M y C o m m e r c i a l Ye a r s
A S e l e c t i o n o f Fa s h i o n & Beauty Photography Robert Scott MacLeay
The photographs contained in this document are the property of Scott MacLeay. The present document is intended only for the purposes of presenting
a selection of Mr. MacLeay’s commercial work.
Neither the document nor any of the photos it contains are for sale. No copying and/or distribution of this work is authorized. Š Scott MacLeay 2012 All rights reserved
I began my photographic career in 1976/77 as a fashion and portrait photographer in Vancouver, Canada. I had left my doctoral stuidies in economics in 1975 to pursue a career in a field in which I had no formal training and no experience. I was drawn to the creative freedom offered by these areas of commercial work and now, in hindsight, I can clearly see the many ways in which this work influenced my early exhibition work from 1978 onwards. I was fortunate to have met designers, stylists, make-up artists and models of great talent and this document is also a homage to their invaluable contribution to my commercial work. I left the commercial field in late 1979 to devote myself exclusively to my personal work. I had moved to Paris with the ambition of pursuing my art and teaching. I returned to commercial work in 2004 as Art Director, photographer and product designer for the OmarĂŠ spa brand in Paris after more than 24 years of working exclusively as an artist (in the fields of photography, video and music), as a teacher and Director of the Center for Media Art and Photography of the American Center for Artists and the MMAP in Paris, as well as creating an international consulting agency sepcializing in the development of cultural projects. The present document offers a selection of work from these two periods: 1977-1979 and 2004-2010. I now live and work in Brazil. I have once again left the commercial world behind to pursue my work as a new media artist in the field of photography and digital technologies. R. Scott MacLeay January 2012, Florianopolis, Brazil
VANCOUVER B.C., CANADA 1 9 7 7 - 1 9 7 9
P A R I S F R A N C E 2 0 0 4 - 2 0 1 0
Scott MacLeay is represented by ECM 2 ART. For information concerning his exhibition photographic and commercial design work please contact Eliana C. de Melo MacLeay: