities, forms, employee forms and many accounting insights. Federal Tax ID: This will be acquired after the articles are filed and you fax back the SS4 application to NCP. Your EIN number will be obtained online.
You will receive Immediate Access to a 45 Minute Online Interview with our U.S. CPA (tax professional) on the Difference between a U.S. C corporation and an LLC Taxed as a Partnership as Part of Your Package!
*********************************************************************************************************** Nevada Office Package in Las Vegas (international clients)-This is required to establish nexus (a business presence in Nevada). A PO Box is not sufficient for many reasons, including your merchant account and other business transactions. NCP has made this service cost effective for your business vs. you having to lease an office for 3-5 years. *************************************************************************************************************** You will receive the following services with the Las Vegas Office Package: • A lease in the name of your entity. • A live 702 number answered just the way you want. • Voice mail after business hours. • Fax and copier usage. • All your messages e-mailed to you daily. • A physical and mailing address in Nevada. • Free weekly mail forwarding, including postage*. • An experienced, friendly staff to handle your calls. • A conference room available for meeting clients**. • Office is open during business hours. • Direction with payroll and employee taxes. • Business license hanging. *up to 60 pieces of mail per month ** please give us a 72 hour notice
Annual Tax and Bookkeeping System™! “The system designed to skyrocket your success!” ***************************************************************************************************************
What is the Number #1 Reason the IRS Goes After Distributors (or home based business, networking or MLM)….?? The Lack of Financial Analytical Records (Like QuickBooks®) Worse yet….Is Your Business a Hobby (if it is, NO Business Write-Offs for You), or a Business? Most people enjoy a hobby --- golf, tennis, cooking --- and while they’ll spend money on those activities, they’re not a business. Yet when most people join a business opportunity or start a business, though they don’t consider it a hobby, that’s often actually what they create because they don’t know the rules of the game. But they have a problem: The IRS is getting much tougher on this subject. The number one reason the IRS goes after business owners is the failure to use proper analytical records. 22
You’d be well advised to use software like QuickBooks® to determine how your business is really operating --- to update your gross revenue, cost of goods sold, and income. The biggest mistake we see new business owners make is using their online bank balance as their only business financial barometer. First, that’s the wrong way to make financial decisions. Second, it sends the IRS a very clear message: you are NOT serious about your business. This single mistake may cause the IRS to consider your business as a hobby. If they do, you cannot write off your hobby’s losses against your earned income --- and that kills one of the biggest reasons to start a business in the first place. Here's a sample of what's included in the Annual Tax and Bookkeeping System™:
Here is a screen shot of the 16 Videos, each 5-8 minutes long to support you step by step, even after your training with our CPA firm!
These Teleseminars are Online and are Easy to Listen to Plus You May Download Transcripts! •
An e-mail from our CPA firm will outline the process you'll use to set up your Chart of Accounts on QuickBooks®. This will include tips and terms to help you understand everything our experts will discuss with you in your scheduled personal consultation 23
time. •
Our CPA firm will contact you to make an appointment for a personal consultation to set up your Chart of Accounts on QuickBooks®. You will receive QuickBooks Pro® in the mail to install onto your own computer before you speak to our CPA firm.
TWO POWERFUL Fast Start Teleseminars will explain the significance of accounting, plus how to stay on track with budget/cash flow. These recorded calls will help explain the precise steps to take, and importance of one of the most powerful tools to keep your business on track!
A Budget and Cash Flow Statement in the form of an Excel spreadsheet allows you to auto-fill your sales and expenses numbers for the year. This will help you manage your money and stay on target as your sales fluctuate, keeping you in a better position to make important business decisions --- a must for all new businesses.
Four Hours of Tax Consulting will be available to you, which you may use at any time during the program. You may need help with payroll, taxes, depreciation, capitalization, or perhaps interpretation of your profit and loss, or support with your cash flow forecast. Other common areas of support include:
New- Your Federal Business Tax Return Filed! Our CPA firm will file your Federal business tax return for one year. If a state tax return is required that is separate.
Your Personal U.S. 1040 NR Tax Return Filed! Our CPA firm will file your personal tax return for one year. You will need an ITIN number before our tax firm is able to file your personal return.
• •
New- Free Bonus Gift: Five CD set designed to help your business's records to get off to a fast start! Discover the best way to use QuickBooks®, set up your budget, a cash flow statement, FAQ, how payroll interacts with your business and how to maximize your business expenses by top CPA/Attorney Sandy Botkin!................... $379 Value!
Call NCP at 1-702-367-7373 for current fees and more details on the complete program!
The Top 5% Club Gold Membership* (Included in the Package) The Goal is for Your Business to be a Part of the Top 5% that are still in Business After Five Years…As you know 80-95% of business owners fail in the first five years! ***************************************************************************************************************
Who Else Wants to Double or Even Triple Their Business in 12 Months and Protect Their Assets Like They Were Locked Up In Fort Knox? Receive a 30 Day Free Trial and Receive Over $585.00 Worth of Bonuses! Dear Friends, You're probably wondering why I'm literally giving you $585+ worth of my Best Money-Making Information and Advice for FREE as part of your new corporation or LLC package! It's because we’re really motivated to help you stay in business and be profitable! The bottom line is; if you go out of business in year one (50% fail in the first year according to the Small Business Association) that does not do you or us any good. We benefit when you are in business and successful and continue to do more business over the years to come! Look, if I can help you put thousands, maybe tens of thousands of dollars in your pocket with my advice you'd be silly not to continue, right? Of course! Now, let me tell you what we've put together for you. You will receive a free 30 day trial (after the month the corporation or LLC is formed) in which you will receive all these bonuses:
The Top 5% Club Newsletter: Each issue is packed with Strategies, Tips, and Tactics to maximize your company’s bottom line, asset protection, and tax benefits. You will receive the next newsletter after the month you incorporate or form an LLC………Value: $99/month
The CD of the Month Club: You will receive a CD interview/training with some of the world’s top strategists such as Sandy Botkin, Scott Letourneau, Stephen Pierce, Jim Chianese, Robert Skrob, Bret Ridgway and more. You will receive the next CD after the month you incorporate or form an LLC ………Value: $147/month
Call-In Days with Scott Letourneau : Members have the opportunity to have a personal consultation with the experts on certain scheduled days of the month. This is the chance to ask consultants that charge as much as $750/hour anything you want regarding accelerating your dreams and goals for your company. You will have access to two call-in days during each month. The consulting time is first come first serve and sessions average about 15 minutes in length. This is your opportunity to speak to our CEO, Scott Letourneau directly and pick his brain on internet strategies, business resources and best ways to add more profit to your company. Plus any questions to help protect your valuable assets! Value: Priceless! Plus: 1) Entity Formation discounts up to 10%... 2) Discounts on Information Products of 10%. Discounts apply after your 30 day trial period and you are a paying the $97 per month fee. 3) Access to our members only web site where you will have access to past teleseminars and transcripts!
Here are samples of some of our past powerful teleseminars and newsletters filled with strategies to grow and protect your business that you will have access to: Top 5% Club Teleseminars and Newsletter o Monthly Interview Interview Guest: Michael Gerber Subject: Awakening the Entrepreneur Within!
Benefit: Listen to an inspirational call with E-Myth founder and small business guru worldwide. Michael Gerber, takes you through the process to start with a beginner’s mind to develop the dream for your vision and future! Monthly Newsletter Did You Start Your Business for the Wrong Reasons? Do You Harbor A Dream? Goal Setting with Zig Ziglar Blogging for the Direct Sales industry Business Credit Strategies, part three The secret to happiness 10 reasons to form a second entity and protect your future! LLC taxed as an S corporation vs. an S corporation!
Top 5% Club Teleseminars and Newsletter o Monthly Interview Interview Guest: Frank Helstab Subject: Learn how to maximize the value of your company!
Benefit: Listen to one of the best when it comes to understanding company value. Frank Helstab has completed several merger and acquisitions over the past 25 years and has always represented the seller in getting maximum value. Now you can learn what you must do with your company to maximize its value also! Monthly Newsletter Will You Face The Greatest Financial Opportunity or The Greatest Financial Challenges to Come in the Next Few Years? Negotiating Strategies with George Ross, Donald Trump’s attorney and chief negotiator! Why write a book, 10 great reasons! Lessons Learned from top marketing guru, Jay Abraham!
Top 5% Club Teleseminars and Newsletter o Monthly Interview Interview Guest: Robert Skrob Subject: How to start and grow your information marketing business and add more profits to your bottom line!
Benefits: Discover the huge advantage of adding information marketing products to your business and how best to get off to a fast start to profits! Learn from Robert Skrob, the President of the Information Marketing Association and Author of,Start Your Information Marketing Business (Scott is a contributing author in this book). Monthly Newsletter (ready tomorrow) Viral residual income, the best type of income for the future! Strategies to motivate yourself to do anything! Viral marketing strategies to grow your business! The business credit finance ladder! Opportunities in our current economy, will you be in a position to take advantage of them?
Top 5% Club Teleseminars and Newsletter o Monthly Interview Interview Guest: Stephen Pierce
Subject: “Drive Massive Traffic to Your Website!” Benefits: Discover the steps to drive massive traffic to your website in this powerful interview with top internet marketer, Stephen Pierce! You will discover the best, no costs ways, to drive massive traffic to your web site and other ways that will work with any budget! Monthly Newsletter: Pacing and Leading to Increase Revenue! Why Business Plans Fail to Raise Financing! How to Wind up With Copy That Really Sells.
Low Cost Web Marketing. Secrets of Squeeze Pages and Sales Letters.
You’ll also receive the following Free Bonus Gifts: Free Bonus Gift #1: “Strategies to Incorporate Your Business, Build Business Credit and Keep the IRS Off Your Back!” Discover why sole proprietorships are targeted by the IRS and how to avoid that plus how to be viewed as a business, not a hobby. What are the options and the best state to incorporate your business? Learn the key components that go into determining what entity may be best for you. If you form an LLC how should that be taxed? Learn how to avoid losing control of your business through the back door. Strategies to help you develop business credit and avoid costly mistakes! What is the number #1 reason business owners overpay their taxes and what to do about it! All this and more is jammed packed on this insightful CD (transcripts included) that will become the foundation of your asset protection and business career! …………..$97 value
Free Bonus Gift #2: “Top 20 Costly Mistakes Made Before and After Incorporating” You will have an opportunity to test your business and asset protection I.Q. with our 20 question test. You will discover the most costly mistakes and how to avoid them before and after you form your corporation or LLC. Nowhere else will you find these powerful insights on one CD!..........$97 value
Free Bonus Gift #3: “Learn How Ordinary People Create Extraordinary Companies with Michael Gerber!” You can make the transition from working “IN” your business to working “ON” your business! On this powerful CD (transcripts included) you will discover strategies from E-myth small business guru, Michael Gerber and his new book, Awakening the Entrepreneur Within, to take your business to the next level. This is a timeless interview conducted by NCP, CEO Scott Letourneau. You will discover your passion and how to LIVE YOUR DREAM! …………………$147 value No other company in our industry has access to this classic interview, brought to you exclusively by NCP! Michael regularly charges up to $35,000 for a 90-minute presentation similar to this, yet as a New NCP client, it’s yours FREE!
“A Business Without a Dream is Like a Life Without A Purpose” -Michael Gerber
CEO, Scott Letourneau & Michael Gerber, founder of the EMyth! *If you do not fax back your Top 5% application completed you will still receive access to our customer service team for any questions on your record book or forms. We will still support you with any future strategy or consulting necessary at the rate of $400 per hour. We would recommend continuing with the Top 5% club because you have access to speak to our CEO Scott Letourneau whose fees start at $750 per hour. To Access the Top 5% Bonuses and to Take Advantage of the Trial Period You Must Complete, our Online Process. You will receive the link to register after you sign up.
Total Package Investment: 1. Initial Consultation to Establish Your U.S. Company! 2. Access to U.S. CPA Teleseminar/MP3 Online covering the Best Ways to Take Money Out of the U.S. Company! 27
3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Complete LLC/Corporation Set Up. The Annual Tax and Bookkeeping Program. The Top 5% Club Coaching Program (30 day Free Access). The Nevada Office Established in Las Vegas. Nevada Bank Account ($1,000 deposit is separate fee not included in the $3,895.00. This is your deposit into your bank account-Your money!). We will discuss what documentation our bank requires specifically. You may also receive a secured U.S. Credit Card in the name of the business! The bank will need your ITIN number to issue you a Debit Card. 8. Ship Record Book to You! 9. ITIN Number for EIN Number. a. You will need the EIN number to open a U.S. bank account. We are currently able to obtain the EIN number without your ITIN, but the bank will need it also. It takes at least 6 weeks from the IRS to obtain the ITIN Number.
Total Value: $7,975.00* Package Discount: $980.00
Grand Total: $6,995.00* Separate Fees*: Nevada List of Officers/Managers: A $125 fee is due to the Secretary of State in Nevada.
The list is due the last day of the month after the date of incorporation. You will have this form in your record book when it is shipped to you and may fax this to our office and pay with a credit card to make this convenient. Nevada State Business License. A $200 fee is due to the Secretary of State in Nevada. This fee is due at the same time we file the initial list (see description above) of officers/managers for you new Nevada entity. Top 5% Monthly Membership: You will pay $127 per month after your 30 day trial. Example: If you incorporate in the month of January, your free trial will be the month of February and at the beginning of March you would begin paying $127 monthly. You may cancel any time by sending an email to ncp@nvinc.com. The Annual tax and bookkeeping program includes 4 hours of consultation with our CPA firm plus the annual corporate and personal tax return the first year only. If you need more consulting time that will be billed separately by the CPA firm (rates range around $150 per hour). Bank Account Deposit: $1,000 is the minimum deposit to open the bank account. Local business license: The package includes the Nevada State Business License through the Nevada Department of Taxation. Separately, in the first quarter it is recommended you obtain a complete local business license. NCP is located in the city of Las Vegas. The fees for the local business license range from $200-$400 per year. Here is a link for a marketing or management service business (as an example): http://www.lasvegasnevada.gov/bus-license/descriptions/4963.htm Here is a great resource to make this turnkey for you: www.businesslicenses.com You will need a letter from NCP stating you share office space with us when you apply for your local business license. 28
Annual Renewal Fees: NCP’s Registered Agent Fee: $200 for NCP to continue to be the Registered Agent for your company and provide ongoing updates and support throughout the year. Nevada Secretary of State’s Annual List of Officers/Managers Fee: $125 due for the filing of the annual list. NCP will facilitate this for you on an annual basis. Nevada State Business License Fee: $200 due to the Nevada Secretary of State. This is paid at time of your annual renewal for the Annual List of Officers/Managers. NCP will facilitate this for you on an annual basis. Las Vegas Office Package: $2,110 due to NCP for the annual Las Vegas Office Agreement for us to continue providing these office support services for the next year.
Step 2: Client Information Required in Order to Set up Your Company: • Name • Mailing and Physical address • Business phone number • Cell phone number • Fax number • E-mail address • ITIN for EIN Number (see below for more details)* • Any additional contacts in our system (perhaps your information or a spouse). • Physical address to ship the record book • Payment (credit card is preferable. International Money Order is ok also) LLC or Corporation Information: • Name of the company (two choices) • Name of the Manager for LLC and Director for Corporation. • Nature of the Business • Any US employees (The members of an LLC taxed as a partnership are not employees).
Step 3: Time Frame to Set Up Your Company 1. Upon Payment we will process your order. 2. You will receive an email to review all the information. 3. After you reply we will process to customer service. 4. You will receive the record book in about 12-14 business days. 5. You will receive your EIN number after your articles are filed. 6. You currently do NOT have to be in Las Vegas to open the bank account. 7. You will be contacted by the bank directly and you will send them the required documentation to open your U.S. bank account. You will be able to do this after your entity is filed and we have your EIN number. You will send to the bank all required personal ID plus deposit to open the bank account. 29
8. NCP will follow up and update the bank with your ITIN when that comes in from the IRS.
* NCP’s process to obtain an EIN Number: 1. NCP will complete your SS4 application. On line 7 where it asks for the name and SSN, we will type in the name and by SSN, type “foreign”. You will sign the form and fax back to NCP. 2. NCP will call the IRS to obtain your EIN number. 3. At tax return time (it is your responsibility to file a US tax return)** is when you will obtain an ITIN number which is required. This is the “official number” required by the IRS.
*NCP’s process to obtain an ITIN Number: (8-12 weeks) Form W-7 is required to obtain an ITIN number Form 2848 (may also be required – pending special circumstance) Exception 1(b) - Individuals who have opened an interest bearing bank deposit account that generate income which is effectively connected with their U.S. trade or business and is subject to IRS information reporting and/or federal tax withholding. Documentation needed for exception 1(b) – Paperwork from the bank showing that you opened an interest bearing business account that is subject to IRS information reporting and/or federal tax withholding during the current tax year. ITIN number will be established using client’s legal name (name as it appears on birth certificate). Applicant’s mailing address will be NCP’s address (do not use PO Box.) (If there are any problems or other required information from the IRS, NCP will be notified if our address is used here.) If you submit an original valid passport (or a notarized or certified copy of a valid passport), you do not need to submit any other documents. Otherwise, you must submit at least two of the documents listed below. The documents must be current, verify your identity (that is, contain your name), and support your claim of foreign status. At least one document must contain your photograph, but a photograph is not required if documents are submitted for a dependent under age 14 (under age 18 if a student). Do not attach expired documents Required Supporting Documentation • Passport (the only stand-alone document) • U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) photo identification • Visa issued by U.S. Department of State • Foreign military identification card • Foreign voter’s registration card • Civil birth certificate • National identification card (must be current, and contain name, photograph, address, date of birth, and expiration date) ** NCP has a referral for the U.S. tax returns for both the entity and you personally.
Contact Nevada Corporate Planners-updated 12-1-09 Office Address: Nevada Corporate Planners, Inc. Fast Start to Profit! 7477 W. Lake Mead Blvd. Ste. 170 Las Vegas, NV 89128 (888)6277007; (702)3677373 Fax: 7022206444 ncp@nvinc.com www.nvinc.com www.FastBusinessCredit.com Visit our Blogs at: www.FastBusinessStartUp.com www.FastBusinessCreditSecrets.com www.ScottLetourneau.com Follow our CEO on: www.Facebook.com/ScottLetourneau www.twitter.com/SJLetourneau http://www.youtube.com/ScottJLetourneau
©1997 2010 Nevada Corporate Planners, Inc. All Rights Reserved.