How to get flat abs

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How to get abs Tips, info and advice on how to get abs for both men and w omen

How to get flat abs? By admin | April 21, 2014 How to get flat abs?It is 2014, and the human physique is front and center now more than ever. But if we dial it back a decade or so we see that Usher and his flat abs really defined sex appeal and health. How? Why? Simple- he had flat abs that spoke to fans. Women wanted to see them, men wanted to have them. And so today we ask how to get flat abs? There are many answers to this question so we will examine a few. For more information on how to get flat abs CLICK HERE

how to get flat abs? Find some cardio exercise you enjoy doing.

First up are ab exercises. Crunches and sit ups are believed to be the fastest way to flat abs. However, I disagree. An excess of crunches will only build muscle behind the fat/flab. And what does that give you? A greater protrusion of the fat in your abdominal area. You see bigger, stronger muscles may burn a lot more fat but if they are behind fat these same muscles will only force the fat upwards and or outwards. And as such your initial view will be negative change. All that effort will appear self defeating. The muscle will literally push the fat against the skin and a more bloated look will be the minimal first occurrence. So we see immediately that this is a flawed


How to get flat abs? Yes you WILL need to do some cardio exercise! Second we see Cardio as the end all be all. Run 3 miles a day 6 times a week and you will see your abs. Now while we are now closer to the truth we also see that this has a minor effect on the goal of flat abs. Flat abs will be an easier obtained goal with cardio. In fact I’d argue no workout is complete without a modest to large cardio workout as part of the mix. Cardio alone won’t give a person flat abs, much the same as crunches alone won’t. While both options are integral cogs in the machine of body sculpting they both fall short without one key ingredient.

How to get flat abs? Yes you MUST keep an eye on what you eat! And thus we reach the third and final component of flat abs- diet. A proper diet is the key to flat abs. Cutting carbs, weighing your meals, monitoring fat intake, and timing your meals to match your schedule are the most integral methods for gaining and maintaining flat as. A lower carb intake and normal to higher protein intake will chisel your midsection rapidly. Timing your meals around not only when you need the proper intake but avoiding the down times will ensure that flat abs become a part of the daily physique and not just a memory of days past. Skipping carbs later in the day is a sure way to start knocking fat off your waistline. After that be sure to carb count- and by this I mean to literally count how many carbs you intake daily. Knowing what and when you eat will change your body forever. For more information on how to get flat abs CLICK HERE In summary it is vital to eat right, sleep right, diet right, and keep a laser focus when it comes to seeking out flat abs. There isn’t a man alive who has an 8 pack that didn’t work for it. Anyone can have a laser surgery. However, no one will have flat abs if they don’t work at nor only gaining them but maintaining them. We hope this post on how to get flat abs has been helpful. You might like:

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2 thoughts on “How to get flat abs?”

Lizzie Lynn What I noticed works very well for fast abs is a combination of HIIT cardio and low carb dieting. It’s the fastest thing that got April 25, 2014

me flatter abs, faster. Low carb in general seems to be a targeter for lower belly fat! Great article, I wish people were more aware that fast abs don’t come without hard work! They don’t say abs are made in the kitchen for nothing… Reply ↓

Stewart April 25, 2014

Ugh I covet flat abs so much! Thank you very much for the article, it’s been so helpful for me! I really need to get my diet in shape, but thanks to your tips now I at least now where to start!

Do your recommend regular cardio, or HIIT? I train with weights 3x week and want to supplement that with a better cardio regime, but don’t know what. Reply ↓

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